t MISDirOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORISGON, SUNDAY, MAYTimo! SOCIAL AND PERSONAL i I'l. II. N'miniui, who Iiiih l)(ioii con i'inml to tlio Soiithorn Or'koii Jioh pilnl, umlorKoiiiK mi oiintation for mj liomlicilin, h (Kiiivnli'MCi'iil, ami will im Hi lio it loii t HK'iili. Tin' iioxt curil parly nivon by Ht. Mnrln Kiiilil will lie hold ii. Hiiiitli' Hall on Gnipo HI root next TuoHilay aflcriiooti l'rotn I! lo 5 o'olodt. -I.'l IWl Voltuin of ('onlial l'(.inl, wan in Mixll'onl Kahinlay iifUiriinon. Can von iiffonl to iiiIhh oiki 'of thoHo linaiitirnl honi'mitdH in the Quoon Anno addition at prion and tonim offered, wtih irnprovntnotitn and Htroot railway Horvioo iiHHiircd? Tint Vnllnv Auto Co. Iiiih two (Mir A. M. Milium of Yankuo Crook, wiih III town 1'imii tlio ruiioli Katiirday. HMO, (ho liiinuur year. Watiih Mud ford'H population douliln, viiIiioh in oily pi(irty Iriplo and HtroolonrM run to tlio Qumm Anno addition. I). M. I'ouco of Hlk Crunk wiih in Modfonl .Saturday looking ul'litr llllHillUHH iiiatturH. Mr. V. K. Mono, a jowulur of 2.1 yoarH1 oxporidiuto, fonmirly with Kioldonlioiiiior and iiImo llondricH of Portland, and oMit yuarH with Hon-, in iho null nirvici. moii of Antoria, hint iiucuptml a po- Toiu'n I'oiHon Oak and l'oinoii Ivy Hition with II. T. Van do Car. Humuily at I'ii(,'lo I'liannaoy and WchI John II. ('arkin, attornoy at law, Jsiiht IMiarinnoy. W uvttr jackHon County Hank. j Havo von connidorod nn invoHtmonl All Htyloa of IcRiil hlaiikM at tlio In city proporty, whoro tlio olootric Mail Triliuno office. Ovor a htin-uir lino m Hiiro to o. InvoHtiKiito dnul forniM. jllie Quoeti Anno ndditinn. 18 North Goo. IF. Durham of (IranlH 1'iihh 1 Front Btrcot. wiih in Modford on Ihih'hiuhh Kat-l Toiii'h I'oIhoii Oak and I'oiHon Ivy urday. i Hcmody at Kiltie I'hnnniicy and WchI Tlio Hawaiian OrohoHtra ami Sido Pharmacy. -13 Quartotto will play at tho Iouvriii Mr. and Mrn. V. A. Sandcrnon .f Cafo ovory iivonitiK Ui'ih wcok from j AMhland, spent Saturday in this city. 1) p. in. until I n. m. 41 Mrn. C. Caroy will havo on hand Klotchor I. inn of I'orlland wiih in throuchoul tho planting hwhoii all Modford ThurHday on a vinit to hin londiinr varioticH of tomato plaiitH at old homo at, .lankHonvillo. Star Oanlcti. aliovo IMioouix. tf Tho HoiiHon InvoHtmonl Co. havo I.aco curtniiiK laumlorod, 210 WW to clono out all lioldiiitfH in a day or JackHon Street. -1.1 two in onlor to go oaHt on impor- Tom's Poison Oak nnd PoIhoij Ivy taut hiiHiuoHH. If you want a bar- Ilciucdv at KiikIc Pharmacy and West until in a lot. hour, automobile, of- Sido Pharmacy. 'I3 fico furniture, orchard IiukIh, nuicliCH, Col. Ooo. P. Miiun waH in Mod otc. Now 1h tho hint chanco. ford Saturday from his Tolo fruit V. W CowIoh of tho Wostaway t fann. much wiih in Modford on hiiHiuoHH Will well 100 acres of fino fruit Saturday. land. -10 acres net to fruit; only $7.1 John II. Huppor, ox-marHhal of and acre. Son Honon. -13 JnokHonvillo wiih in Modford Friday ( You tret the best when you buy niorniiiK on biiHinoHH. our pecinl Hogue River Trout Flic. 1 EXCLUSIVE LINE OF TAILORED SUITS f Just received, the very newest and swellest ideas in exclusive Tailored Suits. French serge and maimlah cloths in navy, blaek and invisible gray stripes. You are invited to call and inspect these soon! Fancy Three-Piece Linen Dresses SOMETHING NEW Three-piece linen dresses should prove very popular. They provide a ihaiigc -iwo suits in one, as it were. When the weather is warm the jacket may be left off, or vice versa as the -case may be. Fancy Parasols, $1.25 to $8.50 Now that the sun is beginning to pour his burning rays upon the earth in one almost uninterrupted 'glare, the parasol has become a necessity. You'll like our assortment of new design handles; all the new covers are here, too parasols for the lady,. miss or little girl. THE EMPORIUM O. E. TACKSTROM, Proprietor. LADIES' SUITS, COATS AND FUBHISHHTGS. I - Sit Up and Take Notice For a few days only we can quote you those prices on the following properties: A Ton Acre- Tract, only one mile out, -I acres of al falfa, some trees, and all under ditch, at the price of $2.r)00. A Ton-Acre Tract, almost ready for subdivision, principally Newtown and Spitz: some peaches and pears, ( and 7 years old, at a price of $700 per acre. This property is only one-half mile from city and can t be beat lor the price. j 36 Acros 18 .just coming into bearing, with peach fillers, well loaded, above frost, line, and one of the finest places in the vallev; good deep soil and plentv of water; price $12.r00; $.1000 will handle this. 17 Acros Full bearing trees, 9 to V2 veal's old, principally Newtowns and Spitz: some buildings; price tr(KX) for only three davs more; terms. Houso and Lot A fine piece of property; six rooms, two closets and all other improvements; tor a few days at $2000; they are asking over $2000 for lots in this section. A Business Block if you are looking for an in vestment, investigate this. Let us show you the best buy in the city. Wo havo vacant lots, houses to rent, vacant and furnished. Grazing Lands Stump lands in any size tract you are looking for. Remember, we have what you want. WEST COAST REALTY CO. 232 EAST MAIN STREET I. - . Mcdford Hnrdwaro Co. arc offer iiiK three prizes for tho three larRcst finh caught this scauon. I S. W. MeClindon, the Gold nill ,real ofetnto boomer, wan in Mcdford , Saturday. A trip to tho Morrivold shop soIvck your office troubles immediately. Steve Jonc.H, tho neniul bonifnee of the Gold Hill hotel, was in Mcd ford Saturday lookine; after business mnttorfl. 1 I. W. Hay of Gold Hill was a Mcd ford visitor on business Saturday. Mcdford Hardware Co. Frank J. Conrad of Grants Pnss spent Saturday in Mcdford on busi- UCHH. Almost now office furnituro for snlc at your own price. Benson's 13 Leo J. Mischko of Henley, Cal.. is rcRistorud at Tho Moore. The .Mcdford Hardware Co. is the place to buy hardware. " Tho new fiction, Into maRazines nnd papers at the Merrivold shop. L. II, Houston of Tnlent was in Modford Saturday on a business visit. Will sell 21 acres, miles from city, for $2,100 n sacrifice. We leave town in n fow days. Benson's, oyer Fruitgrowers' Bank. 13 Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Bacon of Spo kane, Wash., and their daughter, Miss Bacon, are visitinc in Mcdford nnd are much pleased with city nnd val ley. Mr. Bacon, who is n well known capitalist of tho falls city, built the 'first npartmcnt houso in Spokane nnd is impressed with the opportunity for a similar investment hero. A five-pn.ssotiKor Mitcholl touring car in first-clnss condition for snle at a sacrifice price. Benson Invest ment Co., over Fruitgrowers' Bank. 113 Mrs. II. H. Lorimer nnd two chil dren, Mrs. P. II. IIusso nnd two children and Mrs. Geo. II. Miller nnd son, form n pnrty leaving Monday to visit their former homo in the enst. Mrs. nussoy will visit in Kan- j sas and the othorc in Ohio. Humphreys now gun store on the west side is a very interesting plaeo. " New office supplies at tho Merri wold shop. Everything in guns, ammunition, fishing tackle, etc., at Humphrey's now gun storo. Kd Ilnrt, who has been under the weather for the jmut six months, Is, wo arc pleased to note ablo to be out and seems very much Improved In health. Going Fishing f Better call at the Mcdford Ilardwnro Co. and get the right tackle. A. U. Mustek, the Medford real istnte man, spent Saturday In Ash land on business. Tho fish. liko .our special Rogue River Trout Flies. Medford nnrd waro Co. Capt. R. C. F. Astbury of Gold Hill was in Medford Saturday on business. See tho classified page for Siski you Realty Co. bargains. The Valley Auto Co. has two cars in the rent son-ice. - i BUSINESS LOCALS ----- For wood of all kinds, see the Square Dni Woodyard. Phone 2C01. Fir BtrcoU between Second and Third streets. Gould & Lindloy, 1 proprietors. 201 A. L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 1 13 South Front Street. Phone 2751. The Brotherhood of American Yeo men will meet hereafter on second and fourth Mondays of each month. All archers should come out Mon day night, May 9. Big feed. R. L. Taylor, foreman; O. P. Carlgren, correspondent. Open Air Skaifes- Doa't forget; slutting ereiy sight next week. Daacug WedataAny -aad Saturday Bigfei. Portable Pavilion Rink. -am THE SAVOY THEATRE TONIGHT APEX OF PICTURED0M. MARRIAGE IN HASTE (A Velcaao of Mirth.) HUGO THE HUNCHBACK (A SeEg Drama,) EXCELLENT MUSIC. ONE DIME. MARE YOUR PORCH HABITABLE. yUsing VUDOR PORCH SHADES "The Mott Comfortable Place in the Home." PORCH SHADES WE CAN ADD ANOTHER ROOMJTOYOTO HOTJSE. A room that will be cool and comfortable on the hottest day because the glare of the sun is shut out and the cooling breezes are allowed to circulate and all you need to do is to use VUDOR PORCH SHADES. YOU CAN SEE OUT, BUT NO ONE PASSING CAN SEE IN. THE NEW PORCH FURNITURE Come and see the new porch furniture, including the beautiful "ICCOTAN," made from imported gresses and looks very desirable guaranteed to wear. "MALLEBAR FIBRE" Old Hickorv and that swellest of ali, the new "PACCORAT" PORCH FURNITURE. New, light, artistie, sanitary, dura ble. The Paccorat is the imported Singhalese in its natural state. No paint or varnisn or any kiuci is useci. it will stand ail Kinds or wcatner, and. is cer tainly the best Porch Furniture made. . jr .c u- L MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. EAST MAIN STREET - MED FORD ATTEND THE SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES Dr. French E. Oliver Lectures Sunday Afternoon at 2.30 p m to Women Only Subject: "MARRIAGE AND HEREDITY" Dr. Oliver has delved deeply into (he science of medicine and will advance arguments this afternoon that will be irrefutable. You owe it to yourself and the future generations to attend the, lecture this afternoon. Sunday Night at 7:30 p. m. to Men Only .Subject: "THE. PRODIGAL SON" This is oiiii of Dr. Oliver's most intensely interesting lectures. Hvoiy num in Medford will do woll to hear tins lecture. You'll take time to die some day- bettor got right with Goil to-riijJh't Don't ho a coward and stay away from the lectures because you are afraid to go. CHOIR OP ABOVT -100 VOICES, LED BY PROFESSOR JtALTBIE, will sing at all services. If you don't care to learn THE TRUTH ABOUT SIN you'll stay away from these lectures. 1 i 1 BIG TABERNACLE, North Bartlett St. near Jackson St - - '- --- I Mil III I lMMimMMMMIMIMlMllMIIMMMMIMmiMBBOTMMIMBMmlll