'-wT.-.$ajK-i,i;WitVWVM .aVm-"-i MISDEOftD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEPjTQRD, OREO ON, MONDAY, M "AY 23, 1910. B I II 1 - I - - - n ill T M " " ' " - fc-- t- . . - ' : t i . ' ii- ' -l-lllll TlllM iim n - n 'Hit I I . I 1 J Ihl fl r 3 f I ft tf CENSUS SHOWS II BIG INCREASE "Net Gain to State Will Be Approxi mately 260,000, Insuring a Third onBressmanOnly Unofficial Esti mates Possible at Present Time. Too Late to Classify Tho census enumeration of the stnto of Oregon, so fnr ns it enn bo confirmed bv officeis of tho census buronu, will show n population of 075,870. Tho net gain to the stntc will bo 202,343. An interesting feature- of tho re sult portains to the total number of ongrcssmon which will bo awarded to tho state, and tho possibility thnt Multnomah ounty will bo declared da separata congressional district. ltoprcscntntion in tho present con gress is on n basis of one member for each 194,000. Congress is likely to bo increased by tho addition of twen ty members on a total population of. 90.000.000 in the United States. On WANTED Poslt'on by sin uniuirrrtodi man, 32 years of age, with 12 yenr3 experience In dry cools, chocs, car pets and con'.n' JuYnUblugs. licet of roforoncco. Address Ilox 10, carol this office. 54 I FOR SALE At a bargain, ail "Acorn" stol ratce. with hot water fixtures, and a heating stovo, both good. U. G. Smith, Cor. Oakdaloi and Dakota rvenues. 59 THE OLIVER MEETINGS Three great services yesterday; SS00 raised for local expenses. Large audiences at all services. "Islah's vision of God" was the subject of tho morning dl&courso giv en by Dr. Oliver. Ho said In part: "Men see what they look for. Men nro cocking everything but the touch of God upon the lite. People do DE. OLIVER'S SUBJECT TONIGHT WILL BE The Sting of a Kiss EVERY MAN AND WOMAN IN MEDPORD SHOULD TONIGHT. HEAR HIM Splendid Song Service At Big Tabernacle N. Bartlett, near Jackson St. not see visions of God becauco they ihnt mt?n irniiM Im nn n hnsU of one are not lookins that way. At Spo- for each 215,000 people. Oregon would then gain a tlcnst one mem berr. In both congressional districts the work of tho field denumerntors is still in progress and will probably not hq concluded prior to Juno 1. At that .time all of tho remaining records will be boxed and shipped to Washington kano a brakeman was a godlcsn un believer, but one day In a wreck a car of wheat rolled over him, but It so, happened that the soft sround on the : embankment where It happened saved him from death, but ho was pinioned i thero by the weight and Injured. Aft terward he camo to confess Christ and said: 'When I was under that car for tabulation. Estimates furnished .1 thought that I ought to bo religious from Director Duranft of the census and give my lifo to Christ, and 1 am bureau, indicate that official f inures ! solng to do It.' ' lift --ii. .l.lt. A n - in iha rncnlt nf lio fnnnt will I wunu uue lur u uiuu as to not be avnilablo before October.. mcet wlttl ni "cement or mat Kinu u Practically tho entire gain made by ! t brings him a vision of Christ as his , tho state has been secured with the saviour. past four years. Beginning at Ash- "The curso of this community is land on tho south, Jackson ounty, I that the peonlo compare themselves Josephine, Douglas, Lane, Benton, Linn and Marion, located in tho rich, "valleys of tho Umpquua, Rogue 'and Willamette rivers, a largo interest in farming. West Coast countries have waited Jn a large measure the railroad devel opment necessary for reaching their harbors and handling dairy products but n clear gain in population hns been experienced, Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Curry and Coos show nn increase of from 25 per cent to 50 per cent, tho gain in Coos being the largest. Tho First Congressional district will have seven cities which exceed 5,000 population, Salem, Eugene, Al bany, Medford, Itoseburg, Ashland and Grants ' Pass. Oregon Cty and Corvallis arc clamoring for admission to the select circle. with themselves. The only standard by which a life can be rightly compar ed Is the ideal life of Jesus Christ. have awakened Neighbor, test your we by tne me oi horticulture and Jesus Christ. Get a vision of his glory." The afternoon sermon was on the evil of the social amusements. Dr. Oliver Is of the opinion that the dance ns conducted today Is demoralizing and deadening to the spiritual life. CHALLENGED Let the Truth Be Known The socialists of Medford chullengc am evangelist, lecturer, minister or law yer to meet their representative, William McDeavitt, of California on any local platform to debate the issue, " COMPETITION vs. SOCIALISM " or any similar issue named by said evangelist, lecturer, minister or lawyer. Tho socialists will defray all expenses. Subject for tonight "The Blessings of Competition" COME EVERYBODY. 7:30 P. M., NEAR DEPOT FATHER AND LOST SON ARE UNITED (and Confedorato nnnie'fl. No mom- Blue and Gray to Play Ball. SPOKANE. Wnsh., May '23. A .hers of oither twuti will bo less than" baseball gnmo will bo played here: 02 years of ago. Tho proceeds of I July 3, between tho "Blues" r.ml the tho gnmo will go to somo cL-rithblo "Grays, the veterans of the ninn institution. A 42-Piece Dinner Set For $3.75 Wo hnvo ;just eight fancy shaped blue and gold band decorated 12-iricco Dinner Sola that wo will put on Hale tomorrow at .$1175 per set. Take a look at thorn. It's tho biggest snap in town. Hand Painted Plates ANOTHER SNAP. About .100 of tho above on sale here tomorrow in G, 8 and 9-inch, two patterns to select from. Note the prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Ladies' Dutch Collars and Jabots, laco trimmed and fancy embroidered; a new, catchy line just in. Sale price, 25c Each Ladies9 Lace Hose Always popular for sum mer wear; an extra good value; black and art tans, 25c per pair Also a nice line in regular and outsizes at 50c WEED RAILR0A0D SUES FOR OVERPAID TAXES YREKA, Cal., May 23. The Cali- The promiscuous dance, when pure ..,. . , . women are put into the arras ot lid-i Child Found by Police on Saturday entlous men, 13 tho beginning of tho , fall of thousands. He has no more respect, for ono kind of gambler than mother. The gambler at bridge whist Is the same at heart as that which is, done In the lowest dives of vice. The j place does not change the character of tho gambling. life Is not to bo , trifled away. Life Is no Joke, Is Returned to His Father Negli gence of Elder Brotherr Respon sible for Loss of Youngster. fomia Northeastern Railway Com pany, which is better known ns the Weed railroad, has sued Siskiyou County for $19,339.09, with interest and costs, which will approximate $20,000, for taxes that the company alleges it has overpaid. The complaint, which was filed din the Clerk's office yesterday, alleges that in Stay, 1909, the company's property was assessed at a valuation of $1,349,740, and that the assess ment is erroneous inasmuch as the "lands were not separately assessed; the improvements are not assessed separately from tho lands; tho de scription of tho lands asscsed are not definite enough so as to identify them and that the lands are not assessed in legal subdivisions of not moro than 040-ncro tracts; that the value of tho lands is $0,047.70, and tho value of tho improvements $339,900." DE LESSEPS SHOT IN DUEL OVER WOMAN The small boy picked up by the police late Saturday evenintr near the At the evening service Dr. Oliver baseball grounds has been returned took as his text Proverbs 29:1 "He' Jo his falher b. tfae Uce who Buc that being often reproved hardeneth ',,..... ,m ,. his neck shall suddenly be destroyed,, ceeded f loca m- Ihe nh' and that without remedy." .- u .ui. - Dr. Oliver said In part: "A man Is i ' '- js- not a thief by accident. He Is a thief . ster, The childd proved to be tho young jest of a family of nine, tho mother being dead. The boy during tho after noon was placed in the churge of an elder child and sent out to play. The big brother ran away and tho little jtot was unable to find his way home I again. He was not missed until the In wealth 'amy returned lato in tho evening iro mone ox tne snows down town. PARIS, May 23. Lieutenant Is jnaol Do Losseps, second son of Fer dinand Do Lessops, originator of tho Panama Canal project, and undo of Jacques Do Lesseps, who on Satur day crossed abovo tho English chan nel in an aeroplane, was seriously wounded in u duel hero today. Tho lieutonunt was shot by tho Count Do Poligny at tho Pare Do Princess in tho second round of tho duel, Tho duellists quarreled over a woman. PULLMAN ENJOINS LOWER BIRTH RATE by design. Ho made himself a thief. A splendid noble woman is not a pleco of chance work; It is tho result of the integrity of her heart, and tho sovereignty of her will. Neighbor, hear me! If you aro not a Christian tonight It Is because you don't want to bo one. "If you have anythln rf !. nVilllfv In tno nor.in n find i?Iva i it to Jesus Christ tonight. Tho tejctH was M Into that night, but Is God's warning to tho sinner of ns he 8 ,"s,leeP nder tho Protect; impendlng danger. There Is a time lnK roof, f Ch,ef JJieoror ho was not when the only manly thing to do Is to - returned homo until next morning, flee from danger. In Oklahoma when I .M IUwCCTIn.TC tho great flood wj on, a trestle, car-,1 ,u INVfc&llbAlfc rylng the railroad over a great chasm, I MAINE DISASTER AGAIN was wlpel out. A ro'I'ent near heard tho crash aB It wont out. He WASHINGTON, D. C, May 23. knew that the express was soon ex- According to rumors current here, ectcd. Ho took his lantern and stood Spain may demand n second investi on the track to glvo tho signal of gation of the destruction of tho bat danger. The headlights appeared, tleship Maine. It is reported that the signal of danger was v;aved across 'leading naval officers in Madrid have the track Tho engineer otopped tho ' prepared a report giving tneir opinion WASHINGTON, D. C, May 23. Hearing on tho application of tho application of the Pullman Company for n writ of injunction ngainBt the recent order of tho interstate com tnerco commission reducing sleeping car rates on tho roads running west from Chicago to Seattle, will begin in Chicago next Wednesday and at St. Paul Saturday. The home-wacters aro reading and answering ads today! train and camo forward and thanked tho man for tho signal of danger. It saved his lifo and that of the pas songers aboard his train. God Is giv ing tho daLgor signal to tho sinner tonight. Sudden death stall come upon tho wicked. Tho wages of sin Is death. Hear me! There is a time coming when you will not have a chance to say yes to God's opportu nities, for you will havo passed tho deadline. "It matters very Httlo about your boasted morality If you accept not Josuq Christ. Many aro saying: 'Bleed on, thou crucified Christ, It mutters not to mo.' Neighbor, let me toll you, in tho Judgment you will care. Sudden destruction without remedy will bo your portion." Tonight tho Bubject la "Tho Sting of a Kiss." This Is tho last week of tho great meetings. Haskins for Health. Kaiser Off for Home. LONDON, May 23. Kaiser Wil helm left London today for Shorness, whore ho will bonrd tho royal yncht Holienzollern and sail for Germany. Tho noheiizollcrn has been lying nt Sherness since May 18, when it brought tho Kaiser to Englnnd to at tend tho funeral of his uncle, King Edwnrd. of the cause of the disaster. The Spanish experts hold that tho Maine wns destroyed becauso of sponta neous combusion in tho powder mag azine, and it is reported that this opinion will bo formally presented to the Spanish to supply n basis for a demand on the United States for a second investigation. Tho re port it is declared will bo forwarded to Washington in case an effort is mado to rniso tho Mnino. No official report of this intention has been received here. YAKIMA SENDS FOUR CARS OF FIGHT FANS NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., May 23. At least four car loads of fight fans will leave North Yakima late in June for San Francisco to attend ,tho Jeffries-Johnson fight. Two cars will bo reserved for no froes and two curs for tho whites. Necessary arrangements for tho trip will be made with tho Northorn Pacific road. SYNOPSIS OP T1IK AX.NTAL STATKMKNT OF TIIK PACIFIC SURETY CO. of San Francisco, in (ho State of California, mi thu .lint iLty of DocoiuImt, 1000, inndu to th Insurance Commissioner of tlio Stnto of Oregon, purnimut to law: CAPITAL Amount of capltcl paid up $250,000.00 INCOME Premiums received during tho year $108, 005. 3G Interest, dividends nin! rents received during tho year 21,752.82 Income from other sources rccolved during tho year 873.22 Total Incomo 4 130.C31.-in IHSIlUIiSRMKNTS. Losses paid during tho year, Including adjust ment oxpenses, etc 07,322,92 Dividends paid during tho yenr on capital stock 16,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during tho year. . 44,738. CG Taxes, licenses nnd fees paid during tho year. . . 3,230.53 Amount of all other expenditures 17,004.20 Total expenditures , $147,890.30 ASSETS. j Valuo of real estate owned 4,500,00 Value of stocks and bonds owned 2C8.510.45 Loans on mortgage? and collateral, etc 0C.024.8C Cash In banks nnd on hand 85,001.34 Premiums In courso of collection nnd In trans- mission 14,420.41 Intorest and rents duo and accrued 0,078,59 Total assets 445, 495. C5 Less special deposits in any stato (If any thero bo) nono Total assots admitted in Oregon 445, 495. C5 LIAHILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid r 8,233.33 Amount of unearned premiums on nil outstanding rlskB 55,547.03 Duo for commission and brokorngo 3,515.84 All other liabilities 3,003.07 Total litbllltlcs . . 70,300.47 Total premiums in forco Dccembor 31; 1909 110,450.98 IIUSINESS IN OKEOON FOR THE YEAIt Total risks written during tho year .' . 231,500,00 Gross premiums rccolved during tho year 355.10 Premiums returned during tho year 33.58 Losses paid during tho year nono Losses Incurred during tho year nono Total amount of promlums outstanding In Oregon Docombor 31,1909 202.25 PACIFIC SURETY COMPANY. By A. P. ItEDDINO, Socrotnry Statutory rosidont floral agon' a'nd attornoy for sorvlce: II. B. THIELSEN, Salem, Oregon. Xote: Special deposits not held for tho protection ot all tho policy holders of tho company cannot bo admitted as an assot and Included In tho published statement, except tlip deposit with tho Stato Treasurer for tho protection of Oregon policy holders only, AVo nro also showing a nice lino of Indies' Sinnnior Vests, Union Suits, etc., perhaps not tho largest line in town, but wo bolieve you will agree with us thoy are the best values in the city. 1000 BOXES FANCY BOX WRITING PAPER AND ENVELOPES 20c to $1.00 $35.00 WRITING DESK FREE. HUSSEY'S m.a GENEVA WANTS TO BE 'in fiu-or of elevating to tho proui- SUNDAY SCHOOL CAPITAL denoy Dr. (korgo W. Hailoy, prwoiil chairman of tho executive committee. WASHINGTON, I). C, May 23. Gouovn, Switzerland, leads in tho race of tho foreign capitals for the honor of securing tho world's Sun day School convention three yenrt hence. Thu committee which hurt tho matter in churuo will make itH re port tomorrow when tho election of officers nlpo takes place. There is a Tho tar feature of tho convention wan the election of tho following to lifo inumborHliip in tho association, each costing $1,000: Prosidout and Mrs. Tnft, olonel Theodore HooHovult. King George of England, 1'roHidout Dinr. of .Mexico, William .1. llryiui of" Nebraska and Dr. II. V. Meyer of Kugland, the letiring President of tho I'onveition, Dr. and Mrs. O. W, Hailoy Htronir sentiment iiinonir tho dnloL'iiten'niul W. Poarco. n prominent worker. 4 . Is "trouble browing In tho k!tchon7" WoJI there's tho want ad way of get ting "help," Hnokins for Health.. Real Cut Glass The finest assortment of Hawko'a Gut Glass ovor shown in Mod ford Glass that is cut from tho solid blank. Evory pieco bears tho trade mark, MARTIN J. REDDY Jewaler, nsr P. O. Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southern Pacitic TO Chicago (LINES IN OREGON) RATES $72.50 Council Bluffs $00.00 Omaha .......... $60.00 Kansas City ............J....$60.00 at, Joseph .m....m.............mmM p(KJ.lH Ovi AilU .....M....M.................w...........t,pOw,ww St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90 Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 Duluth, direct $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will bo on sale May 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. The abovo rates apply from Portland only. From points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24,75 higher than fares via direct routes, ' Ten days provided for tho going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. Final return limit throe months from date of sale, but not later than Oc tober Sist. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM, MoMTJRRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon