MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1010. WILL MEXICO PLAY OWN HAND? Looks as if Republic to South In tends to Cut Looso From United States and Deal With Neighbors in Her Own Way. WASHINGTON", May 4. litis ; .Mexico decided to cut- looso from Uncle Sam nud follow its own course in supervising tho political affairs of Ccutral America? This is becoininR a sorious ques tion, not only in the United States, but in those republics which have heretofore kept their eyes on their big neighbors of tho north before executing a political coup. There is reason to believe, too, that tho bonds of mutual interest which united Mex ico and the United States in keeping the peace hi Central Amcrico and, possibly, with each other, are just about ready to snap. Tho particular occasion for this surmise was the Nicaragua situation. When the United States could no longer tolerato the impossible Zelaya, who committed jnst one crime too many in murdering tho two Ameri cans, Mexico hurriedly' sent former Ambassador Creel to Washington to eeo if "something could not be done." It was shown very quickly that "something" could bo done, and; Creel went back to Mexico. Of course that should have ended the matter, but it didn't. Mexico and the United States had always joined hands on Central American affairs. Together they had arranged tho Washington conventions by which tho five republics hnd agreed to keep the peace. Despite this traditional friendship, Wjhen Zelnya fled, Mexico received him more liko a fugitive king, than n despicable tyrant whose career in Nicaragua would have made Caligula green with envy. He was taken WHITE SLAVER ADMITS GUILT Man Arrested In New York for Deal Ing in Girls Turns State's Evl denco and Tells of Great Traffic Throughout States. NEW YORK, May 1. Harry Lev inson today pleaded guilty to selling girls for immoral purposes nnd told tho court he wanted to turn state's evidence and go beforeo the grand jury. Justieo O'Sullivan warned Levin- son thnt ho would receive no mercy through turning state's evidence, but that he was liable to severe punish ment nud might be sentenced to twenty years imprisonment. Levmson answered that he knew this, that he had considered tho mat ter carefully and that ho wnntcd to tell nil he know about tho white slavo traffic. He declared that ho had been a white slaver for years. He said his testimony would impli cate a number of persons, some of whom are promiuent. District Attorney Reynolds is to- day trying to establish tho connec tion between white slavers and a school of occult sciences run by Pierre Bernard. Bernard claims to be a Hindu. He is known as "Om" Bemnrd. Bernard was held in bonds of $10, 000 today by Justice Brceu on charges of abduction made by two of Bernard's pupils, Miss Zelia Hopp and Miss Qcrtrudo Lee, eagh nineteen years of age. Miss Lee lives at Tacoma, Wash. "Om's" school was raided by the police last night. Tho officers found CLEAN CLOTHES FOR BALLPLAYERS President Graham Has Constituted Himself a Committee of Ono on Sanitation and Will Enforce His Ruling. SAN FRANCISCO, May 4, Presi dent Graham 1ms constituted himself n commltteo of ono on sanitation, The next time a player uppers on tho field in a dirty, filthy uniform such as Don Cameron sported Inst week ho will bo ordered to the cIuuIioubo and instructed to see c. laundryinan. When a team leaves on n road trip it is customary for tho players to eorid their suits to tho wnsh. Aft er players have rolled around In tho dirt for a week or more their uni forms, black or white, arc qulto ready for a liberal application of soap and water. When the Oaks went north recently every player looked after his duds save Cameron, whoso mem ory failed him. President Graham was very much miffed when ho saw Cameron appear in such filthy rags. "I havo made an order to tho of- fect that no player can commenco a series in a dirty costumo," said Pres ident Graham this morning. "If a player cannot glvo tlmo and thought to his personal appearance, we don't want him on tho field. It 13 offensive to tho audience to seo players look as if they had come out of some pig sty, and wo don't propose to have It. Tho players do not have! to pay thoir laundry bills, so there Is no exouso ns to the expense A club that Is nattily and cleanly out fitted presonta A pleasing appearance, and that's what I want to see." mini; offenders LEI OFF LIGHTY $5 cnoh, which nnioiiiit wan paid, ami It Is doubtful If" they ever allow thorn solves to i;ot Into tho predica ment niraln. CIRCUIT COURT WILL CONVENE MAY 9TH Jutlflo Canon Tempers Justlco With' Jho '"'iounu'.l toim .f circuit court .will convene .May D at JneKsoiivtllo. Mercy In Pollco Court This Morn- The adjourned term will not ho n i. - ..,, o... i. long one unless sonio criminal oases i.U-uu, ...u. on, ,,0 muie, . n.a ,)cmlim. ,, bnM(,ht up Injunction to Wayward Boys. Richard incent ami wife of riounoo Keck, enmo down recently and are guests of Mrs. Uriah Gordon In the police court this mornlue "d daughter ol North Hcutty street. J. G. Lackons and U. Gray woro ar-' 8. II. Glass, of Sum's Valley, ratal ed charged with fighting on tho leaves her old homo today for an streets. The row started In Sclsby's indefinite visit with her daughter ami saloon on Froi.t street ami tho com- family, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Askew butants wore "bounced" by tho bar- of Kugeno. tender. The third man in tho scrap, Water Commissioner M. M. GuuH'k Tom Carney, nnd Sackons woro tho son, Charles, is confined to his bed principals. Gray clnlmed thnt ho with a severe attack of pneumonia, wna attempting to net ns a peace- yj . .' .. ... .i miiKcr. Carney put up $10 c.ial. ball, but' the other two passed the night In the city Jail, which should bo punlshmout enough for n'uy crime less than mur der. Judge Canon fined the young men ' Messrs. MoCloud nnd Davis of Gloiululo huvo opened an extensive wood yard in Hunker Hill Addition, W. D. llllngHWorlh of North River sido Avenue, neiHiinpiuiled by Ills granddaughter, Miss Ada Jnoksan, of North Front utruol, loft Wednesday for a brief biiHlutms trip to Portland and Tillamook Oily. Guy Moore of North Hontty street was unexpectedly culled to Wood villa Friday to assist his father, who is prostrated with a severe attnolc of whooping cough. Mi. Uriah Gordon, ono of aJokson County's venerable piouuor mothers, mid her daughter, Miss Clara, left Tuesday to summer at the old home place on North River. M. F. and H. H. Hanley woro in Medford on a business trip Tuesday. HaHkitiK for Health. HaskiiiH tor ITalth. FOUNTAIN PEN ft SI ffi riwMf f kin ur o ui FRAIL ITEMS. in tight fitting gowns wriggling about the floor. "Om" explained that tho motion " I wiiu rntiiiiuiifi ri 11 r inn wi-mltnn A -J uonor was paid him in every sible way by the government. n rtnw. J -y. it L :..-u7 nna . S arCfSea I Te road workers are at work male pos Rnr l this was not all. V .Zelaya having left, his office fell " "on lie shoulders of Madriz, a more or less constant adherent and fol lower in Lis footsteps. The United States did not propose to nrpint Madriz any more than Zelaya at least not utiLU ha Lad shown himself in a mood Id giyo some heed to the -uusmuiion oi .Nicaragua. Mexico wiongnt otherwise Madriz indicat ed that if Uncle Sam didn't like at Le could put it ffi his vipo nnd nke it. This was a vtff' contrast between the attitude of fW h fpveaunents which worked" together was teaching, but tho police dispersed the Hindu's disciples and took "Om" to a cell. WALTER DAMR0SCH SOON TO BE HEARD IN MEDFORD TTT 1 . n niter JLtamhjMtlt. u-Iim i.J , , " w ua - heard at the Medford Thnnf it,. 10, during his annual spring- festival Ing good roadn near Trail for which wo aro highly thankful. Mrs. Adah Phillips and children of Merlin are visiting J. T. Frys of Trail. J. T. Pry hr.s mado a great im provement on his farm In piping wa ter down to his house from a spring 1000 feet distant. C. C. Gago of Beagle was at Trail J oil justness recently. li JrOhmmic xk i F.. I mr - -T IMI WW mi a ' II " Ull -1 Mir ll'ni I 5E sm a 'Ordor Olympic Flour- it makes good 'brond nnd biscuits." Mother. bsoluttily , . . clean nnd num. - - m wholcsomo and nutritious mado from so- lectod Jforth western wheat insist upon Olympics "tfcer Un't Bjrjutu fooa 3la-?5luUJ il1 I OALL ON UO roil THE OIMPLCOT, OTflONQCOT. MOOT OATIOfAOTOflY . FOUNTAIN PEN IT riiLs a icNa mr want rou'&rAiM PUN l OlIAN AND KASV TO rtltl AlWATO HCAOT. NO JOINT AND ITS tlflHll'V l OUONaNTtlU SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY Centrally Located ; T)T1X need of anything in the line of drugs, druggist sundries, novelties, etc. Instead of waiting in the 1 O., DHOP IN II Kit K and spend a few mo ments looking around. Whether you buy anything or not. Wo appre ciate tho call. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED HIGH GRADE. MEDFORD PHARMACY NEAR P, 0., MEDFORD, All nlnht service. Phone Main 3641. B & C Cash Store BUTTER 05c FOR 2-LD. ROLL. To Introduce our Jersey brand lihm grade butter, two pounds for (ir., Hmichmit Peanut Hut tor, small jar 15c Honoluiul Peanut Hotter, medium jar 25c Heiichnut Peanut Hultor, large jar 35c Headhunt Hacon, jar, glass 35c Himcliniit Cranberry Hiiuco, jar. 35c CIlCCSC Neufchalel, fresh, plig. 10c Choose, Cami'iubitrl, box 35c PleiHeliiiianii's delist, dally by ix press. MEDFORD'S BEST GROCERY STORE. Strawberries, fresh dally, 2 boxes for 'Jfio. Lettuce, given onions, uoiittili(r, cauliflower, pine apples, green ami wax beauH, green peas, iliiiliurli, home grown asparagus, cherrieN, i ty.l Dishes niumnrifciii twenty-fifth nnuiversnrv no n,,. tor, while nractienllv n vnunn rr. - j M' rj wa4u. ais success has not enmo i, . , , UMUII oi amuition. of stnd nf uu.i I ... J f w. lUlfiit VI adaptability alone, but nil nf - u; i . . .. ' y-umumeu, in addition to n nxpnt iMtiiy aa orgnnizor. and nbiliK- in so Jiannoniously in arrancuTi' the ca" ou the plans and aims he 'nshinrton W rta tor aunaelf, havo contributed wauxlvo, ifr.rter the twAianr-A v,t.ii.i.(.ic; tonr, Las this sdfison celebrated his1 tho riding' of bicycles upon any side- walk wlthlri the city limits of Med ford will bo strictly enforced. Tho only exceptions mado in this ordi nance are In tho cases of U. S. ma.'l Carriers and of cripples, who may use W.UCelod chairs. W. II. CANON, Mayor. AT YOUR GROCER'S roAtuuip Tvovim Maui Oo., romukjiD,0to u are Missing' tihe Chance of a Lifetime If you miss n look at my holdings. Everything is boing sacri ficed to close out quickly. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Office over Fruitgrowers' Bank -- - THE GOODS YOU NEED NOW. GIumhoh, full sir.0 water glasHcs, Colonist flute base, dor. .'iOd Lend blown table tumblers, plain light weight, set of (1 50c , Hand etched water glunon, net .$l. Water set, 1 jug, (I glares, Met . $1.50 DINNER SETS. 12-1'ioco plain white bout Eng lish ware, set $4.1 White mid L'old imltcrn, clioico design, f)0 pinces; this sot for. $9.5 Haviland china, three open uc patterns to ncloct from. Tho store thnt gorves you bent Id Telophono 2351. B &C Cash Store 223 W.'cst Ma,n Street. peace inventions of Washington- but few jars before. When the Pan-American confer- r"rJJno.ux Buenos Ayrcs next -win oe very embarrassing if S??"1 konld send delegates who tZ a , Tegni-ed by Mexico and ignored by lh0 United Sta(es USUND G0TT. (W3th apologies t0 Bear Admiral Coghlan.) Iter peoples of .flis vaUey-land, w , r a" command; . vul uon i you understand I uurseives nnd Gott. Tile some men of high brices Trhine, Our ranchers ninn. rv, u .. " "UilH 1SS mine," unu annK der health in Tokay wine ua una liott. Here's Cnl., she swaggers nil arwmdt. T ..-1. 1- . . uiucu wo uinK sue don't amount; vurseivcs and Uott. She vill not dare our place contest, uui, n Biio snouiu, we'll show her mam, Dot climuto, soil und nil der rest Aro ours (by Gott!) toward mnlnW nr. n Z " u :"'tu FOB HALE OR TRADE. tirely unique fisnr ,'n Six acres, ljdjoihini? Talent. Good n - - ...u Auuaiuui I . ' . lire of thm country. I six-room house jJtfd barn. Two acres Placed in tho position whom i, in twenty-yoar-o. Newtowns and -i .! . .j . .... i a. . . . , - liiiu ma own i . . . n nnnas the lines held by fa noted 0 Anjou and Bariloi't pears, with ter, ut. l,eonolri Dnml. pcacn IUJOrs. Pnmn nt. iMsht wliieh . I ' MMl4UO(;Uf U I I ... . . ' f rt ' tho ago of twentv-thr. t; will lmgnto the entir.i nln-cC. Godd conductor of errand nnorn XT garden, nlentv of linrr!.o ame fam- ho permlt?a to eat bfa a. - -.JiIy fruit. Prien S4 finn. 00 Will . n III I fill I -r.WWU UfLffc' ..... hshter forms, but tho German opera rnndle- WUI "change for Jfo.'tford' was the sea into whioi, i; . property. it Plunged ana all record mous in declaring it unpreccdebted' . ana endurance. Haslifns for Healtc. - - W. T. YORK & CO. TT r. ... oou juvor dinks sho's nicht small ooer. Midf l,ll IU1U ouvu m,t, gams your cur, Sho'll learn none owns dor applo aphore .p. . B"t us und Gott. She dinks, good frau, from fruit she's cot. Dor apples midt der scarlet goat Aclif At Spokane, ' Der prize WE got. Ourselves mit Gott. In faqt, we're always sure to win. .-"iui neaven-s clime and orchards prim; Gott pulls rait us und us mit Him; Ourselves und Gott. M. & W. How to got work that you really know how to do is imporhuit. ITnskins for HenJ.ft. OC" WHITF DIAMOND TOon you think of a dia mond you think of the, most precious of stones.' When you use WHITE DIAMOND FLOUR you use the finest hard xiuui- soia in cioutnern Oregon, know itdo you! We Olmstead & Hibbard WEST MAIN STREET PHONE 571 For Sale I'd Acres, one-fcalf mile from Phh nix.' 34 Acres 3 miles from Medford, un dor ditch. Will divide. 25 Alfalfa, 15 fruit, iy2 miles from town 40 Acres near Woodville, $1,000. Homestead relinquishments at this office; 5-room bungalow, modern; a snap. 8-room bungalow, modern; a fine buy. Lots Jn West XValnnt .Jliu.. ' wuuikiuu, $350, tormB. 20' acreB, 2 miles out, set to com mercial fruit. 0 acros in bearing, l2 miles out. Rooming house. Team, harness and wnrnn. nnn in . . , . 0---7 v. ' vo in uuurini'. CinKn tn 20AcreB. A fine DUV. f - WANTED. Ilanch hands. 2 girls for general housework, $1 por 6 women for general honsework, $5 2 girls for general housework, $25 per month. Dining-room girl, $25, board and room. E. F. L BITTNBR MfidTdrd Emnlovmenr Business chances, wnl nofot ' n kinds of help furnlshnd nn.i unlt . UUSIUWD uuunces nandlod. Room 206, Taylor & Phlpps Bldjj. A specialty in house renting and care The Pasadena Oregon People of refinement; people with means; rotired husincss men; professional men; college and university graduates, are coming to the Rogue River Valley hy tho score. "Vithin tho past two years almost a hundred Chicago and Evanston, Illinois, pcoplo havo purchased homes near Mcdofrd, and nearly every ono of them has a friend or two "whom tiipy l-ope to induce to come and locate in tho valley. New Yoi;i Philadelphia, Boston and many othor eastern cities aro almost if not quite as well represented, while St. Paul and Minneapolis havo more representatives here than any othor BCveral cities combined. Think these statements over and get your thinker going. Write to tho undersigned or the Medford Commercial Club for detailed infoTmtaion about the country, and you wil.1 never havo cause to regret it. earing Orchards Ne ar M ediOrd M.ost of the ptfaducmg dPcliards havo &?en' ndld in iargo h'bldintrs iinfli 'nnn.ntlv. weeks ago ilia Eden Valley Orchard, containing G05 a6res. was vhwnfl nn tho in any desursd 'acreage. Wo havo bam Authorized to offer tho boftrinf 'cs 0 9 few market uuu pua auu. xj. i.xiuw uuyuuug uwuv tins country and want a deslrilA h no c of uoarintr ireea-.' wnto or comn hooil Jjnw-rtp. thn r nu ,h worth of tho property BW'btfon disposed of. It is lottat'ed witnfa two miles of SXd at an elov vtion of about lOdftf above tho city and is dnb of tho fast W orchards in u"ui , w utnu m ijuiu wu owner ovnr srmiiif tsai' aero per yet, vr for four years straight. vor WJ Por I jjE XHI B IT B Do not co. mo unless you aroTfrepared to stay, for just so stirb' as you do como tho mnation of ft t soil, grandeur of scenic beauty and Italian climate will stcnl vmi and soul. Aftt w one visit hero yod'will bo miserable any othor place on earth John D. Olwell comv body' TJILDINGr MEDFORD, ORE (JON ui mem; uat thorn with me-