Ac 1 TftT t v ... tm-tf awMfiwiMMi tIWtellMiWtW','(HHW IPIW" 'W ' S'otfatV rfl icr'.cai VHK WICATIIICIL MEDTORD MAIL TRIBUNE UN1TBD FKK8B ASSOCIATION . Full Lcaflcd Wiro Import. 'I'oulitlil anil Thursday t'loiu- null warmer (If tlio COIIHlt don't lilt UK.) Tho only paper la the world ' published In a city the ! ot Medford having a leased wire, iimiYEAR MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1910. No. 50. VV V Jt ream ES SPRINGS NEW STUNT TO DELAY TIL OF CITY'S CONDE ASKS THAT SUIT ON CONTRACT BE TRIEDOUT FIRST Attorneys Noff and Smith Appear for City and Aro Arguing Matter This Afternoon City Urges Early Trial of Suit. A. E. ItomnoH, nttornoy for M. F. Ilmilcy. today sprung n new Htunt in Ii!h efforts to delay tlio hearing of tho milt brought against Ilunloy liy tho city for a ght of way ncroHH tho Ilanloy premises on Littlo Hutto creek. Ho now demands that tlio contrnot which Ilanloy olalniB to havo with tho oily ho tried out before tho condemnation proceedings aro put under way. Tliis afternoon tho at tornoyn in tho enso nro arguing tho inattor hoforo Judgo CalkiiiH. Tint city hoped to havo tho drawing of tho jury under way today, hut havo so far failed, owing to tho blocking tactics of Mr. KeauiOH. ANIENT DAM IS TO BE REBUILT IN NEjR FUTURE Representative of Eastern Stock ; holders In Golden Drift Mlnlnn Company Trying to Brinjj Con , tcndlnn Factions Together. That tho Anient dam will ho ro built la a solid ami mibutuntlnl man jior In tho near futuro Ih tho state ment Hindu by P. Phllli). ronroHonta. 1 1 vi) of tho viiHtoru utoekholdorH of mo uouion unit .Mining company, "ulio spout Wednesday In Medford. Ilu hiiu for a week tioou trying to bring about an agrcoment hotweon conflict Iiik Interests, and leaves with in a day or so for Chicago. lio will tin represented by Cloorgo Saudors, receiver of tho company, during hla nlmonro, and oxpects to return short ly to coiiuludo negotlatlonu and com Inuiico rucoiiiitructlou. "Wo havo mado Mr, Amont a prop osition to tako over his Intercut," said Mr. Phillip, "and aro prepared to begin work within twonty-four hours on tho dam, and bo ready to furnish Irrigation water within GO days, I roproHont tho people whoso money bulll tho dams and am work ing In harmony with tho bondhold ers. Thoro Is Uttlo doubt but that Home kind of a compromise will bo speedily i cached, terminating tho present litigation, and enabling us to go on with tho work. An Im mense district can bo Irrigated. Tho dam hi la a favorablo slto, and wo hope soon to announce tho beginning of construction work. "Wo plan a comont dam, and a pormanont flshway ovor It. Tho cost of tho structuro will approxi mate $86,000." ltecolvor Bandore statos that thoro Is no danger of tho presont dam being Injured by floor, as $0,000 worth of repair work has boon dono in tho past fov months, enabling tho Btructuro to successfully roalst all floods, HILL HERE TONIGHT Louis W. Hill ami party will nvrlvo in Medford tonight by auto from Klamath Falls, uooording to u tolegrnm ro coivod this nftoriioon by Judge Colvig. ,V 4- TWO COMPANIES HOLD 2100 STRIKERS IN CHECK ILASO, Mo., Mny 38. Wonry from thoir 24 hours' vigil, tho two companioH of tho Missouri Btnto mi- litia trying to hold in check 2100 Mtrikiuir employes of tho Atlas ,1'ort- land Cement company miiKt ho rein- through tho lines of striken;, Ihoy forced today or further trouble may were jeered and hooted by hundreds result. of men, and many threats were made Sinco their arrival yesterday ngninst them, morning tho guardsmen havo hcon Tho commanding officers of tho unahlo to sleep. Ono of tho com-'two companies hero Inst evening wir paniew was fired upon by men hid-,ed to Jefferson City for moro troops, den in a deuso patch of brush. Tho It wns oxpoeled thnt companies at guardsmen returned the firo and 'Columbia, Trenton and Unionvillo charged into tho brush. None of tho would ho in horo hoforo night. METEORITE CAUSES PANIC AMONG CLERKS! Stone Was - lot When It Stopped That It Couid Not Be Handled Falls Near Desk After Plunging Through Building's Roof. TOPEKA, Kan., Mny 18. A small motcorito fell through tho roof of I tho Shawnee building nt 10 o'clock this morning. Tho aerial projectile, struck within n fow feet of tho desk of J. W. Going, mnnagcr of the Slmwnco Firo Insuranco company. Tho fall of the motcorito caused a panic among the four or five clerks in the office. Tlio tttono was so hot that it could not he handled. CONNECTION OF BALLINGER WITH Georijo W. Perkins, Hoad of Morgan Company, Will Probably Bo Called to Stand In Balllngcr Investigation City Engineer Drawn in Case. WASHINGTON, I). C, May 18. Tho prediction that floorgo W. For king, of tho J. P. Morgan company, would bo called as a witnoss wns a foaturo of tho Dallingor investiga tion today. Lottors marked "pdrsounl" and "confidential" on record hoforo tho committee show that Hallingor, soon aft or ho became secretary of tho in terior, was in communication with Perkins concerning tho plans Perkins and Reginald II. Thomson, city on- ginoor of Souttlo, had mado for u trip to Alaska Inst summor. That Thomson nlso will ho cnllod to tho Btnud is cousidorcd probable. Tho corrospondonco which wns brought out by Frcdoriok M. Kerby, formor Htouogrnphor for tho interior department, shows thnt Bnllingor wroto a personal lottor to Thomson Mny 0, 1000, tolling of n visit of tho soorotnry to Porkins. rue seller. "I wns a guost of Perkins nt Yonkors Inst Sunday," Pnllingor wroto. "Porkins is tho head of tho Morgan oompnny. "Porkins told mo ho hnd arranged for a spooial boat to take himsolf and his party, including his family, to Alaska to investigate tho feast- (Continued on Page 8,) MORGAN SHOWN IAIN S LI f Ti OF MILITIA Holdiora was hurt, Lieutenants Clemens and Robin son, lending a platoon which hnd ar-, rested two liquor dealers, had great difficulty in Retting their prisoners! HITS TGPEKA THOUSANDS VIEW BODY OF EDWARD Westminster Hall Is Opened and Line Waiting to View Body Grows to 'Immense Proportions "Roosevelt Calls on King George. LONDON, May IS. Westminster Hall wns opened nt 0 o'clock this morning io nllow tho people to view tho body of King Envnrd, which lny in stnto since yestordny noon. Many thousands of porsons waited in lino nil night to pass beside tho coffin. At noon tho number in line had in creased to such proportions us to tnako any attempt useless for others to join tho lino. It was estimated thnt tho number in lino would oc cupy until 10 o'clock in pnssing tho casket. The people passed the West minster doors at tho rate of 20,000 an hour. Tho doors closed at JO o'clock tonight. For tho second timo in threo dnvs ,Colonol ltooscvclt called upon King George. Today tho former American president wiib accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt, who was prcscntod to tho now monarch for tho first timo. Tho Ttoosovolts lator called upon King rredonok of Denmark ut Bucking ham pulaco. CLUB WOMEN PUT BAD PLAY OUT OF BUSINESS CHICAGO, 111., May 18. Club women of Chicago won n victory for morality today when tho management of tho Cort thoator was ordered by Judge Scnulon to stop tho production of n musical fnroo which tho women docluro immoral. Judgo Sonnlon mndo nn ordor dissolving m injunc tion restraining tho polico from closing tho doors of tho thontor. AMERICAN GUNBOAT READY TO RUSH TO AID OF BLUEFIELDS ANO PREVENT ITS PILLAGE HLUHFIELDS, Nicnnigun, May 18, Throo Amoricnn gunboats aro lying within wiroloss call of Bluo fiolds today, waiting u inessngo that mny como to them at any momont to rush to tho Nicnraguan city and prevent its pillage by tho foroos of Prosidont Mndriz, Tho situation horo is critipnl today. With fighting go ing on at Rnmn, and with tho povt bloakndod by tho Mndriz gunboat Venus, it is boliovod thnt tho final chnptor of tho Nionrngumi involution LICENSE TO SELL LIQUOR $ UUU YbAK Council by Vote of Four to Two Or ders City Attorney to Prepare an Ordinance Fixing the Annual Sa loon License at $1000 a Year, a Raise of $200. Hereafter tho 6uloonraen in Mcd ford must pay $1000 a year liquor license instead of $800, which has heretofore been pnid. This action was taken by the city council Tues day evening, when, by n vote of four to two (ho city nttornoy wns in structed to draw an trdinnncc filing l tho license at $1000 a year. The council hns been contemplat ing raising tho licenso for some time, owing to tho fact that tho city is growing rapidly and that tho saloons nro rcstriotcd. Tho Mooro hotel licenso was re newed last evening. There wns some friction over it, but tho license was granted. ASHLAND TO VOTE ON TROLLEY LINE JUNEJLEVEBTH Council Orders Election on Allen's Application for Trolley Franchise and an Application of Anderson for Gas Plant Rights. Tho city council of Ashland Tues day evening ordered n special elec tion on tho application of John R. Allen for n trolley franchise in thnt city, the election to bo hold Juno 11. Tho council further ordered thnt tho application of J. R. Anderson for a gas frnnchiso bo submitted to tho pcoplo on tho same day. Tho council by resolution rescind ed n recent adoption of asphalt pavement in order thnt tho might entertain bitulithic. city RABIES RAGING ON LKWISTON, Idaho, May IS. Do spito tho efforts of vetcriunrics scores of rnngo enttlo nro going mad in tho Salmon river district. It is suspooted thnt tho rabies nro opi domio in tho district. A valuable span of horses was gorod to death yostordny by n mnd donod cow nonr Whitohird, and whon corralled sho hnttorod hor brains out ngainst tho stookndo rails. will soon ho written. Couriora who havo reached horo from Rnmn report thnt tho loss in tho fighting yostordny was vory hoavy. Skirmishing is still in prog ress. Tho Vomis has today established n comploto blookndo of tho harbor. Tho Venus firod sovornl shots at tho Estrada custom houso, whioh is throo OAHO RANGES miles from Bluofiolds. As yot no!llluofiolds if ho so dosiros. Tho dnmngo is roportod from tho gun boat's shots. Jtosuioms oi iMueiioms nro m n stnto of panio today. Thoy foav tho William Lorimer of Illinois, Accused of Buying Senatorship LINDSEY WINS GREAT VICTORY! Republican Organization Is Swamped City oVtes a Concurrance by the People In Statements of Lindsey In "Beast and Jungle" Articles. DENVER. Colo., May 18. A sweeping victory for tho "reform cle ment" is indicated today in returns from yesterday's municipal election. Although tho official count has not been coniplotcd and tho result of the voto on municipal owuerbhio of the water plant is in doubt, it is believed that initiative and referendum and recall havo been adopted, whilo the 20-yoar water franchise was defeat ed. Tho victory is characterized on nil sides as n voto of confidence in Judgo Bon Lindsoy, wlioso story of tho "Uenst and tho Junglo," nppenr iug in nn eastern magazine, hns do scribed wnat lie characterized ns municipal rotteuncss in Denver. Tho Democrats wore victorious in tho election, todny's returns indicnto, mid carried n majority of tho 10 nl dormen. Tho fight hoforo tho election wns spoatnoulnr, with Lindsoy, tho fa mous judgo of tho Denver juvenile court, plnyine n star part. ITo has boea ono of tho hardest workors ior tho reformers. Tho Republican organization wns swnmped. Soven citizen leaguers nro tho only officers thoy elected. city will ho snokod nnd pillngod by tho Mndriz troops. Tho Amorioan consul horo has warned Mndriz ngninst nllowing his army to outor Rluofiolds, but tho fact that tho Gorman consul rocontly oallod on Mndriz, virtually recognizing his govorniuont, has caused tho Nioarag- unn prosidont to tako tho stand that ho has a right to sond mi nnny into United Statos govornmout ouco bo foro forbndo him to ontor tho city, Amorioan rosidonts havo nskod for protection, MAY NOT PAVE EAST MAIN NOW Water Pipe Proposition Is Worrying Council and City Engineer Can not Lay Pavement Over Wooden Main Without Drain. The city council, tho mayor nnd tho city engineer spent Wednesday morning investigating tho water pipo proposition on EnsJ Main street. Tho question involved is whether it will be bettor to postpone tho paving of tho street until iron pipo could bo laid, involving an additional 'oxpenso of some $15,000, or by laying a tilo benenth tho leaking wood pipe, sur rounded by rocks, enrry tho leakage to tho sowers at different street crossings, thus keeping tho leakngo from ronchinr tho surface nnd weak ening the foundation of tho pavo- mont after it hnd been lnid nbovo the pipo. Tho pcoplo of the east sido nro extremely anxious to havo tho street paved nnd nro willing to do almost anything rather than wado through tho mud ns thoy hnvo been doing. TO AID OF HIS RUNNING MATE Vice-President Has Much Praise for Taft and His Methods Take Slap at Roosevelt, But by Inference Only. KALAMAZOO, Mich., May 18. Praising tho administration of Pros idont Tuft and dofonding tho Pnyno- Aldrioh tariff bill, Vioo-Prosidont Jnmos S. Shormnu today opened tho congressional onmpnign horo. Tho vico-prosidont roforred to Taft as n prosidont who "doesn't try to docoivo tho pooplo." Tho fooling against tho tariff hill, Sherman attributed to "falso statomonts." By inforonoo, Sherman compared Tftft mid Roosovolt, indicating his boliof that tho presont prosideut is nn improvemont ovor predecessor. HERMAN COMES EARTH HITS COMET TAIL 5 O'CLOCK Illumination of Western Sky Is Pre dicted, With Possible Meteoric Display We Will Emerge (If at All) at II o'clock Negroes Are Praying for Respite. Tlio pnHh nntim tlm inm. f et's tail at 5 o'clock tonight, western time, and emerges at 11 p. m. The estimated thickness of tho tail at the point of inter ception by tho earth is one million miles. Tho length of tho tail is es timated at 20,000,000 miles. The distance between tho earth and the head of tho comet is computed to bo 14,000,000 miles. Ah illumination of tho western sky is predicted, with a possible meteoric display. BERKELEY, Cal.. May 18. Hal ley's comet will begin Its transit across tho face of tbo sun at 7:39 tonight, Pacific Btandard time. This is the latest and most authentic com putation, and was mado by Professor A. C. Lueschnor, astronomer at tho University of California, at tho re quest of tho Astronomical and Astro physical Society of Wahlngton, D. C. Because observatories located farthest west arc nearest tho sun and the comet at tho latest moment that tho comet was vlsiblo In America, the photographs and observations taken along the Pacific Coast are regarded by scientists as the most accurate data for final computations ot the comet's passage. For this reason. Professor Lueschnor was asked to compute tho time of tho passage of tho comet across tho faco of tbo sua and tho passage ot tho earth through tho comet's tail. Professor's Stutoment. Professor A. E. Lueschner said to day that the comet will bo In transit across tho faco of the sun tonight. Tho timo of tho ingress will bo 7:39:10 p. m. The middle of transit will be S:0S:4S p. m., and tho time of egress 8:37:40 p. m. Thoso fig ures are Pacific standard timo. Tho transit, theoretically, may be observable from points only in tho Pacific ocean, although it is doubt ful If astronomers of tho Orient will be ablo to discern tho transit. ' Tho earth will diitor tho tall of tho comet tonight at 5 p. m. and will (Continued on Page 8.) WELLS FARGO IS TURNED DOWN CITY COUNCIL Specifications for New Building Did Not Conform to Building Require ments and Council Refuses to Grant Permit. Tho city council Tuesday evening refused to grant tho Wolls Fargo Express corapauy permission to eroot a building noar tho now Southorn Paoifio depot, unloss now specifica tions aro proparod and tho oxnot lo cation of tho building bo givon. Tho plans and specifications of tho building wore not satisfactory, inasmuch as thoy did not provide a firoproof struoturo. It was a con sensus of opinion that Wells-Fargo could oroot a muoh better building and that thoy should, so the permit was doniod. ! 'O f