MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 23, 1910. 3 A REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURE Q- n -.........,..,qOCj OOO' . .h... ti i i iQ PEOPLE'S PULPIT,.. Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Pulor Brooklyn Tabernnclo. London. Hub., Mny inth. - Albert Memorial Han, rocoijnlzed im thu InrBwt iniHlnru auditorium tu thi' world, wtiH crowded todny to henr IW tor ltuioicll of Mrooklyn 'J'liliuriinclv, Now York, on "I'otitoccwtiil IIIchmIiirh." Mnny of tin) morn iromlnunt Ntiillu mid lioxwi nro owned by tliu nobility, iiiiiny of whom occupied thorn, while othem, uniiblo to iittund. BrncloiiHly k'riiuted ieriiilHloii for tholr ocetipiui cy by othont; but hundreds wuro turn ed nwny. Thu meetliiB wnn hold un dor thu miHplcc of tlio "Internntloiinl HlbUf HtudentM Annoclntlon." The Hpealtor Hnldi It In npproprlnlo Hint on thin dity, celebrntwl nnd recognized na tlio an nlvuranry of I'untccotit, wo ahould con alder tlio import, and have vroll In mind whnt wo culohrntc '1 therefore lki na my text, the worda of 8t. !' tor oxphumtory of tlio occnalen: Tlil.i la that which waa aK)krii by the Prophet Jeel: And It hIiiiII come to tmaa In tlio hut daya. aaltlt Owl, I will pour out my .Spirit upon nil IIohIij and your aoua and your datiKhtora ahull propheay, end your yotuiB men ahull havo the vlalou which your ancient dreamed of; and on my ttervanta nnd on my hiuidmaldcua 1 will pour out In thoae dnya my Spirit, and they ahull proclaim." (I rIvo you n preferred traualntlon.)-Acta II, 10-ia KL Teter declarea tliat tlio outpour ItiBof tlio holy Hplrlt uon tlio waltlnB bellovera at Pentecost wan mentioned by Joel tlio Prophet, but ho doea not any that nil of thu prophecy wax fill tilled there and then. An a matter of fact wo know that thu holy Hplrlt waa not then poured out on nil tleah; It waa poured out merely upon Uod'a avrvnuta and band-mnldena. A care ful luapectlou allow tin that Micro are two parta to thu prophecy (1) All tlcah, and ('.'i Uod'a Murrains and hand-maid una. Tlio order of the blvasliiR la ulao tated. It will come uKn nil tleah after thewe dnya, but upon the aervnnta and baud-maldcna in tboae dnya. The dnya mentioned evidently refer to this Gospel ago from i'eutecoat to the sec ond comliiK of Christ. In thin period, of now nenrly nine teen ccuturlci, Cod'a holy Spirit Iiiih been Rrnuted to hla faithful one, and to theao alone. Only the fully couae crnted havo been accepted of ttio Lord aa IIvIur aacrlllcea, and only audi havo been bcBottcu of thu holy Spirit, that they may bo "now crcnturea In Chrlat." DurltiB nil this time, tlio world liaa been unrecognized ho far na tlio holy Spirit la coucernud. iudee), thu Apoa tie nftor i'eutecoat went nt lit further and declnred that "tlio whole world llelh In the Wlclccd Ono." Thu only action of the holy Spirit muat be, na In thu cnau of Felix, to "reprove the world of alii nnd rlchteouHtiuaa, and of it comliiK Judgment." Our tuxt de clarea, however, that the time la com Iiib when (ho world will receive a aharo of tlio Rrcat Dlvlno bleasltiK, which waa fully aaaured by the death of Chrlat. Hut ita time of favor will bo "after tlioao days" ufter tlila Gos pel Ako hIiiiII have come to nn end, nftor tho Now Dispensation, tlio Mil lonulnl Abo, ahull havo come, Let ua note Drat tlio bloaaliiRH belotiRlUB to thla Gospel Abo, In which wo nro ape dally Interested, and subsequently lot ua notice tho bleaaliiBa that God Iiiih promised ahull cotno to all mankind. Th Church' Pantsooit. It la not Hulllclent that wo any that n Pcntecoatal bleaaliiB cauio upon tho followers of Jeaua in tho upper room at Jerusalem, totally different from anythliiK that had been known In tho world before! Wo want to know why It waa ao; and if u bleasliiB, why It did not comoaoonur to Uod'a people? Wo re member Abel, Enoch. Noah, Abraham, Mohcb, Daniel, tho Prophets; wo rec OBnlzu the fact that they wero Brand characters, and, iih St. Paul said, "Thoy had this testimony that they Iileaspd God." Yet thoro was no Pen tecostal outpotirltiB lu tholr day, nor until tho a ko of man In tho world wna more than four thousand years. Why was this? Wo answer that God bns Ida own times and seasons for tho va rious features of his work. Wo recall tho wordi of our Lord Je bus, roBpcetliiB Ids forerunner, "Verily I any unto you, Aiiiouk them that are born of women thuro hath not risen a greater than John tho llaptlst; not withstanding ho that Is least In tho Kingdom of heaven la greater than he" (Matthew xl, 11). Why could not John, and othora of the prophets preceding him, enter In and onjoy this Gospel fa vor? Wo answer, In tho laiiKUiiBO of Bt. Paul, "God having provided some bettor thing for us, that they without US should not bo inmlo perfect" (He brows xl, 40). Our Creator has Rreat gifts to dispense to our race through tho Redeemer, and it is for him to de termine tho times and tho seasons for tlio dispensing of these blessings, and to whom they sluill go, According to the Dlvlno nrrangement, tho Itedeomcrhad first to die as man's Hansom-Prlco, boforo any of tho raco could como back Into full relationship with tho Creator It Is true that by faith Abrahnm and othora of tho past did enjoy certain of PASTOR RUSSELL'S DISCOURSE ON PENTECOSTAL BLESSINGS CHEAT WHITSUNTIDE SEIIMON AT AUJEKT MEMORIAL HALL OOQiiimiinn ...... ... ...... ,iiQ God'a favors, and much of his fellow ship, hut none could ho received Into full bo mi hip and Jolnt-holrshlp with Chrlat, until first their alna had boon cnncolled. Then thoy could bo accept ed lu Chrlat on the terms which tho Father has appointed, Thoao very dlsclplea who received tho bleaalug In tho upper room on Pen tecost, had forsaken alu, had become Joans' dlaclplca, had iniido full coimo crntlou of nil their earthly hopuannd In tereata, hnd been accepted by tho Lord Jesus, and ho had put Ids Hplrlt upon them, enabling them to do many mighty works in Ida nniiio. However, It wna ono thing to do mighty worka through hla wplrlt. or power, and another mat ter to possess that spirit Inherently to net directly na ngenta of Dlvlno fn vor luatend of Indirectly. It la In hnr inony with thla thought Hint wo rend CENTRAL POINT RAPIDLY GROWING Present Bulltllnti Operations nrc Greatest In History of City Many Residences and Business Houses Under Way. Central largest history From pronont Indications Point will oxporlonco tho building Improvomont In Its during tho coming summer nnd fall, wiyti tho Globe. Many now buildings nro now In coiihio of construction nnd moro nro uolne projcclod. Through-' out tho rcitldonco section ono has but to turn lu any direction and his glzo Is mot by now dwolllnga going up Notice Tho old established Medford liakory and DoIlcntCBson havo ngnln res u mod ImalncnM with now tnon, bettor eoods, prompt iiorvico. Everything up-to-dnto. Our motto Is to plcnao our pat rons. Give us n trial. Re spectfully, A. F. RANKING & Co. BOUTH CENTRAL AVE. PHONE MAIN 12M2. ISETS A model for every figure. nnd dwellings that uro substantial that arc n credit to any town, Thoro Is now n growing demand for busloiiB structures on Pine street and many property owners now have" 'under connldoritlon tho orcctlon of' structures for business purposes. Tho Whltesldu and Chllders bullJIngs, cor ner Fourth nnd Pine ntrcots, nro now awaiting tho arrival of trick. Tho cement foundations nro now comploto nnd everything Is hi rendlness to rush j them through as noon as tho brick In DRIVERS: that know the country RIGS that cover the country QVICKLV AND WITH COMUT TO YOU ARE AJAVAYB TO HX FOOND At THE FAI.LOW & DOW INO, I'KOPREETORS. WEST SIDE STABLES PHONE 2431 8. GRAPE STREET ItLr' ...Jl'red from the manufacturers' them tho holy Hplrlt. nytubollcnlly Im parting his Hplrlt, and commlsalonlng I Tho Cowloy block, corner of Sec- thorn as hla rvpreacntatlvea to preach l0nI "' JMno' wlU fl00n bo a "H-"-, and promoters nro now nctotlating. for a hotel clto furtlior up tho street. Tho futuro of Ccntrnl Point Is as sured and Investors no longer doubt wiu winiiwiii ui iiuiwii iiiuir iiiuiiu . the Gospel, bo told them, nevertheless, to tarry at Jerusalem until they wero endued with piftvor thu holy Spirit until tho Kntlier Hhould recognize them directly na his ministers and nmbnaan dors. From the standpoint of Dlvlno Jus tice, tho Apostles nnd believers wero still under the aeuteuco of death na slnuera at tho time of our Lord's death, nt thu tlnui nt IiIh riNiirrH-tlnn nt flui time of Ida naccnaiou. Then ho anld ' '"ceasing rnpldly. to them. "It la expedient for you Hint V' Bo nwny. for If I go not nwny, tho .OFFICERS LOOK FOR A In local property. With tho Instnlla-1 tlnn of wntcr nnd sower systems Con- itral Point will offer met y Induco-' moats to people na a a residence town and tho demand for nultablo houses is In Case of iSicKness PHONE 3 6 4 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Office AllNight Service Free Delivery BOGUS CHECK ARTIST ami woiKliing about 1G0 pounds. He lias throo fingers missing on his right , hand. It was reported that a man an swering to such a description was working in an orchard near rCentrnl Point but investigation proved that lie was not tho man wanted by tho authorities. Parker or whoever he might ho spent several dnys around Woodvillo and ono day lust week pre sented a check nt Sundry and Pit man's store drawn upon tho Mer chants and Lumberman's Bank of Portland lor $5. Iho money was given him nnd when it was present ed to tho Portland hank it was re turned with tho indorsement "no funds." Ho had tried to get $50 from tho store nt Woodvillo, and would have done so, but they had just previously sent nl of their money, oxcopt some small change, to tlio hank. From advices received it seems that thu follow has boon working his graft all along tho line. Comforter will not como unto you" (John xvl. 7). Aftor tho forty days. iiitiniuij iii-nuui niiu ma uiscjpies, n..i CI.....:V C...., d.,.,,1..,. ., except on n few occasions for a fow " "' 'I f "'""" ....j, .( momenta ench. our Iml amended, nnd tV'0?Vll,0, s,out ccn ly in quest! after ten days tho holy Spirit froro 'of bogus chuck nrtist, who hits been ; tho Knthor enmo upon tho waiting (working in tho vicinity of Woodvillo i household of faith. It evidenced to recently. Tho man goes undcrr tlio, them tho fact tlmt tholr sins had been namo of C. S. Parker, and is de forgiven for Chrlat'a anke. that thoy scribed as boing about medium height, wero jusuiiiM rreciy from nil tnlnga through his ancrlllce. nnd that their consecration to sncrlflcu themselves had been accepted of tho Father, nnd that henceforth they might count themselves na "Jolnt-ancrlllcers with Christ." "members of hla Ilody," mem ber of "the Church of tho First bom, whoae unmea are written lu benven," mumbera of the "Seed of Abraham" (Onlntliin. III. WD. Ky of th Klnfldom. The Master lu speaking to St. Peter assured him that to him wero commit ted tho Keys of tho Kingdom of Ucnv en. which algnllled that tho wny Into tho Kingdom nt that tlmo hnd not yet been opened, nnd thnt Peter would bo honored by beliiB tho Lord's scrvnnt to do tho opening work. There wero two of theae "keys," and therefore there were two opening works to bo accomplished. The Church, under Christ her Lord, Is Cod's kingdom, not yet act up or es tabllahcd "In power nnd grent glory" not yet llulshed or Inaugurated. Tho work of this Oospol Ago is to "call" or Invito such us have a hearing enr to become Joint-heirs In this Kingdom, for which ho taught us to pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will bo done on earth aa It Is done lu heaven." So many as genuinely accept this heav enly calling, this "high calling" to glo ry, honor, and immortality, are proba tionary members of tho Kingdom or Heaven. Such aro Scrlpturally ex horted to contluuo faithful to their vows of consecration, and thus make their calling and election sure to a place in this glorious Kingdom, which will bo Inaugurated at the second com ing of Christ, llut tho Lord Instructs all saying, "Sit down ilrst mid count tho cost" (Luke xlv, U8i; "but if any man draw buck, my soul shall have no pleasure lu him" (Ilebruws x, !IS. All who are thus splrlt-bcgottcn (by tho holy Spirit, John I, llli during this ugo aro promised n spirit birth, to splrlt-being In tho resurrection. Wo read, "It Is sown In corruption; It Is raised in Incorrupt Ien: It is sown In dishonor; It Is raised In glory; It Is sown in weakness; It Is raised In pow pew er: It Is sown an animal body; It Is raised u spiritual body, , , , For this I say, brethren, that tlesh and blood cannot Inherit the Kingdom of Uod; neither doth corruption Inherit lucor ruptlon" (I Corinthians xv, 42-1 1, r0). Tho entire period between tho tlrst ad vent nnd thu second advent of our lto deemcr Is set apart lu tho Dlvlno Pro gram for this great work of selecting from amongst men tho "llttlo Hock," such as shall bo counted worthy of theso honors on tho spirit piano, and thu privilege of participating with Mes siah In his great work of the next ago J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PERRY. Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. A Successful Bakery is ono that turns out cakes, cookios, cream puffs and othor nov Hies that sell every day not a part, but everything; produced. Wo close out daily all our bakery produces and tho reason for our success is a A Perfect Bread or perfect novelties bo perfect that thoy soil, and once bought, n steady customer is tho result. ALLEN & REAGAN 202 EAST MAIN STREET. PHONE MAIN 2711. P. O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT We make any kind and style of Windows. We carry Glass of any size on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOE CO., Medfwd, Oregon. NOTION TO STOOKIIOWJEIW. Notlco Is horoliy given that tho annual mooting of Btoclcholdora of tho Pacific and Eastern Railway will bo hold at tho offlco of tho company, In Medford, Orogon, on Monday, Juno C, 1010, at 10 o'clock a. m. Ily ordor of tho Trosldont. O. P. HUMPHREY, Soerotary. IlnakitiB for Hoalth. Medford, Oregen: This certifies thnt wo havo sold Hall's Texas Won dor for tho cure of all kidney, hind dor and rhoumatio trouhlos for ten years, and hnvo novcr had a com plaint. It givos quick nnd pormnncnt ehof. Sixty days' troatment in cneh bottlo. Medford Pharmacy. tf IlaskitiH for IIonRh. ' RESOLVED Tho best resolution for yoa to make is to como to ns for your next suit, if yoa want somothing out of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge Ibe lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TUB PROaRfcBSIVE TAH.OI Eat at the Spot AVo do not claim to put up tho best 25c meal on tlio coast. Thoro may ho bettor. Our aim is to put out just a littlo bettor than wo adver tise. Qivo us a call and be your own judge. The SPOT CAFE (Open Day and Night) TYRRELL BROS., Props Wo havo hnd a remarkably successful year not that we have tnado so much money, but our deliveries have gone out with very littlo loss or complaint. A Satisfied Customer is a Joy Forever We grow sorao good trees last year. Wo aro trying to grow bet tor ones this year. With our now storago cellar we shall be able to keep our stock in still better condition. Our now illustrated cntalogue will bo ready July 1. Free for the asking. NORTHWEST NURSERY COMPANY Nurseries: Mabton and North Yakima. P. O. Box Q. Q. North Yakima, Wash. REAL ESTATE Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building fs 1 , ip 1 3 TUB L.ILt! 11- .JllL. '1-1 1- GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon oj DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE There is a Wonderful Difference between the light afforded by an ordinary carbon incandescent and the brilliancy of our new Gen eral Electric MAZDA lamp. The latter radiates two and one-half times as much light with the same amount of electric current. A 40-Watt MAZDA Affords Twice the Light of the 50-watt carbon lamp now in general use and costs one-fifth less to burn. We recommend its use to our customers as it more than cuts their light bills in two, making electric light so inexpen sive that no home, however humble, and no store, however small, can afford to be without it. Ask us to show you the new General Electric MAZDA lamps and clusters. ROaUE RIVER ELECTRIOCO. r ft 1 ' -fat, ?S.-.UE2BXiJil YJfi&kSii