Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 10, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Want Advertising' Is a "Deal-Maker" Be'ween the Man With the Plan and the Man With the Dollar I
New York Symphony Orchestra Is
Noted Over Entlro Country as the
Most Marvelous Organization.
Waller DamroHch'n iipcura tioo in
our city May 1(1 with thu Now York
Symphony OrchoHtrn, brings niiturnl-i
ly to mind (ho number of Union which
Mr. niuiiroHcli Iiuh visited each city
with Iiih ornhoHtrn, iih well iih with
opera, in the pnHt. Thn beginning of
those travclH wan in Chicago, where
ho mude IiIm firHt how to tln pnhlic
iih mi ounra conductor,
Tho oiroumstunooH of this event0" a",, K 1,0,,HOn r'U w,,0,n
wore dramatic ContrnotH had licen
Hindu by Dr. Leonid DamroHch to
take Ihn opora company to Chicago,
Boston and a fow other places when
the eminent conductor middonlv died
The Hingor, hb well iih the direr-torn.
scorned to think that Walter Dam
i ii . . .
niHcn conio carry otu tneso con
tracts and finish the Hoason; ho in
February, 1885, a hov of 23, he
Htartod out with an opern company
of about 1.10 people on n Baltimore
Ohio train, bound for Chicago. Tin
comany wan to have arrived on
Sunday evening', but a blizzard nud
other incidenlH stalled the train for
hours, and it wnH 8:1,1 on Monday
evening before the company arrived,
tired and hungry. A huge audience
had gathered at the Columbia the-
ator at 8 o'clock to hear "Tann-
haiiHer." It was n little before t) be
foro the company reached thn the-
ntor. 8conory, costnmoH and prop
ortion woro literally hurled onto the
Hinge. The audience showed Hie
grontest kindlinr-sH and forbearance
and wnltcd patiently nnd good-nn-
tnrcdly until DamroHch rained the
Imton for the 'Tnnn!inunpr" over
ture a little beforo 10 o'clock. Thn
confuHion behind tho hcuiioh wan be
yond description. Costumes woro
found nt Inst, Hennery put In plnco
nnd the pcrformnnce went on nmid
great enthusiasm and without n iiuh
hap, tho curtain falling on the final
Mceuo at 1 :30 n. m. The oncournge
ment which DmnroHoh derived from
thin reception by the Chicago public
wns one of bin great incentives nnd
inspirations to further effort.
Scat Hale for Ibis great attraction
will hegin nt HnHkins' Friday at 10
n. m. First come, first Borvcd, an
there will be no rcervntlon.
May 10. At tho Homo of tho prM-
ont Homester, President Dnvid Stnrr
Jordan will lenvo for n vacation of
nino mnntliH in Europe, tho first ex
tended vncntion ho has had in 30
yenrs. Ho will dovoto part of (lie
timo to recreation and part in the in
lorest of tho national zoological con
gross and the international school of
UnuVitw for TTonlth.
In tho circuit court of tho statu of
Oregon for tho county of Jackson
PnclMo & Enatorn Rillvny, plain
tiff, vs. I. J. Phlppa nud C. P. Phlpps,
IiIh wlfo, r:i-' C. U. Wolvorton, dofnnd
To C. II. Wolvorton, dofondnnt:
In tho nnmo of tho Rtnto of Oregon,
you nro ho"ohy roqulrod to appear
nnd answer t'm omplalnt filed In tlio
uliovo untitled court nnd action, with
in nix weoka from tho dato pf tho flrat
publication o. thin aumuin:in, to-wlt:
On or before Mny 25, 1910, nnd If
you fall no tn appeal and niiHwor,
plaintiff will demand Judgment tlmt
nn assessment ho lind of tho dnmngoa
which will result to tho dofondants
heroin from thn talcing nnd appro
priation for rlsht of way of n atrip
of land fllxtv foot In width, bolng
thtrty-fiovon foet wldo upon tho oast
orly Hide nnd l.wonty-throo foot wldo
upon tho westorly aldo of tho contor
lino of tho railroad lino of plaintiff
na tlio snmo la ;iow locntod and ostab
llnhod over nnd ernes tho lnnda of
ftald defendants In Jackson county,
Oregon, tho courao of snld contor lino
being described ns followa: nogln
nlnir nt n point In tho north boundary
of said lnnda, which point la 1282,82
foet onat of tho Inaldo "I' cornor of
donation land claim nunibor 42, In
towiiBhlp .17 south of rnnno 2 wost of
"Wlll.imotto moildlnn, nnd running
tlioncn Bouth 13 dORroea 40 mlnutoa
cast 385 foot; thonco 200 foot on a
2 doreo ourvo to tho wont; thonco
south 7 dogreou 55 mlnutoa onat 000
foet, moro or lose, to tho contor lino
of Washington stvoot, oxtondod, In tlio
city of Modford, Orogon, and that by
ho payinont by tho plaintiff Into court
of tlio dnmnEon t;o assessed Judgment
iiu given appropriating nam riKin or
way to tli In plaintiff.
wrniiNaroN & kellt
Attorneys for Plata tiff.
In tlio circuit court of tho state it
Oregon for tlio county of Jackson.
lit tlio m: ttor of tlio .pplk.ntlon of
Scott V. Dnvln to register tltlo to
t!io following dom-rlbml real ustuto,
situated In Jacki:on county, iitato of
Oregon, to-wlt:
Lots ono (1) and two (2)
hlock number twmity-throo (23) o
tint orlKlnnl city (formerly town
of Mc ford an tlio mi mo In marked
and delineated ot tlio recorded pint
Charles M. Meeker. MI'iorvn A
Monitor, E, P. Purcoll, I.nclndn Pur
It may concern, dofondnntn
Take notice, that on the lCth day
of April. A. I). 1910, nn application
was filed by 8cott V. Davis In '.ha
circuit court for Jnckson county, Oro-
Ron, for Initial roglntrntlon of tlio
title of the l.Mul above described
Now unless you apponr on or bo
fore the 18th dr.y of June, 1910, nnd
show cniiHo why such application
shall not bo panted, tho nnmo will
bo taken nn confessed nnd n decreo
will bo entored according to tho
prnyor of tho application nnd you
will bo forove: bnrrod from disput
ing tho nnmo.
Witness my hand nnd tlio seal jf
the court horoto nfflxod this tho 2d
dny of May, 1910.
County Clork of Jackson County and
ex-Offldo Clerk of tho Circuit
Court for snld County nnd Ctnto.
(Seal) ny M. II. TOWNE,
tu Doputy,
11. F. MULKBY,
Attornoy for Applicant
OTICH OF HA 1,1-2 OF 9flO.000.00
Illds will be received up to Juno 1,
1010, nt tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m.
of snld dny, by Jns. M. Cronomlllor,
treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon,
for the purchaso of 150,000.00 (fifty
thousand dollars), coupon bonds, of
$1,000.00 denomination, to bo issued
by School District No. 4 3. of Jack
son County, Oregon, payable In twen
ty yenr;, ten years' optional, bearing
5 per cent Intrcst por annum, Intor-
oat pnyable semi-annually. Dlds to
bo accompanied by cert'.flod check, 5
per cent of the amount of tho bid
Tho board of directors of said Bchool
dlHtrlct No. 4 9 reserve tho right to
reject any and all bids.
Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon.
Dated this 5th day of May. 1910.
THACTOIta. To All to Whom It May Concorn:
Notlco In horoby given that tho Coun
ty Commissioners' Court of Jackson
County, Oroxon, will receive sealed
bids for tho building and construct
ing of a steel bridge across Hear
Creek nt Phoenix, Oregon, "two 100
foot spnnu;" also for tho building
of a steel bridge ncrotn Donr Creole
near the foot of Oak Stroot, Ash
land, Oregon, "one 80-foot span;" ac
cording to tho plans nnd specifica
tions now on fllo nt tho of'lco of
tho county clerk of Jackson County
for tho Information of bltW'ors: each
bridge to be bid on separate, and
each and every bid filed miub' bo ac
companied by u fortified c'"eck of
at least 5 per cont of tho amount of
the bid. and the tiers'
Court reserves the right to reject any
and all bids filed, all bids to bo filed
with tho county elork on or boforo
1 o'clock p. in., June 2, 1910.
Hy ordor of tho county court.
Attost: W. 15. COI.KMAN,
County Clerk
Dated at Jacksonville, Or., this 7th
day of May, 1010.
Notioo is horoby given thnt tho
undersigned will apply to I ho mayor
nnd city council of tho city of Mod
ford nt Hh next regular mooting to
io held mny 17, 1010, for tho ihsu-
nnco of a lioonao fo rtho salo of 3pir-
ituoiiH, malt nud vinuous li'pioiB in
quantities of loss than ono gallon in
tho promises known ,a tho ITolel
Mo oro Bar, lioing on lots 1, 2 nnd !!,
Hlock !!, of the Town of Modford
for u period of six months fiom nnd
nftor Juno .1, 1010.
FOR SALE 100 ncrca of good Innd,
half of It In cleared; S mtloa onat of
Modford. This Is a bargain at $20
per ncro, AddroBa, Owner, caro of
Mall Trlbuno.
FOR SALE-1 110 ucroB, 10 acres aot
to commercial fruit; tho host bar
gain In tho vnlloy, Bonaon Invest
ment Co. 43
This Year, In This City
Want Advertising Will Build a Lot of New Business !
While it remains Himply a PLAN, you needn't want-advertise it. Hut when you are ready to WORK
OUT the plan, to "get it going," your want advertising campaign -hould have attention a-plenty.
If your plan is good, want advertising will help you put life into it.
There is a faulty ndago that "Tho good die young." Hero is a truer ono:
Good Plans, Not Well Advertised, Dlo Youn.
And, it may bo added, they die whilo they're Htill PLANS before they aro strong enough to walk be
foro they grow into businesses, into "going concerna."
A lot of tho biiajnosB successes of ono and two years honco arc now PLANS. They will aurvivo
the plan-ago chiefly bocaiiHO they will bo well advertised becauso their fosterers know how to mako
want advertising a pushing and helping force.
You may mako your plan one of tho near-future busincsB successes, if it's a good plan, and you're
a good wnul advertisor.
FOR SALIC -200 ncrca of tho flncut
fruit land In Rogue River valley,
4 1-2 mil s from railroad station;
1-4 mile from Roeuo river; 1 CO
acres ready to set. Thlc la a snap
at $75 per i-cre; $7000 cash will
handle. Call or write to Siskiyou
Realty Company, room 22, Jack
son County Dank bldg.
FOR HA LIC A young 30-acro or
chard tract set to commercial apples
and pears, adjoining the city limits
of Ashland, Or.; good soli; sightly
location; lies prnctlcilly level; or
chard In fine cond itlon; ono of tho
best buys In the valley ; price for a
short tlmo only $250 por acre; or
will subdivide. Address Gillette &
Campbell, Ashland, Oro. Phono No.
1001 Main. C0
FOR SALE 21 acres of fine land,
1 1-2 miles out; if taken In a fow
days will sell for $2100. Bcnson.43
FOR SALE 4 98 acres land in Scott
Valley, ono of tho most beautiful and
fertile spots in California; mostly in
Alfalfa, and can bo Irrigated; well
Improved, good fences, and first-
class buildings. $4,500. For fur
ther particulars address Walker
Bros., Etna Mills, Siskiyou County,
California. CS',-4
FOR SALE 40 acres deep black
loam soil set to Nowtowna nnd Spitz
npplee 1 year old Inst fall; greatest
bargain in tho valley at $1200;
terms. Humphrey, East Main at.
Phono 3992.
FOR SALE Ten acres under ditch;
three miles northeast of Medford.
This Is a snap at $1200. Siskiyou
Realty Company, room 22, Jackson
County Bnnk bldg.
FOR. SALIC 5 and 10-acre tracts
just within and adjoining city lim
its, at a bcrgnin, on 5 unnuul pay
moutH. Address Condr Water
Power Co.
FOR SALE 3 acres 3-4 mito from
Eaglo Point; this Is first-class un
developed fruit land; will bo offor
od for a short tlmo for $200. Plerce
Shopherd & Co. 50
'OR SALE Small new liouso, largo
barn, big lot, all In gardon, chick
on fenced, east front, on prominent
street, sower In and paid, city wa
tor; price $800; $400 cash, balance
easy; no agents. Addroes A4, enre
Mail Trlbuno. 43
'OR SALE A block of 13 lots, nlco
nnd high, near paving; will eoll
block for $2G00 cash; must go east
at onco. Benson. 43
'OR SALE 7-room rouse, 2 lots,
$2300 If taken by tho 13th. Address
P. O. 737. 43
FOR SALEHouso and lot on Ham
ilton stroot, close In; $S50; terms.
Siskiyou Roalty Co., Jackson Coun
ty Bnnk.
FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow,
close In, RoohovoU nnd Queon Anne;
house cost $1S00; lot worth $S00;
will soil for $2150; terms. Hum
phrey, S15 East Main. Phono
.JR SALEA nlco bungalow for
almost any ' ronsonablo offor. Seo
Bonoon. 43
Timber Land.
FtrSALK 40"ncres oTlso'dtrtlmbor
flvo rallos from Medford; all down
hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoonlx, Ore
gon. '
Biiklncss Prnpnrty.
FOR SALE Choice business prop-
orty at a bargain, on long timo;
easy tonus. Address Condor Wa
tor Power Co. "
FOR BALK -$2,200 will buy block
of bovou largo lots; splendid loca
tion; tonus. This Is a nionoy
maUor. X. Y. 7t caro Mall
Trlbuno. 4R
FtTTt SALK--Lots In Oak Park addl-
Hon to Control Point, from $100 up.
ThU Is your opportunity. Como and
aBk iih about It Siskiyou Realty
Company, 22 Jackson County Bank.
FOR "SALE Lot on Ross court, Just.
ff Main; prlco $fi50. Room 22,
Jackson County Bank bldg. '
FOR SALE Good lot Ir. Wnlnut
Park addition, two blocks from pav
ing on Coluaitus aveme, cast front;
terms to suit purchaser. Address
N2, care of Mail Tribune office.
FOR SALE Fine lot on West 4th
street; $550; terms. Siskiyou Realty
Company, 22 Jackson County Dank
FOR SALE Nlco large lot on Palm
street, ono block from Oakdalo ave
nue; $300. Siskiyou Realty Com
pany, No. 22 Jackson Co. Bank.
FOR SALE City lots, $2; for a
small, safe Investment cee th city
lots I offer at $300 and $250 per
l'.t; $29 cash payment, balance $10
per month; no lnterot. H. C. Malt
by, Palm 1 1dg.
FOR Salt $2,200 will take block of
six splendid lots, close to new car
line; building restrictions; terms
This is a real bargain. X. Y. Z., care
of Tribune
rran or Orchards.
i)R SALE 60 acres, rraert building
clto In the alley, Includh e 30 acres
good fruit land; cheap and terms
right. H. O. Malthy, Palm Bldg.,
Main and Front.
fTJR tJALIJ-Nfnetj nana. 30 in on
year old npplo and pear tres, 100
Inches ot water, 2 1-2 miles frora
railroad station. For terms write
"Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 261
FOIl SALE Alout 30 acres of good
orchard land 1 1-2 miles oast of
Phoentx. One-half Is in orchard.
Tolophone. Modford, 1199, or ad
dress C. T. Parne, Phoenix. Ore.
QUICK SALE Oao team, medium
sized wo.i horses, wagon, harness,
now plow, $200; cheap for
quick oalc. Chas. Coder, Jim How
ard place, ono mllo from ond of
Oakdalo South.
FOR SALE Good work and driv
ing team. In Al condition, at a rea
sonable prlco; can bo scon at 10C
Clark street. 43
Business Opportunities.
FOR SALE Good paying business
and lease, wholo or half Interest.
Address E. caro of Tribune.
FOR SALE Office furnlturo, almost
now, at your own price. Benson. 43
FOR SALE Houses, lots, orchard
and farm land; automobilo; oftlco
furnlturo; must go oast at onco.
Benson. 43
FOR BALE Chandler & Prlco Gor
don Jobbor, 11x14 press; a bargain.
Inqulro Mull Trlbuno office.
FOR SALE Fine stock, truit nnd
dairy farm In southern Orogon and
northorn California. For particulars
address Box 15, Hilts, Cal. 60
FOR SALE Ono rako and mowing
mnchluo; boiuc horses. 125 North
Fir street. Phono Main 30S1. 4C
FOR SALE Ono doublo-8eated
loathor top surroy; good as now,
with doublo sot of harness to match,
at a bargain Apply Geo. P. Mlras,
Contral Polut.
"OR SALE Almost now 5-passen-gor
touring car, nt any old prlco;
niiiBt go east at onco, Bonaon. 43
FOR SALE A full lino of Old Hnmp-
ahtro and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth
finish; letter bonds nnd onvolopos.
Mali Trlbuno oftlco.
FOR SALE Wall paper, pnlnts, oils,
bruahos, a very complete lino; In
formation cneorfuily given by an
oxporlonced painter. M. J. Motcnlf,
318 E. Main t.
FOR SALE Milch cow. In full flow
of milk, well bred, choice; prlco
reasonable. Call nt No. 11 North
Contral avonuo. 42
FOR SALE Now furnlturo of five
room houac; ovorythlug coutpleto;
1U80 "l "uoru uungaiow. -
I "'8a l10N J n 'uuno. hi.
'FOR SALE No. 1 Jersey cow and
ealf at a bargain. Address Jos. B.
n l m-." f
oaius, iuio, wr.
FOR SALE Good cow. Goorgo Flak,
Griffin Creek. 44
FOR SALE Furniture, C07 South
Central Avo. 44
FOR SALE Good milch-cow, one
horse wagon nearly new; organ, sew
ing machine and all other household
goods. 524 South Hamilton St. F,
J. Hcrtago, 48
FOR SALE Ltgal blanks oi all
kinds trespass and other notices,
at Mall Trlbuno office.
lions ee.
FOR RENT 7-room modern bunga
low on Oakdalo avenue; possession
May 10 to 15. McArthur & Alcxaa
dor, room 3 P. O. block.
FOR RENT In Control Point, close
in, a neat cottage of 5 rooms, good
.well, barn and garden, etc. Address
Jos. B. Stearns, Tolo, Or. 50
;FOR RENT Two flats close in: ono
5 and one 6 rooms; modern. Mrs
Enyart. Phone 4221. 44
FOR RENT New 4-room house,
closo in, $12&0. Humphrey, 815
East Main, or phone 3992.
FOR RENT Modern 11-room house,
closo In; two baths. Addrecs Mrs
Enyart, 18 South Almond street
city. Phono Main 4221. 45'
Fnrntsbed Rooms.
FOR RENT-Two nicely furnished
rooms with bath, for two or four
gentlemen. 122 North Ivy st. 50'
run RENT Modern turuutd
rooms at G04 Vest 10th or 124 KJng
FOR RENT Offices ever postoMice
on April 1st; will be steam heated
and have hot and cold wator by next
winter. Apply to A. A. Davis.
FOR RENT Modern furnished room
at 44 4 South Fir street.
Housekeeping Rooms.
FOR RENT Furnished housokeep
ing rooms on tho ground floor. 133
North Riverside avenue. 43
FOR RENT Ourdon land on Bear
oreek, ono aore nnd upwards with
wnter for irrigation; owner will
furnish team, plow and seed for
pan oi crop, aee bmita, Condor
Wator k Power Co. CO
FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold
mine; ten-stamp mill and concen
trator, all orerated by eloctrlc pow
oi. Owner will furnish free elec
tric power for share In proceeds. Soo
Smith, at Condor Wator & Power
FOR RENT Pasture land on Price
Ranch, Tolo; irrigated land, next to
McDonougb ranch, Tolo. Condor
Water & Power Co. 50
Holp Wanted Mnto.
WANTED Ten wood choppers. Ap
ply to Llljljren, Tolo, Or. 50
WANTED Tw'o- carpentered Apply
at Condor Wator & Powor Co., W.
Main street. 50
WANTED Experienced stone cutter
and quarry man. Call nt Condor
Water nnd Powor Co's. offico.
WANTED Salesmen in ovory local
ity of tho northwest; monoy ad
vanced wookly; many nihko over
$100 month; cholco of territory,
Yukimn Valley Nurse : Co., Top-
ponlsh, W.ish,
WANTED Men capablo of earning
$50 por weok soiling trees for larg
ost and best known nureory In tho
west; cholco torrltory; guaranteed
stock. For particulars address Oro
gon Nursery company, Orenco, Oro
gou. Cl
IIHp Wantod Female,
WANTED A oompotent woman for
housework and cooking; good wages,
also farm hand knowing young or
chard work. Addross L, care Mall
Tribune oftico. 47
WANTED Experienced ealoslady;
pood wages to right party, Rardon's
lmkory. 50
WANTED Nlco gl?l as waltros's;
wages $8 a wook, nt Canton Restau
rant, 33 South Front atreot, up
stairs, 50
WANTKD Olrl for goncrnl house-
I work, 219 South Central Avo.
WAITED A glrst-class ranch cook,
single woman preferred; wages $35
per month. Only
family need apply.
W.," caro Tribune
thoso without
Address "S
WANTED Situation by experienced
chauffeur or repair man; can oper
ate and repair any gasollno car; so
ber and reliable; references. Ad
dress Box 9C, city. 45
WANTED Six or sevon-room house,
furnished or unfurnished, by May
20; bank references. Address B2,
care of this office. 43
"WANTED Horse and buntry for
several months. State prlco with
or without board. G. P., Mall Tri
WANTED 1000 cords of fir ana oak
wood. Call at Condor Water &
Power Co. '8 office. 60
LOST Boston bull terrier bitch;
brlndle. Head Bwollen; no collar.
Reward If returned to Dr. Helms. 43
LOST Gold ring eyeglasses. Leave
at Mall Tribune office or at L. E.
Hoover. 43
LOST White :emalo Spitz dog, an
swers to name Rags; red collar with
nickel trimming. Leave at 221 West
Jackson street and receive reward. 45
LOST Sunday a. m., ladles' light tan
Jacket between Central Point and
Agate. Liberal reward If returned
to Mrs. L. D. Canfleld, G18 Jackson
St., Medford. 44
FOUND Brindlo Boston terrier dog.
Owner can have same by establishing
ownership and pay cost of advertise
ment. Apply Tribune office. 44
Palm building.
A. E. REAMER Lawyer. Over Post
office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA-
LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D
street, pro and floor.
vig, C. L. ReameB. Lawyers. Of
fice Medford National Bank build
ing, second floor.
B. F. MULKEY Attorney-at-law.
Offices room 30, Jackson County
Bank building, Medford.
dertakers. Day phone 351. Night
phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H
Butler 3571.
Mnckey nnd dio with joy." Over Al
len & Reagan's store; entrance on
Seventh street.
CINES Will cure rheumatism,
asthma, paralysis, sores and pri
vato diseases. These remedies may
he procured nt the Sing Leo lauu
dry, 123 S. Riversido avenue. Med
ford, Or., where thoy will be aold
by tho propriotor.
Dr. Chow Young has treated sov
ornl sovoro cases with his remedies
since comii. to Medford and has
for reference some of the best
known nnd most intelligent citizens
in Southoni Oregon. Call on him.
lin Shops.
J. A. SJnTII Tin shop. Tin and
sheet iron wnro on hand nnd mado
to order. 128 North G Street.
Messenger Service.
gers furnished nt all houso of day
and till 0 p. m. to any part of city,
from lOo to Phono Mnin 1812
CINES Will euro rhoumatism,
asthma, parnlysis, soros and pri
vate .disonsos. Thoso remedies
may be procured at tho Sing Lee
Lnumlry, 123 South Rivorsido ave.,
whoro thoy will bo sold by tho pro
priotov, CHOW YOUNG.
Dr. Chow Young has trentod
sovoral sovero cnBos with his rem
edies jinco coining to Modford nnd
has for roforencos some of the best
known nnd most intlligont citizons
, in Southorn Oregon. Call on him .
ELLA M. G A UN YAW Pa 1 m block.
Stonogrnphio work dono quickly
and well.
M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, 18
N. Front st. Phono 231.
Legal Blanks.
LEGAL BLANKS All sb-ios of lo-
gin maims kw hhio, a nuniirou an-1
i t.t i. j. i- , . .
foront forms. Modford Printing Co.
, oj t cj A J? ' lf ? " i n r
I ? . " ,r" .Fl
f. iimvy, .uuuuii. villein! uospuai
P. & E. It. R.
Hill Posters.
VERNE T. CANON Bill Potar and
Distributor. All orders promptly
filled. Room 20, Jnokaon Comity
Dank building, Medford. Or.
Ileal tate.
some o tho choicest bargains in
real catato in this vnlloy. Also Brit
ish Columbia and Alborta, B. C, and
other parts. Call on him at Bitnor's
office, Phipps building, or at tho
Medford Auto company's garage,
whoro wo start ont onr agents for
the AJadden Mantle Lamp atid hid
den window screen. We will treat
yon right. Come nnd see.
Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance.
Office, suite 205-206, over Frnit
growcra' bank. Phone 541.
Printers and Publisher.
best-equipped job office in South
em Oregon; Portland prices. 37
South Central avenue.
Billiard Parlors.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs,
Young & Hall building. A nice, cool
place to spend the hot afternoons.
JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and
Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main.
Phone Main 3471. Residence phone
Carriage and Aato PalatiBg.
WORKS High-class work guaran
teed. Signs. Riverside avenue.
Phone 801.
H. F. WILSON & Co., dealers in now
and second-hand furniture and.
hardware. Agents for Monnd City
kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st.
Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford.
Mission Furniture mado to order.
Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial
order solicited.
and Ranges. New and Second-Hand
Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W.
F st. South. Phone 01. .Medford. Or.
are budded, not grafted. Our stock
is not irrigated. We guarantee ev
erything put out. We are not in the
trust. H. B. Patterson, office in
Hotel Nash.
Growers of high-grado nursery
stock. C. F. Cook, Prop., R. R. V.
depot. P. O. Box 841. Phono 1201.
DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist
Offico m rooms 203-204. Fanners'
& Fruitgrowers' bnnk building, west
of the tracks.
Physicians and Surgeons.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite
Jackson Comity bank. Night culls
promptly nnswored. Office and resi-
donco phone Main 3432.
Stewart building Physicians and
Surgeons. Offico phono Main 341;
private phono Main 612.
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
Physicians. Mission block. Phono
20k Meclford.
Cigars and Tobacco
IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokohouso
Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok
ers' supplios. Exclusive agents of
Lewis Singlo Binder, El Morito and
El Pnlencin. 212 West Main street.
Building Contractor.
ALEX. TAYLOR, Building Con
tractorHouses, bungalows, alter
ations, repairs. 31 North Central
avonuo, opposite postoffico.
Brick Conipanleo.
manufacturers and c ontrnctors;
also lime, cement and plaster in any
quuntity. Offico, Modford Nntional
Bank bldg. Phono Main C45.
G. W. Priddy. G. T. O'Brion.
O. D. Nnglo
BRICKLAYERS - K. Kuzin, ut
Smokehouse, first-oliiBS bricklayer,
stoneworkor, cement stopping
stucco nnd moulding, fireplaces nnd
tilo work u spooinlty, European
nbint dnv or contract
I'alutera ai d Paerhanger.
GERWOLF & WARD, contracting
pnintora, paporhnngors and deco
rators; signs. Estimates given on
all kinds of day and job work. Park
View notol. Phono Main 1801.