i;'-,vs';rfJS0P-'-" f - -w 'V V ' city M" THIC WKATIIKIt. Medford Mail Tribune united vnnm association Full Lcaacd Wlro Report, Tonight uttil Wodnondny OUmr mill wnnnor. Tho only paper In the world published In a city the alie of Medford having a loaned wire. !.. JNJfTJlYKAIt. MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 3910. No. 49. COMMITTEE IS GETTING MUCH COIN Mcctlnn With Splendid Success In Soliciting Funds for tho Publicity Campaign Outlook Is for Best Year In Medford's History. Tito Commercial club committed in charge of soliciting miliHoriptioiiH for tliu next publicity campaign Ih moot iiifC with splendid huccosh, ittiiirly ov cry tnoroliunt in Medford pledging it monthly amount. Tho committee Iiiih not yet had timo to not over tliu en tire city. Kvorything ih pointing toward tliu banner your in Muilfonl'H history, anil tho Comtnuroial olnh in planning u creator publicity campaign than uvor before undertaken. Govcrnmcnt-Ownctl Ships. CHICAGO, III., May 17. Rcpre Hontativo McLaughlin of California Hinted today that tho greatest regu lator of raten would ho government owned HtuauiHhiim on tho Pncifi'i coast. CITY'S CASE JURY SHOULD BE CHOSEN AT ONCE City Endeavoring to Get Judge Calk Ins to Havo Jury Drawn and Sent to View Premises While Ho Hears Another Case Maylio Wednesday. If tho city Iiiib its way tho water cuso with Ilanley will bo gotten under way in tho circuit court Wednesday. Tho city officialH aru bringing ovory possible effort to hear upon the has tening of tho condemnation Hiiit, but uo far havo had little hiiceoHS in Hav ing time. Monday Judge Calkins overruled Hounies' demurror to the complaint and gave ItcamcH twenty-four liourn in which to aiiHwor. Tho city attor ney will aiiHwor thiH WoilncHihiy morninu' and will then endeavor to havo a jury cIiohoii. Judge Calkins Iiiih a different ciibo to hear Wednes day, hut tin effort will ho mailo to havo tho jury taken to view tho promises whilo Judgo Calkins pro ceedn with bin other enso WIN WHO LOST REASON FRANCISCO MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May 17. John W. Oorgaliorty, of Pnmuloiiu, Cnl who In hi MinuonpollH today rocclvod n tologrmn flaying t'mt hla wlfo, vlto lost 1'Or ronunu la tho San Francisco onrthqunko, rogalned hor ronuoa la tho qualco at Pnunilona SunJny. Tho tologram tolling of hlawlfo'n rocovory ramo from hla hoii who hi now In Pauadoiin. "Wo woro living In S'in Francisco at tliu tlmo of tho quake," Qoraghor ty said, "Our homo on Mnrlcol stroot was dostroyoil. Fortunatoly with my wlfo anit two children I oaenpod, Wo nuulo our way to tho Presidio whoro wo Uvod la tonta. , My wlfo was In poor health and tho" ohoolc nr.d hnrdshlpy drovo hor Inanno, N REGAINS 18 PEONS KILLED IN EXPLOSION I Twenty Additional Badly Injured No Cause for Explosion Is Known Nearby Structures Turned Into Hospitals. CANTON, 0., May 17. Hightcon persons arc reported to have been lulled nud 'JO or more injured in an explosion in the works of the Amur ienn Shoot it Tin Pinto company hero this afternoon, Tliu caimu of the explosion is un known. Great excitement prevailed in tho neighborhood. Windows woro Bhat torcd in nearby dwelling. Iinmcdinto steps were taken for relief of sufferers, nearby structures being turned into hospitals. TIioho reHciied woro torn nud mnimed by tho explosion. AniiH and logs were Heattored about tho yard of tho plant and many of the bodies recovered wore mutilated bo that hhjntiflontin miiyjbe impossible. SOON-MAYBE MANY EISH ARE STOPPER BY DAM Floods of Last Winter Destroyed Flshway at Anient Dam and Sal mon Aro Stopped In Progress Up River to Spawning Grounds. Five thousand chinook sitlmon, more or less, aro imprisoned below tho Anient dam and cannot ascend the river to their spawning grounds on account of tho destruction of the fishways in tho dam wrought by tho floods of lnflt winter, according to MaHtor Fish Warden II. C. McAllis ter, who has begun the const ruction of a temporary fishway over tho dam, which will enable tho salmon to ascend until a now dam is built or the present ono completely taken out by the floods of next winter. Tho now l'ishway will bo finished within a few dayH. Mr. McAllister and Deputy War den Kdwurd Clauton spent Tuesday iiiModforl inspecting local fish con ( Continued on I'auo ft.) QUAKE JUST IT "Inimedlntoly aftor tho qunlco wo moved to PnaiiJonn. Whou I ro.id o tho quako tli oro I tolograyhod my mn. I wnB iifinld that tho shock would kill my wlfo. "Imaglno my RHtonlahinont vhon I rocclvod tlilliiifs thnt alio had com plotoly rocovovod hor montnl pow ers, nlthouah bIio romombora nothing that hna happened slnco tho tllsnstor la San Frnncloco. "I- can hardly bollovo tiiat It la truo." MAY HAVE TO TAKE THE BIG FIGHT ELSEWHERE OAKLAND Cal., Mny 17. Thnt tho JoffrioH-JohiiBou fight will not hu hold at Emoryvillo or in any other part of Alnmodn county is tho gonr oral bolief horo today, IN ANOTHER Latest Photograph of King George V., The New Ruler of the British Empire. STENOGRAPHER ON STAND SHOWS THAT BALLINGER HAS TOLD MANY UNTRUTHS NEW SCHOOL ON EAST SIDE TO BE MISSION STYLE School Board Draws Tentative Plans for Handsome Structure Wash ington School Is to Be Completely Remodeled and Modernized. Tho now school In Queen Anno, on tho East SUlc, upon which con struction work la soon to start, will ho ono of tho most hand-onio struc tures In tho vnlley. It is to bo of tho iuIbbIoii a'ylo of nrchP.ecturo, con tain olovou school rooms, a high basement and a gymcUBlum. In fact, tho structure will bo modorn In ovory reupoct. Tho Washington bcIiooI la to bo rcmodorcd completely and Ha exterior and lntorlor complotoly changed. Demands Surrender of Bluoflelds. BLUBPIELDS, Nicaragua, May 17. Tho supply ship Venus, flying tho Nicnraguan flay, today domand od tho surrender of Minefields on be half of Prosidont Madrid. THE TRUTH ABOUT HALLEY'S COMET (Written for tho Unitod Press by Harold Jaoohy Kuthorford, Professor of Astronomy at Columbia Uni versity.) NEW YORK, Mny 17. "Will tho comot injuro tho earth tomorrow night? I think not. "Comets havo struck tho earth boforo and will continno to hit it in tho future "Iu tho musoum of natural history in Now York thero is n meteor weighing 27 tons. Thoro mny bo sovoral chips liko this in tho bond of Halloy's comet, and if tho bond struck wo would havo somo local disturbance at loast. "However, tho head will not como olosor to tho earth than 1-1,000,000 milos. Astronomers disngroo on tho figures, but ngroo on thoso facts. "Porhnps tho tail may ho long onough to roach tho onrth, and astronomors foel fairly suro that tho toil will bo long onough. Wo know tho contot's head to bo solid. Wo also know that tho tail is loss donso tlmn tho nir iu tho host vacuum wo can mako with a morcury air pump. This is thinnor than thin. "Tho moloculos in tho comet's tail will ho sopnrntod from oach othor by sovoral cuhio foot, so thoro should bo no fear of ill-offoots from Halloy's comot," Maw '- !f '''" '4?tf IBBffBifn ffi& ' A KERBY CALLED AS WITNESS IN INVESTIGATION States That He Was Friendly With Former Secretary Garfield, But Denies Having Acted Upon Advice of Former Official. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 17. Frodorick M. Kerhy, the former sten ographer for tho interior department, who Saturday gavo out a statement tolling of tho preparation of the "LaSvIor memorandum" in tho Bol linger case, was today called as a witness boforo tho investigating com mittee. Sountor Knuto Nelson, ohair ninu of the committee, aftor placing President Taft's lottor of legislation of Mny 10 on tho record, asked that Ivorhy ho called. The president's lottor oxplniuod tho use to which the Lawlor lottor was put. Attornoy Brnndcis, representing Qlavis, asked thnt Korby'a affidavit and Socrotnry Carpenter's denial bo also placed on tho record. Sountor (Continued on Page 5.) MILLION AND QUARTER PEOPLE yiEWEDWARD Removal of Body to Westminster Hall Resembles Great Dress Re hearsal for Funeral Pageant Which Will Be Held Friday. LONDON, May 17. The removal of tho body of King Edward from Buckingham palace, where it has lain in state, to Westminster hall, whoro it may ho viowed by tho gen try of England, today resombled a glittering dress rehearsal for tho groat funeral pageant today will bo hold Friday. Numhors fnil to givo nn idea of tho vast throngs thnt lined tho streets for tho funoral procession, of tho great swarms of humnuity that clus- j torcd iu the windows of houses along tho route nud tho thousands that fill ed porches, porchod on houso tops, street posts and ovory ledgo and arch thnt gavo footing. Thousands of picked troops, tho flower of tho (Continuod on Pajjo S.) COMMITTEES ARE NAMED GREET HUE President Colvig Names Two Com mittees to Have Charge of Wel coming Louis W. Hill and Railroad Officials When They Arrive President Colvig of the Commer cial club this morning naoied two committees to perfect arrangements for the welcome to be extended Louis W. Hill and his party when Uey ar rive in this citj'. It is planned to givo them a banquet and take then? for u drive through tho valley. Tho committee in charge of ar rangements for tho banquet arc: John M. Root, chairman, Howard S. Dudley and Dr. E. B. Pickel. The committee to arrange a drive through the valley consists of O. Putnam, chairman. Colonel Frank L. Tou Vclle and L. E. Wakcman. The timo of the arrival of Mr. Hill and his party has not been definite ly determined. It mny be Wednes- dayevening or Thursday. GREAT WELCOME FQRTEDDY WORK ON P.SE. GOTHAM MAKES IS BEING BLOT PUNS READY Past Week Saw Many Additional Committee in Charge Swamped With Teams and Much Grading Machin-j Letters From Individuals Tendcr ery Added to Th-it Already Hak- ing Their Services African Big Ing Dirt Fly yon Extension. I Game Club Offers to Take Part. The week just past has seen much grading machinery and many addi tional teams taken out to rush the construction of tho extension of tho road to Butto Falls. Fifteen teams arrived recently and have been put nt work. Chief Engineer Gcrig states that the rush is not duo to any now or ders, but to the fact that the weath or Is splendid for rushing the work. Nenrly 1000 men nro employed. Seattle Wants Plum. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 17. An immigration station nt Senttlo to cost $100,000 is proposed in n hill introduced by Senator Piles of Washington. GREAT HAVOC IS WROUGHT BY A i One Death, Three Fires and Thou sands of Dollars' Damage Result of Wind Storm in California Woman Is Electrocuted. SANTA ROSA, Cal., May 17. A summary mado today of tho damage dono by tho windstorm that swept Sonoma Couuty in tho twonty-four hours ending oarly today shows ono death, threo fires, tho destruction of nt least ono big building and a loss aro off. Ho manager tho recent Los At Caltonto, Mrs. Polonl was elec trocuted by a fallon wlro. In Sonoma sovoral housos woro un roofed and chlmuoys broken. At Astl, tho rosldonco of Suporin tondont Allos&nl, of tho Italian Swls3 colony, was burned and on Hood mountain, tho summor homo of J, H. R. Klnnorsloy of San Rnfnol, wns dcitroyod. G WINDSTORM DECISION IN LAND CASES CONFIRNED Judge in Circuit Court of Appeals Writes Opinion Based on Appeal of Willard Jones, Charged With Conspiracy to Defraud- SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., May M. ' A decision confirming tho decision of tho lower court In tho Oregon fen est reoervo land grab cases was ro corded todry. Judgo Morrow, sitting In tho cir cuit court of appeals, wroto tho opin ion, which was based on tho appeal ol Willard N. Jonei Bo3ldcs tho appellant, the defend ants arc Dinger Hermann, John H. Mitchell, J. N. WIHIamBon, Frank lin P. Hays, and George Sorcnaon. JTho government alleged theso mon, In 1900, purchased school lan!i: In tho state of Oregon through dummies. Judge Morrow decided tho evidence tended to prove tho formation of a conspiracy to defraud tho govern ment. NEW YORK, May 17. Tho recep tion to bo tendered Colonel Theodore Roosevelt upon his arrival in Now York on Juno 18, will bo ono of tho largest uomonsiraiions in tno mstory of tho city, judging from tho num ber of applications already rocolvod by tho committee In charge from or ganizations and individuals wishing to tako part. Every mail brings letters from committees and Individuals, wno offer their sorvices to tho committee, Tho African Dig Gamo Club has offored to tako part and arrange ments are being made to havo Re publican delegations from evory as sembly dlstrlc' of Now York march in tho parado. DAY WILL STILL S Measure to Change It to Last Thurs day In April Is Lost by Only One Vote Was Proposed In Amend merit. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 17. Iuauguration day will remain March 4, instond of tho last Thursday in April, ns proposod in an amendment submitted to tho houso by Represen tative Honry, Democrat, of Texas, Tho voto ou tho resolution stood 130 to 70, and ns n two thirds majority wns needed, tho monsuro lost by only ono voto. Tho snnltarlum at St. Holona and tho SI 00,000 homo of former United Statos Sonator Koarns noar Kenwood woro ondangoroc1 by flro. At Elvorano a danco hall ae razed by tho wind. Wires aro down la many parts of tho country. INAUGURATION REMAN MARCH 4 i i M I .1 i ,M i"5 fY Hi I J i i 'I ft aa H lw -... .u . m