Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 13, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Want Advertising Is Highly Specialized Publicity-Direct, Concentrated, Efficient!
Uy A C. Ilowlctt
I, nut Hundiiy witH (iiili i busy dav
til Eagle Point. Ono fit tlio ntlru"
lions was Sinnluy school ami proneit
ing in the forenoon. In tliu ut'tor
dooii tliu Hugh) Point ball tuma phty
o(l ball against tliu HiHoiest team,
with Hid game resulting ID in i'avor
of Knglo Point and 1 tor tliu llill
orest team, for tliu bonct'il of those
who tiro onrioiiH to know whoro tlio
llillciOHt limm originated ami who
thoy an', olu., 1 will Hay tlioy tiro
mainly what wo lined to call tliu Big
Sticky hoyH. Thoro wiih a large
crowd assembled to witnuHH tliu game
from dil'foront parts of tlio valley,
and whiln moiiio ciiiiio merely 1W tliu
Hitku of coming, Homo entno to nt
tund church, and Mr. Lttiunr, onr
ItaptiHt minister, preached an good
a sermon an l nuvo over had i no
pleasure of hearing from him. There
huh almi another class that caiau to
upend the day along the haiikH of onr
heaiitiful I.itllo Unite creek fishing.
Some camo to viHit friundH, etc., hut
tho' most of thuiii came to witness the
ball gnino. There wiih quite a iiuin
her who brought their lunches with
thorn, anil ono company of about -5
ate their lunch under tlio luinbor
nliud. Thoy had brought their freer. -or,
cream, etc., ho art to havo iuo
crciun iih well its othor dolicacioH,
and notwithstanding the crowd that
brought their lunch with thum, both
hotolH woro full at lcitHt, 1 judge
that thoy were both full from the
fact that there wore lib took dinner
at the Suiinyhido and the Siinnysido
Htnblo wiih filled with teams.
Among those 1 can mention iih vis
iting the Suunysido huHtolry iuo 11.
li. Cady, Mrs. U. K. Arnold, Mrs. F.
1). Chne, Mrs. 11. li Cady, Miss Hut
tio Cady, Miss Knciu Stuwart and
Luonnrd Robinson, all of Mudfurd.
Quito a nuinhur ot tlio foregoing at
tended services at the Uaptut church.
E. At. Olinstcnd of Ashland, dep
uty head coiibiil of the Modern
Woodmoti of America, called hint
Sunday and untuned a room and
htated that his btiniuoHH was to try
to offool an organization of a lodgo
hero, ho had planned that they might
orKnui.o, ami inoii mo i. v. v. i'.
' .i ... . ii i
and thorn would go in together and
build a hall to bo lined for u lodge
room, lie remained until Tuesday
morning ami loft before 1 had nuked
him tho roHtilt of his effort.
Civil Engineer Osgood and Outer
Murphy cuniu out Sunday afternoon
in an auto and called for a moment.
Thoy woro looking for a party, un
known to your correspondent, to go
to Trail.
Dr. Ualo and family, John Uoinor,
Miss Alice llituloy and her uioce,
Mihh Alary llauloy, wuro also among
tho guoHts at tho Sunnysido last :
Sunday, and tho Castor brother- of I
l'hoenix, bcsidoH a number whosu I
iiaiuoH 1 did not know. Eagle l'oint
iu getting to bo ipiitu n resort for
pluasuro-uookurH that aro fond of
fine scenery and good fishing.
V. L. Small of Medford ciiiuo out
last Sunday morning on the 1. & E.
to go to work with Mr. Hichardson
plastering William Von dor Holloa's
now house. Thoy will probably fin
ish the job by the middle of this
Mr. Small is planning to put up u
fireplace and chimney for 1. II. I)a
luy iu his now house,
Tho carpontorri aro pushing tho
work right along nu the addition to
tho SuuiiyHide.
Henj. Edmonson of Hutto Kails
mime out lust Monday after a load
of goods for one ot tliu merchiiuth
of that place.
Mr. Dupray of Hutto Kails and
Stanley Spencer of Dudley I'liino out
last Tuesday and went on to Med
ford thn Humo iil'tornoou on tho P.
& 15.
Alfred Oordon camo out lust
Tuesday and brought out u mini who
bus boon cooking for tho I'ankoy
logging camp, who had been bitten
by Homo kind of u poisonous reptile
on the foot nnd loft him nt the Sun
nysido for medical treatment. Dr.
Holt was culled nnd treated the foot
and this (Wednesday) morning he is
resting easily.
Hurt I'cacho.v eaine urouiid to
visit his ohl-linio friends last Mon
day. A. II. l'enehey niiido u business
call in Eagle l'oint Tuesday.
Waller Wood is building u new
Iioiiho on his place, which will givul
ly improve ils appearance.
('. W. Austin of Dudley canto in
on us Sunday evening nnd tho noxl
morning look the cur for Medl'onl.
Doll llnle Iiiih just finished up .1
job lathing I'. H. Daley's new house,
and returned lo Medford Tuesday
dud I'MhiiII enmo out for a load of
HiipplioH for a camp of surveyors
who are camped on the proponed
railroad route oust of Hutto Falls,
and to taku up another crow of mtr
voyot'H to bo located at Fish Lake.
4- MPnrnnn mark ftp.
m 4- -f4
I'VllIlN MN(1 Vegetable.
(Price paid by Med ford morchanta)
APPLES 2 4n lb.
Potntoos, tl-00 cwt; onions $2
nwt; cal)liaio, 2W2VjC
Hotter. IJrb" nud I'onltrjr.
(Prices paid by Medford merchants)
Itanch butter, 30c; fancy cronm
ory. 30c.
Fresh ranch eggs, 5c.
Mixed poultry, 10R14c; sprlag
chickens, 16 1 8c; turkoya, 17c.
(Prices paid producers.)
Hay Timothy, flu; alfalfa, $16;
grass, $14; grain hny, $111.
flrnln Wheat, fl.2 buahol; onta,
3Q ton; barley, $30 ton.
Hoof Cow 4 Q 4 V4 I tcflra 6 O
He; pork, Oc; mutton, CO
Cc; lambit, Cc; veal drosscd, 8c.
(Belllne prlMfl.1
Holloil barley,. $1.90 cwt. ?3C ton,
brnn. $1.07; mlddllnRa, fl.8GOl.90;
shorts, $1.804i 1.85.
Oroon onlonn, 40c doron bunchee;
rndUhefl, 40cd'ren buncUoe; rhubarb,
tCTTio lb; lettuce, 40c dozen.
otich ok sai.i: or $5o,ono.oo
ja;hho.v coi'ntv, onu.
llldn will bo received up to Juno 1,
1910. at tlio hour of 2 o'clock p. m.
of mild day. by Jan. M. Cronomlllor,
troiiHiiror of Jacknoa County, OroRon,
for tlio purcbimo of $00,000.00 (fifty
tliouHnnd dollnrn), coupoi bondn, of
$1,000.00 denomination, to be Indued
by School DlHtrlct No. 4 9, of Jack-
Hon County. Oroi;on, payable In twen
ty yearn, ton yonrH' optional, bearliiK
f per cent IntroHt nor annum, Inter-
imt nayablu nemUannunlly. HIiIh to
bo .'iccompanled by cort'.fl'.'d chock, 6
linr rotil fif flu. Hill (ill 11 1 l)f till) 1)1(1
Tll0 imard of directors of said school
district No. 4 9 reservo tho right to
reject any and all bids.
Treasurer of Jackson County. Oregon.
Dated this Ctl day of May. 1910.
SHAKTN'Klt -In Medford, May sS,
J 010, to tho wife of V. 11. Shuftner,
a daughter.
VON DKR IlKLliliN In liaglo
l'oint, May 7, 1010, to tho wife of
,cl "')" ,r-
11 L1 ln . V,mt,x f
? to 1,10 w,1 of J,1,n Ma
field, n sou.
GOODMAN In AHhlnnd, May 7
1010, to tho wife of Halph V. Good
man, a non.
HECKEIt In Ashland, Muy
1010, to tho wife of A. C. Docker, a
HEDMOND At McMinnvillo, Ap
ril 18, 1010, to the wife of John Ited
mond, a son. Mrs. Hedmond was
formerly Miss Dora l'cnniugton of
HAHMOK-In Grants 1W, M.y
10, 1010, to tho wife of Walter Har
mon, a sou.
YOUNG In Medford, May 11,
1010, to the wife of Hoy Young, ,
sonville, May 11, 1010, by J. H. Neil,
George W. Yoro and Miss Francos
residonco of Judgo Stephen Jewell,
Grunts I'nss, Or., May 7, 1010, Wil
liam M. Van Dyke and Solum Mo
Muhan, Judgo Jewell officiating.
nesday, April 127, 1010, in Grants
Puss., at tlio homo of the bride's par
ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. W. Iluggorth,
Ilarvoy It. Fauhion and Miss Jennie
E. Iluggcu'th.
CI.AHIv-MOOKE In Jaoksonvillo,
May d, .1010, by J. It. Noil, Ellis
Clark of Central Point nnd Miss
Minnie Moore of thiH citv.
WOODSON - Iu Grants Pass, May
12, 1010, M. D. Woodson, aged (12
yours and 7 months.
t CLAHlv At his homo on Ander
son creek, Muy 1, 1010, Charles J.
DEMAItAY- In Grunts Pass, May
fi, 1010, Mrs. l(orolla M, Domnray,
ttged 78 years.
SWENN1NG lit 151 Paso, Tex.,
May (I, 1010, Mrs. P, Swenniug,
formerly of this city.
TIIOMPSONAt Climax, May 0,
1010, Frank M. Thompson, aged 7f.
99 Per Cent of the Real Bargains
Go To Those Who Read Ads
You can't afford to aliKn vourHolf with the one-chniico-in-a-hundrcd people with thogo who "haven't
time" to road nd, and who, therefore, upend hours of uhoIshs "looking" for the bargain, to which the nd
rcader Iiiih found the Htraiuht roadl ,
Tlio "JOOth perHon" who findH u Kcnuino bargain that was not advcrtiHcd, may succeed now and
thon. All of tho "1)0," who read and unnwor adH, may find real bargains IJIA'ING OPPORTUNITIES.
So that bnrp;ain-huutinf,' nnd hnrKain-offoriiiK adjtiHt themselves to this law.
Ninoty-nino per cent of tliu bargain-hunters bcitij? ad-ronders, 09 per cent of the bargain-offerers
aro advertisers! And not less important 00 per cent of the real bargain offers mado by advertisers in
this paper nro "accepted" by tho value-knowing renders of this paperl
M. MellltiKor to II. II. Itum
Boy. lots 3, 13. I t. in. 20
and 21, block 4, Crowell
addition to Modford 1000
1). II. Harnobiirg to Elizabeth
youiiK, lot 1, Crontbrook Or
chard 100
Margaret Ann Itltter to Will
iam M. Kloyd, 10 acren In
Amy CottnKe addition to
Central Point 4700
(3co. N. LowIh to W. F. Ilnlloy,
lotM 4 and 8, oast half lots
3 and 7, block 3, town of
Jnckflonvlllo 2000
W. K. PblppH "to Clara M.
Wood, south half of lot 9,
block 1, Klvordldo Hiib-dlvl-Hloa
of WohI'b addition to
Modford 10
John W. Carson to W. C. San-
derHou, land In Jackson
county 10
Sophie Saniard to W. M.
Scott, 17 ncrc-H In soctlo i 17,
township 39, oK 10
i:. HenHbaw to J. K. A. nilnn,
lot 8, Itonahnv sub-divlslon. 1500
Geo. 10. KoRHtnnn to Ohio 13.
Chamborlr.ln, part D L C C4,
township 38. 1 W 4 00
FOR SALE 10 acres of good land,
half ot it la cleared; 8 milec east of
Modford. This Is a bargain nt $20
por ncro. Address, Owner, care of
Mall Trlbuno.
FOR SALE 200 ncres of iho finest
fruit ?und In Roguo River valley,
4 1-2 mil s from railroad station;
1-4 tit Ho from Roeuo rlvor; 1C0
acres ready to sot. Thlc is a snap
at $75 per ncro; $7000 cash will
handle. Call or writo to Siskiyou
Realty Company, loom 22, Jack
son County Bank bldg.
FOR SALE A young 30-ncro or
chnrd trnct set to commorclnl apples
and pears, ndjolnlng tho city limits
of Ashland, Or.; good soil; sightly
location; lies practically levol; or
chard in flno cond itlon; ono of tho
best buys In tho valley ; price for a
short 1 1 inn only $250 por acre; or
will subdivide. Address Gillette &
Campbell, Ashland, Ore. Phono No.
10G1 Mnln. 60
FOR SALE 498 acros land In Scott
Valley, ono of tho most beautiful nnd
fertile spots in California; mostly In
Alfalfa, nnd can bo Irrigated; well
Improved, good fences, nnd first-
class buildings, $4, COO. For fur
ther particulars address Walker
Bros., Etna Mills, Siskiyou County,
California. 08 &
FOR SALE Ton ncres under ditch;
threo mllea uorthenst of Modford.
This Is a snap at $1200. Siskiyou
Ronlty Company, room 22, Jackson
County Bank bldg.
FOR SALE On nccount ot my
health horo I will sell 320 ncres of
land cheap that will mnko tho host
mountain orchard In Southern Ore
gon; deep soli, nbundanco ot tim
ber, not. frosty; also n homestead
relinquishment for salo, woll Im
proved; GO acres gnd farm or or
chard land; 3,500,000 feet of tim
ber on It. Must soli in noxt ton
dnys. Address C, S. Drnko, Bonglo,
Oregon. Plncos In mondow. 47
FOR SALE 1G0 acres, 40 acres sot
to coinmorclnl fruit; tho host bar
gain In tho valley. Benson Invest
ment Co. GO
FOR SALE 21 acres of flno land,
1-2 miles out; If tnkon in a fow
days will soli for $2,100. Benson
FOR SALE fi nnd 10-acre tracts
just within nnd adjoining city lim
its, at n bargain, on 5 nnuuitl pny
mouts, Address Condor Water
Power Co.
FOR SALE - 3 acres 3-4 mllo from
Eagle Point; this Is first-class un
dovolopod fruit land; will bo offer
ed for n short tlmo for $200, Plorco
Shopliord Co. CO
ltittJness Property,
FOR SALE- -Cltoioo businesK pwp-
nttv lit n hntvjiin. nn miiir tiaut
onsy terms. Address Condor Wn -
tor Powor Co.
FOR SALE Good lot II Walnut
I'urk addition, two blocks from pav
Iijk on Columbus avenue, c6t front; ,
toririB to suit purchaser. Addrefla!
N2, c.iro of Mali Trlbuno office. I
rf r A 1. 1 ... 1 . .. m i i
block for $2, GOO cash; must go cast
at once. Benson. 60
FOH SALE Hlock of 13 lots for
$2, GOO; think what a chance to
make money on clone In, high lots.
Benson Investment Co. are leaving
Medford and must soil. Get this
easy money. 60!
FOH SALE Fino lot on Woat 4th
street; $550; terms. 8lBkiyou Realty
Company, 22 Jackson County Bank
FOR SALE Nlco large lot on Palm
street, ono block from Oakdale ave
nue; $300. Siskiyou Realty Com-;
pany, No. 22 Jackson Co. Bank.
FOR SALE City Iota, $20; for a
small, safe Investment cee th city
lota I offer at $300 and $250 per
l'jt; $20 cash payment, balance $10
per month; no lnterct. H. C. Malt
by, Palm UUK.
FOR SALE Flno building lot West
Seventh Street, not far out; city
w..tor. sower; street to bo paved.
Call 722 West Second. $325 if sold
Immediately. 4G
FOH SALE Lots In Oak Park addi
tion to Central Point, from $100 up.
This la your opportunity. Come and
ask us about It. Siskiyou Realty
Company, 22 Jackson County Bank.
FOR SALE Lot on Ross coil rt ,Ju a X
off Mnln; prlco $650. Room 22,
I Jackson County Bunk bldg.
FOR SALE 4 lots and house, cor
ucr Grape aud 5th. Buy from
owner nnd save commission. 4G
FOR SALE Houso and lot on Ham
ilton street, cloao in; $850; termp.
Siskiyou Realty Co., Jackson Coun
ty Bank.
FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow,
closo In, Roosevelt nnd Queen Anno;
houso cost $LS0O; lot worth $S00;
will soil for $2,160; terms. Hum
phrey, 815 East Main. Phone
3992. 4G
FOR SALE A nlco bungalow for
almost any reasonable offer. See
Benson. 60
Timber Ltmd.
FOR. SALE 40 aeree at good timber
fivo ralloe from Maford; all down
hill. Mat Calhoua, Phoenix, Ore
farms or Oreaarda.
tOR SALE 69 acres, rraort tmtldlng
cite In tho olley, Includli g 30 acres
good fruit land; cheap and terms
right. H. O. Maltby, Palm Bldg.,
Main and Front.
FOR BALE Wuetj acr-w. 30 in out
yoar old apple and pear troee, 100
Inches ot water, 2 1-2 miles from
railroad station. Far terms write
"Ownor," caro Mall Tribune. 261
FOR SALE Atout 30 acres of good
orchard land 1 1-2 relies oast ot
Phoenix. One-half is In orchard.
Telephone, Medford, 1159, or ad
dress C. T. Pano, Phoenix, Ore.
QUICK SALE Ono team, medlnm
stsod wo.'k horsee, wagon, harness,
now plow, coot $200; cheap for
quick salo. Cuas. Coder, Jim How
ard place, ono mile from end of
Onkdalo South.
FOR SALE "Young team, weight
2,500 pounds; hnrness and wagon.
Inquire Owner, 723 13th street
West. 48
FOR SALE Ono mulo coming 3
years old. Inqulro 525 South C
stroot. 46
FOR SALE- G nod work team
two delivery horses,
Fir Street.
0 South
llusinctf Opportunities
FOR SALE-- Good paying business
nnd leaso, wholo or half Intorost.
Address E, enro of Trlbuno.
I1'0" SALK-'Vlno cockor spaniel
I $xlV at Ay lor & Burnott's offlco. 50
rvjn oAi.r-A u.ock oi u ioih, nice , POR BALE New furalturo of flve
nnd high, near paving; will soil room house: nvervthln comnloto:
FOH 8ALB Good mllch-cow, onc
horso wagon nearly now; organ, sew-
Ing machine and all other household
goods. C24 South Hamilton St. F.
J. Hertago. 48
also lease of modern bungalow. Ad
dress (Box 5), Tribune. 46
FOTSALic-A full lino of Old Hamjj
shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth
finish; letter heads and envelopes.
Mall Tribune office.
FOR BALE One doubloTeated
leather top surroy; good as new,
with doublo set of harness to match,
at a bargain Apply Geo. P. Mlms,
Central Point
FOR SALE Legal blanks of afi
kinds trespass and other notices,
at Mail Trlbuno office. "
FOH SALE No. 1 Jersey cow and
calf at a bargain. Address Jos. B.
Stearns, Tolo, Or. 50
FOR SALE Wall paper, pninta, oils,
brushes, a Tory comploto lino; in
formation cneerfuily given by an
experlencea painter. M. J. Metcalf,
318 E. Main t.
FOR SALE One Sharpies cream
separator; also one cook stove. Call
at 228 North Holly Street. 46
FOR SALE One rake and mowing
machine; some horses. 125 North
Fir street. Phono Main 3081. 46
FOR SALE Flno atocK, irult and
dairy farm in southern Oregon and
northern California. For partlcnlari
address Box 16. Hllte, Gal. 50
FOR SALE Chandler & Price Oor
don jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain
Inquire Mail Tribune office.
FOR RENT In Central Point, close
In, a neat cottage ot 5 rooms, good
well, barn and garden, etc. Address
Jos. B. Stearns, Tolo, Or. 50
FOR RENT Seven-room house, all
modern improvements; $40 per
month. See Moso Barkdull, Exhibit
building. 4S'
Fsrmtsfaed Rooms.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms with bath, for two or four
gentlemen. 122 North Ivy st. 50
FOR RENT Modern turnlB'ud
rooms at 60 4 West 10th or 124 Ring
FOR RENT Offices ever postofflce
on April 1st; will be steam heated
and have hot and cold water by next
winter. Apply to A. A. Davts.
FOR RENT Garden land on Bear
creek, ene aero and irpwnrds with
water for irrigndon; ownor will
fnrnreh team, plow nnd seed for
pnrt ot crop, aeo amtta, condor
Wnrer k Powor Co. 50
TOR LB A blS Fully equlrped gold
mine; ten-stamp mill nnd concen
rraror, nil operated by eloctrlc pow-
ei. Owner will furnish free eloc
trlc power for share In proceeds. See
Smith, at Condor Wator & Power
FOR RWNT Pnsrnre land on Price
Rnnoh, Tolo; irrigated land, next to
MeDonongh ranch, Tolo. Condor
Wnter & Pawer Co. fiO
Itelp Wanted Male.
WANTED Ton wood choppers. Ap
ply to LUJIgron, Tolo, Or. 50
V7ir?TT5b Experienced stono cuttor
and quarry mnn. Call at Condor
Water and Power Co'e. offlco.
WANTED Salesmen la ovory local
ity of the northwest; money ad
vnncod woekly; many mnko over
$100 month; cholco of territory.
Yakima V.Mloy Nurso1;' Co., Top
ponlsh, Wash,
WANTED Men capabto of enrnlng
?50 por wook soiling trees for lnrg
ost nnd host known nursory In tho
west; cholco territory; guaranteed
stock, For particulars addross Oro
gon Nursory company, Oronco, Ore
gon. 61
Help Wanted.
WANTEfJ Two "carpentorB. Kpply
nt Condor Wator & Power Co.. W.
Main ntrcot. 50
HHp Wanted Female.
WANTED A competent woman for
housework and cooking; good wages,
also farm hand knowing yonnf or
chard work. Address L, care Mail
Trlbnno oftlc. 47
WANTED A glrst-class ranch cook,
single womnn preferred; wages $35
per month. Only thoso without
family nctd apply. Ad drees "8,
W.." care Trlbuno. 47
WANTED Situation as ranch hand
In orchard. Address P. L. B., care
of Mail Tribune. 47
WANTED A position as cook or
helper in a lumber camp or mine;
experience. Address B. F., Tribune
offlco. 46
wanted A position ns cook or
helper in a lumber camp or mine;
experience. Address B. F., Tribune
office. 46
WANTED Horse and buggy for
several months. Stato price with
or without board. G. P., Mail Tri
bune. WANTED To
orrow $Tro"o0 on
well Improved city property. Ad
dress Box 475, city. 47
Ml i cell an eotis.
WANTED 1000 cords ot fir and oak
wood. Call at Condor Wator &
Power Co.'s office. 60
TO TRADE Will take a White
Streak auto as a payment on a 23
acre fruit ranch, three miles from
Medford. Address E. X., care Mall
Trlbuno. tf
FOR SALE Or exch.-.nge for coun
try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room
houso; pumping plant, 40 fruit
trees; 5 blocks from Main street;
on North Riverside; Bear Creek
bottom. Inquire nt 317 E. Main
Palm buildinc
A. E. REAJIES Lawyer. Over Post
office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA
LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D
street, ground floor.
vig, C. L. Rcames. Lawyers. Of
fice Medford National Bank build
ing, second floor.
B. F. MULKEY Attornoy-at-law.
Offices room 30, Jackson County
Bank building. Medford.
dertakers. Day phone 35L Night
phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H.
Butlor 3571.
Mnckey and dio with joy." Over Al
len & Reagan's store; entranco on
Seventh street.
CINES Will euro rheumatism,
asthma, paralysis, sores and pri-
vato diseases. These remedies may
bo proaurod at tho Sing Lee laun
dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Mod
ford, Or., where they will be sold
by tho proprietor.
Dr. Chow Young has treated sev
eral sovoro ensos with his remedies
sinco coming to Medford and has
for reference some of tho best
known nnd most intelligent citizens
in Southern Oregon. Call on him
Tin Shops.
J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and
sheet iron wnro on hand and made
to order. 128 North Q Street.
Messenger Borneo.
gers furnished nt all house of day
nnd till 9 p. m. to any part of city,
from lOo to 2oc. Phone Mnin 1812.
CINES Will euro rhoumatism,
asthma, pnralysis, soros and pri
vate .diseases. Thoso remedies
may bo procured nt tho Sing Lee
Laundry, 123 South Riverside nvo.,
whoro they will bo sold by tho pro
prietor, enow YOUNG.
Dr, Chow Young has treated
several sovero cases with his rem
edies jinco coming to Modford and
has for roforencos some of the best
kuown and most intlligcnt citizens
in Southern Orotron. Call on him.
ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block.
Stonogrnphio work done quickly
and well.
M. FORTESCUE Stouographer, 18 1
N, Front st. Phono 231,
South C at, Usdfnc, 43c 2L
W. Hisoy, Matron. OffiuI hpuiAl
P. & E. U. It.
U1U Postearat.
VERNE T. CANON Bill Pmemmc-vU
Distributor. All ordena GtmaaptJy
filled. Room 29, Jaekseci Coaaty
Bank building:. Medford. CVc
Ileal EaUXo.
SEE WM. E. STACEY A 00. .for
some of tho choicest kamgmnn In
real estate in this v alley. AIaa2skit
ish Columbia and Albrtx, R"CL,.tiitl
other parts. Call on dim t 3Mfatsro
office, Phipps building1., atr act (tho
Medford Auto corapsayV tgrnme,
where we start oat eanr scwarfw sfor
the Aladdon Mantle Lauaap anal fead
den window screen. We wail rtraett
yon right. Come and
Printers and VvthUmhmm.
best-equipped job ofEee ia ftscMth
ern Oregon; Portland paeaua. J37
South Central avesae.
Billiard Pi
S. T. BROWN & CO. BiUiaaaJk, Oi
gars and Soft Drinks. Op tetmre,
Young k Hall building- JLwsb,80o!
place to spend the hat a&eanqqaja.
JOHNS & TURNER, ArefekastR ad
Builders, office 7-8, 236 Mam.
Phone Main 3471. Ifaiwilwiowt jpfcaca
Carriage and Auto
WORKS High-class weafe JCHfenui
teed. Signs. JUtmiAa cbb.cxu
Phone 801.
H. P. WILSON & Co., dealers; sew
and second-hand fasraiteas ad
hardware. Agents for MumuflCity
kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st.
Corner 8th and Holly ste-, MmLZotcL
Mission Furniture Bixde tat cor.
Cabinet work of all Triads. Aixs&l
order solicited.
and Ranges. New and SeoaadL-Sand
Furniture. Eads' old Gtaaaal, IS 'YL
I F st. South. Phono 01, Medfoard, Or.
are budded, not grafted, ser -aleak.
is not irrigated. We gwBTfiaea ev
erything put out. We are oatis-tito
trust H. B. Patterson, -m in
Hotel Nash.
Growers of high-grade tttKsery
stock. C. F. Cook, Prop-, JL. S. V.
depot P. O. Box ftflL PTkruie 22AL.
Offico in rooms 203-2S4I. B'Tcanuxro'
& Fruitgrowers' baak Fe&Mtn&, t?sttt
of the tracks.
Physicians and SaqKMs.
R. W. STEARNS, M. Dl ssrts
Jackson County hank. Niasi -nitta
promptly answered. Offkvj mmS. Jrtsi
dence phono Main 3432.
Stewart building Physicians n2
Surgeons. Offico phono MzZx.
pnvato phone Main C12.
MAINS CARLOW Ostawsactliia
Physicians. Mission block. JPiuwa
29L Medford.
Cigars and ToUaccou
Dealers in tobacco, cigars auMtssaefc
ers' supplies. Exclusive ogeaiis -lf
Lewis Single Binder, El Mesato nd
El Paloncia. 212 West Maii ntreet.
Iluilding CoatncCw.
ALEX. TAYLOR, Baiidin vCoa
tmctor Houses, buiigaiava, uQlsto
ntions, repairs. 31 Nbrtk Onxtnil
avenue, opposite postofSce.
lVrtck OouijMateK.
manufacturers and e osdmaiorft;
also lime, cement and piaster un Any
quantity. Office, Medford NsiEobjA
Bank bldg. Phone Main &C5.
G. W. Priddy. L TL ''Ktrian.
O. D. Nagla
Smokehouse, first-cIaLss hoatStojoSf
Btoneworker, moment Ceaapiag
stucco and moulding, GrcjvJsj! nd
tilo work a specialty, iSlafustcao
nlnn: dav or contract
Painters ar.U PaBCffcnwjjawc
GERWOLF & WARD, vatroting
painters, paperbangera vSoo
rators; signs. Estimate, gyvun on
nil kinds of day and jots wwfc. Tatvi
View Hotel. Phon Main ItMTL
liegal Illaalus.
LEGAL BLANKS All at-rfeai .rf'lft-
gal blanks for sale, a htra&ll Uif-
foront forms. Medford w-wtiirur o.