MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OK10GON, DAY, MAY Kl, 1910. nrough the Wall j. wreck of maine By CLEVELAND MOFFETT SOON 10 RAISE Copyright, 1905, by D. Apploton & Co. jtMSr.yws ?e his face?" !Eirtainly 1 did. Ho passed within Trka Stmt off bc I saw his face dla- "intere mother jrlass " asked the viiwWfewnrer, r shall wo fro on?" tm where?" tSt sC cxse ycra don't know my Btea. 3 nrlll tell 70a. You see, rsarvS jSs Alice. I moat try to save hter Aunj thin folly for her mother's neiiat "Weli 1 know hoir to find her." htu yria you find her?" J3EByon as tto drirc alonp." Cbaetill accompanied Qroener In a ctiii tf tdrcraph office, TThcre the 2tfiXcr asset message When they All Bodies Found Are to bo Interred In Arllnqton Cemetery Bill Is at Last Passed Throunh Congress Will Start Work Soon. ORCHARDS AND HOMES If you want the truth in regard to orchard Inmltt and ooiiditlonn, it will pay you to see 0110 who has heon raisinj? troua and fruit hero for tho past eighteen yenit. Phono 5003, Ashland, or Address E. E. FOSS, TALENT, OR. arm." he warned his enptive. Tlgnol 1 xxocanrtn eoifsl Goqaenll gave a quick signal with JwBd. A moment later Papa Tfcuwfl atezed the office. They pro-cxt-icA 4 x deorway In the line Trou--Kiaefa Oroener entered after In Hm iuwc the disguised detective that fte- jiuubM TetHrn in a few minutes. A1J ry,ht.- sodded M. PauL "I'll be 3&tr And as the wood carver cttesfJiAsacd be signaled Tlgnol to sur ron:fl Utrioase Tvith the assistants he bad IbtcccM is a cab. iT Irjinc to lose as," said the old Itec ncrrvicK up a moment later. Tlwr xzv three exits here." -Itoir "Thttc-k' a passage from the first ctwrfyaad Into a second one, and from ttart yn can co oat either Into the Flat la Madeleine or tho Rue dc EArvi. I've cot a man at each exit." "Sr3Hnse. Ccclle's tea houser' cried CovpucuTL "Pnt the chauffeur with na T xaar men in the Quo de l'Ar itefenc your other man here, ncd wi'il ti&s&l him up with this driver. 2iir went on Coqucnll to Tlgnol. ""ywx u 1 will take the exit on the miser tlv in Madeleine." Tliry trtrm to an Imposing entrance wltn vttatly pnlniH on the white fttom Hbox-xeul the glimpse of an Imposing tarwny. Ti tiduk tbnt 1 hud forgotten this Xluasr?' Coquenlf. ituiit'inler that blackmail case," wtigwO '.Tlciiol, "when we sneaked tlw cinrntetts out by the Rue de I'Ar- CbxsaacnU sodded. "How about that T3v aa cmn stroked bis rough chin. Thwrlwfc Rove me a copy of It. all rlgha.'v&en 1 allowed my papers. Qerv U. ht. xmd xcuch good It' will do us:" Dubois, a) Rue Chalt'rln. tJjxTi Urcmac amateur bouillon dun eor niiot m Sahara easily Oroener arms Unan3e. FELIX. "H wwJT sodded Coqucnll. "It ought tO' tf Jtn isryy cipher. SVe must look up- DulKila. Better go In now and lo lutir tSSSx lellow. took over the two courtjTrn&J.T' 'flnidiy 'Xi'gnol returned and report-td-affl wll at the other exits. No one hud. Kpn out who could possibly be tlur ivuodcKrrer. "Suntecfias gods," suddenly muttered SC. Puur. he' coming!" U'fc hu door ut the foot of the shilra- apcued. nod a handsome couple advances toward them a woman jriunr; ntl frnicef ul, the man a perfect typf of the dualling boulevardler. Co iucitll could see no resemblance bo "tXvoeir t'Aw woodcarver and this gen tlttuuus -vrith bis sumrt clothes. The wtctftrsirtr'ii hair was yellowlah brown-: this man's was dark, tinged wiUn skt. -'ut woodcurver wore u bwrrtii -txxS zanHtnebe; this man wuh clear: 1 ciiiiTsm. Finally the woodcarver was ahezter mid heavier than thl.v trmm Tin- pcntlemon ojened the door ui ci wxlUag coupe. The lady caught ap hvj nUtco uklrls and was about to outoir vrttva Coyuenll brushed ugaiust her- txm VS fey necident, and her puruo Dclbtcu Vtut ground. "SuiqU. la-utel" exclaimed the gen tlenKiu r be reached for the purso with Ufi spurred hand. Coquenll seized tho- wsJXaOeil wrist in such tierce at tiick. i&at bforo the man could resist tlewn-a3rAeBU with his left arm bent Cx-hllK?) Wca lu twisted torture. JMci nawMaise or you'll break your glove. I want to see his hnud. Open It up. No? I'll make you open it. There; 1 thought so. Now, then, off with that glove! Ah!" he cried as the bare hand enmo to view. "It's too bad you couldn't hide that long little fin ger! Tlgnol. quick with the handcuffs! There; 1 think we have you safely lauded now, M. Adolf Groener!" The prisoner, leanlug close to Coque nll, whispered. "Fom jvor fooir (To Be Continued.) MAINE BLOWN UP IN 1898260 PERISHED Medford, Oregon: This certifies . a it m . lt tnnt wo nnvo som tinirs i.c.ns 011-1 dor for tho cure of all kidney, bind- J der and rheumntic troubles for teni years, and have nover had a com- plaint. It gives quick nnd permanent clief. Sixty days' treatment in each bottle. Medford Pharmacy. tf ' ClfYNOTICES. It NOTICE OF ELECTION Bo it resolved by the city council of the city of Medford, Orogon I That notice Is hereby given that a special election In and for tho city of Medford, and In and for tho territory hereinafter described, , Maine blown up February 15 ISPS. Lives lost. 200. United Stntes navy court of inquiry reported that dis aster wns duo to explosion of a mine under ship's bottom. Cost of the Maine. $2,")00, 000. Appropriated for raising wreck. $100,000. Bodies, if any, found after twelve years, to be buried at Arlington national cemetery, near Washington. Propos-ed by Spanish mili tary experts that a mixed commission of French. Span ish and American engineers examine hulk to determine the exact causes of disaster. Mast of Maine t be raised as a monument at Arlington. WASHINGTON. May 13. After has been ordered by said council to finore than a dozen years of delay be held, and tho same will be held nnd red tan-, the bodies of the of- on tho 24th day of May. 1910, bo- fi - w, went to thsip. tween the hours of 9 o clock, a. m. , . . . . ... , . Ar . nr. K nVlnok n m.. for thn nnrnoiin tlcatll when the battleship Maine was of submitting to the qualified elect-; blown up in the hnrbor of Havana) ore of said city at said election tho will be recovered for Christian bur- ft!nS.,M in'- The mast of the 11-fated war-, Me be altered by Including ,slP W1 bo raa,,l? n P-rpctunl mouu- theroin the following described tor- ment tor those wno nave so long rltory, to-wlt: been negleetcd. Commencing at the northeast cor- ti, enno -,occn,i !,, .ncn l.iii nor of section 36, township 37, ' ... , . . . .. range 3 -west of the Willamette moj without amendment, instructing the idlan: thence south on the east line secretary of war and the chief of of said section 36 to tho north llne.nnnv engineers to raise tl.o vessel.' of donation land claim No. 85, in It js proviued that all tho bodies said town and range; thenco west - , Jf , . . , . ... . .. . along the north line of said dona- fo e interred in Arlington tlon land claim No. 85 and donation "nniionni cemcicry. ino masi 01 uie land claim No. 84, of said town and battleship will be placed nenr the fi010 n,ort5weft, coror ?.f graves. The bill appropriates SlOO,- thenco north to the north lino of said 000.for tho worr . . section 36, being the present bound- ne consent ot the Cuban antlion ary of said city of Medford; thence ties must first be obtained, but r.i east along said north line of said ,i;ff;iH- h. section 36 and tho present boundary n.,.. 10 ..,.. of said city, to place of commeaco- , .,?UR V'0 P"b! J, y,arS- Tf I ment; all In Jackson county, cvegon. ois nave oeen imroouceii 111 on. 11 Tho following are hereby dosig- bwinohes of congress to rniso the nated as the places in said city at Maine, nnd wtitions have been con- w-j'ch the polls will be open within ' ,inHajlv rePe;Ved from all sections of First ward Commercial Club " . rooms. sn'P ')Q rair.ea and its imprisoned Second ward Nash hotel. victims brought home for interment ( Third ward City hall. T,e chief of engineers said that Tho following Is hereby designated f0ii0,vjn, n .,- frnm ,hp Pf.rot.irv as the place In tho territory above to'iowint. an or.ier trom tlie secretnr.N described at which tho polls will be,f wr a diver would be sent down open: to make an examination. The meth- Fourth house from south city 0ds of raising the Maine will depend limits, on west side of county road . , , , (i ox'ocdlng 8"aih from tho crc or - 1 Nowtown street In raid city. , , . . Tho following have been and hero-1 nnkm- trr Health, by are, appointed and designated rrrrr as judges and clerks of said election: First ward in said city L. L. Da mon, judge; G. P. LIndley, Judge and clerk; C. W. Davis, Judge and clerk. Warner judge! SlIlnftdS'PL & HEATING and clerk; William Ulrlck, Judgo and CONTRACTOR clerk. Third ward in said city M. F. Mc No iob -tOO small, none too Cown, Judge; Scott Davis, Judgo and , '' rpftT,i... f:1TO 0!ivqt clerk; H. B. Cady, Judgo and clerk, large. Iwenty-Iive years A. L. VROMAN In tho territory heretofore des cribed C. W. RInabergor, Judge; R. A. Johnson, Judgo and clerk William Murray,, Judgo and clerk. Tho electors of said city cf Med ford, and tho electors of tho terri tory hereinbefore described, are hereby Invited to vote on said prop osition by placing upon tholr ballots, "for annexation" or "against annex ation" or wordB equivalent thereto. Resolved further, that this notice bo published In the daily Mall Tri bune, a newspaper of general clrcu lptlon In sail city of Modfo-rt, and In territory above described, for a per iod of four weeks prior to such elec tion, and also four roples thereof be posted In four public places In said city, and four public places within tho territory above described, for a Hko period, by tho city recorder or under his direction. Tho foregoing resolution was, passed on tho 19th day of April, 1910, by tho following vote: Merrick, ayo; Emorlck. absent; , Wortman, ayo; Elfort, ayo; Dom mor, aye; WelBh, aye. Approved, April 20, 1910. W. H. CANON, I Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TBLFBR, City Recorder. practical experience. Office 1 13 South Front Street. Phone 2751. THERE MUST BE A REASON for tho enormous snlo cf RARDON'S BREAD. Your grocer sells it. : BENSON litis 17 lots for sale at genuine bargain prices. 4- -t- "r Stacey's Auto Garage (Successor) Medford Auto Garage We are fully equipped to take caro of nil your auto troubles. ACCESSORIES. Wo carry a full lino of Auto Accessories, including the fa mous AJAX TIRES guaran teed for 5000 miles, We have three of tho most expert machinists in Southern Oicgon. Thoro in nothing about r OAS ENGINE that wo cannot fix if it can bo fixed at all. Wm. E. Stacy Call at Garane, Elnhth, Between C and Front Streets. J. E. ENYAKT, President JOHN S. OKTH, Cashier. J. A. PERKY, Vice-President. W. 11. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. REAL ESTATE Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and MiningClaims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building GOLD RAY GRANITE CO, Olfico: 209 Wcm Mnin H., IkIIokI, Ore. Operating Quarry at Cold Ray, Oregon DRALEKS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE PLUMBING S I LAM AND 110 1 WAIIK HtAIING All Work UunnintfoU PricuH Kuiinoimliln COFFEILN (Si PRICE 11 North D St.. Mud ford, Ore. Wioue 80H The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS "TRAliSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. r. O. HANHKN - t TOIK MOKKAT Wo muko any kind and stylo of Windows. Wo carry Glass of any Bizo on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOH CO., Modford, Orogon. t For Sale wo Do You Wish To Buy a Home ARE YOU WANTING A HOME? WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN TAKE ADVAN TAGE OF OTHER PEOPLE'S MISFORTUNES? Parties arc compelled to leave the city, and offer a fine new two-story, eight-room house, completely furnished, with high-grade furniture, best light and plumbing fixtures, lawn, cement walks and curb, south front, street to be paved. This is a beautiful home and is located on one of the best streets in the city. Price is very low, with or without furniture. Modern Cottage For Sale A neat, modern, five-room cottage, close in on Oak dale, east front, fine lawn and shrubbery, cement walks and curb, paved street, large range goes with house, large barn; lot 50x1.45. New Five-Room Cottage Xew five-room cottage, south front, lot 50x150, nenr South Newtown; price $2000, terms. J. W. Dressier Agency WU WEST MAIN STREET Land that will cut six crops of alfalfa a year. L S. Government irrigation. If you arc interested, address S. F, EHORN & SON ORLAND, CALIF. DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover He ccinliy QLMCKItV ASM WITH CO.M1" MIT TO YOU AUK AI.WtVN TO MV I'OIV.'ll A t TIIK KAKIXUV .V DOW INJ, IMtOI'UIKTOIW. WEST SIDE STABLES PHONi: 2I1 H. (IKAPK 8T I IK ITT A SNAP IN ORCHARD LAND One hundred and xixty ncrt-H of free red noil, 10 to .')() feat depth, two wcIIh, about 25 acres cleared; a very gradual Houth hill Nlono; ono-half milo from jHiHtoffico, Icaa than ono-fonrth inilo from mcIi-.I nnd Hevcn and one-half rnilon Hoiithwent of Juokiitinvillo. Onlv r -10 por acre. Call on or nddronn JOE THOMAS 222 SOUTH HOLLY STREET. MEDFORD, OREGON Medford Iron Works E. E. TROWBRTDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, IBoilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. I Any Landlord Can Improve His Property By wiring his house for electric light. Tenants are demanding this modern con venience more and more and premises which do not have it are out of date. We are furnishing the G.E. MAZDA lamps to our customers who thus save money nnd get better light. We will give you all the information you need. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. cms? ofo