Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 23, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail Tribune
Serles: Thirty-ninth Year;
Dally, Fl rth JTenr.
A ponanlldnllnn of the Mcdfonl Mall.
ubllihed 1889: the Southern Ore-
fsnian, cstnbltahed 1902: the Democratic
Imos, CRtnbllahod 1872; tho Ashland
Tribune catnbllshcd 18JS, and tho Mrd
lord Tribune, catabllghod 1908.
QEOKOR rUTNAM. Editor and Manager
Entered na accond-claas matter No
vember 1, 1909, at tho poatofflco at
Medford. Oregon, under the act of
March 3, 1879.
Off Iclal Taper of the City of Medford.
tttraRtmrp-riOKr utii.
One year by mall 15.00
One month by mall 50
Per month, delivered by carrier, tn
Medford, Aahland, Jacksonville.
Talent. Phoenix, Central Point,
Gold Hill and woodvlllo .50
Sunday only, by mall, per year... 2.90
Weekly, one year..... 1.50
Vail Seated.
Wire TTnlted Preas
Tho Mall Trlbuno la on sale at the
Ferry Nowa Stand. San Francisco.
Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland.
Bowman News Co., Portland, Or.
TV. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash.
Hotel Spokano Nowa Stand. Spokane.
Posts KaUa.
6 to 12-page, paper..... .......lo
12 to 2 4 -pa go paper 2o
24 to 36-page paper 2c
Averago Dally for
November, 1909. ... ...... .......
December, 1909
January. 1910..
February. 1910
(Arch. i9io .....-....--.
jltjux, visuuAaxiua.
&.......... -3U0
S........ 2,350
... 3,300
6 2,300
.....-.... 3UU
8 2,300
10 2,350
11 2,300
12. 2.300
IS 2.300
14 2.300
IS 2.325
lli4tti t M
IS 2,325
20 2,325
21 2.325
ZZ Z,3atO
24 2,400
25 2.350
26 3.450
27 2,350
IS 2.350
29 2,350
Total 58,325
Lesa deductions 800
Average net dally. 3,301
County of Jack-
son. as.
On thla 30th day of ApriL. 1910.
personally appeared before me. O. Put
nam, manager of the Medford Mall Tri
bune, who, upon oath, acknowleurea that
the above figures aro true and correct.
(Seal) H. N. TOCKET.
Notary Public for Oregon.
nzoroBS. OBxctoir.
Metropolis of Soutnern Oregon and
Northern California and fasteat-grow-Ing
city in Oregon.
Population. May, 1910, 9,000.
Bank deposits, .82,500.000.
Banner fruit city of ureon Rogue
River apples won sweepstakes prise and
title of
"Apple Xing of the WnU"
at National Apple Show, Spokane. 1909.
Rogue River pears brought hlghtest
rices in cji markets or tho world aur-
Ing the past five years.
write Commercial Club, enclosing
cento for postage on finest community
pamphlet ever written.
Pure -water in 60 days.
the good old summer time
Medford makes a good showing in
the census, even if a lot of people
"were missed. They always are.
PRESIDENT LOUIS AY. HILL of tho Grout Northern
railroad was given an auto rido of 90 miles through
tho Rogue River valley. He saw enough of it to convince
him that it was tho richest valley in tho world. Yet he
only saw a portion. Ho could keep an auto going for a
week and then not sco all tho valloy.
Only a small part of the valley is developed on account
principally of lack of people, lack of capital, lack of trans
portation. Groat opportunities aro presented for profit
to the promoters of various enterprises. No section of fcrs
more, for most of the natural resources aro in a virgin
Although the placers of southern Oregon have pro
duced a hundred million dollars in gold, mining is still in
its infancy. The ground has only been scratched.
Vast forests of timber await tho manufacturer. The
Pacific & Eastern will furnish tho necessary transporta
tion that will enable the manufacture of lumber upon a
large scale, and if the owner's of forest land do not take
advantage of it, taxes on timber should be increased to
a point that will compel them to cither sell to those who
will, or begin development themselves.
Mineral of all kinds abounds in tho hills. Not a tithe
of the mineral wealth has been located. Thousands of
acres of the finest fruit laud in the world are either farm
ed in a desultory way or covered with brush, when they
should be devoted to horticulture. All of these form a
basis for an ever increasing population.
The proposed interurban electric road will make profit
able fruit raising on a basis ten times as large as at pres
ent. It will mean the development of other resources now
dormant, and result in the upbuilding of towns and coun
try. Increased and improved transportation facilities
mean more rapid settlement and opening of trade as well
as a convenience to shipper, fruit grower and resident.
So every city in the valley and every resident therein
is interested in the construction of the interurban electric
line a valuable feeder both to Hill and Harriman lines.
The construction of the electric line only awaits the
granting of a franchise in Ashland. The people of that
city will vote upon it June 11. The entire valley is inter
ested and awaiting the outcome, which means as much to
the valley as it means to Ashland, in development and ra
Tom Taggar: has pledged his sup
Tort to Governor Marshall for the
democratic nomination in 1912. Poor
Prospect claims tho tail of the com
et has been located near Crater Lake.
Another scenic -wonder for Medford
to advertise.
Withered at Johnson's ranch ami
l'iroil upon whatever Indian tlioy
could find, ami making duo ponuuful
native of Scott valloy tho principal
victims. These Indians who had
never broken out into hostilities, but
had rather sitmlir.ed themselves by
moderation and an oblh;iiMr disposi
tion. Early in tho morning we set out
(soldiers and civilians toKother) pro
ceeding down tho river, and on
Thursday morning crossed about
seven miles from tho ferry.. Wo soon
found an Indian trail leading up a
largo creek, mid in a short liino
overtook and charged upon a party
of Indians, killing one. Tho rest
made their esonpo in dense chaparral.
Wo again pushed rapidly forward
mid lato in tho evening attacked an
other party of Indian?, taking twelve
women and children and wounding
several males who escaped. Hero
wo camped, and next day scoured the
country to ltoguo Hivcr, crossing it
nt Table mountain and reaching enmp
at dark.
Tho Indians have been completely
shipped in ovory fight. Some fifty
of them havo boon killed, many
wounded, and thirty taken prisoners.
Major Kearney has been in tho sad
dle for more than ten days, scour
ing the country, ami pouncing upon
the Indians wherever tlioy could bo
found. Never has an Iudinii country
been invaded with better success nor
at a better time. The establishing
of a garrison in this district will bo
necessary for the preservation of
peace. Hint done, a good agent lo
cated here, wo shall havo no more
trouble in this quarter. As for our
prisoners, tho Major was anxious to
turn them over to the people of Ore
gon, to bo delivered to the superin
tendent of Indian affairs; but no cit
izens could bo found who woro will
ing to tako charge of them. Con
sequently bo determined to tako them
to San Francisco mid send them
from there to Oregon."
A fow days later when tho troops
and General Lane had reached tho
diggings near .Yrekn, the General
himself, having dotermined to return
to Oregon, took chargo of tho prison
ers aud delivered them to Governor
Gaines, nt tho Rogue Hiver crossing
(near rVanuoy's).
The General closes his account by
assigning due credit to different
members of the expedition, ns Major
Kearney, Captain Walker, of tho
Rifles; Dr. Williamson, Lieutenant
Irvin, Messrs. Applegatc, Scott,
T'Vault, Armstrong, Blanehnrd and
itsi. ri T-n. i i.?,.
Alflirmcrli flio nrnnnTinomoTif ic nrkf rf-piinl en fav na if i i ..
.M.vKb , .. v u vwm, Uv vlccrSi etCi une a unmoor ot miners
can be confided by officials of the census bureau, Oregon's 'assisted against the Indians, many
uavmg come irom tiio newly tfiscov
gain or zdz,uuu in ten years, wmen will mean a tnird con- tako part.
gressman. The field enumeration is still in progress.
tnH wHb JB j W9 jUi i9j H in 'jk, tH h b fliH si II M -sbbbbI
Everybody Wins a Prize
mv7tvHEim P"G -""" . km I
vpj flVssssH V t 1j r I i ll
mr a'ini'llll V A ll S fl I . t ' m
Henry Lindonmu, Greatest living Pianomakor
By Copying This Picture You May Win a
& S. G.
$10,500 in Other Valuable Awards
10 Credit Checks, valued at $15.00 each $1500.00
20 Credit Checks, valued at $130.00 each $2600.00
20 Credit Checks, valued at $110.00 each ,..$2200.00
20 Credit Checks, valued at $ 90.00 each $1800.00
20 Credit Checks, valued at $ 70.00 each $1400.00
20 Credit Checks, valued at $ 50.00 each $1000.00
Credit Checks Redeemed During Rose Carnival Week
The new water -wagon evidently
thinks It has no place In Medford
lit hasn't shown up.
'The dove of peace will have a
chance to be among those present at
the caucus of tho republican house
members Wednesday night. But the
dove Is afraid of the bunch.
Five army officers of the Twelfth
Infantry In tho Philippines are be
ing court-martialed and the army Is
Bald to be badly demoralized. But we
must have colonial possessions and
ithls Is part of the burden.
' Senator Burton's amondmont to tho
"naval appropriations bill, which pro
vides that onlyno battleship a year
be built, was defeated today In the
senate and tho naval appropriation
bill was passed by tho senate this aft
ernoon. Millions for warships nouo
" .for weather bureaus.
sppress tho Indians.
(To Bo Continued.)
"Heavy loss of life and property is
"reported as tho result of violent
Btorms that swept a largo part of
'Franco today. Slight earthquakes
wore felt at Marseilles and Agde. Five
persons were killed when an entire
block of buildings were destroyed by
"'th storm at Thonon. The city hall
"was among tho buildings wrecked.
' Tour school children were killed and
100 Injured at a picnic near Baste-
na. Why live In "sunny" France
-when you can llvo In the Rogue River
nnTYiilnfirvn trrill lio oTTYnnviiron'lir mt-itttot.Icj f fV7r HAft n I ua' "J co
. .- . , . . , .-,, .. .', ' o"d diggings on Josephine creek to
tako part. A great rush of men
I from Yreka and that vicinity had
I !... ntnn ... .. : i
fr,AfA 1c, n;;nllw ,.-,wl 1, ,' , ,-. '""' '""" J. l"f "" many
iuguiuluJJ uuwiuwuuj xcjjvxlcu. iw uc ui ic r-iuxixiuy ot tucse) not fjm,K sufficient ill-
Of 8900. This result is extremely disappointini?, as it Was , dncemeuts to remain, were on their
hoped the city would show at least 9500 and possibly IBeCreVdS uK
ju,uuu. jj; ine iioanng popuianon naa Deen countea, mis
would have been the result. As it is, it is probable that
Medford leads the state in percentage of gain, having in
creased from 1700 ten years ago, over 400 per cent gain,
as against a 250 per cent gain for Salem and a 140 per dent
gain for Portland.
Medford probably ranks fifth in the list of Oregon
cities, being exceeded only by Portland, Salem, Astoria
and Eugene. Development of Oregon has been fastest
along the Southern Pacific in the southern and western
parts of the state. Ashland, Grants Pass, Roseburg, Al
bany and Oregon City are all over the 5000 mark.
Jackson county, not complete, shows 23,817, a decided
disappointment, showing that very poor work has been
done by the enumerators and that many people have been
missed. In Medford and Ashland, the commercial clubs
helped by seeing to it that those skipped were enlisted,
which shows the advantage of organization, which country
districts lack. However, Jackson county was given but
13,698 ten years ago, and the complete count ought to give
it 27,000, an increase of 100 per cent, the entire gain having
been secured in the past four years.
Tut! Tut!
(Central Point Horald.)
Gold Hill muy provo to be the Now
Jerusalem. She has n St. Peter and
following tho Inst rain Brother Lnmp
mnn discovered by mere accidont that
the streets of his bailiwick wore
paved with gold.
See how accurately, neatlv and artistically you can draw tho above picture of Henry
Lindcmau. To afford everybody who enters the contest a fair chance we have placed
a dotted outline of Mr. Henry Liudeman's features in the right-hand panel. You can
trace your sketch over this dotted outline, with such additions or omissions as you be
lieve will improve the picture or you can send in a free-hand drawing either pen or
pencil may be used. To tho person submitting the best sketch neatest and most ar
tistic we will award and deliver FREE a ',,, ; ., ....."-
$450 Henry & S. G. Lindeman Piano
This offer is made and the gifts will be awarded by Henry & S. O. Lindeman, for tho
purpose of advertising their celebrated Pianos in this section. Henry & S. 0. Lindo
man will award a personally signed check in the order as listed above to each person
sending in the next best drawing. This check will bo applicable on tho purchaso of
a new Henry & S. G. Ljndeman Piano, Player Piano, or Little Grand Piano. All en
tries must me made to Reed-French Mfg. Co., Sixth and Burnside strot, Portland, Or.,
who have agreed to act for Henry & S. G. Lindeman.
For Sale
(From J. C. Waiting's History of Southern Oregon.)
"Despite the fact that tho earth
inlssed tho tall of the comet, unless it
really did boro a hole through It, tho
astronomers havo taken down their
calculus again and given out a brand
sew set of comet figures. Hero is
the schedule for tonight mado by
those not acquainted with the chauf
feur of Mr. Halley'a sky Joy rider:
At 7:46 p. m., Pacific Btandard time,
tho comet will bo In the western sky
and begin Us transit across tho face
of the moon. Tho sky will gradually
darken rb tho ccllpso advances to a
totality, which ocoura at 9:09 p, m..
The ecllpso will last for fifty min
utes. Tho sky will begin to urignien
Events of the Year Muurder of
Woodman Pursuit of tho Mur
derers Tbo Steele Expedition
their lives; and tbo killing of the
soven miners on Roguo River, ueiir
tho mouth of Qalice Creek, Of these
events, only the last took pluco with
in tbo limits of Southem Oregon, but
Affairs at Big Bend A Slaughter, they are all of sufficiently connect-
of Indians A Peace Talk
Steel's Return to Yreka Ben
Wright His Character Tho Mc
Dormit Expedition Massucro at
Bloody Point Beu Wright Sets
Out for Tulo Lake The Indians
Defeated Discovorry of Murdered
Immigrants Scouting at Tulo
Lake Tbo Lost River Massacre
Tbreo Versions Triumphal Return
to Yreka Concerning a Murder at
Fort ones Established.
Calico Creek or Vannov's Ferry
Tho main events of importance in
IflRO iiiilnlnl llin miirlnr nf ("Jnlvin
t 16 p. m. and at 11:22 the comet Woodman, the massacre of Bloody
will pass beyond the moon. Point, wherein thirty-six persons lost
ed interest to justify u narration
Tho date of Woodman's death is
unsettled; the author of the history
of Siskiyou says it occurred in May,
1852, but cortain documents, par
ticularly a report on tho numbor and
names of thoso whites killed by va
rious Indian tribes in Southern Ore
gon and Northern California, mention
it as occurring in Juno of that year.
June 2 has been specifically men
tioned; but tbo exact date is imma
terial. Tho man a miner was
killed while riding along tho banks of
Indian oreek, a tributary of Scott
river. Two Indians did the bloody J
deed, and fled, Quickly t!io whites
300 acres, 2 miles railroad; $5000.
115 acres, o miles out, $2200.
530 acres, 3 miles out, $11,000.
1200 acres timber, 0V miles Med
ford; cheap.
100 acres, $20 an acre.
20 ncrco, 2 miles out, $375.
34 acres, 3 miles from Medford, un
der di'tch, $7000.
0 acres, 1 mile out, in bearing,
2 acres. 5-room bouse.
0-room houso, close in.
West Walnut Park lots, terms.
1 lot, 50x215, $300.
7-roora modorn bungalow.
2 lots at a bargain for cash.
2 lots on Oakdale avonuo.
100 acres, $1000.
1200 acres timber, cheap, close in.
40 acres, $000.
2 houso tents, furnituro; a bargain.
Rooming house, a monoy-mnker.
3 teams,
1 four-room house, $10.
5-room house, furnished, $25.
0-room houso, furnishod, $35,
Ranch hands, $35 por month.
Hay men, $1.50 por day.
Women to work and cook.
Girl for genoral housework.
40 woodchoppors, $1.50 cord.
Laboring men for city and railroad,
Medford Employment Bureau.
Business chances, real estate, all
kinds of help furnishod and business
chances handlod.
Room 206. Taylor & Phlpps Bldg.
Phono 4141 Main.
Guaranteed 14-Karat Gold Fountain Pen
They are full warranted, exactly as if they wore sold for .$2.50 instead of boing
given away. Write easily, smoothly. Will give great and lasting satisfaction. One
of the excellent fountain pens will bo awarded to each contestant who fails to win any
of the principal prizes.
The judges who will make tho awards will bo three woll-known business men.-
These simple rules rules will govern the centest:
2. No contribution from a professional artist will bo considered.
3. The decision of the judges must be accepted as final.
4. The sketch submitted may be traced over tho dotted outline in right-hand' panel
with additions or omissions or it may bo a free-hand drawing.
5. The $450 Henry & S. Or. Lindeman Piano will bo delivered to, tho successful contest-.
ant absolutely free of any charge.
6. All answers MUST be mailed to ABT DEPARTMENT Rood-French Piano Mfg.
Co., Sixth and Burnside, Portland, Or.
7.. Every contestant is to correctly answer the following questions on this Coupen:
Reed-French Piano Manufacturing Co.
Give the Name and Address of a friend you think is about to buy a Piano.
Friend's Name Address