Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 22, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Want Advertising' Shortens Your Search For It -If "It" Is Fundable
-- -- n
Noted Murder Trial In Vcnlco Ends
In Conviction and Tlirco of Ac
cused Parties Benin Dolnu Tlmo
Ouko of Abruzzl Interested In Caso
VKNICK, May 'Jl.-L'iinviutuil of n
murder eniiNpiruoy that Hlfirllud Eu
rope, OoiinWnm Murlu TuruowHlcii,
Dr. Namiuiff mill Lnuoor NichuliiH
I'rilukoff today begun nerving prison
Imiiih forkillin g Count Ivtiiinrownky.
Thu couiiIohh anil phyhiitiuu woro son
lonced to llirmt and eight youn ru
Hpuutlvoly, wldlo PrilukulT received
ton yearn.
Thu jury found that Countoi
TarnowHka and Dr. Nauinoff wuru
not fully ruHpoimililu for their nets.
Klimi Porrior, thu maid, wiih 110
quitted. Thu rtiHu excited thu inter
cut of nil Europe, Not alonu wuru
itH urimiunl fonturoij striking, but thu
pulitioal (iioi;tion involved furuifihod
food for gossip in court oides. find
thu murdor and trial octiuurcd hi
RtiHHta littlti of thu dutailH prohably
would havo bucoaiu known. Occurr
ing in Italy, thu ItiiHuinu docial and
politioal system wan laid liaru m
Bpitu of uvory ufforl of tho ozur'H
agents to IiiimIi up thu naHu.
Those ofl'urtH wuru mndu at thu be
ginning of tho investigation' and
would have boon successful had not
Italian newspaper men liecoino awaru
of tho fact. Thu Italian police were
placed on their moltlo and could not
aid thu in suppressing thu ugly
Thu TarnowHka murdor trial wan
ponding for wcokn. It ably attracted
grantor attention than any ciiho of
tho kind in Italy'H criminal history.
Thu Dnko of Ahrur.xi, Mine. Itnjau,
thu actress, and D'Aunuurin, thu
writur, am only a fuw muting thu
well-kpown perrons who attended
thu henritiL'H.
Of thu four prisoners, CoUntess
Mnriu Tarnownka. though only
charged with instigating and not
with actually committing thu mur
dor of Count Paul Kiimnrowsky two
ami a half yours ngo, waH thu central
figure in thu ease. Tho next rnnspic
iiouh figure wns Dr. Nauinoff, 21,
who ndmittud having' fired thu fatal
HliotH. NiidioliiH Prilukoff, a lawyer,
and HHhu Porrior, tho coiintoHH' mnid,
woru accused iih accessories.
ANNAPOL18. Mil., May 21. Th.U
submarines aro cnpabln of making
crulKOH of 200 miles anil mora from
tho connt, accomplishing their work
anil returning to tholr harbor was
ilomonHtriiteil on tho trip of tho Cut
tlefish, Vlpor anil Tarantula from
ChnrloHtoii to tho naval ncadomy, Tho
Vlpor, commaniloil by Midshipman
Loo P. Warren, ran 187 iiiIIoh with
out help of any kind from any sourco.
Tho voyago wuh taken aftor tho tow
ropo which bornd tho Vlpor anil Ta
rantula to tho Pralrlo hnil pnrtod,
Thin occurred off Capo Lookout,
North Carolina, and tho Vlpor hail
no difficulty In reaching Annapolis
from that point.
Naval pooplo nay that tho aohlovo
montH of tho uuhmarluo1:, particularly
of tho Vlpor, nro epoch making In
that lino, and will make our cooHts
wonderfully uocuro from hoatllo Hhlpo,
nnuo dnrliiK to approach within 200
CHICAGO, 111., May 21. Soma.
wlioro on tho woBt Hido a pioiiH
Orook peddlar namod Christ ChuokoB
in bmnnaniiiL' nn infliionoo toward
tho propituary tlmt impelled him to
oast bin bank.itocoiint to tho winds
to n crowd last night and proparo
hlmnolf to pass from tho world with
out worldlv kooiIh, naaordiiifr to t!o
npprovod CarnoRinn thoory.
Certain tlmt tho comet would snuff
his life, Chookos Inst ovoning drow
his doposits from his bank and sta
tioned hiniHolf at tho iutorsootlon of
Chicago nnd North iivoiiuoh.
Aftor nnnounoiup; to thoso who
would stop to liston that ho intoudod
to jmuporizo himsolf hoforo tho oomot
Htruolc, ho hurlod linudfuls of uiokols
nnd quartors nmonp; tho sorainbliujr
(irowd. Aftor hoavinj,' his last dimo
into tho eager mob ho disappeared to
await tho ond of tho world.
DALLAS, Tox., May 21. Every
stream in Southorn To.xns is swollen
to tho overflowing point today iih ii
rt'Hiill of '18 hours of lionvv rain. Thu
iliimiigo to mops in ostlnmled at half
a million dollnrH.
At Middlolon thu 11-year-old Hon
of !. L, Moiiiio wan killed by light
ning and threu purHoiiH woro injured.
Kiflouu dwellings woru duHtroyud at
Hour Lake, many woru damaged and
25 oil dorriolcH woro blown down by
a wind thai accompanied thu rain.
Han Antonio Htifforod from tho
Htorm and crnpu In that portion of
tho Htato woro diunngoil.
Di i :d.
LYNCH At thu Mod ford hospital,
May 20, ID 10, Kit ward Lynch of Now
York. Mr. Lynch nrrlvoil horo a fow
wcoUh iiko and waH In tho employ of
tho Clark-Honory compnuy, Tho re
mains will probably bo shlppod to
Now York (or burial.
Alfred WooIch, admlnliitrator
outato of Ida Maria CarlHou,
to I'rnd Curlnon, part lot 7,
block 3, Cottago Addition to
Medford $1800.00
Win. Clements to Martha A.
Marin, G.20 acres noctlon 2,
townvhlp 37, rai)Ki 2 W. . .
W. 8. Hammond to II. II. Tat
tle. 2 acroM I) L C 8-1, towu
Mhlp 37, ratiKC 2 W
II. II. IlurrlH to Kato Curto
nltia, land In hccUoiib 1C and
19, towiiRhlp 3D. ratiKO 3 E.
Iuabolla lieckalhorn to GcorKo
It. LowIh, part L C 40,
townrihlp 3G, range 1 W. .
13. L. Farra to Win. A. Con
loy, lotn G, 7 and 8, block
7, Central Point 4000
W. I. Vnwtor to E. L. Drown,
20 acred Hcctlon 3, town
Bltlp 37, range 1 W 1C00
M. S. Shulur to It. II. Toft,
lots 3 and 4, block D, Itoss'
Addition to Medford
H. F. Hciihou to E. A. Kino;,
lots in .Mountain View addi
tion to Medford $
Martha A. Hruukn to Luoru
tin Kuyart ot al., lot 7,
block 15, Medford 10,000
N. L. HiKlt to J. S. llauor, 180
nores in Hcctions 2 and 3,
towiiHhip 30, 1 uast 3,000
A. F. Holbrook to 'Geo. 11.
Young, lotn f and 0, block
03, Medford
K. K. HiiK'ley to Laura H.
Willoy, lot I), Unglcy's ad
dition to Ashland
II. S. Scales to II. II. Tuttle,
part block 3, Burr's addi
tion to Medford
Jordimi F. Wood to Alma P.
Donahue, 80 acres in sec
tion 30, township 30, 2
Crator Laku Lumber Co. to H.
E. llnrt, lauds in township
37, 2 nnd 3 west
J. H. Diiugau to Qold Hay
Itoalty Co., 100 aoros in
section !, towuohip 35, 2
O. II. Millar to A. N. Ilildo
brand, lots 8 and !, block 1,
Qucon Anno addition to
. Medford
!!. Savage to J. MoCounnchio,
10 nores in. D. L. C. 00,
township 37, 2 west
Margaret L. neosor to ,M. L.
Stanley, lot
Park addition to Ashland. 2.200
LOST A kodak, on tho road bo
twooa Jacksonville nnd Col. Wnsh-h
burn ranch. Please return to this
LOST A roll of film for kodak on
road between Jacksonville nnd Col.
Washburn's ranch. Finder plonso
return to C. W. Wllmoroth, enro
FOK SALE 120 acres 5 1-2 miles
from Woodvlllo, Evans Crook Dis
trict, 65 ncroB cloared; buildings,
foncos, fruit. Only $GG por ncro.
Inqulro of ownor on place. S. F.
Pnttor, Woodvlllo. K. F. D.
FOK SALE 100 aoros ot good land,
half ot It Is cloarod; 8 miles oast of
Medford. This Is a bargain at $20
por ncro. Address, Ownor, care of
Mall Trlbuno.
FOK SALE A young 30-ncro or
chard traot sot to commorcinl applos
and pours, adjoining tho city limits
of Ashland, Or,; good soil; slgjitly
location; llos practically lovol; or
chard In flno cond Itlon; ono ot tho
host buys In tho valloy ;pr!co for a
short tlmo only $260 por ncro; of
will subdlvldo. Addross Olllotto &
Campbell, Asblnud, Oro. Phono No,
10G1 Main. G0
FOK BALE Ton ncroa undor ditch,
throo mllos northeast of Medford,
This la a snap nt $1200, Siskiyou
Itoalty Company, room 22, Jackson
County Dank bldg,
TI1J8 IHHVK contains nil offer of something you unnt to buy something to obtain which you'd
iniiko ti Journey, tuid rliango cam, and hlko to out-oMlio-way street, nnl look up obscure addressee
If you had to.
Tho noxt iswuo KIIOULI) 'contain nn ad of something you Iwvo to sol! something Uio other man
wants, mid wants "really and truly."
Voti can buy you can noil.
One Cent a Word
- i
FOU BALE 10 acres good gardon
land, on main road 1 1-2 miles from
Main strcot; all under ditch. Price
I3.G00. Wilt tako 1,000 In city
proporty as part payment. Aylor &
Darnott, noxt to Mall Trlbuno of
fice tf
KOIt SALE 498 acres land In Scott
Valloy, ono ot tho most beautiful and
foitllo spet: In California; mostly In
alfalfa, and can bo Irrigated; woll
Improved, good fonccs, nnd flrst
clnna buildings; $45,000. for fur
ther par'.lculars nddrocs Walker
Dron., Etna Mills, Sloklyou county,
California. 70
FOR SALE 20 acres of fruit land
In tho valloy two miles from post
offlco, ono mllo from city limits;
good hoiiHo and barn; spn.n of mules
nnd wagon; two heifers nnd over GOO
chickens. A bargain as an Investmont
or homo. Inqulro J. II. Crcagor,
324 Jncknon'avonuo, Medford. 57
FOIt HALE At a bargain, a choice
proporty on North Contral avenuo
near tho now depot. Address Lock
Doz 214. 53
FOK SALE Somo bargains. Seo
Dally & Toft, JackBon County Bank
bldg., room 33,
Two lots ol Ninth Btrcot In Hobs
addition, $300 each, terms on one
half. Ono lot on Central avonuo; $750;
this on good terms.
Two lots on Knight street for
Ono lot In Kendall addition, $300,
on cn3y forms.
Ono lot on Apple and Fourth sts
Six-room liouso and lot, 65x100
fcot on Laurel strcot, $1G00.
Nino-room house, now. S2GG0. 53
FOK! SALE Tract E In Snowy Dutto
orchards; thoro Is a thrco-room bun
galow and good woll; this tract can
bo sold on especially easy terms. Seo
Owner on promises. 67
FOR SALE 1 havo ioino alfalfa
farms that would causo you to tako
notlco If you could seo them. Call
nnd bo snown. Q. F. Dyer, over
Medford P. O.
FOK 8 ALE 30 ncrcs undor Irriga
tion. Partly set to pairs and
apples. On lino of Pacific &
Eastorn K. K., nt Fish Lnko. Ad
dress C. T. Forbes, K 2, Contral
Point, Oro. 100
FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-nore tracts
just within and ndjoining city lim
its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay
ments. Address Condor Wator
Power Co.
FOK SALE Ton and twonty-acro
tracts, alfalfa nnd fruVt lands; Ir
rigated by porpotual gravity system;
wator dood with land. Prlco $150
to $175 por aero; tonus ono-fltth
down, balance 4 annual payments,
G por cont lutorcst. Soo a. A. Mar
tin, California land man, agent Lss
Mollnos Lnn Co., Hotel Moors,
FOR SALE Ton ncrcs 1-yoar-old
orchard; half-poars, balance applos,
peaches, etc.; flno building alto; two
mllca from business contor ot Med
ford; will take ono-thlrd In Medford
proporty, balance ensh nnd tlmo, Ad
dross X10, Mall Trlbuno. 57
FOR SALE 10 ncros Irrigated, on
main road, 1 1-2 mllos from Med
ford, $3500; do you soo tho point?
Dyor, ovor Medford P. O.
FOR SALE Good 10-room house
and 100x150 lot; C blocks from
Main, nn North Klvorsldo, for
$3750; $750 down, onsy terms. Soo
ownor, 317 East Malu, 5G
FOR SALE Now, niodorn sovon-
rnom furnlshod bungalow, closo In,
ouo-hnlt block from Main otroot; onst
front; comont sldowalks; city wa
tor paid for two years; a bargain;
rents for $40 por month, Addross
Dox 3GG, Medford. 53
TlmDor Imua.
FOR SALE 40 aoros ot good tlrabor
flvo mlloa from Medford; all down
hill, Mat Calhoun, Phoonlx, Oro
FOH BALE? City lots, $20; for a.
Buiall, safe laveatmont cce th city
lots I offer at $300 and $200 per
lot; $20 cash payment, balance $10
per month; no Interest. II. C. Malt
by, Palm 1 id.
FOK SALE Lot on Ross court, just
off Main; price 9650. Room 22,
Jackson County Dunk bldg.
FOK SALE 15 good building lots In
ono addition; will r!v0 good prices
and terms if all are taken or tako
half In good Improved property. Ad
dress Z3, Mall Trlbuno. 57
FOR SALE H cbolco lots, fine vlow
overlooking Medford; slzo each 103
by 2CG foot; just got these from
Mr. fiarnum two days ago. Pierce,
Shophord & Co. 53
Karma or Orcoards.
FOK SALE A flno 80-ricro farm;
GO acres In cultivation; 20 acres In
alfalfa; 32 bt-i. in commorcinl or
chard; 2 Cities from good tr-wn; 11
miles from Medford; railroad and
siding alongsldo ot tho place; Im
provements worth $3,000, all first
class. I am the ownor and will
glvo you a bargain. Investigate
this. Address L. W., owner, caro
ot this offlco. 54
i'OR SALE 60 acres, ncert building
clto In tho alloy, Includh g 30 acres
good fruit land; cheap and terms
right. H. O. Maltby, Palm Bldg.,
Main and Front
FOK BALE-Nfnet; acres. 30 tn ob
year old applo and pear trees, 100
Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from
railroad station. For terms write
"Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 261
FOK SALE Alout 30 acres ot good
orchard land 1 1-2 .miles east of
Phoenix. One-half Is In orchard.
Telephone, Medford, 1199, or ad
dress O. T. Payno, Phoenix, Ore.
FOK SALE Ono of tho very best
7-year-old 20-acro Nowtown orch
ards In tho valley and nice buildings,
fit to suit any critic. Dyor, over
Medford P. O.
Diutaeca Property.
FOR SALE Choice business prop
erty at a bargain, on long time;
easy terms. Address Condor Wn-
ter Power Co.
QUICK SALE Ono team, medium
Blxcd wo.'k horses, wagon, harness,
now ploy, cost $200; choap for
quick salo. Chas. Coder, Jim How
ard placo, ono mllo from ond of Oak
dalo South.
FOR SALE Hoavy pair ot horses,
5 nnd G year:, old. Also wagon and
hnrness. Esqulro at tho old Clint
Stownrt ranch, 4 miles south of
Medford, or phono Farmers 7146. 53
BustncM Opportunities.
FOR SALE Good paying business
nnd lease, wholo or halt Interest.
Address E, caro of Trlbuno.
WANTED Two slstors to tnko
chnrgo of dairy; ton cows; to busi
ness women that nro hard workors,
strong nnd healthy, a llboral Inter
est will be given and herd Increased;
excellent quartors with bath will bo
provided; throo hundrod aero ranch
In tho mountains; ono and ouo-hnlt
miles from Gold Hill, Oregon; Koguo
rlvor and Southorn Pacific runs
through ranch; eplondld opportunity
to tho right partlos. Apply to II. En
sign, Gold HIH. Oregon.
FOR SALE Chop houso at a bargain.
Must leavo at ouco. Addross W, caro
ot this office. 53
FOR SALE All furnlturo and bod-
dlng. Brooks' Rooming 'liouso, cor
nor South Contral and Eighth
stroot. 53
TO EXCHANGE Incomo proporty
in Los AngJlos, valuod nt $27,500;
mortgngod for $3,500; owner's
oqulty $24,000. Will oxchango for
proporty of valuo In or near
Medford. Th'n proporty is In first
class coudlt'on and h bringing In
a good ro.ital. It will ntand closo
Inspection. W. T, York & Cc.
FOK SALE For good wood and good
measure, try the Bunkor Hill
Wood Yard, at North end of C
street. Phono 841. J. A. McLcod,
FOK SALE A full line of Old Haasp
shiro and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth
finish; letter heads and envelopes.
Mall Tribune office.
FOK SALE-Or trade7ai901 model,
2-cyllndcr, 5-paseongor covered Keo
touring car, with 5 lamps, mud
chains, delivery platform and storm
glass; a good car In first-class con
dition; also a 2 1-4 Bain wagon.
Call on or address Geo. Stannard,
Pboenlx, Or.
FOK SALE In beautiful Illinois Val
ley, at Kerby, orchard and Improve
ments and equipments, 2 milk cows,
1 horse, harness and wagon and bug
gy; full bearing 14-year-old trees,
apples and pears; 10 acres; seo It
and mako offer; railroad survey
passes it. Henry Klopper, M. D., ref
erences, First National ot Grants
Pass, Or.
FOR SALE Or traoTel Largo P
room house, 7 blocks from Central
Main street; lot 50x112; good shed,
etc; $900; small hotel and lease or
good paying business. P. O. Box
4S, Medford. 54
FOR SALE Upholstered furniture
ot oak and leather; now piano; ev
erything complete for five rooms;
leaso on bungalow. Address A6,
caro ot this office. 53
FOK SALE Legal blanks of all
kinds trespass and other notices,
at Mail Tribune office. "
FOR SALE: Wall paper, paints, oils,
brushes, a very complote line; in
formation cncerfuily given by an
exporloncea painter. M. J. Metcalf,
318 E. Main st
FOR SALE Chandler & Price Gor
don Jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain.
Inquire Mall Tribune office.
FOR SALE Range and oxtension ta
ble at 729 West 13th st. 54
FOR SALE Young Jersey milk cow.
Inquire 216 Laurel street.
FOR RENT Modern 9-room house
furnlshod, In about two weoks. Call
at 520 South Holly. 55
FOR RENT 7-room furnished
house, closo in; also three rooms,
unfurnished. 334 W. 6th, cor. Ivy.
Furnished Rooms.
FOR RENT Modorn furnlshod
rooms nt 604 West 10th or 124 King
FOR RENT Room and board. 325
RIversldo avonuo, S. 53
FOK RENT Two front rooms, un
furnished; flno for of'lccs, dress
making parlors, etc. Second floor
133 W. Main. 53
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
room. Lady proforred. Call at 641
North RIversldo.
FORRENT Pleasant furnlshod
room for slnglo gentleman; private
family. 411 So. Nowtown st. 53
Housekeeping Rooms.
FOR RENT Threo room suito of
light housekeeping rooms, vacant
May 25; no chlldron. Call at 222
South Holly streot.
FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold
tulno; ten-stamp mill and concen
trator, all orerated by oloctrlc pow
oi, Ownor will furnish froe elec
tric power for shnro in proceeds. See
Smith, at Condor Wator & Power
i i in i i .ii -
Help Wanted Male,
WANTED A woll dlggor today; well
by contract. Addross B3, caro ot
this offlco. 6G
WANTED Experienced stone cutter
and quarny man, Call at Condor
Water and Powor Co's. offlco,
WANTED To borrow, $500; flv
room houso; 10 por cont. Box 118,
Medford, 54
WANTED First-class surveyor.
Call at offlco of Iloguo It Ivor Elec
tric Company.
WANTED Men cnpablo of earning
$50 por week soiling trees for larg
est and best known nurcory in tho
west; choice torrltory; gi rantood
stock. For particulars addross Ore
gon Nursery company, Orcnco, Ore
gon, i 61
WANTBD Salesmen In every local
ity of tho nerthwost; money ad
vanced weekly; many mako over
$100 month; choice- of territory.
Yakima Valloy NuraftT Co., Top-
HHp Wanted Female.
WANTED Girl to do housework for
family of four. Apply at 2G South
Laurel streot.
WANTED Lady cook at tho UfiP
WANTED You to read my "Just a
Story" (continued) in another col
umn. Geo. F. Dyor. P. 8. Adver
tising pays when it interests you
enough to call. '
WANTED Horse and buggy for
several months. State price with
or without board. G. P., Mall Tri
bune. WANTED To show you my list. You
won't regret a call ovpn it you do not
trade. Dyor, Over tho P. O.
WANTED Setting henB and little
chickens. Call up Main 441. tf
WANTED Modern 8-room house.
Call Mala 1771.
WANTED The comet did not stop
to buy; no time to bother; maybe
you are not in quite so much ot a
hurry; It so, find out what I have
B-4-Y buy. G. R. Dyor, over Med
ford P. O.
FOR SALE Or exch.-.nge for coun
try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room
house; pumping plant, 40 fruit
trees; 5 blocks from Main street;
on North Riverside; Boar Creek
bottom. Inquire at 317 E. Main
Palm building.
A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Over Post
office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA-
LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D
street, ground floor,
vig, C. L. Rcames. Lawyers. Of
fice Medford National Bank build
ing, second floor.
B. F. MULKEY Attorncy-at-law.
Offices room 30, Jackson County
Bank bnildine. Medford.
dertakers. Day phone 351. Night
phenes: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H.
Butler 3571.
Mackey and dio with joy." Over Al
len & Reagan's store; entrance on
Seventh street.
CINES Will cure rheumatism,
asthma, paralysis, sores and pri
vate diseases. These remedies may
be procured at the Sing Lee laun
dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Med
ford, Or., where they will be Bold
by tho propriotor.
Dr. Chow Young has treated sev
eral severe oases with his remedies
since coming to Medford and has
for reference some of the best
known and most intelligent citizens
in Southorn Orecon. Call on him
Tin Shop.
J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin
sheet iron ware on hand and made
to order. 128 North Q Street.
Messenger Service.
gers furnished nt all houso of day
and till 0 p. ra. to any pnrt of city,
from lOo to 25o. Phone Mnin 1812.
CINES Will cure rhoumatism,
asthma, paralysis, sores and pri
vate .diseases. Theso remodios
may be procured at tho Sing Loe
Laundry. 123 South Riverside ave.,
whore they will bo sold by tho pro
priotor, CHOW YOUNG.
Dr. Chow Young has treated
Boveral severe cases with his rem
edies jinco coming to Medford and
has for reforoncos some of the best
known nnd most intlligont oitizons
in Southern Orogon. Call on him.
ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blook.
Stenographio work dono quiokly
nnd woll.
M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, 18
N. Front st. Phone 231.
344 South C st., Medford, Or. E.
W. Hisoy, Matron. Official hospital
P. & E. R. R.
Mill rosters.
Distributor. All order promptly
filled. Room 29, Jaoksoa County
Bank building, Medford. Or.
Real Estate.
somo of the choicest bargains in
real estate in this valley. Also Brit-
, ish Columbia and Alberta, B. C, and
other parte. Call on him at Bitnur'a
office, Phipps building, or at the
Medford Anto company's garage,
where we start ont our agents for
the Aladden Mantle Lamp and hid
den window screen. We will treat
yon right. Come and see.
PriBtera aad FmMMien.
best-equipped job office in South
ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37
South Central avenae.
Billiard rasters. '
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs,
Young & Hall building. A nice, cool
place to spend the hot afternoons.
JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and
Builders, office 7-8, 235 Maim.
Phone Mam 3471. Residence phone
Carriage aad Aato PaJatfa.
WORKS High-class work guaran
teed. Signs. Riverside arenas.
Phone 801.
H. F. WILSON & Co., dealers in new
and second-hand furniture and
hardware. Agents for Mound City,
, kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh pfc.
Corner 8th and Holly Bts., Medford.
Mission Furniture made to order.
Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial
order solicited.
and Ranges. New and Second-Hand
Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W.
P st. Sonth. Phone 91, Medford, Or.
are budded, not grafted. Our stock
is not irrigated. We guarantee ev
erything put out. We are not in the
trust H. B. Patterson, office in
Hotel Nash.
Growers of high-grade nursery
stock. C. F. Cook, Prop., R. R. V.
depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 1201.
DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist
Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers'
& Fruitgrowers' bank building, west
of tho tracks.
Physicians and Sargeoas.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite
Jackson County bank. Night calls
promptly answered. Office and resi
dence phono Main 3432.
Stewart building Physicians and
Surgeons. Office phone Main 341;
private phone Main 012.
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
Physioinns. Mission block. Phone
291. Medford.
Clgara and Tobacco.
IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse
Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok
ers' supplies. Exclusive ngonts of
Lewis Single Binder, El Morito and
El Pulencia. 212 West Main stroot.
Uuildiiig Contractor.
ALEX. TAYLOR, Buildhp, Con
tractor Housos, bungalows, alter
ations, repairs. 31 North Central
avenuo, opposito postoffico.
Urlck Companies.
manufacturers and contractors;
also lime, comont and plaster in any
quantity. Office, Medford National
Bonk bldg. Phone Main 545.
G. W. Priddy. G. T. O'Brien.
O. D. Nngle.
Smokohouse, first-class brioklayer,
stonoworkor, cement stepping
stucco and moulding, fireplaces and
tilo work u specialty, European
nlan: dav ov contract.
Painters ar.U raperhaagers.
GERWOLF & WARD, contracting
painters, paperhangers and deco
rators; signs. Estimates given oa
all kinds of day and job work. Park
View note!. Phone Main 1801.
Legal Blanks.
LEGAL BLANKS All stylos of le
gal blanks for sale, a hundred dif
ferent forms. Medford Printing Ce.
r ). .