-fs '' ( City Hall Medford Mail Tribune UN1TKD PRHM ASSOCIATION FhII Lcaaed Wire Report. FIRST SECTION Tho only paper In tho world published In a city the itse of Medford having a loaned wire. PAGrES 1 TO 8 tfJOTJI Y.IQAU. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1910. No. 53. LOOK W. Hi SAYS VALLEY OF 1 ROGUE IS RICHEST IN 1 WORLD SAYS CONDITIONS THEY APPEALTO A RAILROAD BUILDER SPEAKS FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF TO BUSINESS MEN 4 HlltMt Following n few of thu pertinent purtn of the- address of Louis W. Hill, president of tho Great Northern railroad, to the biiHinoHH men of Medford on Friday evening: "Wo dropped over tho mountaiiiH into tho Rogue Kivcr vnlloy and found tho richcHt valley in tho world. I Hny this advisedly and after traveling over 100 milcH throughout it IoiikIIi and brondth. I have traveled extensively, but nowhoro hnvo I ever found a richer or more beautiful valley." "RegnrdlesH of wlint tho Great Northern may do for that hnH not yot been determined hihiii conditions horo nro thoeo which appeal to a railroad man and tho railroad companies induc ing them to invent their capital in certain sections." 'I thought wo hod a greater intorcst in tho Pacific k Eastern than wo hnvo. Hut I think I see tho time coming when this little rond will bo identified with a gnat system." "Ily all moans, build tho Crater Lnko road, for" it will bring hundreds of thousands of dollnre into tho country." "When a man once sees tho Roguo Hivor vnlloy ho gets an impression he will novor get over it is wonderful!" f -f f -f . -f For an hour and n half Friday evening Louis V. Hill, president of tho Qrent Northern Itnilroud com pany, nddrosned tlio bitninoBB men of Medford who had gathered at tho batuiuot board to welcome tho son of thu great emplro htiildir." Mr. Hill spoko on many topics, pnid n high tributo to all Oregon, named this vnl loy tho richest in tho world, spoko of tho Hill invasion of Oregon and of what tho futuro would bring forth, Mr. Hill proved himself n closo ob server, for in his nddress ho brought (Continued on Page 8.) COMET VIEWED IN BUT IS NOW WITHOUT TAIL LOOKS LIKE HUGE STAR IN WEST Sulphurous Rain Falls in Franco and Is Attributed to Passauo of Earth Through Tall Visible Now for Sovcral Evenings. A largo numbor of local people viewed Hulloy's comot Fridny nud last ovonings whon it apponrcd nftor sundown in tho western horizon, Ilowovor, it wns without its tail and is not tho bountiful Bight it was ItiBt week in tho oast. Tho comot will bo visible sovoral ovonings in tho wost. Monday night it will begin to fade rapidly. Sulphurous Rain. LEMANS, Franco, May 21. Sul phurous rain foil horo today. Tho phonomonn is attributed to tho pass ago of tho oavtli through tho tali of Ilnlloy's comot. Thu country is cov ered with a yellowish subslnnco while tho nttnoBphoro is improguablo, murky and of a sulphurous odor, ANN ARBOR, Mich., May 21. Tho "Gotnwny" journoy of Ilnlloy'B comot will tnko plnoo ncoording to tho nstronomionl sohodulo miulo sov ernl days ago, Professor Ilussoy of tho Univer sity of Michigan uunouuood today A H H Leading business men of tho city to tho number of 70 gathorcd Fri day evening at tho banquet board to greot Louis V. Hill, president of tho Great Northern railroad. For sov ornl hours tho business men nud Mr. Hill dismissed nn olnbornto menu nud got better acquainted. Speeches wore mode tolling of tho marvelous rosources of this section, toasts wore proposed and it wns in tho woo sma1 hours that tho gathering dispersed. A. H. Iteamcs presided as toast- master and discharged his duties " (Co utiu'uoil'bn 1'nijo S.) GIVE LOTS FOR NEW Queen Anno Addition Offers Four Lots Near New School Building as Site for Proposed New Carnegie Library. Tho Queen Anno corporation litis offorod tho oity four building lots nonr tho now school building to lie orootod on tho oast side as n site for tho now .Cnrncgio library, which iwill bo Boourod (shortly nftor tho ooiibus roturu is nnuouuood. Tho lots nro givon voluntarily, tho donors o. pooting no return other than that whlcli would naturally rosult from tho erection of such n building. Tho site propoBod previously wns that on which tho old wntor tank stands, but sotno opposition hns boon voiood in that rognrd, as it is boliov cd tho ontiro spnao thoro should bo dovotod to park purposos. that tho comot will ho visiblo to tho nnkod oyo for Bovornl ovonings on tho wostorn horizon. Tho professor sightod tho oomot last ovoning nonr tho sun, hut n bright moonlight pro vontod him from Booing moro than n faint outlino of tho tail. Tho hond appoarod tho Bamo ns it did boforo it pnssed tho sun, EVENING LIBRARY SUCH MI 'tun WEUUCKYOU' CLARKTO G.O.P. Minority Leader Says Proposed Tar iff Commission Is Plan to Postpone Peoplo's Verdict on Paync-Aldrlch Tariff Measure. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 21. -Declaring tho proposed tnriff com mission is a plan to postpono tho peoplo's verdict on tho Puyne-Ald-rich tnriff mcasuro, and denouncing thu encroachment of th6 oxecutivo on tho legislative brunches of the government, Chnmp Clark, in the houso today, sounded tho Democratic koynoto of tho coming congrcssionnl enmpaign. "Tho proposed appropriation of a quarter of a million annually to sup port tho tariff commission," ho said, "should bo entitled, 'A motion to postpono thu peoplo's verdict on tho Pnyno-Aldrich tariff bill to a sen son moro convenient to tho stand pat Icndors.' "It is another desperate Effort to hoodwink tho voters. Tho creation of such n commission would bo an other startling illustration of how far tho legislative branch of tho gov ernment has surrendered its rights to tho oxecutivo branch. Tho power of congress hns steadily dwindled for tho pnst quarter of n century, while no (7 tho oxecutivo mounts to imperial jind oven autocratic proortions. "Members of congress anxiously inquiro whether bills hnvo been rcc- .ommcudod by department heads. They forgot thnt tho department heads aro moro appointees of the president, bond olorks who hold of fice at his pleasure Some of them could not bo olocted to congress from any constituency. Chirk declared tho administra tion's promises of economy in gov ernment vanished with its promises of n downward revision of tho tnriff. Ho predicted that tho Democrats would win n victory in Novombor. Turning toward tho Republicans nud slinking n long finger in their direction, ho sheuted: "You'll rocoivo tho bloodiest licking you hnvo had sinco 1892. Up, guards, and at them!" w. T ILL; CAUSED CHANCE PLANS EOR WEDDING Was to Havo Been Best Man at Nup tials of Miss Grace Andrews and A. Conro FlWcro, But Is Unable. CHICAGO, May 21. Miss Dooskn Jtnh, who hnd planned to go abroad for tho summor. hns chnugod hor immodinto plans on' account of tho illnoBs of lior finuco, W. Houdinot' Connor, of Medford, Or., who is ill with mnlarin fovor nt Honrotin hos pital. Mr. Connor arrived from Oregon on businosB two wcoks ngo. Tho on gngoinont of Miss Rub and Mr. Con nor wns anuouncod in March, whon sho wna visiting Miss Emily Fioro, and followed n short and romnntio courtship. Mr, Connor wus to havo boon boat man on Juno 0 nt tho mnrringo of A, Conro Fioro and Miss Andrews nt Medford, Or., but it ft) not probnblo that ho will bo strong enough to tnko such n long journoy. I ROAD 10 ENTER THIS CITY Oregon Trunk Files Supplementary Articles With Secretary Articles With Secretary of State, Declaring Its Intention to Build to a Point in the City of Medford Decision Was Unanimous. SALEM, Or., May 21. In supple mental articles of incorporation filed yesterday in tho office of the sec retary of stato, tho Oregon Trunk Railway company declares its inten tion to build up tho valley of the Deschutes river and its tributaries and in a general southerly direction to a point at or near Klamnth Falls, in tho state of Oregon; and also from a point on tho main line of tho rail road of tho said corporation in township 35 south, range 7 cast, of the Willamette meridian, in Klamath county, Oregon,- to n point in the city of Medford, Jackson county, Ore gon, a distance of about 70 miles, with such branches and extensions as tho corporation miy hereafter dc cido upon." This decision was taken nt a meet ing of tho trustoes held in Vancou ver, Wash., May 11, 1910, and rati fied by a unanimous vote nt a meet ing of tho stockholders held the same dny, nt which 49,999 shares being all but ono share of tho stock of the corporation were represented. HILL NOT BACK OF ALLEN TROLLEY, LINE PROJECT President of Pacific & Eastern An swers Question Louis W. Hill Promised to Find Out About and Tell tho People of Ashland. Como West. John R. Alien, president of the Pa cific & Eastern rnilroad, mid who is soouring rights of way for nn olootrio road throughout tho valley and is nt present applying for a frnnchiso for a trolley lino in tho city of Ashland, announced yester day that tho Hill iutorosts were not behind tho electric road, but that It was a privato outerpriso of his. Tho question nroso in connection with n stntomout mndo by Louis W. Hill while in Ashland Thursday, whon ho informed tho peoplo of that city that ho know nothing of tho Hills boiug bohiud a proposed trolloy lino in that city, but that ho would find out nud lot thorn know. "I hnvo stntod on uumorous occas ions," said Mr. Alien, "that I did not roprosont tho Great Nurthoru rail road nor Jnmos J. Hill. In fact, for soma timo pnst I havo boon endeavor ing to bo relieved of tho duties of tho Pnoifio & Enstorn in ordor to devote nil my timo to my othor iu torosts, including tho olootrio line, tho franchises for which I hold in Med ford nnd Grants Pass and for which application is now on filo with tho oity counoil of Ashland. I ropro sont no ono in theso mattors othor than mysolf. I boliovo that tho frnn chiso in Ashland will bo granted." It's hard to koop tho monoy-supply nmplo, unloss tho buying Is dono with ns much skill as tho raonoy-onrntng roqulros. That menus porsistont ad rondtng. WATER CONTROVERSY SETTLED; CITY TO PAY HANLEY $2000 AND CROSS LAND NEW COURSE IN LOCAL SCHOOL Horticulture Will Be Taught Next Term and Medford Will Have the Only High School in State Offer ing Pupils This Science. In addition to the domestic science and manual training courses now of fered in the Medford high school, tho school board has decided to in stitute a coarso in horticulture the next school year, and offer local boys a course which is not given in any other high school in the stato. The course will be under tho direc tion of the Oregon Agricultural col lege, which will place Professor Hall in charge. It will be complete and up to dnte in every' respect. Ar rangements have just been concluded by Edwin D. Ressler of the depart ment of industrial pedagogy, O. A. C. The local high school is the only one in the state outside of Portland to offer a domestic science course and will bo tho first in the state to offer a course in agriculture. It will be of great benefit in this section, where horticulture is practiced so ex tensively. FINDS CHILD THOUGHT LOST IN THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD FORT SMITH, Ark., May 21. A father nnd daughter who were sep arated by tho great Johnstown flood iu 1S87 and had not seen each other since, wero reunited when Abraham Price, n con! miner, met his child in Pittsburg, Kan. Price with his wifo nnd child was living in Johnstown nt tho time of the disaster. He saw both of them dis- appear in tho flood, but escaped with his own lifo nfter a hard straggle. Ho searched for dnys, but no trnco of the bodies was found. Finally Price left Pennsylvania nnd settled in Ar kansas. Prjco left money with friends in Johnstown to defray tho bnrinl ex penses of his wifo nnd child if tho bodies were found. Tho daughter escaped death, but tho mother per ished. Grown to womanhood, Miss Price sent inquiries brondcist seek ing to lenrn the whereabouts of her RIVER HAVING TIME GETTING Ferrying Strawberries Across the Co lumbia In Order to Tako Advantage of Low Rates on Hill Road. HOOD RIVER, Or., May 21. The strawberry situation in Hood Rivor is iu n critical condition. Tho wu days havo ripened tho fruit i ,tho nbility to got pickers. Mnny growors did not got ovor thoir patches Saturday, nnd Monday will find hundreds of orates of ovor-ripe fruit. Tho vnlloy is in desporato nood of piokors. Hundieds of oratos havo boon fer ried across tho Columbia nnd shipped via tho North Bank road. Tho grow ors nro indignant over tho high ox pruss ratos to Spoknno, as tho Hill linos aro carrying borrijs to Spoknno for half tho amount chnrgod by tho Amorionn Express company, al though tho local ngonts havo said that tho company would out to meot tho Hill rates. BILL HANLEY MADRIZ WILL TAKES A HID DISREGARD U.S. He and the Mayor Get Together and Bring Long-Drawn-Out Litigation to an End Case Would Have Been Heard Monday. The long-drawn-out right-of-way controversy which the city has wag ed for the past two years with M. F. Hanley is at an end. Mayor W. EL Canon and William Hanley took matters into their own hands yester day afternoon and after a short con ference, from which newspaper men, lawyers, councilmen, relatives and all were excluded, succeeded within a short time in getting together. The agreement reached was that the city is to pay Hanloy $2000 and allow them the use of the surplus water the city has in little Butte creek, which is in the neighborhood of 50 inches. The- news that an ngreem,enjt had been reached spread like wildfire over tho city, and it came with pleasure to all. Tho city has fonght Mr. Hanley once through the su preme court and had started in again in an effort to get a judgment through condemnation proceedings in order to cross tho Hanley premises nnd supply the gravity wnter system with pure water. William Hanky's connection with tho matter dates from his visit in Medford two wcoks ago, when ho promised that the matter would be settled and that if his brother aud tho city could not agreo that ho (Continued on Page 8.) TERRIFIC DAMAGE Oklahoma Town Is Razed by Storm One Person Known to Be Dead, Many More Thought to Have Per ished. SHAWNEE, Okln., May 21. Lat est reports from tho vicinity of Mo- Arty iudicnto that that village, num bering 100 inhabitants, was the only town to bo completely dostroyod. Agnes Dewderry, 20, is tho only per son reported dead. Rohof parties loft horo today for Paul's Valley, which was swept by a oyclono yes- torday. All wires aro down, but couriers roport that sovoral wero killed and many injured at Marys villo, McArty, Madill and Pnoli. Tho 13-yoar-old daughter of Rob- ort lark of Paul's Vnlloy sought ref ugo iu n cavo and was injured by a timber which wns blown through tho roof of tho cavo. Tho tornado originated thrco miles oast of MoArty and Bpout its force in Paul's Valloy. Buildings, fences and polos in its path woro blown nwny nnd crops woro boaton into tho earth by hail nnd wind. Horses nnd onttlo woro killed by hail. Evory physician hi Paul's Valloy was summoned to attend injured por sons and sovoral moro accompanied tho rohof parties that loft here today. TEDDY'S PERSONALITY BREAKS DOWN ALL RESERVE OF KINGS TORNADO DOE Orders His General to Bombard Blue fields Regardless of Orders Issued by Americans to tho Contrary May Make Trouble. COLON, May 21. It was learned here today that President Madria sent an order by wireless to General Arias, aboard tho Nicarnguan gun boat Venus, to return to Blueficlds and bombard tho town, regardless of American orders to tho contrary. Tho notion of Madriz is believed here to foreshadow a fight between the Venus and the American gunboat Padncah. Tho possibility of an en counter is regarded ns certain if General Arias carries out the order. Recently tho Paducah ordered the commander of the Venus not to bombard BlueCelds. The order was obeyed and the Venus left the har bor.- ... It is believed that should sho re turn and begin a bombardment the forces of President Madriz, outside Blueficlds. would commence a land attack. This also has been forbid den by the American commander, who landed marines and gatling guns os tensibly to protect tho American consulate, but in reality to keep peaco in tho city. WASHINGTON, D. C, May '21. Fighting in the neighborhood of Rama, Nicaragua, was reported to the state department late this after noon. Communication with Rama has been cut off. MONARCMSK Royalty of Europe, Asia and Africa Crowd About American and Dfr Him Homage American's Person ality Sweeps Aside All Thoughts. LONDON, May 21. Tho spectacle of tho royalty of Europe, Asia nnd Africa, who had not yot been pre sented to Theodoro Roosevelt, crowding nbout tho American nt the luncheon at Windsor Cnstlo, follow ing Edward's funoral, is described today by nowspapors horo as a "wondorful persouul triumph for Colonol Roosovolt." Tho Amorionn was tho dominating figuro at tho luncheon. Ho wns tho particular agont of King George and was assigned n plnco of honor with Emporor William of Germany. Tho luncheon was marked by a koon passage of wits nnd Roosovelt cnjno off first best. Tho mounrchs of Europe plied him with questions for nn hour concerning his views of politics both iu America and Europe. Tho colonol countored with questions concerning the duties of kingship as understood by his host and his host's guests, Tho Roosovolts aro staying at WroBt Park, Ambassador Reid' country home, and will remain then until Monday, M QUESTIONS I Tw 'i ( as .. 1 j