MEDITQRD MAIL TKD3UNE, MEDFORD, OJllSapN. TOttftSDAY, MAY 19, 1910. 5 - ' '"'' ' ' '" ' ' ' '" '- l-ll !! II ! HI SOCIAL ANU PERSONAL II. II. Mitxwoll o Oukliiml, Cul., 1h rcKiftturod at tliu NiihIi. MrH. Florence Gout hurl was ut Jacksonville on legal IhiiiIiiohh Thurs day morning. Forty tliuiiiiiiiitl dollars' worth of oily untl county roal oslulo for hiiIo nt u sacrifice by ownor. Benson, over Farmers' & Frultgrowera' hank. h. C. Colomun wa at Jacksonville Thursday morning looking after hus Imohh initltuni. Try Allin & Alliu for grocorio, 132 Went Muiii. Koop your oyo on tlio Rogue- Rivor Fish Co. for lunch goodH. Crubn to day mid tomorrow, 12 Vi "l lfi contH. Chlokonii for Saturday. Our own propnrcd umokud hiiIiiioii. The Medford Urlok Co. have mov- Mrn. J. II. Dooinnn of Oold Hill roturnud homo Thursday after a visit with friuudH in Mcdford. A. H. Cornell returned Wednesday from a IiuhIiichh trip to OrantH 1'iihh. cd their office to Room f in tho PoHloffico block. Marion Tryor wiih in Medford WcdnoHday from Talent on a lun inuHH trip. KactM Not OpinloiiH. Facts not opinions, arc what count. When wo ntato that wo havo no superiors in watch, clock and jewelry repairing, wo utato a fact, not an opinion. Yearn of experience, our policy of W. I). Stono of Trail nponl Thurs day in Mcdford. The Medford Hriok Co. have mov ed their office to Koom 0 In tho I'oHtoffice block. Oiih Nygron of Liilm Creek in Hpunillng a few ilityit in Mcdford. John II. Ciu-kin, attorney at law, iver jaakfion County Jtonk C. M. KoHtol of Coutral I'oiut wiih in Medford Thursday, accompanied by bin (ion, The Mcdford Ilriok Co. have mov ed their office to lioom fl in tho PoHloffico block. I'. II. Daily of Huglo I'oint was in Medford Tliurmlay on IjuhIiichh. All ntyloH of legal blanlcH at (ho Mail Tribuno office. Over a hun dred formH. Tho coming of BocinliHin, and "The Moaning f Milwaukee" will bo the topic of a llva ltcciiro by William Mo Devitt, LL. M.( former register of the UnlvorHlty of Washington; ateo for mer editor of the Dally World of Oakland, Cab, at Medford, Or., Sat urdny ovonlng, May 21, on Front Htrcot, near Southern Pacific depot, at 7:00 p, in. It will bo free and every olio 'h invited dto hear thin tpioHtiou discussed, and all questions will 1)0 miHworcd. CI MANY NEW MEMBERS OF THE COMMERCIAL CLUB NEW THEATER IS SOON 10 OPEN Vaudeville and Motion Pictures With Splendid Music Will Bo the Policy of Now Playhouse on Main Street Now Bclnu Arranged, FISH WHEEL IS OWN I NOW OPEN -QUICK LUNCH AT ALL HOURS I OFFICIALS Master Fish' Warden Has Pralso for Invention of Southern Oregon Man and Urges Their Adoption by Irri gation Companies. Tho following wore elected to momhorship in the Commercial club lust evening: George F. Dyor, T. L. Fnrlow, C. K. Donning, 8. T. Rich iinltinii. W. T. Ivmitiinr. V. Mnrtrnn. putting out only first-olnHs work and, c J 8omon) J tI Qanior, Low our rcaHouublo prices aro tho reasons ; Ilk n m TnckMtrom. K. II. Trow- for our success. ( Wo guuruutco nil work. Wo aro nuro of its quality. Try uh. II. T. Van do Car & Jiibh inauu. JnmcH Morton of Talent wnti hero on hiiHinoBii ThurHdny. Mm. Elizabeth Konnoy of Jack nouvillo wiih in Medford Thursday on bUNlllCflB. Gciiuhco Hoofing awarded gold from Trinidad Lnko aHphalt and! ho, ,loncor Jokonvillo merch niitrnnlMd. No nn..lo or oan.Uai hc "mmc1 for ncftrl' ft .' traction. G8 hridgo, W. J, Ilockonyon and 8. IlnmbaliH, by tho soliciting commit tee, and Qlon Hood, Harry J. Ncoly and Kirby S. Miller by the sooro tary. MR. AND MRS. CHAS. NUNAN SERENADED AT HOME Although CharlcH Niiunn, son of nut, oar, upon hia firHt appenrnuco at 1i!h Rohorl O. Smith wiih in Medford ,".", " lur "n """ ' -"-WednoBday from Grants Pbh on lo- ,u', 2,., .,. ,, VIIU Ui II1U llllllltlllllB III, IIIU Will Ritl btiNinoHH. Iluy your bulk tea and coffee front Allin & Alliu. Hon. T. Camoron of Jacksonville wub in Mcdford Thursday on a btirfi ncriH trip. II. D. Norton of Grnntfi Pass wan in Jacksonville WoducHday looking after legal mattoru. The .Mcdford Hrick Co. liavo mov cd their offieo to Koom 5 in the PoHtoffico block. Ilarnnrd & Cornoyor aro offering special roductious on all huts, flow ers, etc. G3' IlciiHon is Htiro going away in a day or two boo him for a lot, hou3o, uunguiow or land, lio is tho ownor and will sell for nny ronuonablo price. 00 Mcdford High School baseball team will ploy tho A&hlnnd Prepara tory collcgo Saturdny afternoon at 2:30 on tho local diamond. Last Sat urday a cIobo gomo was played with Ashland, tho final flcoro hoing 7 to 0 in favor of Medford. Tho boys aro in debt and want nil tho support pos sible, so turn out. Tinwaro, china and glassware at Alliu & AIIIu'h. Chnrlos A. Monnon of Portland is visiting with Mcdford friondfl. Rnmurd & Cornoyor aro offoring Bpccial roductioiiB on all hats, flow- am. nln. f.1 W. C. WilHon of Trail was in Mcdford Wednesday niht on his way to Portland on business. Can you OHtimato tho vnluo of a Quoon Anno avonuo lot a yoar from now? Only $050, at proaont, cash or torniB. 18 North Front Btroot. Tho ladlos of tho Groator Medford club will issue a mipplomont to tho Mai ITrihuno Sunday to niako room for tho matter loft out last wook. Pavod HtrootB, comont Bidowalkfl, water, newer, olootrio liKhts and nil improvements will bo found in tho Quoon Anno nddition; only oight u.iiiutoH1 walk from the Postoffico. Choico lotH $050. 18 North Front stroet. 'ttnrnnrd & Cornoyor aro offorinj,' epooial reductions on all hats, flnw orfl, oto. 53 Tho Medford Prick Co. have mov ed their offioo to Room ft in tho Postoffico block. J. D. Hoard, K. K. Kolly, Moso Bnrksdull and G. Putnnm Hpout Thuradny fishiiiK on Horuo rivor. TIiobo lota on Quoon Anno avonuo aro RoiiiR rapidly; hotter got in bo foro vnluos ndvanco. Easy torma. 18 North Front stroot. . Edffnr S, Hafor ia apondinpr ft fow days in Portland on business. Born In Medford, Thursday morning, May 10, to Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Ilurnotto of Jaoksonvillo, a daughter. Mrs. C. Caroy will havo on hnud throiiRliout tho plnnting saiiboii 'all londinj,' variotios of tomato plants at Star Gardou. abovo Phoenix. lf Frank Evnna was a visitor in Ash Innd Wodnosday. ITo wna aooom panlod by A. F. Stonnott. Uaskina for Honlth. town is that no native hod, whatever his ago or whatovor tho numbc: of yenrs havo elapsed fiinco his depart ure, can return with a bride without hoi iik Ktvcn one of thoso receptions. The usual ceremonies were observ ed and Charlie, realizing thnt the charivari was more in tlin imturo of a wolcomo to his old homo .than any thing else, cutorcd into tho spirit of tho crowd and was finally retuniod Hiifo and Hound. Saturday night will mark an epocli in Medford's advnncomont when tho doors of tho now Isis theater on Main street will bo thrown open to tho public. Vaudeville and advanced motion pictures, with splendid music and ef fects, will bo tho policy of tho now Isis, and Manugor Williams, who is fitting up tho plnco, is sparing no pains or oxpcriBo in equipping tho cozy playhouse with all tho comforts and conveniences possiblo. It will be spneious and comfortable, cspo ciul attention being given to tho in stallation of an electric system of ventilation Hint will insure a cool temperature during tho weather. The stage, whilo not as largo as some, will bo equipped with modern seen cry and conveniences, and, all in all, tho Isis will bo a creditable addition to growing Medford. Manngor Williams has secured for bis opening attraction tho great Marshall Road Show, a company of classy vaudovillians who aro spoken of in tho highest tonus by tho press of othor cilios where they havo re cently appeared. Tho company is bonded by Edward C. Marshall, the well-known lumkuf wizard, who baa a variety of comedy mysteries that havo created quito a furore be tween ho re and Portland within the InBt few weeks. Associated with Marshall aro a numbor of vaudeville artists of exceptional quality. Tho Marshall company wns espe cially cngngod to open tho elegant now Folly theater in Eugcno the first of tho month, and tho Eugene Guard gavo thorn a groat sendoff. , In addition to tho Marshall com- Mufltcr Fish Warden II. C. Mc AlliHtor and Deputy Edward Clan ton woro Tuesday given a demon stration of ail automatic revolving fish wheel, designed to keep fish out of irrigation ditches and conduits, by tho inventors and patentees, J. C. Ailken of Woodvillc and R. C. F. Astbury of Gold Hill. Mr. McAllis ter pronounced it tho most porfect dov(co yet made for keeping fish out of conduits, and will urgo its use throughout tho state and its adop tion by tho state board of fisheries. Tho demonstration took pluco in Bear creek and wns a complete suc cess. Tho mechanism is extremely simple. A paddlo wheel, turned by tho wnter, turns two geurs, which re volvo tho screen with tho current. Tho screen picks up and carries over all debris, thus preventing it from accumulating behind and damming tho flow of water, tho principal fault in most screens. All the mechanism is contained within tho screen, leaving nothing to, got out of order. It can he mado to! fit any sizo conduit and can bo man ufacturcd cheaply. Haskins for Health. pany, Miss Kennedy, recently of Pcntago's, Portland, will sing illus trated songs and the Stephens or chestra will dispense music. Two IUUUDUIIU 1UUV Ul BUIVVIVU moving pic- I lures win oo snown. two pcrlorm nnecs will br, given each night. Tho prices will bo 15 and 25 cents. CENTRAL POINT HEWSLETTER 1 WILL LAY SEWER MAINS WHEN JOB IS DONE Tho Jncohson-Budo Co. havo not commoucod on their now contract for water main and sower construction, hut will bo at work in n few days, as soon as thoy havo complotod thoir Contrnl Point contract. FANATIC OFFERS DAUGHTER. (Continued from Page 1.) proparlng to tnlio tho girl's llfo whon tho officers woro Informed nnd Inter feron". Tho pcoplo of Allno woro arousod by tho threatened atrocity and a dom ountrntlnn ngalnflt Ilolnman and his fanatics followod. Threats of lynch ing havo boon mado. DELEGATION AND CONGRESS. (Continued From Page One.) platting, loonting, etc., n compro heustvo system of roads and trails within tho Crator Lake national park, and for othor nocosnary im provements within tho snid park. In reply, I beg to say that I havo taken this mnttor up with tho propor de partments nnd havo eonforrod with Sonntor Bourne in respect thoroto, nnd I will bo glnd to co-oporato with tho other mombors of tho Oregon delegation in ovorv effort to soouro tho appropriation roquostod. It may bo nocossnry for us to soouro mi nmondmont to tho sundry oivii ap propriation bill making an nppropri ntion for this work, and if so wo will ondoavor to obtain tho ndoption of such an nmondment whon that bill is boing considorcd in congress. You may rost assured that ovory offort will ho mndo to obtain this appropri ation at tho oarlicst prnotioablo date. Yours vory trulv, "GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN." "Washington, D. C, May 7.Wm. Cohig, Medford, Or.s Hnvo tnlkod with departments of ngrioulturo and interior regarding Crator Lake park nurvoy, Both express willingnoss thnt Hoidlo bo sont to inuko ronsonably comprohonsivo aurvoy in park aftor completion of work in forest. Will this afford such basis ns vou dosiro for appropriation for construction worlcT "JONATHAN BOURNE, JR." Htunrt McKlRtilck and fr'rank Dlado of Medford reclstercd at tho Central I'oint hotel on Monday. T. M. Jones rccolvod n carload of furnlturo from Portland this week. CottnKO prayer meetlugi aro boing hold at various homed all over tho city tills week In preparation for tho tnbornaclc nmcotlngs to begin o Thursday. It. II. Cornelius, tho donot agent, reports business In his lino Improv ing fast. Monday's freight business amounted to $1.7 13. which la not an uncommon amount of business for ono day and. ho Bays that ono has only to go back over tho books for a few months to realize how much more Important a freight business Is carried on hero than formorly. Hov. J. D. Hacker roturnod from Sncramonto on Monday ovonlng. A report was current for sovoral days last wcok that two of tho churches had refused to unlto In tho evangelistic movoment now boing Inaugurated In Central Point. This was a mistake as nil denominations aro equally Intorostod and aro doing an equal a'.' aro toward making tho movomont a success. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Pankoy leaves on tho 23rd for a month's v'slt among rolatlves in Klamath county. Thoy will spend somo tlmo with Silas Obonchnln of Klnmath Falls, who Is a brother of Mrs. Pankoy, othor rol atlves being Mrs. Nannlo Pankoy, Mrs. Jounlo Wilson nnd Mrs. .Tamos LImlBoy, living In vnrlous parts of tho county. Mr. Chns. H. Clroy, musical director of tho Johnson evangelistic meet ings, nrrlvod with his wlfo n day or two ago ar" is busy training tho chorus choir for work In theso moot IngB. Ho has secured about fifty oxcollont voices and hopes to havo at loaat twlco that numbor by tho tlmo tho mootlngs commonco. Tho tnbornaelo Is boing built on tlroly by voluutoo.' labor and a good aharo of tho work Is boing dono by mou who mo moro experienced In tho way of hnmmorlng tho gospol Into tho mnds of tho caroloss and Irreligious churchgoers than In pounding nulls Into bonrdB. Among thoso who aro taking an active part In tho building wo notlco Row K. II, Slckafocno, Rov. J. D, Hackor, Rov. J. T. Hazloton, Mr, Warner, 1 ' ' Mr. IIcs8olgralr and Frank Thomp klnn. On Friday oveilng tho commoao mont oxorclBos of tho Central Point High School vli: bo hold in tho opera houco. A very flno program Is un-i dor preparation, tho details of which i will bo glvon later. I Whon tho small blazo occurred at tho homo of J. W. Sago last Sunday morning tho towc boll was rung with such onorgy that ho ropo broke, and ' a now ono Is lelng substituted to-1 day. i Mtb. A. C. Chlttondon drovo Into1 town today with sovoral cases of flno strawberries grown by herself on hor plnco near Bear Creok. Tho demand for local berries In Control Point Is far greator than tho supply. People aro willing to pay good prices for strawberries and some ono should go into tho business on a iargo scale. It would nay. Tho Ladles Improvement Club mooting In tho Commercial Club rooms on Friday afternoon. Plans for tho comlug flowor carnival aro nearly complete and, nlthough tho Indies roal lzo that In this offort they nro going to meet with somo obstacles and discouragements, thoy roly with confldonco on tho hearty coopera tion of tho pooplo of Contrnl Point and especially upon thoir own mem bership. To work with nn unsolflsh deslro for tho common good, and with a gonorous recognition of tho rights and abilities of others is to ac complish tho vory best results In this as In ovory other offort for tho bettormont of our city. A HEAL llAItQAIN IK AUTOM01ULES. I will soil my 1910 Parry domon strator at a great bargain. Must go quick. R. M. CUTHB13RT, Phono M14&1, caro Cuthbort's, West Main and Laurel. Haskins for Honlth. IlAltDOX IS SHLLING DE- LICIOUS CHOCOLATE COV ERED SEEDED RAISINS AT 10c PACKAGE. 4- 4- lll'f For Sale Land that will cut six crops of alfalfa a year. U. S. Govornment irrigation. If you aro intorostod, address S. F EHORN & SON ORLAND, OALIP. Special Opening FRIDAY, MAY 20 Special Music and Extra Service Friday we keep open house and the public are invited to call and inspect Medford's new cafe. Modern in every way, thoroughly sanitary; everything clean, new and inviting. You will see that it is our aim to make thi3 tho most popular eating place in Southern Oregon. PRIVATE BOOTHS FOR LADIES. OUR SPECIALTY WILL BC THE BEST 25c MEAL ON THE COAST We will positively serve the best 25c dinner on the coast. Our facilities are such that we know that we can please you in this respect. A trial will con vince you. Here is a sample of menu we serve. RELISHES Sliced Tomatoes 15c Queen Olives, 10c. Sour Pickles 10c. Dill Pickles, 10c. Radishes, 10c. A 25c DINNER. SOUP. Cream of Tomato. JFISH. Baked Salmon, Steamed Potatoes. ENTREES. Baked Meat Pic, Southern Style. Fresh Beef, Horseradish Sauce. Cold Spiced Beef Tongue, Potato Salad. Hambnrgor Roll, Onion Sauce. Plain Steak, Mushroom Sauce. Minced Hnm, Scrambled Eprgs, to Order. ROASTS. Prime Native Beef, nu Jas. Stuffed Ox Heart, with Onion Dressing. Shoulder of Pork, Oregon Prunes. VEGETABLES. Mnshcd Potatoes, Sugar Corn. DESSERT. Rice-Custard Pudding. DESERTS 5c Assorted Pics, .Per Cat. Strawberries and Cream, 15c. Shortcake, 15c. Specials. Hot Chicken Sand wich, 20c. Hot Roast Beef Sandwich, 15c. Lettuce, 10c. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN CONNECTION ROYAL CAFE 322 Sist Main St., 3 doors east of Kentner's If You Are Looking for a Money Maker INVESTIGATE THIS 50 Acres of the finest hillside land in the valley, one mile from Jackson ville on main road and every inch can be utilized. Sightly building spot. Price $225. Good terms. The Best L :w Price Proposition 1160 Acres on the Antelope Creek, in one bod'. This is a great bargain for the price asked. You'll have to hurry to get this at $35 per acre. Investigate This Before You Buy 19 Acres adjoining Burrell Orchard on tho south. 5 Acres bearing peaches. 1 1-2 Acres bearing pears. 1 Acre bearing Spits. 9 1-2 Acres 1-year-old Bartletts. 2 Acres bearing Ben Davis. 9 1-2 Acres peach fillers. House 6 rooms; barn, good condition; one span fine mares, wagon, hack and buggy; all implements, including spraying machine. This is the best buy on the market barring none. If interested, call for price and terms, which cannot be beat. How is this for a mid-season bargain? How is This for a Mid-Season Bargain? 19 Acres, 1 1-4 mile from Phoenix depot; soil slightly gravel; 6-year-old apples and poaches; 2 houses, ono built of concrete; good barn, some alfalfa. Price, $45Q0; $2000 cash, balance good terms. Walter L. McCallum HOTEL NASH LOBBY I i v A i ! ' f ITnskinB for Honlth.