city : JM.1'' T1IK WICATIIICIL Medford Mail Tribune unitjcd pnwm association FhU Lowed Wire Report. Tho only paper1 la (he world publlnhed 1b a city the alie &t Medford haying a loaned wire. Clour tonight anil Thursday, Cloudy;, occasional olmworn. MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, aiAY 4, 1910. mimi yeae. No. 38. BLAME FOR THE 1 N PRESIDENT Republican Regulars In Rago Because Taft Seems Indifferent to Con tircsslonal Situation Somo Hot Conferences Aro Expected When taft Gets Back. WASHINGTON, I). C, May 4. Itcpublicaii regulars in congress to day aro openly Illuming Prehideut Tnft for having, nH thoy charge, wrecked hin legislative program. Tliuy aro in a rago beemmo tlio president seems indifferent to tlio congrcHHional situation. Mon who have fought for tho Taft program in both houses of congrosH today intiiunlu (hut tlio provident Iiiih no flotiHO of roHpoiiBibility for- the troubles of tho Itepulilicaii party. Tn ft 'b rnoBBngo to HonubKciiti lead ers, received yeHtorday and urging them to try to pnBS "somo kind of n bill," have added to the anger of tho regular). M(KKIIKt' at I'lllllt. Thu president's telephono mcHngo (Continued on Pace 6.) iisi ovSn " IN HISTORY OF NORWAY GIVEN JED Kliifi Haakon First Man to Shako Mighty Hunter's Mitt When He Stops From Train-. j CIIHISTIANIA, May -I. King Haakon and Queen Maud woro tho first persons to greet Colonel Noose volt when ho arrived hero at noon todny. Tho king was actually tho first man hero to shako Roosevelt's hand at tho station. Tho ltoosovelts were then prosontcd to tho queen. Doth Roosevelt nnd the kind woro plain frock coats whilo tho queen was garbed in a simple street dress. Tho colonel wns grcotod by cheer ing thounnuds who orowdod tho streets and housetops. Tho welcomo was tho grcntost ovation over given nny visitor hero in tho memory of tho "oldont inhabitant." Kvon tho recep tions nocordod popular visiting mon archies woro outdone. T S FIGHT WRECK P AD AND When Mrs. SWOpo, Star Witness for Prosecution, Goes on Stand, Great Crowd Tries to Gain Entranco Into Courtroom Witness Much Agi tated and is Scarcely Able to Glvo Testimony Against Hyde. KANSAS CITY, Mo., M.iy 4. Mrs. X.ogun O. Swopo wbb tho star witness for tho prosecution in tho trial of hor son-in-law, Dr. B. C. Ilydo, for tho muvdor of Colouol Thomas II. Swopo. When word wont abroad that Mrs. Swopo had taken tho stand tho court room began filling rapidly and soon was packed with spoclatorc whilo at Run on Bank Coases. LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 4. Tho run on tho All Dny and All Night bank of Los Angolcs, which began Monday at noon, is over, according to statomoutB by tho bnnk'o officers today. Tho lino, which at 0110 timo oxtond- od for nearly two blocks from tho bank, had diminished at noon today to about 100 porsons. Thoco, Presi dent Sklnnor doclarod, woro for tho groator port patrons doslrlng to trans act commercial business that had boon hold up by tho onslaught of worrlod depositors during tho last two days. LONG FIGHT ON RAILROAD BILL IS PROMISED Suggestion Amendment Requiring Valuation of Railroads Call Up Visions of Wrangling and Dcbato That May Last a Month La Fol lotto Will Probably Lead Fight. WASHINGTON, D. C, May Tho suggestion of an amendment re quiring tho physicnl lvaluntion of railroads, to bo introduced in ttio t. senate lias cnneii up visions oi wrangling and debate that may 5nM a month. With leaden and admin istration officials nlread.v angered over tho cmnsculntioM of tlio original railroad bill and with tho prospect of a prolonged fight over what remains of tho measure, tho prosper; for the speedy carrying out of tho "admin istration program" is moro remote todny than over. IOni; Fluti I CVrtniti. That the physical valuation amend ment would mean n long and bitter fight iir tho scnato is certain. Pro LTOHnivoH who hnvo attacked the rail (Continued on Pago 5.) 'WE WILL HAVE A 6000 RAILROAD BILL OR WE WILL HAVE NONEMAFT President Does Not Discuss Bill at Any Length, But He Does State That He Will Look Measure Over. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. May i. "Wo aro olthcr going to hnvo n satisfactory rnllrond legislation bill, or wo are not going to have any," declared Presi dent Tnft on his arrival hero today. Tho president and his party reached St. Louis from Cincinnati early this morning nnd woro takon to tho St. Louis club for breakfast. Tnft did not enro to discuss tho slaughter of tho rnllrond bill In the two houses of congress yesterday. Ho Indicated, howovor, tho action that ho will tako. "When I rotv.rn to Washington," ho snld, "I will look over tho entire bill." May Ho No Mil. Then hp added that thoro would (Continued on Pago S.) TO HEAR Till least a thousand persons struggled outsldo tho building to galu ndmtt tnuco. Mrs. Swopo wns vory nsltatod and froquontly hor oxcltomont causod hor to speak so low that counsel for both prosocutlnn and dofonso asked hor to ropoat many answors. Sho bogan hor testimony with a ro cltal of tho olopomont of hor daugh tor with Dr. Ilydo. Heavy Fighting In Turkoy. CONSTANTINOPLE, May 4. Tho oapturo of Djnkova and tho invest ment of Prisrond by tho Albanians was' tho result of hoavy fighting to day, wiion tlio revolutionists mot a Turkish batallion on routo to Djnko va to roinforco thu Turks, who hud boon sont thuo to protoct tho town. Tho casualties woro largo. News of tho fighlinir was containod in dis patches recolvod hero. Tho robols piow control tho railway district of Vorkovltch nnd Katchanlk and all communication with Prisrond has boon out off. JACOBSEN BADE TENDER LOW BID FOR LAYING WATER MAINS; fill CONTRACT . S. PDI NOW 92, 00.00 Census Office Announces Unofficial'' ly That Population of County Has Increased 15,000,000 Slrce Taking of Last Census In 1000. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 4. Tho census office todny f.nnounccd unofficially an estimnte that the pop ulation of tho country had increased 15,121,030 since 1000. This gives tho United States n total population of nenrly 02.000.000 pcoplo as tho census of 1000 gave Undo Sam nearly 77,000,000 mem bers in his family. It will probably bo a month or two yet before tlio census is completed and tho exact figures known. WHY NOT HAVE A POST-SEASON GAME Springfield, of tho Wlllametto Vnl ley lcaguo, has a percentage of 1000, just as Medford has in tho Roguo Itlvur Valley league. A championship series between tho winners In each league would "draw some." WATER CONFERENCE WILL PROBABLY BE HELD THIS EVENING Parties Forced to Wa't Until Articles of Incorpiutlon of Roguo River Canal Company Are Filed - if In all probability tho conference between M. F. Hanley and tho Roguo Hlver Canal company upon which hinges the compromise between tho city nnd Mr. Hanley .will bo held Into this afternoon or this ovcnlng. It may possibly bo doloyed a day or two longer. Tho conferonco was postpoaod un- (Continued on Pago 8. German Emperor PJJZJ1CE OFSMPEXOI? WJJLIAMX 25 MILES MAINS N IN SYSTEM Vincent & Baker Complete Laying of Over Nine Miles of Water Mains Estimates That Over Thirty Miles of Mains Will Be in Use by Pan. I. Jacobscn-Dado company, having tendered tho lovest bid oa sover and water main construction, were awarl- cd the contract for the laying of Home six miles of water mains and four miles of sewer, at tho regular session of tho city council held Tues day evening. Threo bids were received by tho council one from tho Clarko & Hen- cry Construction company, oao from Vincent & Baker and one from the Jaccbscn-Rado company. Tho bids on water mains wero as follows: Clarke-Honery Four-Inch mains, por foot, $1.25; slx-Incb mains $2.59. Vincent & Baker Four-Inch mains per foot, $1.0S 1-2; six-Inch mains, $1.35. Jacobscn-Badc Four-Inch mains, per foot, $1.02; six-inch calns, $1.34. Tho bid of Jacobscn-Dado company (Continued on Pago 8.) CLUB WILL DECIDE T LOCATION OF ITS NEW HOME Important Session of Commercial Club to Be Held and Every Mem ber Urged to Be Present. At tonight's meeting of tho Med ford Commercial club tho Important question of tho location of tho pro posed now homo for tho club wilt bo decided, and every membor Is urged to attend. Many other important matters aro to bo considered. Tho committee In chargo of the matter of securing a location for a club building has several sites to sug gest and It behooves every membor to bo present. and Empress and Scenes Visited by Roosevelt. '1, pmwag GATE EIT GIVES ROGUE PRAISE f Head of Harrlman System Replies to Invitation of Judge Colvig to Visit Medford, Saying He Will Spend Several Days Here, in Fall. Robert S. Lovett, head of the Har rlman railroads, Is the latest man of national reputation to pay tribute to tho Rogue River valley. Naming it tho "most chamtng spot" he has seen. Recently while on the he was Invited to visit Medford, and the val ley, but was unable to do so. In his reply to President Colvls of tho Com mercial club ho says: "Your kind invitation to visit Med ford while on tho Pacific coast reach ed mc while in San Francisco and I regret my time was so limited I could not avail mycelf of the Invitation. "I thank you, the Commercial club and the people of Medford for the in vitation nnd I hope this summer or fall to be able to spend several days In tho Roguo River valley. ''Medford and vicinity Is, in my opinion, one of the most charming lo calities in America, and I shall look forward to my visit with great an tlclpatlon." MAYOR'S VOTE TURNS DOWN NEW SALOON ON THE WEST SIDE Petition of 0. M. Murphy Rejected After Councilmen Divided on Ques tion by Mayor Voting No -f"" O. M. Murphy's application for a Hconso to sell liquor on tho West Side, near the present location of the Hotel Mooro bar was rejected by tho city council Tuesday evening, when Mayor Canon voted no. Tho council men split on tho question, Elfort, Dommer. and Emerlck voting yes; Welsh, Merrick and Wortraan voting (Continued on Pago 4.) OFFICERS N W TH MIXED IN CASE District-Attorney and Coroner In clined to Believe Greeks Had Noth ing to Do With Thrasher's Death, But That a Woman Is Mixed Up in the Case Now Investigating. It is now believed that .the six Greeks who wero arrested Tuesday charged with the murder of Jesse Thrasher the young man who was found with his skull crushed in at Ayres Spur, are not guilty of tho cribie, but that other parties brought about tho young man's death. A woman Is believed to figure In the case. District Attorney Mulkey and Cor oner Kellogg are at Ayres Spur this afternoon investigating the death of the young man. Rumors have reached ho officers that a woman was concerned in tho case and that the killing was done by others than the Greeks now In jail in Ashland. It Is this rumor which took tho officers to tho Spur to carry on further Investigations. AUTOMOBILE III ASK TUT LICENSE BE NT OH LIVERY NK WOMAN Would Have Council Pass Ordinance Great Interest Is Taken Over Vlce Flxlng Annual License at $25 Presidential Nomination Diaz Will Photographer's Want License. Tho automobllo men of Medford have asked tho city council to pass an ordinance fixing the annual tax on automobiles engaged in a livery bus iness in tho city limits at $25 a year. This, they say, is to shut out outsldo machines, to drivers of which do not depend upon livery for a living. On circus days a creat harvest Is reaped by outsiders and private cars who ongago In hauling tho crowd, to nnd from the circus. Tho ordinance will probably bo passed. Photographers of tho city also ask tl at a license be placed upon Itinerant photographers who come into tho city and cut Into their business. it MOTHER HMDS" FOR PRISONERS Floyd County, In Georgia, Adopts From Flying Away Crowd of Prisoners While They Are on ROME, Ga., May 4. In tho future ovory prisoner In tho Floyd county jail will bo garbed In tho "Mother Hubbard" of domestic tradition. This Is tho order of tho county commis sioners. Tho decision was mndo aft er an unusual numbor of escapes from tho Jail and from tho rrlson road gangs during tho last six months. GRAVES SAYS TAFT IS MOST HONEST OFFICIAL ST. LOUIS, Mo.. May 4. "Presi dent Tnft is ono of tho most honest and sincoro officials tho country has ovor had," declared Johu Tomplo Graves today, whilo tho prosidont himsolf was driving about tho city. Graves, who is allied with tho Hearst intorosts, was nddrossing tho convention of tho Farmers' -Union. Ho praised Tnft ns an efficient presi dent nnd then donounccd formor Prosidont Itoosovolt. Roosovolt, Grnvos declared, took up only such monsures ns woro pop ular while ho was prosidont. "Ho flod to Africa to escapo tho responsibility when his successor took TAFT PLEADS FOR A SQUARE DEAL FOR SELF Says Administration Should Not Be Condemned Before Its Purposes and Accomplishments Were Con demnedDefends His Appoint ments to tho Supreme Bench. ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 4. "JiiBtlce and a square deal," for tho present administration, was tho plea made by President Taft In an address bo- fore tho Business Men's lenguo horo this afternoon. "I do not ask for myself alone." the president said, "for I am In a po sition where I can cot along better than tho rest of tho men in tho ad ministration without It." The president also defended him self against what he termed "objec tion to one of my supremo court ap pointments." Taft declared that tho administra tion was entitled to a fair trial before Its purposes and accomplishments wero condemned. Tho speech was a defense of somo of tho acts of the administration. MEXICANS NAME CANiDATtS FOR OFFICE TOMORROW Be Re-named as President. MEXICO CITY, Mox., May Excitement provails throughout Mex ico today prior to tho national pri mary election which takoa placo to morrow. The government has em ployed every means to ensuro orderly elections and maintain peace, but al ready soveral minor disturbances have taken placo. Tho closest battle will bo for tho vico-presldentlal nomination and to day It appears probable that Senator Corral will capture It. Tho re-nomination of President Diaz to assured. Serious charges are being brought by both factions in an endeavor to hurt tho chances of sucocs3 for the other side. Novel Method of Keeping Jailbirds Laughing, Howling Citizens Follow Their Way to Work. Yesterday tl e road gang mado Its first appoaranco In Its now uniforms. It was follovod to work by a crowd of laughing cllizons, Tho prisoners protested against tho order without avail. The commlsslon- jors bellovo their decision will havo a salutary effect and will bo moro effi cient In provoi.tlng crlmo In Floyd county than any numbor of rigid laws. up uiu iieuussary worK oi pulling through somo unpopular monsures," Dog Blto Kills. WHITTIER, Cal., May 4. Follow ing a post mortora examination, It was announcod today that tho death of Jullon Dounletto of Rlvora was tho result of hydrophobia. Doulotto was bltton In tho faco four wooks ago by a pot bull torrlor. Ho felt no HI etfocts until last Friday, whon ho became vlolontly 111. Ho dlod yesterday. Douletto's dog was bltton by a mon grel, believed to havo boon a victim of rablos. Sovoral othor dogs blttea by tho animal wero klllod last ove nulg by ordor of tho authorities.