1 ..!-(". . MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, ..L..;iv.','.aar MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1010, o 15 EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Qwrt Uy A C. Ilowleit MIhh KohuIIii Hunlko r Hullo 1'allH oninu out on tlio iitiiKU IhhL TuuHiluy mill in i)iiKnK!l to work Tor AIi-h. A. J, Daliiy. MIhh Iiorimii HIkkImh of Doiby ki-tuj-iiuil from it vIhIL to AhIiIiiikI Imil TuiiHilay, Kim In now a kiiumI of liar undo, A, I). Zimmerman. Mr. Bwiltart of IJoiliy anil wlfo, who liuvo liuun vlHititiK rulalivuH in AhIiIiiikI, liavo roturnoil to Kalu Point to Mpoiid a i'ow duyn vIhMiik boforo o!iik to tlioir liomu. IhiiuiI I'attuiit who liaa hocu a roul ljiil of Kmk'Io 1'oint for thu IuhL two yearn, liaii tiold liiii homo plucu and IiiHt WodnuNtlay niovoil hirt family to Iluttu FallH. Mr. Hryant liau lioun uiiKagod thu pant woulc ImiltliiiK and (utiiiikIiik a bathroom in thu ruuiduncu of A. J. Daluy. Hurt 1'oachoy, ono of thu furotil raiiKum, who Ih utationud in lhv Duiul Indian country) waa litiro vih itinii liiu l'ricmlH thu juiHt wcok. Theru fluuma to ho HomulhiiiK attrautivu to and loft him. Bo ho hired an auto miihilu to talco him out, and an thu auto roachml horu (ii!to a wliilo bo foru thu train did, hu K"t out and waitod for IiIh family and thu auto I ii mod for homo. At'lor thu car alartod and ot nq fur iih tlio junc tion, Mrs, TIioiikih diHcovcrod that hur liiibbaud waa not on thu car, hu not off with hur two children and walked baolc to Medford bIki in Mod ford and Churluy'in 1'iikIo Point. When thu car urrivod Charloy lookud for hia family nnd waa informed by thu conductor that tlioy had Kot off at tlio jiinutiou and K""o back. Ho Charloy boarded the train for Mod- ford, whoro ho found bin family waiting for him. Thou they took the car nimin for Kaulo Point, at XI o'clock p. in,, roachiiiK hero about niidni(,'lit, but thoir troubloa woru not ended yet. Ah thoy were wajkiiiK J From tlio atatiuu to whoro hia toatn wan, for tlioy hvo about three or four mik'H from town, they had to cross a littlu Htiuam of water, and Mm. ThouiaH had her baby, and her foot Sumiyuidu Thurnday niflit, JIo carnu out to buy a mowor and rnlco and roporlH ovorythliiK lovely up IiIh way and (hat thu proBpocta, for a good crop woro novor bollflr. Medford, Oregen: This corlificw tlial wo have Hold Hall's Texan Won der for tlio euro of all kidney, blad der and rheutnalio troublon for ton yearn, and have never had a com plaint. It givon quick and permanent ollof. Sixty dayn' treatment in each bottle. Medford Pharmacy. tf BUMMONH. sc Uort around here, for lm don't vimt' ,ippu(I (lIU, Hho fel, into tll0 watcr( very many of IiIh old friondH when ho coiuuH around. I had a Hhort inturviow thu other day with Mr. Critic of tlio firm of Crab; & Puller, coutractorri on the Pacific Si KitHtorn. Ho tullR mo that ho baa about all of tlio fi'nit part of hirt contract nearly fiuiHhi'd and will bo ready for thu Hteel by thu uiiddlo of Juno, but that they have sublet thu contract to make thu bit; -cut, (100 foot Ioiik and -10 foot (loop. IIo thiukH that it will tako (piito a nvhilo to iiinko that cut, iih it Ih ho deep that it will bo hard to gut tlio etoam uhovol up to it to work, but hu Bpeakn oucoiirapiiKly of tlio proH poet. Mohhth. Hitchcock nnd Clark re cently bought the J. II. Carleton place. Mr. Hitchcock uIho bought thu 70-acre tract from ThomaH Itiloy, and Mr. Clark iiIho bought a place on Hu; .Sticky, joining tlio Vilaa ranch. TIioho uentlumen are just Blurting in to "batch," iih their cook, Mrx.'Capt. Miller, and hur hiiNbnud have moved away. Charloy ThomaH, ono of our old tinio friondH, had (piito an experi ence lout Monday coming out from and in trying to Have her baby from getting wet, she got wot horxolf all over. Charley, Booing tlio predica ment bin wifu nnd baby woro in, runhed into tlio water to holp them, and ho ho got wot iiIho. MrH. Cal Peel and her two chil dren of Huttu Falls camo out IiihV week on a bumnoflB trip and to visit her uncle, John WntkinH. Hor brother, Ira Tuugate, wiih aluo out at tlio kiiiiio time, looking after Hupplicn for hia billiard room. Mr. Freiburg, tlio man of whom 1 made moutiou in my last nn boing at tho Suunyfiidu on account of n bad foot, has ho far recovered as to bo able to walk around again. John Watkins him boon engaged tho past week coiling a part of bin Iioiibo that had not boon finiRhod. Tho carpoutcrH havo got through putting in tho donnor windows and partitioning tho upper Htory of tho Sunnymdo hotel, and at this writing JamoH Itingor i ougnged in papering the rooniH. Tho nddition will ojcn up threo moro largo bedrooms that nro light and airy. John It. Alien, our railroad king, thu bIiow. Ho got on tho P. & K. nnd Mr. Oorig, vico-prcsidcnt oL tho car with his family, wifu nnd two company, woro out Thursday look children, and ho thought ho would ling ovor tho road and rouio of tho havo time to get off and get tlioHurroimdiiig country, children uomo ico cream, ho Blurted, j Mr. and Mrs. Hlauchnrd of and a moment Inter thu train started Flotinco Rock woro guests at tho In tho circuit court of tho Btato ot Oregon for tho county of Jackson, Kfflo h. Taylor, plaintiff, vs. Cory C. Taylor, defondnnt. Stilt In equity for divorce. To Cory C. Taylor, tho abovo named dofendant: In tho namo of tho fltato ot Ore gon, you aro horoby roqulrod to np poar and answor tho plnlntlff'B com plaint agalnnt you, now on Clio in tho abovo entitled court and cauno, on or before tho lant day of tho tlmo pro scribed In tho ordor for publication of summons lioroln, to-wlt: On or boforo tho 30th day of May, 1010, imld data being tho expiration of nix (G) weoks from tho day of first pub lication of this summons. And If you fall to appear and an swor, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tlio rollof prayed for in said complaint, suc cinctly stated as follews: That tho bonds of matrimony ex isting botweon plaintiff and defend ant bo forover dissolved, abrogated and set asldo; that plaintiff bo award od tho caro and custody of Armond Taylor, minor son of plaintiff and do fondant; that plaintiff bo awardod such an allowanco of defendant's property as may appoar to tho court equltablo and just, and that plaintiff havo Judgmont therefor, to becomo offoctlvo In tho ovont of defendant's coming, at any tlmo, within tho Jurisdiction of this court; that tho costs and disbursements of tblB sut. bo taxed to tho dofondant, and tho. plaintiff havo such othor and furtbet rollof aB to tho court may appear just and equltablo. This BUinmons Is publlshod In tho Medford Mali Trlbuno by ordor of tho Honorablo F. M. Calkins, Judgo ot tlio abovo entitled court, which said order was mado and ontorod of rec ord on tho 18th day of April, 1910, and tho first publication horeof Is tho 17th day of April, 1910. W. E. PHIPPS, s Attorney for Plaintiff. I wish to announco thai I havo purchased tho Union Livery Sables nnd will conduct a genornl feed and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by tho day, wook or month. I guarantco a square deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION JJVEUY BAHN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. - 4 In Case of vSickness PrlONE 3041 MEDFORD PHARMACY Noar Post Oifice AllNight Service Froo Dolivery ft t !- X RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to make is to come to ns for your next Buit, if you want something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT tbx PEoawssaxva xaxloi J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. J. A- PERRY, Vice-President. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ""TwwsAinrETJrE "SoETcTt your patronTageT WA NTED Timber and Coal Lands Engineering and Surveying Contracts Taken and Estimates Furnished B. H. HARRIS h CO. Medford, Oregon Office in JacKion Countr BanK, Upstairs PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN (a PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore. Operating Quarry at GoM Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING; MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE DRIVERS-that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUICKLy AND WITH coso'ht to you are ALWAYS TO IMC FODND Al THE PARLOW & DOW ING, PROPRIETORS. WEST SIDE STABLES PHOKE 2431 S. GRAPE STREET Medford Is Certainly Entitled to Be Named The Pasadena of Oregon Every advantage connected . with living in a city may be had with an Eden Valley Tract The Best Class of People Are Attracted Here People of refinement; people with means; retired business men; professional men; college and university grad uates, are coming to tho Kogue River Valley by the score. Within the past two years almost a hundred Chicago and ICvanston, 111., people havo purchased homes near Medford, and nearly every one of them has a friend or two whom thoy hope to induce to come and locate in the valley. New York, Philadelphia, Boston and many other eastern cities are almost if not quite as well represented, while St. Paul and Minneapolis have more representa tives hero than any other several cities combined. Think these statements over and got your thinker going. Write to tho undersigned or tho Medford Commercial Club for detailed information about the country, and you will never have cause to regret it. The Most Fascinating Investments Are In Bearing Orchards Near Medford Most of the producing orchards havo been held in large holdings until recently. A few weeks ago the Eden Val ley Orchard, containing 605 acres, was placed on tho market in any desired acreage. We havo been authorized to offer tho bearing apples and pears for sale, and if you know anything about this country and want a desirable block of bearing trees, write or come soon. During the past week over $150,000 worth of the property has been disposed of. It is located within two miles of Medford at an elevation of about 100 feet above the city and is one of tho best kept orchards in tho world. Parts of the orchard offered for sale have paid the owner over $600 per acre per year for four straight years. Do not come unless you aro prepared to stay, for just so sure as you do come tlio combination of fat soil, grandeur of scenic beauty and Italian climate will steal you, body and soul. After one visit hero you will bo miserable any other place on earth. . , . t An Eden Valley , Orchard will pay an income the very first year Buy now JOHN D. OLWELL EXHIBIT BUILDING MEDFORD, OREGON I .g. asm -:'.. ' &&:&. l : ..iol '- .u ,-yap., wm$fipjwr r XA&4!ki I