AOSDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR.KOON. TUESDAY, MAY 3, 19.10. Through By CLEVELAND MOFFETT Copyright, 1905, by Mil" exclaimed Ilnutcvllle. "It Is . .1.. flint 1-1111 tnrtlnnr" also the pistol that killed Martinez.1 "Now," contluued the Judge, "you pny you havo Jiorcr been In the tdlcy way that wo showed you fit the Anso Mia. Look nt these boots. Do you rec ognize them?" In opposition to tho ndvlco of Ills counsel Kittredge now admitted the ownership of the boots that had made the accusing footprints, but he denied to Uautevllle thnt ho had ever quar reled with Martinez. At this Ilnute Tllle produced the letter Klttredgo had written Mrs. Wlltuott regarding Marti nez. There was a quarrel, and you did threaten hlra?" "l ndviso my client not to nnswer that question," Interposed the lawyer, and the American was silent. "As you please." said Hnutevllle, and bo went on grimly: "Kittredge, you bnvo so far refused to speak of tho lady to whom you wrote this letter. , Bho was your mistress. Do you deny that?" ""Yes," cried tho American. "Ah!" shrugged tho Judge, and, turn ing to his secretary, "Ask the lady to come In." Then In a moment of sickening mis ery Kittredge saw the door open and a black figure enter with an ashen white face and frightened eyes. It was Tussy Wllmott treading the hard way of the transgressor, with her halr done most becomingly and breathing a delicate violet fragrance. Take" him Into the outer room." di rected tho Judge, "until I ring." little by little he dragged from her the story of her relations with Kit tredge. going back to their first ac quaintance. This was In New York about n year before. Mr. Wllmott bad not accompanied her on this trip, and. being much alone, as' most of her friends were In tho country, she had seen a good deal of M. Kittredge. Bho had met him through mutual friends, for ho wns well connected so cially In New York, and had soon grown fond of him. Before she real ized It be was seriously infatuated, and tho end of It was when she re turned to Paris bo followed her on another steamer, an extremely foolish proceeding, as It Involved bis giving up a fine position and getting into trouble with bis family. "Did ho ever give you presents?" "Yc-cs. He gave mo a gold bag that I happened to admire one day at Tif fany's." Pussy (lushed under the Judge's searching look. "I wouldn't havo accepted it but this happened lust as I was sailing for France. He cent it to tho steamer." "Ah! Have you any Idea how mncb M. Kittredge paid for that gold bag7 "Yes, for I asked at Tiffany's here, and they said tho bag cost about $400." Tho Judge said impressively, "Mad am, you may be surprised to hear that M. Klttredgo returned to France on the same, steamer that carried you "No. no," she declared. "I saw all tb s passengers, and he was not among them." "Ho was not among tho first cabin passengcra." "You mean to say he went in tho second cabin? I don't believe It" "No," answered Hnutevllle, with a trim smile, "be didn't go in tho second cabin; bo went In tho steerage!" "In tho steerage!" sho murmured, aghast "And during the flvo or six months here in Paris while he was dancing at tendance on you he was practically without resources." "I know better," sho Insisted. "He took me out all tho time and spent money freely." The Judge Bbook his head. "Ho Bpent on you what be got by pawning bis Jewelry, by gambling and some times by not eating. We have tho facts." "Mon DIcu!" sho shuddered. "And 1 never knew It! I never suspected It!" "This is to make quite clear that be loved you as very few women have been loved. Now I want to know why. you quarreled with him six months ago?" "I don't know. Really I don't know," she insisted, with a weary gesture. "Then I must do what I can to make you know." ho replied Impatiently, and, reaching forward, bo pressed the electric bell. "Bring back tho prisoner," ho or dered as tho guard appeared, and a moment later Klttredgo was again in bis place. "Now," began nautevllle, address ing both Lloyd and Mrs. Wllmott "I como to an important point I havo kero a packet of letters written by you, Kittredge, to this lady. You have already identified tho handwriting as your own, and you, madam, will not deny that these letters wero addressed to you. You admit that, do you not?" "Yes," answered Pussy weakly. Tho Judge turned over tho letters and selected one, from which ho read an admiring pussage. Ue took out his watch and laid It on the desk before him. "Madam, I will glvo you five minutes. Unless you ad mit within that timo what is perfectly evide.ut namely, that you wero fond j 9t this toon I shall continue the .read- the Wall D. Appleton & Co. ins of .these letters before your uus- band. "You're taking n cowardly advantage of n woman:' she burst out "No." answered Uautevllle sternly: "1 nui Investigating n cowardly mur der." lie glanced nt his wntch. "Four minutes!" Then to Kittredge. "And unless you admit this thing I shall summon tho girl from Notre Dame and let her say what she thinks of this correspond ence." Lloyd staggered under the blow. "Two minutes!" said Uautevllle cold ly. Then he turned to Mrs. Wllmott. "Your husband Is now at his club. One of our men Is Uiero also, awalt- ing my orders. He will get them by telephone and will bring your husband 1 here In a swift automobile. You havo 'one minute left." Now his Arm finger ! advanced toward the white button, ' Then sho yielded. "Stop!" came her low cry. "I did love him!" That is better," said tho Judge. And tho scratching of the groillcr's pen recorded unalterably Mrs. Wll mott's avowal. "I don't suppose you will contradict tho lady," said nautevllle, turning to Kittredge. "I take your silence as con sent and. after all, tho lady's confes sion is sufficient You wero in love with her. And the evidence shows that you committed, a crime based on pas sionate jealousy and hatred of a rival. We have the motive for the murder and the evidence that you committed tho murder. What have you to say for yourself?" "I threatened to punch his head. That is very different from killing him." "And the pistol? And tho foot prints?' "I don't know: I can't explain it, but I know I nm innocent You say I had a motive for this crime. You're mis taken! i bad no motive." "Didn't you follow her to Europe in the steerage because of your Infatua tion? Didn't you bear sufferings and privations To be near her? Shall I go over the details of what you did, aa I have them here, in order to refresh your memory?" "No," said Kittredge hoarsely, and his eyo was beginning to flame. "My memory needs no refreshing. I am fighting for my life, and now that she has admitted this thing," ho eyed the woman scornfully. "I nm freo to tell tho truth all of It" "That Is what wo want" said Haute ville. v "I thought I loved her with a fine, true love, but she showed me it was only a base imitation. I offered ber my life, my future, and she would have taken them and broken them and scattered them In my face and and laughed at me. I well, never mind, but you can bet all your pretty French philosophy I didn't go about Paris looking for billiard players to Vlll on her account" (To Be Continued.) Real values find buyers promptly when advertised for people now adays have como to "know." Wright's Investments Hve-acro orchard tract, one-half milo from pavement, in full bearing pears and apples, with prune fillers; for a few days at a bargain price. Fivo acres, small house, close to Kenwood addition, West Medford, a good subdivision proposition; $4000, terms. Six-room cottage, now, and one- half aero fino soil, only ono block from Main and not far out; $2000, $1000 cash, balanco at 6 per cent. Fivo-room bungalow, modorn, 54x 120-foot lot, 15 fino fruit trees load ed with fruit, only half block from coming pavement; $2650, $900 ca3h, youn own titmo on balanco. Ten acres, fino deep soil, 5 ncros cleared, 3-room house, good well, barn, ono milo from Phoenix; $1000, $800 cash, balanco ono year at G per cent. Ten acres good deep soil, 200 tiers of wood, ono-half milo from Phoe nix; $1000, half cash, balanco ono year at 0 por cent. Fivo-room cottage, elcctno lights, sower connections, screen porcn; $1250. Fino corner lot, 50x105, ono block from Oakdalo South; for auick salo, $475. Three nico lots, close to Laurel, for ono week at $365 each, $125 cash, balanco $10 per month. Don't buy an EnBt Side lot boforo seeing our lots in tho new "Conroy Clnncy" addition on East Main. They are just what you want, and the prices nro right. J. BRUCE WRIGHT & CO. 132 West Main. Phone 2691. FREE METHODISTS TO MEET IN ASHLAND Annual Conference for State Con venes Tomorrow Eastern Bishop Will Preside Tho annual conforonco of tho Froo Methodist Church for tho stnto of Oregon, will bo held in Ashland nt (ho Freo Methodist Church, begin ning tomorrow, May 4, nt 2 p. in., and continuing over Sunday. Bishop B. It. Jones, of Jnckson, Mich., will preside. About oighty ministers and delegatus nro expected to bo present. Business sessions will bo hold on Wednesday, 2 p. m., and Thursday, Friday and Saturday, n. m., and religious services will bo held each evening at 7:30, nlso in tho after noon nt 2:30 and Sunday morning nt 9. Miss Lucy Ilnrtuinn, returned missionary from South Africa, will speak Sunday afternoon. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. Hasklns for Health. The Only Woman' Col If I aa U racific Cout RxctoilTtlr for Younc Women LocatfJ among tht Wiutiful till near OallanJ. California, clow to Si a Franctaca an J the m great Univtrtitif of tlx Wot. Full colliite court leading to Jrtrtc. Entrance anil frajuation requirement! equivalent to thoat oi Stanford and University of California. Training fita atudenta for teaching regular Iinea of academic work, and otTer apectal advantage for muaic. art, library itudy and borne economica. Well equipped laboratorif for acience. Special attention to Health of atudenta. Modern gymnaaium thoroughly equipped. Out door life and amuaeoenta in the ideal California cli mate. Alumnae in every city on the Pacibc Coast. PON CATALOOUK AOOMM J PBI3IDINT LUELLA CLAY CARSON. LL. D. MILLS COLLEOK f. O., CALIFORNIA ForSale 5-room bungalow, today, $750 cash. 5-room bungalow, modern; a snap. 8-room bungalow, modern; a fine buy. Lota In West Walnut addition; $350, terms. 40 acres in alfalfa, 1V miles from town. 20 acres, 2 miles out, set to com mercial fruit. 9 acres in bearing, 1 niilos out. Rooming house. Team, harness nnd wagon, $000. Team, harness and wagon, $325. Team, harness nnd wagon, $200. 12 Acres in bearing, close in. 20 Acres. A fino buy. WANTED. Ranch bands. 2 girls for general housework, $1 por day. 2 women for general housework, $5 per week. 2 girls for general housework, $25 per month. Dining-room girl, $25, board and room. E. F. A. BITTNER Mcaforci Employment Bureau. Business chances, roal estate, all kinds of hJp furnished and business chances handled. Room 208, Taylor & Phlpps Bidg. Phone 4141 Main. A specialty in house renting and cure of them: list them with me. Staceys' Auto Garage (Successor) Medford Auto Garage We aro fully equipped to tako care of all your auto troubles. ACCESSORIES. Wo carry a full lino of Auto Accessories, including tho fa mous AJAX TIRES guaran teed for 5000 miles. Wo havo threo of the roost expert machinists in Southern Oicgon. There is nothing about a OAS ENGINE that wo cannot fix if it can bo fixed nt all. Wm. E. Stacy Call at Garage, Eighth, Between C and Front Streets. fRlWueuot IT Mcdford, Oregon: This cortifiui that wo havo sold Hall's Texas Won der for tho euro of nil kiduoy, blad der and rhounmtio troubtos for ten yonrs, nnd linvo novor had n coin plnint. It givca quick and permanent rcliof. Sixty days' treatment in onch bottle. Modford Pharmacy tf NOTICK. Notlco Is huoly given that tho ia ilorslgncd will ar-ply At tlio next ros ulir moot'ng of tho city council of tho city ot Moilforu, Oiegon, for a llcenso to sell spirit U9, vino is anil mult liquors In qu4 titles low U;nu a gal lon, nt hla plnco ot business nl block 21, lots 9 and 19, in said city, for a porlod of six months. M & B. J. ADAMS. Dated April 21, 1910. BENSON has 47 lots for snlo at gonuine bargain prices. Uncle Sam is satisfied with nil goodB bearing o Columbia Isrand product is allowed to loavo our plant unless, after Undo Soiu'a stamp of approval. "When vou buv look .JF Columbia Brand van for geiung oniy aoiecteu meate. n you wnnt tho purest, cleanctt, firmttt. best, Madf fl,.mnnl (7n)tlnhi Best Dealers, Hotels Union Meat Company. Portland, Oregon ratitrt of l& S SUERJ71C CHOROID RETINA WIAIC'O I ff? m S.wABIl delicato and complex organ of th o body, yet no part of tho human system suffers greater neglect, in tho majority of enscs. Somo eyes aro defective from birth, others becomo defective from strain, overwork and want of proper caro. Most cases of BLIND NESS in old ago aro tho results of neglect in youth nnd middlo ngo. Consult DR. GOBLE. ITo has spent 15 years in this work, during which timo ho has fitted thousands to glnsscs, rclioving hondnche, ner vous strnins, etc. Eleven years in Modford. Also ennbling many chil dren to continue in their school work that would othorwiso havo boon compelled to forego tho bonofits of an oducntion. We can duplicate anv lens made, repairs of all kinds. Invisiblo Bi-Focals. Shur-on Eyo Glasses. IIo hns no other business. Magic eyeglass clonrors freo. DR. GOBLE. Optical Parlor 18 West Main St. Hours 0 to. 12, I to 6. In Case of tSicKraess PJIONE 3G11 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Olfioe AllNight Service Freo Delivery Medford Iron Works E. E. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Animal Insurance We Insure Horses and Cattle Against Death From Accident, DIs- east or Fire. NATIONAL LIVE8T0CK INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, 5. E. Tull, Agent, Medford. Modern Sweets Mulco Woloomo Trouta U Utiltrn A'eiil U (i'iiiimhIm nf J"vr ami U'AutuoiH Candy m JMtronU tht "Modern Dealer" II MeJtm Cotllnry Co., Mfr., FirtUnJ, Oruea A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, nono too largo. Twenty-five years' practical oxporienco. Office 113 South Front Street. Phono 2751. tho label BRAND inspection, it bears know thnt vnn nro frim vmit. Iftnlnt. and Cafes raaina Study this cut carefully. Lcam tho difforont mus cles nnd norvoB. This will help you to got a better understanding of your enso when consulting your optician. Tho eyo is tho most PIL- rciTtmm mirtrcnt DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the country QUICKLY" AND WITH COMkV.MtT TO YOU AUK AIAV.U'H TO MVS FOUND A t IIIK FAltliOW Ai DOW 1NH, IMIOHUICTOIW. WEST SIDE STABLES PHONIC 24111 H. OUAIMfl HTHKIW J. K. KNYAirr, 1'roHldoiit JOHN 8. OUT1I. ' t. THE MEDFORD UAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS .'. , $10,000 Safety boxH for rent. A genoral Dnnklny Rutlness transacted. We solicit your patronage GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Offico: 209 West Main St., Midfoid, Oro. Operating Quarry DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE i REAL ESTATE Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Room 10, JaGkson liT - a If Every Storekeeper Only Knew the Saving lie could effect in hi light bill by using General Electric MAZDA lamps he would never lmvo any inferior illuminant in hit storo at any price. He Would Prefer Electric Light as a matter of economy to say nothing about tho brilliant white light of the GE MAZDA lamps, unrivaled for show window illumination. If you would like to know more about the eervico these lamps are giving others, ask us. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. J A. PKIWY, Vluo-I' W. 11. JACKHON, Ahh'I Cnnhlor. NATIONAL BANK I at Cold Ray, Oregon Realty Co County Bank Building