MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MtiDFORD, ORl'lOON, TUESDAY, MAY .10, 10.10. I 1 1 1 f ! ( Through By CLEVELAND MOFFETT Copyright, 1905, by "I saw the plncc whore ho boards, this Adolf Groener. In fact, 1 stop there, nnd 1 talked to the woman rlin runs It, a sharp-eyed young wid ow with a smooth tongue, and 1 saw tho place where he works. It's n woodcarvlng shop, all right, and 1 talked to the men there. I'apa Tl nol," he said Impressively, "they all tell a i simple story. Ills name Is Adolf Groener. 'He does live In Brus sels, and the widow who runs the boardldg house knows all about this Slrl Alice. "Then something happcucd." went on tho 'famous detective. "You sec, 1 was waiting hi the parlor of this boarding house for the widow to bring me my1 bill, and 1 happened to glance at a p"hotograph she had shown me when J first came, a picture of Alice and herself, taken Ave years ago, when Alice ;Vra)i twelve years old. There was nb doubt about the girl, and It was aygdod likeness of the widow. I now nptlced that it had no photogra T)hcr,q;ua,,me on It, which Is unusual, and IK seemed to mo there was some thing" Vjueer about the girl's hand. I went to the window and was studying i Commencing at the northeast cor "totj COWAHD31 tou HAVE killed rr ner of cUon 36, township 37, the picture with my magnifying glass when I beard the woman's step out side, so I slipped it Into my pocket "As soon as I was outside I Jumped Into a cab and drove to the princi pal photographers in Brussels. There were three of them, and at each place I showed this picture and asked how much It would cost to copy It. The first two were perfectly businesslike, but the third man gave a little start and looked at me In an odd way. I made up my mind ho had seen the pic ture before, but couldn't get anything out of him. From here 1 drove straight to police headquarters and had a talk with the chief. An hour later that photographer was ready to tell me the Innermost secrets of bis soul. He told me he made this picture of Alice and the widow only six weeks ago." "Six weeks ago!" stared tho other. "But the widow told you It was taken fl'v,o years ago. Besides. Alice wasn't In Brussels six weeks ago. was she?" "Of course not. Tho picture was a fake, made from a genuine one of Alice and a lady, perhaps her mother. This photographer bad blotted out the lady and printed hi the widow with out changing the pose. It's a almplo trick In photography." "You saw the genuine picture?" "Of course that Is, I saw a repro duction of it which the photographer made on his own account. lie suspect ed Rome crooked work, and ho didn't like the man who gave him the order." "You mean the woodcarver?" Coqucnll shrugged Ills shoulders. Call him a woodcarver. call him what you like; ho didn't go to tho photog rapher in his woodcarver disguise. He went as a geutlemau In a great hurry and willing to pay any prlco for the work." ' "And the smooth young widow lied?" "Lied!" snapped the detective sav- ngely. "I should sny she did." i "Thcn," cried Tlgnol excltedly-"then Groener Is not a woodcarver?" "He may bo a woodcarver, but he'B a great deal more. He he" Coqucnll hesitated, and then, with eyes blazlug and nostrils dilating, bo burst out: "If I know nnythlug about my busi ness ho's tho man who gave mo that left handed jolt under the heart. He's the man who choked your shrimp photographer, no's tho man who kill ed Mnrtlnezl" "Name of a green dog!" muttered Tlgnol, Coquenil went on, "Ho Isn't her 1 cousin, and sho Isn't Alice, and ho will bo at Bonuetou's houso tomorrow." "Wha-at?" "Her uame Is Mary, and be Is her Btepfather." "How do you know that?" Coquonll smiled. "I found an in Icrlptlou on tho back of that Brussels photograph I mean the genulno one. the Wall D. Appleton & Co. It was hidden under a hluged support, and Groener must have overlooked It. That was his second great mistake. It read. 'To my dear husbaud. Unoul, from his devoted wife. Margaret, and her little Mary. You notice It says her little Mary. That one word throws a flood of light on this case. The child was not his little Mary." "I see. I set,' reflected the old man. "And Alice? Does she know that Ibat she Isn't Alice?" "No." snddenly said Coqucnll: "See here. 'we've talked too much. You must hurry back to Alice. Rotter take an auto. And. remember. Papa Tlgnol," he added In final warning, "there Is nothing so Important ns to guard tbls girl." A few moments later, with Caesar bounding happily ui bis side. M. Paul entered the quieter paths of the great park. With the dog ift his heels M. Paul turned his steps toward a beauti ful cool glade. Here he came Into plain view of a company of Indies and gentlemen who. having witnessed the review, had chosen this' delightful spot for luncheon. They were evidently rich uud fashionable people, for they had come as a coaching party on a very smart break, with four beautiful norses. ana some m a uasnmg reu nnu , black automobile that was now drawn up beside the larger vehicle. Coque- nil's Interest was heightened when bej overheard a passing couple say that i these were the guests of no less a per- son than the Duke of Montreull, whose lavish entertainments were the talk of Paris. (To Be Continued.) CITY NOTICES. NOTICE OP EliECTIOX . Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon ' That notice is hereby given that a special election In and for the city of Medford, and In and for tho territory hereinafter described, has been ordered by said council to I be held, and the same will be held on the 24th day of May, 1910, be tween the hours of 9 o'clock, a. m. and 5 o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of submitting to the qualified elect ors of said city at said election the following question: Shall the boundaries of tho city of M ford bo altered by including therein the following described ter ritory, to-wit: Idlan: thence south on the east lino of said section 36 to the north llao of donation land claim No. 85, In said town and range; thence west along the north line of said dona tion land claim No. 85 and donation land claim No. 84, of said town amd range to the northwest corner of said donation land claim No. 84; thence north to the north line of said section 36, being the present bound ary of said city of Medford; thence east along said north line of said section 36 and the present boundary of said city, to place of commence ment; all in Jackson county, Ciegon. The following aro hereby desig nated as the places in said city at which the polls will be open within said city: First ward Commercial Club rooms. Second ward Nash hotel. Third ward City hall. Tho following Is hereby designated as the place In the territory above described at which the polls will bo open: Fourth house from south city limits, on west side of county road extending a uih from the trc of Nowtown street In eald city. Tho following have been and here by are, appointed and designated as judges and clerks of said election: First ward in said city L. L. Da mon, Judge; G. P. Llndley, Judge and clerk; C. W. Davis, Judgo and clork. Second ward In said city L. B. Warner Judgo; J. Bellinger, Judge and clerk; William Ulrlck, Judge and clerk. Third ward in said city M. F. Mc Cown, Judgo; Scott Davis, Judgo and St a& , oV clerk; H. B. Cady. Judgo and clerk. aoc So Krib" notified that tho KAnnLftJMvJ"- declared by i' o forcgo crlbed C. W. Rlnabergor, Judge; R. , ,.,. ' nmi.Hin A. JohnBon, Judge and clork William I Murray,, Judge and clerk. The electors of said city of Med ford, and tho electors of tho torrl- tory hereinbefore described, aro heroby invited to voto on said prop- natMrtn hv TlnHnf lttinn thrtlr hftltnifl. for annexati0n" or "against annex- atJon" or words equivalent thereto. Resolved further, that this notice ho published in tho dally Mall Tri bune, a newspaper of general circu lation in sail rlly of Medfo-rt, and in itorrltory abovo described, for a por- I lod of four weeks prior to such elec tion, and also four copies thoreor bo posted In four public places In said city, and four public placos within tho territory abovo described, for a like period, by tho city recorder or under his direction, Tho foregoing resolution was passed on tho 19th day of April, 1010. by tho following vote Morrlck, ayo; Emerick. absent; Wortman, aye; Etfort, ayo; Deta iner, ayo; Welsh, aye. Approved, April 20, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor, AttCBt; ' ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. CITY NOTICES. OHOIXAXCU XO. .T.2N. An onllnnnco assessing tho prop- wn kIvou in accordance with said I orty adjacent to nnd benefited by the j Ordinance more than ten days bo-eight-Inch lateral sower constructed fore tho beginning of the construe i along West Eighth street for the cost lion of said sowor, but no protests I of constructing tho same nnd provld- against wild construction or assess ing tho manner of carrying sniil as - segments into full effect. Tho eltv of Medford doih ordain ns ' follows: And, whereas, tho cost of tho con- Section I. Whereas, tho council j structlon of said sowor has been and I did heretofore provide by ordinance , hereby Is determined to bo tho sum for tho serving of tho ownors of prop-, of $724. BO. orty adjneon. to nnd benefited by tho J xow, therefore, said city doth or : construction of the lateral sower here- ,1,,, ,uuj declnro that each parcol tnaftor described to appear before I ( property described below Is ad Bald council and show cause, if any, j t , j uolulfltot, bv timt C(,r. why said property should not bo as- , ,ntorn, MWOp 8x , ,lM n , sessed for ho construction of said iC(m8tni0t(.,i on Wcat 12th Street, from sewer, nnu urn i x a i n ior near ng any such protests, which notlco was given In accordance with an d onll - nance more than ten days boforo tl sowor, but no protests against said construction or assessment of tho cost thereof was made by anyone ami said sewer was. by wifd council order - ed constructed. ! And whereas, the cost of the con - I structlon of said sewer has been and hereby Is determined to bo tho sum lot $35tV.40, j vtnv therefore, the said city doth I ordain and declare that each parcel of property described below Is ad-j the amount sot opposite Its descrlp :ent to and and benefitted by that , tlon below for the construction of Jnce certain lateral sewer eight Inches In size, constructed on West Eighth street from Elm to Washington Btreet and that the proportion of said cost of said sewer which each of said par cels of land Is the amount set oppo site thedlscrlptlon of each such par cel below, that each of said parcels Is actually benefitted In the amount set opposite Its description below by the construction of said sewer, and that said several amounts represent the proportional benefits of said sev eral parcels from snid sewer. Ami each of said parcels Is hereby as sessed the amount set opposite Its description below for tho construction l of said sov;er, , asemfN'T FOR AN EIGHT i jCH SEWER ON WEST EIGHTH STREET, FROM WASHINGTON STREET TO ELM STREET, Assessment No. 1 Bullock. Lot G, block 1. Highland Park addition to the city of Medford. Oregon; front ngel41.4 4 feet on the north side of West Eighth street, nnd described In Vol.. .. pao ... county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 141 feet, rate per foot 63 cents, amount SS9.10. Assessment No. 2 H. H. Croft ot al. Lot 11, block 1, Hishland Park addition to the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontase 141.44 foot on tho north side tf West Eighth street, and described In Vol. . ., page . ., county records of Jackson county, Oregon; 141.44 feet, rt.te per foot 63 cento, amount $S9.10. Assessment No. 3 H. H. Croft ct at. Lot 1, block 3, Highland Park addition to the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 141.44 fee: on the south side of W;st Eighth street, and described In Vr pago . ., county recorder's records of Jackson county Oregon; 141.44 feet, rate per foot 63 cents, amount $S9.10. Assessmcat No. 4 H. H. Croft ct nl. Lot S block 3, Highland Park addition to tl:- city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 141.44 feet on tho south side of West Eighth street and described in Vol. . ., Pago . ., county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oreson; 141.44 feet, rate per foot 63 cents, amount 89.10. Section 2. And it is hereby ordered nnd ordained thnt the several said assessments and Jio Hens thereof be entered into the lien docket of said city, and that thereupon notlco be given the owners or reputed own ers of said property, and that the same be enforced nnd collected In the manner provided by the charter of said city for the collection of as sessments for tho improvement of the streets therein. Section 3. Jt Is further ordored that the .lc'.lce above provided for be published tlreo times In tho Med ford Mall Tribune, a newspnpor pub lished nnd of genernl circulation In said city, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 250 of aaii city. Tho foregoing ordinnnco wns passed by tho city council of the city of Medford, Oregon on tho 3rd day of May, 1010, bv tho following vote: Emerick aye, Welch aye. Mer rick, aye; Eifert, ayo; Dommor, ayo; Wortmnn, aye. Approved May 4, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recordor. NOTICE To tho owner or reputed owner of each parcel of property described In tho foregoing ordinance, as named therein, nnd lu tho Hon doclarod by ..!.! .1! ... ,. ,!.! : 1 1.,. lion therefore ontored In tho nlty lion docket, nnd tfcat tho same Is duo, nnd you are l oroby required to pny tho garno to tho city recordor'n office within ton days from thOEorvlco of this notlco, wi Ich service s mndo by publication of tho forogolng or dinance and this notlco three times In tho Medford Mall Tribune, pur s'mnt to an order of tho city council of said city. ROBERT W. TELFER. City Recorder. OIUM.VAXCK NO. 327. An ordinnnco nBHHOssliig tho property ndjneent to and benefited by the six-Inch lateral sowor con structed along West 12th Street for tho cost of constructing tho same and providing tho manner of carry ing said assessments Into full effect. The City of Medford doth ordain as follows; Section 1. Whereas, tho Council did heretofore provide by ordinance for tho service of tho ownors of prop erty ndjacont to nnd benefited by tho construction of tho latoral sowor hereinafter described to appear be fore said council and show cuuso, If any, why said property should not bo nssessed for the construction of snld sewer, and did fix a Mine for hoar- CITY NOTICES. 'ln any such protests, which notice intent or mo cosi moroor wan insuo by any ono nnd said sower was, b wild Council ordered constructed. (Nowtown U( Pcacn nnil thnt tho ho cost , Mwor ( wh , oac,, ()f Ut, ,B of lnU(I , Bhouh, l)oar lm80(, on- tlu, b(,Iloflt8 tlo I rived respectively by snld several 'tracts of land lis the amount set oppo site tho description of each such par 1 eel below, thnt each of said parcels Is nct,unlly benefited In tho amount ' set opposite Its description below by the construction of snld sewer, and ! that said several amounts represent I the proportional benefits of said sov- 'oral parcels from snld sewer. And each of said parcels Is hereby assessed i said sewer. , ASSESSMENT FOU SIX-INCH IVT ERAL SEWER ON WEST TWELFTH STREET. F R O M SOUTH NEWTOWN TO SOUTH PEACH. Assessment No. 1. Perry Wyn koop. The east 150 feet of the parcel marked BQ on the map of the city of Medford, Oregon. Frontngo ISO feet on the north Bido of West 12th Street, nnd described In Vol 69. pngo 26S. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 100 feet, rate per foot 63 cents; amount, $63. Assessment No. 2. Perry Wyn koop. The west ISO feet of the par cel of land marked BQ on tho map of the city of Medford, Oregon. Front age ISO feet on the north side of West 12th Street, nnd described In Vol. 74. pnjio 39, county rocordor's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 180 feet; rate per foot 63 cents; amount $113.40. Assessment No. 3. K. S. Tull. A parcel of land commencing 25 feet north nnd 230 feet east of tie south west corner of lot 1, block 3, Parr's Addition to tho city of Medford. and running theare north 140 feet; thonce east 100 feet; thence south 140 feet; thence west 100 feet to the place of commencement. Frontage 100 feet on tho north side of West 12th Street, described In Vol. 71, page 100, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 100 feet, rate per foot, 63 cents; amount, $63. Assessment No. 4. J. A. Perry. A parcel of 1-nd commencing 25 foot north nnd 180 feet east of the south west corner of lot 1, block 3, Bnrr's Addition to the city of Medford, and running thenco north 140 feet: thonco east 60 feet; thonco south 140 feet; thence west 50 foot to tho plrco of beginning, and marked BT on the map of said city. Frontage 50- feot on the north sldo of West 12th Street, described In Vol 72, pago 132, conn-1 ty recordor'n recordB of Jncksoi coun ty, Oregon; 50 feet, rato por foot 63 cents; amount $31.50. Assessment No. 5. Emma Dyke ot nl. The west one-half of lot 1. block 3. Barr's Addition to tho City of Mod ford, Oregon, ns the same appears on j the recorded pint thereof lu the of tlce of the recorder of conveniences' for snid county nnd stato (now ex-, ceptlng tract marked BS, BT, BV, BW. BX nnd BY) and maiked III' on the map of said city. Frontage 180 feet on the north sldo of West 12th Street, nnd described In Vol. 7S, page 67, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Orogon; 155 feet, rate per foot 03 cents; Amount $97.65. Assessment No. 6. G. M Andor son. Lot 1, Emlg's Addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon. Frontago 120 feet on tho sooth side of Wost 12th Street, and described in Vol. j 77. pago 112, county rocordor'a roc-i ord3 of Jackson county, Oregon; 70' feet, rnto per foot 63 conts; amount i $44.10. Assessment No. 7. Adnrn Emlg Lot 16, Emlg's Addition to the city of Medford. Oregon. Frontago 52 i feet on the south side of West 12th Stroot, and described In Vol , page , county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon; 27 foot, rato per foot 63 cents; amount $15.01. Assessment No. 8. Adam Emlg. Lot 17. Emlg's Addition to tho city of Modford, Orogon. Frontngo 52 feet on tho south sldo of Wost 12 th Street, nnd described In Vol. , pago , county recorder's records of Jack son County, Oregon; 52 foot, rnto per foot 63 conts; amount $32.76. Assessment No. 9. Adam Emlg. Lot 18, Emlg's Addition to tho el'y of Medford, Orogon. Frontngo 52 foot on tho south sldo of Woat 12th Street, and described In Vol. , page -, county recorder's records of Jack son County, Orogon; 52 foot, rato per foot 63 conts; rinonnt $32.70. Assessment No. 10. Adr.m Emlg. Lot 19, Emlg's Addition to tho city of Medford, Orogon. Front) go 52 foot on tho south sldo of Wost 12th Street, and described In Vol. , pago , county rocordor's recor-ls of Jnck son County, Orogon; 52 foot, rato per foot 63 cnts; amount $32.70, Assessment No. 11. Adam Emlg. Lot 20, Emlg's Addition to tho City of Modford, Orogon. Frontngo 52 feet on tho south sldo of West 12th Streot, and described In Vol. , pngo , county recorder's records of Jack son county, Orogon; 52 foot, rato por foot 63 conts; amount $32,76. Assessment No. 12. Adam Emlg. Lot 21. Emlg's Addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 52 foot on tho south sldo of Wost 12th Streot, and described In Vol, , pgo , county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon; 52 foot, rato por foot 63 cents; amount $32.76. Assessment No. 13. Adam Emlg, Lot 22. EihIk'h Addition to tho city of Modford, Orogon. Frontago 62 foot on tho south sldo of West 12th Street, and described, in Vol, , pago , county recorder's records of Jack son county, Orogon; 52 foot, rato por root 63 cents; amount $32,76, Assessment No. 14. Adam Emlg. CITY NOTICES. Lot 23. Ktnlg'it Addition to tho cl'y of Modford, 0ogon. Frontago 52 foot on tho south side of Woat 12th Street, and described In Vol. , pago -, county rocordor's records of Jack, son county, Oregon; B2 foot, rnto per foot 63 cents; amount $32,76. AsHOHsinont No. IB. Mrs. M. A. Uullnrd. Lot 2 1, Emlg'u Addition to tho city of Modford, Orogon. Front age 52 feet in tho south sldo of West 12th Stroot, and described In Vol. ., pago , county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; B2 foot, rato per foot 63 cents; amount $32.76. Assessment No. 16. Mrs. M. A. Billiard. Lot 25, Emlg's Addition to tho City of Modford. Orogon. Front ago 52 foot on t'.it) south sldo of Wont lath Street, and described In Vol, , pngo , county rocordor's records of Jnckaon county, Oregon; 62 feet, rnto por foot, 63 conts; amount $32.76. Section 2. And It Ib hereby or dered and ordained that uald snvornl assossmoutH nnd tho Hons thereof bo entered In the Lion Docket of said city, and that thorO' pou notlco bo given tho ownors or reputed own era of said property, and thnt tho same bo enforced and collected lu tho manner provided by tho charter of tho said clt.- for tho collection of assessments for the Improvements of tho streets t heroin. Section 3. It Is further ordored that the notlco above provided for bo published throe times in tho Daily Mall Tilhuno, a newspaper published and of general circulation In suld city, In tho manner provided by Or dinnnco No. 250 of said clt:. Tho forCKOIui: ordinance was nassoil by the city council of tho ilty of Mod- ford, Orogon, on tho 3rd 0 y of May, 1910, by tho following voto: Emerick. ayo; Welch, aye; Elfort. ' ayo; Morrlck, ayo; Dommor, nyo;: wortmnn, ayo. Approved Mny 4. 1910. W. II. CANON. Mayor. ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. Attest: NOTICE. To the owner or reputed owner' of each parcel of property described I lu tho foregoing ordinance, as named therein, and In tho lion declared by said ordinance ns recorded lu tho docket of city liens. You aro hereby notified that tho1 assessment declnred by tho foregoing' ordinnnco has been made and the lien therefor ontored In tho City Lion Docket, nnd th.-.t tho snmo Is now duo. nnd you are horoby required to pay tho same to tl o city recordor within ten days from tho service if this no tlco, which sorvlco Is made by pub lication of the forogolni: ordinance. and this notice three tlmea In tho Medford Mnll Tribune, pursuant to an ordor of tho city council of said city. ROUT. W. TELFER. City Recorder A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING' CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 1 13 South Front Street. Phono 2751. Notice Tho old established Medford Oakery nnd Delicatessen have ugnin resumed business with now men, hotter goods, prompt sorvlco. Evorythlnc np-to-dnto. Our motto Is to plenso our pat rons. Glvo us n trial. Re spectfully, A. F. RANKING & Co. SOUTH CENTRAL AVE IMIOXE MAIN SEW!!. Stacey's Auto Garage (Successor) Medford Auto Garage Wo are fully equipped to take caro of nil your auto trouhloH. ACCESSORIES. Wo carry u full lino of Auto Accessories, inoludini,' tho fa mous AJAX TIRES- Kiiarnn tood for C000 miles. Wo hnvo thrco of tho most export machinists in Southern Oiotfon. Thoro is nothing about u OAS ENGINE that wo cannot fix if it can ho fixod nl all. Wm. E. Stacy Call at Gararje, Eighth, Between C and Front Streets. ANSICN t Wo nittko nny kind t V. O. HANS Wo carry Glnna til uny si.o on hand. t MEDFORD SASH & DOOR 00., Modford, Orogon, I -- -. -. U are Missing the Chance of a Lifetime If you miss n look at my holdinjs. Kvorylhinu is bulnu- Hiiorl fioud to close out quickly. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Office over Fruitgrowers' Bank PLUMBING SIEAM AND HUT All Work Gunnintftul COFFEEN 11 North 1) St.. Modford, Oro. I Si - DRIVERS that know the country KIGS that cover the ccuntiy QUICKLV AND WITH COMI-MIT TO YOU AUK AIAVtYH TO I IV. FOONI) Al THE FAHI.OW DOW INO. lMtOIMUETOIlH. WEST SIDE 1'iioNi: 2i:ti A SNAP IN ORCHARD LAND Ono huti'lrod nnd sixty acres of frco red soil, 10 to 30 foot depth, two wells, nbout 25 acres cleared; a very gradual south hill slope, one-half milo from postofficc, less than ono-fourth milo from school mid seven nnd nno-liiilf milt" ntthwcHt of Jacksonville. Onlv fKl por nero. Call on or nddren JOE THOMAS 222 SOUTH HOLLY STREET. - Sit Up and Take Notice For a few days only wo can quote you these prices 'on the following properties: A Ton Aero- Tract, only one mile out , -I acres of al falfa, some trees, and all under ditch, at the price of $2500. A Ton-Acre Tract, almost ready for subdivision, principally Newtown and Spit.; some peaches and pears, fi and 7 years old, at a price of $700 per acre. This property is only one-half mile from city and can't be beat for the price. 36 Acres 18;just coming into bearing, with peach fillers, well loaded, above frost lino, and one of the finest places in the valley; good deep soil and plentv of water; price $12,r00; $5000 will handle this. 17 Acres Full bearing trees, 0 to 12 years old, principally Newtowns and Spit,; some buildings; price .$(100 for only three days more; terms. Houso and LotA fine piece of property; six rooms, two closets and all other improvements; for a few days at $2000; they are asking over $2000 for lots in this section. A Business Block Tf you are looking for an in vestment, investigate this. Lot us show you the best buy in the city. Wo have vacant lots, houses to ront, vacant and furnished. Grazing Lands Stump lands in any size trad you are looking for. "Remember, we have what you want. WEST COAST REALTY CO. 232 EAST MAIN STREET XOM MOWAT J ami stylo oC Windows. t WA1CR HtAlINO 1'riooB RuuboiiuIiIu , PRICE Phono .SOU -- RESOLVED Tli host resolution for you to inn ko is to on tn o to us for your next suit, if you want Hoiiiutliing out of tho ordinary. Wn do tho host work nnd chargr tho lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TlU! l'KOURfcbUIVll TAILOR STABLES H. OUAPK BTItKKT MEDFORD, OREGON -..,