' JSSittPW' Wn " " f MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 20, .19.1Q, " " .. - . . - -.-. - f. t iti 'mil t -I,,- ---, , , - -, ,ntn iriiiii r if Too Late to Classify j! w.-ty-l TOIl SALWGC ncros of very flno -trull land; houo, barn and other Improvements; C acres of mixed Dimily orchnrrt; tho finest bargain. In tho valley. Address, Owners, Ilex 49G, Medford, Oregon. 57 r l-XMt SALR Hostaumnt and ioohib; cnon dny and night; "payroll" $150 of lumber plant; doing nn Al lniBlnoss; reasons for soiling. Wrlto for them. ?1G00. Box ITS, W. A. IL, Weed, Cal. 60 XOST Gold watch, slzo G, Elg!n j movomont, movement No. 4473427, j case numbor 74167. Flndor please. Icito at this ottico and recelvo ro vardU ... .FOR SALE Two lots, 50x122 1-2, couth, front, Juet off of Xowtowni ntroot, $50 less than prlco of nd Jnlninc lets: easy terms. B. W. Bralnord at Hutchison & Lumj don storo. 69 THE OLIVER MEETINGS Tho attendance at tho Oliver meet ing last night was larger than for soma time. It is to bo hoped that the -weather is settled again ami that nothing will interfere with tho at tendance during the closing days of the meeting. It has been unfortun ate that tho roof of tho tabernacle 4id not protect the audience from tho rain that has been so abundant -sinco the meetings began. The music last evening was especial! inspiring. tab text ox toe evangelist was taken from Luke xii:8-9, "Ever one who shall confess me before men, Aim shall the son of man also con Jess before the angels of God; but e that denieth me in the presence of men shall be denied in the pres eace of tho angels of God." Dr. Oliver introduced his sermon by saying that the chief reason why aen do not confess Christ is the fear losing favor with their fellow men 3n business, politics or society. But no one can afford to sell out his eternal interests for the applause of maen or tho wealth of this world. "Ye -cannot serve God and Mammon." There is a distinct dividing line be tween the world nnd tho church of -Jesus Christ, and there is no neutral f-xound to occupy. "He that is not .for me is against me" is the decla ration of Scripture. Sometimes we iear men say that they are brothers-in-law to the church. There is so such relation. You are either in tho kingdom of God or you are in the Jdngdom of satan. Sin is rebellion agamst God. The sinner is not simply a weakling or an unfortunate, but a transgressor of tho laws of God by deliberate choice. God's laws, whether physical, men tal or moral, are inexorable, and he who violates them must sooner or Jater suffer tho penalty. Sin is anarchy, and every one who is living a life of rebellion against God is doing all, as far as his power and influence extends, to destroy the government pi high heaven. The moralist who prides himself on his morality and declares that ho can get along without God is as much an enemy against the church as the most loathsome drunkard that wal lows in the street, and his influcnco on tho young is much more dnnger ous. And lastly the sinner is an in Rrato. Ingratitude is one of the basest and most coiitemptible sins of the human henrt. Tho man who is constantly receiv ing tho blessings of life and health and all the advantages of a Chris tian civilibation and never stops to ihunk the giver of every good nnd perfect gift has certainly descend ed in his moral degeneracy to tho level of tho beast. On tho other hand, gratitude is one of tho choicest of Jill the Christian graces, and is es tecmod by all people of refinement and is well pleasing to God. Tho subject for tonight is one of great interest to many people. "The lodge and tho Church" will bo tho themo for tho evening. All nro cor dially invited. Butterick Patterns and Fashion Publications Kabo Corsets bear Fashion's Stamp AVIATION SALE OF LACE CURTAINS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LINE OF LACE CURTAINS AND WILL PLACE THEM ON SALE THIS WEEK DURING THE AVIATION MEET AT PRICES WHICH WILL NOT FAIL TO ATTRACT THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS. In this assortment we have the White Curtains at 75c, 98c, $1.38, 1.86, 2.00, 2.29, 2.48, 2.SO, 3.00, 3.39, 4.00 and 4.38 ECRU at $1.19, 1.98, 2.19, 2.98 and 3.98 We also have a new design made of ecru scrim with braid trimming at $2.98, 3.78, 4.38 and 4.98 Kayser Silk Gloves Seeing is Believing May We Show You ? HUTCHISON 6 LUMSDEN Try Burson Hosiery SEYLER ACQUITTED OF MURDERING SWEETHEART ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., May 20. William Soylor returned homo hero t'r u.jr u iico uiuii. imvinir oecn no- r quitted of tho murder of Jane Ad ams. Following Soylor's acquittal, puhlio fcfclincr against him here has disappeared. Tho polico nro beinp . censured for false statements they tohiIo concerning the enso and for tho methods they adopted in build 5pr up evidence against Soyler. CHERRIES ARE RITE. Gating cherries, canning cherries, pie caerrloe. .ADAMS BROS. CO Planners 700x2 PAITON QUITS STOCK EXCHANGE Wheat King Will Retire July First and Speculators Are Expecting a Coup of Some Kind Admits May Amuse Himself in Market. ATTEMPT TO IMPUGN MOTIVES OF SPITZER CHICAGO, May 20. That James A. Patton, the wheat 1:1ns, will ro tire from business permanently July 1 was tho authoratltlvo announcj ment made today to tho United Press, Tho fact that Patten's previous announcements of proposed retire ment have been followed by coups In tho market Is causing his opponents to wonder what new grain option he Is planning to corner. Patten said that ho lntondcd to rest during tho summer and to go to Europo next fall. Ho admitted that ho might trade bit "Just for amuse ment," after discontinuing actlvo op erations. Tho specuLor annouiced a now million dollar corporation to bo known as Bartlett, Fraslor and com pany, which would succeed to the iress of Bartlett, Patten and com pany. NEW YORK, May So. An attempt on tho part of the attorneys defend ing Charles Ileike, secretary of tho sugar trust, to impugn tho motives underlying tho testimony of Oliver Spitzer, convicted sugar trust em ploye, recently pardoned, was check ed today by Spitzer's declaration that his testimony wns not given in exchange for freedom. Spitzer denied that ho wns influ enced by President Tnft's pnrdon. BAD WEATHER STOPS CURTISS FROM FLYING NEW YORK, May 26. A continu ous spell of bad weather prevented Glenn II. Curti&s, the nvintor, from attempting to fly from Albany to New York today to win the $10,000 prize offered by tho Now York World. Curtiss said thnt he would not at tempt the trip until the weather con ditions were faornblo. Ho added Hint the fact tlm his noroplnno wns not entirely nssctnblud govorucd Iiih I decision to postpono tho jouruoy. "-H' 56 ACRES OF AS FINE FRUIT LAND AS CAN BE FOUND IN THE VALLEY; WELL LOCATED; WORTH A GREAT DEAL MORE THAN IS BEING ASKED. ADDRESS OWNERS, CARE BOX 49G, MEDFORD, OR. f --f-f-f Merchant messages for you today a plenty, and Important! 56 ACRES OF AS FINE FRUIT LAND AS CAN BE FOUND IN THE VALLEY;' WELL LOCATED; WORTH A GREAT DEAL MORE THAN IS BEING ASKED. ADDRESS OWNERS, CARE BOX 496, MEDFORD, OR. BASE BALL June the 29th and 30th Medford vs. Grants Pass TO-NIGHT AT THE On Sunday at 1 p. m. Calling this game at 1 p. m. will give everyone a chance to attend tho avia tion meet afterward. Medford vs. Central Point On Monday at 3 p. m. Don't miss seeing these two games, as both Grants Pass and Central Point claim they are going to lower Medford 's colors. All three teams are now putting up big league ball. TABERNACLE Dr. Oliver will discuss The Lodge VS. Religion You cannot afford to miss the Red Hot Address Everybody Welcome SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MAIL TRIBUNE ) mmmmfm 'MtmflD "