Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 23, 1910, Image 1

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    nn Historical 30,el.
Medford Mail Tribune
Full Leaned Wire Report.
Tonight anil Tuesday Clour
ami warmer. PohhIIiIo thundor
HhoworH Wutliiunilay.
Tho only paper In the world
published In a city tho alio ef
Medford hnvlns a loaned wire.
No. 54.
Work of Assembling Forcos to Start
Construction of Remaining Portion
of Gravity Water System Under
wayNo ilanocr of Damage From
Deterioration Now Two miles Yet
Tho woik of UHneinbllng forcuR in
order to Hturt construction on tho re-
' muinlng jwrtioiiH of tho city's grnvity
water system, 'which wns mudo pos
sible hy tlio comproiniho effected bat
unlay hy William Ilunley mid Mayor
W. II. Cn'hou, Ih already under way
and nutlvo work will blurt within a
very few dayu. It is thought that
tho work will ho completed within
sixty days hut Huh dependH largely
upon tho Hire of tho crow the con
tractu arc ahlo to gather.
There remains 11,000 feet or a
trifle over two uiilcK of pipe to lay.
Three car kinds of pipe were re
ceived a few weeks ago and tho re
mainder needed for tho completion of
of tho lino Iiuh been ordered.
Water wax turned into tho pipo lino
at tho Stinger much today no that
there in no danger now of tho pipo
deteriorating through a drying out
procoHH. It in improbable that thu
lino has Buffered as yet.
The wnter turned in today in taken
from tho Slingor irrigation canal and
Ih turned out at tho first Hindi gate
beyond tho llradtdiay drop, ho that
tho present supply wil remain tho
uniiiu aw at present until the lino is
Engineer KohertH stilted .Monday
morning that with the old organiza
tion Vincent & linker could complete
tho lino in thirty dnys, hut that ho
holiou'd it would he a little longer
under present conditions as hen an en
tiro new crow must ho assembled and
camps orgaiured.
Insurgents nnd Regulars In Congress
Meet Wednesday to Patcb Up Dif
ferences. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 23.
John Dwlght, republican wltl? of tho
bouao, today ran his flugor down tho
remaining list of tho administration
executive program, whistled softly to
hluuiolf nnd sent out hurried calls to
nil republican mombors. Wodnosdny
night, under tho gulso of a caucus on
tho postal snvlngs bank bill, tho regu
lars nnd isurjjonts will mnko a don
porato offort to "got together" In or
der that thoy may como In tlmo to
meet tho hard fight that awaits al
most ovory mombor In tho coming
Tho prophocy of Hoprosontntlvo
Dwlght that tho houso coujd not ex
pect to ndjourn hoforo July 15 nt tho
earliest sot ovory mnn thinking. Tho
first Hiibjoct of tho caucus noxt Wed
nesday night will bo tho postal sav
ings bank bill, which Is roglstorod ns
tho noxt monsuro for tho considera
tion of tho houso, Whon bills on this
quostlon first put In nn nppenrnnca
In tho commlttoo on poototflcos nnd
post roads thoro coomod Httlo llko
llliood of nn ngroomont.
Bryco Is to Remain.
LONDON, Mny 23. A roport thnt
JnmoH Bryoo, British nmhnBsndor nt
Washington, lins ankod to ho roliovcd
from duty at tho Amorlonn onpitol
was doniod nt tho foreign offioo.
Government Hurls Bomb in Sunar
Prosecution by Placlnn Convicted
Dock Superintendent on Stand Who
Makes Complete Confession of
Will Have 20 Men In Field.
N'HW YORK, May 23. Tho gov-
ornment throw a legal bombshell Into
thu mnlui of tho accused sugar trunt
official today In tho trial of Charlos
It. Holko. secretary of tho trust, by
Introducing on tho wltncsn stand Oliv
er Hpltzor, a formor dock superlntend
cut of tho combine,
Hpltzor was pardoned recently by
tho president, after ho had sorvod
several months of a two-yonm sen
tence for fraud. His testimony In
volved somo of tho high officials of
tho trust.
Holko'n attorneys woro taken by
surprise and asked an Indofln'to post
ponement of croHS-cxamlnatlon.
Hpltzor said that bags of lend had
boon used on tho scales by tho sugar
company employes t omako fnlso
weight, nnd that when tho scales woro
ordered boarded In ho furnalelicd tho
Hitgnr chckerH with small springs
which woro plncod under the benm to
Influouco tho scales.
Tho witness declared thnt ho bored
holes for tho springs nnd arranged a
syHtom of signal lights which would
wnrn tho checkors that tboy woro bo
Ing wntched by government agents.
Spltzor then snld that whonovor It
was decldod to rnlso tho wages of
tho checkors It was noccsonry to con-
Htilt officials and that nfter bo nnd
tho checkorH had boon discharged
Gorhrncht mot him onco a weok and
gave him a package containing their
weekly wngos. Theso payments con
tinued until Fobunry, 1910, when ho
was sent to Atlanta.
NRW YORK. Muv 23.- Purchnses
of United Stntos Stool and good buy
ing in other ludustrinls sustained the
toik market for a time today. Tho
early Belling hy London caused the
local market stocks to open lowor
than Saturday hut blight rallies wero
experienced. Missouri Pacific 1,
while Lake Erio nnd Eastern 13-8
Later in tho day Central Pacific,
Hock Island, Auncoudn, Amalgamat
ed Copper lost a point.
Orofjon Man Writes That Rangers .fro
a Curso to the Country No Need
for Laws If Ranrjcrs Revise Them.
"WASHINGTON, D. C, May 23.
Complaints against tho forest sor-
vico and tho depurtmont of tho in-
tonoV aro on itlo today with tho Ual-
lingor investigating commiltco. Scoros
of lottors have been rocoived by mom
bors of tho committee since Jununry
in which it is ohurgod thnt viola
tions of tho law nnd injustice to
homostoadors have boon prnotieod by
both branches of tho government ser
vice Qu A. Whito of Whitofiah, Mon
tana, allogod dthnt tho forest sorvico
"fror.o him out" of his homoslond in
Montana, P. C. Whitonum chuigod
that an unjust dooisiou of (ho hind
offioo causod him to lose a homo
stead claim. W. Plotohor, of Boiso,
Idaho, allogod that nn illegal con
tract was lot by Seorotnr Bnllingory
for a Biirvoy of tho Idnho and Mon-
(Continued on Page Five,)
Ex-President, Kings, Emperor, Queen
And Prince at Funeral of King Edward.
I Cr. -JMrV. I KING, fflfitULmJttgBgr fc a)oua I
bLLt 'yP(t JP 1 mJr TyLbbbbbbi m f LIBb1b " "4C L
I iHbH HBMf t 1 BP Hk f m r .jaiLBBBBBBBP $ I m BBv
Goes Over Different Routes Peti-i
tloncd for But Decincs to Give Out
Any Intimation of What His Re -
port to Department Will Be.
Inspector Noll of tho postottlco do
part mom nns neon spondlug n num
ber of days In tho vnlloy looking up
rural routes In ordor to pass upon a
number of petitions which have been
tiled with tho postotflce dopartmout
nuking the creation of now routes.
Mr. Nell declined to mnko any state
ment rognrdlng tho result of his ob
sorvatlons. Tho route to which tho Inspector
paid particular attention is tho ono
(Continued on Page 5.)
Medford and Ashland Herds Go In
Special Cars Elaborate Prepa
rations Made for Cele
bration. A largo herd of local Elks loft Sun
day for Ashland, whoro In company
with ABltland mombora of tho ordor
thoy loft Monday on a spoclal enr for
Yrokn, Cal., whoro a big colpbrntlon
Is In progress, Tho following spo
clal dispatch from. Yrokn glvos somo
Idea of tho big doings;
Yrokn Is tho buslost town In tho
Supervisor Erickson Organizing His
Fire Fighting Forces Two Small
. Blazes Have Already Occurred
I Will Have 20 Men in Field
M. L. Hrlcksou, district forest su
pervisor In chnrgo of tho Crnter Lake
forest, has stnrted organizing his flro
fighting force for this season's work
and Is getting matters In readiness
to kcop loss through tiro In bis dis
trict nt a minimum. When his forco
Is complete ho will have 20 rangors
and guards In tho field.
Two fires havo already brokon out
la tho forest, which, though small,
have caused tho officials to haston
(Contiiuicd on Page Fivo.)
stnto today, nnd has boon for tho
past sovornl days. Automobiles hnvo
boon darting horo and thorp, attend
ing to tho dotnlls of tho various com
mittees' work, In gotting ovorythlng
in readiness for tho big Elks' doings
on tho 23d.
Up In tho park grounds long doop
tronchos aro dug In which to bnrbecuo
tho beove3 nnd mutton, the supervi
sion of which s under an expert from
Snu Joso,
Tho big danco platform Is bolng
ropalrod nnd tho floor polished, A
to tho basoball grounds is laid out
wldo nvonuo, lending through tho
park to tho bacoball grounds, Is bo
is laid out and along this street tho
Some Go to Work and Some Hit the
Ties for Parts Unknown Twenty
three are Found by Police Eleven
Who Ask to Labor.
Hoboes to tho numbor of twenty
threo wore rounded up by tho polico
Siuulny oveninc nnd put upon their
way. Thoso who stated thnt thoy
wanted work wero sent out on tho
Pacific & Eastern nnd thoso who
wero just plain "'boos" wero told
to hit tho tics to parts unknown.
And thoy did.
Thoso mon hnvo been sleeping in
box enrs of late nnd woro getting to
ho considernblo of a nuisnuco to tho
(Continued on page 5.)
b!co shows will bo located. It has
been nude "Noisy Row." Tents aro
bolng put up to houso tho court nnd
Jul!, and tho hugo telescopo to soo
tho total ecllpso, tho Indian dancers,
tho goat hospital and othor fun-making
shows. Ashland tuid Redding will
play n baseball gnrao.
Tho Roddlng Elks arrived In a
special train early Monday morning,
bringing with thorn tholr brass band
of 3G plecos. Ashland nlso brought
tholr band, In addition to theso bands
tho Montaguo and Dunesmulr bands
will bo In nttendnnco. Thoro will bo
dancing on tho platform all day and
(Continued on Page Five.)
$22,000 IS
Norcross Orchard Near Central Point
Is Sold to New Jersey Man at
Nearly Two Thousand Dollars an
Acre Two Years Ago Grove Sold
for $1500 an Acre.
Frank Weston, who a year and
a half ago purchased 12 acres of th'o
Norcross place near Central Point,
paying 1500 an acre, or $18,000,
has just sold tho 12 acres to a Mr.
Beckworth, an attorney of Neto York,
for S1S33 an aero, or $22,000.
Tho 12 acres aro planted to apples,
which are In bearing. It Is a splen
did tract and paid Mr. Weston about
S5000 last year so that ho nets about
$9000. John D. Olwell made tho
With the advent of warm weather,
President Toft today put tho Whito
Houso on summer schedulo nnd the
executivo offices now will bo silent
after 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Ac
cording to thu schedulo tho president
will go to the executive offices at
9:30 or 10 o'clock in the morning.
Ho will work until 1:30 or 2 o'clock
in tho afternoon. Then ho will go to
Junch nnd tho offices will sec him no
more that day. The president hies
himself to the Chevy Chaso links,
with a few of his golfing friends,
while most of 'tho Whito Houso staff
hurry to the baseball game.
CHICAGO, May 23. Tho Chicago
Railways company unexpectedly was
thrown Into tho hands of receivers
hero today by Judge. Grosscup. The
court appointed Henry C. Blair and
John Roach receivers on bonds of
$25,000 each on petition of tho West
Inghouso Electric company.
Tho traction company owes tho pe
titioners $G9,000, which It is unable
to pay on account of judgments ag
gregating $1,300,000 which aro out
standing. Tho Chicago Railways company
was organized to take over tho prep
ortles of tho bankrupt Union Trac
tion company.
First Day Rresults in Crowded Car
Each Way New Stops Arranged
for at Voorhles, and other Points.
Tho now timo table for tho motor
car of tho Southorn Paeifio Com
pany which wont into offect Sunday
is proving popular with tho rosidonts
of tho Rocuo River Valloy, if tho
orowds which utilized it yesterday is
nny oritorion. Tho oar was crowded
on each trip oach way. Tho timo
tnblo in effect at prosont souds tho
enr south at 8:25 n. m. nnd nt 2:24
p. m. and north nt 10:35 a. m. and
1:48 p. m.
Now stops havo been nrrnnqod for
Voorhies, Rook Point nnd Swnco
Rapids and tho crossing nt Sovcn
Oaks, nour Contrnl Point mny boconio
a stop soon for tho pooplo residing
in that section aro petitioning tho
company to hnvo tho motor oar stop
thoro. As thoro aro about 100 par
sons who would bo nccommodatad
bv tho oar stopping thoio tho poli
tion will probably bo granted.
Result is Disappointing as It Was
Confidently Expected Ten Thou
sand Would Be Shown Gain In
Ten Years is 400 Per Cent, Nearly
All of Which Is In Four Years.
Medford peoplo aro disappointed.
They expected tho census would
show over 10,000, but according to
tho United States census for 1910,
Medford has an approxlmato popu
lation of 8900 people. This Infor
mation has been received from Salem
and Is regarded approximate, al
though tho government has not an
nounced the result of tho recent count
and will not until Septembor.
In 1900 Medford had a population
of 1791, so that In ten years the
population has increased over 400 por
The comparison of the census in
1900 and 1910 does not show the vast
strides Medford has been making of
late. Flvo years ago the population
of Medford was only about 2000, so
that the great growth has beea made
recently. In fact, the greatest strides
have been made during the past two
yars. In January, 1909, an unoffi
cial census was taken which gave
Medford 5300, so that In 17 months
Medford has made a growth of 3600,
or over 200 a month, so that Medford
at tho present tlmo at this ratio baa
over 9000 peoplo.
Democrats at Stockton.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. May 23.
Tho Democratic state central com
mittee, at a meetinpr hero today, de
cided to hold tho stato convention at
Stockton, September fl.
Zelaya Continuing Hostilities to Se
cure Intervention and Election of
New President. ,
BLUEFIELDS, Nicaragun, May 23.
Tho NIcarnguan revolution Is be
ing prolongod In tho hopo that the
Vnlted States will Intorveno. This ad
mission was made tore today by poli
ticians who aro close friends of Jinn
J. Estrada, provisional president, and.
head of tho revolutionary party.
"Estrada oalizos ho can never
crush tho present government or over
throw President Madrlz, but ho beh
lioves that ho Is strong enough to
keep up hostilities until tho country,'
will demand American intervention,"
said ono of Estrada's followers to
day. "Estrada wants to forco tho
appointment of a prostdont who Is not
ldoutltiod with olthor faction now en
gaged In tho strugglo horo, and bo
1 loves tlat such an appointment la
tho only wny to secure permanent
In this hopo Estrada la continuing
hostilities. Although his forces are
outnumbered by tho Madrlz soldlora
noar Rama, desultory firing Is going
Seattle Building Passes.
A bill providing an appropriation of
a quartor of a million for the pur
chase of a slto and tho erection of
buildings for an Immigration otatlon
at Soattlo, Wash,, passed by the sen
ate today,
Want to soil that furniture? Want.