MT'TPirORD MAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREGON, tilTNJ)AY, MAYOIO. PRETTV1WEN ONLY ARE WANTED IN TNEJLS. ARMY Now nulcs (or Acceptance of Sol diers nro Sent Out by Government No Unly Men Can Loiiuor Gain Admission to Ranks. PORTLAND MAN INDIAN THIEF VANCOUVHU HAHIIACKH, WiihIi., May 7. Upline in extreme dearie In riniHo for rejection of apillciintn for (nillHtiiiuiit In thu United Stiilim army, ueeordluit to tho now rulun In Mtiml liy thu wiir department. It iiml tt'iM not whether the uueoiuoll uonn h a rim.! of atrophy of part of the faco or a lack of Myniut rleal dovoloiunuut. A iiiiin nmy bo Iiow-Iikkh1 and atlll lio accepted (or mjrvluo If II Ih not partltiulurly noticeable when lio Ik tlrtjwtod. If a man Iiiih all of hi too wolihotl lit will uiako a poor Holdlor for Undo Knm ami will not ho nt-copted In Union of ponce, ncconlliiK to thu now rules. Wlion a would-be nolillor Ih knock kneed ho n h to ho unahlo to tako thci poNltlon of a flKhtliiK man, anil when li U unit Ih clumsy or ungainly, lio will not ho accepted. Undo Ham Ih looking for handnomo inon, wli hullt unit phyitlcully pro minting a kooiI appearance. A fal man will uol ho aceoptod for Rorvlro If ho In ho heavy that hu can not inarch woll. Poriuiinont IiiiIiIuchm Ih iiIko a "do foci" that Undo Bam will not tol orntv. A man who HtaminorH will never hocouiii a nolillor wlion men nro plen tlful. If thu Impediment In tho Hpoouh U proiiouiicod. Ilowuvor, a man who Ih color hllnd In coiiHldorodji kooiI fighter If ho Ih not In that hrauch of t ho. aorvlco whoro color bllndnonH Ih prohibited, mi ch an In tho iilKual service. FA8ISJ5 DAKS Walks Fifteen Blocks to Work and Says Ho Is Not Hunnry YetIs Follower of Upton Sinclair's Idea of "Starvation for Health." PORTLAND, Ore., May 7. Allien H. Iloiiejilon, h pholoKi'uphor, ono of Upton Sinclair' convert to "tar valion for liuallh" cult boan tho .fif teenth day of a uonlinuoii fnt to day. Water i llio only mibntanee that Iiiih pnHod IiIh lip winoo lio Htartoil to Htarvo hiuuolf. lio was nt his tudio yesterday and worked all day. Up to yonlordiiy ho had walked fifteen block each tnoniintc from hi homo to hi studio, but owinK to an inorciwiiiK wouknoM ho wiim compelled to rido to work today, lio Nay lio Iiiih absolutely no do ire for food, and tlint ho will continue tho flint until hi appotito return. It was HiiKOHtod that lie illicit onllupuo from weaknoHH boforo thin, ImppeiiH, but even tli'iH, he said, will not ciiiino him to partako of any food until hi Hccond luiUKor returns. 0. II. Ho woll, u printer, Iiiih fnMod ninoo Sunday and cxpoutH to continue for a week. Clurn R. Howell, a dniiojitor of .Mr. Howell, after fnMint? for three day, decided to partake of a more utibsliiutinl diet than theories and hhe (!0ii8C(uently broke her fut yonteiday. KILLSOFFICER Armed Posso Scarchlno for Indian1 Who Instantly Killed Sheriff Wlicn l Latter Attempts to Arrest Him for' Theft of Saddle. HOTEL ARRIVALS. NOTICK. All partlon 1 oldliiK iitoclc In Mod ford and Huttu Pall Tolophono com pany aro roq lieu tod to report eiune to necrotary at Huttu Fa I In, Oregon, within 30 day after (Into of this no tlco or HtocK will bo cancelled. E. WHEEhKH. President. E. II. WATSON, Secretary. Dated at Ilutto Falls, Oregon, April 30th. 11)10. LAKBI'OItT, Qui, .May 7.- Armed pornieH aro today Hoarchliig Scott's val ley for an Indian who hot and killed Hhorlff Ouorgo Komp whllo Komp was trying to nrrot him for alleged theft. After murdering thf of err. the Indlaii (wcaped Into Hcolt'H valley In company with a half -looi Indian friend. All are arm 1, A battle with tho po,w i 'peeled when tho Indian aro loKt"). Tho owner of thu wldl? vhi:h the IndlHn wa acHCUHod of utoall'tg w.ih tho only wltnoHfl to tho klllln'f. 'I he Hhorlff hnd found Hie addl hidden In the brtiHh noar Lakmort nnil. wiih tho owner, wa hiding near U . pot. awallhlng thu arrival of tht- tine'. Two Indian appeared and Koran coin- T) landed tliom to throw up their liandx lloth turned and ran and when a Hhort dlHtauco away one turned and Horn ii rifle bullet throug!i tho nhor Iff'a heart Kemp died liibtantly. F. N. CUMMINGS OSGOOD T. W. OSGOOD f CIVIL ENGINEERS The Best Equipped Engineering' Of fice in vSouthern Oregon IfnukinB for Health. n u"a llaaklns for HonltT:. The Only Woman' Collrg on tba 1'aclflc Cot I'lrluilolr (or Vounc Women LocittJ imorif the Ixtutlful killi ncjr 0l!nJ, California, cIom lo San PranciKo anJ tLe grral UoiviniliVa of ite Writ. Full rollrfiat cour baJinf lo ltttt. Entrance and graduation rrquirrmc nil lauivalrnt to thnM o( Stanford and Univrrtity of California. Training ta atudenta for tfacnin rrgular tinea o( acaJrtnic vcorl. and ollcra apecial advantafra (or rsuaie. art. library itudy and liora rconomica. Well equipped laroratorif for ci'rnr. Special attention to health of atudenta. Modern fymnaiium thoroulily equipped. Out ioor life and amutementa in the ideal California cli mate. AJumnat in every city on the Pacific Coaat. ron CATAtooue Aooona PRCeiOINT LUKLUA CLAY CARCcn. Ll D. MILLS COLLKOK P. O.. CALIfOHNIA Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Reports, Estimates, Etc., Water Powers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Rail roads, Irrigation and Drainage. Offices Medford National Bank Building At The Xiih1i--R. H. Kly, Portlnml; .M. II. Stirling, ChieiiKOi I'Vanl: .Mel den, ChieaKo; John Harto, Cliioapi; ' (leo. Seliwnrlzenbaelier, V. W. Ilnii uoii, KiikIo Point; .Max Fredeuthal, Portland; K. A. King, t'tiea, N. V.; It. V. Voil, I.oh Angeles; W. O. Newell, Chicago; H. A. Senburjj, Mon moutli, Ore.; I. J. Cohen, Snti Fran oiKoo; N. H. Wall, Portland; A. S. Uuyor, Portland; M. V. Aiken;, I.ew iHton; Itoburt .MeCabe, Boston; V. K. JaeobtiH, New York; J. .M. Lewin, Portluud;; .1. It. Harney, Oalieo; C. A. Malhoef, Portland; S. It. Itciiifvlny, Chicago; (leo. II. Kitgibbons, Poil lnud; H. .M. Wood, Portiiuid; J. C. Pendleton, Table Ittiek; V. A. Gilley, San FraneiKco; A. C. Ling, New York; S. A. .Mentor, New York; S. .M. .Mearc, Jr., Table Itoek; R 1). Arrington, St. Louis; Leo J. Taylor, Cottage Grove; Milton Wiihh, Santa Itosa, Cnl.; L, IJrowu, Denver, Col,; O. II, Stone. Portland; G. K. Hamilton, S. P. it. R.; II. II. Kly, Portland. At The Moore L. S. Malum,. Kal amazoo, Mich.; II. J, Selierer, Miner; S. J. Adlor, Portlantl; I). Scully, Port laud; W. J. Dermody, Portland; S. S. Pentz, Huttu l-'allw; C. H. Hohm, Saeriiinonto; Theo. Young, Portland; C. K. Jordan,; L. G, ILII, Ctittago Grove; L. C. Norrin, Gold Hill; C. M Howman, Seattle; C. C, Hall, Grants Punk; W. M. JoIiuhoii, Tho Moadows;; 1). H. I'vouk, Ash- land; A. Astill, Portluud; I.. W. Ken ney, Portland. "Thanks, Brother Paffson." Wo can never build up our own town by endeavoring to tear down nnotlior, it is for this reason that wo highly commend our enterprising ueigliboi'H ut Medford upon their splendid public npirit. For doing things, Medford leads nil cities in Oregon, according to population. Sho bus the most "down-to-duto" nnd ably edited daily paner on the coast, iu u town of her size, ho paper is n success, because the people nro behind it with their "pauger" us woll ns their prayers. Any town can have u good papor if the pooplo of Med ford do not expect their papor to sub sist on anlelopo I racks and mountain scenery, hoy waul good goods and are getting Ihom in every walk of life, nml for this reason the eagle of suc cess soeiua to have built her perma nent uerio upon the rjimpurts of that wide nwako municipality. Central Point Hornld. $5500 Cash BALANCE IN FIVE YEARS. TOIt SALE At groat sacrifice, choicest ten ncros in whole Rogue Itivcr Valloy, four miles southwest of Medford, three to Phoenix, six to Talent; all good, lcvol roads, opposito tho Burrell (or Hdcn Valley) orchard. No finer homo plnco exists, nbovo frost line. Pears, npplcs, apricots, peaches, almonds, raspberries, gooseborrios, grapes, asparagus, chorrios, in full bearing; nlso tho choicest of Inrgo roso bushes (over twenty), only short distance from 12 ncros Ilurrell rocontly sold (no improvements) at $2,275 per ncrc. Set out this season choicest varieties of blackberries, strawborrieB, dowborries, loganberries, bartlctts, English walnuts and ovor n mile of vegetable and melon seeds sown. Already have chestnuts and black walnut, with improvements. Prico $9,000. Cash, .r,f)00 and balance fivo years nt six por cent. No agents. Address James H Grand all BOX NO. 57, R. F. D. NO. I, MEDFORD, ORE. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. HL Harris & Co. MFDFORD - - - - OREGON Office in Jackotm oounty Bank Upstairs P. O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT f We make any kind and style of Windows. We carry Glass of any size on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon. Spoaklnn! Spcaklnn! Spooking at tho Socialist' Hall on North Grapo Street next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Several speakers from abroad will bo Ihore. Everybody is invited as some of the speakers nro union man. A spocju invitation is given lo all unionists. Unsklns for Ilnnlth, ... RESOLVED Tho best resolution for you to make is to come to ns for your next suit, if yoa want something out of the ordinary. We do tho best work and charge Iho lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT fXTJB FROOSUSSSIVX: TAIL OK Wherever you sec a roofing advertisement remember that its words of self-praise and description came from the original advertisements of the Malthoid Roofing makers. Twenty-six years ago we said of our roofing all the nice tilings that are now said of every other roofing. These "others" have stolen our words imitated o.ur methods but they cannot duplicate the quality of Malthoid Roofing it always was the best and always will be. Whenever you see a roofinp: advertisement think of Malthoid the original. It's free Sro! lor lb A new ami tiluibl Uxk va ta "Care of Uooflnn." No mint rw tit your eiptrlcoca Lai txenor vtutloofinf you hare ukJ, tbllbook will cntble you to tike better eifeol lb StMlrec. Made by The Paraffine Paint Co. Saa Francisco aid tveiyrtkre GARNETT-COREY HARDWARE COMPANY The Famous McCormick Mowers & Rakes McCormick harvesting machines onablo tho farmer to harvest his crops quickly, thus nllowing tho cultivation of n larger area each year. Wo have just unlondod TWO CARS OF McCORMICK NEW NO. 4 MOWERS AND NEW BIG 4 M3WERS AND SELF DUMP HAY rakes. .AimimssBsmmto THE NEW NO. 4 MOWER as a grass cutter, has no equnl; tho number in use being moro than any other similar machine. Symmet ri al and substantial main frnmo, simple and powerful gears, light draft, etc., etc., make ibis n vory dosivaMo machine. THE NEW BIG 4 MOWER is u woador. Como and ceo those inowors nnd rakes and wo will s 11 you ono suro. . Hubbard Bros. EAST MAIN ST., MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. E. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER- HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEILN & PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 I" wish to announce that I have purchased the Union Livery SfaMes and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by tho day, wook or mouth. I guarantee a square deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. Animal Insurance We Insure Horses and Cattle Against Death From Accident, DIs- cast or Fire. NATIONAL LIVESTOCK INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, ). E. Tull, Agent, Medford. . " v . ...... I VM - First waru uonimorcuu uutu ovnj vnViSfJS irom said sower. Autli"