Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 18, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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" u"
An Onllnniico uHROiHlng tlio prop
orty adjacent to and himofltod by tlio
nix nml olght-lucli hitornl uowor con
iitriictod nlong Wont Wnnhlngton
Htroct fur tlio cont of constructing
tlio naino nml providing tlio mnnnor
of cnrrylng mild uHiionxmoutM Into
full, offoct,
Tlio city of Medford doth ordain
an follewn:
Hootlon 1. Whoronn, tlio council
did horotoforo provldo by ordlnanco
for tlio iiorvlug of tlio owiiont of
proporty adjaconl to nml lionofltoil by
tlio conntruutlon of tlio lntornl nowor
horolnnftor ilmtcrlbuil to appear ho
foro unlit council and h'iow caiiHo, If
any, why unM proporty nliould not bo
nuunuuMl for tlio conntrtictlon of unld
uowor, and did fix n tlnio for hoar
lug tiny hiicIi protoHtH, which notlco
wan kIvoii In ncconlnnco with Hnhl
onllnniico moro than ton ilnyn boforo
tlio hoglnulng of tlio construction of
Hnlil nowor, but no protontn ngulnut
iiald connti .ctlon or nitKOBumont of
tho cout thoroof vnn made by nny onu
anil mild Hownr wan, by tuild council
ordered coiiMtructod,
And WhoronH, tho coHt of tho con
utructlon of Hiild nowor linn boon and
horoby Ih detormlnod to In the hiiiii
of f 1,201.22.
Now, Omnifont, nald city doth or
dain nod duclnro that onch pnrcol of
proporty doucrlhod bolow In adjacent
to and hcnofltod by that, curtain lat
oral nowor nix and eight Inchon In
Hire, conHtructod on Wnuhlngtou
Htreot, from Wont Bovonlh Stroot
Houtu to tho noiith lino of tho High
land l'ark Addition, nnd Hint tho
proportion of tho cont of nnld nowor
which onch of nnld parcels of Innd
Hhould boar bnnod on tho honofltn
dorlvod respectively by nnld novoral
tractn of land Ih tho amount not op
posite tho doHcrlptlon of each nuch
parcel bolow, that onch of nnld par
coin Ih actually benefited In tho
amount Hot opponlto Itn doncrlptlon
bolow by tho conntructlon of nnld
nowor, and that nnld novoral mnoiintn
ronronunt tho proportional honofltu of
nnld Hoveral pnrceln from nnld nowor.
And each of nald parcels hi hereby
nniH'HiUMl tho amount not opponlto Its
doncrlptlon bolcw for tho connti no
tion of nnld nowor,
Jncknon county, Oregon; 55 foot,
rate per foot 08 conln amount
$.'I7, 10.
Aimoiinmont No, l.'l, II, II, Croft
ot al, Lot M, block , Hlghlnnd
Park addition to tho city of Mod
ford, Oregon. Frontngo rT foot on
tho wont iildo of Wont Wntihlngton
utroot and doMcrlbod In Vol , pngo
--, county rocordor'n rocordn of
.lacknon county, Oregon; 55 foot, rnto
pur foot GB contHi amount $37.-10.
AtiHoHHinont No, 14, II, II. Croft
ot al, Lot fi, block ft, Highland l'ark
Addition to tho city ot Medford,
OroKou, Frontngo foot on tho
wont aide of Wont Wnnhlngton utreot
and doiicrlbod In Vol, , pngo ,
county recorder's recordu ot Jncknon
county, Oroiton; 58 foot, rnto per foot
(18 coutn; amount $30,4 4,
Aiso-nmont No. 1C II, H, Croft
ot al. hot 0, block 5, Hlghlnnd I'nrk
addition to tho city or Medford, Oro
Kou; frontngo 58 foot on tho wont
nldo of Woui Wnuhlngtou ntroot and
iloHcrlbed In Vol, , ., pngo , county
rocordor'n recordu of Jncknon county,
Oregon; ftK foot; rato per foot 08
conln; umour-t 130,44.
AhuohhiuuiiI No, 10, H .II .Croft
ot al, Lot 7. block 5, Highland l'ark
nddltion to tho city of Medford, Oro-ivolo:
contu; amount (30,84.
ARKOHHIIIOIlt No, 32. W. H, Wtt-
vnr. Lot 4, block 0, Onk (Irovo ad
dition to tho ;lty of Medford, Oregen:
frontngo ftK, (I foot on tho onnt nldo of
Wont WnnhlnKton ntroot nnd do
crlbod in Vol..,, pngo ,., county ro
cordor'n rocordn of Jncknon county,
Oregon; 4ft, 0 foot; rnto por foot 08
nontn; amount $31.21,
Hoflllon 2, And It lo horoby or
dered mid ordalnod that nnld novoral
aHHonnmontH and llonii thoroof bo on
torod In tho Lion Dockot of nald city,
and that thereupon notlco bo given
tho ownoru or roputod ownoni ot nnld
properly, nnd that tho unmo bo on
forced nnd colloctod In tho mnnnor
provided by tho charter of nald city
for tho collection ot nHRORHuiontn for
tho Improvement ot ntrcotu therein,
Hoctlon 3. It In further ordorod
that tho iioHcch above provided for
ho publnl'3d throo times In tho
Dally Mall Tribune, a nownpnpor pub
llnhod mid of gonornl circulation In
nald city, In tho mnnnor provided by
ordlnanco No, 2C0 ot nnld city.
Tho foregoing ordlnnnco wn8
panned by tho city council of tho
city of Medford, Orogon on tho 3rd
day of Mny, 1010, by tho following
gon; frontage C8.70 foot on tho went Kmorlck. nye: Wolch, ayo;
nldo of Wwi WnnhliiKton ntroot anil rick, nyo; Klfert, nyo; Dommor, nyo;
ik'iicrlbed In Vol. .,, pace . ., county
rocordor'n recordu of Jncknon county,
Orogon; 45,9 foot; rato por foot 08
con Ik; amount $31,21.
ABHOHnmont No. 17, W. 13. Wea
ver. Lot 0, block 1, Oak (Irovo ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Qrogun;
frontnKo 124 feet on tho oant nldo of
Wont Wnnhlncton ntroot nnd don
rrlbed In Vol, . ., pngo county ro
cordor'n rocordn of Jncknon county,
124 feot; rnto per foot 08 conts;
amount $84.32.
Anni'MHinont No. 18. W. K. Wea
ver. Lot 0, block 1, Oak (Irovo ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Or gon;
frontnKo S2 foot on tho oant nldo of
Went WnHhlngton utroot nnd den
crlbed In Vol, . ., pnKO . ., county ro
cordor'n recordn of Jncknon co.inty,
Wortmnu, nyo.
Approved May 4, 1010.
City Itccordcr.
To tho owner or reputed ownor of
onch pnrcol of proporty dcncrlbcd In
tho foregoing oidlnnnco, an named
therein, nnd In tho lion doclt-rcd by
nnld ordlnnnco nn recorded In tho
dorkct of city llenn.
You are hereby notified that tho
(iKHOHBtnont declared by tho forogolng
ordinance has been niado and tho lion
thoroforo entered into tho city Hen
docket, nnd that tho name lu duo, nnd
you nro hereby required to pny tho
nnmo to tho city recorder williln ten
por foot 03 contu; amount $33,30.
AnncHnrnont Np, 0. II. II, Croft ot
al. Lot 1, block 4, Highland Park ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Orogen:
frontago 58 foot on the went 8ldo of
Elm ntroot, and described In Vol. ...
pago . ., county recordof'n rocordn of
Jncknon county, Orogon; 08 foil rnto
nor foot 03 cents: amount $30.54.
Anncnnrnont No. 7. II. II. Croft ot
nl. Lot 2, block 4, Highland Park ad
dition to tho city of Modfoid, Oregon;
frontnKo 5ft foot on tho vent nldo of
ICIm Htreot nnd dcncrlbcd 1 1 Vol. . . ,
pngo . ., county rocordor'n recordu of
Jncknon county, Oregon; 5ft feet; rnto
nor foot 03 cents; amount $34.05.
AKHonnmont ro , n. ji. uroft ot,
por foot 03 contu; nmount $34.05,
AnHcnnment No, 20 II. II. Croft ot
nl. Lot 5, block 2, Hlghlnnd Park ad
dition to the city of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo 55 feet on tho cant nldo of
131m utreot, nnd described In Vol, ...
pngo . ,, county recorder's records of
Jncknon county, Oregon; 55 feet; rato
por foot 03 contu; nmount $34.05.
Anacnnmont No. 27 II. II. Croft et
nl. Lot 0, block 3, Hlghlnnd Park ad
dition to tho city of Mcdford, Oregon;
frontago 55 feet on tho cast nldo of
Kirn ntrcct, and described In Vol, .,,
pngo , ., county recorder's recordu of
Jackson county, Oregon; 55 foot; rato
per foot 03 contu; amount $34,05.
AnnoRBrnont No, 28 II. II. Croft et
iHoiiwnfl o.--v run ot,nl. jMt 7, block 3, Highland Park ad
nl. . Lot 3, block 4, Highland P.rk ad-i,imnn fo thn P,tv nt Mnrimm. n-orrnnf
frontago 55 feet on tho cant nldo of
I31m utreot, nnd dcncrlbcd In Vol. ..,
pngo . ., county rocordor'n recordu of
Oregen: 52 feet: rnto per foot 08
centu: amount $35.30. Idnyu from tho uorvlco of this notlco,,"'1' "'""""". 4-, T "fti.:
AnHonsment No. 10. W. B. Wen- which aorvlco Ih mndo by publication v,.i -,nn ' .nh- ,.. ,in..
dltlon to tho city of Medford, Oregen:
frontngo 55 feet on tho west nldo of
131m utreot, and descrlbod In Vol. ,
pago . ., county rocordor'n records of
Jncknon county, Oregon; 55 feet; rato
por foot 03 contu; amount $34.05.
AnnoRnmont No, 0, II, II. Croft ot
nl. Lot 4, block 4, Highland Park nd
dltlon to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo 55 feet on tho west sldo of
131m utreot. nnd descrlbod In Vol. . ..
pngo . ., county rccordor'c records of
Jncknon county, Oregon; 5ft foot; rato
por foot 03 ccntu; nmount $34.05.
Aououumont No, 10 II. II. Croft
et al. Lot 5, block 4, Highland
Park addition lo tho city of Mcdford.
Oregon; frontngo 55 feot on Iho west
Hldo of 131m street, and described in
Vol. .., pngo .., county recorder's
recordu of Jncknon county, Oregon;
ftft feot; rnto per foot 03 contu;
amount $34. Oft.
AnnoBHomcnt No. 11 II. II. Croft
ot nl. Lot 0, block 4, Hlghlnnd Pnrk
addition to tho city of Mcdford, Ore
gon; frontago C5 feet on tho went nldo
of Klin street, and described In Vol.
. ., pago . ., county recorder's recordu
of Jnckson county, Oregon; 55 feet;
rnto per foot 03 cents: amount
ABHcssmcnt No, 12 II. II. Croft et
al. Lot 7, blopk 4, Highland Pnrk
nddltion to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontago 55 feet on tho west
vor. Lot 7, block 1, Oak Orovo ad
dition lo tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo 52 feet on tho oant nldo of
Wimt WnnhliiKton ntroot nnd des
cribed in Vol, .,, pngo ...coun'y ro
cordor'n rocordn of Jackson county,
Oregon; 52 foot; rnto por foot 08
j contu; amount $35,30.
! AHNonnmont No. 20. W. E. Wen-
AuHouuiiinnt No. 1. T. II. Phle-lver. Lot 8, block 1, Onk Orovo nd-
gnr. Lot 1, block 1, Hlghlnnd Pnrk 1 dltlon to tho city of Mod'ord, Oregon;
tno oast nldo or
Htreot nnd deu-
n... ..Wk ., ., ...,, J .',, ... ..W ,..,, V.
Addition to tno city of Medfcrd, Ore- frontage 52 foci on I
gnu. Frontngo 118 feot on tho west Went Wnnhlngton nt
nldo of Went Wncblngtou ntroot nnd
descrlbod lu Vol, -, pnge , county
recorder's recordn of Jncknon county,
Oregon; 118 foot, rnto per foot 08
contn; nmount $80.24.
AHBenHinont No. 2. Hnthnwny.
Lot 12, block 1, Highland Park Addi
tion tj tho city of Mcdford, Oregon.
Frontngo 53.1 feot on tho went nldo
of Wont Washington street nnd de
scribed lu Vol. , pngo , county
rocordor'n recordu of 'Jncknon county,
Orogon; 53.1 feet, rnto per foot, 08
contu; nmount $3G.ll.
Annonnmont No. 3. S. V. Davis.
Lot 13, block 1, Hlghlnnd Pnrk Ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Oregon.
FrontnKo 53 feot on tho weal nldo of
Wnnhlngton streot nnd doscilbod In
Vol. , pngo , county rocordor's
recordu of Jncknon county, Oregon;
53 feet, rnto por foot, OS cents;
amount $30,04.
AusoHHinent No. 4, S. V. Dnvln.
Lot 14, block 1, Hlghlnnd Pnrk Ad
dition to " city of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontngo 53 feet on tlio went
crlbed in Vol. . . , pngo . ., county re
corder n rocordn of Jncknon couuty,
Oregon; 52 foot, rnto por foot OS
cents; nmount $36,30.
Anuesnmont No. 21. V. 13. Wea
ver. Lot 0, block 1, Onk Orovo ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 52 feet on tho east nldo
of Wont Washington utroct nnd des
cribed In Vol, . ., pngo . ., co-nty re
corder's recordii of Jackson county,
Oregon; 52 foot; rato por foot 08
routs; amount $35.30.
AHsessmont No. 22. W. 13. Wca
of tho foregoing ordlnanco, nnd this
notlco throo Union
Mnll Trlhuno, niiruu
of the city council of nald city,
City Itccorder
I Vol.
county rccji dor's
';. f,!r.r.iirccor(,B of Jncknon county, Oregon;
il Jn-n Snrl55 tCOt' t0 VQT f00t C3 CCnta!
ant to an ordor!nmonnf - fi5
Assessment No. 13 II. II. Croft
et nl. Lot 1, block 0, Highland Park
addition to tho city of Mcdford, Ore
Jncknon county, Oregon; 55 feet; rato
per foot 03 cents; nmount $34.05,
Assessment No, 29 II. II. Croft ot
nl. Lot 1, block 5, Highland Pnrk ad
dition to the city of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo 58 feet on tho cast nldo of
Elm street, and descrlbod In Vol. ...
pago . ., county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 58 feot; rato
per foot 03 contu; amount $30.54.
Assessment No. 30 H. II. Croft ct
al. Lot 2, block 5, Highland Park ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo 58 feet on tho east nldo of
Elm street, and described In Vol. ..,
pago , ., county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon; 58 foot; rate
per foot 03 cents; nmount $30,54. .
Assessment No. 31 H. II. Croft et
al. Lot 3, block 5, Highland Pnrk ad
dition to the city of Mcdford, Oregon;
frontage 58 feet on tho east Bldo of
Elm street, and described in Vol. ...
pngo . ., county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 58 feet; rate
per foot G3 cents; nmount $30.54.
Assessment No. 32 II, II. Croft ct
nl. Lot 4. block 5, Highland Park ad
dition to the city of Medford, Oregen:
frontago 58 feet on tho oast sldo of
Elm street, and described In Vol. ..,
pago . ., county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Orogon; 32.9 feet:
rate per foot 03 cents;
Section 2. And It is hereby order
ed and ordained that Bald several as
sessments nnd tho liens thereof be
entered In tho Hon docket of said city,
and that thereupon notice bo given
same, and that tho rospectivo
amounts roproBont tho proportional
benefits of tald water main to said
respective parcola of land, and nlso
tho proportional frontago thoroof on
said Btroot, and tho council docs
horoby declare each of tho parcols of
proporty described bolow to bo nu
BCBacd nnd of tho snmo heroby
is assessed tho amount sot opposlto
onch description for tho cost of lnvlntr
said water main.
Assessment No. 1. Efflo Taylor.
Tho north 04 foot of tho parcol of
land marked Y on tho mnp of tho
city of Mcdford. Frontngo 04 foot
on tho eant uldo of Court otrcot, and
described In Vol, 74, pago 43, county
recorder's records of Jackson Coun
ty, Oregon. 14 feet, rato por foot,
92 cents; amount $12,88,
Assessment No. 2. William M.
Smith. Tho Bouth half of lot 10,
block 1, Cottago Addition to tho city
of Mcdford, Oregon, as laid down 58, page 290, county rocordor's rcc-
An ordlnanco ansesHlng tho prop
erty ndjaccnt to nnd benofltod ! tho
six-Inch Intoral nowor constructed 1
along Elm ntroot for tho cost ot con
structing tho snmo nnd providing tho
mnnner of carrying said acsossmontB
Into offect.
Tho city of Medford doth ordnln au
Section 1. Whoroas, tho council
did horotoforo provldo ordinances for
tho serving of tho owners of proporty
adjacent to nnd benefitted by tho con
struction of a latoral nowor horclnnf-
l tor described to appear boforo nald
1 council nnd nhow Just cause, If nny,
gon; frontago 58 foot on tho west the owners or reputed owners ot said
nldo ot Elm utreot, nnd described In
Vol. .., pngo .., county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Orogon;
5S foot; rato por foot 03 cents;
I nmount $3G.54.
ABDAnrmnnt K?-i 1 J IT TT fwntt
ot nl. Lot 2, block 0. Hlgilan'd Park J SLl XXL TnHh
addition to tho city of Medford, ore- pub,,8hcd ,n tho Dally Mall Tribune, a
property, and that tho same bo en
forced and collected In tho manner
provided by tho charter of said city
for tho collection of assessments for
tho Improvements of streets therein.
Section 3. It is further ordored
ivtiv until tirntinpfv s)in?if,l nnl 1,t na-
.r: I'Otl, block 3. Oak Orovo ad-, gjp,, for tho construction of said
dltlon to tho city of Medford, Oregen: ROWori am, (,tl flx n tlmo for nonrlng
frontngo 52.1 feet on tho enst side of
West Wnnhlngton streot nnd des
crlbed In Vol, , pngo . ., county ro-
gon; frontngo 58 feot on tho west side
of Elm ntreet, nnd described in Vol.
... pngo .., county recorder's rec
ords ot Jackson county, Oregon; 58
foot; rato per foot 03 contu; nmount
Assessment No. 15 II. II. Croft
ot nl. Lot 3, block 0, Highland Park
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore Ore
eon: frontago 58 feet on tho west stdo
ot Elm street, and described In Vol.
. . , pngo . ., county rocordor's records
of Jnckson county, Oregon; 58 feet;
nny such protests, which notlco wns lr .? : nraouni
given In ncconlnnco with snld ordl- '," ... , .,-.-.
nnnnn tnnrn limn nn .I-... 1.nrnvn . ABSeSSHlOnt NO. 10 II. II. CrOft Ct
rorder'u records of Jncknon county. ;iK.Kni,lng of tho conntructlon of snld K'hm01 ,4' ,b'ocku G -I,,,ph.,?B,,1 ?rk
Oregon; 52.1 toot; rnto per foot OS Lowor bllt no protcHt8 Bn8t Bn!(1 nddltion to tho city of Medford, Oro
ceiilu: nmount 135.43 construction or nssossmont of tho cost B..n: 'jon-aBO 68.B2 feet on tho west
otuu ui juuii Biiuui, uuu uvscri Ul'U 111
Annossmont No. 23.W. E. Wca- thoroof wns mndo by anyone or snld
T V01.,1 Hlock'.wk Fro ni)" owor wns, by snld council ordorod
dltlon to tho city of Medford. Front- -onRtriictod
ago 58 foet on tho enst nldo of West
Washington ntroot nnd ..escribed In
crlbed In Vol.
cordor'H records
crlbed In Vol.
cinder's records of Jnckson county,
Orogon; 55 feet: rnto por foot GS
contu; nmount $37.10.
AunoHrtiiiciit No. 20. W, 13. Wen
nldo of Wont Washington ntroot and .Vol. , pago , county rccordor'u
dcHcrluod lu vol. , pago , county
rocordor'n recordu of Jacluion county,
Orogon; 53 feot, rato por foot, 08
cents; amount $30.01.
ABHOHHinont No. 5. H. H. Croft ot
nl. Lot 15, block 1, Hlghlnnd Pnrk
Addition to tho. city of Medford, Ore
gon. Frontngo 53 feot on tho west
nldo of Wont Wushlngtou streot nnd
described In Vol. , pngo , county
rocordor'n records of Jr.ckcou county,
Oregon; 53 foet. (. per foot 08
cents; amount $30.01,
AnnoHHnioiit No. 0. II. II. Croft ot
nl. Lot 10, block 1, Hlghlnnd Park
Addition to tho City of Medford, Oro
gon. Frontngo 53 foot on tho west
nldo of Went Washington ntroot nnd
described lu Vol. , pngo , county
rocordor'n recordu of Jncknon county,
Orogon; S feot, rato por foot 08
cents; nmount $2,0 i.
AnnosHinont No. 7. 11. II, Croft ot
nl. Lot 8, block 3, Highland Pnrk
Addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
Kon. Frontage 58 foot on tho wont
nldo of Wont Wnnhlngton stroot nnd
doncrlbod lu Vol. , pago , County
rocordor'n rocordn of Jncknon county,
Oregon; 8 foot, rnto por foot 08
emits; nmoiitr. $5,44.
Assessment No, 8. II. II. Croft ot
nl. Lot 11, block 3, Hlghlnnd Pnrk
Addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon, Frontngo 55 foot on tho west
nldo of Wont Wnnhlngton Htreot nnd
described in Vol. , jingo , county
rocordor'n recordu ot .l.ickcoii county,
Orogon; 55 foot, rnto por foot 08
contu; nmount $37.40,
AunoBBmont No. 9. II. II. Croft ct
nl. Lot 10, block 3, Hlghlnnd Pnrk
Addition to tho city of Medford, Oro
gon. Frontngo 56 foot on tho wost
sldo of Wont Washington ntrcot nnd
described In Vol. , pngo , county
rocordor'n recordu of Jackson couuty,
Oregon; 55 foot, rnto por foot, 08
coots; nmount $37.40,
AHHOHHinont No, 10. II, II, Croft
ot nl. Lot 11, block 3, Hlghlnnd
Pnrk Addition to tho city of Med
ford, Orogon. Frontnjro Co foot on
thn wont sldo of Wout WnnhlnKton
Btroot nnd doBcrlhod In Vol. , pngo
, county rocordor's rocords of
Jnckson county, Orogon; 55 foot, rate
por foot 08 conts; nmount $37.40.
Assessment No, 11. II. II. Croft
ot nl. Lot 12, block 3, Hlghlnnd
Pnrk Addition to tho city of Med
ford, Orogon. Frontngo 55 foot on
tho wont Bldo of West Wnnhlngton
stroot nnd doncrlbod In Vol. . pago
, county rocordor'n rocordB of
Jnckson county, Orogon; 55 foot, rato
por foot 08 conts; nmount $37,40.
ABaoRHinont No. 12. II, II. Croft
ot nl. Lot 13, block 3, Hlghlnnd
Park Addition to tho city of Med
ford, Orogon. Frontngo 55 foot on
tho wout nldo of Woat Washington
stroot and doscrlbod In Vol. , pngo
-, WUUUbjr jvukuiuvt a .vwiuu u.
And whereas, tho cost of construct
ion of snld newer has been nnd horoby
lu (Ynlnrtnlnnil in fin Hm sum nt
rocoros or jacKson coiimy, uregon. $959 Q
58 foot .rnto per foot GS conts; Nov 'ti,orofor0( Bn(, clly lloth or.
nmount $39.44. lnln nnd declnro thnt onch pnrcol of
ABHCBHinont No. 24. W. L. Wca- ,)ro,)(,rly described bolow lu ndjnccnt
mV.- I'01.,2, ,!,0Ck-?; 9;lk ,aV "''."H" nn,l honofltted by that cortaln lnt
dltlon to thocli of Medford, Oregon; nrni nmvP niv in i- n.
frontago 55 feot on tho east Bldo of 8truct0(, on Ei,n 8trcot botweon West
West Washington street nnd des seventh street nnd Bouth lino of
u"' ' 1 Hlghlnnd Pnrk addition and that tho
rdorH recordu of Jackson county, proportion of tho cost of said sowor
ogon; 55 feet; rnto por foot 08 whlch oncJl ot nl(l ,mrcola of ,ftnti
nts; nmount $J7. 40. should boar based on tho bonofitu do-
AHBonsmbiit No. JC -W. h. Wca- rlm, roHpoctlvoIy by nnld sovornl
i. I .VII. tl, Hiuvn .1, uuu uiiMU liu'llrnnlu nt lnml lu Mm ninnnnt o..f nn-
dltlon to tho city of Medford. Oregon; ,108lto tll0 uiscrlptlon of each parcol
fron ago 55 foot on tho cast sldo of .bolow Uint onch of Bnld parcols Is
Wont Washington Btroot and iIob- nctnllv honofltted lu tho amount sot
nowspnper published nnd of genernl
circulation In Bald city. In tho manner
provided by ordinance No. 250 of
said city.
Tho foregoing ordlnanco waB pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Mcdford, Oregon, on tho 3d day of
May, 1910, by tho following vete:
Emorlck aye, Welch ayo, Merrick
aye, Elfcrt aye, Dommer ayo, Wort
man ayo.
Approved May 4th, 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
To tho ownor or roputcd ovner of
each parcel of property described In
the foregoing ordlnanco. as named
Vol.., pago.. county recorder's rec-! therein, and in tho Hen declared by
nrds of Jackson county, Oregen: 'said ordinance as recorded In tho
32.9 foot; rnto per foot 03 conts; dockot of city Hens:
nmount $20.73. You nro hereby notified thnt tho
Assessment No. 17 A. J. Stoveus. (assessment declared by tho foregoing
Lot 7, block 1, Highland Pnrk ad- ordinance h:.s been mado and tho Hen
dltlon to tho city of Medford, Ore- therefor cntored In tho city Hen dock
gon; frontngo 53.1 feet on tho enst et, and thnt the snmo Is due. and you
sldo of Elm streot, and described in aro hereby required to pay tho same
Vol. ... pngo .., county rocordor's ' to tho city recorder within ten dnys
records of Jnckson county, Orogon; from tho service ot this notlco, which
28.1 feot; rato por foot G3 conts; ' service Is mndo by publication of the
nmount $17.70. j foregoing ordinance, and this notice
Assessmont No. IS II. II. Croft et threo times In tho Medford Mail
nl. Lot 8, block 1, Highland Park Tribune, pursuant to an order of tho
nuuiuon to mo cuy or .Moaiora, wre-jCIty council of snld city
, tuumj iu opposlto Itu description bolow by tho
construction of nnld sowor, nnd thnt
snld Bovornl nmountn represent tho
proportional benefits or said sovornl
parcolu from said sower. And onch ot
V,1, 'oiJ' 'I.0614.? 9alc,arA)V0 n(,"lBnld pnrcols Is hereby assessed tho
dltlon to tho city of Medford, Oregen: nn)ount ot 0,ipoB,to u description
frontngo 55 foot on tho onnt sldo of lM)1()v; ror tho conBtnictlon of snld
Wont Wnnhlngton ntroot nnd des- HOwor
crlbed In Vol. .., pago ...county ro-
cordor u records of JnckBon county,
Oregon; 55 foot; rnto por foot G8
cents; nmount $37.10.
ABBosamont No. 27. W. E. Won
vor. Lot 5, block 3, Onk Orovo nd
dltion to tho city of Medford, Oregen:
frontngo 56 feot on tho oast sldo of
West Washington Street and do
crlbed In Vol. . ., pngo . ., county ro
corder'H records of Jnckson county,
Oregen: 65 foet ;rnto por foot 08
cents; nmount $37.40,
AnsosBinont No. 28, w. H. Won
vor. Lot 0,' block 3, Onk Orovo ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Orogon;
frontago 84. fi feot op tho oaat sldo of
West Washington Btroot nnd des
crlbod lu Vol, ... pngo . ., county re
corder's recordu of Jncknon county,
Oregon; ftO foot; rnto por foot 08
conts; nmount $34,00.
ABHOBsmont No. 20, W. 13. Won
vor. Lot 1, block 0, Onk Orovo ad
dition to tho city of Medford. Orogon;
frontago 58.3 foot on tho onst sldo ot
Wout Washington Btroot nnd des
crlbod In Vol, . . , pngo . ,, county ro
cordor'n records of Jnokeon county,
Orogon; 58.3 foot; rnto por foot 08
conts; amount $30.04.
ABBOBBinont No. 30. W. 13. Wcn
vor. Lot 2, block 0, Onk Orovo nd
dltion to tho oltv of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo 58.0 foot on tho oast aldo of
West Washington stroot and des
cribed in Vol. . ,,pngo , county ro
cordor'u rocordn of JnckBon county,
Orogon; 58.0 foot; rnto por foot 08
contu; amount $30,81,
ABsessmont No. 31. W, E. Won
vor. Lot 3. block 0. Oak Orovo nd
dltion to tho city of Medford, Orogon;
frontngo 58.0 foot on tho onst nmo of
Went Washington stroot nnd dos
crlbod In Vol. , , , pngo , ...county ro
cordor'n rocorda of JnckBon county,
Oregon; 58.0 feot; rnto por foot G8
Annossmont for a six Inch lntornl
nowor on EI111 utreot, commoLcIng nt
n point 100 feot south of tho south
lino of West Sovonth stroot nnd run
ning thonro south to tho nouth lino of
Hlghlnnd Park addltlo.i.
AFB088mont No. 1. II. II. Croft et
nl. Lot 3, hjock 2, Highland Park ad
dition to tho city ot Mcdford, Orogon;
frontngo 53.1 foot on tho west sldo of
Elm streot, nnd descrlbod In Vol. ,
pngo .., county rocordor's records of
Jackson county, Orogon; 23.1 foot;
rnto por foot 03 contu; amount
AeseBsmont No. 2. II. II. Croft ot
nl. Lot 1, block 2, Hlghlnnd Park ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Orogen:
frontago 53 feot on tho vcat oldo of
Elm ntroot, nnd doncrlbod In Vol. ...
pngo . ., county rocordor's rocordn of
Jnckson county, Orogon; 03 foot;
rnto per foot 03 conts; nmount
AH80ssmont No. 3. Todd Bros.
Lot 6, block 2, Hlghlnnd Pnrk nddl
tion to tho city of Medford, Orogen:
frontngo 53 foot on tho wost sldo ot
Elm Btroot, nnd doscrlbod In Vol. ..,
pngo . . , county rocordor's rocords of
Jnckson county, Orogon; 53 foot; rnto
per foot G3 conts; nmount $33.39.
ABsessmont No. 4 Todd Bros.
Lot 0, block 2, Highland Park addi
tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontngo 53 foot on tho wost sldo ot
Elm streot, nnd doscrlbod In Vol. ,,,
pago , . , county rocordor's rocords of
Jncknon county, Orogon; 53 foot; rnto
por foot 03 conts, amount $33.30.
ABBosamont No. 5 II. II. Croft ot
nl. Lot 7, block 2, Highland Pnrk nd
dltion to tho city of Medford, Orogon;
frontngo 53 foot on tho wost aldo of
Elm stroot, and doscrlbod in Vol. . .,
pngo , ., county rocordor'n rocords of
Jnok8on county, Oregon; 53 foot; rato
i?nn! frnmnf-n 1.3 font rm thn nnat
n"'., ..W.....J,. WW ,.-. W.. fc.w ...WV I
sldo of Elm street, nnd described In
Vol. .., pngo ... county rocordor's!
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
53 foet: rate per foot 63 cents;
amount $33,39.
Assessmont No. 19 -H. II. Croft et
al. Lot 9, block 1. Highland Park
City Recorder,
An ordlnnnco declaring tho assess
ment on tho proporty benofited for
tho cost of laying n six-Inch wator
III n I ii n "fn(mai iitnnnt .! ,1 I unnt I n
addition to tho city of Medford. Ore-, o Recorder to enter a stn en ent
l?nn? rrnnlnin KM fnnf nn thn nnet l" ritomor It) llllir U 81IIICU1I.UI
tuoreof in tho Wnter Main Lien
gon; frontngo 53 feot on tho enst
sldo of Elm streot, nnd described In
Vol. .., pngo .., county recorder's
records of Jnckson county, Oregon;
ffiS fool; rnlo nnr tnat. fi3 nnnfa?
amount $33.39.
Assessment No. 20 II. II. Croft ot
nl. Lot 10, block 1, Hlghlnnd Pnrk
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontngo 53 feet on tho enst sldo
or uim streot, nnd uescriuoa in vol.
. ., pngo , ., county recorder's records
of Jnckson county, Oregon; 53 feet;
rnto por foot 03 cents; nmount
Assessment No. 21 -II. II, Croft ot
nl. Lot 11, block 1, Highland Park ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Orogen:
frontngo 53 foot on tho oast sldo of
Tho city of Medford doth ordnln
ns follews:
Section 1. Whoroas, tho city
council did heretofore, by resolution
declaro Its Intention to lay a six
inch wntor mnln on Court streot and
to nssess tho cost thereof on tho prop
erty fronting on said portion of snld
stroot in proportion to tho frontago
of snld proporty, nnd fix a tlmo nnd
plnco for hearing protests agr.lust the
laying of nald water main on said part
of snld street nnd tho assessments
of tho cost thoreof as aforesaid.
And, whereas, said resolution was
duly published and posted as re-
Elm streot, and described In Vol ...quired by section 110 of tho char
pago .., county recorder s records of i tor or tno said city;
Jackson county. Oregen: 3 foet: rato
'per toot 03 contu; amount $1.89.
Aosessmont No. 22- II. II. Croft ot
And, Whereas, n mooting of tho
council wns hold nt tho tlmo and
placo fixed in tho said resolution, for
upon the recorded plat of said addi
tion, nnd marked Z on tho map of
uald city. Frontago 101.7 feet on
the east sldo of Court street, and de
scribed In Vol. 73, pago 477, county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon. 101.7 feet, rato por foot
92 cents; amount $93.50.
Assessment No. 3. T. J. Board
man. The south half of tho north
half of lot 10, block 1, CoMaa Addi
tion to tho city of Mcdford. and
marked AA on tho map cf said city.
Frontage 50.9 feet on tbo east Hide
of Court Htreot, and described In Vol.
73, page 302, county recordcr'u rec
ords ot Jackson county, Oregon. 50.9
feet, rate per foot 92 cents; $40.83.
Assessment No. 4. E. BIden. Tho
north 50 feet of lot 10, block 1,
Cottage Addition to the city of Med
ford. Frontago 50.9 feet on tho east
side of Court street and described in
Vol. 70, pago 319, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon.
50.9 feet, rato per foot, 92 cents;
amount $40.83.
Assessmont No. 5. C. A. Board
man. Tho south 51.7 feet of th
parcel of land marked AD on tho
amount map of tho city of Medford. Front
age 51.7 feet on the east side of
Court street, and described in Vol.
, page , county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 51.7
feet, rate per foot, 92 cents; amount
Assessment No. 0. Mary Stan-
cllffe. The central 50.9 feet of the
parcel of land marked AD on tho
map of the city of Medford. Front
age 50.9 feet on the east sldo of Court
Assessment No. 11 Eliza J. Lewis.
Lot 0, block 1. Cottago Addition to
the city of Mcdford, Oregon. Front
ago 203,5 feet on the East side of
Court Btrect, and described In Vol.
58. page 28S, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon.
203.5 feet, rate per foot 92 cents;
amount $187.22.
Assessment No. 12. M. J. Thelss.
Lot 2. block 2. Cottago Addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon. Front
age 30 feet on the west side ot
Court street, and described In Vol.
07, pago 430, county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 30
feet, rate per foot 92 cents. Amount
Assessment No. 13. M. Elwood.
A parcel of land beginning at tho
northwest corner of lot 3. block 2.
Cottago Addition to the city of Med
ford, running thenco south 114 feet:
thence south 79 degrees West. 130
feet: thenco north 20 decrees West.
44 feet; thence north 54 degrees 30
minutes East 170 feet to the placo
of beginning and containing .27 acres.
Frontage 114 feet on the west side
of court street, and described In Vol.
71, pago 320, county recorder's rec
ords of Jack.-.on. county, Oregon. 114
feet, rato per foot 92 cen's. Amount
$104. SS.
Assessment No. 14. Adla C. BIsb.
Tho north half of lot 3 I-i block 2.
Cottago Addition to tho city of Med
ford. Frontago 94.5 feet on tho
west side of Court street. ?nd de
scribed in Vol. 7S, pago 92, county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon. 94.5 feet, rate per foot
92 cents; nmount $80.94.
Assessment No. 15. A. C. Aylor
Tho north 23.5 feot of tho parcol of
land marked AJ on the map of the
city of Medford. Frontngo 23.5 feot
on the west sldo of Court street, nnd
described in Vol. , pago , county
recorder's records of Jackcon county.
Orogon. 23.5 feet, rate per foot 92
cents; amount $21.02.
Assessmont No. 10. J. J. Koelra.
A portion of the parcol of land
mnrkod AJ on the map of tho city
of Medford, Oregon. Frontngo 50
feet on the vest oldo of Court street,
nnd described In Vol. 75, pngo 508,
county recorder's records of Jnck
son county, Orogon. 50 feet, rnto
per foot, 92 cents; amount $40.00.
Assessment No. 17. Stanley
Wicks. A portion of tho parcel ot
land marked AJ on tho map of tho
city of Medford, Orogon. Frontngo
40 feet on tho wost cldo of Ciurt
streot, and described In Vol 75, pngo
510, county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Oregon. 40 feet.
rnto per foot, 92 cents; nmount
Assessment No. 18. J, H. Carl
ton. A portion of tho parcel of lnnd
ntroot, nnd described In Vol, 55, pago
89, county rocordor's rocords ot Jnck
son county, Orogon. 50.9 foot, rato
por foot 92 conts; nmount $10.83.
Assessmont No. 7, Mnrnaret
Dalloy. Tho north 50.0 foot of tho
parcel of land marked AD on the
map of tho city of Medford, Orogon.
Frontngo 60,9 feot on tl.o east nlde
of Court utreot, nnd doscrlbod In Vol.
73, pngo 194, county rocordor's rec
ords of Jackson county, Orogon. BO.f
feot, rato por foot, 92 conts; amount-
As80Bsmont t'j. 8. James Dalley.
A strip of 'nd 60 foot In width off
tho nor...4 end of lot No. 9, block 1,
Cottago Addition to the city ot Med
ford, Orogon. Frontago 50 foot od
the east uldo of Court utroot, nnd
described in Vol. 73, pago 305, coun
ty rccordor'u records of Jackson coun
ty, Orogon. 50 foot, rato por foot,
02 cents; nmount $40.00.
Ausossment No. 9. Eliza J. Lowlu.
Lot 8. block 1, Cottago Addition to
the city of Medford, Orogon. Front
ago 203.5 foot on tho oant sldo of.
Court ntrcot, nnd described In Vol.
ordu of Jackson county, Orogon.
203.5 feet, rate por foot 92 conts;
amount $187.22.
Assessment No. 10. Eliza J.
Lewis. Lot 7, block 1, Cottage Ad
dition to tho City of Medfcrd, Ore
gon. Frontago 203,5 feet on the
east sldo of Court utroot, and de
scribed In Vol 58, pago 289, county
recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon. 203.5 feet. Rato per foot
92 cents. Amount $187.22.
Assessment No. 20. E. O. BIssel
et ux. Tho north part of tho parcol
of land marked AC on tl o map of
the city of Medford, Oregon. Front
age 244 feet on tho west sldo of
Court street and described In Vol.
73, pago 230, county recorder's roc
ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 244
feet, rato per foot, 92 cents; amount
Section 2. And It Is hereby or
dered and ordalnod that tho sovoral
assessments and tho lions thereof be
entered in tho Water Main Lien
Docket of tho said city, and that
thereupon notice bo given tho own
ers, or reputed owners, of said prop
erty, and that tho samo bo enforced
and collected in tho manner provided
by the charter of tlo said city for the
collection of assessment for tbo Im
provement of tho streets therein.
Section 3. It Is further ordered
that tho notice above provided for be
published three times in tho Dally
Mall Tribune, a newspaper published
and of general circulation In said
city, In the manner provided by Or
dinance No. 250 of Bnld ciiy.
The foregoing ordinance was
passed by the city council of tho
city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 3rd
day of May, 1910, by tho following
Merrick, aye; Welch, aye: Emer
ick, aye; Demmer, aye; Wortman,
aye; Elfert, ayo.
Approved May 4, 1910,
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER,
City Recorder.
To the owner or reputed owner
o'f each parcel of proporty described
in tho foregoing ordinance, as named
therein, and In the Hen declared by
said ordinance au recorded In the
docket of city liens.
You are hereby notified that the
assessment declared by tho foregoing
ordinance has been mado and the Hen
therefor entered In tho City Lien
Docket, nnd that tho samo is due.
and you aro hereby required to pay
tho samo to the city recorder within
ten dnys from tho service of this
notice, which service is mado by pub
lication ot tho foregoing ordinance,
and this notice three times In the
Medford Mr.ll Tribune, pursuant to
an order of the city council ot Bald
city. Robt. W. TELFER.
City Recorder.
nl. Lot 1, block 3, Highland Park ad- u luirposo of considering pny such marked AJ on tho mnp of tho city
dltlon to tho city of Medford Orogon protests but no protests woro nt snld of Medford, Orogon. Frontngo 95
frontngo 6S feot on' the oast sldo o'f tlmo or nt nny other tlmo mndo to feot on tho west nhlo of Court streot,
Elm streot, nnd doscrlbod In Vol. ... r received by tho council to tho snld, and describe,! in Vol. 74, pago 570.
unco county rocordor'n rocords of laying of tho said wator main or tho county recorder's records of Jnckson
Let us show you with what
genius and scientific accuracy a
new principal has heen applied
to make the Kryptok lenses per-'
feet invisible bifocals. u
You can see them at
Dr. Coble's Office
West Main SL.
Jnckson county, Oregon; 8 feot; rato
por foot G3 coats; nmount $5.04.
Assessment No. 23 II. II. Croft ot
nl. Lot 2, block 3, Hlshlmid Pnrk ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Orogon;
frontngo 55 feot on tho oast sldo ot
Elm stroot, and described In Vol. ..,
pago . . , county rocordor's rocords of
Jnckson county, Orogon; 55 foot; rato
por foot G3 conts; amount $34.05.
Assossmont No. 24 II, II. Croft ot
nl, Let 3, block 3, Hlghlnnd Park nd
dltion to tho city of Mcdford, Oregen:
frontngo 55 foet on tho enst uldo of
Elm streot, nnd descrlbod lu Vol. , .,
pago ,,, county rocordor's rocords of
Jnckson county, Orogon; 55 foot; rnto
por foot 03 conts; nmount $34. 05,
ABBosamont No. 25 II. II, Croft ot
nl. Lot 4, block 3, Highland Park nd
dltion to tho city of Mcdford, Orogon;
frontago 55 foot on tho onst sldo of
Elm stroot, nnd doscrlbod In Vol. . .,
pngo . ,, county rocordor'a rocordB of
Jnoksou couuty, Orogon; 55 toot; rnto
nBsessmont of tno cost ns nforesnid. i county. OroKon. 95 feot. rnto nor
nnd snld council having considered ! foot 92 cents; nmount $S7.40.
tho matter, and dcomlug that said
wator mnln wns nnd lu of material
benefit to snld city, and th'it all prop-
lorty to bo assossod thorofor would
no bonofltod thoroby to tho oxtont of
tho probablo nmount of tho rospoc
tlvo nssosoments to bo loviod ngnlnst
snld proporty did order snld mnln
And Whoroas, tho cost of said
wntor mnln has boon and horoby Is
dotermlncd to bo tho sum of
Now, Thoroforo, It Is horoby fur
ther dotormluod thnt tho proportion
ate share of tho cost of laying snld
wntor mnln of each pnrcol ot proporty
fronting oil snld portion of sale strept
lu tho amount sot opposlto tho de
scription of onch parcel of land bolow.
and that each parcol or pleco ot lnnd
bonofltod by tho laying of tho snld
main to tho full oxtont of tho amount
so sot oppoB'to tho description ot the
' Assossmont No. 19. D. McDonald.
A parcol ot land commonclng at tho
northwost cornor of lot No. 5, block
2. Cottago Addition to tho city of
Medford, Orogon, and runnlnc thonco
northward along tho oast Hue of
North 0 stroot lu tho city of Medford,
50 feot; thonco eastward parallel
with tho north lino of snld lot 5 to
tho west lino of Cottago streot; thence
northward along tho west lino of Cot
tago street to tho northeast corner
of snld lot 6; thonco northward
along tho north lino ot snld .lot 5 to
tho placo of beginning, nnd being a
strip ot land 50 foet wldo off north
uldo of lot 5, nnd mnrkod AF on tho
mnp of tho city of Medford, Orogon,
Frontngo 01 feet on tho west sldo
of Cottnge streot, and described lu
Vol. 74, pngo 158, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Orogon.
01 feet, rnto per foot, 92 cents;
amount $5G,12,
The Only Woman' College, on tb
l'aclfle Coait Ex-lii-l-clr
for Yuunff Women
iriuicmusi lxctcd among (lie beautiful
hill" near Oakland, California,
cIom to San Francisco and the
great Univcuitic of the Writ.
Full collcdiata courae leading
to degree. Entrance and graduation requirement
equivalent to thoac o( Stanford and University
ot Lalilorma. training fat atudent lor teaching
regular lines of academic work, and otter (fecial
advantages (or music, art, library study anil
home economic. Well equipped laboratories for
science. Special attention to health of student.
Modern gymnasium thoroughly equipped. Out
door life and amusements in the ideal California cli
mate. Alumnae in every city on the Pacific Coast. .
fob CATALcauc Aodnis
? Formerly Hotel Stanford and St, Beryl; Fonell
treet, near Geary, ndjoliiltur Hotel Muni.' Tula
lotel Manx Hun, or Market Struct Cuts, tmrufer
to I'owell, Meal house urn! location for ladUs
vbitlnB the city alone.