fi MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON-, SUNDAY, atAY 22, .10.10. 1 M AFTER MONTH'S SE INDIAN 'S BODY IS FOUND Sudden Disappearance of Montana Man Is Explained by Finding Skel eton In Clump of Bushes Commit ted Suicide. BUTTE, Mont., May 21. Tho sud den disappearance of Thomas Wilson, a prominent citizen of Stnndford, In southern Montana, was explained to day when It was learned thnt his body RACE SUICIDE PREVALENT IN SAN FRANCISCO So Declares Census Supervisor, Who Now Has Facts Rcflardlng Stork's Junket to Bay City One Family With Eleven Children. A MAN AND SAN FRANCISCO, Oil.. May 21. Census Supervisor Gcoruo 13. Bnldwin is authority for tho stnte- Lmcnt thnt race suicide is prevalent in Snn Francisco. For tho past six wns found in a clump of bushes near Uyccks he has been mnkinjr a study of the town, where ho had presumably census bformntion nnd noT has tho committed suicide, the day ho drop ped from sight last July. The discovery of his body put an end to the untiring search of his friends, who had been seeking him to apprise him of the fact that ho had been exonerated of all blamo for tho death of Thomas Gecr, who had drop ped dead at his feet a moment after "Wilson had tapped him lightly on the face. Geer hnd -een abusing his chil dren, when Wilson remonstrated. Gecr attacked him and Wilson struck tho man with his open hand. As soon a3 he learned Geer was dead, Wilson fled, believing that he would-be prosecuted for murder. An autopsy showed that Geer had died of a weak heart and that the ftal attack had been brought on by exctiement. . - SAYS HIS ENTIRE FAMILY ELOPED WITH GYPSIES SPOKANE, Wash., May 21. Mrs. W. W. Davis, 35, and her four step children, one a daughter, aged 19, and three boys, fourteen, five years and an Infant two months old, re spectively, aro declared by the hus band and father to havo eloped May 10 from their home at Moscow, Idaho, with a band of gypsies. Davis, who Is a mute, returned from town on that day and found his home deserted and abandoned and a band of gypsies who had been camped nearby for several months had broken camp and all had disappeared. According to a story whitten by Davis today ho alleged his wife had been keeping appointments with an elderly man in the gypsy camp for nearly two months and he says his neighbors told him that his daugh ter had become engaged to marry tho gypsy's young son. Davis has been searching for bis family since the day of their disap pearance without success. They are "believed to have gone Into Oregon, as Mrs. Davis has relatives In Dllly, Oregon. Davis is offering a large regard for the arrest of his wife in order to recover his children. facts regarding the stork's junket to San Francisco. Baldwin says that tho largest fam ily iu San Francisco consists of 11 children, whose parents nre residents of the Latin district. Ho finds thnt foreigners have the largest families and that married people with but one child are most common here. The number of eight-children families can be counted on the fingers of one's hands, declares Baldwin. Bachelors are surprisingly numer ous. Baldwin accounts for this by the statement thnt hundreds of young men flocked here for employ ment after tho fire. HILL FORCES IN ANOTHER BATTLE No Sooner Was Railroad War in tho Deschutes Closed Than Battle ground is Shifted to Northwestern Orcflon Plan Another Siege. PANTHER GOT ON LIVE WIRE; BLOCKED TRAFFIC PORTLAND, Ore.. May 21. Hardly has the declaration of penco been announced and tho smoko of battle blown away from tho Des Chutes Rlvey Canyon beforo it has be come evident thnt another nnd por haps more bitter encounter Is about to begin the Hnrrlman and Hill forces in Oregon. This time Northwestern Oregon Is to be the scone of conflict with Wilson River Cnnyon ns tho fiold of battle. Having met defeat to a certain ex tent In the Dcs Chutes River Can yon, inasmuch as they failed to bar tho Oregon Trunk from entorlng Cen tral Oregon the Hnrrlman generals, it is asserted, aro now preparing for another siege this time In hopo of retaining for their own field tho rich domain of the Tillamook country. Tho announcement of tho opening of hostilities stands out prominently in the statement authorized by Pres ident E. E. Lyttle, that the Pacific Railroad and Navigation Company is VICTORIA, I). C., May 21. Tho body of a largo panther, which tied up tho street car and electric- light service iu Vlctorln Thursday, when the animal Jumped on tho high ten sion wires, was turned over to a tax idermist for mounting today. Tho animal had crawled along tho edge of n street cliff, underneath which runs tho wires from tho Gold Stream Power Station to Victoria. From the cliff tho animal Jumped directly on tho wires and Its weight tore them from tho Insulators nnd shut off tho power. Tho panther was Instantly killed. $200,000 for Evangelical Work, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Mny 21. Delegates to tho general nssombly of Presbyterian churches aro rejoicing today over tho announcement thnt John II. Converse, into head of tho For Sale :ioo 115 r.:iii 2 miles railroad; $3000. 3 miles out, $12200. MAN IS MURDERED AND THROWN IN BAY SAN DIEGO, al., May 21. That Charles Weddlcman, a Swedish long shoreman, who came here from San Francisco recently, wns murdered for his money and thrown into the bay is the verdict of a coroner's jury which held an inquest over the body. Two bullet holes in the man's skull caused the murder verdict. When Woddleraan disappeared threo weeks ago ho told his friends that he was saving his money, nnd the police are convinced that he was murdered for his savings, only five cents being found in his pockets when he was taken from the water. TOMBSTONE PLACED OVER OLD HOLSTEIN COW ASHLAND PREPARATORY BEATS MEDFORD HIGH The Ashland preparatory baseball ' team cave tho Mcdford High a beau tiful drubbing Saturday afternoon, the score running something like 8 to 4. Believe me, that infield of those Ashlanders has some class. They made some plays that caused tho old fans who were at the game to sit up and take notice. "Gecl" said Miles, when the Ash land shortstop picked up a hot one and headed off a runner nt third, "I couldn't have done that better my self." "Yon couldn't do that in a week," said Pug Isuncs, sitting alongside him. "Look at that guy in center field. I got to take off my hat to him; but ho moves slow." "IIo's got you tied to a pobt when it comes to rambling over tho back garden," growled Shorty, and then wo all touched. NEWARK. N. J Mhv 21. An elaborate tombstone with an epitaph In verse, marks tho crave at Ger man Valley, N. J., of Dora H., a prize winning Holstcln cow, valued at $1200, which died suddenly a few days ago. A veterinary's autopsy re vealed that the cow had swallowed in its fodder a ten-Inch corset stay which had pierced its heart. Dora's owner composed tho eptltaph, which Is as follews: "This faithful cow wo loved so much Has gone and passed away; A corset steel cut short her life. It was not her's to stay." ncrcs?, ncrcs. acres, 3 miles out, .$11,000. 1200 acres timber, Q1. miles Med ford; cheap. 1G0 acres, $20 an aero. 20 acros, 2 miles out, $375. 31 acres, 3 miles from Mcdford, un dor ditch, $7000. 9 ncrcs, 1 mile out, in bearing. 2 acres, 5-room houso. 0-room houso, close in. West Walnut Park lots, terms. 1 lot, 50x215. $300. -room modern bungalow. Hnldwiu Locomotive works in Phila delphia, hml created u fund of $200, 000 to curry on uviuigulionl work. l)r, .1. Wilhur Clmpinuu wns chosen to direct tho omupuigu, Find today's, best ndvctlcod bar gainfrom your vlowpolut, and then nnowor tho uJI I Take a to build a second lino into Tillamook ; to form nn Important thread In tho 2 lots nt a bargain for cash, network of roads that the company 2 lots on Oakdale avenue. plans spreading over tho counties of; 100 ncrcs, $1000. Columbia, Clatson, Tillamook nnd Washington. The Hill Interests are back of the Pacific Railroad Company. The proposed line would cross an Immense aren of heavily timbered country. ' THE FIKANHIAL WORLD -f -f 1200 ncrcs timber, cheap, eloso in. 10 acres, $000. 2 house tents, furnituro; n bargain. Rooming house, a monoy-mnker. 3 teams. Papetries Just received, n very pretty lino of box paper mid writing imterinK We show sovcvul woll-kuown brands, including tlio famous WHITING'S If you don't care to sond papor, bo sure nnd scud A UOX OP The NERIV0LD SHOP 132 W. Main Delights Young or Old We enrry nil tho luteal types of Talking Machines nnd tho new popu lar song hits. Call and allow us the pleasure of playing them for you on a VICTOR OR THE Jttml ;., IXIll "i iFFVMWWX Mi HWBww Sm vVjli nlBL vUb r V. VBfll I Kodak with You k on your vacation this Milliliter, jjow Know tno possibilities. Let us show you. A new shipment of! ROCKWOOD on display. Just ihe tiling for wedding and graduation presents. Medford Book Store FOR A QUICK SALE HEAVY SNOW FALLING IN SOUTHERN COLORADO DENVER, Colo., May 21. Ileuvy snow is falling today, following u severe windstorm that h(.s swept Southern Colorado, killiug two per sons, injuring several othors nnd do ing heavy damago to proporty und -crops. At Rumnha a flying beam struck and killed tho fivo-months-old baby of Mrs. Edward Miller, who held tho child in her arms. Mrs. Miller was uninjured. John Ferguson, 40, was killed whilo crawling through a barbed wire fonco which was struck by lightning. Several houceo wore completely de stroyed and others woro darauged by tho terrifio wind and lightning. Peo ple wero torror-strickon nnd many took refuge in storm collars. Today tho wind partially subsided, tho thormomotor dropping several do- grtHJH and a hoavy snowstorm set in. Haskins for Health. MANY SITES OFFERED FOR THE BIG FIGHT SAN FRANCISCO, Mny 21. Tho announcement made by Tex Rlckard that tho Jeffries-Johnson fight will take place in this city has created quite a flutter in real estate circles, and within tho next few days tho pro moters will bo swamped with offerB of sites. Rlckard and Gleason are In no hurry to pick tho spot, because they Intend to go Into the matter thoroughly from every standpoint, in tont upon making no mistako In their selection. A placo within easy access Is their first consideration, but other details will havo to be elven some thought. With the referee and battle ground questions out of tho way, tho promot ers will now turn their attention to tho llttlo matter of getting out and jjettincr rid of tho tickets. Tho reser vations, despito tho various uncertain ties that havo surrounded tho big fight, have shown no falling off, but It Is felt that when the real admis sion tickets aro Issued tho demand will bo great'7 stimulated. Tho print ing of the tickets is going to be quite a task in Itself. New York. NEW YORK, Mny 21. Brisk trading and nn upward trend of stocks marked the market opera tions today. Railroads and leading industrials showed substantial gains and buying orders were voluminous. St. Paul prefered roso 2 paints, Union Bag preferred 2 points nnd In ternational Paper preferred soared 3 points. American Hide and Leather preferred went up 1 5-8 points, Na tional Lead and American Sugar each one point. Missouri Pacific and Great West ern advanced one point and Reading 1 1-8. Brooklyn Union Gas rose 2 1-2 points. Ontario and Western rose 1 point. One point was gained by Bal timore and Ohio. United States Steel, Chicago Northwestern and Great Northern, Oregon, Canadian Pacific lost 2 points. The market closed strong. FOR RENT. 1 four-room house. $10. 5-room house, furnished, 25. 6-room house, furnished, $35. WANTED. Ranch hands. $35 per month. Hay men, $1.50 per day. Women to work nnd cook. Girl for gcuornl housework. 40 woodchoppcrs, $1.50 cord. Laboring men for city and inilroad. A"? N v"t j ' E. F. A. BITTNER MedTord Employment Bureau. Business chances, real estate, all kinds of help furnished and bnsines. chances handled. Room 208, Taylor & Phlpps Bldg. Phone 4141 Main. CLARA MORRIS IS GOING BLIND; NO HOPE LEFT Hogan Wins. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 21. Tho fighting stock of "One-Round" Hogan is sovernl points higher today as n result of his victory over Char ley Roiily last night. Ho had Reilly at his mercy from start to finish, and in tho fourth round Referee Ed die ITnnlon declared tho fight ended in Ilognn's favor. YONKERS, N. Y May 21. Ac cording to physicians attending Mrs. F. C. Herriott (Clnra Morris), the well-known actress, there is practi cally no hope of preventing her from going blind. The family physician, Dr. B. M, Belcher, snid thnt everything within the power of medical scienco to save her has been tried, but despite nil efforts her sight is failing rnpidly. Two famous New York eye spe cialists have been in conference over her case and it is probable that thoy will recommend an operation for tho full restoration of her sight. Wright's Investments UNITED STATES GUNBOAT SCARES LITTLE ONE AWAY BLUEFIELDS, Nicaragua, May 21. Tho United Stntes gungont I'a 20. The United States gunboat Po ducah has driven the Madriz gun hont Venus nwny from tho port of Blueficlds. The officers of tho Pnducah refuse to say how near thoy came to a clash with tho little Nicuraguan boat. The Venus refused to oboy tho ordors of the Americans not to blockado the port until she was threatened by tho Pnducah. Madriz officials say thoy will np. peal to tho powers and international complications aro threatened. Mdern 7-room bungalow and 50.x 200-foot lot on pnvemdnt, close in; nice shade and well-kept grounds; a fine home; 4750; torms. Nent 5-room house, 2 fine lots 50x iju, grounds well improved, roses, berries, etc.; just off pavement; com fortably furnished; for $3700, good terms. Nice 5-room cottage, fine barn and woodhoiiHc, some fruit trees bearing, 50.140-foot lot, on fino street; a bar gain at $1500. 7iroom house and two 2-rootn housekeeping apartments, furnished, oloso in on beautiful street, income $05 per month; a good investment at $4300, terms. Fjno corner lot, close to Onkdnle, in good locality; for a few dnys .it $475. Some beautiful, viewy lots on Eant Main at bargain prices; don't fail lo let us show them to you. You are sure to bo ploased. J. BRUCE WRIGHT & CO. 132 West Mnin. Phono 2001 7HK d M EDISON WHETS EL MUSIC CO. 132 West Main Street. An Ideal Home Ten acres near reservoir, set to pears and family fruit. Fine building site overlook ing the valley. Largo barn, four-room house. Good road. Only two miles to postoffice. A snap for a short time only at $2G50. Also two houses in Mcd ford to trade for southern California lots. EASTMAN At P. & E. Junction. DON'T BE NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice Is hereby glvon that the annual meeting of stockholders of tho Pacific and Eastern Railway will bo held at tho office of tho company, In Medford, Oregon, on Monday, Juno C, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. By order of tho President. O. P. HUMPHREY, Secretary. - -- BASEBALL NOTES -f Jacksonville and Grants Pass will play Sunday afternoon In Jackson ville, while Medford will play Its flrBt game of tho season on tho Central Point grounds, Tho 4-0 gamo of last Sunday between Medford and Central Point Indicates a closo scoro this aft ernoon, Medford expects to win, of course, but you can't always tell. KRWtok INVISIBLE BI-FOCAL Let us show you with what genius and scientific accuracy a new principal has been applied to make the Kryptok lenses per. feet invisible bifocals. M You ican sue them mt Dr. Goble's Office HE FITS THEM West Main St. DECEVED By unscrupulous peddlers who are travorsing tho country offering you buggies, carriages und hacks at prices which thoy claim to bo lower tlinn our prices at home. Wo are publishing this circular as advance notico that wo aro iu position to meet nny compotitivo prices mado by any foreign representations nnd will guuranteo to give you bettor goods for loss money. Itcmcrnbor, wo stand behind our goods with a Btrong per sonal guaruntoo and mako it good, Dottcr patronizo homo dealers, whore you know you will got fair troutmont and any ropairs can bo had prompt ly. Wo ship our goods -direct from tho factory, thereby securing lowest factory pricos and host carload freights. R. II. PMCIIAItD & Co., Medford. HUBBARD BROS., Medford. EMIL PIEL, Ashland. FREEMAN & WILEY, Central Point. a HSIIE Ih certainly the fluent opportunity to iimko monoy over preuentcd In tho Regno River Vnlley: 50 ACRES of rich, red, loamy, al luvial noil, ul tint tort In n protected spot with protecting bills on two Hides; n Hiuall creek runs through It; no frost; adjoins land, (ban which no better can bo bought for ftOO an acre; 5 acres In young orchard; commands n flno view; land adjoining on tho noutli with unkempt bearing orchard Ih hold nt S7C and ncro; 20 acres only nbout liulf mllo away, but no better noil, Is held at 111,000. There Ih n houno and bnru on tho plnco nnd timber to Innt for yearn. All could bo plnntud to fruit nnd Hold at $000 an aero Inntdo of two yenrH. Property that can bo mado worth $2G,000 In a nhort time by planting trees; can bo bought now for $12,500. PART CASH, UAL- ANCH EASY TERMS. SEE THIS AT ONCE TORREY & MURPHY Medford, Oregon g t3 STACEY'S Medford Auto Livery Fully equipped repair shop in connection. Automo bile sundries, Gasoline and J3attories. Agent for the famous FIRESTONE, AJAX AND HARTFORD TIRES. Ill East Eighth St. Phono Main 211. FAIRMOUNT ADDITION Most desirable location in Medford. Only forty four lots loft, in tho only addition in Medford whoro the speculation hasn't been takon out. Between .Tackson and Second Streets. (Both will bo pavod soon). Adjoining tho proposed Oity Park. NOTE THE TERM $25.00 Down and $.10.00 per month. For full par ticulars call on J. L. DEMMER, Owner Rooms 7 and 8 Stowart Bldg., or 617 W. Jackson St. Telephone 3471. J "ti m mt,nM4