MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDPORD, OR ISO ON. TUESDAY. MAY 10. 1910. HILL INTERESTS PIEPARE TO GET POWER EQR LINE JUrtfeiw if IncenMratkin Are Filed &r Uak far Constractlw ef all ttmk With Either Steam er Elec- Irk Fewer. : Too Lat to Classify j KQI3E, Idaho, May 10. The filiiiR of Kztielea of incorporation with the secretary of state in this city by the Trv-Stato Railway & Tower coin pany ana th Columbia Power d Light company,, is boliovcd to be an other nova on the part of the Hill interests in its general railroad In vnxToa of the northwest suites. The papers were filed by C. M. McDow ell", sattl to be a personal roprcsenta tire- of James J". Hill, whose object is said to be to secure control of anT f ornish electric power for feed injr lines to the Hill system. The articles filed by both compan ics arc practically the- same in detail thmnRHOHt. Thoy have as their ob ject the construction and operation of crerythinjr connected with the steam railroads, electric lines, jras plants, electric power, electric heat, electric upht, hvdro-clectnc systems, "water systems of all kinds, transpor tation, irrigation and other schemes. The capital stock of the Colombia lowef & Light company is given as $3,O00.00D. while that of the Tri State company is .ostensibly $10,000. Tt is stated on good authority that the Hill interests will interlace Wash ington. Oregon and Idaho with steam and electric lines, operating from Vaneonrer, Portland, WnlIa Walla, J -cms ton, Boise, Ontario, and other points. FOR SALE YounK team, weight 2,500 pounds; harness and wagon. Inquire Owner, 723 13th street 'West. 4S FOR KENT Hoom. and board tor ono or two gentlemen. 325 River side Avenue South. 45 FOR SALIC One mule coming 3 years old. Inquire 525 South C street. 46 THE FINANCIAL WORLD. New York. NEW YORK, May . 10. After showing early strength the general tone ot the stock market today was heavy. An early advance was checked by heavy selling orders from London. A fluctuating market was one of the features of the trade with a general advance before noon. New York Central, Canadian Pacific and United States Steel dropped a frac tion of a point. Louisville & Nash ville gained 14: American Malting preferred 1 1-4; International Har vester, 1. St. Paul. United Steel and American Smelting experienced an upward movement in the second hour of trading, but lost fractions later. Tho greatest gain was made by Brooklyn Union Gas, Which rose 4 points. Local Gas gained 1 point and Interborongh Metropolitan pre ferred went up one. American Sugar dropped 1 3-S. The market closed strong. Bonds were firm. WATER TOO DEAR, SO TORE DOWN HOUSES MRS. VIALS BODY IS RECOVERED Was Found After 24 Hours of Drnu ninu River at Spot Whcro Boat Capsized Youiiq Woman Most Hllily Esteemed. NOTED CONTRALTO WITH WALTER DAMKOSCII. STILL HEARING WATER CASES OF LITTLE BUTTE Superintendent of Water H. L. Uolgate is liearing the contests over Ihe waters of Little Butte creek this afternoon. The matter has finally .jcvolred itself into the matter of i7ndlg how ranch water per acre each original claimant is entitled to, and the distribution of the same. The Fish Lake company admits the prior claims of certain water users along the stream, and under the Inlc law the board of water com missioners is endeavoring to so dis tribute the water that each will have TiFk foil quota. The question before Mr. Holgate now is to determine how much water Hie "Fish Late company mnst allow to go down the stream in order that the writer-users and claimants may have Uuiic !ne share. UtuSoaa tor Health. The army's booty, every scrap of wood, was stored in the neighhoriii! cellars enough firewood to last for months. "My wnter bill for nil of last year was $10," said Miss Heuly, who seemed much pleased when her build ings were razed. "Now tho city ho a new water inotcr system; the quar terly bill was $22.40. I wouldn't pax. No; I ordered the wnter turned off nnd gave my tennnts 48 hours' notice to move. Let others pay such a wn- ROXBURY, Mass., May 10. "Tear down my houses," angrily cried Miss Eleanor Henley, the own er, today. "The wnter rate I have Albany to pay is robbery. Tear them down ; J Fmrbettcr off without them." . Obeying orders, an army of wo- ter rate; I never will." men, children and men attacked two dwellings one of two stories, one FOOT HILL LAND, of three at Webber street and 100 Acres foothill land 1 1-2 miles Douglass avenue. Armed with bat- from Phoenix; very best deep free tering rams and levers, the destroy-) soil; 30 acres in bearing trees; 13 ing horde demolished the woodwork acres of which are Spitzenburg of the houses, splintered floors. (apples, promising a bis crop this crushed throueh Dnrtitions. tore off i'ear; 10 acres in alfalfa; good houso shutters and doors. In a few hours all that was left of the dwellings was a huge pile of brick, stone and powdered mortar. tlonally easy terms. Call at our of fice for particulars. AYLOR & HARNETT, Next to Mall Tribune Office. and barn. It's above frost lino with a beautiful view of the valley. This Is an Ideal fruit proposition and we are in a position to make excep- Believes In Advertising Apples. WENATCHEE, Wash.. May 10. Apple growers here are urged by I. J. Freany, formerly of Indianapolis, nnd now a grower In this section, to start a syBterv&tlc advertlslnc cam paign to educate the public to buy Wenntchco apples. He strongly rec ommends advertising to the trade, also, as It Is necessnry to cducnto the mlddlemnn as well as the public In general In ordor to market the apples to the best advantage. Wenntcheo growers nre actuated by a progressive spirit and they be lieve In printer's Ink. ROSKnURO, May 10. Ktirly tltis morning, after 24 hours of eontiim ,oii8 dragging of tho Umpqua river, tho body of Mrs. Aden Vial, daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred J. Hlako . ley, who was drowned with Mitts Hnttio Smith Monday night while boating, was found at the spot whore the boat capsized, (100 yards nhoo. tho dam at Whir-hooter, five mi!is. north of Roschurg. I 1 Mrs. Vial went to Winchester 1 1 shortly after noon Sunday, and usual rude her favorite saddle pony. Upon her arrival she met a utituhei' of friends and tho afternoon wax spent most onjoyahly. She had in tended to come home in order to pro side at the piano at the regular eve ning services at the Episcopal church, hut upon being urged to re main over night a guest of Mi-. Smith, she consented. The two vor great friends and frequently visited each other. There were probably few young la dies in Roschurg hotter known or !inorc highly esteemed than Mrs. Aden Vial, and her tragic death has east a gloom over the entire city. She was horn in Pittsburg 2.'1 years ago and eamo to Rosehurg when 17 years -if ago. She was a member of th Episcopal church and was affiliated with numerous social organizations in this vicinity. Aside from a heart broken father nnd mother, she loaves one sister, Miss Grace, of Roschurg, nnd one brother, Will, who is nt present in tho employ of Mr. Hlnkr loy's brother at Pittsburg, Pa. The brother has been notified of tho death and may attend the funeral. HAVE YOU ATTENDED THE UNION MEETINGS COME OUT TONIGHT Dr. French E. Oliver IS DELIVERING- SPLENDID ADDRESSES EVERY NIGHT, BEGINNING AT 7:30 P. M. Yes somotimcs n placard in a window helps tho nd-answeror to find tho houso that's advertised. Hut it docs nbt usunlly help much more than that. For Sale Land that will cut six crops ot alfalfa a year. U. S. Government irrigation. If you are interested, address S. F, EHORN & SON ORLAND, CALIF. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. NEW MEN, OLD EXPERIENCE. J. W. DIAMOND 115 EAST MAIN ST. Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southern Pacitjc (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs $00.00 Omaha . . $60.00 Kansas City ...$60.00 St. Joseph $60.00 St. Paul via Council Bhifife - $63.90 Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $03.90 Duluth, direct ,$66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will bo on sale Mav 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. The abovo rates apply from Portland only. From points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to abovo ratos. Excopt that faros to St. Paul and Minneapolis ono way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and faro to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. Ten days provided for tho going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for completo information, or WM. McMTJRRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon i t X I 4 1 r Wash Fabrics Here is a line in which we excell. You can find as neat an assortment of pretty, dainty, durable and desir able wash goods here as in most larger stores of the cities. By shopping early this week we can save you money. Everything is new and everv price is a SPECIAL hop Early This Week Special Prices For Early Buyers We cannot go into detail about all of the special offerings to be found at this store this week. We invite you to come and examine the special drives. You are sure to find just what you want, A trip to this store now will save, you time, bother and money. Not only art! our assortments in splendid condition but for this week or at least for the next few days we offer special induce ments. Come in soon and get first choice. Big Line of Wash Waists Just received a big shipment of new lawn, linen and fancy white and colored wash waists. This lot was bought for a special drive and the values are surprisinglv good, whilo the prices are THE LOWEST WE EVER MADE ON NEW (100DS. Ladies' Suits "Wash and wool suits and dresses are here for your inspection. We feel very sure that you can find some thing to please vou in our line. EVERYTHING IS NEW. McCafl Pattern No. 3IS3 r ' EXQUISITE DINNER OR EVENING GOWN SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. Hair Goods We would be pleased to show you our assortment of Hair Goods, switches, rolls, etc., etc., and all at very moderate prices for such fine goods. THE C B CORSETS PLEASE. Try a C. M. ( !orsct. They are modeled the same as the finest imported makes, and we carry styles for every form. Your clothes fit and' look best over a corset that exactly fits you. May we show you? 1 1 3&zmmmxwzm&' HM;viriiaa Miliar 28 SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE. See Windows. Buy Domestics Muslins, sheetings, sheets and slips, ging hams, ticks, and, in fact, all the domestic line is here and AT LOW PRTOKS. Muslinwear You won't care to look further for good values and exceptionally low prices when you examine our line of muslin wear, gowns, cor set covers, drawers, chemise, combination suits etc., etc., all finished and trimmed with good durable laces, insertions, embroideries, etc. The sizes are ample. GET OUR PRICES. t f II 8 h o tli In tli el.