Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 06, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Want Advertising Is a "Deal-Maker" Between the Man With the Plan and the Man With the Dollar
President of Merchants' Association
of Now York Advocates Parcels
Post In Rural Communities Rather
Than In Cltlos.
WASHINGTON, May . A parcels
poHt lit first, if not for nil tlinn,
limited to pnokugoH originating in
rural routes ami duHtitiuri for rural
ronton, was advocated before the
house committee on poHtofficiw and
pout roads by ruproHotitittivurt of tho
MorcliantH ANHouiatlon of Now Y
MarotiK M. Marks, president of tliu
aRNOoiatlou favored limiting the par
oola poHt to rural communitioH, be
cause ho feared that to estciul it
to citioR would allow tho large mail
order Iiouhch to gain a inouoptdy on
rural hiiHinoHH and than threaten tho
welfare of tho country Mtoru whioli
ho considered essential to tho growth
of tho villain. Ho said also that the
government had hnttor go hIow anil
try out tho rural HyHtmn hoforu at
tempting tho coHtly establishment of
a parcels poHt in cities. In rural
districts, ho pointed nut, tho unclean
of tho machinery already existed in
the rural freo delivery.
IIo considers n ruiso of $.100 a
year a sufficient amount to cover
tho extrn work to rural carrier. Be
yond this there watt little additional
cost to ho expected in tho wny of
horses and wugons and he paid that
a thorough investigation had assured
tho memherH of the Merchants' Ahho
eiulinii that the venture would prove
profitahlo to tho postoffico depart
meat. Tho views hold hy Mr. Mark
are all incororated in the pnreels
pout hill of Itcprcflcu(ativu Bennett
(Hep., N. V.)
John M. Stnhl, president of the
Farmers' Congress, Haid that it wan
unfair that a Japanese in thin coun
try could send a package of ten
pounds to Japan for $1.20 when an
Aiaerienn would have to pay $1.00,
even when the package wan hroken
up into tho mail limit of three-imund
packages. IIo advocated either the
zone system of charge or else an
entire monopoly of tho parcels parry
ing business hy tho government. The
express compnuy, ho said, was al
most exclusively an American insti
tution as in nearly every other coun
try in the world the government had
a monopoly on this business.
-f 4- 4-
Tho following chnngos In ''tho post
Ions of tho coast lenguo umpires on
tho baseball mnp may hnvo bijon an
nounced by President Thomas F.
Finney leaves for Los Anolon nt
tho end of tho local series. McGreevy
will Journey to Sncramonto, while
Van Haltrou and Hlldebrnud nro to
act as arbitrators on tho grounds
Tho now changes aro to bo effect
ive for a porlod of two weeks. Judgo
Graham stated this morning that
thoro has boon a lot of complaint
nbout tho nmnnor In which Umplro
Flnnoy rails the strikes nnd bnlls
bo ho hns ordered tho Indicator mnn
to practice on tho vacant ground un
til ho can maku blmsolf distinctly
understood to tho farthest bleacb
orlfo. Iko Butler, tho vo torn n pitcher
wha has boon with tho Los Angoloo
club for soino tlmo wna handod bis
unconditional release yostorday by
Manager Frank Dillon, llutlor Is
exported to catch with ono of tho
Htnto leaguo teams.
Tho Los Angolos hns boon mntor
lally crippled by tho onforcod nb
flonco of Curtis Bernard, tho spoody
outfloldor, who was rocontly knockod
out by a pitched ball. nernnrd'B all
around work, oopoclally his Bpoody
baso running has boon an assot to
tho soiithorn crow. Ross lias boon
filling tho vacant field.
Ono of tho plonBlng foaturoa of
tho Oaklnndors has boon tho Btondy
liuprovomont of Catchor Mttzo. Tho
stocky baek-Btop was slow showing
bis roal form, but now that ho Is In
it Is oxpoctod that ho will add much
Btrougth to the OakR lino up.
Hugo Danzig, tho populnr flrtt
snckor of tho Senators, Is to bocomo
an outlaw. Not porhnpH In tho snmo
ncuho that I nl OIiiiho, Henderson and
a few iiioro of tlio buys liocniuo out
laws, hut an outlaw uuvortliolifw.
In oilior wonlH ho In to Jump from
l lie run ltd of tho iitaltl liaeliolorN Into
tho company of tho benedicts ami
sign a llfo contract which tho Ilttlo
hcoiiI Cupid has tucked about bin
New Cases Filed.
The Christian Church vs. J. O.
CowIoh t al. Suit to quiet till?. Gun
Newbury for plaintiff.
State vs. L. Lloyd French. Crimi
nal Information. H. F. Mulkoy for
Lot ovory moinlior of Woatonka
council, No. 20, I), of P., who ap
preciates our captain's work, mnko
a special effort to bo at council on
Friday uvonlng, May 0. Team work
ami a jolly tlmo iiHSiirod.
.19 Keeper of Records.
i . . . l i - . . ;
And All Whom It May Concora:
Notleo ia hereby glvon that ttio
county comsmslouors' court of Jnck
non county, Oropon, will roectvo seal
cd bldi for tho building and con
structing .. e'oel brlduo across Boar
croolc nt Phoenix, Oregon, nccordlng
to tho pUnn nnd specifications novr
on f llo at tho office of tbo county
clork of Jackson county for tho in
formation bidders; oach and ov
ery bid filed must bo accompn
nloA with a jo. '.It led check of F per
por cent of the amount of tho bid,
i nnd tho comtnli'Ionorn court rcsonc
tho right to reject any aid all bids
filed, all bldt to bo filed on or beforo
10 o'clock a. it. Thursday, May 5th,
By order of 'ho county court
County Clerk.
D-Uod this 13th day of April,
lie It resolved by tho city council
of tho city of Medtord, Orogon
That notleo Is horehy given
that a special olectlou In and for
tho city of Modford, nnd in and for
tho torrltory horolnnttor described,
has been ordered by said council to
bo hold, nnd tho satno will be bold
on tho 24 th day of May, 1010, be
tween tho hours of 0 o'clock, a. m.
and G o'clock p. m for the purposo
of submitting to tho qualified doct
ors of said city at said oloctlon tho
followlnc quostlon:
Shall the boundaries of tho city ot
Ml .ford be faltered by Including
tboroln tho following described ter
ritory, to-wlt:
Commonclnc at tho northeast cor
nor of soction 30, township 8T,
rungo 2 west of tbo Wlllamotto mer
idian: thonco south on tbe east line
ot said section 3G to tho north line
ot donation land claim No. 86, in
said town and ran go; thonco wost
along tho north lino of said dona
tion land claim No. 85 and donation
land claim No. 84, ot said town and
ran go to tbo northwest comer of
said donation land claim No. 84;
thonco north to tho north lino ot said
section 36, being tho present bound
ary of said city of Modford; thonco
oast along said north lino ot said
section 30 and tho prosont boundary
of said city, to placo ot commence
ment; nil in Jackson county, Ciegon.
Tho following aro beroby desig
nated an tho places in said city at
which tbo polls will bo open within
sntd city:
First ward Commorclnl Club
Second ward Naeh hotel.
Third ward City hnll.
Tho following 1b horoby doslgnnted
ns tbo placo In tho torrltory abovo
doscrlbod at which tho polls will bo
Fourth hoiiBO from south city
limits, on wost sldo of county road
ox'nndlng n'Milh from tho end ot
Nawtown streot In raid city.
Tho following havo boon and horo
by nro, appointed nnd designated
as Judges and clorks of wild oloctlon:
First ward In Bald city L. L. Da
mon, Judgo; G. P. Llndloy, Judge nnd
clork; O. W. Davis, Judgo and clerk.
Second wnrd In said city L. II.
Wnrnor Judgo; J. Bolllngor, Judgo
and .clork; William Ulrlck, Judgo and
Third ward In said city M. F. Mo
Cown, Judgo; Scott Davis, Judgo nnd
clork; II. D. Cndy, Judgo nnd clork.
In tho torrltory horotoforo dos
crlbod C. W. Rlnnborgor, Judgo; R.
A, Johnson, Judgo nnd clork William
Murray,, Judgo and clork.
Tho doctors of said qlty of Mod
ford, and tho doctors of tho torrl
tory horolnbeforo deacrlbod, aro
horoby Invttod to voto on said prop
osition by placing upon tholr ballots,
"for annexation" or "agalnBt annex
ation" or words oquivnlont thoroto.
Rosolvod furthor, that this notleo
bo publlshod In tho dally Mall Trl
buno, n nowopnpor of gonornl clrcu
Iptlon In sail city of Modfo-rt, and In
torrltory nbovo deBcrlbod, for a per
iod of four wooks prior to auoh oloo
tlon, and also four coplos thoroof bo
poBtod In four publlo placoo In said
city, and four public plnces within
tho torrltory nbovo doscrlbod, for a
Hko porlod, by tho city rocordor or
under his dlrootlon.
Tho forogolng resolution vraa
pnesod on tho 19th day of April,
1010, by tho following voto:
Morrlck, nyo; Emorlok. absont;
This Year, In This City
Want Advertising Will Build a Lot of New Business !
While it remains simply u PLAN, you needn't wnnt-ndvertisc it. Hut when you nro ready to WOUK
OUT the plan, to "got it going," your want advertising campaign should have attention a-plenty.
If your plan is good, want advertising will help you put life into it.
There is a faulty adage that "The good die young." Hero is a truer one:
Good Plans, Not Well Advertised, Die Young.
And, it may ho added, they die while thoy'ro still PLANS beforo they aro strong "enough to walk bc
foro they grow into businesses, into "going concerns."
A lot of the business successes of ono and two years hence nro now PLANS. They will survive
the plan-ago chiefly becauso they will be well ndvertised because their fosterers know how to mnko
want advertising a pushing and helping force.
You may make vour plan ono of tho nenr-future business successos, if it's n good plan, and you're
a good want advertiser.
Wortman, ayo; El fort, ayo; Dem
nior, ayo; Wolsh, eye.
Approved, April 20, 1910.
City Recordor.
.1. A. ICrewson to Lnura O.
Gould, Inud in sections 28,
.'12, XI , township 38, rang
3 W $1000
J. Shndinger to J. C. Kmeriek,
lot 2, block -10, Medford....
M. A. Bonhnm to J. T. Odcn,
180 acres in sections 32,
township 31, range 3 W.,
sections fl nud !, township
35, rnngo 3 W 1
Frank Cameron to A. Gilson,
100 ncrcs sections 22, town
ship 30, rnngo 3 W 2000
R. F. Benson to Farmers' &
Fruit Growers' Bank, lots
nnd blocks in Medford....
F. E. Merrick,. trustee, to Cnr
rick Major, 10.35 acres in
Stuart acres
FOR BALK ISO acres of good land,
halt of It Is cleared; 8 miles oast of
Modford. Thl? ia a bargain at $20
per aero. Address, Ownor, caro of
Mall Tribune
FOR SALE Ovor 140,000 worth of
city proporty conBlstlac of tho
most dcslrablo lots, housos, bunga
lows, otc, in tho city; must go
East at onco; most any rcasonablo
offor will bo accoptcd. DenBon In
vestment Co. 40
FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncre tracts
just within and adjoining eity lim
its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay
ments. Address Condor Water
Power Co.
FOR SALE A bargain, flno loca
tion, closo In; 8 ncrcs, plantod to
ono nnd two-yonr apples and va
riety of small fruits. Somo Im
provements. Address P. O. Box
480. 41
FOR SALE 3 acres 3-4 mile from
Englo Point; this is flrnt-class un
developed fruit land; will bo offor
od for a short tlmo for $200. Plorco
Shophord & Co. 50
Ho num.
FOR SALE Modern 7-room bun
galow, $2,000; part caab, bnlnnco
oaBy terms. Apply at 14th and
Nowtown Streets. Also somo good
lots. 40
FOR SALE This houso Is for salo;
will bo flnla'kOii In i Bhort tlmo;
best plumbing; lot 53x120; two al
loy botwoen 70x70; gr.ipo vinos on
tho lots;, prlco $2500 cash. 722 W.
2d Btroot, or addross ZS, caro Tri
bune offlco.
FOR SALE Small now house, largo
bnru, big lot, all In gardon, chick
on foncod, oast front, on promlnont
streot, sower in and paid, city va
tor; piico $S00; $400 cash; bnlanco
onsy; no ngonts. Addross Al, caro
Mall Tribune 43
FOR SALE 3 lots, closo In, cheap If
tnkon nt onco. Address Mrs. W. H.
Wllllntns, Box 871, Modford, Or. 42
FOR SALE City lots, $20; for
small, Bafo investmont coo th city
tota I offer at $300 and $250 por
lot; $20 oash payment, bolnnco $10
por month; no lateroM. II. O. Malt
by, Palm Mdg.
FOR SALE For this woolc only.
Four lots 50x100 foot; sowor and
city wntor; on ono of tho highest
points ot Wost Second St. Prlco,
$400 onch; ono-halt cash, bnlanco
six months. Addross Box 172. 40
TWO lotB for salo choap on onsy
tormt. Apply ownors, Oholgron
Bros.. 735 North Oak St. 40
FOR SALE Good lot fi! Walnut
Park addition, two blocks from pav
ing on Columbus avonuo, oast front;
tonus to suit purchaser. Addrosa
N2, caro of Mall Trlbuue offlco.
Lo to.
FOR SAMSt Lots In Laurel Park,
near paving; will closo theso at vory
low prices. Dcnson Investment Co.
Timber IawQ.
FOR SALE 40 acres ot good tlmbor
five miles from Medford; all down
hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore
gon. Baolncaa Property.
FOR SALE Choice business prop
orty at n bargain, on long time;
easy terms. Addross Condor Wa
ter Power Co.
KnuB or Orcnanls
FOR SALB-Ntnety ncrje. 30 in one
year old applo and pear trees, 100
inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from
railroad station. For terras write
"Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 36i
TOItBALE 00 acres, ncoct building
olto In tho alloy, Includit g 30 acres
good fruit land; cheap and terms
rlcht. H. O. Maltby, Palm Bldg.,
Main and Front
FOH SALE About 30 acres of good
orchard land 1 1-2 mllos oast of
Phoenix. One-half is In orchard.
Tolophono, Modford. 1199, or ad
dress C. T. Payne, Phoenix, Ore.
FOR SALE A young 30-acro orchard
trnct set to commercial apples and
pears, ndjolnlng tbo city limits ot
Ashland, Or.; good coll; sightly lo
cation; lies practically level; or
chard In fine condition; ono of tho
best buys in tho valloy; price for a
short tlmo only $250 per acre; or
will subdivide. Address CO
QUICK SALE Oao team, medium
slzod work horses, wagon, harness,
now plow, cost $200; cheap for
quick salo. Chns. Codor, Jim How
ard placo, ono mllo from end ot
Oakdalo South.
FOR SALE Young team, weight
2500 pounds; harness and wagon.
Inqulro Owner, 723 13th street,
Wost. 42
FOR SALE No ono team, now vrag
on nnd harness. Inqulro at 520 So.
Holly st. 40
Homestead Relinquishments.
FOR SALE Homestead relinquish
mont, 1G0 acros, CO acres ot good
land, houBe, two springs, 100 acros
tlmbor and pasturo land. T. W. Fln
loy, Englo Point. 41
FORSALE Homestead rellnqulsh
mont. Address Box C04, Medford,
Or. 42
Business Opportunities.
FOR SALE Good paying business
nnd lenso, whole or half Interest.
Address E, caro of Tribune.
FOR SALE Offlco furnlturo, al
most now. A snap it taken nt onco.
Bonson Investment Co. 40
FOR SALE Lognl blanks of all
kinds trespass and othor notices,
at Mali Trlbuno office.
FOR SALE Chaudlor & Prlco Gor
don Jobbor, 11x14 press; a bargain.
Inqulro Mall Trlbuno offlco.
FOR .SALE Fine atoclc, trult and
dairy farm In southorn Oregon and
northorn California. For particulars
addrosa Box 15, Hilts, Cal. 50
FOR SALE Ono iloubloTontid
loathor top surroy; good as now,
with doublo set ot harness to match,
at a bargain Apply Geo. P. Mlms,
Contra! Point.
FOR SALE A full line ot Old Hamp
shlro and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth
finish; lottor bends and envelopes.
Mall Trlbuno offlco.
FOR SALE Wall paper, paints, oils,
brushes, a vory comploto lino; in
formation cheerfully glvon by nn
oxporioncod palutor. M. J. Motcnlf,
318 12. Main t,
FOR SALE A flve-pnssongor Mlch
oll nuto, In first-class condition;
rill t!ll it a vory low flguro. Bon
itn lVstiienl Co. 40
FOR "SALE First crop of alfalfa
hay, $12 por ton, at barn, 2 1-2
mllos southwost of Modford. E. L.
Walz. 44
FOR SALE No. 1 Jersey cow and
calf at a bargain. Address Jos. B
Stenrns, Tolo, Or. 50
FOR SALE Furniture, and house
for rent. Inquire of Mrs. Hart, 42
South Bartlott Btroot. 42
FOR SALE Good cow. George Fisk,
Griffin Creek. 44
FOR RENT 7-room modern bunga
low on Oakdalo avenue; possession
May 10 to 15. McArthur & Alexan
der, room 3 P. O. block.
FOR RENT In Central Point, close
in, a neat cottage of 5 rooms, good
well, barn and garden, etc. Address
Jos. B. Stearns, Tolo, Or. 50
FOR RENT Modorn 11-room house,
closo In; two baths. Addross Mrs.
Enyart, 18 South Almond street,
city. Phono Main 4221. 45
Famished Rooms.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms with bath, for two or four
gentlemen. 122 North Ivy st. 50
FOR RENT Modern furnlsd
rooms at 604 West 10th or 124 King
FOR RENT Offices over postotfioe
on April 1st; will bo steam heated
and have hot and cold water by next
winter. Apply to A. A. Davis.
FOR RENT A suito of rooms one
block from Main street 127
South Gmpo.
Housekeeping Rooms.
FOR RENT Two largo roomy house
keeping rooms, completely furnish
ed, close in. Inquire Goodfriend'a
Tea and Coffeo Houso, West Main
street. 42
Room and Hoard.
FOR RENT Room and board, suit
able for one or two gentlemen. 325
Riverside avenue, South. 42
FOR RENT Gurdon land on Bear
creek, one acre and upwnrds with
water for irrigation; owner will
fnrnieh team, plow and seed for
part of crop. Seo Smith, Condor
Water & Power Co. 50
FOR RENT Houso, barn and fivo
acres of ground, one-half mllo from
city limits, east of Medtord, cheap.
Seo owner, room 4, ovor Postofflco.
FOR LEASE Fully equlrped gold
mine; ten-stamp mill and concen
trator, all orerated by electric pow
ei. Owner will furnish froo elec
tric power for shnro in proceeds. See
Smith, at Condor Wator & Power
FOR RENT Pasturo land on Price
Ranch, Tolo; irrigated land, next to
MoDonough ranch, Tolo. Condor
Wntor & Power Co. 50
Help Wanted MjUo.
WANTED Ten wood choppers. Ap
ply to LUJlgron, Tolo, Or. 50
WANfED--TwcT cTpntorsT Apply
nt Condor Wntor & Powor Co., W.
Main stroot. 60
WANTED Experienced stono cutter
nnd quarry man. Call at Condor
Wator and Power Co's. offlco.
WANTED Salosmon in every local
ity of tho northwest; money ad
vanced wookly; many makb ovor
$100 month; cholco of territory.
Yakima Valloy Nurso'r Co., Top
ponlsh, Wash.
WANTED Men capablo of earning
$50 por weok soiling trees for larg
est and best known nursory In tho
wost; cholco territory; guaranteed
stock. For particulars addross Oro
gou Nursery company, Oronco, Ore
gon. 61
WANTED Agents to sell Roosevelt's
Thrilling Advontures, hunting big
game In South Africa. Address Box
004, Medrord, Or. 42
WANTED Work by compotont pa
porhnngor, will contract or work by
tho day. Addrosa Box 96, city. 41
Help Wanted Fcmnlo.
WANTED A competont woman for
housework and cooking; good wages,
also farm hand knowing young or
chard work. Address L, care Mall
Tribune oftico. 47
WANTED Experienced saleslady;
good wages to right party. Rardon'a
Bakery. 50'
WANTED NIco girl as waitress;
wages $8 a week, at Canton Restau
rant, 33 South Front street, up
stairs. 60
WANTED Six or sevon-room house,
furnished or unfurnished, by May
20; bank references. Address B2,
care of this office. 43
WANTED To borrow, $500, one
year, 10 per cent, five-room house.
Box 118, Medford. 42
WANTED Home breaking; horses
carefully and scientifically broken
to drive double and single, also galt
ed by careful xau experienced horse
men; horsee boarded or otherwlso;
prices right. Ovll and see me or ad
drosa W. T. Vincent, Medford, Or.
No horses barred out.
WANTED Horso and buggy for
several months. State price with
or without board. G. P., Mall Tri
WANTED 1000 cords of fir and oak
wood. Call at Condor Water &
Power Co.'s office. 60"
WANTED To buy, interest in good
paying business, with services. Ad
dress J. W. B., care Mail Tribune. 41
FOUND A pair of gold frame
glasses. By proving property owner
will find them at Benson Investment
Co. 41
Palm building.
A. E. REAMER Lawyer. Over Post-
LEY Attorneys-at-lnw. No. 9 D
street, ground floor.
vig, C. L. Reomes. Lawyers. Of
fico Medford National Bank baild
ing, second floor.
B. F. MULKEY Attornoy-at-lnw.
Offices room 30, Jaoksoc County
Bank building, Medford.
dertakers. Day phone 351. Night
phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H.
Butler 3571.
Smokehouse, first-class bricklayer,
stoneworker, cement stopping
stucco and moulding, firoplaoes and
tile work a specialty, European
plan; day or contract.
CINES Will cure rheumatism,
asthma, paralysis, sores and pri
vate diseases. These remedies may
be procured at tho Sing Lee laun
dry, 123 S. Riverside avonuo, Med
ford, Or., whoro they will bo sold
by tho proprietor.
Dr. Chow Young has treated sev
eral sovero cases with hiB remedies
sinco coming to Medford and has
for reference some of the best
knowu and most intelligent citizens
in Southern Oregon. Call on him.
Bnilding Contractor.
ALEX. TAYLOR, Building Con
tractor Houses, bungalows, nltotr
ntions, repairs. 31 North Central
nveano, opposite postoffico.
Mesjenger Service.
gers furnished at all houso of day
and till 0 p. ra. to any part of city,
from lOo to 25o. Phono Main 1812.
Mnokoy and dio with joy." Over Al
lon & Reagan's store; entranco on
Sovonth stroot.
CINES Will euro rhonmntisni,
nsthraa, paralysis, sores nnd pri
vate .disonsea. Theso remedies
may bo procured nt tho Sing Leo
Laundry, 123 South Rivorsido ave.,
whoro thoy will bo sold by tho pro
prietor, enow YOUNG.
Dr. Chow Young has treated
sovornl sovero onsos with his rem
edies ainco coming to Modford and
hns for roferoncos somo of tho best
known nnd most intlligont citizens
in Southorn Orogon. Call on him.
344 South C st., Medford, Or, B.
W. Ilisoy, Matron. Official ktrntnl
P. & E. R. R.
Hill Poeten.
VERNE T. CANON Bill Poai4 ,
Distributor. All orders preiaptly '.
filled. Room 20, Jackson Gtwaty I
Bank building, Medford. Or. '. ,
Ileal Estate.
some of the choicest bargaifis ia ,
real estate in this valley. Also Brit
ish Columbia and Alberta, B. C-, and
other parts. Call on him at Bltncr'H
office, Phipps building, or at the
Medford Auto company's garage,
where we start out our agents for
the Aladdcn Mantle Lamp and bid
den window screen. Wo will treat
you right. Come and see.
Estate, Loans and Fire Insnrance.
Office, suito 205-200, over Fruit
growcrs' bank. Phone 541.
Printers and Pa Win her.
best-equipped job office in South
ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37
South Central avenue.
Billiard Parlors.
S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs,
Young & Hall building. A nice, ooel
place to spend the hot afternoons.
JOHNS & TURNER, Architects aad
Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main.
Phone Main 3471. Residence pheoe
Carriage and Auto PaiatiMg.
WORKS High-class work Roaran
tced. Signs. Riverside avenue.
Phone 801.
EL F. WILSON & Co., dealers ia new
and second-hand furniture and
hardware. Agents for Monnd City
kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st
Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford.
Mission Furniture made to order.
Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial
order solicited.
and Ranges. New and Second-Hand
Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W.
F st. South. Phone 91. Medford, Or.
are budded, not grafted. Oar stock
is not irrigated. We guarantee ev
erything put out. We are not iu the
trust. H. B. Patterson, office ia
Hotel Nash.
Growers of high-grade nursery
stock. C. F. Cook, Prop., IL R. V.
depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 1201.
DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist
Offico in rooms 203-204, Farmenr
& Fruitgrowers' bank building', west
of the tracks.
Physicians and Sargcoas.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite
Jackson County bank. Night calls
promptly answored. Office and resi
dence phono Main 3132.
Stewart building Physicians ani
Surgeons. Office phone Main 341;
privnto phono Main 612.
Physicians. Mission block. Phone
201. Medford.
Cigars and Tobacco.
IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse
Dealers in tobaoco, cigars and smok
ers' supplies. Exclusive agents oi
Lewis Singlo Binder, EI Merito and
El Paloncia. 212 West Main street
Tin Shot.
J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and
sheet iron wara on hand and mads
to ordor. 128 North G Street
Brick Companies.
manufacturers and o on tractors;
also limo, cement and plaster in any
quantity. Office, Medford National
Bank bldg. Phono Main 545.
G. W. Priddy. G. T. O'Brien.
O. D. Nagle
Iiegal Illanka.
LEGAL BLANKS All stylos of le
gal blanks for sale, a hundred dif
forcnt forms. Medford Printing Co.
Painters ar.d Paperfeaagera.
GERWOLF & WARD, contracting
painters, paperhnngers and deco
rators; signs. Estimates given oa
nil kinds of day and job work. Park
View notol. Phone Main 1801.
ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block.
Stenographic work done quickly
and woll.