Vr-V"- V Ifl MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1910. 'M ,! ,i fef.-i 8? ;;v. u 111 ut iftf S3 IKJH:11 ( J"" J ' b- n' k XJi- . IM Through By CLEVELAND MOFFETT Copyright, 1905, """Coquenll,' said De Ocldclmann Unick Blowly, "1 glvo you credit for unusual cleverness, but If yon tell mo you havo any Inkling what I am wait ing for" "I know that you are waiting for the Clrl." . -The girir Tho other started. The girl Allco or Mary, your step daughter." "God Almighty! burst out tho bar on. "What a guess!" M. Paul shook his head. "No, not a luess a fair deduction. My ring Is cone. It was on my hand beforo you caro mo that chloroform. Sou took it That means you needed It Why? To get the glrL You knew It would bring her, though how you knew It Is noro than I can understand." "Gibclln heard you speak of the ring to Pougcot that night In the automo Wlc." "Ah! And how did you know where the girl was?" "Guessed It partly and had Pougcot lollowed." And she's coming here?" . Tho baron nodded. "Sho ought to bo 'fcere shortly," then with a quick, cruel mile, "I suppose you know why I want her?" "I'm afraid I do," sold CoqucnlL "Suppose wo come in here," suggest ed tho other. "With this be led the way through tho arched passageway Into another stone chamber very much like the first, only mailer, and lined In the same way with piled up logs. In the middle of .the floor were a rough table spread with food and two rough chairs. On the table lay the diary. "Sit down," continued the baron. "OoquenU, I've watched you for years. I know all about you, and I'll say this you're the most interesting man I ever met You've given me trouble, bat that's all right; you played fair, and I like you, I like you." "Thanks," Coquenll said simply. "It's a pity you couldn't see things any way. I wanted to be your friend; I wanted to help you. Just think how xaany times I've gone out of my way to give you chances, fine business chances." "I know." "Now see where you arel See what you've .forced me to do! It's a pity; it cuts me'up, Coquenll." He spoke with real sadness. "I understand," answered M. PauL "I appreciate what you say. There's a bond between n good detective and" "A great detective," put in the baron admiringly, "the greatest detective Paris ha3 known in fifty years or will know in fifty more, res, yes, It's a pity!" "I was saying," resumed tho other, "that there is a bond between a de tcctlvo and a criminal. I suppose it gets stronger between a a great de tective." he smiled, "and a great crim inal." So Heidelmann-Bruck looked pleas ed. "You regard me as a great crimi nal?" Coquenll nodded gravely. "I cer tainly do the greatest since Ludovlco SchertzL You know be had your iden tical little finger." "Iteally!" Coquenll was silent a moment "This American what of him now?" "Ho will be tried." "And be found guilty?" "Yes, but with Jealousy as an ex tenuating circumstance. He'll do a few years, say five." "Ah. that brings mo to the main point how did Martinez get posses sion of your secret?" "He met the girl accidentally and remembered her." "As the ono he bad rescued from the charity bazaar fire?" "Yes." Coquenll tboug'Jt a inomcut "Oh! Did you know that private room No. 7 would not be occupied that night by "Wllmott and tho dancing girl?" "So." Then bow did you dare go In thero?" "Wllmott and tho girl wero not duo uutll 0, and I bad finished by half past a" "How did you know Wllmott would aot bo there until 0?" "Martinez told me. It was in Anita's petit bleu that Mrs. Wllmott showed Win." "Had you no direct dealings with Anita?" Tho baron shook his head. "I never saw the glrL The thing Just happened, and I took my chance." "You bought the auger for Martinez mud told him where to boro the holes?" yes." And tho key to the alleyway door?" "I got a duplicate key through Du fcots. Anything else?" MAhJ" aald Coquenll. "By the way, how long hare you known that I was '"working here In your stable?" Tho baron smiled. "Since tho first day." "And about the safe?" it was all arranged." ( "Then thon you wanted me to read .thedlary?" ,' "Yea," answered tho other, with n truuge expression. "I know that It 7011 read my diary 1 should bo pro tected." "J don't understand." the Wall by D. Appleton & Co. "Of courso not but" Suddenly his voice grew harsher, and M. Paul thought of the meeting ou the Champs. Elysecs. "Do you realize, sir." tho baron went on, and his voice was al most menacing, "that not once, but half a dozen times slnco this affair started, I have been on tbo point of crushing you, of sweeping you out of my path?" "I can believe that" "Why haven't I dono It? Why havo I held back tho order that was trem bling ou my lips? Because 1 admire you. I'm Interested In tho workings of your mind. I yes. by God. In spite of your stubbornness and everything I like you, Coquenll, and I don't want to barm you. "You may not believe It." he went on, "but when you sent word to tho Brazilian embassy the other day that you would accept tho Wo Janeiro of fer after all 1 was honestly happy for you, not for myself. Then suddenly you went mad again and and did this. So I said to myself, 'All right; be wants It; he'll get if and I let you read the diary." "Why?" "Why?" cried the baron hoarsely. "Don't you see why? You know everything now. everything. It Isn't guesswork; It isn't deduction; Ifs ab solute certainty. And because it's true, and becauso we both know it to be true, neither one of us can draw back. Wc cannot draw back if we would. Suppose I said to you, 'Oo quenil, I like you; I'm going to let you go free.' You would say: "Baron de Heidelmann-Bruck, I shall not only take this fortune from you and make you very poor Instead of very rich, but I shall denounce you as a mur derer and shall do my best to have you marched out from a cell In the Ro quette prison some fine morning, about dawn, between a Jailer and a priest to the guillotine."' "Yes." nodded the other. "Ah!" smiled the baron. "I must destroy you or bo destroyed." "I see," murmured M. Paul. For some moments the two were si lent; then M. Paul asked gravely, "How soon will the girl be here?" "She's undoubtedly here now. She is waiting outside." He pointed to a heavily barred iron door. "But sho doesn't know anything about you or against you," added M. Paul, and be seemed to be almost pleading. "She has caused me a lot of trouble, and she might know." "You mean her memory?' "Yes; It might come back." "Of course." agreed the other with Judicial fairness. "I asked Duprat about It, and be said It might" "Goodby, Coquenll." He held out his hand. "I'm sorry." "Goodby," answered the detective with quiet dignity. "If it's all the same to you, I I won't shake bands." "No?' He moved toward tho heavy door. "Waltr said M. Paul. "You have left your diary." He pointed to tho table. The baron smiled mockingly. "I intended to leave it The book has served its purpose. Don't bo alarmed. It will not be found." He glanced with grim confidence at the stacked wood. "You'll have fifteen or twenty minuted after she comes In. Goodby." Tho door swung open, and Coquenll saw a dim. white clad figure among tho shadows, and Alice, with beauti ful, frightened eyes, staggered toward him. (To Bo Continued.) Medford, Oregen: This certifies that wo have sold Hall's Texns Won der for tho cure of all kidney, blad der and rheumatic- troubles for ten years, and havo never had a com plaint. It gives quick and permanent elief. Sixty days' treatment in each bottle. Medford Pharmacy. tf XOTIOI3 TO STOOKIIOLDEHS. Notice Is hereby given that tho annual meeting of stockholders of tho Pacific and Eastern Railway will bo held at tho office of the company, In Medford, Oregon, on Monday, Juno C, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dy order of tho President. O. P. HUMPHREY, Secretary. REDUCED RATES FOR AVIATION MEET. Tho Southern Pacific company has announced a rate of a fare and a third for round trip, points Roseburg to Aslhand, tor tho aviation meet to be held hero May 27, 28 and 29. Tick ets returning good up to and Includ ing May 30. WARNING. 'Any person driving over a fire hoso hereafter with any kind of convoy anco, will bo prosecuted to the full oxtent of tho law. This prohibition Includes automobiles, horeo drawn ve hicles and bicycles. BUQBN EAMANN, Chlof of Flro Department. LYNCH REELECTED CHIEF0P1IERS All Old Officers of Typographical Union Except Ono Arc Chosen at Annual Election. INDIAN'APOLIS, Ind., May 21.. James M. Lynch of Syracuso, In. Y Is ve-elocted president of tho Inter national Typographical uion and George Tracoy of Snn Francisco wan elajled vico-pra-Ident, according to returns from 5G7 out of 700 typo graphical unions recelvoJ t ry. Tho majority for Lynch will bo 7000, judged by proxont Indications. With fio cxcoition of T. D. Foauoj y of Los Augeles, trustoo o tho union latcis' hom nt Colorado Springs, who was opposed by Michaol Powell of Ottawa, Oi.tnrio, It is believed all tho national officers aro rc-olectod. T';o majesty receive 1 by Secretary J. W. Hayes of Minneapolis may reach 10,000. George P. N'lcliols of Ball'ir.ore will bo refirned to'tho position of i0nt at tho printers' home. Delegates to tho America Fedornt'on cf Labor will probably bo Max IlnyM of Clove land, Frank Mt-rlson of Chicago and Hugh Stevenco. of Toronto. Denmark's Ministers Resign. COPENHAGEN, May 23. When Ivinc Frederick returns from London Jio will find the resignations of tho ministers of worship nml commerce, who failed of re-election. The resig nations are in the hands of Premier Znhle. NEEDFUL KNOWLEDGE. Medford People Should Learn to De tect tho Approach of Kidney Disease. The symptoms of kidney trouble aro so unmistakable that they leave no ground for doubt. Sick kidneys excrete a thick, cloudy, offensive urine, full of sediment, irrcgulnr of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding. The back aches con stantly, headaches and dizzy spells may occur and the victim is often weighed down by a. feeling of lnnguor and fntigue. Neglcst these warnings and there is danger of dropsy, Bright's disease or dinbetes. Any one of these symptoms is warning enough to begin treating tho kidneys nt once. Delay often proves fatal. You-can uso no better remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills. Hcrels Medford proef: Mrs. Sella M. Van Winkcl, 324 W. Jackson street, Medford, Or., says: "I first learned of tho merits of Doan's Kidney Pills while living in Patterson, N. J., and so well did they serve mo at that time that I have used them on every occasion since then, when I have had backache or trouble with my kidnovs. I find that a box or two of Doan's Kidney Pills , . ., ., , ., i., . Ubcu in uiu ,nu,K mm xu.i, ni-opa m. btilnnita ... rsi i , rn Li . r AnlnK "' kidneys in good working order. For sale b' nil dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho United States. Remember tho name Doan'6 nnd take no other. CITY NOTICES. $a3,000.00 CITY OP MEDFORD ISI PROVEMENT BONDS. Tho city couucll of tho city of Mod- ford, Oregon, will receive scaled pro posals for $33,000.00 of city of Med ford, Oregon, six per cont, ten year improvement bonds. Bids to Lo filed with the city re corder not later than 4:30 o'clock p. m. Juno 7tn, laio, anu to do nc- companlcd by h certified check oquaic,0"!'0"?. each of which shall bo lu . . . Iflin fnllnwlnr form" to five per cont of tho nraount bid for; check to bo mado payablo to tho city treasurer .' said cltv. ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. NOTICE TO GRADING CONTRAC TORS. Tho city council of tho city of Med ford, Oregon, will recolvo sealed pro posals for tho grading of Knight Btreet, from Vermont avenue west to tho cast boundary lino of Falrmount addition. Write to or call on tho city engineer for further particulars. All bids to bo filed with tho city rocordor of said city boforo 4:30 p. m Juno 7th, 1910, and bo accom panied by a certified check equal to flvo per cont of tho amount bid for; chock to bo mado payablo to tho city treasurer of tho city of Medford. ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 80. An ordinance authorizing tho Issu anco of $33,000.00 of tho Improve ment Bonds of tho city of Medford, Jackson county, Oregon, and direct ing tho advertising of tho samo for sale In accordanco with Captor V of Title XXVII of Bollinger & Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statutes of the Stato of Orogon. Tho city of Medford doth ordain as follows; Section 1. Whereas, tho city of Motltord haa horotoforo duly caused certain stroots of mild city to bo Im proved, and has duly noaoRsed tho cost thereof to tho property benefited thereby In accordance with tho char ter of said city; And whurcas, certain owners of Buudry pieces of property ench as sessed for such Improvement In a sum exceeding twonty-flvo dollars, havo duly m a do and tiled application to pay said several nasosamunts In In stallments, In acrordanco with hoc tjon 2727 of said Bollinger & Cot tou's Annotated Codes and Statutes; And, whereas, mi assessment and bond Hon docket lias boon duly mndo up In accordanco with the provisions of said section and of Section 2728 of said Codes and Statutes, and tho total amount of unpaid assessments for such street luiprovouieuts and for which application to pay under tho provisions of said sections abovo cltod has boon nmdo and filed as aforesaid Is tho Hum of $33,000,00 dollars, as shown by said bond Hon docket; Now, thorotoro, snld city of Med ford doth ordain as aforesaid that thero Is hereby authorized to bo Issued tho bonds of said city In tho total amount of J33.000.00 dollars, In denominations of two hundred and fifty nml flvo hundred dollars each, as may bo convenient. Section 2. Snld bonds shnll bo mado In tho following ferm: J No. CITY OF MEDFORD, Jackson County. State of Oregon. IMPROVEMENT BOND. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That tho City of Med ford In tho County of Jackson, State of Oregon, for value received, here by agrees and promises to pay tho bearer tho sum of Dollars In Gold Coin of tho United States of America, on tho presentation and surrender of this obllcatlon on tho day of , In tho year of our Lord Ono Thousand Nino Hun dred and , without grnco, with In terest thereon from tho dnto horoof until redeomed, or until tho tlmo of tho Boml-nnnual Intorcst paymont next onsuing tuo publication or no tlco by tho City of Medford that this bond will bo tnken up and cancelled nnd Mint Intorcst thorcou will cease nt tho Interest payment porlod noxt following such publication, nt tho rate of six per cent per annum, pay able soml-nnnunlly, In like coin on tho .... day of ..... and year, on tho presentation and sur render of tho proper coupons thorc to nnnoxed, prlnclpnl and Intorcst payablo at tho office of tho treasurer of tho City of Medford. This Bend Is ono of a sorlcs author ized by an Act of tho Legislative As sembly of tho Stato of Orogon, en titled "An Act to provldo for tho Issuance of Bonds for tho Improve ment of Streots and tho laying of Sowers In Incorporated Cities and for tho paymont of tho cost of such Im provements and laying of sowers by Installments," filed In tho offlco of the Secretary of Stato February 22nd, 1893, ns amended by nn Act entitled "An Act to Amond Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G and 7 of nn Act entitled 'An Act to provldo for tho Issuanco of Bonds for tho Improvement of streots and laying of sowers In Incorporated cities, nnd for tho payment of tho cost of such Improvements and lay ing of sowers by Installments,' filed In tho offlco of tho Secretary of State, February 22nd, 1803 " np proved February 28th, 1901, and is an obligation of tho City of Medford, aforesaid, and Is not to bo doomed or taken to bo within or any part of the limitation by law ns to tho Indebted ness of said city, nnd It is furthor certified that all requirements of law havo been fully compiled with by tho proper officers In tho issuing of this bond, and that tho total amount of this issue docs not oxeced tho limit nreJcrlbed by said act. This Dond Is redeoraablo aC tho off,c0 Qf BaI(j TreaBUrOr at tho option a. .f. m r . , t tui inu uuy oi .Mt'uiuru upon inu pay ment of tho fnco valuo thereof, with accrued Interest to tho dato of pay ment nt any semi-annual coupon porlod at or aftor ono.ycar from tho dato horcof, as provided In said act. For tho fulfillment of tho condi tions of this obligation tho faith and credit of tuo City of Medford aro horoby pledged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Bend has been signed by tho Mayor and attested by tho Recorder of said City of Medford and tno corporate ' ,1 -y oi aiHuiuru mmuo HlliACU VI1IO UU Ufc 41. V. 1910. Mayor. Attest: Recorder of tho City of Medford. Section 3. Each of said bonds shall havo attached thereto twenty tho follnwlni? form? CITY OF MEDFORD, Stato of Orogon, Will pay to tho bearor Dollars In Gold Coin of tho United StnteH of Amorlca, at tho offlco of tho Treas urer of said City, on tho day of , being six months lntorost on Improvomont Bend No. , unloss said bond Is soonor redeomed ns thoroln provldod, which redemption will rendor this coupon void, Mayor, Attest: Recordor of tho City of Medford. Said coupons shnll bo numbered from ono to twenty respectively. Section 4. Tho mayor of said city Is horoby authorized and directed to sign said Bonds and tho City Ro cordor to tountorslgno tho Bamo by attaching thoreto tho seal of said city, all on bolinlf of said city. Section 5. Tho rocordor of said city Is horoby directed to register said bonds and number tho samo on tho blank provldod thorofor In tho foro golng form In accordanco with Soctlon 2730 of said Codos and Statutes of tho Stato of Orogon. Soctlon C. Tho Rocordor of tho City of Medford Is horoby dlroctod to ndvortlso said Bonds for Balo and thnt tho samo will ho sold for tho highest price obtalnnblo, not loss than par and accrued lntorost, and In said advortlsomont ho shall announco that ho will rocolvo sealed proposals for tho purehaflo of said bonds or any portion theroot at his offlco at any tlmo boforo 4:30 p, m. on tho 7th day of Juno, 1910. Ho shall pub- Mali said ndvortlnoinont throo Union In a dally newspaper published and printed In said city, nnd shall sub mit tho seated proposals rocolvod In accordance with said advortlnometit to tho council at its next mooting thoro aftor. Tho foregoing ordlnnnco wan passed by the City Council of tho City of Medford, Oregon, on tho 17th day of May, 1910, by tho following voto, to-wlt: Welch, nyo; Merrick, ayo; Emorlclc, nyoj Wortmnn, ayo; Dummor, nyo, Elfort, nyo. Approved May 18, 1010. W. 11. CANON, Mayor. Attest: HOHT. W. TELFEU, City Recorder. Wright's Investments Milorn 7-rootu bungalow nnd 60x 200-foot lot on pavement, close in; nice shndo ami woll-kept grouiulu; n fino homo; $1750; tonus. Neat 5-rooin Iiouho, 2 fino lotH OOx 120, gronuds well improved, roses, berries, etc.; just off pavement; com fortably furuishoil; for $3700, good tonus. Nioo G-room cottage, fino barn nnd woodhouso, Home fruit treos bearing, GOxl-10-foot lot, on fino ntrcot; a bar gain nt $1000. 7-room houso nnd two 2-room housekeeping apartments, furnished, closo in ou beautiful otrout, income $05 por month; n gooil investment nt $1300, tonus. Fjno corner lot, closo to Oakdale, in good locnlity; for a few dnys .it $475. Some boautiful, viowy lots on East Main nt bnrgaiu pricos; don't fail lo lot us show thorn to you. You nrc euro to bo ploasod. J. BRUCE WRIGHT & CO. 132 Went Main. Phono 2001. 'I BE By unscrupulous poddlors who arc traversing tho country offering yon buggies, enrringes nnd hacks at prices which thoy claim to bo lower than our pricos nt home. Wo aro publishing this circular as advance notico thnt wo aro in position to moot any competitive pricos mndo by any foreign representations and will gunrantco to give you hotter goods for loss monoy. Rcmomhor, wo stand behind our goods with a strong per sonal gunranteo and make it good. Better patronizo homo dealers, whoro you know you will got fair treatment nnd any ropnirs can ho had prompt ly. Wo ship our goods diroct from tho factory, thereby securing lowest factory pricos and best carload freights. R. II. PRICIIARD & Co., Medford. HUBBARD BROS., Medford. EMIL PIEL, Ashland. FREEMAN & WILEY. Central Point. Eat at the Spot "We do not claim to put up the best 25c meal on the coast. There may bo better. Our aim is to put out just a little better than wo adver tise. Give us a call and be your own judge. The SPOT CAFE (Open Day and Night) TYRRELL BROS., Props A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 113 South Front Streot. Phone 2761. N CV earer?! PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work GUuruntood 1'riooH llouHonublo COFFEEN & PRICE I 11 North DSt.. Medford, W A N T E, D Timber and Coal Lands Engineering and Surveying Contracts Taken and Estimates Furnished B. H. HARRIS & CO. Medford, Oregon Office in Jaohion County Bnl(, Upstair Medford Iron WorRs E. E. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers nnd Machinery. Agonts in Southern Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. For Land that will cut six crops of alfalfa a year. U. S. Government irrigation. Jf you aro interested, address S. F EHORN & SON ORLAND, CALIF. STACEY'S Medford Auto Livery Fully equipped repair shop in connection. Automo bile sundries, Gasoline and Batteries. Agent for the famous FHtESTONE, AJAX AND HARTFORD TIRES. Ill East Eighth St. Phone Main 211 . Roanoke One of the Most Beauti ful Resident Sections of Medford Roanoke Addition is just far enough out to elim inate all noise and bustle of tho business section and yet it is just right for tho man who is in business. Only ten minutes' walk from tho railroad. This is becoming one of the most finished residonco districts of Medford. Tho lots all face on Main street and Rose avenue. Cement sidewalk all in. Sower and water mains laid Tho lots aro high and sightly, which gives them a great advantage. Building re strictions $2000. There aro already sovoral fino now cottages on tho property. Those lots aro quite largo, being 50x137, which gives plenty of room for garden and garage and other necessary buildings. Come and make your solcctions early, Pricos $735 to $750 for east and west front lots. J. W. DRESSIER AGENCY Selling Agents Roanoke Oro. LMionu 308 Sale Roanoke Roanoke ifeywu'- i 'rL