Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 27, 1910, Image 1

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    orofjDn lllf.toricBi ow.j
City Hall
Medford Mail Tribune
Full Leaned Wire Iteftor.
Tonight ninl Hnturday Cloar
nuil warm.
Th'a only paper In the worWI
published Jn a city the 1m
Medford having n lmed wk.
No. 58.
Smnshlnit of Prices Onuses Wheat
Market to Be In Pnnlcky Condition
Bears In Possession Floor Sell
Inn Orders Tumble In From All
Sections of the Country.
CHICAGO, Mny 27. Tlio smash
Ing of jirlcoii, tlio driving of utnnllor
brokora to innko sncrUIco shlon nnd
thu defeat of Jim Patten by IiIh In
vuUtriito enemy, J. Ogdon Armour,
cniiHctl tlio what mnrkot to opon to
day In n comllt'on bordering on panic,
KJoor Hotline orders tumbling In
from nil qunrtoru of tlio country fore
(i tlio Mny options down 34 to
1 1-1 contH x ndcr yotordny8 clnno.
Lower foreign cnbloa, good wheat
weather and Iionvy stock! In transit
mid I'd to tlio conftiHlon of tlio nlrcndy
demoralized mnrkot,
Ilrolcorn were on tlptno during tlio
mnrnluK ncsslon, fonrlng tlint tlio op
orntlonn of tlio big inon oftho mnrlcot
would forco manlier oporntors to tlio
wnll, rip opon tlio whoat "rosorvo"
nnd dump It on tlio tnnrltot nt lowor
thnn purclinno prices. Tlio oporntlonK
of tlio Armour agents woro wntchod
closely nnd tliolr trading Inrgoly do
tormlnod tlio fluctuations of tlio mar
ket. Later It became ovldont tlint tlio
lionrn lind powionolon of tlio market.
Tlio bear lunduru predicted n drop
of ten contn n bunhcl before a halt
would co mo In tlio buying. Pntton
and tlio lending bull operators woro
croMltcd with doing tlio bulk of tlio
Tlio bulla, to mlnlmlzo tliolr looses,
woro bollovod to bo soiling inrgoly,
although Interposing nmnll ordom to
holntcr up tlio market when It hIiowb
signs of too groat a weakness.
Whn tlio mnrkot oponod Pntton
wiih credited with Htlll holding In lino
September wliont estimated from G,
000,000 to 8,000,000 buniiolN, which
com him on an nvorago SI. 04.
Airship Sllnhtly Disabled In Trial
FII(ht-WIII Make First Exhibit
Saturday Mornlno Money Will Bo
Refunded Unless a Successful
Fllulit Comes Off.
The Medford Mail Tribune has made arrangements with Charles W. Wilmeroth,
manager of the Kogue River Fruit and Produce association, whereby he is to fur
nish tills paper with complete crop and market conditions over the United States
from day to day, and much other data of great importance to the Rogue River valley
fruit growers. If you arc an orchardist and are not a subscriber to this paper, it be
hooves you to send in your name at once.
Mr. Wilmeroth is already making plans which when consummated will place him
in close touch with every market and every condition having an effect upon the
fruit industry, and the Mail Tribune will bo the medium for reaching the grower.
Jn addition the Mail Tribune prints articles by Professor O'Gara and other ex
ports on fruit diseases. The Medford Mail Tribune publishes more data on scien
tific fruit culture and marketing than any other daily paper in the United States.
Tltoro will bo no aviation exhibi
tion this afternoon nt Oak Park by
Ely In bin CurtlHH noroplano, owing to
an accident to tlio machine during an
attempted trial flight early this aft
ernoon, when Aviator Ely, nfter fly
ing 1C0 yards at mi olovntlon of from
10 to 20 feet, Niiddonly wan hurled
to the ground by a rift In tlio wind.
Tlio machine alone Buffered nnd that
only enough to keep tlio mochnnlcH
biiHy thu remainder of the nftornoon.
The next flight will bo attempted
at 0 o clock tomorrow morning, by
which time tlio machine will have
boon repaired.
Tlio Crater Iako road commission,
under wIioho iiuuplccs tlio meet Ih bo
lug held, announce that thoy will re
fund nil money paid for 'admission
untcsH n genuine flight lo made.
Mr. Ely states that ho believes thu
conditions tomorrow morning will bo
Hitch tlint n successful flight will bo
Ono Killed, Dozen Wounded, Several
Injured In Political Clash Between
O'Brien and Redmond Factions at
BOSTON, Muss., Mny 27. Juliu
Ward Howe, nulhor of Hie "lluttle
Hymn of tlio Republic," it celebrat
ing lior HlHt birtlitlny nnnivcrmuy
todny. Surrounded by relative mid
intimate friciidn, she received HooroH
of tolegrnuiB, cnhlo mesBugoH nnd let
ters of congratulation, A little pro
cession of inoHongor boys carried (ho
messages to Mrs. IIowu in lier Non-con-stroot
homo, mid alio smilingly
opened llicm nnd even answered hoiiio
of tliein with lior own liainl.
She chatted cheerfully with tlio
many friends who called on hor, say
ing Unit she felt oven bettor today
than she did on Iter OOih birthday.
Sim doelnred hho was deeply
touched by the attention sho receiv
ed nnd by the shower of mcHHiigos
from lior friend.
NEW YORK, May 27. Tlint King
George V Is the biggest nnd Btrongost
man montally tlint ovor nseondod the
EngllBh throno Is tlio opinion of Sir
Arthur Connn Doylo,
Dollovlng that tlio ponplo of tho
Unltod States rognrdod King George
Vhb n man of smnllor callbor Umu
IiIh father, tho lato King Edward,
Doylo wroto his vlowa In u communi
cation which ho roquostod John Kon
drlclc Hangs, humorist, to mciko pub
llo In Amorlca,
Sir Arthur doclnros that King
George lina a groator familiarity with
tho neodu nnd resources of tho Drlt
Ish nation thnr, any othor man In
Express Companies' Employes For
ward Lid to Champion With Good
Wishes of Employes Tacked There
onEach Office Adds to List.
A curiosity drifted Into tho local
office of tho Wollu, Fargo express
office Thurcd:y In tho nhnpo of ft
stiff hat on Its way to James J, Jef
fries In San Ku.rclsco, on which tho
well wishes of tl o express company s
omplnyoH nro being forwardod with
an earnest hopo that ho may uphold
tho Hiiprem: cy of tho wMto r.ico.
Whoro tho lint starto.l la not
known. A mepotor tng Is r.fllxod to
It nddresued to Jeffries mid thoro nro
nt least COO shipping tags, Tho hat
camo horo from Grants Pass and
was forwnrded by tho locnl boys to
Ashland. This rourso has boon pur
sued In nil sections, thoro bolug tngs
from nearly ovory stato in tlio Union
but California, v horo It roaches Its
destination, It Is Impossible to say
whoro It started, but It "Is bollovod
that tho Idea originated In Key West,
Pin. Thoro Is not room for mnny
moro tngs, it la to bo kept tiT.volIng
until Just boforo tho big flsht In Fris
co, when It will Do uouvorcu 10 mo
henvywolght champion,
NEWMARKIiT, Irelnnd, Mny 27.
Ono man in dead, ft dozen ierxons
nro wounded nnd several hundred
slightly injured today following a
cIhhU between tho followers of Wil-
linm 0'Hricn. leader of the United
Irish tongue, nd Jo" Redmond,
hend of tho Nationalist faction.
Tho fight began Inst night when
ii Nntionulibt nttomptcd to speak
hero. Nowmnrkot is ono of O'Bricn'ri
strongholds and a mob of Irish
Lenguors gathered to brenk up tho
Tho attempt by speakers to ad
dress ft mooting led to n battle of
fiRta which soon beenmo a not. fho
affray was tho most violent of tho
proBcnt campaign.
Several houses woro wrecked by
tho infurintcd combatants nnd finnlly
tho polico wcro called.
After several vain attempts with
elubs to disporse tho riolors, the po
lice opened fire, One mnn was killed
nnd ninny were wounded.
Experienced Chicago Commission
Merchant and Member of National
Association Chosen by Newly Or
flanized Association as Its Head.
NEW YORK, Mny 27.- Withdraw
ing plons of not guilty to chnrgos of
fraud, throo formor Hiigor chookors of
tho Amorlcnn Sugar Roflnlng conir
pnny, co-dofondnnts with Ghnrlos R.
Ilollto, aocrotnry of tho company,
plondod guilty today and naked tho
morcy of tho court,
Tho inon aro Harry Walker, for
morly Oliver Spltzor's nsslstnnt; Jean
Hoolkor nnd James Hnlllgnn, Jr., nil
of whom nro now on trial with Ilolko.
NEW YORK, May 27. Chavles W.
Morso, tlio Now York banker who is
serving a term in tlio fodoral poni
tontiiiry at Atlautn, is soriously ill
and has boon romovod to tho prison
hospital, sufforing from a form of
kidnoy trouhlo, Ilia honlth has boon
failing since ho entered tho prison.
VICTOHIA, B. C, May 27. Final
negotiations for n sonling treaty be
tween tho United States, Cannda, Ja
pan and Russia in regard to tho
rights of each nation in nurtliorn wa
ters, is reported to bo practically
settled, according to private minr
mution received horo.
It is snid that tho Unitod btatcs
bus ngrecd to eomponsnto V.ictorm
Ronliiitr schoonor owners, nnd Canada
is to recover a percentage of the
profit from tho seal herds of the
I'rvblyoff island.
Pelagic) sealing in tlio North Pa
cific will bo stopped for n long term
of years, according to tho report.
It is understood thnt tho nntions
interested will pass laws mnkiug it
nn offenso for vessols to bo elenred
for sonling.
Tlio United Stntcs passed such a
law a number of yonrs ago.
Onirics W. Wilmeroth hns accept
ed tho management of the Koruo
River Fruit & Produco association,
nfter having twice refused tho man
agement of tho association, finnlly
wns pcrsunded upon to accept the
position nnd will enter upon his du
ties nt once.
Tho association has taken over
both of tho J. A. PcTy bnildins,
uonr tho Southern Pacific depot, nnd
nfter remodeling the front the new
offices of tho nssoninlion will be lo
cated whoro Mr-yRwrry's ollficctis ut
It behooves every fruitgrower lo
lend nil nssistnnco in his power ta
making tlio association a success by
coming to tho aid of Mr. Wilmeroth,
who made several sacrifices in order
to accept tho place. ITo intends to
get in close touch with the growers
nnd will have as his assistant Kirby
S. Miller, secretary and treasurer of
tho association.
For 32 yonrs Mr. Wilmeroth has
been in business of jobbing nnd mar
keting fruit, starting ns ft boy in a
Chicngo commission house nnd oper
ating on South Water street for more
thnn three decades. He knows about
all there is to know regarding the
scienco of marketing fruit, nnd is
now interested in studying tho meth
ods of production. At vnrions times
Mr. Wilmoroth has been associated
firm of F. Nowhnll & Son. Of late
Open Investigation of Charges That
Guggenheim Caused Appointment
of Officials Likely to Result on
La Grande Banker Found Guilty on
Four Counts of Indictment, Embez
zlement and Misapplication of
Funds, by Jury In Federal Court
Shortage of $134,000 In Accounts.
If the direct charges of Delegate
Wickcrsham of Alaska before a sub
committee of tho senate judicinry
committee that tho Morgan-Guggenheim
syndicate caused tho appoint
ment of T. R. Lyons ns federal dis
trict judge, the nomination of John
Rustgnrd ns United States district
attorney nnd of Herbert Faulkner as
United States marshal in Alaska, nre
sustained, today promise to start a
movement in congress for nn open
investigation of Alaskan affairs.
The investigation, which is fore
shadowed by previous developments,
would not be confined to anj special
phnse of the land situation. Even
political act in which it is charged
tho sj-ndicate participated would be
probed and tho probing would be
open to the public.
Tho officials alleged by Wickcr
sham to be syndicate appointees, will
act in tho Cunningham cases, which
aro pending in the territory unless
the government interferes.
PORTLAND, Or., May 27. J. W.
Scribcr, cashier of the defunct
Farmers' & Traders' National bank
of La Grande, Or., was today found
guilty of four counts charging hira
with Embezzlement, forgery and mis
application of funds by a jury in tho
federal court.
Tho attorneys for the defense took
an order for a ten-day stay of judg
ment to consider an appeal.
Evidence taken during the trial
showed that there was a shortage of
$134,000 in the bank's funds nnd
that $90,000 of forged securities
were in the vaults.
According to testimony of Witness
Scriber hns been misapplying the
funds of the bank for five years be
fore his shortages were unearthed by
nationnl bank examiners.
Scriber pleaded that temporary in
sanity, brought on by family trou
bles and business worries, was re
sponsible for his nets. Scriber was
indicted in May, 1009. Tho trial was
in progress for three weeks.
Greater Medford Club Function To
Morrow Afternoon Promises to Be
Most Enjoyable Affair Novel
Events Arranged For.
Critical Analysis of Secretary
by Brandels, Attorney for GIrtr
in Summing Up Case Calls
Irresolute, Shifty and Unfit
Office Summary Is UnemotfewL.
(Contlnuod on Pnno S.)
NKW YORK, Mny 27. Cotton and
grain prossuro comblnod with rumor
rognrdlag tho hoalth of J. P. Mor-
gan, unsettled tho stock market today,
Declines woro roglstorod In many of
tho londors. Amalgamated Copper,
Amorlcan Smelting, Southern Pnclflo,
Dnltlmoro &. Ohio lost fractions;
Union Paolflo and Reading droppod 1.
Lntor tho mnrkot stendlod and Amor
lcan Hldo nnd Lonthor protorrod roso
I, aB did Pullmnn, Prossod Stool,
Amorlcan Cotton Oil and Amorlcan
Donds woro etoady.
Executive Publishes Letter Denying
Accusation Made During Debate in
House Yesterday by Congressman
President Taft mndo publlo a lettor
to Congressman Tawney repudiating
Tnwny'B stntomont mndo during do
bata In tho houso yesterday on tho
civil sundry bill that somewhere In
tho south during tho president's
"swing around tlio circuit," ho hnd
boon charged for board. Tawnoy'a
Btatomont was mndo during tho dis
cission of tho proposed appropria
tion of $25,000 for tho president's
traveling oxponsos.
Tnft compllmcntod tho hospitality
of tho southern pooplo nnd snld that
many criticisms of tho south grlovod
him dooply. Ho doclarod that tho
congressman travoling on his train
woro not receiving his hospitality, but
woro simply making a llttlo more
olnborato tho wolcomo whlo hthoy, as
oprosontntlvos of tliolr districts, wish-
od to give.
Thoro was absolutely no ronson, ho
said, why thoy should not volco tliolr
opinion of tho proposed appropriation.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oil., May 27.
Sheriff Thomas Finn of San Fran
cisco county said today that he
would not tako any action nt Hie
present time tending toward inter
ference with the Jeffries-Johnson
fight, following a demand .by tho
church federation of Los Angeles
that ho give assurance that ho will
prevent tho fight.
Tho churchmen of tho southorn
city, in addition to their demand on
tho sheriff, threatened to tnko legal
stops ngninst the sheriff in tho evont
Hint tho fight is hold.
The lawn fete of the Greater Med
ford club, which is to be given Sat
urday afternoon in the citv park,
bids fair to bo one of tho most en-
joyablo affairs of its kind ever con
ducted m this city. The Indies have
arranged mnny novel events and tho
nftemoon bids fair to be most pleas
ant. Tho lawn feto was originnlly
planned for May Day, but was post
poned. Its nnture, however, will par
tako of May day festivities. The
public is cordially invited to attend.
A keen and critical analysis of Sec
retary of tho Interior RicharA A.
Ballingor, whom ho characterized' m
"irresolute," "shifty" and "unethi
cal," a public officer tried and foumt
wanting, wag tho summing up of his
caso by Attornoy Brnndeis, counsel
for L. It. Glavis, boforo tho Eallia
ger investigating committee today.
Brandeis dealt in facts, marshall
ed chronologically. Ilis summing np
was cold, conciso nnd unemotiouaL.
He seldom dealt in oratory.
Ho described tho Cunnmghr.afr
claims, declaring they showed BaJ-
linger unfit for public office. He
declared that one of tho main essen
tials in an adequate secretary of the-
interior is resoluteness to resist c
grcssion, insidious or otherwise. lie-
declared that Ballinger exhibited .
lack of this quality.
In tho spring of 1907, he said, Bel
linger agreed with Secretary Garfiettt
that thorough investigation of th
coal claims should bo made. Bit
went to the Seattle land office, Braa
deis continued, far away from Wash
ington, where tho pressure of the-
claimants undoubtedly was great.
Yield to Claimants.
"Ballinger yields to the claimants.
and the investigation is stopped," the-
attorney declared. "In December.
Ballinger is in Washington, nnd t
him there comes L. R. Glavis and:
urges tho resumption of tho invostL
gation. Some of tho claimants arc
3000 miles away. Ballingor yields to
Glavis." But scarcely had Glavis, Iaffc
Washington when ex-Governor
Mooro, the tempter, appears. Now
Glavis is 3000 miles awnv and the
(Continued on Page 8.)
NEW YORK, May 27. An open
lottor criticising churches for mak
ing a crusndo against prlzo fights
and advising thorn to glvo tholr en
ergies to lnrgor ovlls, including white
slnvory, has boon sent to tho Presby-
torlan gonornl assembly by Bolton
Hall, lawyer and author, and son of
tho Into Rov, Dr. John Hall.
Hall says "It makes him sick" to
soo churches crusading against Sun
day saloons and gambling, which ho
tormB "potty ovlls," nnd not making
any nttempt to provont monopolies
from maintaining high prices on food
stuffs, or fnctories from employing
Ho concludes by saying: "Religion
only makes ltsolt contemptible by
such bid for support ns an nntl-prlro
fight protost."
Following tho resignation of Freder
ick W. Carpenter as secretary to tho
president and his nomination as min
ister to Morocco, official denial was
glvon today from tho Whlto Houso
thnt tho withdrawal of Carpenter was
In any mannor tho result of a state
ment mndo by Representative Tawney
thnt Carpontor had given him certain
information regarding Taft's south
ern trip,
Tawaoy had scored southorn hospi
tality, declaring that whilo In tho
south Taft was charged for his board.
Ho said that Socrotary Carpontor had
glvon him a list of names of southorn
congressmen whom Taft had entor-talned.
Tho White House donlal said Car
pontor's rotlremont wns duo to 111-
Ilrlgadler General Clarence Ed-
wards, chlof of tho bureau of Insular
affairs, ono of Taft's Intimate frlonds,
Is montlonod ns a possible successor
to Cnrpontor.
An omployo with only taU a mind
for your work should do a constant
romludor of want ndvo-tlslng's uss
tulness to employers.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 27".
Cold chills aro running up hhcJ
down Tox Ricknrd's spine, an'
thoro's a good reason. Jack Johnson
has entered his rncing enr in tho au-
tomobilo meet to be held nt Tnnfo
rnn Sundnj' and Mondny, and pro
poses to drive it himsolf, despito the
pleading of his mnnngor, Geore
Johnson's car is capable of innk-' -ing
85 miles an hour, nnd ns tho ne
gro is ono of tho worst speod ninui-
acs la tho country, hi addition to lie-
ing exceedingly proud of his ability
ns a chauffeur, he is sure to throw
things wido opon in his offorts i(.
distance his rivals.
Jack Gleason snys he Is not per--
turbed in tho least, nnd to show lie.
does not fear any harm to Johnson,,
offers to rido with tho chnnipiotu
Dr. McCormlck of Xonla, O., has
purchased 132 acres south of Mod for;
from O. F. Itowoll, paying SlG.Se..
Drown & Wakotlold made tho salov
Tho land is uncleared foothill laa
and will bo Improved Immediately
and sot out to fruit In tho afll.
Tho Cummins nmondment (o the rail-
mud regulation bill wns dofented itt)
tho sonnto by a vote of 20 to 33j,