MEDFORD 'MAIL TRIBUNE, ftDSDflOUI), OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY .11, 1910. '4 Mkdford Mail Tribune Complete Scries: Thirty-ninth Year: Dally. Fifth Tear. PUBI.I8KXD SVXXtV EXCEPT SATCB DAT BY TKJJ MEDTOKD rKIKTIHO CO. A consolidation of tho Meilfortl Mall, established tSS9; tho Southern Oro Sronlan, established 1902: tho Democratlo times, estnbllshod 1872; tho Ashland Tribune, established 1896. and tho Med ford Tribune, established 1906. QBOnQE PUTNAM. Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter No vember 1, 1909. at tho postofflc at Hertford. Oregon, under tho act of March 3. 1879. Of flclal Paper of the City of Medford. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Ono year by mall.. One month by mall. :: ,8 Per month, delivered by carrier. In Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville. Talent. Phoenix, Central Point, Gold Hill and AVoodvlllo .50 Sunday only, by mall, per year... 2.00 Wnofelv. onn vear. l.ou Still leased Wire United rress Dis patches. Tho Mall Tribune Is on sale at the Ferry News Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland. Or. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. Hotel Spokane News Stand, bpokane. Postage Bates. 8 to 12-pnce paper 12 to 21 -page paper 84 to 36-page paper BWOBK CIBOULATXOSI. Averace Dally for November, 1909 December, 1909 January, 1910 February, 1S10 ,.lc ,.:c ..30 1.700 1.842 1,925 3,122 2.J75 2.325 2.315 2,325 Apsn circulation. 1 2.S00 It 3 2.350 18.. 19.. 20.. 21.. :t'.'. 26.. 26.. 27.. 2S.. 29.. 4. :.soo 5.. .. 7.. 8.. 10.. 11.. 12.. IS. . 2,300 2,300 2.300 2,300 2,360 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,325 2,325 2.400 2.350 2,450 2,350 2.350 3,350 14 2.300 16 2.325 Total Less deductions .68,335 . 800 67.625 Averace net dally, 2.301. . , STATE OF OREGON, County of Jack son, ss.t On this 30th day of April. 1910. personally aopeared before me, O. Put- nf h Mail Trl. bune. who, upon oath. acknowleuKCu that irjo aoove xtsures kuq tuiu u. ..w (Seal) H. N. TOCKET. Kotary Publio for Oregon. KBDrOXD, oRsaov. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California and fastest-growing city In Oregon. Population. May. 1910. 9,000. Bank deposits. 32.500.000. Banner fruit city of oregon Hogue River apples won sweepstakes prize and title of "Apple JClnffs of the World" at National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909. Rogue River pears brought hlghtest prices in all markets of the world dur ing the past five years. Write Commercial Club, enclosing cents for postage on finest eonununlty pamphlet ever written. A combination hard to beat Hill, Stevens and Allen. It seems to be a case of "Let George do it" in England. Tolo is now the construction city "tr-maaufactures brick, lumber and stone. Hill's connection with the Pacific & Eastern is Medford's biggest ad vertisement. Trout are openly sold in Medford although distinctly forbidden by the state law. The wcy to secure terminal rates is to secure more railroads and Hill promises them. Hill is to develop Southern Ore gon if ho does, the rest of the state will have to hustle. T. R. has been appointed to at tend the late King Edward's funeral. Can he keep still long enough? One good mine, like the Blue Xedge, in operation means more to .a city Jhnn 10,000 acres of orchard. A Pasadena man has dug a cave in which to hide from Ilnlley's comet. Ho wants to be the only survivor. Are you nn orchardist? If so, you cannot afford to miss tho Mail Trib une containing Professor O'Garn's articles on pear blight. Medford is to be a Jim Hill city as well as a Hnrrimnn town. Tho -only small city in Oregon boasting itwo transcontinental systems. "On the Fourth of July the small boy of Eugene will no doubt studi ously determiuo tho exact location of that lino marking tho city limit. All cities in the valley nro anxious for that trolley lino to start. Is Ash 'land going to block it? Doesn't she want fhe benefit of two transconti montal systems, or is tho Southern IPncifio alone sufficient? Greek met Greek when Teddy and the kaiser each tried to shout tho other down at tho Gorman nrmy maneuvers. A drawn mutch each got too hoarse to bo heard. But Toddy was handicapped by a soro throat. In condition, not even the kaiser could make' more noiv The manner in which tho ladies of tho Greater Medford club nro go ing after that special edition nugurs well for tho success of tho undertak ing. Are you helping thorn T They get all the proceeds nnd will uso them for civio improvement, CLOSING DAYS . . BUT two clays now remain fnril. Ever ono not point to see that his name is listed, .tflanus can ue. ou tained at the Commercial Club rooms. Medford ought to make a good showing. The work of tlie enumerators has been supplemented by an organ ized campaign by the Commercial Club perhaps the best campaign made in any of the smaller cities. AinfVfnvfl 5s n lunvl ifv rn onnmomto on account of ' the large transient population. An hnnieiise amount of pilUllC WOl'K IS Oeillg UOlie pcrcenrage nas uecu unssuu. Jut enoiiffli assistance nas it, and under me census rutes. niese woriciuen arc uuuuuu ,uui tuo imuans 0f Jump-orr Joe to enumeration. The cheap lodging houses make no pre-j crook, no strong, nd 47 remaining tense of reinstorins? guests, so 'tluit it is a hard matter on tho Illinois rivor; total, to, ot to get hold of everyone, and as a matter of fact, a large l":, , . V!"1 Lit uiiuiijii iiaaiawtuvi- uuo utuu w.i. ...-. to give the citv a good showing, and if the enumer - have made a thorough canvass, Medford will make ators ators n fail showing. Tncf hnw liiniir iwnn o wv.ou a.v,.. ........ rv,x,.v v . lcinatical. Judged by tho post office business, by Uie bauk'nHcll or foreij;n iIulilulH who mjKht business, by the telephone business, by the electrical busi-;bo found at any time with or near ncSS, ana OV tne CU'CUiauoil most, bo. elosft to 10.000. At ing in population far faster the people. are. UTILIZING WATER POWER. The state conservation commission estimates the avail-' able. water power at a few of the good power sites in Jack son county at 42S,100 horse power. The Rogue River alone wastes more power than Niagara in its course to the sea. At no distant day a large part of this power will be utilized to turn the wheels of industry. Several years ago the harnessing of the great falls at Niagara to electric generators displaced every steam engine in the city of Niagara Falls and junked thousands of similar engines in the cities of Buffalo. Toronto, Roch ester, Syracuse and other places. The utilization of the power of the Rogue will eventually displace every steam engine and railroad locomotive in Southern Oregon. The goal of electrical men is to harness every river and stream and distribute the electrical power to every city, village, hamlet and township for every industry wherever a wheel is turned. They hope to do away with siuam eugiuus uuiirui , auu auce power me plan is to and transmit the energv in hauling, and shipping the coal Starting with 1880, about ,, , n-,n- t-A i really began, 2,18o,4o8 horse - usea in manuractures, ana in ure was 10,828,111 horse-power for States. Durincr this quarter steam power was thus 400 per cent, or the total was five times as great in the latter as in the earlier j-ear. Besides the steam plants, used in manufactures had 289,514 horse-power, in 1905, ot engines devoted to this purpose to ll,117,bJo horsepower. In 190o, 441,592 electric manufactures, or four per cent of the engine power used, but this electric power was horse-power in mines and reported. The above tierures do horse-power in mimics and 1902. the 0.8 million horse saw mills, per the census light and power stations (Continued.) CHAPTER III. EFFECT OF WHITE IMMIGRA TION. Coming of the Whites General Lane and the Slmstun Divisions of tho Shustns Their Chiefs Itogue IND1AH WARS OF SOUTHERN OREGOW (From J. C. Walllng's History of Southern Oregon.) River Indians Applegute John I (inng, particularly of tho two chiefs. Llmpy, George and their Hands (They tell thnt the twain were tall Tnhle Hock Hand Sain midToe nmj gtntotly men, Sam somewhat Census of Indians Diminution ofportV( tl(J otjlfil. 0j a nloro Bt.,lur tho Indians Reflection on their ( jj,,; Jllt jke ;,, mvj,g massive Condition Sentiment of the'),en(s , relatively iutellecttual Wliltcs Discussion on the Census .foreheads. of tho Wars. i the Into years of their stay at 1 Table Hock they dressed in "Hos- Tn the vicinitv of Tablo Rock dwelt ton" style, wearing tall hats, etc. tho sub-tribo of Indians previously alluded to as tho band Sam and Joo, which will bo further referred to un der tho namo of tho Table Hook band. Their homo was upon ( tho banks of tho Rogue rivor, and in tho midst of n plensnnt country, fruitful in game, roots, seeds and acorns, whilo in the rivor, nt tho proper sea son, salmon swarmed by tlw thou sands. Thoy derived an easy and abundant living from tho ndvantago C35 V'ounding8 and were tho dorn iua.' bnnd of tho tribe Their num ber probably reached at ono timo 500 souls; but in addition quite a num ber of Indians of other tribes were sottled within tho valloy and, through some consideration of Indian polity, gave thoir adhesion to tho Tablo Rock chiefs and wore in effect a part of thoir people. This baud was ever regarded with jealousy by tho whites until their removal to n dis tant reservation in 18!50, but with lit tle cause, as will bo shown iu tho following pages, OF THE CENSUS. ....,,! M...1- to linisii pie census ui mu emnnorated shonul nialco a ..... . I V in Uie cu ami imjai.. oeon renuerea cue tMiuiiuM - thorn sivo in A Oil lord IS M'OU - . - , Ot UIO mail xriuuuu, iui-u anv rate, the city is increas-"0 than facilities for housing J (To He Continued.) mien luvl is 11:41111 uu 1" ourn xue coat near me mines i electrical rorm instead ot itself. the date that electric motors e l ' . power of steam engines wasauthoritic8 ftre illdinC(1 t0 Knint thu iyuo tne corresponding ng- ( ! the entire L UltCdf of a centurv the increase of gas and gasoline engines an aggregate capacity of bringing the total capacity! horse-power was rented tor 2.4 times the figure ot lUz.obJ. quarries, per the census of not include the J. million t .....a n . . . i quarries, per the census of -power m custom flour, grist and lt'n capital or 'inmsbuikui of 1900, or the electric railwavs, VV 0rfo.?aH. ,1 'r , and the steam railroads. : of Tu nm fomktvllVfi -,,, I ii Mn u iiiy lor inu miici iiiim--Wc shall have occasion to set forth mont for any contract it may make, 'the comparative superiority of this the syndicato offers to deposit $200, particnlnr bnnd and of their chiefs J 000,000 with the government, in mattor of civility, good fnith and I Tho plan ban met with favorable regard for their engagements. The consideration by high authorities. people of Jackson county still have lively memories of many of these In- Their manners wore said not to be inferior to those of tho ordinary miner or farmor. These comparative ly intelligent nnd teachable Indians wielded a great influence among tho surrounding tribes nt a timo when the utmost rovengeful feelings had been excited against the whites. The Indian namo of Joo was Ans-er-ka-hu, ns is discovered on porusing tho toxt of tho Tablo Hock treaty of 1853, and from tho same source wo leant that Sam's namo was To-guii-ho-a; nnd n less important chief, nnmed by tho whites Jim, was in Too-too-tetnni (tho Rogue River lan guage) called Ana-cha-nra, As tho before-mentioned chiefs were the most prominent actors on tho part of tho Indians in tho onsuing wars, furthor niontion of them is doforrod to its appropriate place. In 1854 a census was taken of the entire inhabitants of tho upper por tion of Rogno River "vnlloy, from which tho following figures nro ex tracted, Tho Indians woro la this ouuiuorution tlivitlod into two classes those who accepted tho provis- lons'ot t in iiiiio troaiv oi laoo. mm !tho ou(sUU, or noil.rcsm,uioll iu. ' in,w or .,. ,....,,. .i.c Tnhio u,u,i. I . ' ... band numbered 70 persons; Johns band, fill; tho combined people of Goorgo ami Limpy, St, making n to tal of JH)7 Indians of both sexes ami all ngos gathered upon tho rosorva tiou at Tablo Hook. Of those, 108 were mon. The non-trouty Indinns comprised HU- i mm m Apple. "-',H0), u-lunUoring D; Taylor's bund ltAltllllttl.ttt Ml ill 11 1tttitt t. tion of tho UoRUe rivoP wmtry vvas iH( n nmiiuor uini win seem ns- ' proportionately small to those who nny degree familiar with the 'r,.l7a m,muo:. timt win soom dis- history of their actions. To this estimato Agent Culver added 25 par . . " .... , cent, as renrosenung mo uumuer oi ' .l)e,,ove thnt. tho ftrungor indmns nt fitiino nnt.til itil I It la I ti itif iiiinlit ( PLANS NEW "PARIS TO II CUJ VflDtf" DAII UAV HtW iUIl KfllLiifl I American Syndicate Offers Russia $200,000,000 Guarantee for a Bea ring Strait Line. ST. PETEHSHUHQ, May 11. The plan to unite Asia and America by a railway crossing Uehring Strait, re jected by the Russian government some years ago, has been taken up again. For tho third timo u syndicato of American finnueiera, with lico do iLobel, u French engineer, at their i,t.a.i, has introduced the scheme, but this time with cssontiui modifications as to the territory to be traversed ,,d lorm8 t0 conceded by the Ilussiun govonimeut. Ihe Hussian franchise to the syndicate. According to the former plan, tho , "j" ZTr S: lino was to begin nt a station on the lie traversed before the country western or middle division of tho i in which the accident occurred yes-Trans-SibcrLn railway at Omsk oritorday. Ifo has had a number of Kursk. Tho Husuian government i narrow escapes iu tho past, but has was asked to lease to the syndicate ' never had n serious accident, a strip of territory twenty-five miles t wido along the whole extent of the'nnllrnr nnfn nilT line. The resources of this territory1 I M,h KIIYn Mil I were to bo exploited by the syndicate I Tho government declined the pro posal mainly because it did not ap prove of thu route selected, but neither would it grunt the extensive territorial rights desired bv the group of finnnciors. nl v 'uvt l'wiuau2 u liio presont scnemo proposes a different rout... and different tom. 'The railway's starting point is to be the line is to cross Helmut: Ktrait liy,ii, unwin.i n.A v..ui.;,n.. , n series of tunnels or other moans In the new proportion the laud to be leased is reduced to a strip ten miles wide along the railroad's en tire length. This strip would con tain about 20,000 square miles in all. . .1... . After being worked out in detail, it will be submitted to n council of the Cabinet for final decision next fall. ! Kngineers havo already begun pre parations to work in Trniisbuikul province. j Transbuikal province is in eastern i Siberia with Luke Haikiil on the west nnd Mongolia and .Manchuria on the south and east, The Trans-Siberian railway traverses tho province i nigii is a village and station on the Trans-Silierian railway, about io muos soutiienst oi lomsk, with which it is connected by n branch railway. Tchuktchi's Land, littlo explored, is in tho northeastern part of Siberia, between about longitude 105 degrees oast and Retiring sen. Loicq do Lotto!, a French engineer, is tho father of this plan. Ho was ono of the incorporators of the Trans - Alaska - Siborinn Railway company, with u onpital of .$0,000, 000 iu Tronton, N. J in 1000. Ho Inuded his scheme as tho" Paris to. Now York railway," which it would bo by connecting with the existing linos in Kuropo, Canada and the United States. Tii n u "mo moving season- loavos you, talk iins not boon found yet. Erick without a tenant, n little want ad- sou claims that lie is onlv 17 von vorlising will provont tho Inpso from! becoming BorioiiB. HaBkins for Iloaltn. AERONAUTS ARE TO MUCH "DONE UP"T0 TELL TALEl Men Fouml In Wrecked Balloon Arc Given Treatment, Out So Fur Havo Failed to Tell About Causo of tho Accident. GLASGOW, Ky., May 11. A. Ilol laml Follies, holder of tho Lahni cap for long-distance balloon flights, and J. C. Yates, a Now York as tronomer, found with their wrecked balloon near here, are so weak today ,.ll",u " mat tney cannot talk', anil llic cause n... ..m.... .., i...n ! victoria is still a nterv Physicians attending the aoi-onatits j fear that both have boon severely in jlirL1, alld thllt lwip ,.011tUti()11 . ... h asooiiiled from QuinoV( ,U , ;u, cn doavor to nufko a new long-ciiHianco roconi, was i soon flontmg over this section of Kentucky yesterday. The big bug staggered and careened so aiinlosslv thnt "ttriuk(1 "ttcutiou, those who f,n;:.jV,!!'ri,,l!,aLtl!r mT tllillK MIK I'HIU III till! UUIIIIIK I III.' balloon was seen to drop sheer to tho ground from a distance of sev eral hundred feet. When rescuers found tho wreckage of tho balloon the two aeronauts wore iu tho crushed basket, both un able to talk. They have not suffi ciently recovered ''lo tell of their po- ....i:.. nr. .I.. ii. . ? ., i-uuiir iiiKiii r wio reason oi uie i accident. It was at first thought that tho men wcro overcome by escaping gas ' from tho envelope and that they lott control of their craft for this rea son. Physicians say Yates is internnlly iniured. but Forbes, they think, was only severely injured and suffering from shock. Forbes, who is a licensed balloon pilot, ha wide experience in aero nautics. FTc has sailed in a number of national balloon races. He was considered ono of the most expert manipulators of balloons iu the diited State UULLLUL UU IU I U I PLAYERS TO ROUT Students of Washington State Col lege Armed With Eqqs and Tin Cans, Break Up Performance. PULLMAN, Wash,, May 11. Pol- IfiU'imr fi "riimr rinf" in in rwirt r f college, an angry band of actors, whoso performance was broken up by the students lust night, took tho first train out of Pullman today. Night before Inst tho Thespians gave their initial perfomauco iu a locnl playhouse Tho "show" did not meet with the approval of a number of students who attended the first night's performance As a rosult, tho gallery was crowd ed last night with tho college men, all of whom woro .armed with cgg, tomatoes and tin cans. Although the gallery was filled to suffocation, only seven persons oc cupied scents on tho lower floor. Tho show's nianagor, said to lie a nativo of this county, came before tho curtain and denounced the boys of the college "I attended this college n few years ago and havo been ashumed of it over since," ho said. Refoi'c ho could nronnnd ftirtlini- the students bogan to boot and final- My 10 retired. The ieering continued until it was announced that the por- formiince had been called off. ASHLAND MARSHAL BRINGS MAN TO JAIL Chief trwin of Ashland was at Jacksonville Wednesday, having iu charge Ed Davidson, sentenced to servo DO days for currying concealed weapons, uud John Hiieksou, who was arrested Sunday by Chief Shearer after u hard inn. Mrickson was identified by the railroad men nt Ashland ns tiio fel low that persuaded Iho bnikeinnii not to kick him off tho train. Tho gun usod by Krioknon in Ms . .. . of ago and ns n eonsonuonco claims protection of the juvonjlo court. Ho is a husky looking "kid," alrighl, but might be of any age from 10 lo 28. U are Missing the Chance of a Lifetime If you iniHH a look at my holdings. Kvorything is being Huori fiood to close out quickly. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Office over Fruitgrowers' Banlt , A SERMON ON BACKSLIDING 'Till: XKCIiSHITV OK I1I5M' IH SriMKCT TO.NK3HT. The hard rain Monday evening nuuhi the nttondnnco at the tnlier-1 naclc the sinallest hIhco the meet- ( lng began, but liiMt night tint at tendance of over 1,200 proved thnt! the Interest Is Incrcaslm;. Dr. Oli ver preached on lltickHlldliig". from the text found In Jeremliih -: 19. "Thine own wIckodiieitH shall corrrct t thee, nnd thy tmcltHlldlnKH shall re-J I prove thco; know, therefore, nnd me, ! that It In nn ovll thing nnd btttor, that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, nnd thnt my fenr Ih not In thco, Hitlth the Lord God of hoMti." EvnngnllHt Oliver called his hear-; ors' attention to the fact thnt tho j question of "backsliding" wan spoken j of between SCO and 'J00 times In tho j Mlblo and that oftentimes thono In a eonununlty who opposed n move ment as In now being conducted In Medford by tho united churches, have at sometime nnd Homowl.ero, thorn-' selves been church members, but throuch lack of Htnmlnr. r.nd chnr actor have fallen by tho wnynlde Dr. Oliver pleaded with men nnd women to bold u nign sinnunni or Christian living nnd be uncompro' mlHlng with tho world and worldly amusements. At the close of the sermon n largo number enmo for ward signifying thoir d Mro to ro turn to the Christian life Tho NcccHHlty of Hell. Dr. Oliver will deliver one of IiIh strongest senuoiiB tonight, "Tho Ne cessity of Hell," s tho subject. A .Service for Voiiug People. On Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock t Dr. Oliver will glvo his third lecture to tho yount: people, all of tho chil dren and young people from tho schools being Invited to come 8er-' vices are held In tho tnbernaclo every . afternoon at 2:30 except on Moildny' and Saturday. NO FOUNDATION FOR RUMOR OF STEAMER RATE WAR SEATTLE, Wash., May 11.- There is no foundation for the rumor cur rent iu Los Angoles that a rate war health loads to the holier here today is probable between the I'acific thnt she is seriously ill. Coast Steamship company and the' Qvo i'oars are oxprossed that San Francisco & Portland Steam- King Ooorgo also is overtaxing his ship company, according to Presi- .strength. The king lias avoraged dent T. J. Ford of the Pacific Const i four hours' sleep n night sinco the company, today. do'1'' f Ki'ig Edward. Ford said that ho received reliable Tlio new king is occupied iu at infonnntion to the effect that the tempting to straighten the work left Snn Francisco and Portland com- unfinished by his father and is also pnny docs not intend to iiivndo the , personally arranging most of the de- Soiithorn California field, "Even if they do, it does not no ccssarily follow that a rate war would follow," added Ford. J. L. L00MIS JOINS THE MILLIONAIRE ROW J. L. Loomis has .joipod the "Mil lionaire Row" on tho west foothills ( north of Jacksonville, having pur-1 chased ten acres of penr orchard! from Dr. floni'li. nn rl of Iho J. M- Hurley place, and six acres from L. P. Hubbard, part of Iho Oranvillo ! u ,.ui,.(,. ,...,;.. iii,.,,r,. A in .,w...r. ,,,v...h ...... 000, and u bargain ho has at that. Tho sale was made through the agency of W. T. York & Co. Notice. Kennies Chapter, O. E. S moots tonight at 7:30. Initiation of enndi - dates. Members please come Lil- lian R. Woodford, secretary, A Snap. 1 Ton aores good fruit land, hull' milo from Englo Point; price $800, $100 cash, lmlnnco ono yonr at 8 por cent. Aylor & Riirnolt, next lo Mail Tiihiino office 45 - RESOLVED Tho host resolution for you to tnako in to coum to iih for your next suit, if you want something out of tho ordinary. Wo do tho bust work and olmrr Iho lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT Tint rEoaEtoBiirvE tajlos FINE BUSINESS is being dono by tho new grocery store, it will pay you to cull and got acquainted with the way we do business. Special delivery to any part, of the eity by our own special delivery R. T. ALLIN Successor to CI ood friend 132 W. MAIN Phone 2691 Kardon is serving sweet milk nnd fresh buttermilk from nis fountain at fx per glass. QUEEN ALEXANDRIA IS THOUGHT VERY ILL Qravo Fears Also Expressed Thnt King George Is Overtaxing His Strength Deny illness of Queen. LONDON, May II.-The eagerness of the royal physicians in denying that the iiueeu mother is iu poor tails of the late king's fuuural, GAYN0R TO CLOSE ALL INDECENT GOTHAM SHOWS NEW YORK, May 11. On ac count of the many complaints ho has received about indoeont playH iu some of tho Rroadway theaturs, Mayor Oaynor has aunuuucod that no will suppress nil such performances. In a communication sont to the police commission, the mayor re- i'luosts that renewal of the license of , tho, Nuw Y"'k theater bo withhold until the inanai;cineiiL elves suffiei- 1ont surety that no mom plays like , '"''lie Cirl With the Whooping Cough" ,produood thoro lust woidc will ho given. The commission grunted the , roquoHt and (hero was no show at , 1110 Now Y,"'1 "iglit. 1 Th" l"v ' Un Now York thoalor , wnH novoroly orilioisod as vulgar ami course, Rnrdoii's new fountain has Sis- tkiyou mineral wator on draught, ifie par glass,