Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 13, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Tannfl Society Woman Complanns o
Panel's Methods in Expounding
Tneesephlcal Teachings Tells Her
Stwy to the Police.
Damrosch to Be Here Monday
CHICAGO, III., May 13. Tho police-
are securing evidence against
SalcrtThtrom Pnnit, "with n hypnotio
eye,'1 whose Oriental religious prac
tiec have been denounced by mnny
of his -women students nnd by Chief
Steward; who himself is n thcoso
It was learned today that n young
society Tfomnn of the north side was
the first to make complaint to the
Txiliee in connection with Pandit's
alleged teachings.
The woman in her statement to the
authorities declared that Pandit, nf
tor chanting weirdly for ten minutes,
had her under his influence nnd then
began a "massage treatment" which
the Hindu averred, was a part of his
yogi religion.
Tho society woman said he placed
bis hand on her shoulder and she
"felt herself swaying."
"Let ns commune with Yogi," Pan
dit is alleged to have 'told her, us ho
took, her into another room.
The woman wrote o Annie Besnnt,
high priestess of the Theosophical
Bocietv. and indlcnnntly asked if
"massage" was a part of religion.
(Continued from page 1.)
tho caves but or tho ha;d journey.
Located fiftf-flvo miles south of
Grants Pass and with tho lac. twenty-two
miles of the distance covered
only by a ncxrow, rough and tortu
oas, mountain trail, the trip to the
marble halls Is anything but pleas
ant, and can only bo made by the
aid or pack caimals. TTo govern
ment, through Its appropriations for
ouch purposes, will construct a road
to tbo caves from tho main highway
at AVIllIams vUIey, and vill provide
suitable shelter at tho caves. Being
situated In the heart of tho forest
and well up on the SIskiyous, the en
trance to the caves Is an ideal spot
for camping, with an abundance of
big game close at hand.
"Oregion's Marblo Halls." with
their endless caverns of white lime
stone, will no doubt be visited by a
far greater number cf people this
snmnier than ever before. In con
Junction with tho forest service of
ficials, the Grants Pass Commercial
Club is giving its assistance toward
popularizing tho wonderful caves and
making them easlor of access.
Attracts Many to Tahcrnnclo by His
Personality and Platform Mothoils.
This season Walter Damrosch will
celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary
of his apper.rance as an orchestral
conductor In Now York. When the
death of his father, the late Dr. Leo
pold Damrosch, who was greatly be
loved In the profession as well as
by the public, suddenly force 1 upon
him serious responsibilities, Walter
Damrosch was In his twenty-third
His record Is certainly an astonish
ing one. He was, It will be remem
bered, for a dczen years or more, a
conductor of opera then he had his
own company for four years, with
which he brought out a number of
the German music dramas all over
the country. He has put his sym
phony society on a permanent basis
It can be said of Mr. Damrosch that
he has never at any time endeavored
to appeal either for public support
or public applause by meretricious
means. The press agent has not
known him or his work. Indeed. If
anvthhitr. Mr. Damrosch has cone to
the extreme of conservatism In thoi')0,'v-
A soul-winning diM'ourso by Dr.
Olivor at the tabernacle. The tot
was Matt.. vi:21: "Where thy treas
ure is, there will thy heart ho also."
The Personality of Man.
Dr. Olivor is (i foot I iuohos in
hoisht, slender, athletic, graceful nnd
vigorous in notion, lie has a keen
and woll-informcd mind, a good voice
and pleasant expression. Ho is ol- i
tpiont, persuasive, pathetic and hu
morons. Ho has a very extensive vocabu
lary, is u master at denunciation and
is fearless. With his oyc flushing'
with tho glow of thought, his indov I
finger pointing directly at you, lie '
utters tho numdalo of the highest
with tolling efloot. This is tho ninn
who speaks nightly at tho tabernacle
to interested audiences. Kight hun
dred people heard the message last
The Message.
Dr. Oliver said in part: "A innn'
treasure is summed up in that thing
which ho loves most. Many are hnsv
with the muck rake with faces to the
ground and fail to oe the golden
crown just overhead. .Many are pil
ing up material things nnd leaving
God out of tho neeount. Nothing on
earth is permanent, all will pass
away. How did von cot what vou
have? Some men lie nnd defraud
and take every mean advantage of
their fellowmen for gain. Take.
warning, neighbor, there is a Clod in
the honvens and His power is ab
solute, and Ho will demand of you
an account of tho deed done in the
Neighbor, hear ine better g.
Here's a Snap
lr tomorrow, Saturday, and this one day only, we offer ,our choice of
fauey or hand painted china in the .store at one-third off the marked price.
1000 Boxes of Fancy Box Writing Paper with
envelopes to match 20c to $1.00 a box.
George Cooper, the veteran south
paw, who pitched one of tho greatest
games ever seen in Southern Oregon
against Pernoll three years ago, was
here this week trying to work up a
game between tho Sisson and Med
ford teams at tho first open date.
ul have a pitcher that has me
backed off tho boards," said George
and anyono who over saw Cooper
throw the ball will know that means
something. "That kid has more
things on the ball than anybody I
ever saw, and within tho next two
years ho will be throwing rings
around tho Wagners, Cobbs and all
the big swatters. Ho studies tho
game. lie works by rulo. no fig
ures this way: If that ball can be
made to break three inches quicker,
a drop three inches further on, it
ratii fool the batter. Then ho goes
out and works until he gets' the bull
to do just as he wants it to do. He's
a wonder and I will bIiow you peo
ple somo ball playing when I bring
mv tcim up here.
for some time, which meanB that might bring upon her. HIa un
members draw yearly salaries and
meet constantly for rehearsals. It
can also be placed to Mr. Damrosch's
credit that his was the first orchestra
of standing to be placed in such a
position of permanency
other direction, and so. perhaps, has j through this world without a eoppr
made enemies where he might hnvo:c"nv nn(1 nt "tand in the Now
Jerusalem, tlian to own the whole
world nnd "o to hell. I despise the
system that mnkes social leadership
depend on dollars nnd cents. Let si-
cial leadership depend on character.
Toil is honorable. Christ labored in
the carpenter shop and God corn
mended his faithfulness. God bless
the honest man of toil. The business
thnt succeeds by fraud has the curse
of Almighty God upon it. Hear mo.
men: All man's works will bo de-
had friends, hnd he been more un-
i bending and a little more Inclined
to conciliate people who watted to
take an Interest In his, IiIb work
and his success.
if he had any particular bane It
was the notoriety-seeking "society
woman." who had no real Interest In
music, but was ever ready to take
up a conductor, or n soloist, or a com-
nnsor. for tho rpflopfpil clnrv thnt
willingness to bo exploited In this dl-l stro.vc1 ('SfcPl "'s character just
rectlon Is much to his credit. It
shows that with him music Ic an art,
also a serious profession, and has n
right to be treated as such. Seats on
sale Friday morning at 10 o'clock.
Subscription List Is Received There
and Already a Goodly Amount Has
Been Subscribed Is of National
(Cottage Grove Loader.)
Tho Crater Lake road will be
built, and Cottage Grove will assist
financially In Its making. A sub
scription papor has been received
here, and already a goodly amount
has been subscribed toward the en
terprise, which is of -national Importance.
A. freight wreck south of Duns
muir Thursday morning delayed all
northbnand trains, and ns a conso-rprcnee-
trains 14 and 10 wore an
nuIEot? and went through this morning
as sections of No. 12. Tho last sec
tion went through at 0 o'clock.
No. 11, southbound Shasta Lim
ited, Yras also half an hour late, ow
ing to tho congestion of traffic, whon
the delayed trains begun coming
Special Mcetlnfj of the W. C. T. U,
Mro. L. P. Lozier, prcsidont of tho
W. C T. U.t has called n special mooting-
of the Union to bo held hursday,
Hay 19, at 4 p. m., at tho Baptist
ehtrrcfa. Special business is to be
transacted and a full nttondnnco of
members is desired.
Efcelraa tor Health.
Seattle, May 13. When the Bnllin
ger chapter of Phi Delta Phi, tho
nntionnl legal fraternity, meets ne.t
week n resolution will bo introduced
providing for a new name. The
chapter is named in honor of Rich
ard A. Bnllinger, secrctury of the
Members of the chnpter refuse to
discuss the matter until it has come
up before the society.
i t i a i nt tc. 1 1
IUU LdlG 10 OldSSIiy J
TO LET Pasturago for three or four
head of horses with running water;
one-quartor mllo out. James Bowl
ing, 20 South Peach street, P. O.
box 842. 47
FOR KENT Small houses, bunga
lows and offlco rooniB. See Den.
son, over Fruitgrowers Bank. CO
WANTED Furnished room, by
elderly man; would go out from
center of city. State prlco and lo
cation. Address "C," Mall Tri
bune, 48
Antlered Herd Returns From North
ern Trip, Giving Evidence of a
Splendid Time Daniels Is Pre
sented With Handsome Jewel.
The Medford Elks returned, from
a Jaunt to Itoseburg Friday morning
and from appearances they had the
time of their llvos, Rosobur treat
ed 1'iom In a splendid rami nor.
A large number of candidates were
put over the road In Rooburi; and
genera! Jollification was the order
of the day. There was a touch of
the sadder side of II fo also present
when all of tho boys attended, In u
body, tho funeral of Mrs. Adeo Vial, I tion
tbo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
what he himself is will endure. Max-
God Almighty search our hearts to
night. Wc like to do things. God
savs Inv up for yourselves treasure.
i Happiest Time for a Young Man.
1 "The happiest time in the life of
a young man is when he lend his
bride into the homo ho hns provided
nnd says to her. T made this for
vou.' There is a joy in doing thing-.
Men nnd women, you are building for
eternity tonight: build upon enduring
I foundations.
, Faith and Works.
"An Irishmnn and a Scotchman
Jwere in dispute in a boat on the lake
ns to the value of fnith and works,
when tho Irishmnn illustrated hi-.
I views in the following way: He call
ed ono onr faith and tho other works.
I'Xow,' he said, 'if I take faith alone
, tho boat will go now-hither, and so ij'
II take works alone, but whon I tnko
both faith and works together, then
tho boat goes forward to the desired
haven.' 'Pat. you aro right.' said the
Scotchman. Couple faith and works i
together in Medford and the
churches will move forward. j
Neighbor, hoar me: Where is your,
treasure tonight? '
The Colonel ,f Virginia.
"A Southern gentleman took Ji i
young bride . Virginia on a planta-
They hail happy homo. One
Mom's, Ladies' and
Misses', an extra good
quality, any size, in col
ors black or tan.
15c per pair
Two pair for 2"u and
the swollesf line of
men's and ladies' 1'ancv
hose in the eitv.
25c per pair
Out Size Hose
for ladies, black, tait
and lace stripe.
25c-50c a pair
$5.00 per Set
A Ill-piece old and
blue decorated dinner
set. worth sf'7.."i0 to $S.f0
each, here tomorrow.
$5.00 per Set
The most complete
line of overy-day table
ware, glassware, tin
ware and silverware in
the city, and all popular
Hanging flower bas
kets, just in two si'.es,
2fe and .'Ifjc each.
1,000 Cakes TOILKT
3 cakes for 10c
Ladies' vests, pants
.iiid union suits at,
money-saving prices.
10c to $1.00
Water Sets
six blown
I 'lain or
jugs, with
tumblers to
$l.00-$l.25 per Set
Table Oil Cloth
$1.00 to $1.20 per set.
Most standard quality,
25c a yard
Free July 6, a $35.00 Writing Desk
Portland; Hert M. MorrlH, LoulBlann;
S. .M. Colvln. Portland; S. T. Pnltuor,
Tncomn: C. W. Hlock, Snn Francisco;
.1. W. SIlverHteln, San KrnnclHco; P.
St. Louis; II. S. Hrownlnt:. Indian-
St. Louis; II. S. Ilrnwnlnf. Indian-J
npolls, Ind.
The Moore Walter Frnzln Hrown.
Chicago; Leslie C. Hrown. Chicago;
A. W. Arnold, Portland; II. D. Mills.
Klamath Falls; J. A. Fruelo;. Roeh
tiator, N. Y.; P. P. Phillips, Chicago;
J. F. Withors. Snn FranclHco; Mr.
E. T. Mortlnnd, GrnntH t Puhh; E.
Clunton, Grants Pass; MIhh Aiich
Slmska. GranU Phhb; J. W. Holmes,
Portland; J. P. Hvrne, San Frnnebtco.
Rardon Is servlnn fresh
strawberry Ice cream. That's
tho reason. j
. - (
For Sale
Dr. French E. Oliver
only child WOK hum tit tlicm. ulii.'li
J, niakeley, who waa drowned in row to youn ,vomaim,)0,i ,..,.
tho Umpqun recontly. lenmrt of the rm,tl.r,r' henntv m Un.
T. E. Daniels, past exalted ruler of mmQ (10f 010 (1;,v ft mm
tho local lodge, returned tho proud from (j10 ,nomitnir;s oamo into
posfiessor of a inagnhlcent Joweled I lomo nnd Jov , llailL,ilt(!r. ir0
emblem preKonted by tho members ol 8y i,0r lo R0 ,l5m 0 hiH hmn()
Medford lodgo So. 11C8. Tho pro- on (j1(J ,i8 ns ,,is wfo T, 11(J tJI0
nnnintlnn nTiOAnli UfnU mnfln lt?P 1 r I I 1 1 ... .
aui.ianuii nj.v... ..w,io proudly took his hnppv bride io
uuurjci uupiuy bi.iiiu uauitoi iuiui.
It was given Mr. Daniels In token of
bis mnny efforts on bohnlf of tho
local lodge.
Christian Science.
Services aro hold Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock. Subject of Iokboii
sennon, "Mortals nnd Immortuln."
Sunday school ut 10 o'clock; testi
the prepared mountain home.
"The colonel sat one evening, Had,
on his broad vornmln, thn binlK
wore fiinuintr tlmir evening on, and
the neurocH were coining in from (In
fields, and his pood wife said to him :
'Colonol, wlint makes you so sad?'
'Mother,' ho said, 'tho bouse never
Hoerncd so large as since Mary wont
nway. Let us sell nil nnd build n
rnoninl meetings Wednesday at 7::i() ' '10,nof 0,1 4,10 "'"unlain nonr our child,
p. m. The public is cordially invited ! 'J.1'';
to those servicos. 128 North Orapo1 . ,I,R trenBiiro was in tho rnouti-
north Shorniun-Clay
HuHkins for Health.
Rardon served more than 4
2000 customers at his bakery
and fountain counters last
Saturday. What's thfl rin-
F5R PENT Room and board sult- son?
nblo for ono or two gent omen
Riverside Avenue. 49
tnin. Is your trensiira with flod on
tho hills of Zion? Ifnvo you laid il
up tlinro?"
Tho subjoet lnnihf is "Neighbor
hood Gossipers," and tho special
message, "Forgiveness." A score or
inoro confesKcd fln-ist yoslorda.v.
Hotel Arrivals.
Tho Nnsh Mlus Kvolyn Groon,
Now York; W. 0. Lyons, Now York;
.Mark ICohn, Httltlmoro; L. D. Lydny,
Chicago; A. E, iJntln, San Francisco;
O. J. Foster, Portland; L. 8. Stanley,
120 acres timber, .f-UlO,
7- room house, .1."00.
1 team, harness and wagon, $225.
1 temn, harness nnd wagon, $000.
KiO Acres -IVSs rnilcH from Talent.
100 Acres 4 miles from Talent;
enod for alfalfa.
0 Acres, ouo-hnlf mile from Phhoe
nix, $1,000.
34 Acroa 3 miles from Medford, un
der ditch. Will divide
20 Alfulfa, 15 fruit, iya miles from
5-roo'n bungalow, modem : n nnnp.
8- roora hnngalow, modomj fine
Lots in Wost Wnlnut addition;
$350. TorniH.
20 acres, 2 Vis miles out, sot to com
mercial fruit, $375.
7-Itoam modern houso, 2 blocks from
main, $3,500.
Men to thin fruit.
Kxporionccd much hand.
Men to work in hay field.
Ranch hands,
2 girls for genornl housowork, $1 pur
2 girls for gonoral housowork, $2f
per month,
Mouforti Employment Bureau.
Business chances, real estate, .il
kinds of hJp furnished nnd IniHiruv.
chances handled.
Room 208, Taylor & Phlpps Bid".
Phono 4141 Main.
The ideal combination of ood water, scenic
beauty and productive soil, convenient to a tfood
town is nowhere in the valley so apparent as
at Central Point. Observing people i'roin Chi
cago and other metropolitan cities are building
substantial homes in this favored location.
Transfers of property are numerous at advanc
ing prices. One of the choices spots, 1 1-2 miles
west of Central Point is for sale at a low price,
considering improvements.
Consists of il acres, all under cultivation, half
planted to apples and pears, one to three years
old and ten acres planted lojilfalfy; good house,
barn, grapes and small home orchard.
Is $17,o00 on good terms, with discount for all
cash. Will sell -10 acres including 10 acres
alfalfa and V acres fruit without improvements
for H00 per acre, or will sell half interest in
same. Call or address Owner, Ml W. Sixth St.,
Medford, Oregon.