Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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By A C. Ilowlctt 1
Air. Koiilur, uno of tho of Moo rorco
of tlm foii'iit. riuiijoni of Murtforil,
nilltid on lilii rulurii from u trip to
tho Oil hill country a fow InyH iu;o
iwiil anionic tlio IiiuIiIoiiIm of ItitorostH
hit roliktoil wiiii oiio concoriiliii: 0110 of
It Iff lirotlior riiiiKoni, (looiy.o II. Wi'iit.
It upiumrH that thy until Kontor luiti a
Ikiiho Unit iloun not ill way it do iih lio
In told ami upon tho oitiikIoii ro
forroil to Mr. Wont and .1 oh it Holtz
nlnrlod to I nit o a rlilo In u rli; with tho
nfoi-OHiilil homu and omi of JoIiiiiiIo'h.
ICvorytlilni; wont iiIoiik nuioothly
until thoy riuno to ono of IIiomo polo
IiiIiJkoii that nro rjtiltu conuiion In tho
hlllii anil tlmio tho homo duclilml
that tho hrldKO wan not unfit and mo
rofiiiiiiil to k mid on account of tho
urging on tho part of Johimlo tho
horxi) hoi:au to rear anil pluiiKO anil
Ulolc wlioroujion Joliunlo alnuul to K't
hohluil tho oor.t to cut further from
tho hornc-H hcolii unit (loorr.u hikiIiik;
IiIiii iiiuklni; that inovu a I hum I to
Jump clear from tho wiikoii and JiihI
iih ho Juiupoit tho homu i;tivo u mid
don pIuiiko throwing Woat out on hla
hIiIo ami Jtitit tlmn tho wheel ntruclc
lihi li'K ami at alinont tlm nniuo 1 1 mo
toro tho hla forehead, Ho
wan not norlounly hurt hut hail n very
cloco call.
Kluco NIcIioIm, JacltBoii & Co. huvo
hoiiKht out tho meat market, thoy
havo hoim makliiK homo cIiuiikuh In
tholr cold HtornKu room, Mr. John
Hut 1 1 h linu hi.'on dolni; tho rarpou
tur work.
Hluco Dolor & Dulcoy havo toltl out
tho moat markot IuihIiuwh horo, Mr.
Dotur Iiiin nought (ho lot formerly
occupied liy A. J. Floury, where now
Htauila tho luiuher shod ami yard. I
uiidorntnnd that Mr. Floury Hold tho
lot for 1250 and that Mr, Outer Ih
contemplating purchaHlnt; tho alied
and the lumber that In within tho
Mm. IIIhkIiih of Jnol(noiivl!lo wnti
out visiting her mother Mrs, F. W.
.Smith the middle part of the week.
Jo Moomnn Iina J nut put hla
Mingo on tho road between liogle
I'olnt mid I'eyton ngiiln for the biiiii-
I'roHpcct by another carrier. John
aaya ho got ho tired llvliu: In tho,
country (Trail) that he can not Htmnl '
It, Nothing but city llfo will do for,
hlin ho ho will Htny In Knglo Point. j
H, A. Carlton wan mulling on hl
many frlonilii hero IiihI ThuiHilay and ,
1 1 1 m hou J. II, waa, gazing around;
mining tho people to find how much!
thoy wore worth mid another Hon waa
giiitltig around to try., to find out all
that hu could about how many there
were In each famlly.nnd how old they
wore --and It alnt fair to mnlto tho!
h'lrln tell a boy like Herbert how old
they are ami all tho partlculara btitj
Hhch la life when the couhiih oiiumorii
tor cornea around. j
H. It, Mlnter, our bona nhoop man
F. Doilgo drove up ThiUHilny In an
auto for dinner about two, p. m.
They wore a lltllo Into but got dinner
all tho hiiiiii ami after dinner wont to
Hue the world-fmnod TroiiHon &
(luthrlo orchard near Knglo I'olnt,
then went up the railroad to tho
com in I unary and were talking of
going up to Crnlg & Fullor'H corn
Mr. MorrlH, tho ollwoll and coal
mini who Hitperlntended tho boring
of the oil well In tho deiiert aouth of
hero about a year ngo wan a pleaannt
caller Thurnday afternoon but went
on to Medford.
TliomiiM Abbot and Fred Holloa
had finite an experience Thurnday
afternoon. Thoy wero plowlni; on
the old Moomon place and ono of
them laid tho linen down to get a
drink mid about the horncn took a
notion to ko off and they went with
the plow attached and wjion thoy
Htopped tho plow waa In n thicket of
A Paint Display
I i ilw...,. ....... I., i rpl...H.t
and reporta that hla aheop aro doing f1m," ' n" one hnndlo and
fine and that ho now ban on hand"" " " fa
about 800 Iiiinlm and antlclpatea hav
ing a crop of wool,
H. V. Carlton of New Jeraoy, came
out on the l'ncltlc &. Kaiitern laiit
Thurnday and apent the night with A clever nrrnngcinciil of paint cans
iih and the next day went to vlalt an and appropriutu advertising material
old aciiualntanco on the oldJ. H. Car fonn tho ImaiH of an exceedingly at
1 1 on farm returning on Friday morn- tractive window in
lug to Medford. j OLMSTEAD & HIBBARD'S
Mr. Mayfleld and family and son store thin wcok. A special feature
John mid family moved Into the hoimo of the diaplay !h a set of old weather
recently vacated by Mra. William Ab- beaten enrnngo apokcH with half of
but Wedneoday. tlio Hurfaco of tho apokes t rented to
Dale Hazle la ongnged In lathing; ono cont of Actno Quality Cnrringo
Mr. von dor Helleu'B now Iioiiho and Paint eaeli apoko Hhowitip; n differ-
Wolfer and Wnmaley nro doing tho ont color of tho paint. Tho follow-
pliimblng work. iiig fitatement ia iniulo on ono of the
Charley Ienr who liaa boon work- display carda: "You enn make your
lug In the nilnoH In Slaklyou county, old bugu;y look now for a dollar by
California, called Thurmlay on his tlio uao of this paint.
way to the I2lk crook inlnoa. With this suggestion and the very
J2d Welch and T. J. Yocuin of small outlay ncccBtmry wo nro sure
Central I'olnt were pleauant callers , that all of tho nhabbv vehicles in thia
Unite Falla country. Mr. Welch la territory will immediately take on a
Interested In the aawmlll business new appearance.
and wan up In (tint country to look at BchkIch being good for nil kinds of
the timber. Ho apeaka In high tcrma vehicles, attractive display sign?
of tho timber and aaya that the Cra- illuutrato in colors a great many
ter Lake mill doing fine work. other uses for this wonderful paint
mer and fall or na long aa ho carrloH
tho ninll. John W. Sniltlu Mr. Bryant and
Hnin Watklni. whn In carrvltiir the Mr Wnmnlev nro lolnc tlio work
mall from hero to Trail, waa I.eo KdiniLidson of Derby was horo
nick last TucAdayi on tho way he- last Thurday and aaya that ho cx
tweim Trail and I2aglo I'olnt and had
Ttio SunnyHldo has just hauled out, in mid about tho home. The display
from Medford 8000 feet of lumboriis n creditable one and well worth
with which to put In four dormor inspecting.
wlndowH and partition off four moro
to Htop and get some one clue to take
ll on lu hla placo and Judge John
Watklna took It from hero to Trail
where ho hnd to lay ovr on Wed
nesday whllo tho mall waa taken to
The board of directors of school
district No. 49 will meet Friday ovo
nlng, May 13, 1910, at tho high
school biilliHnjr nt 7 d'clock p. ni.
porta to mov- JiIb mill from Dorby up:to consider plana nnd estimates for
nonr tlio Rnurco of n ir Utltto tills il ni-rwuin .uu iu mo .ininiif,i
Artie Nichols, our meat market
man, called for dinner last Thursday.
J. 12. Croon, T. W. Osgood and I.
Hchool and n ton-room ward school.
40 OltIS CItAWFOUD, Clork.
ITBRlHriH for Health.
John Hclrnlo of North Talent wna
In Medford last Friday.
Mr, and Mrs, Loulo Colvcr of Phoe
nix wero Ashland bUHlm-m vlsltora
laat I'Vlday.
C, Cary of North Talent wan n Tal
ent visitor last Thursday.
Loulo Colvo" of Phoenix was In
Medford last Saturday.
A. H. Furry of Phoenix was a Med
ford visitor Saturday.
John Mast was In tho hub city
on buslnesH Saturday.
George Itoberta of North Talent
went over to visit hla daughter, Mra.
h. 12. Hughea of Forn Valley.
lames McDonald of North Talent
wan a Phoenix visitor Saturday.
I2d Clcmena, foreman of the Kstep
orchard, waa In Medford laHt Saturday.
W. Howo, an old time Talent rcsl
jdont, waa In North Talent Saturday
.ronowlng old acquaintances. Mr.
Howe left Talent when a boy and haa
recontly returned.
Mr. and Mra. Welden Hartley wero
doing trading In Medford last Saturday.
C. Caroy, one of North Talents
gardeners, wno In Medford last Sat
urday delivering tomato plants to
William Gore.
Frank Oatman of Talent and super
intendent of one of tho fine young or
chards north of town, vent down to
Medford Saturday.
Joshua Patterson, ono of tho coun
ty road supervisors, was in Medford
Saturday. Wo hope ho encouraged
John R. Allen in the matter of tho
electric road.
John Roberts, ono of our most en
terprising North Talent gardeners,
waa In MedforJ-wIth Bomo early veg
etables last Friday.
Gcorgo McCIsIn Is busy these days
putting on tho finishing touches to
Ira Dunlap'g new dwelling house In
A largo force of men left Phoenix
and North Talent Monday to w6rk on
the dam In order to get a better sup
ply of water for Irrigation purposes.
Parties havo leasod u fine tract of
land of Joshua Patterson for a nur
sery and liavo set out lour thousand
yound trees. This is another ono of
Talent's enterprises worthy of mention.
Talent Is having a regular dancing
fnd this spring and ovory Friday night
they gather to trip tho light fantastic
toe. Many came from all parts of the
valley to Join In tho merriment.
W. Holdrlilco of Talent was offer-'
ed $2000 an aero for his flno peach'
orchard ono day last weok, but ho
refused tho offer. Mr, Holdrldgo aurc
ly has tho finest young hearlnj peach
orchard in this valloy.
Jeff Dull, proprietor of tho Boll
hotel at Talent, says ho will havo to
rent the house out, becauso ho and
his wlfo cannot possibly stand tho
work and responsibility of such
crowds a come to bo fed and lodged
there, and good help Ir, so scarce and
hard to keep.
12. F. Mogoon, agent for the Oliver
typewriter, was up to C. Carey's Sat
urday demonstrating tho work done
with an Oliver, and found several In
thnt little nolfchborhood who aro Interested.
The Brotherhood of Americnn
Yeomen will meet at Anglo opera
house horcaftor on second and
fourth Mondays of each month.
AH Archers should coino out Mon
day, May 9. Big feed.
R. L. TAYLOR, Foreman.
O. F. CHBLQREN. Correspondent.
All Who Love
Little Ones
will provide
purest of tho
pure in
"t i or me dcoi 01 ranty
PatroMti the "Modern DeaUr"
Utitn CalKtlMry C, Mlr., Ptrtlud, Onroa
Tho old established Medford
Bakery and Delicatessen have
again resumed business with
new men, better goods, prompt
service. Everything up-to-dato.
Our motto Is to pleaso our pat
rons. Give us a trial. Respectfully,
A. F. RE1NKING & Co.
We make any land and stylo of Windows.
Wo carry Glass of any size on hand.
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Ms4ford, Origos,
All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable
11 North D St.. Mi'dford Oro. I'hone 303
Protects Buildings frcsu
the Worst Blizzard hrer
TE know the roofing we advocate. We know It will with
stand the harden winter weather that the big ttorms
have no effect on it that It will protect your property year
in and out. We Icnrui that if you buy
it will prove the safest, most economical investment you have
ever made. And ivt can prove all this to jtu by the actual
experience of other men. Would you profit by their experience ?
Will you let us show you the difference between cheap roofings
and Rex Funtkote Roofing?
Woods Lumber Company
Unparalleled Bargains
Including the Best Real Estate Buys in the Valley
You Can't Beat It in the District for the Price
$4500 Gash Balance Terms Forty acres, 2'2 miles from Eagle Point; 16 acres in 6 and 7-year-old
Spitz and Nowtowns; 32 acres can bo cultivated with very little trouble; 7-room house, summer kit
chen and milk house; windmill and 5000-gallon tank; barn 60;xl20; part could be used as packing
houso and implement shed; all under Fish Lake ditch. This is a bargain for tho price asked. $1500
cash will handle it; balanco on easy terms.
A Fortune For You Here
53 Acres lVt miles east of Central Point; all bottom land, mostly free soil
of the vory best quality.
10 Acres 8-year-old Spitz and Ncwtowns apples; 26 acres 5 to 7-year-old
Spitz and Ncwtowns Apples; 200 Jonathan apple trees; 200 Winter Nollis pear
trees; 6 acres 3-year-old Cornice Peal's. Price $32,500; $15,000 cash, balance,
threo equal payments at 6 per cent.
Here is the Best "Snap" of All
99 ACRES 45 acres trees; 25 acres bearing;, planted to apples 8 Spitzonborg, 8 Ben Davis and
9 Newtown! 5 cars shipped last year! will ship doublo this amount this year; 20 acres peal's, Anjou
and Bartlott 1,050 two years; .15 acres in grain; 3 miles out; all could bo cultivated; house 3
rooms, all downstairs; fair barn; all fonccd; all can bo irrigated from Roguo river. GOOD TERMS.
You'll miss a good thing if you fail to got in touch with this.
Waiting forYou Fully Furnished
S Rooms, brand new house; bath, toilet, screen kitchen, swell electric fix
tures, cement sidewalk on street and cement walk to and around the houso;
fully furnished in first class stvle. Parties leaving town and therefore will
sacrifice this splendid home.
Where Will You Find as Good a Buy?
Pine bottom land, west side of Bear creek; six miles north of Medford, two miles from , Central
Point; 90 acres, all under cultivation; 70 acres planted to trees, 1050 Bartletts, 500 Cornice and 250
Howell pear trees, all 2 years old; 1100 Newtown, 300 Spitz, 300 King David apple trees, and 700
peach, all 2 years old; 20 awes in alfalfa; six-room house, barn, threo wells; all fenced and all build
ings in good condition; $30,000, half cash, balance one, two and three years.
Beautiful Hillside Home View Unsurpassed
30.31 Acres of the very best soil in the valley; large nine-room houso;
good barn and outbuildings; three wells and plentj" of water for all purposes.
1,844 trees on place, mostly pears. Price $16,000; half cash, bal. good terms.
You'll Have to Show Me Its Equal for Price
32 ACRES 3 miles from Talent west! 12 acres Spitz and Nowtowns, 6.
years old, with poach fillers, bearing; 3 acres Comico pears; 4 acres Bartlott
pears; 4 acres alfalfa; 7 acres woodland, easily cleared; family orchard! good
sot of buildings. Price $11,500; $5,000 cash, balance terms.
Here Is Certainly a Good Proposition
14.40 acres; 1 mile from Central Point; main county road; rich, heavy soil; 4fc acres. 3-year-old Co
rnice pears with peach filler 1-year-old; 10 acres alfalfa; 8-room house; good barn; cement milkhouses;
two wells; ono team of horses; one wagon and harness; one hack; ono buggy; tools of all lands; ono
Jersey cow; board and wire fenced. Price $8400; $3Q00 down, balanco terms to suit at 6 por cent.
Walter L. McCallum Hotel Nash Lobby