Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 06, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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I rr- rinir niiirr rinirm TJS II
tAULt mini mim w
If Sy A C. Ilowlcit
On Hntiinlay of limt wok your ICn
kIh I'otnl cDi'i'oiiiioiKltnit winit to Dtittu
KuIIh. Wlillu tlittro ho prouchuil oti
Hutiiidity nlr.lit unil on Hiiiutuy both
morning ami cvcnlm;. Hniulny wan
unlto a notoit day, Iwlni; t ho flntt
lay of May. Tlio lioya, or nitlntr
tint iiuoplo of tint town had a iliuino
on Hutimliiy iilnlit liuforo, anil on
Kiiiiilay tlmro worn two j-iiiuoii of hull,
oiio In thu foro noon and tmo In the
aflornoon. Kiinday hcIioo) In tho
iiioiiiliiK and pri'iichliiK and tho Hn
ih'iivor Hocloty and iiroaclilni? In tho
ovimliiK, and notwItliMtandlni; tho hull
KiiincH and othur iiiiiiihciihmiIm koIiik
on at tlm wuim t lino, wnn a vory kooiI
L'onKrnatlon, hoth Hatnrday nlKht
and hoth Union on Hominy. Tho hhu
plo of thnt plnco huoiii to npprucliitu
roKlHoiH HorvlcoH and tnko an Intor
imt In trylut: to Iceop thom up. I can
nee that thu town Iiiih Improved ttlneo
I wiih tlioro laMt. Ira TiiiikuIu and
another man liuvo houitlit tt framo
of a hnlldliiK that wiih put tip hoiiiu
tlmo mm and left without JjhIiik fin-ImIh-iI
owlni; to thu liliuttltiK down of
tho mill and mineral Hiiupunulon of
IiiihIiiohh, and now thu people of tho
plaeu hnvo to o to thu Iowa mill for
their lumber, an thu Huttu KnllH mill
In huhiK romoduled, hut they oxpuct
to Htart up UKtilit very booh. Tho
hmilnuHH men Hay that IhihIiiohu Ih ho
coiuIiik moro lively and thoy nru look
Iiik tor a i;od tlmo thin nummcr.
On my way homu (for I wunt on
hornehack ho that 1 could r,o whom
a pli'iint'd), I Hpent a while at the
Iowa mill and tho accommodating
manajter of thu mill I hnvo forgot
ten IiIh mum took pnlmt to mIiow
mo all that he could around tho mill.
They nro doliu; some fine work and
liirnliiK out a fine lot of lumber. H
Informed me that they had on hand
about GOO, 000 feet of lumber and
worn cuttlm; right along, hut are
handicapped on account of Mcarclty of
help. Thu bt'Ht run w:im lr.Ht Katur
day. They cut 20,000 feet In a half
a day. They aro about through miw
lug thu old logM that were cut two
yearn ago and will hooii begin on tho
standing tlmbor,
On Friday last our school clotted
and the cloning oxorclHOM wau hold In
the upper tttory of tho M.liool Iiouhu
on account of tho rain on Krlday
night. The tingle l'olut hand turned
out nnd took part In tho exorclHoa by
rendering boiiio fine iiiuhIc. Thu clill
Iron did themelvoH credit and hIiow
ed clearly that tholr tencherb had not
neglected to do tl.olr part. Aflor tho
exerclfloii wero over supper wan nerv
ed In one of thu lower rootim that
had been provided by tl.o good la
dhm of tho town, and ah ut 10 o'clock
the crowd, for It was n crowd, began
to dlHporMO. Bomo went to tholr
honiuH and some went to n danco that
was In prigreM. Tho school has
been ono of tho best. If not tho best,
that wo havo had hero for several
years, and I nm glad to bo able to say
that tho school board havo acted wise
ly and secured the services of Mr. nnd
Mrs. T. 11. Dally for our next fall and
winter school. Who they will cm
ploy for tho third tonchor Is not yet
decided, but It Is K"rnlly coucedod
that wo will hnvo to hnvo throo toach
ors from now on, as our school Is In
creasing In size and there Is so many
of (hem that will go Into tho higher
Mrs. Howlutt reports that thuro
was finite a number of thu citizens of
Mod ford enmo out In their autos for
dinner lust Sunday and umonc thorn
was tho editor of tho Mull Tribune,
but she wnn too busy to take their
names, so that I am not able to make
mention of thorn In particular. 1 am
sorry that I wan away from homo,
but triiHl that thu next time I will he
moro forttinato and havo tho pleas
ure of meeting thorn at my homo.
It In hardly necessary for mo to
iiientloii that Or. Koddy, John It. Al
len wero here, for that lum al
ready gone to tho world; also that Dr.
Keene, William and Mike Unnley
passed through hero tho last of lust
week on their way to the I Inn ley
lown, regiHlcreil nl tlio Central 1'oint
Ilolel yi'storiltty.
Hurry Yoinitf, who roeenlly Hold
out hit interest in the Kinsley truel,
wohI of lown, left Tlwrmliv morn
iuu for his old homo in New York
where lie will remain for n time.
II. M. Alien of I.ewinton, Mnlio,
wiih in lown on Wednesduy anil ex
pressed himself iib greatly plcitHuri
with this part of tho Ifoguo Kiver
Valley. He admits Hint it is fur and
away nliend of Idaho in the nuttier
of climate.
The KnightH find Ladies of Security
held mi open meeliiiK in tlieir hull
lnxt night nnd entertained themselves
ranch on Idttlo Huttu; In fact, there ,wilh musie, recilntiotiH i.mi goon
are so many people visiting our thrlv-j tilings to out until long- nfter the
lug little town thnt It keops mo guess- curfow hell hnd wnrlied nil Holier,
lug to hoop track and decide what to j people that bedtime was fit hand,
write for tho Mall Tribune. " . - ,.
f'lmrltiu ftrirwm rmr miw ilnnnt wlnlu rnuuiuuii I ff. u. w
agent for (ho I'. & 10. railroad has'
taken a room ut tho Btiunysldo and '
gone to work In earnest, and thu poo-1
nte. not onlv of this town but of tho I
uiiprnmifllfiir imlfrltlwirlmfift. nm L'lnil . Will
r ' "
Mrs. Lulu Lovclnnil Shcphard, tho
W. C. T. U. state president of Utah,
eeturo at tho Haptisl ehureli
to huVo uu ngont who i nn devote all J Sunday at 8 o'clock p. m.
his tlmo to that branch of tho busl-l V ,'"H w,1 1,0nl rancofl
t 1 I I 1 f - - I . . I ....... 1 IlllM
nos. While Mr. Zlmmormnn, tho for- "W wnvi nm n
mor agent, was well liked and Knve,uc,l wo,m,n "rators, Mrs. bhephnrd
general satisfaction, ho could not do- ovo mro clonueiit thnii
vote all of his tlmo to thnt work, and '' '"' Rnlncil Iho li t o af
often imrtles who had to go a long i "filver-toiiBtiod orr.tor of the Kooky
dlstntico had to wait until a late hour Mountains." on nccount of her exscp
or else go and get him to go express-, tiorifil power an aplatfonn orator, blio
ly to wait on them at tho .lepot. . wffl lecture at the Hnptist Churcli
'Pin i n ii 1 1 wilt i tt it iriii t li it w ,,. tnniru . Dunuav. .MHV O, III O II. m.
HIT IMIIII J 11 IIV IIKVIUI " llin I - " -
over the dlfferont routes tho. mull car
riers travel, was horo a day or two
ago trying to got nomeono to put In
bids for cairylng tho mall over tho
different routes, us tho bids that have
been put In have been turned down
on account of them being so much
higher than thoy hnvo boon hereto
fore; but thu authorities at headquar
ters don't tnke Into account that hay
and grain havo raised In price from
100 to 200 per cent In tho last few
As soon as It was announced In the
Mall Tribune that thu town of ICngle
l'olut was to ho moved there was a
party rushed Into our nulot little vil
lage and wanted to engage to move
houses to the new townslte. but could
not gel one Job, ns there Is but ono
limn that wants to move, and ho has
a stone house snd can't move It.
Mr. and Mix. It. 12. Peyton passed
through our town last Tuesday on
their way to Medford, whllo his cou
sin, Alvln Peyton, mid family, spent
the night at tho Sunnysldo.
ICImer Spencer, who has been In
Medford under tho caro of a doctor,
came out to tho Sunnysldo last Mon
day to board, as ho says that ho can
bet board enough cheaper to justify
his going to Medford twlco a wek to
see tho doctor and thou save money.
Ills brother, Jenso Spencer, came out
from Dudley lnnt Tuesday nnd spant j
thu night with Elmer.
1. J. Ptirkerpllo and Pat Stldhnm
of Central Point are horo at this
writing, Wednesday forenoon, wiring
the now housoa, getting them mndy
mi as to have electric lights as soon
as the electricity can bo obtained.
They havo Just finished wiring Wil
liam von dor I Mien's now house and
aro working on P. H. Daley's today.
James McCtnunhmt nnd James Mil
ler of Klk Creek woro sojourners horo
Tuesday night. Mr. McC. has a saw
mill on Klk crook and says that ho
has now nbout 200,000 feet of lum
ber on hand but thnt there Is n big
demand for lumber and thnt tho peo
ple come to thu mill and haul It why
right along.
Dr. Holt had a man with his vacuum
house elounor out n day or two ago
cleaning his house.
Deter & Daley nro iijanulng to
make some substantial Improvements
on the lots thoy hough of A. J. Flo-riy.
He It resolved, by tho city council
of tho city of Medford, Oregon:
Thnt It Is tho Intention cf tho coun
cil to lay a 4-Inch water main on
Portland avoniio from Host Mnlu to
Kast Eleventh street, and to nssoss
tho cost thoieof upoi tho property
frortlng on nld portion of sld stroot
In proportion to tho front: go of said
Tho council will moot at tho coun
cil chamber In tho city hnll In snld
city on Mny 17th. 1910, at 7:30 p.
m.. at which tlmo all protests against
the laying of said wnter main on snld
portion of Bald street nnd the nssoss
inont of tho cost thereof upon tho
property fronting thoroon will bo
Tho forogolng resolution wnH pass
ed by the city council of tho city of
Medford. Oregon, on the 3d dny of
May. 1910. by Jho following vote:
Welch aye, Morrlck aye, Kmorlck
nyo. Wortman aye, Klfort nyo nnd
Deiumor nyc.
Approved Mny 4th. 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
An ordlnnncc providing for the con
struction of a lateral sewer along
Fourteenth street from Newtown
stmet to King street, nnd for tho as
sessment of tho cost thereof on tho
property directly bonoflted thereby
and adjacent thereto, and providing
a meeting of the council to consider
protests against said construction nnd
assessment and tho sorvlng of tho
owners of such proporty with notlco
The city of Medford doth ordain ns
Section 1. It Is the Intention of tho
council to cnuso a laternl sower to
No job too small, none too
large. Twenty-five years'
practical experience.
Office 113 South Front Street.
Phono 2751.
ho cpnfltructed nlong Fourteenth
street from Nowtown tlreet to King
street and to ausess the cost thereof
upon tho proporty dire- tly benefited
thereby ami ndjncont thereto.
Section 2. Tho council will hear
and consider any protett against said
construction nnd tho assessing of the
said proporty for tho com thereof, at
a m"otlng of tho council to he held
Mny 17th, 1010, at 7:30 p m., In the
council chamber In said iHy. nnd all
property owners of property adjacent
to tinld sower nnd benefited thereby
aro called upon to appear before said
council at said time and place and
show cause, If any t iey hnvo. why
said construction should not bo made
and tho cost thereof so assessed
Section 3, Tho city -ecorder Is
hereby directed to serve notice there
of upon tho proporty owners afore
said, by causing thre- copies of this
ordinance to bo posted In three pub-,
He places In snld city, nnd (ho said ,
ordinance to bo published once In n
dully nowspnper published nnd of
general circulation In l' u city, at !
leant ten days teforo tho date of snld i
Tho foregoing ordinance wus pass
ed by tho city council of the city of
Medford, Oregon, on the 3d day of
May, 1910, by tho following vote:
Welch nyo, Merrick aye, Emerlck
aye, Wortman aye, Blfct-t aye and
Demmcr nyo.
Approved Mny 4th. 1910.
W. li. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
If you arc looking for a deal in orchard land that is sure to make you good
money in a very short time, don't fail to get in touch with this: 99 acres in
the tract; 45 acres in trees; 25 acres now in bearing and planted to apples; 8
acres in Spitzenbcrgs; 8 Ben Davis, and 9 in Newtowns; 5 cars shipped last
year and double this amount will be shipped this season; 20 acres in pears,
Anjou and Bartlett 1050 2-year-old trees; 15 acres of grain; &q miles out;
every acre can be cultivated; house of 3 rooms, fair barn; all fenced; all can bo
An ordlnnncc providing for the con
struction of n lateral sewer nlong
Roosevelt avenue from East Mnln
street to north city limits, nnd for
tho assessment of the cost thereof on
the property directly benefited thore-,
by and adjacent thereto, and provld-j
Ing n meeting of the council to con-i
slder protests ngnlnst said construe-1
Hon and assessment acd the serving
of the owners of such property with ;
notice thereof. i
The city of Medford doth ordnln as '
Section 1. It 1b the Intention of the,
council to cause u lateral sewer to be
constructed along Roievclt avenue
from East Main street to north city
limits, nnd to assess the coBt thereof
upon the property directly benefited ',
thoreby nnd ndjnccnt thereto.
Section 2. The councll will hear
nnd consider any protests against Bald ,
construction and the assessing of the
said property for the cost thereof, at
n meeting of the council to be held
Mny 17th. 1910, at 7:30 p. in., In
tho council- chamber In said city, and
nil property owners of property nd
Jncent to snld sewer and beenflted
thereby nro called upon to nppear
before said council at said time nnd
plnco and Bhow cnuse, If nny they
hnvo. why Bald construction should
not bo made and the cost thereof so
Section 3. The city recorder Is
hereby directed to serve notice there
of upon the property owners afore
Bald, by causing three copies of this
ordinance to bo posted In three pub-
llr iilnrna In nnl,1 rltv nnd tho snld
ordinance to bo published once in " j
dally newspaper published and of gen-i
ernl circulation In tho city, at least ' aye, Wortman
ten days bofore tho date of snld meet- Deinmer aye.
'"Tho foregoing ordinance was pass-, Approved May
ed by tho city council of the city of' . H.
Medford, Oregon, on the 3d day of Attest:
May. 1910. by tho following vote: ROBT.
Welch aye, Merrick aye, Emerlck
A Furnished House
8 Rooms, brand new house; bath, toilet, screen kitchen, swell electric fix
tures, cement sidewalk on street and cement walk to and around the house;
fully furnished in first class style. Parties leaving town and therefore will
sacrifice this splendid home.
Beautiful Hillside Home
53 Acres iy miles east of Central Point; all bottom land, mostly free soil
of the very best quality.
10 Acres 8-year-old Spitz and Newtowns apples; 26 acres 5 to 7-year-old
Spitz and Newtowns Apples; 200 Jonathan apple trees; 200 Winter Nellis pear
trees; 6 acres 3-year-old Cornice Pears. Price $32,500; $15,000 cash, balance,
three equal pajments at 6 per cent.
A Forttne in This
30.31 Acres of the very best soil in the valley; large nine-room house;
good barn and outbuildings; three wells and plenty of water for all purposes.
1,844 trees on place, mostly pears. Price $16,000; half cash, bal. good terms.
Walter L. McCallum
aye, Elfert aye and
4th. 1910.
CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
, . ,
Tho market is full of fitrnwborries, Hnjinond spent n few hours in Med-
swoot and luscious, nt prices within fonVa shopping district on Tlutr.-
tlio much of ovory one. . . ly.
Littlo Hiihlaml Anderson mourns I .Mr. llonry, tlio painter injured so
tlio Iobh of his pot "Kiinnio," tho severely by falling from u buggy
ragged, jiioturoBiiuo little donkey of lust Sunday morning, has hliown no
which ho was tlio envied possessor mgus of improvement, being still coni
fer some months. Fiuinio had begun plotely paralyzed from nook to feet
to exhibit an uncertain temper and
wus considered not (piito a snfo com
panion, thorcforo was disposed of.
Airs, (leorgo Kox lias been con
fined to her homo by illness for tho
nnd but slight entertained for
his recovery.
William Ilummott is tlio latest good
looktig and dibble bachelor to locate
in Contrnl l'olut and of courso the
past ton duys, hut is now somewhat (youuK Indies nro naturally making m
Jniproved. (o,uirios about him. Tlio Central
Mosduniori W. K. Darling and E. Point girls aro somewhat dangerous
guests ut.wo will admit and moro than ono
l'oninger. .young man has lost Ins head because
Sutton of Uold Hill aro
tho homo of Mrs. Fred
Thoy camo on Tuesday to attend tho, of them, but wo aro sure thnt loaded
Hehukah installation meeting and re-j shot guns will not ho noedod on this
mained to visit with personal friends . score.
for a day or two. 1 Mrs. rd Castor of Agato was
Mrs. Mary Crydormaii has a niece shopping in town on Wednesday
from Quobno, Canada, visiting her for afternoon.
a short tlmo. ! Henry Mossmnn, wifo and daugh-
Snlosmnn Welch of tlio, Medford , lor, of Torre Ilnuto, lad., aro stopping
Grocery Co., was in town yeslerd.iy in town, with a view ot locating somo
transacting business with our locu
grocory men.
J. H. Coohrnn and wifo, C. S. San
dorson and wifo, J. D. Ilaokor nnd
wifo, and T. J. Ilazolton and wifo
drovo to Modford on Thursday even
ing to altond tho Oliver meeting.
.Mrs. Frank Taylor and Master
whoro in this section. Thoy visited
Medford nnd-Ashland this week and
wero charmed with both towns, lint
did not docido to looato in either, alid;
roturned today for another look at
Central Point, Mr. Mossmnn is a
rotirod railway onginoor.
J, E. Flanagan of Dos Moines,
MOST roofs attract heat,
consequently the build
ing temperature is increased.
Roofs of this kind are not
suitable for hot climates, nor
for poultry-houses or many
other buildings in temperate
Medford Iron Works
E. E. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Ore
All Work Guaranteed Prices RonGonable
j 11 North I) St., Medford, Ore. Phone 303
I wish to announce that I have purchased the
Union Livery SfaMes
and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Horses
boarded by the day, week or month. I guarantees a square doal
to all.
"We make any kind and style of Wisdows.
"We carry Glass of any size on hand.
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon,
repels the heat. Its flint
coating next the roof-boards
Insulates against heat or
cold, by providing countless
This is only one reason
why we want you to investi
gate it.
Woods Lumber Co.
We know of but one best
wheat patent flour
Pare White
We are selling more every
Do you use it ?
Ul m Gttrt 1
x . Ml
u I
tvvt ' , f jirTv w
"What couhl be prettier or more
inviting than a dainty bedroom
with walls, furniture and woodwork
all enameled in white or some delicate
tint to harmonize nicely with furnishings
and draperies? Why not have one?
ENAMEL Weal's)
gives that smooth, beautiful, genuine enamel surface
so sanitary and so easy to keep bright and attractive.
Anyone can apply it by following the simple directions.
If it's a surface to bo painted, enameled.
Htutned, vurntihed. or finished la any
way there's un Acino Quality Kind to fit
tho purpose.