Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 23, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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' I
Through the Wall
Copyright, 1905, by D. Apploton & Co.
onArxER xix.
COQOE.NH.'8 UOTltnil.
i- m ncconlnticc with orders Papa
III Tlgnol nppcarcd at the Tilla
I X I Wontmorcncjr betimes the next
' ' morning.
"Ah, Papa Tlgnol J" said M. Paul as
the old man entered, but thcro was no
heartiness in his tone. "Sit down, sit
down." Coquenll was packing a bag.
"la anything wrong?" he asked final
ly. "Why cp why, yes," nodded Co
juentl. "Going away?" ho ventured.
"!, I I'm going away."
The dctectlvo leaned back and closed
his eyes. He looked worn and gray.
M. I'aul opened his eyes and said in
a dull tone, "Did you take the girl to
Pougeot last night?"
"as; she's all right"
"Goodl And you showed her the
The old man nodded. "She under
stands; she will be careful, but there's
nothing for her to worry about now,
la there?"
Coquenll's face darkened. "You'd
better let me hare the ring before I
forget It"
"Thanks!" lie slipped the old talis
man on bis finger, and then, after a
troubled pause, he said, "There Is
more for her to worry about than
"Mora? Tou mean on account of
"But he's caught; he's In prison."
The detective shook his head. "He's
aot In prison."
"Not In prison?'
"He was set at liberty about about
S o'clock this morning."
The old man scratched his head in
perplexity. "I didn't know anybody
was too Important to be tried for mur
der." MHe can't be tried until he's com
mitted for trial by a Judge."
"Well? And Hautevllle?"
"Because Hautevlll has been remoy
d from office."
"His commission was revoked this
morning by order of the minister of
Coquenil nodded and then added sor ser sor
eowfully: "And you. too. my poor
friend. Every one who has had any
thing to do with this case, from the
highest to the lowest, will suffer."
"Whe-ewt He must be a senator
or or something like that?"
"Much more," said Coquenll grimly.
Coquenll pointed to his table, where
a book lay open. "Do you see that red
book? Ifs tho Annualre de la No
blesse Francalse. Yon'll find his name
there marked with a pencil."
Tlgnol glanced at the printed page,
and tbero came over bis face an ex
pression of utter amazement
"It isn't possible!" he cried.
Then slowly in awestruck tones the
old man read from the great authority
on French titles:
Baron Felix ftaoul de Heldelmann
Brock, only son of the Baron Georges
Raoul de Heldelmann-Bruck. upon whom
the title was conferred for Industrial ac
tivities under the second empire. B. Jan.
19, ISO. lieutenant In the Forty-fifth
cuirassiers, now retired. Has extensive
Iron and steel works near St. Ktlenne;
also naval construction yards at Brest
Member of the Jockey club, the Cercle
de la Rue Royale. the Yacht Club of
France, the Automobile club, the Aero
club, eta Decoratiens: Commander of the
Legion of Honor, the Order of St. Mau
rice and Lazare (Italy), the Order of
Christ (Portugal), etc. Address: Paris.
Hotel Rue de Yarennes chateau, near
Langler. Touralne. Married Mrs. Eliza
beth Coocan, who perished with her
daughter, Mary, In the charity bazaar flro.
"You see, ifs all there," said 11
Paul "His name Is Raoul and his
wlfft"B name was Margaret She died
In tho charity bazaar fire, and bis
stepdaughter Mary la put down as
having died there too. Wo know
where she is."
"This will rip things wide, wide
open," said TIgnoL
The detective shook bis head. "It
won't rip anything open. How can I
'prove It? The courts are closed against
me. And even If they weren't do you
suppose- it would be possible to convict
the Baron do neidelmann-Druck of
any crime? Nonscnsel He'B the most
powerful man In France. Ho controls
tho bnnks, the bourse, the government
Be can cause a money panic by lifting
his hand. He can upset tho ministry
"by a word over tho telephone."
Coquenll lighted a cigarette and
breathed In the smoke deeply.
"Papa Tlgnol," he said, "I am
through with this case."
Tlgnol bounded to his feet, and bis
little eyes Hashed indignantly. "I don't
believe ltl" ho cried. "I won't have It!
You can't tell mo Paul Coquenll Is
afraid. Are you afraid?"
"I don't think so."
"And Paul Coquenll can't bo bought,
can bo?"
"I hope not"
M, Paul felt In bis coat pocket and
drew out a folded telegram. "Read
that, old friend," be answered with
Slowly Tlgnol read:
M. Paul Coquenll, Villa Montmorency,
Paris; House and barn destroyed by In
cendlary tiro In night Your mother saved,
but seriously Injured. M. Abel says in
surance policy had lapsed. Come at once.
"And you you
claimed the old man.
think it's his doing?"
"Of course. They had warned me,
they had killed my dog, and and now
they have struck at my mother." He
bent down his head on his bands.
"She's all I've got Tlgnol; she's soven
ty years old and luflrui. and no, no, I
quit, I'm through!"
"And the insurance?" Tlgnol asked
presently. "What does that mean?"
"I sent the renewal money to this
lawyer Abel," answered Coquenll In
a dull toue. "They have used him
against me to to take my savings."
There followed three days of pitiful
anxiety for Coquenll at his strlcVen
mother's side. Mine, Coquenil. bow
ever, never wavered In her sweet faith
that all was well. She was comfort
able now In tho home of a hospitable
Finally Coquenll told her ell of the
murder of Martinez and of the ad
ventures that had befallen hjm In his
quest of the slayer. The old woman
would not listen to her son's stopping
his hunt because of any danger that
might threaten her, and she Insisted
that It was his duty to track down the
guilty man. Coquenll pondered over
the situation for a day nud a night
The next morning be came again to
his mother's bedside with his old
buoyant smile, and after loving greet
ings he said simply: "It's all right
little mother; I see my way. I'm go
ing to take the chance, and." he nod
ded confidently, "between you and me.
think I hare discovered the tcay to tcin
this flght against the most potcerful forces
in all France."
Starting on his newly outlined cam
paign against the false nobleman. Co
quenll succeeded in having himself
employed as a stableman at bis luxu
rious establishment on the Rue de
Varennes. Next, by a Judiciously ex
pended bribe, be gained tho aid of a
bewhlskered flunky whs was one of
the household attendants and who
kept him informed as to the going and
coming of the master of the house.
Thus It came to pass that on a certain
night In August about 2 o'clock In the
morning. Paul Coquenll found himself
alone in the baron's spaclou3, silent
library before a massive safe. An ex.
perienced burglar chaser naturally be
comes a bit of a burglar himself. At
any rate, the safe swung open In due
course, without accident or Interfer
ence, and the. detective, stood, before it
(To Be Continued.),
oast along said north lino of sal
section 3G and tho prosont boundary
of said city, to plnco of cominonco
nunt; nil in Jackson county, Uicgon.
Tho following arc heroby doslg-
tinfrwl nn tho nlnrps In nnlil oltv nt
which tho polls will bo open within
'said city:
First ward Commercial ciuh
Second ward Nash hotol.
Third ward City hall.
Tho following is horoby designated
as tho placo In the territory abovo
described at which tho polls will o
Fourth houso from south city
limits, on west sldo of county rond
ex'oculng sttth from tht crc of
Newtown streot in raid city.
Tho following havo been and horo
by are, appointed and designated
as Judges and clorks of said olectlon:
First ward in said city L. L. Da
mon, Judgo; O. P. Lindloy, Judgo and
clerk; C. W. Davis, Judgo nnd clerk.
Second ward in said city L. B.
Warner Judgo; J. Bolllngor, Judge
and clerk; William Ulrlck, Judgo and
Third ward in said city M. F. Mc
Cown, Judgo; Scott Davis, judgo and
clerk; H. B. Cndy, Judge ai4 clerk.
In tho territory horototoro des
cribed C. W. Rtnaborgor, Judge; R.
A. Johnson, Judgo and clork William
Murray,. Judge and clerk.
The electors of said city of Med
ford, and tho electors of tho terri
tory hereinbefore described, are
horoby Invited to voto on said prop
osition by placing upon tholr ballots,
"for annexation" or "against annex
ation" or words equivalent thereto.
Resolved further, that this aotlco
bo published In tho dally Mall Tri
bune, a newspaper of general clrcu
lrL'on In sail city of Medfo-d, and In
territory abovo described, for a por
ted of four weeks prior to such elec
tion, nnd also four ropies thereof bo
posted in four public places la said
city, and four public place within
the territory abovo described, for a
like period, by the city recorder or
under his direction.
The fpresolng resolution wns
passed on the 19th day of April,
1910, by tho following vote:
Merrick, ayo; Emerlck. absent;
Wortman, aye; Elfort, ayo; Dom
mer, aye; Welsh, aye.
Approved, April 20, 1910.
City Recorder.
tin obligation of tho City of Mctltonl,
ntorosnld, and la not to io deemed or
taken to bo within or any part of tho
limitation by law as to tho liulohtoiV
H088 of Raid city, and It Is Mrthor
certified that nil roqulromontH of law
havo boon fully compiled with by
tho proper of fleet a lit tho Issuing of
this bond, and that tho totnl amount
of this Issue dues not exceed tho limit
proscribed by tiald art
This Bend Is redeemable oC- tho
office of nald Treasurer at tho option
of tho City of Mcitrord upon tho pay
ment of tho fnco value thereof, with
accrued Interest to tho dnto of pay
ment at any sotul-nniiunl coupon
period nt or after ono year from tho
dnto hereof, as provided In said act.
For tho fulfillment of tho condi
tions of this obligation tho fnlth and
credit of tuo City of M oil ford aro
heroby pledged.
Bend has boon signed by tho Mayor
and attested by tho Recorder of said
City of Medford and tho corporate
seal of tho City of Medford hereto
afflxod this dn of A. 1).
Recorder of tho City of Medford.
Section 3. Each of Bald bonds
shall have attached thereto twenty
coupons, each of which shall ho In
tho following form'
State of Oregon,
Will pay to tho hearer Dollars
In Gold Coin of the United States
of America, at tho office of tho Trcns
urer of said City, on tho day of
, being six months Interest on
Improvement Bend No. , unless
said bond Is sooner redeomed as
therein provided, which redemption
will render this coupon void.
Mriorn 7-voom liuiiRnlow nml COx
200-foot lot on imvoiuout, oloso in;
nice shade mid well-kept grounds' ii
fine homo; $4750; tonus.
Noivt u-rootn Iiouho, 15 fine loin COx
120, grounds well improved, roHos,
borrioH, olo.; just off pnvoinont; com
fortnbly furnished; for $3700, good
Nioo C-room oottngo, fine barn nml
woodlioiiHO, somo fruit trcos benrinj?,
f)0xl'10-foot lot, on fino street', n bar
gain nt $lfJ00.
7-room houso nml two 2-room
housekeeping npnrtments, furnished,
close in on beautiful stroot, income
$05 per month; n good invoatmont nt
$1300, tonus.
Pine uornor lot, oloso to Onkdnlo,
in good locality; for n fuw tlnys at
Somo bonutiful, viowy lots on Eiiht
Mnin nt bnrgmn prices; don't fail lo
let us bIiow thorn to you. You nre
suro to bo plonsod.
132 Wont Main. Phono 2001.
Recorder of tho City of Medford.
Said coupons shall be numbered
from one to twenty respectively.
Section I. Tho mayor of said city
Is hereby authorized and directed
to sign said Bonds nnd tho City Re
corder to counterslgne tho same by
attaching thereto tho seal of said
city, all on behalf of said city.
Section 5. Tho recorder of said
city Is hereby directed to register said
bonds nnd number the same on tho
blnnk provided therefor In tho foro-f
going form In ncrordancn with Section
All Work Guaranteed Prioofl KuiiBomiblo
11 North B St., Medford, Oro.
IMionu 30!!
Timber and Coal Lands
Engineering and Surveying Contracts
Token and Estimates Furnished
Medford, Oregon
Office In Jacltton County HnK, Upstair
Hy unscrupulous peddlers who nre
traversing tho country offering you
buggicB, carriages and linokn nt
prices which tlioy claim to be lower
than our prices nt homo. Wo nre
publishing this circulnr as advance
notice that wo aro in position to
Medford Iron Works
IS. E. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers nnd Machinery. Agonta in Southern Ore
gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & 00.
oitniNWN'cn xo. sao.
An ordinance authorizing tho Issu
ance of $33,000.00 of tho Improve
ment Bonds of the city of Medford,
Jnckson county, Oregon, and direct
ing the advertising of the same for
sale In accordance with Capter V of
Title XXVII of Bellinger & Cotton's
Annotated Codes and Statutes of tho
State of Oregon.
The city of Medford doth ordain
as follews:
Section 1. Whereas, tho city of
Medford has heretofore duly caused
certain streets of said city to bo Im
meet any compotitivo prices mndo by
2730 of snld Codes and Statutes of! any foreign representations and will
the State of Oregon.
Section C. The ltecorder of the
City of Medford Is hereby directed
to ndvertlso snld II o mis for tnlo and
that the same will he sold for tho
highest price obtainable, not less than
par and accrued Interest, and In snld
advertisement ho shall announce that
ho will receive sealed proposals for
tho purchase of said bonds or any
portion thei'eof nt his office at any
time hoforo 4:30 p. m. on tho 7th
day of June, 1910. He shall pub
lish said advertisement three times
In n dally newspaper published and
printed In said city, and shnll sub
guarantee to givo you better goods I
for less inonoy. Itemombcr, we stand J
behind our goods with n Btrong per-
sonnl gunrnnteo and make it good.
Better patronize homo dealers, where
you know you will got fair trontmont
nnd nny repairs can bo had prompt
ly. Wo ship our goods direct from
tho factory, thorcby securing lowest
fnctory pricos nnd best cnrlond
R. II. PRICiIARD & Co., Medford.
proved, and has duly assessed tholmlt the scaled prpposals received In EMIL PIEL Ashland
cost thereof to the property benoflted accordance with said advertisement to ' pnppr '. wit rv' n
thereby in accordance with the char- the council at Its next meeting there-!1 "i-"" lV mijrii, ue
33,000.00 CITY OP MEDFORD !
The city council of tho city of Mod
ford, Oregon, will receive sealed pro
posals for $33,000.00 of city of Med
ford, Oregon, six per cent, ten year
Improvement bonds.
Bids to Lo filed with the city re
corder not later than 4:30 o'clock
p. m. June 7th, 1910, and to bo ac
companied by a certified check equal
to five per cent of the amount bid
for; check to bo made payable to the
city treasurer of said citv.
City Recorder.
TORS. The city council of tho city of Med
ford, Oregon, will receive sealed pro
posals for tho grading of Knight
street, from Vermont avenue west to
tho oast boundary line of Falrmount
addition. Wrlto to or call on tho city
engineer for further particulars.
All bids to bo filed with tho city
recorder of said city beforo 4:30 p.
m., June 7th, 1910, and bo accom
panied by a certified check equal to
five per cent of the amount bid for;
chock to be made payable to tho city
treasurer of tho city of Medford.
City Recorder.
Be It resolved by the city council
of the city of Medford, Oregon
That notice Is hereby given
that a special election In and for
the city of Medford, and In and for
tho territory hereinafter described,
has been ordered by Bald council to
bo held, and the same will be bold
on the 24th day of May, 1910, be
tween the hours of 9 o'clock, tu m.
and 5 o'clock p. m for tho purpose
of submitting to the qualified elect
ors of said city at said oloctlon the
following tuestiea:
Shall the boundaries of tho city of
MCuford be uttered by Including
therein the following described ter
ritory, to-wlt:
Commencing at the northeast cor
nor of section 36, township 87,
range 2 west of tho Wlllaaetto mer
idian; thonce south on the east lime
of said section 36 to tho morth line
of donation land claim No. 85, 1b
Bald town and range; thonco west
along tho north line of said dona
tion land claim No. 85 amd donation
land claim No. 84, of said twn and
range to tho northwest cornor of
said donation land claim N. 84;
ter of said city;
And whereas, certain owners of
sundry pieces of property each as
sessed for such Improvement in a sum
flrppAfllnir twpntv.flvn ilnllnrs. hnvn
'duly made and filed application to
pay said several assessments In in
stallments, In accordance with sec
tion 2727 of said Bollinger & Cot
ton's Annotated Codes and Statutes;
And, whereas, an assessment and
bond lien docket has been duly made
up In accordance with tho provls.oh
of said section nnd of Section 2728
of said Codes and Statutes, and the
total amount of unpaid assessments
for such street improvements and for
which application to pay under tho
provisions of said sections abovo cited '
has been made nnd filed as aforesaid
Is the sum of $33,000.00 dollars, as
shown hy said bond lien docket;
Now, therefore, said city of Med
ford doth ordain ns aforosald that
there is hereby authorized to bo i
issued the bonds of said city In the!
total amount of $33,000.00 dollnrs.
in denominations of two hundred and ,
fifty and five hundred dollars each, as ,
may bo convenient.
Section 2. Said bonds shall bo ,
made In the following ferm: )
$ No.
Jackson County.
State of Oregon.
PRESENTS, That tho City of Med
ford in tho County of Jackson, State
of Oregon, for value received, here
by agrees and promises to pay tho
bearer tho sum of Dollars
In Gold Coin of tho United States
of America, on tho presentation and
surrender of this obllcatlon on the
day of , in tho year of
The foregoing ordinance wns
passed by tho City Council of tho
City of Medford, Oregon, on tho 17th
day of May, 1010, by tho following
vote, to-wlt:
Welch, aye; Merrick, ayo; Emerlck,
aye; Wortman. nyo; Demmer, ayo,
Elfert, aye.
Approved May 18. 1910.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER,
City Recorder
A liiihlnfM Directory of each Cllr, I
Tnun nml MIUko in ()rrim r.nil if
m MiifchlnKhm, Kltluj: n ilrorriptivn IS
hkrlih uf rnrll jilnrr, liritllun,
MilpiilnR rurlllllr unit n CliiU
m rinl lllrrrlnry uf null Jltitlnn
m mid rru'mlun. H
m it. l. rone a ro., inc.
he (Mc, Wnoli. JH
thnnrn nnrth to the north line of said
ooMtnn QA Kafna. thn nvanAnf linimd.
;puol rnaJheur! 9uelmabeun" ex- Rry of 8sJd cUy of tyedf0r(i. thence proved February 28th, 1901, and Is
our Lord Ono Thousand Nine Hun
dred and , without grace, with In
terest thereon from tho date hereof
until redeomed, or until tho time of
tho semi-annual Intorest payment
next ensuing tho publication of no
tice by tho City of Medford that thlH
bond will be taken up and cancolled
and that intorest thoreon will cease
at tho interest payment period next
following such publication, at tho
rate of b!x per cent per annum, pay
able semi-annually, In like coin on
tho .... day of and
year, on tho presentation and sur
render of tho proper coupons there
to annexed, principal and Interest
navablo at the office of tho treasurer
of tho City of Medford.
ThlB Bend Is ono of a series author
ized by nn Act of tho Legislative As
sembly of tho Stato of Oregon, en
titled "An Act to provide for tho
Issuance of Bonds for tho Improve
ment of Streets nnd tho laying of
Sowers in Incorporated Cities and for
tho payment of tho cost of such im
provements and laying of Bowers by
installments," filed in tho offlco of
tho Secretary of Stnto February 22nd,
1893, ns amended by an Act ontltlod
"An Act to Amend Section 1, 2, 3,
4. 5. 6 and 7 of an Act ontltlod 'An
Act to provide for tho Issuanco of
Bonds for tho Improvement of streots
nnd laying of Bewerfl In Incorporated
cities, and for tho payment of tho
cost of such improvements and lay
ing of sowors by Installments,' filed
In tho offlco of tho Secretary of
Stato. February 22nd, 1803,'" ap-
No job too small, none too
large. Twenty-five y ears'
practical experience.
Office 1 13 South Front Street.
Phone 2751.
When you buy roofing be sure
to remember that
Rex Flintkote
has three important
Its FHnl Coaling which
Coes next to the
Its PalmiidCipi which
give an extra thick
ness at all seams.
Its Special Formula Cement which
makes a permanent bond at
laps and butts.
Come and sec for yourself.
Cuntrnl Point.
Formerly Hotf U SUnfonl nrwl fit. IWryl, Pnwll
Rtrct, nrar (imry, adjoining llot'l Manx. Take
Hotel Manx llu,or Murkrl titrrrt Can, lren(rr
to IWrll. Meal houMi nml location (or Utiles
biting tho cltyalotio.
For Sale
Land that will cut six crops of alfalfa a year. U.
S. Government irrigation. Tf you aro interested,
iMaking Pure
Is a
yZJrMoiltrn Siceett
A Mission ltljllkd
I'atronin the "Modern Dealer"
Utiitt CoMtcUiMry C., Ml,, ?erUt4, OrtfM
m WTt iiaMiia
Medford Auto Livery
Fully equipped repair shop in connection. Automo
bile sundries, Gasoline and batteries. Agent for tho
Ill East Eighth St. Phono Main 211 .
Siskiyou Nnturnl Mineral Wntor,
bottled at tho Bpring by J. M.
Wajjnor n clour, sparkling,
hcnUh-Kivintf drink. Delivorod to
your homo by
B. C. BIGHAM, Anent.
TheOnlr Woman' CaWmm nn lha
1'aiiflc Cout lUcluiUtlr
for Youne Women
LocitcJ amonil t lie lnutiful
lull near OalUnJ. California.
'auMwasr cloac lo San PranciVcu and th
turn drcat Univrreitica of tte Writ,
I7..1I ...II...!-. lJ! ..
IU ' uii tu.iryiaic cuuih ivauipy
lo ittitt, Entrance anJ graduation requirement
equivalent to tlioee of Stanford and Univeraity
I of California. Training fit atudent for teaching
regular lines ol academic work, and oflera apccial
advantagea (or muaie, art. library atudy and
home economic. Well equipped laboratoric for
cience. Special attention to health of atudenta.
Modern gymnaiium thoroughly equipped. Out
door life and aoiu tement in th ideal California cli
mate. Alumnae in every city on the Pacific CoaiU
For Cataloqux Aoaaisa
One of the Most .Beauti
ful Resident Sections
of Medford
Roanoke Addition is just far enough out to elim
inate all noiso and bustlo of the business section and
yet it is just right for tho man who is in business.
Only ten minutes' walk from tho railroad. This is
becoming ono of the most finished residonco districts
of Medford. Tho lots all face on Main streot and
Rose avenue. Cement sidewalk all in. Sower and
water mains laid Tho lots aro high and sightly,
which gives thorn a great advantage. Building re
strictions $2000. There are alroady sovoral fino now
cottages on tho property. These lots aro quite largo,
being 50x137, which gives plenty of room for gardon
find garage and other necessary buildings.
Come and make your selections early. Prices $735
to $750 for east and west front lots.
Selling Agents
rkw- .
rf --,
v. - . , .,
.. Vn M-'i Ai m,
iiVH.. ,