vmh- iin MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1910. r.! 'iWf j SOCIAL AND PERSONAL W. H. Harmon of Kuglu Point wan in Modfonl Friday ovoiiIiik oil Imsi- llOHII. form, doorgo II. Duggoll and Mrs. Kd Ilaiiloy snout Baturday In Med io rd. Forty Ihoiinand dollars' worth of city and county roal ontuto for nalo at n sacrifice by ownor. Hoiiboii, over Fannorn' & Fruitgiowora' bank. G3 Captain J. C. T. Nash Iiiih roturnod to Horkoloy aftor a wook'o visit in Modfonl. Mr. and Mm. William High of Dor rlH, Cal., woro in Modfonl this woolc on bimlnoHH. Tlioy aro now visiting relatives and friends in Washington. John KoborlH and W. 8. Stancllff loft I'liooiiix laHt Tuesday for Springfield, Or., an dologatos from Oregon Camn, No. 1218, W. 0. W. Tho Modfonl IJulok Co. !h in ro coint of a wiro to tho offoct tlmt thoro 1m a train of Hi carloads of llulokn on route to Portland. This is tho largost shipment of auton that has yot crossed tho continual Thono cam aro all tiold. Koop your oyo ou tho Hoguo Hivor Fish Co. for lunch goods. Oralis to day and tomorrow, 12 V4 and IB oeutH. Chiokonu for Suturday. Our own propnrod Binokod Hulmon. Sheriff Wilbur .Ioiioh wiib in Mod fonl from JackHoavillo ou offiuial titiHincHH Saturday. Tho Medford Hriok Co. havo mov ed their office to Itoom 6 in the I'ostoffico block. FactsNot OpinloiiH. Facta not opiniouH, aro what count. Whou wo state that wo havo no HiiporiorH in watch, clock and jowolry repairing, wo Htato a fact, not an opinion. Year of experience, our polioy of putting out only first-class work and our roaHonahlo priccH aro tho reasons .for our success. Wo guurantco all work. Wo aro auro of itu quality. Try tiH. II. T. Van do Car, succoHSor to Van do Car & Justnnnn. Qcnanco Hoofing awardod gold mesial nt A. Y. P. exposition. Mado from Trinidad Lake asphalt and guaranteed. No oxpannion or con traction. 08 Dick Travorso, who ban been dig ging pioceH of procioiiH motnl out o,f tho hills of Southoni Oregon for lol theso many yoars, wan a Medford viHilor Saturday. Tho Medford Ilrick Co. havo mov ed thoir office to Hoom 5 in tho I'ostoffico block. F. Morgan, practical tailor and hatter. Old hats mado liko now. La dies' and gents' hiiHh mado to order. Cleaning, repairing and pressing. All work dono in Medford. Hoom 15, P. O. block. 53 llanmrd & Comoyor aro offering spocial reductions on all hats, flow ers, otc. 53 Kditor 13. J. Kaisor of tho Valloy Record was in Medford ou business Friday. Barnard & Comoyor aro offering special reductions on all hats, flow ers, oto. 53 S. W. McClondon of Gold Hill was a Modfonl husinoss visitor Friday. Can you oatimato tho valuo of a Quoon Anno avonuo lot a yoar from jiowT Only $050, at prosont, cuhIi or lorms. 18 North Front stroot. Paved stroots, cement aidowalkB, water, nowor, oloctrio lights and all improvements will bo found in tho Quoon Anno addition; only oight mi nut oh' walk from tho Postoffioo. Choice lots $050. 18 North Front atroot. J. T. Ilradloy, latoly of Pittsburg, Pa., is making arrangemontn for tho amotion of a modern groonhouso in this city. Tin greenhouse will bo 25x 100 foot in sizo and in conuoction a number of hotbeds will bo put in. Mr. Poidloy is also a landsoapo gardouor of many yoara' oxperienco and will bo opon for engagements in this lino. llarnanl & Cornoyor aro offering special reductions on nil hats, flow ars, oto. 53 Colonel E. Hofor loft Snturday morning for Salem, aftor a day's visit in Medford, studying tho way of' tho boostor. Tho Medford Briok Co. havo mov ed thoir offico to Room 5 in tho Postoffioo block. W. W. ITannon of Eaglo Point npont Saturday in Medford. Mrs. C. Caroy will havo on baud throughout tho planting season all loading vnriotios of tomato plants at Star Garden, nbovo Phoenix. tf Don Clark of Kaglo Point has sold his iutorost in his Eaglo Point ranch to liis partner. All stylos of legal blanks at tho Mail Tribuno offico. Over a kun drod forms. M. F. Hnnloy loaves today for his ranch on Littlo Butto crook. Tho Medford Hriok Co. havo mov od thoir offico to Room 5 in tho rostoffico block. Cyrus Bradley, ono of tho found 'Ors of Spnkano, is sponding a fow days looking ovor tho valloy with a vlow pf invosting. Wlion ho firat wont to Spoknno Hint city only hnd 700 pooplo, and Iho proflpoots for n city woro not as bright as tlioy aro in Medford. I will bo at tho Hotel Mooro for a fow dayu and will soil my holdings in orchard and fann lands and city property, consisting of choice lots, also houses, for any reasonable of fer. Boo mo at onoo if you want a bargain, Honiiou. John II. Carkiu, nttomoy at law, ovor Jackson County Hank Mrs. It. C. Washburn has relumed from sponding tho winter in Portland and tho oast. A visit to tho Emporium will re veal tho newest ideas in waists and othor roady-to-woarn for womon, A visit to tho Emporium will re veal tho nowost ideas in waists and othor rondy-to-woars for women. Tho 75 acres of poars which woro sot out ou tho Chavuor estate this yoar by W. E. Thopson aro, with scarcely an exception, flourishing liko tho provorbial groan bay tree, ways tho Nows. Nowhoro in tho val- oy arc prospects finer than right horo for a commercial orchard. Thoro is no question about tho depth and fertility of tho noil. Shipping facil ities aro to bo ideal, for tho spur of tho Southoni Pacific connecting with tho Gold Hill Hnilroad & Lumber company's lino borders tho orchard; tho fruit may bo boxed beneath tho troos and loadod almost direct on tho cars for shipment to tho loss-favored regions of (ho earth, that must look to tho Hoguo Hivor valloy for somo of tho fiuor things that grace their tablos. Thoso lots on Qucon Anno avonuo am going rapidly; hotter gat in be-i foro values advance Lasy tonns. 18 North Front Btroot. It's to your interest to make a special effort to attend The Union Meetings Today Dr. Oliver will deliver his most famous CHATAQUA LECTURE Sunday this morning Song Service begins at 10:45 a. m. Special Lecture to Men and Women at 2:30 p. m. Extra Special Services for Men and Women at 7:30 p. m. At the Big Tabernacle, North Bartlett, near Jackson St. DRY SPELL WORKS HAVOC WITH CROPS IN TEXAS P. M. Shnmburgor of Hoby, Tox., writes to his friend, J. I). Skinnor, in thin city ns follews: "My grain will bo a iailuro again this year. Wo havo not had any rain yot, only two light showers, and did not do much good. Some . planted cotton early and got it up. and that is all that in doing any good. It is dying in spots. Wo havo a chance to inako cotton if wo can get a rain soon, but wo can't tell. I soinolimos thing of moving again, and may coma out thcro to soo your now country EAGLES HOLD BANQUET The local F. 0. E. will hold a big banquet on Thursday evening, at their hall. All Eagles aro cordially, invited to be present. K. P. CONTEST IS GETTING WARM Talisman Lodfje, No. 31, Knights of Pythias, to Hold Annual Memorial Services In Opera House on June 5 Much Interest Manifested. Send a Messenger that will meet with tho ap proval of tho recipient of your message. Any old kind of a messenger won't answer. The best should always be sent "if" you wish tho re cipient to pass a favorable vordict. What you think about busi ness stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Tht ii,tnJrJ .ir ftr huiinnt itMitmry May 1 tho Knights of Pythias lodgo decided to put on a contest and S. T. Brown and Henry Haswcll woro choBcn as Icadors. Sinco then tho lodgo has received a big list of applications and it is hinted that al most ovory member has from, one to I fivo applications cached away for f i tho final wind-up. As many ns three degrees havo been put on in ono night nnd eight candidates aro now waiting to start on tho road to knighthood. Next Monday thoro will bo work in 1 1 both first and second ranks. ureal micnuance. Tho boys aro turning out in fine shnpo and every meeting finds from 25 to 40 present, and nil go away declaring that thoir time was well spont. Memorial Services. Sunday, Juno 5, Iho annual me morial son-ices will ho hold in tho opera house. A musical program is being arranged and all arrangements arc being mndo for tho services to ho held in tho afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock. now Paul II. Bandy will deliver tho priucipnl address. How Bandy lives in Salem and is considered a vory fino sponkor. His addross will bo vory fino and ovory ono will find it vory interesting nnd entertaining. Public Invited. Invitations will bo sont out in a fow days and n largo audionco is an- riflinfifnd All Tvnitlita cVinntil rn. ninmlinn ilin iinin nnil invllo llmir friends to attend. ' GOVERNOR ONCE: NOW NO CITIZEN Ex-Executive of New Hampshire Shorn of His Citizenship When He Pleaded Guilty to Attempting to Defraud the Government. NEW YORK, May 21. Ex-Governor Frank West Rollins, of Now Hampshire, was shorn of his citizen ship when ho pleaded guilty to tho charge of attempting to defraud tho government of customs duties, ac cording to a statement by Federal Attornoy Wlso today. To regain It ho must obtain a pardon from tho president of tho United States. Rollins was Indicted by tho fed eral grand Jury for falling to Inform tho Now York customs officers that ho brought clothing and other arti cles from Europe valued at $4736. Ho appca'red in tho United States circuit court yesterday and pleaded guilty to tho charge. Judgo Hand fined him $2,000 which- ho prompt ly paid. Mrs. Rollins and Douglas Rollins woro included in tho original com plaint but tho federal grand Jury re turn nn Indictment against tho ex govornor alono. Tho maximum ponalty for tho of fonso Is $500 fine and two years Im prisonment. If Wlso construes tho law cor rectly, ox-Governor Rollins Is not n citizen of tho United States. Ilaskins for Health. LITTLE CHILD LOST; COPS CARE FOR IT Policeman Atwater Finds Little Boy About Three Years Old at Ball Park Chief Shearer Caring for It Parents Not Found. A littlo curly-headed boy, appar ently about three years of age, was found late last night by Policeman Atwnter near the baseball park, and is now under the motherly care of Mrs. Shearer, wife of tho chief of police. No trace of tho child's par ents has been found. Ho is unable to tell where ho lives or give any in formation, but says his name is "Wally." Tho boy was seen by residents of tho section of the city near tho ball park and Policeman Atwater was no tified. Ho took tho boy over to the chief's and ho will remain there until cared for. W0LGAST KNOCKS OUT GIRL WITH AUTOMOBILE TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., May 21. Ad Wolgast, champion lightweight pugilist, in nn automobile, collided with a horse bearing Miss Kathleen Slater, 12, daughter of a prominent business man hero. Tho girl's hip was injured when sho fell to the pavement. Wolgast took her in his machine to Sinters home, lnrco men were because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Old IUmmiiikk IIond ! clean, crlip ixiicr, nuila lor clean, criip hu.lntu Toilet. It it tolil on lli nsiuniinlon that llicre't economy In qntlily. A liandtoma peel m, n book given upon reiiiett, how. liMf lellerliemlt uml other liutineit lorim, printed, lllliogriiphei nml engraved on (lit whim uml louitee'i colon, M.iilehy IIammmikk l'ArK Cokil-ANV, Ilia )nly paper umkert In Jie world making bond Werkclulvely, Medford Printing Co. 38 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE Tho Medford Briok Co. hnvo mov ed thoir offico to Room 5 in tho Postoffioo blook. . A visit to tho Emporium will re voal tho uowest idons in wnists and othor ready-to-woars for womon. THE OAKS IS THE COOLEST PLACE AT VnnMl find Tho Onks a very cool place to eat. THE S. & GK LUNCH ROOM open clay and night, ;: in rear of the Smoke Club, old Emerick Cafe Room on :: North Fi'out Street. WmW Car of La-Fa-ets Call and sod the famous La-fa-ot Kitchen Cabinet, and you will know about tho best thing ever mado for the kitchen. Gar of Bed Room Suits in nia- .Tust received a select assortment of bed room suits hogany dull, Circassian walnut, fumed, waxed and golden oal tho finest ovor shown m Mecttord. -r WViV.tVi Car of Alaska Refrigerators, Etc. -Inspect tho Alaska and allow us to show its merits and supe rior qualities. Tho prices won't bother. REMEMBER, wo carry tho largest and most complete linoof housofurnishings in Southern Oregon. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. West Main Street, near Bartlett St. V with Wolgast in the machino at the time of the accident. Slator declared that ho would not sno Wolgast for damages, as he con sidered that tho pugilist's money was ill-gotten. Today's Greatest Gospel SOCIALISM A RED HOT LECTURE BY Wm. McDevitt, LI. M. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 2:30 P. M., Edge City Park. Real Cut Glass 5 ii-fSB 5sCssxn JOS' xi iTwwiiraB3y The finest assortmant of Hawke's Cut Glass ever shown in Medford Glass that is cut from the solid blank. Every piece bears the trade mark. MARTIN J. REDDY THE JEWELER, NEAR P. 0. Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 PROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs ........................ $60.00 Omaha -... $60.00 Kansas City ...$60.00 St. Joseph . . . $60.00 St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90 "Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.9u Duluth, direct $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will bo on sale May 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. The above rates apply from Portland only. From points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to above rates, Except that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. ITinal return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. MoMTJRRAY General P&saeigtr Agent, Portland, Oregon