-& ,,''"-? J H MEDITOKP MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OEEC10N, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1910. -- Want Advertising is a Finder of Buyers"--of AH Sorts of Buyers ,of All Sorts of Things! - --- - - is mrt t?; p FREEZE DESTROYS ILLINOIS APF'LLS Not EiiouiiIi Loft to Mnko a Plo, Stalots St. Louis Apple Buyer Lnto Frost Damano In Colorado. HT. I.0UI8, Mny 2B. I). 13. On- boruo, an npplo buyer, linn roturnod from u trip UiroiiKli Callioun county. IIIIiioIh, to iiHcortnln tlio dumngo tlio Into freeze did to tlio applo crop, as Callioun county Is coimldo-od olio of tlio bent npplo couuttim In IIIIiioIh, Ho nays tlio freozu did not lonvo enough apples to inako an npplo plo. It mado a clonn swoop of apples, chorrlott, pears, poaches, grapon nnd llllllllH, Tlio estimate of tlio county botoro tlio froor.0 was ICO, 000 to 175,000 barrels of .ipplou, On tlio morning of May 17 tboro wna a front In Grand Junction district, Colorado, No damngo wan dono to fruit In tlio Cllfton-Pnllsado district, tlio tompornturu not going lowor tbnn 20. At points furtlinr oast In tlio Grand vnlloy dlntrlct, Including Do boqno, Grand vnlloy nnd Hlflo, It la roportnd tlio damngo was heavy. In Delta county, which Includes Dolta, IIotchklnH and Paonln, coiml.tcrahlo damage Ih reported to npplon and alight damage to poaches. At Mont roro tlicro wan probnbly 25 por cont dnmngu to r.pplos. No dnmngo at Canon City In roportod, Cnllfonila Fruit Note. Tho Tulnro county cltrtin nxchnngO la to oroct n row packing houso nt Znnto. Tlio California Fruit oxchnngo of :SAcrnmonto will control about GO por crnt of tho nlmond crop thin year. On account of tlio lnrgo ncronso coming In bearing this ao:ison pack ing hoiiHcn nro to bo erected nt Strath innro, Worth nnd Piano. Tho flrnt carlot Hblpniont of cher ries from California thin season nold 'In Now York nt miction for $5550, or nn nvornRO prlco of $2.53 for oaclt 11-pound box. Tho Stownrt Fruit company oxpocts 'thin to 1)0 n banner Benson, Tho firm wlll hnndlo tho output of tho Acnm po awmclattoii nnd will mnko n Bpoc lalty of flno Tokay grnpea, oblpmontH nmnuntlng to 200 to 250 earn. In tho yearly roport of tho Stnto Agricultural Bocloty to tho govornor, Proaldont II. A. JnBtro declares that tho iiumt mnrkod IncroaHo In tho out put In California linn boon roallzod by tho fruit growers. "Tho totnl nhlp monts of frcflh deciduous fruit alono out of California tho pant season ag gregated 15,265 earn, which In moro tbnn 2000 cars In oxcosh of tho totnl flhlpmontn of tho provlous year," ntntnd Mr, Janlro. Androwa nrothors liavo placod a forco of tnon to work picking tho chorry at Cborrycroft In tho Yucal pa vnlloy. Thin Ih tho onrlloat dato or. which chorry picking ban ovor started In that miction. Lnnt yoar work bo gnu Juno 1-1 and ondod July 14. Tlio early ntnrt tnln yoar In porhnpn duo to tho fnct that tho crop la exception ally ylgbt, thoro bolng ono-half to ono- thlrd of u full ylold, duo to tho lato anow In tho vnlloy UiIb op-Ing, which 'cntno just an tho troos woro In bloom. A - MEDFORD MARKETS. -- Fruits and VritetAblea. '(Prlcoa paid by Medford morchnnU) Potatoes, $1.00 cwt; onions fa cwt; cnbbngo, 2n2c. Iluttor, Erk" nd Poultry. (Prlooa paid by Medford morchnnts) Hnnoli biittor, 2fio; fuuoy oronm ory, 25c. Frosh ranch eggs, 25n. Mixed poultry, 10014c; spring chtckons, '168 18o; turkeys, 17o. IlorrloH-iStrawborricH, local, 1.40 crato; goosoborrloa, 0 to 8o lb, Oroon onions, '30o dozon bunobos; rridlBlios, 30o dozon bunches; rhubarb 1 to Ho lb; lotturo, 40o dozon; tur nips, 40o dozon buncbos, (Prlcoa paid producers.) Hay Timothy, 1; alfalfa, 16; 'Srnss, 14; grain hay, $16. Oraln Whoat, $1.20 bushol; oats, r3C ton; barloy, $30 ton. Doof Cowb 4 4'4; steers G iVjc; pork, Oo; mutton, 5B fBMic; lambo, Oc; voal drossod, 8o. (Soiling prices,) Rolled barloy, $1.90 cwt, $30 ton, 'bran, $1,07; middlings, $1.85 1.00; 'Shorts, $1.8001.85. Cow's Kick Fractured Anklo. KLAMATH FALLS, 0- Mny 25,, B, 0. UiadHlmw la suffering fioin a brokon nnklo locolvod whilo milking ii row on tlio W. W. Mar.ton ranch yi'Mtorduy morning. Tho cow kick id It 1 tit ovor, thon launched out another blow mid nl' tick IIiikIhIiuw on tlio an- klo, fracturing tlio bono. MARSHALL REMOVES SHEARER'S HANDCUFFS Tho groat Marshall how which In holding tlio bonrdn nt tho now IbIo wiih soon to ndvantngo last night In a change of program. Mnruhnll presented bin chnllongo baiiddiiff ,act and mado a big bit whoa bo lltontlly pounded bin lltho body out of nn Insane ntralghtjackot which wan placod on him by Chief Ghcnror nnd Officer Llndon. When tho off Icons 'woro Invited to the ttliigo Ohlof Hhenror ntid Officer Llndon responded nnd throo pairs of Improved bnndcuffn woro nnnppcd on Marshall's ankles, (ih tho chief was of tho opinion tho young jnll break er could slip bin handn out of tho Irons, Ho romoved nil tho various restraints In a momonlfn tlmo and, though ho v.'aa locked bund nnd foot Marr.liall bad no difficulty In making his escape. All tho spcclr.ltlcH pronoiitod Inst night woro woll received. Miss Rob ortu Bang tho latest song crrzo, "Has Anybody Iloro Scon Kolly?" nnd for nn oncoro sang Dlancbo King's fa mous song, "Rings on Mi Flngors." Kddlo Van mado a beautiful In dian poster In a remarkably short spneo of time. Martollo, tho glttod young Impersonator, was seen in a Span Inh number. Tho motion plcturon woro woll so Joctcd nnd also proved r.n ontortatn Ing feature. Another charge of program Is slnt ed for tonight. HORSE KICKS MAN AND DIES THE NEXT DAY Dr. A. J. Fawcott, tho woll known phynlclan, was tho possessor of a flno drlvlnc animal. Saturday morning tho dortor osmyoj to Baddlo tho liorno nnd rldo him and had a nnrrow tBcapo from serious Injury, the animal bucking, throwing him off nnnd kicking viciously. A sovoro cut in tho chin wan sowed up by Dr. Gregg and Dr. Fawcott was soon ready to niiHwor cnlls again, though suffering from n general brulBlng up. Yesterday nftornoon for somo un- nccoutitnblo reason tho horflo laid down and died. Whothor It was ro- iiioiho over tho way ho hod troatod tho doctor cm only bo conjectured, but tho nnlmr.l vas In npparont good health nt :.oon. Incldortr.lly tho horse's rnsb net hnd n depressing ef fect upon tho doctor's current profit nnd loss account. Tidings. THREE TRAMPS START OREGON FOREST FIRE KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Mny 25.- Tho first forest flro to stnrt In tho Klamath country was Bet by throo hoboes on tho Klamath Tlvor, 15 miles west of hero, yes'.ordny. J. F. Kimball, who has charge of tho Woyorhaoiisor tlmbor Intorosts of this dtstrlt, Immodlntoly dlBpatchod a man to tho scono of tho flro (.ml by tho r.Id of sovoral flro patrolmen It waa chocltod nnd Is now undor con trol with llttlo rnningo havlny result ed . Tho mon '.vho started tho flro oacr.ped Into California. WILLIAM G0HL SENTENCED TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT MONTK8ANO, Wash., Mny 25. William Oohl, former ngenl for tho Suitors' union, convicted of tlio mur der of Charlos, was sontpiiued to life imprisonment in (ho Washington stato penitentiary by Judge Ben Sliteks. Gobi's attorneys did not mnko n motion for n now trial. Gobi will ho tnkon to the poniten liary immotliiiioly, according to tlio officials, NEW CHARTER ADOPTED FOR KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Mny 25. Tho oloctlon hold horo Saturday on tho proposition of bonding for $20, 000 and for tho adoption of a now city clmrtor, rcaultod in a victory for tho frlondB of both propositions. Thoro will bo a now charter and tho city will bo bondod for tho purpose of mlBlng monoy to pny for tho two garbago altos rncl tho oroctlon of a city hall nnd flromon's hondquartora, NOTICE 'JO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is lioroby glvon that tho annual mooting of stockholders ot tho Paolflo nnd Enstorn Railway will bo hold at tho offlco of tho compnny, In Medford, Oregon, on Mondny, Juno 0, 1010, nt 10 o'clock n. m. By ordor of tho Prosldont. Q. P. HUMPHREY, Bocrotary. llnskins for Health. This Year in Medford Want Advertising Will Build a lot of New Business! Whilo it remains simply a PLAN, you needn't want-ndvertiso it. But when you nro ready to WORK OUT tho plan, to "got it kohir," your want-ndvertiBinK campaign should hnve attention a-plcntyi If your plan its good, want advertising will help you put life into it. Thoro ih n faulty mlngo Hint "Tho ood dies young?' Hero is u truo one: Good Plans Not Well Advertised, Die Young I Ami it may bo added, Hioy dio whilo llioy grow into busIiicHHCN, into "goinc oonconiH." A lot of tho huBincHH hucccshcb of ono nnd two years hence are now PLANS. Thoy will survive the plnn-iiKo ehiofly becnuso thoy will bo well advertised because their fostorors know how to mako want ad vertising a pushing and helping force. You may make your plan one of tho nenr-future business successes, if it's a good plan, and you're a good want ndvortisorl W00DVILLE WILL CELEBRATE THE GLORIOUS FOURTH At n rousing musH meeting licld nt Woodville Moudny evening, tho 23d inst., everybody voted to have n renl old-fiishioiied Fourth of July celebra tion. LEQAL. NOTICI5 OV BALK OF $00,000.00 SCHOOL IJONDS, VIST NO. -40, JACKSON COUNTY, ORE. Dlds will bo rocolvcd up to Juno 1, 1910, nt tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, by Jas. M. Cronemlller, treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon, for tho purchaso of $50,000.00 (fifty thousand dollars), coupe: bonds, of $1,000.00 denomination, to bo luuod by School District No. 49, of Jack son County, Oregon, pnyabto In twon- ty years, ton yoars' optional, bearing 5 por cont In treat por annum, inter est payable semi-annually. Bide to bo accompanied by certified chock, 5 per cont of tho amount of tho bid. Tlio board of directors of said school district No. 49 resorvo tho right to rejoct any and all bids, JAS. M. CrtONEMILLEIt, Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon. Dated this 5th day of May, 1910. FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE 100 acres of good load, halt of It Is cleared; 8 miles oaaf of Medford. This la a bargain at $20 per aero. Address, Ownor, care of Moll Trlbuno. FOR SALE A young 30-acro or chard tract sot to commercial applos and pears, adjoining tho city Hmita of Anhlnnd, Or.; good soil; sightly location; lies practically lovol; or chard In flno condition; ono of tho best buys in the valley ; price for a short timo only $250 por ncro; or will Bubdivldo. Address Gillette & Campbell, Ashland, Ore. Phone No. 1061 Main. 60 FOR 8ALK Ten acres undar ditch; throo mllos northeast of Medford. This Is a Bnap at $1200. Siskiyou Roalty Company, room 22, Jackson County Dank bldg. FOR SALE 10 acres good garden land, on main road 1 1-2 miles from Main Btreot; all undor ditch. Price $3,500. Will take $1,000 in city proporty as part payment. Aylor & Darnett, next to Mail Trlbuno of fice, tf FOR SALE 498 ncrea land in Scott Vnlloy, ono of tho most boautlful and foitilo Bpobt In California; mostly in alfnlfn, and can bo Irrigated; woll Improved, good fonces, .uu. flrat class buildings; $45,000. l'or fur ther parMculars nddrocs Walker Dros., Etna Mills, Siskiyou county, California. 70 FOR SALE Investors, attontionl 175 ncrea extra cholco pear land In a body, sultablo for subdivision, or would mako an ldoal ranch; no hot ter proposition In southern Oregon. AddroBS II. II. Dnslor, room 4, Ma sonic Tomplo, Grants Pass, Or. 56 FOR SALE 48 acros of flno land, 3 acres a flno gnrdon an you ovor saw, most all In potatoes, nil can bo cultivated easily; 50 tlors ot wood cut; wntor right; can bo Irri gated tho yoar round; prlco only $2000; $1500 cash, balanco in 6 months, Addross II. II. Hoxlo, R, F, D. No. 1. FOR BALE 20 ncroB of fruit land in tho vnlloy two mllos from post oftlco, ono mllo from city llmta; good houso and barn; spnn ot mules and wagon; two holforsnnd ovor 500 chlckona, A bargain as an Investment or homo. Inqulro J, II. Oroagor, C39 W. Palm Bt., Medford. 57 FOR" SATH3 Ily ownor, B-room Iioubo, barn, chlokon houso, woodshod, tool I101180 and ouo box Iioubo; two largo lota; oast front; flno location; largo gnrdon; city and well wuor; sowor In street nut! paid; also thorough broil young Jorsoy cow, ehlckons, fumlturo, tools, etc.; ovary thing In flrHtclasa condition; nnd all goes for $2250; $1000 cash, balance torniB, Ad os. AO, caro ot this of tlco. 50 thoy'ro still PLANS before they aro FOR SALE. REAL HWATI:. FOR 8ALB Tract E In Snowy Dutto orchards; thoro is a throe-room bun galow and good well; this tract can bo sold on especially easy terms, Soe "w""r uu y"- I f6Tl SALE Or Will trado for vacant' lots, two tow houses. Call on D. S. Wood, at 915 West Second st. 57 FOR SAX.EJ City lots, $0; lor a small, safe InvMtment cee th city lata I, offer at $800 and $250 per lot; $20 caab payment, balance $10 por month; no laterot, H. C. Malt by, Palm UdK. FOR SALH Lot oa Ross court, Jnst off Main; price V660. Room 22, Jackson County Bank bldg, FOR SALE 16 good building lota In ono addition;, will give good prices and torms If all aro taken or take half In good Improved property. Ad dress Z3, Mall Trlbuno. 57 BaJaeM Prwpdty. FOR SALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; asy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. Acreage FOR SALE 30 acres under Irriga tion. Partly set to pears and npplos. On lino of Pacific & Eastern R. R., at Floh Lake. Ad dress C. 1. Forbes, R 2, Central Point, Oro. 100 FOR SALE 5 and 10-nere tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, nt a burguin, on 5 annual pay. monta. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE Ton and twenty-acre tracts, alfalfa and frutt lands; Ir rigated by porpetual gravity system; water doed with land. Prlco $150 to $175 por aero; torms one-fifth . down, balance 4 annual payments, 6 por cont lutorcot. Seo a. A. Mar tin, California land man, agont Lob Mollnos Lan' Co., Hotel Moors, Medford. FOR SALE Ton acres 1-yoar-old orchard; half-pears, balance apples, peaches, etc.; flno building site; two mile from business center of Med ford; will tako one-third In Medford proporty, balance cash and time. Ad dross X10, Mall Trlbuno. 67 Timber Lanfl. POTTSAtiE (v acres ot good timber ftvo ratios from Medford; all down hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore gon. Farms or urauutls. Wit BALE 66 acres, &noct VUrtdlng alto In tho alloy, tucludlt g 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms rlgfct. H. O. Mnltby, Palm Bldg., Main and Front VbH SALH&fDet acra. 30 In one year old apple and pear trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For torms write "Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 261 FOR SALE AlMut 30 acres of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles oast ot Phoenix. Oae-balf Is in orchard. Telophono, Medford, 1109, or ad dress O. T. Payao, Phooala, Ore. FOR SALE Fruit farm in Douglas county; n bargain; 36 ncros; 23 acres In full bearing orchard; 3 ncros Spltzorbcrg apples; 4 acres poachos; 15 ncros pruuos; 1 aero cborrlos and poars; 2 acros garden; 3 acres hay, balanco pasture; soma tlmbor, ouougb for wood; Joining city llfmtls; boautlful location; largo fruit dryor end small cannory on plnco; 8-room Iioubo, barn and out buildings; 3 wolla; nlso good spring on plnco; on county road; cldownlk to town; crop, team, wagon, buggy, now dlso and all tools go with placo; prlco $250 por aero; placo will bo worth doublo this Insldo 5 years; similar land Just sold for $600 por ncro, I want to go back Into buBl noss roneo' hr Boiling, Address E, Hollwlll, ownti, Yoncalla, Or. IltiBlness Opportunities. FOR SALE Good paying biiBlno8S and loase, wholo or halt lntorost. Addross E, oaro of Tribune, stronR cnoutjh to walk before FOR SALE. florae. FOR SALE Good riding pony; woighs 800 pounds; young. H. F. Caton, Central Point, or Holmroth place. 06 QUICK BALB 0o team, mdlBm sixed wo.'k- horses, wagon, barnoss, now J?Io,fi Wl ?2Qi Cheap Ipr quick sale. Chas. Coder, Jim How- ard place, ono mllo from end of Oak dalo South. KteceHanetoa. TO EXCHANGE Income property In Lob An gales, valued at $27,500; mortgaged for $3,500; owner's oqulty $24,000. Will exchange for property of cqcal value In or near Medford. TbJn property Is In flrst Clase condlt'on and Is bringing In a good ro.ital. It will ,-rtand close Inspection. W. T, Tork & Co. FOR SALE For good wood and good measure, try the Bunker Hill Wood Yard, at North end of C street. Phono 841. J. A. McLeod, Prop. FOR SALE A fall line of Old Hamp shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; letter beads and envelopes. Mall Tribune office. OR SALE In beautlf nl Illinois Val ley, &l KeTby, orchard and Improve ments and equipments, 2 milk cows, 1 horse, harness and wagon and bug gy; full bearing 14-yoor-oId trees, apples and pears; 10 acres; see it nnd mako offer; railroad survey passes it. Henry Kioppor, M. D., ref erences, First National of Grants Pass, Or. FOR SALE Legal blanks of all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Wall paper, paints, oils, brushes, a Tery complote line; In formation .neertuily glvon by an oxporlencea painter. M. J. Metcalf, 318 E. Main st WANTED Salesmen in OTery local ity of the northwest; money ad vanood weekly; many mako over $100 month; choloo of territory. Yakima Vnlloy Nuraft'7 Co., Top- FOR SALE Cook stovo and other housothold goods. 616' South Peach street. 57 FOR BALE Chandler & Prrce Oor don Jebber. 11x14 press; a bargain. Inquire Mail Tribune office. FOR RENT. Houses. FOR RENT House, Juno 1st. No? 723 13th atreot, West. 60 FOR JihJNT Modorn five-room cot tngo, furnlshod. Addross W3, caro ot this office. FOR JCKNT 7-room furnlnhnrt houso, close In; also throo rooms, unfurnished. 334 W. 6th, cor. Ivy. Furnished Itooraa. FOR RENT Furnlshod rooms. Call at 734 Sherman streot, Just off Gen esee, sg OR KENT Modorn furnlshod rooms at 604 West 10th or 124 King stroot. FOR RENT Nlcoly furnlshod front room. Lady proforrod. Call at 641 North Rlvorslde. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 402 South Contral nvonue, 59 Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Three room suite of light bousokcoping rooms, vacant May 25; no childron. Call at 222 South Holly stroot. Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fully oqulrped gold mine; ton-stamp mill and concen trator, all operated by eleetrlo pew 01. Owner will furnish free oleo trio power for sbaro In proceeds. Seo Smith, at Condor Wator & Power Co. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Fomalo. WANTED OJrl to do housowork for family of four. Apply at 20 South Lnurol stroot, WANTED Lady cook at tho Dfi? mond, WANTED WnUrosa nt tho Royal 57 Catol, 322 East Main. WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTED A woll digger today; woll by contract. Addroso B3, caro of this office. 56 WAEDExporlencod stono cutter and qnany man. Call at Condor Water and Powor Go's, office. WANTED First-class surveyor. Call at office of Rogue River Elec tric Company. WANTED Mon capable of earning $50 por week selling trees for larg est and best known nureory in tho west; choice territory; guaranteed Btock. For particulars address Ore gon Nursery company, Orenco, Ore gon. 61 WANTED Two good men to dig cel lar 40x42, 7 feet deo, Box 616, city. 57 MJsceUaBeoss. WANTED Gentlemen's clean laun dry and mending. Call at 734 Sher man street, Just off Genesee. 66 WANTED Position by an unmarried man, 32 years of age, with 12 years' experience In dry goo Is, chocs, car pels anl con'yO' furnliblDBcct of references. Address Box 10. care this office. 64 WANTED Hoiao and buggy lor several months. State price with or without board. O. P., Mall Tri bune. WANTED Setting hens and little chickens. Call up Main 441. tf W ANTED Modem Call Main 1771. 8-room house. WANTED To buy, a good second band work harness for team. Box 616, city. 57 FOUND. FOUND Automobile license number. Owner please call and pay for and receive same at this office. I LOST. LOST A kodak, on the road be tween Jacksonville and CoL Wash-h burn ranch. Please return to this Office. LOST On road to Jacksonville, pair of Elk teeth. Finder pierce lcavo at this office. Reward. LOST A roll ot film for kodak on road between Jacksonville and Col. Washburn's ranch. Finder please return to C. W. Wllmeroth, care Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE Or oxclu-.ngo for coun try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room house; pumping plant, 40 fruit trees; 5 blocks from Main street; on North Riverside; Bear Creek bottom. Inquire at 317 E. Main BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITfflNQTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Over Post offics. PORTER J. NEFP, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Roames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank baild ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attomoy-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank build inc. Medford. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night phenes: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Photognaphers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Maokey and dio with joy." Over Al lon & Reagan's store; entranoe on Sovonth streot. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. Those remedies may bo proourod at the Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S. Riverside avonue, Med ford, Or., whore thoy will be sold by the proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral sovero oases with his semodies sinco cominp to Medford and has for reforonoo some of tho best known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin sheet iron ware on hand and made to ordor. 128 North G Street. Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Messen gers furnished nt all houso of day nnd till 9 p. in. to any part of oity, from lOo to 25o. Phono Main 181. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block Stonogrnphio work dono quiokly nnd woll. M. FORTESOUB Stenographer, 18 a, I'-ront st. Phono 231. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hospitals. SOUTEERN OREGON IIOSPITAL 344 South C st., Medford, Or. E. W. Uisey, Matron. Official hospital P. & E. R. R. Mill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill PosUr a4 Distributor. All oraers promptly filled. Room 20, Jaokaon Coanty Bank building, Meaford, Or. Real Estate. SEE WM. E. BTACEY & CO. for somo of the choicest bargains in real estate in this valley. Also Brit ish Colombia and Alberta, B. C, and other parts. Call on him at Bitnar'a office, Phipps building, or at the Medford Aato company's garage, where we start out oar agents for the Aladden Mantle Lamp and hid den window screen. We will treat you right. Come and see. Printer sad PabUsbers. MEDFORD PHENTINQ CO. kaa the bost-equipped job office in South era Oregon; Portland pricea. 37. South Central avaaua. BUUard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO . Billiaras, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cooL. place to spend the hot afternoona. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Arcbiteet M. Builders, office 7-8, 235 MainL' Phone Main 3471. Reataenca phone, 2471. Carriage aad Aato PsJattag. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAG41 WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside arena. Phone 801. Fanitare. H. F. WILSON & Co., dealers in new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh at. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Meaford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A tria) order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook 8toves and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W. F st. Sonth. Phone 01, Medford. Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our treea are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erythine; put out. We aro not in tho trust. "H. B. Patterson, office in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. F. Cook, Prop., R. R. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 120L, Medford. Deatlsts. DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist- Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks. Physicians and Sargeoas. R. W. "STEARNS, M. D. Opposita Jackson County bank. Night calla promptly answered. Office and reai deneo phono Main 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Office in Stewart building Physicians and Surgeons. Office phone Main 341; private phane Main 012. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission block. Phone 291. Medford. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok ors' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and El Pnleiicin. 212 West Main street. Uullding Contractor. ALEX. TAYLOR, Building Con tractor Houses, bungalows, alter ations, repairs. 31 North Central avenue, opposito poBtoffico. Brick Companies. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contractors; also lime, cement nnd plaster in any quantity. Offico, Medford National Bonk bldg. Phone Main 545. G. W. Priddy. G. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nagle. Bricklayers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kniin, at Smokokouso, first-class bricklayer, stoneworker, cement stepping stucco and moulding, fireplaces and tilo work n specialty, Europeaa plan; day or contract. Painters ar.d Faperbaafers. GERWOLF & WARD, contraotinaj painters, paperhaugora and deco rators; signs. Estimates given oa all kinds of day and job work. Park View Hotel. Phone Main 1801. Legal Blanks. LEGAL BLANKS All Btytes of le gal blanks for sale, a hundred dif ferent forms, Medford Printing Ca,