Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 29, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Image 1

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    v lttmtcti.-tHr --
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Subscribers Not Receiving Their Papers Promptly will Confer a Favor by Notifying' This Office.
Medford Mail Tribune
Fall Lmc4 Wire ftefwrt.
The only paper In the worldl
publtohed In a cliy the bIm of
Medford having a leaaed wire.
No. 59.
A Jk, w
Over 200 Property Owners Meet to
Consider Water Propositions Of
fered No Choice Is Made- But
That Submitted Ity Fred J. Blakc
ly Is Favored Will Utilize Stor
aiio Waters of Applcnato Basin.
For many houre Saturday muiio
-00 inteicHted pinpuily owners in
OrillltH I'llHK WOIO III hUHHUHl in tliu
oiktii Iioiiko in tliut city discussing
tint relative mnrith of two water jirop
oHilioiiH offered them lint no dociHioii
vwih urrhed nt. OriuitH I'iihh people
want wntor bndly iiml uro doing what
thov unit to settle tho mutter. Tim
recent local troubles uliieh entangled
tint nffnirn of the Ololilon Duit Mn-
(Continuod on Pngo Eight.)
.in mmmm"-irm
A Ht range pnnaongor camo from
Klmuntli Knllit Mnndny In T). II. Hnr
rltt' lil; touring enr, which vtnn drlvori
hack wlthovt othor cargo for tho
hundred m licit, nayn tho Xowa. It
wan ono of tho big wator snnkofl
which InfOHt tho taken and rlvorn of
Klamath county. Tho driver put It In
tho car "JiibI for fun," and rolrased
It on Mnln street when ho nrrivod
horo It drew a crowd, vho npecu
luted on Itn npoclcfl, and co on, until
thoso who know told whoro It camo
from nnd thnt It wan porfoctly hnrm
lesB. Tho traveled roptllo wan ahout
two and n half foot long, and looked
much like a common carter Bnnko,
although darker In color After tho
crowd had natlsriod ItH curlonlty tho
snnko wiih allowed to wlgglo peace
fully awny. Tho wator nnnkon nro
ono of tho votidoro of tho Klamath
country, Thoro aro no many of thorn
thnt In tho spring thov hnvo boon
Boon on tho hank of a lnko or rlvor
whom thoy Imve crnwlod to nun
thomnolvon In n iiolld mans IS InchcH
doop nnd porhnpn 100 ynrdn In length,
They aro equally nR woll i.t homo on
Innd an In wator, nnd It linn hoon n
common Blfjit to noo thorn nttcklng
tholr heads up through holes and
crnckH In hoard sldowalkH at Klnm
nth Fnllfl. Rome yenrs ago nomonno
conceived tho li'en of utilizing tho
nnnkeii for tho oil contnlnod In tholr
hoilien, nnd got tho Induntry woll
ntnrtod, when tho cltlr.onn protoRtcd.
Thoy objoctod to killing tl o nnnkca
bccniiflo tho roptllon dostroyod ho
many mlco and othor vormln. Tho
Bnnko oil hunlenn had to ho aban
doned, and tho nnnkcR now Incronno
and multiply unmolested.
"If tho votors of JnokHon CoiinlV
wnnt mo to muko tho race for coun
ty olork again, I will do no," stated
County Clork W. R. Columnn yostor
dny, "However, I will not go Book
ing tho nomination, an tho roul oatato
game in Medford JooUh hIioiUu hours
nnd more pay nnd besides T holiovo
tho old ranch will koop mo in grub.
"Already I hnvo been urged by my
frionds to again ho ii candidate, hut
I have thought Homothiug of quit
ting while- tho quitting wns good.
Ilowovor, iih all of tho boys aro urg
ing mo to run again I wouldn't lie
surprised if I did ho. Rut no hnrd
campaigning for mo."
As Mr. Colomnn is ono of tho most
popular of tho county offioials nnd
lias u host of frionds throughout tho
county thoro is hut little doubt of
Ilia roolootion if ho wants tho offioo
ngniu. ITq is now serving his soeond
County Court Willi Create Six Pre
clncts Instead of the Two at Pros
cnt Registration of Voters for
Comlnn Election Will Open on June
7 Councllmen Will Confer With
Court in Matter.
At tho next meeting of Mic coun
ty court, which will ho hold on Juno
2, thnt body will cronto nix voting
precluctH out of tho two which nro
now known aB North and South Med
ford. No dlvlHluu n H yet linn been
decided upon, but tho mattor will bo
gone Into thoroughly at that tlmo.
It Ih probable thnt tho city council
will hnvo a committee constating of
two or throe momberH of tho council
protiont to confer with tho county
court In regard to the mnttor.
At tho prcHcnt tlmo tto products
aro vnHtly ovorcrowdod and It Is bo-
lleved that It would bo ImpoHRlblo for
all of tho votora residing In them to
caul their br.llotn In ono day at tho
election In November an the ballot
will bo a long ono.
While the county court haB not SB
yet decided upon any particular mat
tont, It 1b believed that tkreo of tho
new precluctH will be on tho south
Bldo of Seventh street and three on
the north. It will bo hupohslblo to
make tho precolnctn conform with tho
city limits, as lino been proponed In
tho past, without changing tho boon
dnrlen of six or seven precincts sur
rounding Medford, nnd thin Ih bo
Moved to bo took great n tnsk nt the
present time, ns tho registration of
votorn for tho coming election will
commence on Juno 7 nnd tho mnttor
must bo doflnltoly settled before that
tlmo In on'or thnt tho votorB may
know In whlc'i precinct thoy rcsldo
nnd nro ontltlotl to voto.
Renent Olwcll Presents Agricultural
Collcno Proposition from Ray
Brothers, Which Will Probably Be
Accepted Durlnn Coinlnrj Wcok.
John 1), Olwcll, logout for tho
Btato agricultural college at Corval
IIh this weok placed boforo tho ro
gentn tho offor of Colonel Frank
Hay nnd Dr. C. It. Hay to donate
groundB, hull.'.ng, wator and elec
tricity for an agricultural exporimont
station in tho Hoguo Hlvor valloy near
Tho ptoposltlon was favorably con
sidered and definite nccoptauco by
both regoutB and faculty la oxpectod
this wook,
Tho establishment of such n sta
tion will do much towards ascertain
ing both tho offortB of electricity and
Irrigation upon hoitlcultural and ag
ricultural products,
Mrs. W. C. Green, while attempt
ing to crank hor mitomobilo last
ovoning preparatory to starting homo
from down town was unfortunately
caught by tho "kick" of tho ongiuo
and suffered iv fractured arm. Sho
was hurried homo wlioro medical at
tention was given, At a Into hour
lut ovoning sho was reported ns
resting onsily.
Mrs, Green is ono of Medford's
most export lady drivors and has
long oporntud hor mnohino without
iiijury to horsolf or to tho motor
One Wants Help, One Arrested, and
The Third Has a Fight on His Hands.
fjifaifc m, Kr
mm Wiw 'm -m, .
warn r " khm yv
Br t- vi mCb
W. J. Calhoun, United States minister to Peking, hns notified the officials at Washington thnt Rear Ai
mirnl John Hubbiird nnd his war vessels bhould bo ready for quick work. Natives have destroyed mucl
proporly. Frank W. Rollins, ex-goveinor of Now Hampshire, has declared ho did not intend to defrauu
tho United States government by smuggling goods through the customs Loose. Ilowevcr, Collector of the
Port Locb hns his case under consideration. Governor J. N. Giilett of California has notified n delega
tion of preachers that tho Jeffries-Johnson fight will take place ns far as he is concerned.
Accused Senator Places Blame for
Scandal on Chlcano Tribune Which
Ho Alleges Has Been His Enemy
for Many Years Past.'
Demanding, an Investigation of tho
bribery charges In connection with
his election to tho United States sen
ate William Lorlmor appeared boforo
tho sennto today with an explanation
of tho caso thnt blnmod tho Crlcngo
Tho resolution demanding an Inves
tigation wbb roforrod to tho commit-
too on privileges nnd elections.
In his explanation Lorlmor rovlow
ed bla 25 yenra' warfaro with tho Chi
cago Trlbuno nnd doclnrod tho pnpor
Hod whon It mndo tho chnrgca ihnt his
olectlon wob tho result of bribery. Ho
denied that any momber of tho Illi
nois legislature ovor received a dol
lar from him. Ho nllogod that tho at
tack by tho nowspaper wbb directed
not only nt hlmsolf personnlly, but
nt a now bunking association which
ho and his friends nro organizing.
Ho doclnrod that tho charges ap
pearing in tho pnpor nnd purporting
to hnvo boon wrltton by Chnrlcs A.
Whlto, a mombor of tho logislnturo,
woro plainly not wrltton Vy Whlto nt
all, but woio tho work of a tralnod
nowspn'por man.
"It la plain ovory word was pnssod
upon by a lawyor," said ho, "boforo
It was signed by thnt poor, low croa
turo, Whlto, who didn't hosltnto to
(Continued on Pngo 8.)
Qulot discussions among tho faith
ful dlsclplos of tho Q. O. P. nro be
ing hold ovor tho county and It la pre
dicted a goodly coutlnaont of dolo
gatea will nttond tho stnto ropubllcan
assombly to bo hold In Portlnnd In
July In rosponso to Chairman
George's lottor, Forty-ono dologatoa
la tho numbor apportioned for Jack
son county. This mooting Is callod to
dlsoi sa men nnd monfluroa prepara
tory for tho primary soloctlon to bo
hold throughout tho stnto,
Crowds Flock to Park and Witness
. ,..,. n.e ,h Thotr P.d,rc
Tidy Sum Netted for Civic Improve-
Tho park was the scene of n great
May Duy fete Saturday afternoon
nnd veiling, when Uio ladies of the
Greater Medford Club took posses
sion of tho place. Tho place was,
crowded nil nf teraoon with the chil-1
dren and their mothers nnd n very he was willing to do at Plnchofs aug
deliL'htful nrogrnm was rendored.'geslon," declared Vertrees for Bnllln-
Tho Misses Crowell nnd Crawford I gor. summing up today before tho
opened tho entcrtninment with sev-' investigating committee,
crnl selections. Judgo Colvig then I Vertrees dofended Bnllingor's policy
mndo n ory appropriate &i)eech and 'in regard to the Cunningham claims,
introduced and crowned tho Queon declaring it was single-minded and
of tho May, Miss Jofaophino Root, i straightforward. This was tho bn
who presided most graciously over" sis of his argument today before tho
hor loyal bubjeets in queenly fashion,
Tho maids of tho queen, the Misses
Jean Andeison, C. Kmig, Caroline
Andrews, V. Cluldei, V. Throu- nounccd as roonsn nnu visionary ino
burg, B. Brown, I. Brown, L. Arzner, men whoso names, ho linked togothor.
A. Chnndlor, L. Harry, M. Rolfe, A. He declared that Richard A. Bnl
Rolfe, E. Townscnd, E. Miller, II. linger, secretary of tho Interior do
Ponningor, L. Slover, S. lhuekuer.'imJtmont, was a public servant wlth-
A. Simons, C. Douol. Thcso danced ' t a peor.
tho Maypolo dnnco most gracofully. , '
Tho High School Gleo Club, wi hvi (Continued on Page 8.)
Pi-.f Pitllinc liilneinnl nf tlin h'.r i
school, sang "Aeoda" fiom tlu ;
"Fairyland Waltzes," and very woll)
dono it was, Prof. Collius having
tho chorus beautifully trained. Fol
lowing this was tho buglo song,,
which wns very woll dono in pan
tomime, by tho Miss A. MoMnhon, A.
Dietrich, 11. Reddy, M. Rolte, M.I
Brown, D. Howard, N. Snmuels, . sinco 1851f joluj n. Downing has
Larouoho, F. Tcnny, T. Frnzior, E.lnpp;0(l for naturalization pnpors m
Trhnblo, L, Siuoot, A. Vogol, . orclor that ho may file upon n homo
Gordon and L. Weaver. sioM -m tuo C0Unty. Mr. Downing
Tho high school orchestra, mutor
(Contlnuod on Page 8,)
- - - inp. jm8 O0OIl n votor. Ho camo to
"" this country whilo u child, being
""BRIBERY CONFESSION "".born in Englnnd in 1818. His fathor
IN L0RIMER CASE. ""wns nnturnlizod and ho oxorcisod his
"i right to voto ns his fathor was a
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Mny 28. "jcitizon boforo ho boenmo of age.
"" Stato Senator Ilotslnw con- "nowovor, whon ho enmo to filo on
" fossed today to tho jury that ho ""jn horaostond ho found that ho would
"" had i-eeeived $2,500 for his "" hnvo to produco affidavits showing
" voto for William Lorimor for thnt his fathor had beon nnturnlizod.
"" United States sonntor. no ""Not having a record of whoro theso
"" also r.oceivcd from a jackpot "" pnpors woro issuod Mi", Downing
f $500 and $100 for his voto in thought that tho shortest way out of
" tho furnituro donl. " i
m m
. ?
Attorney Vertrees Grill Pinchot-
Mnmn-uiam du..g.. . ...u
ii.i.i m...i. tm A
Styles Them visionary secretary
Basely Assailed-
"PIncnot Pinchot the pure con
trolled Garflold Just as ho pleased.
Everything wild and chimerical with
reference to a treo to a forest reservo
He bitterly arraigned tho
fleld-Plnchot-Glavls bunch," and de-
llfj f DC PITI7FW
Aftnr msi,!;,.,. ? Jnokson Countv
:s wjgidout of Coutral Point.
Although ho hns just applied for
his naturalization nnDors Mr. Down-
his difficulty wns to toko out papers
himself nnd this ho has just undov-
V c
Pathologist Returns With Word That
Hood River Scare Was All for
Naught Some Incompetent Per
son Passed on Diseased Tree and
Named It Blight Says Large Crop
There but Rogue Looks Good.
As near as it is possible to get a
government official to state, Profes
sor P. J. O'Gara, who returned Sat
urday from Hood River, says Rogue
River ha3 the best of Hood River as
n fruit growing section when this
j'ear's crop is considered. Bub the
professor says it would never do for
him to make such a statement.
"However," he continued, "Rogue
River will lose nothing by n compari
son of crops at this time with Hood
"There is. absolutely no blight at
Hood River. Some person stated
that he knew there was blight there
but it proved a false alarm. I warned
them to keep n weather cj-e open,
however, as tho blight is spreading
in Wnlln Wnlla and other Washing
ton fruit centers nnd will eventually
reach Hood River, but if care is
taken there is nothing to lose.
"Hood River will probably shpi
500 cars of fruit this season.
When tho professor reached home
he found telegrams calling him to
Roseburg and to California.
Revolutionary Leader Abandons
Hope of Entering Bluefields and
Will Escape With Staff While the
Running Is Good.
sages from Bluefields today say that
Provisional President Estrada, tho
revolutionary lender, has abandoned
hopo of holding tho cltv against tho
Madrlz forcos, and Is preparing to
flee. Ho plans to take his staff with
him, It is declared.
Bluofiolds, according to Informa
tion received horo today, Is surround
ed by tho Madrlz soldiers. Flvo hun
dred Madrlz troops aro on the bluffs
overlooking tho city and command
ing tho ontranco to the port.
General Arias has made a second
demand for tho surronder of tho city,
and if It Is not nccepled soon it Is
bolloved a general attack will follow.
If Captain Gilmer of tho Pnducah
continues his refusul to allow tho
bombardment of the c'ty, It is report
ed tho Madrlz gonernlf. plnn an ad-
vnnco on the city, which will bring
tho fighting to tho vo-y doors of tho
homes In Bluofiolds.
In tho buU brought against I. J.
Phlppa by tho Paclflo & Eastorn Rail
road company to condomu a right of
way through tho Phlppa proporty on
tho East Sldo, Judgo Cnlklus has ovor-
rulod n motion by tho dofondant to
mnko tho complaint doflulto nnd haB
glvu'ji tho dofondant until Juno 6
In which to innko further pleadings
to tho complaint.
This suit for right of way was In
Btltutod somo wcoks ago 1. ordor that
tho Paclflo & Enstorn might roach
tholr proposed dopot groundB on tho
onat Bldo of Bear creek near Main
Tomorrow Medford Will Pay Tribute
to Gallant Boys of 6f-5
Stores Will Close During After
noon In Order That All May At
tend Exercises in the City Park
Decorate Graves In Morning.
Tomorrow Medford will still tto
bustle of her commercial pursuits for
a tlmo In order that honor may be
paid to tho heroes of '61-65, both
those who have answered tho last
great roll call nnd thoso who still
remain to constltuto tho thin blue
lino -tho remnant of a onco groat
and powerful army of freedom. Darl
ing tho afternoon when exercises -will
bo hold In the city park, nearly nil of
tho business houses In tbo city will
bo closed In order that all may at
tend. The membore of tho'local Grand
Army post will gather wltl. their fam
ilies In tho hall of tho post early to
morrow moraine and during tho fore
noon they will visit tho comctory an
place their floral offorlngc upon th
graves of their dear ono3. Return
ing to tho hill, thoy will partake of
tho luncheon to bo provided by the
Women's Relief Corps, r.nd at
o'clock they will marc.v In a body
to tho city park, whoro an approp.t
ate program will bo rendered. A
grave, symbolical of thoso heroes who
laid down tholr lives In an effort to
keep a great country united, will first
bo decorated, and then tho veterans
and their friends will listen to a
speech by the Hon. P. H. D'Arcy of
Salem and to Rev. Belknap. The Med
ford band will furnish music.
A request has been made by tho
veterans that all of tho fratornal and
civic bodies in Medford Jcln thera la
tho cervices.
Tho memorial sermon will bo de
livered at the Baptist church today
by Rer. Holmes. All ara Invited.
Judgo Calkins continues to carry-
on his work of undoing tho work of
n rash Cupid and Is grinding out
ninny divorce cases. He and Bill
Colomnn nro scrapping It out, for
BUI continues to give basl ful couples
their HconsoB to wed and tho judgo-
continues to givo couplos (not so
bushful) tho licenses to Hvo apart.
At Inst roports It was nip and tuck
botween Bill and tho judgo.
Gonovlovo Goodwyn hr.s brought
suit for divorce against Thomas Jof-
fersou Goodwyn, alleging that her
husband, emulating his famous namo
8ako, signed a declaration of indo
pendenco and skipped out. Upon tho
ground of dooitlon, sho asks .-. disso
lution of tho ties that bind. Tho
couplo was married In 1881 In Lnko
county and havo two children, botlu
over 18 years of ago.
G. W. Daloy Is suing Bcllo Dalojr
for a dlvorco upon tho gtounds that
his wlfo told him to "pack up and
get out." Ho furthor alleges that
sho likes his cousin, Lynn Daloy, bet
tor than sho doos htm. Ho makes a
complaint thnt sho will not e to tho
theators with him, bo ho asks the
custody of tho two chlldron nnd a
Cupid evidently beat tho Judge to
It In tho caso of Louisa Howard va.
J. W. Howard for divorce, aa the cou
plo mndo up and asked that the com
plaint bo dismissed, 'Tw.ib so ordor
od. Tho county clerk atolo ono on the
Judgo yeato-day whoa ho Issued li
censee to wod to Clarence L, Boun
sum and Cora I, Wolsa nnd to Orlle
B, Rush nnd Mabel L. Atken,
"Your" atoro, perhaps, advertfM
"your" bargain today! Look nd
i ".
' fll