'"". TITOF r "" t v ' iMtMwmwuwwt " "" "' w- I HCa1g'lfl8wNwi!WlH HWH" inpiftm Win I,. ' iitinwnwi " MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, .1910. '4 r s' Medford Mail Tribune Complete Series: Thirty-ninth Dally, Fifth Year. Tear; mUUtlS DAJXY SXOSPT 8A.TUK AY BY TXII KSDVOmS ranrrxva co. A conuolldatlon of tho Mod ford Mall, Mtabllithcd 1889! the Southern Ore- fonlnn, citAblkihcd 1808: tho Domocratie IttioB. established 1872; tho Ashland. Tribune, established 189, and tho Med ford Tribune, established 106. GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter No vember 1, 190, at tho postotftce at Medford. Oregon, under tho aot of March 3. 1879. Official Paper of the City of Medford, UBSOKIXTXOX BATES. Ono year by mall... 15.00 One month by mall . . .60 Per month, delivered by carrier. In Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville, Talent, Phoenix, Central Point, Gold 11111 and Woodvlllo SO Sunday only, by mall, per year... 3.00 Weekly, ono year . 1.50 mil X.atd Wire TTnlted rress DU- patehes Tho Mall Tribune Is on sale at tho Ferry News Stand. San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland. Or. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. Hotel Spokane Newa Stand. Spokane. 8 12 24 J?ostr States. to 12-page paper. ...... to n-page paper. to 38-pago paper. .lo .20 .30 SWOB CimCCLATIOIf. Averapn Dally for November, 1909 Devcmber, 1909................. January, 1910. ...... ........... February, 1910. March, i10 JkTJUJt JVWVX1. 1 2,300 S 2,350 4 2,300 fi 2,300 8 2,300 7 2,300 8 2.300 10 2,350 11 2.300 12 2,300 13 2,300 14 2.300 16 2,325 1 18 19 20 ZX 24 26 0 39 1.700 1.842 1.926 2,122 2,203 2,376 2.326 3.325 3,335 2.325 2.326 2,400 2,350 2,460 3.3S0 2,350 2.366 REGARDING ELECTION DATES. THIS is a general election year, though people in this section are too busy to pay much attention to poli tics. State and counlv officers are to l.o nominated and elected. Registration begins June 6, and all voters must bo registered in order to vote. Arguments for initiative or lefcrendum petitions must be filed with the secretary of state by 3 uly 4, and initial ive measures must bo filed by July 7. Arguments against these measures can bo filed up to July LV. August 1 pam phlets eontninincr initiative and referendum measures must be printed, and distribution of the samo ceases Scptom- her 14. On September 23 certificates of nomination by political narties or an assembly of electors, must be filed, though petitions for nominations of candidates can be filed up to October S. The following day is tho last candidates have to file cuts and arguments for and against nominated candidates with the secretary of state for printing in campaign pamphlets. November S is tho date of tho gen eral election. August 14 is the latest date on which petitions for nom inations can be filed for candidates for nomination by a political party which at the next preceding general elec tion cast 25 per cent of the entire voto cast for that office. August 22 is the latest date they can file cuts and argu ments tor ana against sucn candidates ior uie uiuuuuu pamphlets. THE THOUSAND DOLLAR LICENSE. , Total ,... 68,335 Less deductions 800 67.525 Averago net dally. 2.301. STATE OF OREGON, County of Jack son, ss.: On this 30th day of April. 1910, personally aopearcd before me, Q. Put nam, manager of the Medford Mall Tri bune, who, upon oath, acknowleureu that the above figures are true and correct. (Seal) H. N. TOCKEY. Notary Public for Oregon. SEESrOBD, ORraow. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California and fastest-growing city in Oregon. Population. May, 1910, 9.000. Bank deposits, 82,600,000. Banner fruit city of orecon Rogue River apples won sweepstakes prize and title of "Apple Xlngs of the World" at National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909. Rogue River pears brought hlghtest B rices In all markets of tho world dur lg the past flvo years. Write Commercial Club, enclosing 6 cents for postage on finest community pamphlet ever written. The Pullman company and Teddy both believe in higher birth rates. Want a new tenant? tiso! Want-adver- Your favorite store has an Inter esting ad In today's paper of course! Medford now has the highest sa loon license in Oregon. Bnt Med ford leads in all things. A Chicago man has invented a smokeless locomotive. Now if some one will invent o. smokeless cigar. The "Back from Elba" hero is scheduled to arrive in New York en Juno 18, the anniversary of the bat tle of Waterloo. Ed Andrews complains that tho Damrosch' concert wasn't classical enough. No one would have known itif Ed hadn't said so. Ashland is to vote on the trolley franchise, on Juno 11. The people will then say whether Ashland is swift enough for an electric line. A Harvard professor says kissing won't hurt you and that there is uo danger of microbes. If the girl was willing, no microbe ever stopped a kise. Tho monopoly at tho mouth of the Rogue threatens a rival initiative bill. All right. Make it a clean-cut issue between the people mid the fish hogs. A Woodvillo man has invented the "best -fish screen yet dovised for ii Tigating ditches. Now if farmers: and irrigation concerns will only in stall them I Anna Held is going to raise pota toes after she leaves tho stage. Bet ter come to the Rogue River valley, Anna, and raise pears. It's a fairer occupation. What has become of tho Medford potition for a constitutional amend ment to permit bonding for road building purposes f Has the hook worm attacked itf niram Johnson ia ranking n whirl wind campaign against the Southern Pacific political machine in Califor nia, So did Lane, so did Bell, but tho maohno counted tho votes. Hearst papors refer to Hearst as the rising sun of Amoricnn politics and Roosovelt ns tho sotting sun which shows what n modest man Mr. IJoarst is and how impossible it is to keep a good man down, no matter how many times ho is sat upon by tl people The citv council did a wise thing in increasing liquor licenses to $1,000 a year. This will provide a fund of $1,800 a year for additional police protection. It will work no hardship upon liquor dealers, indeed it will be beneficial as it will tend to keep out the irresponsible dealer, who is always the one who conducts disorderly joints, and is the legitimate dealers' worst enemy. A man who has a thousand dollars invested m a license, is not going to take any cnances on losing it. lie is going to obey the law and conduct an orderly place, with pen alty of forfeiture hanging over his head. Besides a $1,000 a year license is less of a tax now than half that amount was two years ago on account of the increased growth . f Medford. A thousand dollar license is a guarantee of order and of stricter regulation as it provides funds ample to main tain order and enforce regulations. It is thus a protect' Ion to the liquor dealer, who is too often his own worst enemy, as it forces him to be good. INDIAN WARS OF (From J. G. Walllnp's History of Southern Oregon.) A PECULIAR STANDARD OF HONOR. While tCc statements made by Frederick M. Kerhy. confidential stenographer of the department of the in terior, have not placed his superiors in any more favorable light before the country, they have provoked considerable S3rmpathy for Mr. Ballinger, whose office seems honey combed by disloyalty and treachery to its chief. Er. Kerby certainly has a queer idea of honor, when he alleges that he was moved to betray his chief from a sense of duty to the public. The first duty of every employe, particularly those whose employment is of a confidential character, is loyalty to his employer, and if he cannot rec oncile his employment to his conscience, he can leave it. Toa-emain as a spy for enemies, proves a low standard of manhood. It will be remembered that the late Senator Alitchell was convicted through betrayal by his private secretary, who secured an immunity bath and a job with the interior department as a reward for his treachery. Most of the convictions in the Oregon land fraud cases were obtained' through betrayals by friends and neighbors, who secured immunity themselves thereby, at the instance of the de partment. Most of the special agents were spies who culti vated friendships and played traitor to get convictions, showing that peculiar standards of honor have obtained in the department. No wonder Mr. Ballinger talks of snakes. PORTLAND DISEASE BAFFLES DOCTORS School Is Closed in Order to Check Epidemic, the Nature of Which Is a Mystery. PORTLAND, Or.. May 18. To staj' the progress of a new disease which is baffling the doctors and is described by City Health Officer Wheeler as a "cross between scarlet fever and the measles," ono private school was closed today for ten days and a number of students quarantined. For several weeks tho diseaso has been epidemic among both children and adults, and several deaths have resulted. One particular case which is at tracting much attention is that of a 15-year-old girl. Her back is covered with tho rash produced by scarlet fever, while her brrast and limbs show every indication of meas les. "Tho girl has scarlet fever symp toms of the strongest kind," Baid Dr. Wheeler, "and yet she has no fever at all. In addition, sho shows strong symptoms of measles. There aro other cases like herd. "Such a condition heretofore is something unheard of." Other patients under observation have high fevers, but do not feel ill. ROUTINE BUSINESS DONE BY CITY COUNCIL Tho following routino business was transacted by the city council Tues day evening: A resolution ordering a sidewalk on west side Laurel street from Eighth to Eleventh was passed. Ordinance 330, providing for the issuance of $33,000 improvement bonds was missed. A resolution f6r paving South Riv erside from Main to Twelfth was passed. A resolution for a cement walk on both sides of Central avenue, be tween Eighth and Ninth streets, passed. Resolution to pave South Central avenue from Eighth street south to city limits passed. Same in regard to North C from Sixth to citv limits. Same in regard to West Sixth from Fir to Oakdale. Same in regard to Queen Anno avenue, East Sixth from D to Riv erside, North D from Sixth to Jackson. Whooping Cough School. SPRINGFIELD, Mass., May 18. 'A "whooping cough school" has been established by several residents of Maple street, whose children are af flicted with tho malady now prevail ing. Five pupils meet regularly in j tho homo of Dr. n. C. Emerson, and aro undor tho instruction of a sub stitute teacher. When thoy woro pro vented from attending tho publia school their parents combined in es tablishing tho new school. At daybreak thoy woro nttnakoil by n party of lingua lllvor Indians under Chief Chuoklohoiul, as ho was called by some whites. Tho assailed party had 17 guns, tho assailants about ns many, tho most of tho lat ter boing armed with bows and ar rows. After fighting four and a half hours tho Indian loader wns killed and tho rest retreated. Tho chief was in tho not of aiming nu arrow nt James Barlow when Richardson shot mm. bix or seven liuunus wore. killed, but no hurt was dona to tho whites, excepting that Barlow was wounded in the thigh by an arrow. Tho Indians drove off four saddle and pack animals, one currying about $1500 in gold dust. Thoso events occurring in rapid sccpiouco dcoDonod tho boforo general impression of tho hostile character of tho Rogue Rivers and mndo it ne cessary that an armed forco should bo employed to pneificnte the rod nion. Providentially, it happened at this juncture thnt Brevet Major P. Kearaoy, afterwards a celebrated general in the Union army, and killed nt tho battle of Chnntilly, with a do tnchmont of two companies of Unit ed States regulars, was on his wny from tho station nt Vancouver to that of Benicin, Cal., guided by W, O. T'Vault. Approaching closoly to tho scono of hostilities, he wns in vited to lend his aid in suppressing tho savages. About tho same lime, Govornor Gains of Oregon disquieted by tho reports of Indian outrages. I -- -- -- not out from the seat of government with tho design of using his oxouutivo authority to form n treaty with the offenders; and the task was made nu easy ono by tho prompt and ou orgotio notion of Major Kearney and Goueral Joseph Lriuo, who cleared n way for exeoutivu diplomacy, whore ns without their help IiIb oxoollonoy would most certainly lmvo failed of. his laudablo object and possibly have lost his scalp besides. Tho most intelligible accounts ! which can bo gathorcd represent that Major Kearnoy found tho main body of tho Indians on tho right bank of Rogue river, about ten milos above Tnblo Rock and nearly oppo site tho mouth of n small crook which centers tho river from tho east, and obovo Little Butte creek. The troops consisted of two companies ono of dragoons, commanded by Captain Stownrt, tho other a rifle company, undor Captain Walker. The latter officer crossed the rivor, probably with tho design of cutting off the retreat, whilo Captain Stewart, dis mounting his men, charged upon the Indians who woro gathered nt a ranohorin. Tho conflict was very short, the Indians fleeing almost im mediately. A wounded Indian lay upon tho ground, and Captain Stew art approached, revolver in hand, to dispatch him; but tho savage, fixing an arrow to his bowstring, discharg ed it at close range and pioreed the captain's abdomen, the point trans fixing ono of his kidneys. (To Bo Continued. THE SAVOY THEATRE TONIGHT APEX OF PICTURED0M. SEASIDE FLIRTATION (Ono Long Laugh.) CURE FOR TIMIDITY (A Fountain of Mirth.) SANDY, THE SUBSTITUTE (Wofltont Drnma.) ONE DIME. . , I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm In Case of vSicKness PHONE 3 G -1 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Olfice AllNight Sorvico Froo Delivery Roanoke Roanoke GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Oifice: 209 West Main St., Medfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND IRUSHED GRANITE One of the Most Beauti ful Resident Sections of Medford Roanoke Addition is just far enough out to elim inate all noisoand buatlo of tho business seetion and yot it is just right for tho man who is in business. Only ten minutes' walk from tho railroad. This is becoming ono of the most finished residence districts of Medford. Tho lots all faeo on Main street and Rose avenue. Cement sidewalk all in. Sewer and water mains laid Tho lots aro high and sightly, which gives them a great advantage. Building re strictions $2000. There aro already several fino now cottages on tho property. Theso lots are quito largo, being 50x137, which gives plenty of room for garden and garage and other necessary buildings. Come and mako your selections early. Prices .$735 to $750 for cast and west front lots. J. W. DRESSLER AGENCY Selling Agents Roanoke Roanoke For Sale Land that will cut six crops of alfalfa a year. U. S. Government irrigation. If you aro interested, address S. F EHORN & SON OELAND, CALIF. ' May Sales Continue THIRD WEEK OF THE MAY SALES. With lots of now bargain merchandise recently arrived, to add impetus to tho sell ing. During the past two days we received several lots of Spring merchandise, bought at price reductions because manufacturers and jobbers were anxious to got rid of their remaining lines, to close their season's business. We oxpect largo crowds at the store every day during the last half of May. SPECIAL SUIT SALE These Reduced Prices Should Produce an Unusual Sale of WOMEN'S SUITS AT $13.75, $18.75, $25.00. An interesting sale of women's high-class tailored suits interesting to thoso who wish to secure especially worthy suits at very low prices. Included aro numerous odd lots that have been reduced to these three prices also many regular lines added which we desire to close out. SUITS Strictly plain tailored suits or blouse effects in tho season's choico fabrics serges, diagonals, -torsteds in all colors' and six.es. Theso exceptional values must bo seen to be appreciated. SPECIAL OCCASION OUTFITS OUTFITS FOR GRADUATION, COMMENCE MENT AND CONFIRMATION OCCASIONS. Misses' and Girls' White Dresses and Accessories. White Goods, Silks, Laces, Ribbons and Embroideries. A few special items that convoy some idea of tho many excellent values to be found in this section. They are the season's most pronounced favorites for Sping and Summer wear. SILKS: POPULAR WEAVES AND COLORINGS. Qualities and styles aro shown in such variety that purchasers will find it a decided pleasure to mako selections horo. IMtsb 28 S. CENTRAL AVE.