14 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, ftEAY 22, .1910. i CITIES AWAIT CENSUS RETURNS Much Interest Is Taken by Cities Over tho Country Concerning the Number of People the Enumerators Gave Them. WASHINGTON, May 21. Now that tho census enumerators have finished their work, ovory commun ity in tho country is holding its breath, figuratively speaking, and listening with every muscle tenso for tho announcement from Washington which shall either confirm its hopos that it has outgrown somo rival community or tell it that its hopas arc not well founded. And it mny not accept the verdict at nil, for some of the growing and ambitious cities, have caused delay until they could prove that every ono within their borders had been counted. Two cities which wero so thor oughly satisfied tho census enume rators had skipped a large number of their citizens that they wero not willing to abide by tho results, arc Galveston and Houston. These cit ies decided to havo an independent count made by their own representa tives. Tho commercial organizations communicated with the director of the census and secured his consent to hnve the local supervisor of the census in Galveston and Houston de lay tho making of their returns until they could chock up the lists with the boards of trade. Not many cities havo gone so far, although it seems that almost everywhere thore "'have been compioints that every one has not been counted, and the time for closing tho lists has frequently been extended. Seattle and Portland are among the cities which havo not been satisfied that the work was well done. Sacramento, San Francisco, Los An geles and, in fact, many western cit ies have exhibited doubt about the count. In San Francisco it was claimed that 5000 Chinese who were engaged every year in the Alaska fisheries should be credited to San Francisco. Seattle also claims some of these fishermen. It is alleged that they work for about thrco months in the north and then return to their home cities for the remainder of the year. Tho census office is now en gaged in verifying these claims. Hanan Shoes Once you experience the luxury of wearing comfortable shoes that hold their shape, with a style made permanent by fine material and skilled workmanship, no other shoes will satisfy you thereafter. We are speaking of Hanan Shoes. Sell ' -V ' ing them is the easiest - . - thing we do because t there is nothing to ex plain. The shoes tell their own story and every wearer tells it to his friends. Try Hanan Shoes once. C. M. KIDD The Foot-Fitter CENTRAL POINT NEWSLETTER Mrs. Fred Roper of Grants Pass is visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs Isaac Williams, of this city. Tho Central Point hotel has n new cook. It also has an abundance of other now things, a van load of now furniture having arrived yesterday from Medford. Mrs. Washburn of Table Rock ar rived at Cenfral Point Friday morn ing from an extended visit in Port land. The .colonel met her with his I automobile wero used and a different system of grading is maintained. D. R. Doanc, a prospector from Boulder, Colo., was in town on Thursday. He is seemingly well ac quainted with the gold fields of Colo rado and was surprised that tho pco plo of the Rogue River valloy do not say more about the rich deposits of gold in these hills. Cottago prayer meetings will be held all next week at tho following iJinmftQ Afro "Jnnew ftlmnnlinvt. TVc ..,..,. .. .....V,J uwuv.uuw, .UUC NEEDFUL KNOWLEDGE. Medford People Should Learn to De tect the Approach of Kidney Disease. The symptoms of kidney trouble nro bo unmistakable that they leave no ground for doubt. Sick kidneys excrete a thick, cloudy, offensive urine, full of sediment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding. The buck aches con stantly, headaches and dizzy spells may occur and' tho victim is often weighed down by a feeling of languor and fatigue. Neglest these warnings and there is danger of dropsy, Bright's disease or diabetes. Any one of these symptoms is warning enough to begin treating tho kidneys at once. Delay often proves fatal. You can use no better remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Medford proef: Mrs. Sella M. Van Winkel, 324 W. Jackson street, Medford, Or., says: "I first learned of tho merits of Doan's Kidney Pills while living in Patterson, N. J., and so well did they serve mo at that time that I have used them on every occasion since then, when I have had backache or trouble with my kidneys. I find that a box or two of Doan's Kidney Pills, used in the spring and fall, keeps my kidneys in good working order." For sale b" all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Mjlburn -Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United Siutes. Remember tho name Doan's and tako no other. Mrs. Rcbekah Moore will begin Warner, Mrs. Stedhnm, Mrs. Green about July 1 tho erection of a mod-land Mrs. Bessie Randall, and the ern cottage upon tho lots owned by time of holding these meetings will her in this city. She intends to oc-ibe from 10 to 10:30 a. m. Other cupy tho cottage, when finished, as homes will doubtless bo visited in a home. i various parts of the city in a fow Ror. Robert E. Johnson, tho evnn- I davs. gelist, arrived on the 10 :20 train Fri-! day and will preach his first sermon FRENCH AVIATOR FLIES Saturday evening. . SIXTY MILES AN HOUR Dr. Williams of Richland and his L0NGW0RTH TO BE TAFT'S CHAMPION WASHINGTON, May 21. Nich olas Longworth, son-in-law of Theo- doro Roosevelt and a Junior member of tho ways and means committee, will bo President Taft's champion on tho floor of tho houso when the Item providing for th'o tariff commission Investigation Is reached In tho sundry civil bill. Mr. Longworth has como forward to help the president and It will bo tho young Ohloon's oratory which must eavo tho appropriation. Mr Longworth will bo pitted against bucIi moa as Senator Payne, John Dalzoll, Representative Fordney of Michigan, Champ Clark, tho democratic leader, and othors who havo been In congress many terms, The Cincinnati congressman Is con vinced that congress should appropri ate $250,000 to get information on tariff conditions at homo and abroad, 'othor state, where mother. Mrs. H. L. Williams, of Or egon City, stopped in Central Point Friday on their way to Bit: Butte to visit Mrs. Rachel Allen, mother of Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Allen is also the mother of John Allen, a prosper ous ranchman of Big Butte, nnd is an inranto of his home. O. Wyss of Portland and W. R Pittcncer, John Hitzler nnd Peter Huggins of Medford registered yes terday at tho hotel. Mrs. Price returned home this morning after a four days' sojourn in Eugene, during which time she at tended the prand lodge of Rebekuhs as delegate from tho Central Point lodge. C. W. McDonald, who, though a resident and business man of Med ford. is connected with the firm of Fnber & McDonald in this city, dropped in for n few hours Friday and found things looking good in Central Point. E. A. Fitzgibbon, A. L. Johnson nnd A. W. Stovenson, connected with tho Jacobs-Stino company of Port land, wero in town Thursday endeav oring to find bu3ers for lots in the Wellington addition, a tract recently platted and opened in the suburbs of Portland. To offer burgains in Portland real estato to people who don't have to walk ten blocks to find better ones is like "carrying coals to Newcastle," and it is a safe guess that they did not find many enthus iastic investors. No services wero held in tho tab ernacle on Friday, tho ovening adver tised for tho opening night, as Rev. Johnson failed to arrive, but a rous ing song service was held under tho leadership of Charles E. Grey, and most of tho audience which had as sembled to hear tho evangelist re mained and listened to the musie with evident enjoyment. George II. Merritt, son of our well known merchant and orchardist, J. W. Merritt, has accoptod a school in San Rafael, Cal., and will teach thoro for tho school year, beginning early next August. George is a fine boy and though still in his earliest manhood, hits evinced tho sterling qualities and tho ambition that prom ises success in life. School oloses today (Friday), af tor a vory successful year under tho direction of Professor F, F. Cooper. Only a vory few of the pupils failed to pass their finnl examinations, and in nearly all of theso cases sickness hod kept tho pupils from nttending rogularly, as in a fow cases, tho pupils had recently ontored from an- diifercnt books MOURMELON, France, May 21. Cheuret, tho aviator, in a Fnrman biplane, flew at the average rate of 00 miles an hour yesterday, car rying Mmo. Granger. This is believ ed to set a new speed record for aeroplanes carrying two persons. Chenret's flight lasted ono hour and 12 minutes. His machine re sponded in good shape to every de mand and when ho alighted he was cheered enthusiastically by thoso who witnessed tho flight. Canton RESTAURANT SAM LOCK, Prop. The former famous chef nt the Nash Grill, Mr. Sam Lock, has opened a first-class restaurant above Kennedy's saloon, No. 33 South Front street. EntraDCO nt both sides. Only first-olass meals sorved, and just tho name of the proprietor is the best Guarantee. OPEN EVERY DAY AND NIGHT. NOODLES, CHOP SUEY. This is tho only place where will be served chop suoy and China nood les. Come and see me and you and I are both sure you will como back. Remember, I am willing and I preach what I promise. Yours truly, SAM LOCK. Horse Shoing is my Specialty Bring your work to a Practical Blacksmith and you aro sure to got satisfaction. Merrixnan SOUTH RIVERSIDE. Gr!-n MMMfMl WEDDIftPrcVS $? mmmuLmm i "LET GEORGE DO IT" WHEN IN NEED OF PINE WAT0.H OR JEWELRY TSxf mw v-v vmh JM THE BEST GIRT Repairing, Engraving' or Manufacturing (LET GEORGE DO IT) SSK MY SPECIALTY is manufacturing, engraving and impairing of fino watches and jowelry. I can manufacture anything in tho jowelry lino and havo tho knowledge and materials necessary to accomplish quick results. A trial will prove to your entire satisfaction that anything entrusted to my care will receive oxpert at tention and be absolutely satisfactory. Complete Jewelry Stock It would bo utterly impossible to find a moro complete stock of jowelry in southern Oregon. DIAMONDS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy .Tcwclry Novelties of all descriptions and styles (tho vory latest ideas just received), Silverware, Cut Glass, etc., etc. A call will convince you that this is tho place to find the larg est assortments of first-class Jewelry, while our prices may not be the lowest, we guarantee quality second to none for the price asked. ,- A VISIT IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. George A. Butt FRUITGROWERS' BANK BLDG., WEST MAIN ST. WEDDING SILVERWARE I I ?" ""ffy'X tall For Sale Land that will cut six crops of alfalfa a year. U. S. Government irrigation. If you are interested, address S. F, EHORN & SON ORLAND, CALIF. Roanoke Roanoke One of the Most Beauti ful Resident Sections of Medford Roanoke Addition is just far enough out to elim inate all noise and bustle of the business section and yet it is just right for the man who is in business. Only ten minutes' walk from the railroad. This is becoming one of the most finished residence districts of Medford. The lots all face on Main street and Rose avenue. Cement sidewalk all in. Sewer and water mains laid The lots are high and sightly, which gives them a great advantage. Building re strictions $2000. There are already several fino now cottages on tho property. These lots are quite largo, being 50x137, which gives plenty of room for garden and garage and other necessary buildings. Come and make your selections early. Prices $735 to $750 for east and west front lots. J. W. DRESSLER AGENCY Selling Agents K :JHtS. 3D,-D-'PASl JJ J Make Your Paint Money Buy Satisfaction TT)AINT latlifactlon mean tho working JL iprtiullnir covering tailing qualltlc oi me pauil. There' neither inlUfnctlon nnr I economy la ttitap paints they ctncK ami peel ana biuter won't tcoir. And hand mlieU toad ami-oil paint Ullttlo better. Hut your monoy buy unfalllnc atUfocllon when you uet "lllcli Standard" rlnt-It' raaclo o( bad material ami M nmm Ii irrouniVnnil-mlttxl Into a perfectly uniform pulnMlquM by wtuhmtry, 'PI. n ! Ikl.tu Jl ( - . nun mum . lillliy-livo yvara lIYnfiprC ' Poliit-niaVlinr experience buck M-d Thafi why "lllsti 8tatilnrl" ! l l'alnt roiyri mora ami wean dJJll 'com lw to four year lancer man nuier paint, ana cost lot. Write for our free booklot,"fSrKfw llama aJ Haw la Makt Thtt," NICHOLSON HARDWARDE CO. IN O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT Wo make any kind and stylo of Windows. Wo carry Glass of any sizo on hand. i MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon. X Roanoke Roanoke REAL ESTATE Farmland Timber Land M Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building "- - ti L11 4 ,