Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail Tribune
Sorted; Thirty-ninth
Dully, Klfth Year.
A consolidation of thoMedfonl Mull,
-established 1888; the Southern Oro-
finlaji, established 1902: tlio Domocrntlo
lma, established 1872; tha Aslilamt
Trlljune, established 1896, nnd tho Mcd
Jterd Tribune, cstnbllshcd 1906.
OBOROK PUTNAM, Editor and Mnnngcr
Kntered ns sccond-clns.i matter No
Twnbcr 1. 1909, nt the postofflco nt
3Heirord. Oregon, Under tho not of
JJftTCh 3, 1879. '
Official Pnnor of the Cllr of .Medford.
Otks year by mall J5.00
Cm month by mall.,...,..-. 60
JPer month, delivered by carrier. In
Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville.
Talent. Phoenix, Control Point,
Gold Hill and Woodvlllo SO
Sunday only, by mall, per year... S.00
"Woehly. one year... 1.50
Xull Xoaied
Wire VnlUd Prss
The Mall Trlbuno Is on sale at the
SV.rry News Stand, San Francisco.
Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland.
Bowman News Co., Portland, Or.
W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. ,
Hotel Spoknno News Stand, Spokane.
Postage Bates.
R to 12-pago paper ....V. lo
.15 to 24-paKO paper .2o
S( to 36-uaco paper 30
Averngo Dolly for
November, 1909
December, 1909. ............... ..
January, 1910....
STcbruary. 1910
5 ......
S .-
Total 58,325
lvcas deductions uv
Avrni?ft not dallv. 2.301.
STATE OP OREGON, County of Jack-
eon. 83.:
On this 30th dar of April. 1910,
personally appeared before me, O. Put
nam, manager of the Medford Mall Tri
loune, who, upon oath," that
tthe above figures aro true and correct.
Seal) ' II. N. TOCKET,
Notary Public for Oregon.
Metropolis of Southern Oregon and
Northern California and fastest-crow-ini;
city in Oregon.
Population, May. 1910, 9,000.
Hank deposits. $2,500.0u0.
Banner fruit city of orcgon Hogue
lUver apples won sweepstakes prize and
title of
"Apple Kings of the World."
at National Apple Show, Spokane. 1909.
Xtogue River pears brought hlghtest
prices in all markets of tho world dur
Stfijr the past five years.
Write Commercial Club, enclosing 6
eentn for postage on finest community
pamphlet ever written.
Jacksonville is waking
at for itl
np HE Portland Oregonian nlwnys belittles McdCord and
the Rogue River valley. If Rogue River fruit cap
tures world's prizes, or brings record prices, or Rogue
River orchards sell at fancy figures, in commenting upon
the subject editorially, the Oregonian always brings in
Hood River or the Willamette valley to share the honor.
A Rogue River orchard sells for $2375 an acre, tho
record price for a northwestern grove. Tho Oregonian
says editorially: "The pessimists continue to be amazed
that Rogue River and Hood River fruit land should sell as
high as $2300 per acre. That is higher than orchard land
sells in the east. Certainly. But there are no Hood River
or Rogue River orchards on any kind of laud in the cast."
What did Hood River land have to do with this sale'?
When the Portland excursionists visited Medford they
were taken on an auto excursion tllrough tho valley and
shown the creator -portion of 65,000 acres of orchards. Yet
this immense proven orchard district, covered with the
finest commercial groves in America, whose products have
captured sweepstakes prizes at world's apple shows, and
hold the green fruit record of the world for high prices,
got no more mention in the Oregonian than uuproven sec
tions with one-tenth the orchard area; whose products have
neither name nor fame.
In fact, in its summary of the excursion published Mon
day, the Oregonian says that the high price for orchard
land in the Rogue River valley was $2735 an acre and that
"it is estimated that Jackson county has 44,000 acres set
out to apples and pears."
The Oregonian cannot plead ignorance, for the facts in
the case were clearly set forth in literature given the ex
cursionists. The Oregonian ought to be proud of Med
ford, the most progressive city in Oregon, and of the Rogue
River valley, the largest and most famous of the state's
many fruit belts and the horticultural hope of Oregon.
April Spoiling Contest Most Success
ful Qutto Falls Leads List o
More Than One-Room Schools.
Following is a list ot tho school
making nu average of 90 or cent or
moro In tho spelling contest hold
April 22 in tho various schools ot tho
"Cms- A."
(Schools containing more than ono
room), Percentage
liutto Falls ,.lH.r
Hellvlew 94.23
Ashland Fast School 91.05
Central Point 93.23
(One-room schools).
Upper Trail 100.00
Prospect 100.00
Wollea 100.00
Savage Creek 100 00
Upper Klk Creek 97.00
North Phoenix . . . .- 97.00
Pino Grove .(near Woodvlllo.. 93.81
District No. S9 (Near Trail) . .
Mack Oak (near Wellen) ..
Willow Springs
Derby .
Calls Creek .' ,
Separate grades making an
92, GO
ago of 90 per cent or moro nro as
Fourth grade Uollvlovr 100, ilutto
Falls 97, Ashland East school 95. S,
Central Point 95.54, Woodvlllo 91.7,
Woodvlllo 91.7, Jacksonville 90.42,
Fifth grade Agate 9S.5, tlollvlow
9S, Ashlnnd East school 95.14, Cen
tral Point 93.SS, Jacksonville 90.94,
Talent 90. S.
Sixth grade Agato 9S.CC, Central
Point 97.7C, Butte Fnlls 94. GC, Ash
land West school 94. Ashland East
he brants Pass Fishermen's Union is out with a prop-1 school 92, Jacksonville 91.77.
i.un.iuuu agtuii&L uiu ciusmg vl me xvogue 10 commercial
fishing, claiming that $20,000 a year is yielded by the fish
and that the money is principally spent in Grants Pass.
Two or three times this amount was until re,cdntly tak
en from the Rogue in J osephine countv. The eaten is' vear
ly becoming Jess and it will be but a'few years until it is
too small to be a commercial factor at all, for gradually
but surely present methods are exterminating both salmon
and trout.
This $20,000 is not all expended in Grants Pass. 'Much
of it is-taken away by the lawless fishermen from Oregon
Another gentle rain to cheer the eacil year IIOCK tO the Rogue to WeV UDOU both
fenner. salmon and trout. Neither will the closinn- of tho hidi-st-vr
throw anyone out of work, for mines and mills and 'or
chards are all clamoring for labor.
The fact of the matter is that a closed river will mean
much more commercially, not onlv to ftm-nts P.iqq w. fn
other towns as well as to the farmers, than it means atf
l'v. j. "ukuc jo uxiiiuujiy visirea nv niiTinrnnR nt
Ere long we 11 rise at break of day
to let the big fish get away.
Rogue Hirer strawberries bring J6
at crate of 34 boxes In Portland.
Oregon is given first place in the
leading article of May "Gardening."
Jeffries.' wind is excellent, say the
dispatches, but that of bis press agent
Is much better.
Yon bet there'll be a wireless equip-
moat on the steamer Mr. Roosevelt
oehcs borne on.
China's "open door" at Chang Sha
its again reported to bo jammed with
fleeing foreigners.
"Glavis is a liar," says Balllnger,
How many members there are of the
-Aaanlas club in tho department.
The office of postmaster at Wheat
'fleld Pass is open for applicants. Pays
IS cents a day, half as much as Tolo,
Ashland Is going lo get some ot
Medford's high pressure gas. A Joint
plant is to bo constructed. Then
--Jratch Ashland grow.
A White Houso cook Is to wed a
White Houso policeman, which shows
that sometimes tho joke paper's
stunts do occur in feal life.
Seventh grade Bollvlow 9G.33.
Jacksonville 9G, Ashlnnd East school
95.99. Woodvllle 95.3, Ceutrnl Point
93.4 4, Ashland West school 93, Butto
Falls 91.5.
Eighth grade Dutto Falls 97,
Woodvlllo 94, Bollvlow 93.33, Ash
land East school 90.5.
Class "U."
Fourth grado Galls Creek 90,
Grove 95, Willow Springs 93, West
Side, District No. 95, 91.5, District
No. 89 91.
Hankins for Health.
Mr, uud Mrs, Kinll Hrophy of Ash
land Hpont Sujidny In Central Point
vlrtltlng with I'olutlvcfl and friends,
Miss Margaret EiimIov, u pretty and
popular Central Point girl, has gone
to Medford, having accepted a clerk
ship with the 11. ."i C. Cash company,
C. E. Colllna a prominent contrac
tor of Medford, Is In chnrgo of tho
repairs now being made on tho hotel,
and from the plan of work outlined
by Mr, Collins It would appear that
when he Iiuh finished the job thcro
wilt not be enough of tho old building
loft to Identify It by. Tho Interior of
tho hulliltug now used as sample room
and real estate office will be torn out
and rebuilt In tho Hhnpo of small
stores or offices with show windows,
ote. .
Linn Clemens, who has been away
from homo all winter, returned Sat
urday, and finding plenty of business
here In his line; will probably re
Mrs. Foley from near Gold Hill,
with her little 2-year-old twin sons,
is visiting nt the home of her father,
George llenll.
N, E, Shields bought three lots on
Saturday In tho new Shields tract
and will build a home there this sum
mer. Ills,' Isaac Wil
liams, contemplates tho erection of n
home In the same neighborhood.
Abe- Morgan of Condon has been
visiting here and at Ashland and will
soon rotuiv. to his eastern Orvgou
homo. Ills mother-l(i-lnw, Mrs. N. 13,
Thompson, will nccoinpany him, and
expects to lemnln some months at
Condon and at the Holland hot
springs, where she hopes to got re
lief from rheumatic trouble.
Mrs. Thompson tins rented her home
for the summer and Is stopping with
hor niece, Mrs. James Bhlolds.
The Grants Pass bnsoball team
came to Ceutrnl Point Sunday morn
ing and. went homo Sunday evening
happy, hecauso victorious, the score!
being 5 toG In their favor. Evorybody
Jt lin Mellenry, a painter recently
front Medford, hut now living In Cen
tral Point, fell or was thrown from
n huggy Sunday morning and nuiitnlu
ed Injuries from which he may die.
Mr. Mollonry was under tho Influ
ence ot liquor and wan starting out
with a livery rig lo drive to Jackson
ville, when In turning u corner near
tho home of James Shields ho was
thrown or fell, probably tho latter
from tho buggy, and this douhttesH
frightened tho horRo, which attempt
ed to run, hut wns soon caught, Me
llenry wnA carried Into tho houso
owned by Mrs. Hliupklns, thu houso
having recently been rented by the
owner to Jesse Paulding and wife of
Medford, nnd Drs. Anderson and Pol
lent a weie sent for. After examin
ing the Injuries It was found that
the unfortunate man Is completely
paralyxed from tho head down and
no medical ulc 111 can determine what
the result will he. Ills only relative,
a ulster, living In California, was ol
egraphed to and pending a reply from
her no attempt has Siuon made to
move him, although If the Injuries do
not soon tormlnnte fatally he will
doubtless he removed to a Medford
hospital, McIIenry Is a single man
about 35 years old ami was working
under Mr. Paulding on tho new Flero
house Just out of town.
Sues for Divorce.
Do rii S. Hullou Iiiih brought milt
In tlio elniiilt ooiirt iikiiIiihI 0.
Million lor illvonm. II. Do Ar
moml Is Hie )i!uliilirrri attorney.
said It was a good game. All the
baseball enthusiasts In town nnd n
good many from out of town were
there. They all yolled and kopt yell
ing during tho encounter (though
that Is probably not tho right word),
nnd If somebody who understands tho
game will furnish tho writer with the
dotalls of the games as they aro
played here nnd Inatruct her lu tho
meaning ot the bnsoball shibboleth,
she will mako a bravo attempt to re
port these affairs In nn Intelligent
At tho Nash I. M. 8mlth, C, C
Ireland, Portland; It. IC. Noll!, F C
Smith, Jr., Spokane; A. Oppenhelm,
tr. S. Booth, J. C. .Murray, San Frnn-
clsco; G. W, Keorn. Grants Pass.
Frank h. McGuIro, M. J. Clotkoy,
Portland; J. A. Harvey, Oallce; W.
A. Waldron, C. M. Canan, Detroit;
O. A. Cretjulth, San Francisco, M 0
Olson, Portland; M. Alkors, Lewis.
ton; E. F. Say lor, Eugene; II. L.
Lively, Seattle; Horace Dayton, New
At the Moore C. C. Woldemnnn,
Portland; Itobort Gray, fledford; U,
H. Hiithorford, Los Angeles; Charles
nullor, Tacoma; Mrs. A. F. West,
Humboldt; E. D. Payne, Los Angeles;
F. S. Johnson, Portland; W. Tate,
Now York; II. E, Nlles, San Frnncls
co; A. E. Nolan, Portland; J. 11.
Sherman, Medford; C. V. Daymnn,
San Diego; V. II. Hnllone, Portland;
E. M. Parkor, Ashland; It. I. Cole,
Colex; k. M. Duffy, W. Hyler Smith.
Unskimi for TIonlLh.
You'll liii'J ll Hi" Utile lined,
ed KiipplieH here nml tlio ie
unwilili'mtfH of the prices will
Htirpriho you.
See our line of
and Confections
lVlidouily lUvotrd, temptingly buxn)
iom uAie uy
134 West Main.
U an fdd to rather
than a Uct of your
'If to &oeft ret
the baking ralU
too should try
Mok ot Olympic
It always Makes
good things to eat.
IVm "feetter
Dr. Booker T. Washington says
that "the negro never asks help."
That's so tho Pullman porter
.doesu't put It on that ground.
"Tho houso has passed tho "long
'and short haul" bill, designed to help
Inland towns, but the old rule of "all
tlio .traffic will bear" still stands.
"The duko of Manchester says tho
vauffragotto movement In England is
-a "fizzle." Just wait till some of tho
robust ones get after his graco and see
what happens to him.
'Officials are trying to compel peo
tle who sell strawberries to quit put
ctiajff the bottom of tho box up near
tho middle. Ufa Is becoming more
nsd moro.burdcnsomo for those who
deslro to ;graft.
At tho straw vote in Klamath coun
ty 598 .voted to move tho courthouse,
505 against it. Now tho moving Is
-eajolned by the courts. If Klamath
Falls would quit its factional fight-
. lng-,lt might become a city some day,
ancrlers. and if flommprninl fialiino-io ainn-nnA n-A t
U . . . jo jtuu u HiiU tllU J-VUlfUtMl
llnlAAn JJ 1 1 J , t fc . . - P H
xlT v-uuo iu iiULurauy is, me Desu angling
stream in -America, thousands of wealthy pleasure seekers
and sportsmen will annually flock hither, leaving far more
gold than the yearly diminishing output of salmon at pres
ent yields.
If present conditions continue f -
eitner rrom tourists or frnm Tip pnmmmiioi r,r.u
xsiit your commercial fisli
less restrained by the law, will ruthlessly continue the work
uj. cvuernuiiaiion. unm tllfi List, nf thn tt-nmr f,.;i,rt nn:
in his seine. 1
"Unless internal differences arisn tn nhnnh-
progi-ess, the future of Medford is assured. As long ns the
people pull together, as has been the case the past year,
ana tne city maintains its present nnoo. nf
ress and continues its advertising campaign, nothing can
Stop It irom becominrr a f-nnr1 aWnrl rift? " -nrHi:
Hanley of central Oregon, a former Jackson countv boy,
now one of the big men of Oregon.
,?at v'?aI1?7 sai-?Tis true' Tlle citizens must con
tinue to puU together. No factional differences or petty
quarrels should be allowed to interfere with flm
program of progress. The greatest good to the greatest
number must continue to be the slogan of the future
The honn of tho nHv Mna i 4o iix.j ' i
m the broadness of virw with which the problems of the
present and future must be grappled. It is a progressive
ciuzensliip that knows not tlm mnnnino- nf iinif
-w C? beJe ajarge city, not only because of its
natural advantages; but because its population wills that
it should and will overlook no chance to mako it so
The Pasadena
of Oregon
Van de Car Buys
Out Partner
It was learned ' today that fl. T.
Van De Car had bought out his part
ner, J. G. Jassman, in the Jewelry
business. These men have made a
host, of friends since coming to Mod
ford and either one will bo missed.
Mr.' Van Do Car is especially pleas
ing and should build up a business
that would bo second to none in its
line In tho state outside ot Portland.
Mr. Van Do Car says that ho will car
ry a comploto Jewelry stock always
endeavoring to Improve along all
...... ... ., . i. "
lines. The people of southern Oregon
will do well to visit this popular Jew
elry store and meet Mr. Van De Car.
Baseball Gossip.
Portland JoBt tho series to San
Francisco, when thero was really no
reason why such a thing should oc
cur. A fow less boots and somo real
ball playing wduiaIiavo -won the
Medford nnd Jacksonville mix
again at Jacksonville Sunday. If
thoy will guarantee tho samo class
of ball as that of Inst Sunday tho
fans will turn out to see it. Jnok
sonvillo is duo to win this trip,
HnskinB for Health;
People of refinement; people with means j'rotired business men; professional mon
' .V$C ?,nd imivers!ty graduates, arc coming to the Roguo River Valley by the score.
Within the past two years almost a hundred Chicago andEvanston, Illinois, pcoplo have
purchased homes near Mcdofrd, and nearly every one of them has U'friond or two
whom they hope to induce to come and locate in tho vnllnv.
.ew Yoi Philadelphia, Boston and many other eastern cities aro almost if not
quite as well represented, while St. Paul and Minneapolis have more representatives
here than any other several cities combined.
P1 ?ics statement? over and got your thinker going. Write to tho undersigned
or the Medford Commercial Club for detailed informtaion about the country, and vou
wilhnever have cause to rcgrcHt. J
Bearing Orchards
Near Medford .
Most of tho producing orchards have boon hold in largo holdings until icoontly.
9 i
1 x i -i Vr r , ' ""w4" uw uuruH, was piacca on tlio
market in any desired acreage. Wo have been authorized to offer tho bearing annles
and.pears for solo, and if you know anything about this country and want a desirable
vivwl ui uuuxixiK txuutj. writu or come HOOI1. uw
L'lTlfT ttin nnnf. wnnlr Anun dstnn mr
worth of the property has been disposed of. It is lonntod within t 'i e tr-Aili
at an elevation of about 100 feet above tho city and is ono of the best kopt orch u-da in
tho world. Parts of the orchard offered for sale have paid the owner over fcGOO -nnr
tv acre per year for four years straight. por
V ' uirPr mt ?Tf UnCBB yOU,aro PrParcd t( stav, for fast so sure as you do come tho com-
bmation of fat soil, grandeur of scenic beauty and Italian climate will steal you Tbodv
and soul. After one visit hero you wUl bo miserable any other place on earth. Y
John D ?01well