MIDPyORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OMCJON, FRTDAY, MAY .13, 1.9J0. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL It. Von riot- 1 lollon of Wolliin iH in Mi'tll'oitl lookiiiK ul'tor IniHiiioHH in iunmtH. Ho niuolvotl 11 lolunritm tliiH intimitis; i'toiii hiH hoii Uuulj;u, wlui Iti lotiii-niiiK I'rom thu J'liilip plnuH, ami who will tmivo in Moil i'wrtl Hiilimlny ovoiiinjj, al'lur im Hcnco nl' (wo ami u luill' ytuuH. Will mill 1(10 iicrim ol' Him fruit litiul, -10 noroH nut to fruit'; only $75 uii iiuro. Hoc Hoiihoii. 00 Attoniuy-Uuiiorul Crawford wan at JuulcMonvillu today lookinj; ii hoiuu iocoiiIh in Htatu uiikuh iipporliiiiiiun to titluH in .loHopliimi county. John II. Curkin, titloniuv at law, ovur jaiskHon County Hank l)oiuty KliripKl'lioiiiton and Chief of I'olieo Irwin of AhIiIuiicI woro in Mud ford Friday iiiorninu, having uoinu this far in clinruo of Nioliolim Joy. Tlioy rotuniod on tho 8:52 mo tor, having in cliargo LowIh J. Har dut, a palutod, who iH aouimod of having tlritwi. a iiiiinlior of checkx on AhIiIihhI liaukN in which ho had no fundx. All Htykm of lugal hlaukx at tho Mail Trillium offiuu. Ovur n hun urd foniiH. Mi-H. I). II. Millur of Gold Hill wax u Muilford vinitolr Kriday. Mth. Joiiu Cook and daughter of (Jold Hill woro in Modford Kriday. Tho date of thu lawn folo in prep aration by tho ladiim of tho Creator Mudford club Iiiih heou Hot for Sat urday, May 21. LadiuM. Hen tho dmnoiiHtration and fitting of tlm now llypat in comet at Haniard & Coruoyor'H, inillinerH, X South Central avenue, Thurndny, Friday and Saturday of thin week. If you enjoy comfort and graceful litii'M, urn them. They lace in front. to H. P. Mulkcy and J. W. HogorH of Afliluiul hove heen elected dolegnten to the KnightH of Pythiim grand lodgo hchhIoii that ihooIh hooii in Portland. Tlioy will roproHcut Qranito Lodgo, No. 2.1, of AhIiIiukI. Mih. C. Carey will have on hand throughout the planting hviihoii all leading varioticH of tomato plantH at Star G-nrdcn, above I'liouuix. tf Mr. E. V. Sliekell of Gold Hill wn a .Modford visitor Thursday. Sheriff Joiioh wan at Ornntu I'iibn Friday on official Imihuhshh. TIiohp lots on Queen Anne avenue are going rapidly; hotter get in be fore values advance. Kimy tonus. IS North Front street. J. K. Thornton of Ashland wns a Grants I'iihm visitor Friday. You get tho best when you buy our special Hogue Kivor Trout Flios. Modford Hardware Co. F. If. Pnvis of Ashland was a Medford visitotr Thursday. Paved streets, cement sidowalks, water, newer, electric lights nnd nil improvements will be found in the Oueen Anne addition; only eight minutes' walk from the Postoffiee. Choice lots .fflf0. 18 North Front fltroot. J. W. Wilson of Jneksouvillo spent Thursday nieht in Medford. Medford Hnrdwnre Co. nro offer ing three prir.es for tho throo largest fish cnticht this hoiihoii. h. J. Harolnch of Ashland was in Medford on business Thursday. Can you estimate tho value of a Queen Anne avenue lot a year from now? Only $(1.10, nt present, cash or terms. 18 North Front street. Goorgo Cooper returned to Sisson Thursday evening. ITo declares he will ho back with n hall town behind him later. The Medford Hardware Co. is tho plnco to buy hardware. Miss Mollie Maury visited friends in Modford Friday. Ownnsco Hoofing awarded gold medal at A. Y. P. exposition. Made from Trinidad Lako asphalt nnd guaranteed. No oxpapsion or con traction. OS Miss Klhclyn Hurley, who has been veiling friends in Modford has re turned home. Tho fish liko our spocial Hoguo Hiver Trout Flios. Modrord Hard ware Co. Forty thousnnd dollars' worth of city nnd county renl estalo for sale at a saerifico by owner. Hoiison, ovor Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' hank. no F.vorything in guns, ammunition, fishing tnnklo. etc , nt Humphrey's new gun slnn, .1. IT. Tlellinger nnd T. E. Daniels woro nmong tlioso who attended tho Elks' rololirntion u( Hosoburg Thurs day. HumphreyK new gun store on the west side is n very inlorostiug plnco. W. W. Eifcrl attended tho roso onrnivnl nt RoRoburg Thursday. Somn small houses nnd lots for sale. $.r)fi0. flco Honson nt onco, ovor Fruitgrowers' Hank. (10 Mrs. Thnmns Collins loft Fridny morning on u visit to relatives mid friends at Yrokn, Cnl. Heusou is sure going away in .i day or two soo him for u lot, house, bungalow or bind. Ho is tho owner and will sell for any roasonubln prieo. (I0 Ilnskiun for TlonKn. Henry Sehullor of Chicago a rel ative of Henry Schutlor, tho Chicago wagon muuiil'iKitiirer, is visiting Henry Mot, of Medford. Ho is re ( luted to Mrs. Mot, and is hero with ,a view of making oxtunsivu invest ments. Ho representH a number of , Chicago investors who havo their , eyes on the Hogue Hiver valley. , Colonel Jr. W. Hicks of Ashland was a Medlonl visitor I' inlay. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Ileurdr returned from Hosoburg Inst evening, whore tlioy attended tho funeral of Minn Adoo Hlakoly. Mrs. .'I. II. Hooman of Gold Hill wuh a Modford viailor Friday. One of (ho most haiitlwimu and at tractitvo young ladies of Medford will do the baseball column for tly Mail Tribune Sunday. She will be on the grounds this uflernoon wlin the team practices. Look out for the criticism in Sunday morning's piip;i TAKEN TO PENITENTIARY TO SERVE FIFTY YEARS THIS MAN CERTAINLY MET MISS FORTUNE BENSON ASKS THAT SHIPS VISIT ASTORIA Mother Is Burned, Dntinhtcr Injures Splno nnd Valuable Horse Hanns Up on Fence, All in One Day. MAIITINKK. f'al.. May 13.- Janies .Mil'.irland, ronvlcteit of tho murder of Frank (i a re I a at l.lvonnoro and Mtmtcaci'd to servo fifty years In tlto penitentiary at Han Quentln. was taken to the prlHon tod.'.y. After the murder McFarlcml fled to Han Jo no where lie poxo ' an a iletectlvo. Ho wuh arrowed, how overf, mid rotuniod to Contra CohU county, hater ho developed symp toms of Insanity and was placed In a linnpltal for the Interne at Stockton. Two weeltii ago ho van brought hero and was sentenced by Judge Latimer. (Hy A. C. Howlutt.) Scott Claspill, ono of Uutto Falls iiiorchantH and n general hustler, called Tuesday ceniug nnd informed mo that IiimJ. week old Grandma Al len, aged 00 years, and blind, had her clothes to take firo and came near being seriously burned, but ho did not know the particulars. On the sumo day her little granddaugh ter, Agnes Allen, fell and hurt her spine so that sho had to be carried home from school. Dr. Holt was called and Tuesday morning report ed that she was getting along tpiite well, and the same day John Allen, with whom Grandma Alton lives, went out and found one of his horses hung on a fence where lie had tried to jump ami got caught on the fence. I did not learn if it wns a wire fence or not, or how bad the horso was hurt. It looks as though John's troubles do not couio single. "EATING DELIGHTFUL," SAYS MAN AFTER A FAST Tclciiraphs Secretary of Navy Re questing. Presenco of Men of War Durinn G. A. R. Encampment. SALEM, Or., May J.'J Governor IJenson has telegraphed to tho sec retary of tho navy asking if ar rangements can b- mnde to have several butttlohhipi or cruisers sta tioned in Astoria hnrbor, June 21-24, during tho annual encampment of the Oregon division of the O. A. H. Slain Because of Woman. UKI) HLUFFS CAI... May 13. Following an argument over tho at tentions paid a yomiK woman, James Corey, a cowboy, Is dyltir; I to from a nun Hliot wound while Hherif ' Hoyd and a pohbo aro in pursuit of Jesse Karris, a cowboy. Corey claims that Farrte c! ot him and fled. Ho said that fie attempt ed to shoot at Farrls hut that his revolver wnB oinpty. ROOSEVELT TO STUDY j U. S. SOCIAL CONDITIONS i 1 i lltiUMN, May Ki. That Theodore HooHOvelt intends to apply himself to tho study of social conditions when ho returns to the Unitjd States was1 ' indicated today when he substituted visits to model tenement houses for; tho poor, old people and homos nnd insnno asylums for other features that had bcon on his program, llo inspected each place closely, making' copious notos. He has gathered stu-, tistics regarding such institutions and has announced his intention -f making similur Btudies in England. His voice today is considerably im- j proved and he has suffered no grout inconvenience following his lecture1 yesterday. I The German people nrc surprised , and delighted nt the democratic nt- j tittido of both tho kaiser urid Roose velt. The genuine friendliness of their compnnionship in which formal ity nnd trnditionH have beon cost to the winds has created favorable comment among nil clnsses. Some persons arc wondering whnt might have happened in the way of precedent smashing if the kniscr had t been restrained by the decorum imposed by his mourning for tlu denth of his uncle, King Edward of England. WIDOW GETS POSSESSION OF ESTATE AFTER YEARS OAKLAND, Cnl., Mny 1.1. .Mrs. Joseph Honrdmau and her young daughter aro today in possession of 'tho million-dollar cstato loft by her husband who died sovon years ago. Since then tho. nuostiou of division jhas been in tho conrtP- Tho will 'contest was settled by Judgo Wells' 'decision in favor of the widow nnd ;hor child, dividing tho estnto evenly between them. Uonrdmnn left four wills, giving his finances to Onklnnd charitios. Ho i had been declared mcntully incom petent before his death and the wills wcro denied rebate. ! Tho estate was appraised nt $82(5, 000, but the advance in roal estate 'has since increased this to more than n million. The will contest has jbeen before the courts several years. I ' Will Close All Elko Saloons. KKNO, Nevada, May 13. Deputy I'nltcd States Marshall Goodo of , Elko Is enrouto to the mining camp of Jarbrldgo In EIlco county, with in structions from United il?.lea Mtir Rhnll II. J. Humphrcyi! to rtrreut nil saloon man ip tho camp nnd c.toeo tho saloons. Jr rbridgo Is loralofl nn n sofni mcnt forest rrocxro nnd a foflmal InW prohibits tlu) nalo of liquor. -on re serves. Thoro aro four faloonn in tho town. SOUTHERN PACIFIC AFTER MEN OF OTHER I? DADS SAN FRANCISCO, CaL. May 33. -Continual growth of tho ffouthcra Pacific through tho cxtoniHou or Ito lines Is causinc a number of Tueancloo in tho executive departments. Ia or der to keep pneo with ,jrowth tho Southern Pacific Is offering raxol lent position to tho officials of other lines. Tho latest crunK in tlio xallroiiU world is mndo hy T. M. Bchusiochor, formerly vlco-prcflidont of tlio Wcnt orn Pacific, who has accepted a po sition .in assistant traffic -dlroctrir -of tho Harrlman linen. nankioH for RUh. NEGRO FINANCIER HAS CLEVER WAY MAKING MONEY I.OS ANGELES. Pnl., May 13. I Advanced finance that would as tound a Rockefeller or a Morgan will enrich C. It. Green, a negro, to the extent of mnny two-bit pieces if Hnl- ley's comet doesn't wipe him nnd his l ..i:....... c- f e it rin'inn 1111111 iiiu iiiui; 111. uiu uaiui un May 18. Green Iiiih established himself as un institution of insurance against tho comot. Ho figures if tho speeding J mass deal the earth a jolt he will bo ;.. it... .. it t. . i in iiiu Buiiiu u. us iiiu man iiu hum insured and will not have to settle claims. If tho world escapes, ho will be winner by a satisfactory sum. Two weeks nt'o Green began Insur ing bin brethren of the negro sec tion ot thu city. A premium of coiitis n week gurrantees a payment of Ifine should the comet prove fatal to tho policy holders. Ho has n pro vino in bin contract, that I'enth due to fright canned by the comet is not covered by the policy. PORTLAND, Ore.. May 13. After starving for twenty-ono dnys to euro hlumclf of Htomnch trouble, A. S. Houghton, a photOKrnphcr today bo- I gun to break bin fast by sipping tho Juice of ore !). Houghton start led his starvation cure with the in dention of abstaining from food until ( his appetite returned. "It Is no fun to fast for throo weokc. Eating In delightful." Announcement. j Tho Presbyterian Sunday school j will commence nt :30 a. m. Sunday. ; Church unites in tnbcmuclo meetings iit 10 :! n. in. Junior Christian En deavor meets nt 5 p. m. nnd Senior Christinn Endcnvor me3ts nt 0:30 p. m. in tho church parlors, i -. ! Rardon Is servinrj cxclus-..4 Ively Siskiyou mineral water ! through his Iceless fountain a most refreshlnn drink. Dorothy Dodd Shoes Long' search, critical comparison and sound business judgment thoroughly convinced us of "Dor othy Dodd" standing. We sold them for six years before locating in Medford. It's no "experiment," selling Dorothy Dodds. We know the line, we know they will be all we claim for them. Price $3.00, $3.50 and $-1.00. mea riftf-riM"--! af3 Haskiiih for Health. Rardon's Peerless bread is causlnn moro talk than the circus. What's the reason? Send a Messenger that will ineet with the ap proval of the recipient of your message. Any old kind of a messenger won't answer. The best should always be sent "if" you wish the re cipient to pass a favorable verdict. Whnt you think about busi nuss stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Tit J.i n J.i faftr r tmiinm tt.Kf.ixrty because it pleases you, but because it inlluences the man you write in your favor. j I Ol.n llAMrsiilKK IUinii it a clem, nltn luipvr, mtilo lor ilnan, iri bu.intii Inlki. It i nlil oil the iKtiiiiiiHlnn tlim llicrv t'Coiuiniy In iiuilit)' A liatidioma IDclllltfli lumU dIvii iiiuii. r(in..f. .Iiniw liij) Irttrrhtmili unit nlhrr luikliirii formi, rrintnl, liilui;rii)iril iiml cniiruvtd on llio wluia unit luuiirr'i colon Mn.ldtiy IUmi-iiiihk I'AfKK ClIMI'ANV, llio ml)' p.licr in.ikt'ia in h mirlil iiiiikme liou.t ;jcr mcliuivrly. Medford t Printing Co. 38 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE A HOME At A Very Low Price A Small Payment Balance Like Rent 8 Rooms, brand new house; bath, toilet, screen kitchen, swell electric fix tures, cement sidewalk on street and cement walk to and around the house; fully furnished in first class style. Parties leaving town and therefore will sacrifice this splendid home. A Fine Money Maker If you are looking for a deal in orchard land that is sure to make you good money in a very short time, don't fail to get in touch with this: 99 acres in the tract; lo acres in trees; 25 acres now in bearing and planted to apples; 8 acres in Spitzenbcrgs; 8 Ben Davis, and 9 in Newtowns; 5 cars shipped last year and double this amount will bo shipped this season; 20 acres in pears, Anjou and Bartlctt 1050 2-year-old trees; 15 acres of grain; 3 miles out; everv acre can be cultivated; house of 3 rooms, fair barn; all fenced; all can be irrigated; WILL MAKE GOOD TEKMS. Here is a Fortune 53 Acres l3i miles east of Central Point; all bottom land, mostly free soil of the very best quality. 10 Acres S-year-old Spitz and Newtowns apples; 2G acres 5 to 7-year-old Spitz and Newtowns Apples; 200 Jonathan apple trees; 200 Winter Nollis pear trees; 6 acres 3-year-old Cornice Pears. Price $32,500; $.15,000 cash, balance, three equal payments at G per cent. Beautiful Home Place 30.3.1 Acres of the very best soil in tho valley; largo nine-room house; good barn and outbuildings ; three wells and plenty of water for all purposes. 1,8-14 trees on place, mostly pears. Price $lG,000;hnlf cash, bal. good terms. Walter L. McCallum HOTEX NASH LOBBY New Goods at "The Wardrobe" Our new showing of men's two-piece cassimerc suits in summer shades at $12.50 and $15.00 will in terest you. Men's white and fancy colored single vests, gray and black alpaca coats for hot weather; automobile dusters, straw and panama hats, triangular five-ply collars, the right shapes in quarter sizes. In men's underwear we have the "Poroslarit,7"' "Keepcool," the "B. V. D.," "Scrivens7 clastic seam drawers," lightweight derby ribbed union suits, Cooper's mercerized lightweight union suits, sum mer weight wool and underwool; stacks of cotton, two-piece underwear at 50 cents to $1.00 suit.. Work shirts, negligee shirts, golf and dress shirts, choice lines of summer neckwear. fords, slippers and foot wear, in most any leath er, at reasonable prices. Let us sec your smiling countenance. WARDROBE X JtX Ji THE SAVOY THEATRE TONIGHT APEX OF PICTURED0M. THE KID A Screaming BioBraph Comedy. WILD BIRDS IN THEIR NATURAL HAUNTS Beautiful Hand-Colored. THE WILLFUL DAME A Langhograph. Excellent Music. (One Dime. ,'Vi DIAMONDS . . See DIAMOND for Diamonds i t J. V DIAMOND, 115 Eust Main St. WE OFFER FOR SATURDAY ALL !?5, $ao, .s:i5, axi up to $ is. SPRING SUITS FOR $ 15 and $20 MANY SPECIALS SATURDAY. j. uviv mi' main iciiauns jlui anuppuig Jiero 10- morrow. you will avoid the rush on Monday; you can take advantage of the many special offerings nnd wo will be able to servo you better. You are always welcome at The Emporium O. E. TRACKSTROM, Prop. (Successor to Montgomery.)