Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 22, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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    If r tI - .
Women Find Life in Rogue River Valley Orchards Delightful
Some of the Ladies Who Enjoy Existence In Country Near Medford
Mrs. Stokes Finds Many Intcrosllnn
Thlnus to Keep Her Busy, But tho
Cow Will Eat Ui tho Garden ns
Often ns Planted.
Do I Hint ranch 1 1 f T 1 uliuiilil my
ho oxmpt when I lmvo to work.
Haven't I threo of tho cutont llttlo
turknyri you ovur hiiw? Thoy aro JiiHt
llko Mnry'tt llttlo lamb, for every
where I go, thoy i;o.
And havon't I mmrly novonty-flvo
3lttlo oIiIcUdiih thai liavo canned mo
a unrld of trouble and lottt of fun?
Tho old liona Innlntod on leaving tho
niiHlH ton noon, no I hud to Incuhnto
nhout a dozon llttlo follown In tho
And haven't I n dandy riding horno
tlint ft'oln no nood moot of tho tlnioi
thnt ho hna to Jump over ovory llttlo
object I ntlio road, nnd itomotlmca
l.indd mo on tho ground.
Three tlmoN haven't I hnd a flno
garden hut not for long tho cow
nto It up.
And hlvon't I r. wholo batikot full
of llttlo klttnnn thnt piny nround nnd
cut up moro monkoy-ohlnon than eo
mnny ronl monkoy7
And havon't I hnd n tlmo finding
out nhout wooly nphln, bllKht, authrn
ciinn. Kiimonn. oto?
And linvon't I KOtton Just soaked f """
Mrs. Cowlos Believes Auriculturo
nnd Horticulture Is to Bccomo n
Practical Business Amonii Younucr
Generation, ns Jn Colonial Days.
(MRS. F. II. C0WLK8.
I hollovo that furmlni; Ih nhout to
lionomu nit much u practlcul hiiRlncHD
among tho younger Konorntlon of
Aincrlfan gentlemen an over It wnM In
our colonial dayH, only now wo lmvo
hcIouco no ti powerful ally. I also nm
Inclined to hollovo that for furmlni;
nnd orcharding pio moro fnvornhlo
condltloiiB can ho found In tho coun
try than right horo In, tho glorious
Uokuo Itlvor vnlloy.
ConspIououHty dotting our broad
wostoni country nnd monuments to
man's over-coufidenco and mis
chance uro towns und oven citiuH
from whoso marts producers und
huvo nliko dopnrled,
...i..... .1 it:.... i. .. r..n:...
trying to got homo from tho city some; " "" ? "-- " " '""
of tlionn ml.ty dnyH Innt winter? ilu "uuu- """ " v ' T
Why, of eourso, I llko llfo on a 1S ""I 'ttor of physical oudur
ranch, and If I hnd a good, llfolong ,"" ,A, "u"bcr of U80.8T ,mvo
iiorvanl nnd a dnndy auto no I could contributed to these results. Unsuo
way lmvo my friends with me, i , cossful competition with more nutu
would never n..k for another thing or 'd -,CIltcr8' jBiprnise-
.mum oj. resources, uiiuiuuiu ciipuui
( through no fuult of the town-build-
lers, nud yet again in uumistnkoblo
prominence, fnlBo commercialism
It is not possible so tragic a his
tory should bo repeated in Medford.
True commercialism will secure for
Medford a future of steady devel
opment ami prosperity, where fulso
; commercialism would net as u slow
a moro Idcnl llfo.
V rXSA (mi"IH1iV1Q xGk&P-TiRyr- fAwMsK kr
t&r Jkmt'i
iiHililililB , "tWEc'
Mrs. Hamlll Agreeably Disappointed
No Hardships or Privations te
Endure Existence of Rancher's
. Wifo Is CharmlnQ.
When wo first made up our minds
to como west and go into tho or
chard business, I had the usual ideas
of tho averngo eastern womaa of the
kind of life I was to lead. I had
made up my mind thoroughly to cn-
duro hardships and privations and to
do so stoically.
The fact that I havo found things
Here quite tho contrary, from what
I had expected has been the only
disappointment I havo had since
coming to Medford. The life of
a fruit rancher's wife in tho Hogue
River valley, with its delightful sur
roundings, pleasant neighbors and
climate is charming and I would not
change my lifo horo for tho old one
in the city for anything.
Tho most notablo ovent of the
month la tho aviation meet to bo held
Mny 27, 28 and 20, on the open spnee
just west of South Oakdalc.
Two aviators, one of who is Paul
Ely, who has mado so many beautiful
flights with the Curtis machine,
which ho operates, and with which
ho has broken many records.
Railroads will sell reduced rates
from Roscburg and intervening
points nud from northoni California
points to Medford.
Tho admission prico to nil aviation
moots havo heretofore been $1 nud
$2. As this will bo given for the
beuofit of tho Crater Lake highwuy
commission fund tho admission
charges havo been reduced to SO
conts for adults aud 25 conts for
children, thus onnbling every' o '
Up-to-Date Place Planned In Electric ')0;8on lo industry, paralyzing tho
Building to Equal Anything of Its'"0'8 o enterprise und growth.
Ihis paper was fortuunto today tu
Kind on the Pacific Coast. soouring from a well known citizen
I tho following expression of opinion.
'Ho said in of feet:
.fMlKK fJRNKVIKVK WORTMAN.l . "Roforrinir to the future nossibil-
Tho Roguo River Kloctrio Com-lilies of tho toivn, on its own merits,!
puny, who uro erecting a threo-Btory there nood bo no limit to them, so ( ASHLAND POETESS
offico building on West Main Street, ! long ns the pooplo who nro constant- MOST CHARI
uro also fixing up a basement in ly coming nro governed rightly in
snmo 2'lxMO foot in uizo to bo ront
, ed out as a Rathskollor Cafo. This
cafo will bo cquippod in a modom,
first-class, up to dato manner, equal
to anything on that order in Port
land or Snn Francisco. Tho floor,
walls and coiling will bo tiled, und
ithore will bo numerous pinto glass
mirrors on cides aud coiling. It
will bo hoatod by electricity and nil
cooking will bo dono with elootrio
cooking nppliancoH. It will bo ven
tilated with olootrio ventilators and
their movos and placod rightly. Tho
very host and most ablo aud most
cultured pooplo from the cities tire
daily pouring in, looking for idoal
spots in which to live, to build homos,
nud to make mouoy. Thcso are lo
gitimnte purposes, nud wo want those
pooplo, and want thorn to remain.
will bo tho coolost plaeo in tho city, This is soon in tho largo oxooss of
in the nuinmor timo with u uniform, tho snloB of ranch land ovor city
tomporaturo nil tho yoar around nnd proporty. But, tho country makes
with nn abundance of fresh air. ! tho town, nnd will innko it, moro and
Tho roof of tho building will bo, moro,
mado into a roof garden, modern in
all rospoots nud connected with tho
onfo by nn olootrio olovator and
thoro will bo u uuporabiindance of
olootrio light. Tho estimated cost
of th'iB onfo and roof gardon accord
ing to tho architect's figuros will bo
about $25,000 in addition to the
cost of tho building.
Somo of tho lndios of tho Greater
Medford Chill) aro in rccoipt of u
charming compilation of poems writ-
ton by Mrs. Cnrrio R. Winkler ofl
Ashland. Tho volumo is an artistic
creation in design nnd binding nnd
flnmA tfitrfv annnnla nm innliifln.l. nil
U.l?,.0,,,r,b,"8i"osatho busi.nos,8r "f! containing a tender nnd beautiful
sontimont. Among thoso which might
appeal tho most to tho general read
ers nro tho pooms of tho firosido nnd
thoso on nnturo. Tho book is dedi
cated "To My Beloved Dnughtor."
established business interest in Mod
ford to mako them satisfied to re
main. Most of thcso newcomers
come horo suoking country holdings.
Tho Medford Dairy, ownod and
run by J. W. Snider, successor to
"Wnrnor & Snidor, iH situated ono milo
wost of Medford.
Sovornl modorn improvements havo
boon installed which mako it ono of
tho most up-to-dnto dniries in South
orn Oregon.
An norntor is usod which cools tho
milk to 54 dogroos boforo it is bot
tlod. A bottlo filler is usod whloh
fills oightoon quart bottlo por min
ute. Sanitary milk tickets are also
usod, which provent contagious dls
ensod from boing carried from ono
houeo to another.
Mr. Snydor has boon in tho dairy
busiuoos fivo yoars, and by his hon
esty and nlortnoss has built up u
largo trado.
Somo of todny'o atoro nows may bo
as "nowBy" for you as tho pnpor'B
"flrot pngo dluui.tchosl
.IlaBkina.fbr Health.
"Wlion thcso nowcomors nro placed
to thoir satisfaction, when they can
roalizo n fair roturn upon thoir in
vestments, thoy inovitubly full in lovo
with tho country nnd thon what!
Thoy not ns a draw upon all their
friends, nud frionds follow them to
this region. Most of those prospec
tive buyora know littlo or nothing
about tho varying or contrary char
acter of soils, thoy naturally seek
locations through othors who uro in
terested and havo u larger acquain
tance with tho vnlloy at largo, and
it is to our irroat interest that thev
bo instructed correctly nnd that
thoro bo no fiituro complaint from
them on tho ground of tho trontmont
thoy rocoivo nt our hands. If thoso
buyers nro folsoly looatod, tho fii
turo rosults can not fail to bo bad.
That thoso pooplo should roalizo no
returns coinnioiisurnto with thoir ef
forts, would work havoo for Mod
ford, Those pooplo must bo handled
fairly, on a fair nnd opon businoss
pohoy, first of nil boonuso wo nood
thorn horo. Plnoing nuotlior family
horo moans nuotlior family to bo fod
nud clothed and housed, to attend
tho thoutro, to buy our woros and
promoto our interests. Tho more
wnndoring exploiter of lands, who
is seldom a voiilly local donlor, who
follows any loss moritorious Bysloin,
not only works to tho dotrimout of
tho town nud tho wholo vnlloy, but
in tho end kills his own orodit ns woll.
It is to bo our consistent, and, I be-
Among tho infant industries of tho
vnlloy undergoing a Bteady growth
is the Roguo River Cannory and
Evaporating Company, of which S.
T. Howard is tho president and L.
I1. Lozior secretary. Many im
provements and additions to tho
plant, looatod ono milo west of Mod
ford on tho Roguo Rivor Vnlloy rail
rond, aro boing planned. Two build
ings aro now on tho ground and n
third, GOxGO, is to bo constructed. A
general canning business will bo
conducted ns woll as drying, aidor,
vinognr and fruit butters, all guar
anteed to conform to tho pure food
'! .
...', 'J?": r
. 'r ?&?
ytrtt. George II: Daggett.
Mrs. W. P. Rau.
Christian Science.
Sorvico Sunday morning at 11
o'oloolc. Subject of losson-dermou,
"Soul nnd Body." Sunday sohool at
10 o'clock. Tostimoninl mooting
Wodnosdny, 7:30 p. in. Tho public
liavo, united offort, to brood no
kunokors horo."
This expression of opinion, com
ing from ono who is woll qunlifiod to
bosponk Medford itsolf, may woll bo
taken ns mdioativo of tho community
business cousoionco, nnd ns n fore
word and prophooy of tho Btondy
growth and organization of this on-
tiro valloy, of which wo nro so duly
Ilaskius for Iloalth,
J. R. Anderson states that he is
going to build a gas plant that will
supply this wholo valley. The plant
will bo located between Medford and
Ashland, and mil bo tho high press
ure system, and when completed will
be tho finest and most modern, up-
to-date plant on tho North Pacific
Anticipating tho future needs of
tho city nnd valloy, this plant is to
havo a capacity which will servo a
population of 50,000 people
Mr. Andorson has socured n fran
chise in Medford for thirty-five
years and in Ashland tho initiattivc
has beoti completed and on Tuesday
tho city council will call for an election.
Application for frnnchiso has also
beon mado at Phoenix, and tho
mnyor, city council, nnd representa
tive citizens linve given ovory nssur-
nnco thnt the frnnchiso will l.o
Mr. Andorson oxpeots the lu-tive
operations of laying pipo to begin
Juno 1st. Tho pipo is now on tho way
nud thoro's ovory reason to believe
that tho plant will bo complotcd und
making gns by Soptombor 1st.
NOTICE OP SALE OP 950,000.00
SCHOOL 110X1)8, DIST NO. 40,
Dlds will bo rccolvod up to Juno 1,
1910, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m.
of said day, by Jas. M. Cronemlllor,
treasurer of Jackson County, Orogon,
for tho purchaso of J50.000.00 (fifty
thousand dollars), coupon bonds, of
SI, 000.00 denomination, to bo lssuod
by School District No, 49, ot Jack
sou County, Orogon, payablo in twen
ty yoars, ton years' optional, bearing
5 por cont Intrest por annum, Inter
est payablo soml-nunually. Bids to
bo accompanied by certified chock, 6
por cont ot tho amount ot tho bid.
Tho board of directors of Bald school
district No. 49 roservo tho right to
rojoct any and all bids.
Treasurer of Jackson County, Orogon.
Dated this 6th day of May, 1910.
The now school building to be
erected in Queen Anne is to bo a
handsome structure of tho mission
type. This building is to havo eleven
rooms, high basement and large
gymnasium, and will, when tho
grounds nro all improved as contem
plated, bo a distinct attraction to
tlio east side.
Tho Washington school is to un
dorgo extensivo repairs which will
includo a complete change of its ex
ternal appearanco, six now rooms,
a modorn heating system, largo base
ment and removal of all unsightly
Mayor Sneli and ' Councilmen
Meyers and Moore of Ashland were
in Medford Tuesday for the purpose,
as Mr. Snell said, of showing Mayor
Canon how to run a right good town.
When questioned as to what was now
jn Ashland, he said that he was
afraid to say anything for fear of
encroaching on Medford. Speak
ing of Medford and Ashland he said
that ho had not, as people supposed,
any jealousy of Medford, but on the
other hand entertained the best of
feelings for us.
In commenting on the recent re
call proceedings instituted against
him ho said that the moral support
of Medford was ono of tho greatest
helps he had had. He said thai
every one in Medford seemed to
be his friend and that he had rested
to come to the city at that time.
Takes Off Its Hat.
The city of Ontario takes off its
hat to- L. R. Anderson, president of
tho Ontario-Upland Gas Company,
for giving the city, without any ex
ceptions whatever, the finest modern
gas plant in California. Wo certain
ly have something to bo proud of.
Its effects are already in evidence
as shown by the increased activity
and advance in real estate values.
Ontario (Calif.) Record, Thursday,
Dec. 23, 1909.
J. R. Anderson, president of the
Rogue River Valley Gas Company,
which will supply Medford, Ashland,
Phoenix and Talent with gas, states,
that it is tho intention of the com
pany to give Medford even a more
complete and up to date plant than
the one recently installed at Ontario,
Calif., as tho Medford plant will be
a high pressure system having ca
pacity to serve a population of
50,000 people. In fact, it is to be
THE MODEL PLANT of tho Pacific
Is "trouble brewing In the kitchen?"
Woll tboro'a tho want ad way of get
ting "help."
- ,' I ,3
naskins for noalth.
at the
"We do not claim to put up
tho best 25c meal on tho
coast. There may be better.
Our aim is to put out just a
littlo bettor than we adver
tise. Give us a call and be
your own judge.
(Opon Day and Night)
J J -J ' fl 111 I aW
m 1 tr -J&riX I I 9J aw'
There is a Wonderful
between the light afforded by an ordinary carbon
incandescent and the brilliancy of our new Gen
eral Electric MAZDA lamp. The latter radiates
two and one-half times as much light with the
same amount of electric current.
A 40-Watt MAZDA Affords Twice the Light
of the 50-watt carbon lamp now in general use
and costs one-fifth less to burn. We recommend
its use to our customers as it more than cuts their
light bills in two, making electric light so inexpen
sive that no home, however humble, and no store,
however small, can afford to be without it.
Ask us to show you the new General
Electric MAZDA lamps and clusters.