ywjtmwi 4'it,mimri-r'" w n . a wa,'- n I 8 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, ALEDirQRD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. MAY 25, .19.10. I " - I Z - - "I 111 - I II fl II. , M1 HI II - , fc .. !.,,. ',.- Jfca NATATORIUM BUYS JOHNSON PROPERTY ii i' Mi i ffi IN-: E& ! , i i t'.Ti k Pays $10,000 to Enlargo Grounds ani! Provide General Entrance to Park on South Side. Tho Mcdford Amusement company has purchased the brick house of Cnrrio J. Johnson on Hivcrsido avenue, paying $10,000. This wilt allow tho company to make the ccnorul cntrnnco to tho park on the south instead of on the north sitlo of tho house. ; Work is rapidly progressing on the now Nntntorium and it is believed that by July 1 it will bo ready to throw open to tho public. A huge heating plant and two cars of lumber arrived Tuesday for tho company. THE OLIVER MEETINGS Another stormy evening greeted tho audience that assembled at the tnbernaclo last uicht. Tho ccntlo uat- tcr of tho rain on tho roof mingled with tho voices of the splendid choir end tho musical instruments made raro music, indeed, reminding one of what John, the revelator, heard on tho Isle of Patmos. Dr. Oliver took his test from the sixth chapter of Isaiah. lie dwelt largely on tho subject of repentance and explained in detail the meaning of the term. RcDontance is not s'mm- ly sorrow, as some seem to think. The culprit is usually sorry when he has been overtaken by the officer nud punished for hi3 crime. There will "be sorrow, phnty of it, at tho day of judgment, but it will not bo evangel ical repentance. Neither is remorse repentance. ATony a drunken wretch and profligate wreck is haunted by tho demon of remorse from day to day and yet continue on in their sin' and in their life of self-destruction. mo one has truly repented until he has confessed and forsaken his sin. When tho lips of tho prophet hud been touched with the live cool from tho altar and his iniquity had been taken away and his sin pardoned, he heard the voice of tho Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for usf" The prophet answered, "Iloro am I; send me." No .soonor does one turn from his sin and find peace and pardon than ho hears the voico of Qod calling him to a life of service. As soon as tho prophet heard that a messenger was wanted ho immediately responded, "Here am I; send me." The Lord wants volun teers in his service. Tho volunteer usually makes tho best soldier. If every soldier of Jesus Christ was al ways ready for aci i duty the chutch would march forward to tho speedy conquest of this world, "as fair as the moon, as bright H3 the sun and as terrible as an army with banners." Services wero announced for every afternoon and evening of this week. On Saturday at 2:30 will occur tho farewell servico to women only, and on Sunday at 3 p. m. tho farewell message to men only will bo given. Sunday night will bo the closing ser vico of tho campaign. Tho subject will bo "Tho Unpardonable Sin." Butterick Patterns and Fashion Publications fl '"1JB1 rail ' BLERtOT MONOPIANE Kabo Corsets bear Fashion's Stamp X : Too Late to Classify Z tii AVIATION SALE OF LACE CURTAINS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LINE OF LACE CURTAINS AND WILL PLACE THEM ON SALE THIS WEEK DURING THE AVIATION MEET AT PRICES WHICH WILL NOT FAIL TO ATTRACT THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS. In this assortment we liavo the White Curtains at 75c, 98c, $1.38, 1.86, 2.00, 2.29, 2.48, 2.SO, 3.00, 3.39, 4.00 and 4.38 ECRU at $1.19, 1.98, 2.19, 2.98 and 3.98 We also have a new design made of ecru scrim with braid trimming at .rK $2.98, 3.78, 4.38 and 4.98 Kayser Silk Gloves HUTCHISON 6 LUMSDEN Try Burson Hosiery CONTRACT WITH JAC0BSEN- BADE COMPANY SIGNED The city council has passed the contract for the laying of sewer mains with tho Jacobscn-Bade com pany, and it has bwn signed. It pro vides for tho laying of fc miks of i sewer pipo at an estimated cost of I $50,000. Work will start soou. Haskins for Health. MEMORIAL DAY PRICES O.V CUT FLOWERS. Carnations 75c per dozen Formosa Llllles $2.u0 per dozen Calla Llllles $2.00 per dozen Stacks Extra Select. . $1.50 per dozen Sweet Peas 25c per bunch Solf-watering cement boxes; wator once In 10 days. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE. Phcno 3741. 923 East Main. 69 IlnskinB for Health. WANTED To borrow $1300 for ono year; will pay 10 per cent. Address P. O. Box 172. First-class security. FOR SALE Two acres near city limits, $700. Corner lot, Oakdale and Tenth, $1150. Corner lot on West Main street; sidewalk laid and paid for, $1000. Two 5-room cottages and three largo lots, ono lot containing three quarters of an acre, 10 blocks out, $3500. Other bargains In land and bear ing orchards. D. H. JACKSON & CO. Opposlto Hotel Moore. FOR RENT A good barn and yard, $5 per month. Inquire 443 South Central nvonuo. 59 WANTED Men to clear land far land; a blacksmith and wagon mak er; parties to run a private board ing house; many opportunities await tho willing; climate delightful; work tho year round. Address W. O. Smith Wolf Creek, Or. 58 FOR SALE Houso CmC, 1 lxl 5, porch and fly; kitchen compartment, gasoline cook stovo and wood heat ing stove, complete cooking and liv ing outfit. No. 721 Beanott street, East Sldo. 58 LOST rOn Sixth street, package of einbroldory, Finder pieuso loavo at this otflco. Suitable rowrd will be given. I 56 Mr. Investor HERE is certainly tho finest opportunity to make money ever presented In the Rogue River Valley: 50 acres of rich, red, loamy, al luvial soil, situated in a protected spot with protecting hills on two sides; a small -creek runs through It; no frost; adjoins land than which no better can be bought for $400 an aero; 5 acres In young orchard; commands a flno view; land adjoining on tho south with unkempt bearing orchard Is held at $875 an aero; 26 acres only about half mile away, but no bettor soil, Is hold at $11,000. Thore is a houso and barn oh tho placo and timber to last for years. All could bo planted to fruit and sold at $600 an aero inside of two years. Property that can bo made worth $25,000 in a short time by planting trees; can bo bought now for $12,500. PART CASH, BALANCE EASY TERMS. Cut this out and mail it to Box 496 Medford, Oregon. Exceptional Values n Fine LINEN WASH SUITS A beautiful assortment of Wash Suits; all the very latest styles; very desirable for summer wear; mate rials linens, ducks, etc., etc.; the finest values wo over saw and you will certainly be pleased dff A A when you see them. TJp from , JPJ.UU FIVE SPRING SUITS (WOOLEN) LEFT, AT SACRIFICE PRICES. LINGERIE DRESSES The new styles in Lingerie and one-piece Dresses are here in quite tho most stun ning styles produced this season. Wo invite you to choose now, for in a very short time the assortment will bo broken. You must see these in order to j'7 CjA appreciate them. The prices are very reasonable up from tJ)JU PARASOLS, GLOVES,, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, MUSLINWEAR, ETC. This Place Will Be Worth $25000 in a Few Years THE EMPORIUM I 0. E. TACKSTROM, Prop., Successor to Montgomery's twi mimr waaagtta tf&Sfc I Whii iMwt mnmmmmmwmmmmjm$mQMfB6M i . -' -" - W""fW"i"