jtfEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, AtEDFORD, OREGON, 1?RIT)AY. APRIL 29, 1910. 8 CARPENTERS HAVE PLEASANT TIME 14 Delcgatlen Attends From Ash larwl Over Two Hundred at Ban quetJolly Tlmo Is Had Local listen Is Strong. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE House, 0 rooms, 3 clos ets, hath, nnntry, pood well, city vnter In houso nuii yard, lot 50 by 200 foot, several young fruit trees, Rood chicken park. Inquire of Own er, 010 S. Central nvo. 35 2000 ATTEND TABERNACLE MEETING LAST EVENING KSTRAYKD Iron pray rangy horse, weighing about 1100; notify Nash Stablos or L. W. Zlmmor, Medford. 35 PROFESSOR MALTBIE'S CHORUS CHOIR THE LARGEST IN SOUTH ERN OREGON. FOR SALK 40 acre, one mllo from city limits of Roseburg, 15 acres In -cultivation; Spitz and Xewto.wu ap ples; poar and poach orchard: six-1 room house; barn and outbuildings; four good springs, water piped In j house and connected up with Mon- j arch range, hot and cold wator In three different places, bath. 3C "The attempt of a pair of dirty spawns of whisky politics to heap opprobrium upon me last night at tho opera houso missed fire. The powder was soaked too full of sa loon juice. Tho Insult Is not to me, but to tho consecrated, courageous pastors of tho five churches repre senting almost 1100 church members, many of whom are membors of tho Commercial club, which Is dlsgrac- Oarperilers and Ihoir friends to the uuinbor ol! 200 last evening enjoyed me of. fie- mobt plensant facial ses sions ever hold by loonl Lniou, No. lSi-10. Tho occasion was the -third an-j iiuvcrsnry of tho fonnntiou of n lo bnl Carpenters' union. Tho union has thrived well since its fonn ding on April 27, 1907, with 15 members. At that timo carpen- 1 tore wero paid $2.50 for n day of ten hours. Now tho union has it mem bership of 75 and has succeeded in gutting A working day out to eight fnv !l nil pint 4 ia tinid. 1 ....V. . ,; .l,l.l ell to cause North Bartlctt street from 'questionable he Is a liar. through the efforts of Business Agent J. J. Scale. The Ashland union, which was or ganized about six months ngo, now luis 48 members. About 20 nttended Inst evening's gathering here. A number of short addresses were rondo Inst evening. The&e were fol lowed by refreshments and dancing. Tho nffnir was most enjoyable throughout. led by the two spokesmen of tho sa- FOR SALE Pure bred Duff Orplng-jioon gang In Medford nbovo mention ton oggs. 320 Apple street. 39 oil. When the president of tho Coiu- - merclal club Enys that theso noblo UKSOLLTIOX. I pastors are such eonsummato fools I He It resolved, by the city council I that they would send for a man to or the city of Medford: 'conduct a religious campaign under That It Is the Intention of tho coun- tholr auspices whoso character 13' JEFFRIES CONFINES HIS WORK TO ROAD HIKE ROWAUDEN'XAX, Col., April 2. lim Jeffries confined his training stents today to a two-mile road hike, wing to soreness he still feels re sulting from the boil on his back. The big fellow is also in.. -i . i . siignuy irom n sirnincu ivnaon m ins Teg, which needs rest. Acting upon the advice of his several trainer Jeffries decided to forego all but the lightest kind of work in order to give lie leg a rest and permit the sore ness to get out of his back and waist. After his rond work today the eb&llenger went fishing for several hours. lie planned to do some gym nasium wort this afternoon and to Tesume light sparring next Monday. Billy Pnpke today began active training for his 25-round argument with Joe Thomas, to be held May 14 at Colmn. East Main street to Sixth street, In j When he says that tho 1100 church said city, to bo Improved by placing members who authorized theso pas on both sides of said street a concrete jtors to secure me for this campaign curb and gutter and by paving the' are so degraded and so utterly char same for the width of 10 feet with 'ncterless that they would put up asphalt pavement, consisting of a five-, this money, erect a great tabernnclo, Inch concrete base, a one-Inch asphal-' the greatest over built In southern tic binder, and a two-Inch wearing Oregon, and have their paotors secure surface, all In accordance with the a 'religious fakir' to decolvo tho peo general specif Icatlons prepared by tho i plo of Medford, under tholr pntron clty engineer of said city, and with j age. ho Insults every pure woman In additional specifications submitted by , tho churches, he Insults every gen the Clark and Henery Construction ; tlemnn In these churches, and In tho company, both of which, general and name of these pastors and tho 1100 additional specifications, are on file church members upon whose Invl ln the office of the city recorder of jtatlon I came here. I brand that old said city, and assess the cost there-j cur a damnable, lying scoundrel, of on the property adjacent to said "The afternoon pnper did not men Improvement, j tlon the fact the.t at the opera houso The council will meet at the coun- last night a filthy henchman of tho j ell chamber In the city hall In said ' saloon gang a snitch lawyer so j a character built according to the laws' of God. Tho best citizens of Medford nro tho ones who build char acter on Hod's laws." Among othor things Oliver said "The cl8 of men who break God's laws nnd toaoh young men to do so, the men who throw bombs, tho an archists, tho men who delight to over throw order, nro, as proven by his tory, atheists, Infidels and skoptlcH to a man." Dr. Oliver spoke of tho lack of appreciation on tho part of many husbands nnd fathers for the sacrifice and work by tho wives nnd mothers tn tho average homo today. Tho ovangellst gave tho business men to understand that "tho object of this campaign Is to holp mnko men honest nnd decent nnd to get 'dead beats to pay their debts." ; Nearly lOOU People Declare Them selves In Favor of a Clean Medford. Dr. Oliver asked all peoplo, whoth r church member or not, who would stand by this movement to make I Medford a better city, to como for-! ward and shako hands with tho local,' pastors. Over half of tho audience j responded by coming forward, I SiHH-Jal Services. A special servlco for young peoplo j will be held nt tho tabernnclo this ' afternoon at 4 o'clock. Servlco ov-1 cry night at 7:30. A lecture toj "women only" on Sunday afternoon ! nt 2:30. Sunday evening to "men only." ! What is the matter with MEDFORD DR. OLIVER PREACHES ON THIS SUBJECT TONIGHT AT Tabernacle NORTH BARTLETT NEAR JACKSON STREET. DID YOlT II ISA II OLIVWR LAST NIGHT, OR DID SOM130N13 TI3LL YOU WHAT II 15 SAID? Medford. Orecon: This certifies sutfenn Uv h n h d f M mo at,j am mform0(1 a,ivised mob rulo in that wo hnvo sold Hall's Toxns Won- Medford that Is. that thoy take mo (lcr ior mo euro ornu money, ninii and give me a coat of tho materials dor and rheumatic troubles for ten used for street paving, nnd so on. years, and hnvo never had n com I hereby challenge that caricature of ,plnlnt. It gives quick and pormnncnt a lawyer, that travesty on manhood, relief. Sixty days' treatment in ench to bring out his imps of Medford's bottle. Medford Pharmacy. tf whisky hell and get busy. I am an American ettize'n nnd you haven't enough rotten lawyers, oaloon bums and whisky newspapers In Oregon to Intimidate me. Every bit of op- position to me and my work In Med- ANOTHER TIE VOTE IS PULLED OFF IN HOUSE WASHINGTON. D. C. April 29. Another tie vote occurred in the louse today on an amendment of the administration railroad bill. Follow. Ing the vote of Monday, this Is taken as an Indication of the sentiment of the house regarding the measure, and leaders nro predicting turbulent times ahead before tho bill lb finally voted on. That It will require all the strength of the administration to force the pacsage of the measure seems certain, many houso loaders de clare. Tho vote today was on Hubbard's amondment to reduce tiio authority of tho proposed commetcn court. Tho -amendment was lost through Jack of a majority, the vote stauIlrtfr 121 to 121. Attell Beats Murphy. NEW YORK, April 29.Abfc Attell, champion featherweight, gave Tommy Murphy tho worst of a ten-round co "before the Empire club last night. "Every round was Attoll's but the eighth and ninth, when Murphy suc ceeded in breaking his guard and flooring him once. In tho final round JVttell punished Murphy severely, Klinrj Pays His Ffiil CINCINNATI, 0., April SO.Soc Tetary Bruco of the nntiouul base ball commission, today received n cheek from "Johnny" IvJing for $700. TJio amount pays tho fine levied against Ivling, who was recently re jiibxuicu in organized uaseunil and assigned to his old club, the Chicago cans, or tho National league. Hotel Arrivals. Tho Nnsh Owen McCucker, Pen dleton; M. B. Woido, St. Pnul; A. II. Athorton, Boston; T. J. Pattison, Chicngo; P. Davis, A. A. Kondrink, O. W. Avorill, Portland; M. Abraham, New York; L. A. Newton, Portlnad; JU. llnnUIoy and wifo, Medford; P. N. liuptoti, Wyandotte; L. Anson, San xrancisco; j. uinkosJy, Portland, ino JUoore Mr. and Mrs. C. B, Torino, Des Moines; V, II. Ilnllono, Portland; T. D. Ross, Central Point; ii. u. KobtnHon, Bt. Paul; II. N. Olurk, city; N, Rogowny, Albany; L. TLrmla orl wit T)a!- Tt ir P. P. Hawo, Orange; I. W. Trnnklo, Xer York; P. Lny, Wellon; Q. W. Avorill, Milwaukee; G. W. Bryant, Truck. anybody horo seen Kelly f ImUu Ut BmUUu ! 7:30 p. m., at which time all protests against the making of said Improve ments and the assessing of tho cost thereof as aforesaid will be heard. The city recorder Is hereby ordered to publish this resolution once in the Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation In said city, and to post the same as required by the charter at least ten days before the date of said meeting. The foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, on the 2Sth day of April. 1910, by tho following vote: Welch aye, Merrick aye, Emerlck aye, Wortman aye, Elfert aye and Demmer aye. Approved April 29th, 1910. W. H. CANON. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. Has anybody hero seon Kelly? "Hasklns for Health." Lecture To Young People THIS AFTERNOON AT 4 P. M. Every youn person should hear this. Come should hear him before condemning him. and hear Oliver preach. You RESOLUTION. Be It resolved, by the city council of tho city of Medford: That It is the Intention of the coun cil to cause South Bartlett street from East Main street to Eighth street In 1 said city to be improved by placing' on both sides of said street a concrete ' curb and gutter and by paving the ! same for tho width of 40 feet with as-.' phalt pavement, consisting of a five-: inch concrete base, a one-Inch asphal tic bidder, and a two-Inch wearing surface, all In accordance with the ' general specifications prepared by the ; city engineer of said city, and with , additional specifications submitted by the Clark and Henery Construction company, both of which, general and additional specifications, are on file 1 in the office of the city recorder, and : assess the cost thereof on tho prop erty adjacent to said Improvement. , The council will meet at the coun-j cil chamber In the city hall In said city on the 11th day of May, 1910, at 7:30 p. m., at which time all protests; against the maklngof said Improve ments and the assessing of tho cost j thereof as aforesaid will bo heard. The city recorder Is hereby ordered to publish this resolution once In tho Dally Mall Trlbuno, a newspaper of general circulation in said city, and to post tho same as required by tho charter at least ten days before the duto of said meeting, Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 28th day of April, 1910, by tho following voto: Welch nyo, Merrick aye, Emerlck aye, Wortman aye, Elfert aye and Demmer ayo. Approved April 29th, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT, W. TELFER, City Recorder. ford has the saloon and saloon poll tlclans back of It. Thero must bo a new Medfor'I; thero will bo a now Medford, free from whisky domina tion." Tremendous applauso followed tho above remarks, which wero tho In troductory words of Evangelist Oli ver's cermon at the tabernacle last night. "Tho majesty of law" was the subject of tho sermon delivered by Dr. Oliver to tho largest religious gathering ever assembled In Med ford. The text was from Joshua 1:8. Dr. Oliver convinced his audience that "tho true basis of success is not judged by the dollar mark, but by Notice Tho old established Medford Bakery and Dollcatcssen havo again resumed business with new men, better goods, prompt servlco. Everything up-to-date. Our motto is to pleaso our pat rons. Olre us a trial. Re spectfully, A. F. REINKING & Co. SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. I'HOXE MAIN 2252. GOOD FRIENDS Tho Tea and Coffeo houso former ly owned by Goodfrlond has just re ceived a fresh new stock of GROCERIES Everything la hlgh-grado and first class In evory way. Whon you como for tho beat tea or coffeo In tho city you can get groceries, too, and don't forget that wo carry a very flno stock of plain and II A V I L A N D CHINA R.T. ALLIN 132 WEST MAIN STREET PHONE 2001 f BENSON INVESTMENT CO. nro closing out nil holdings nt sacrifice prices. Office ovor " Fruitgrowers' bank, t f l l -f ff f Knrdon if using froHh strawberries for ice crenm and Buudnos. - 160 ACRES of as fino fruit land ns can bo found any- whoro, $75 mi aero. See Hon- i Has nnybody hero seen Kcllyf IlnskiriH for Ilnnlth. Merchants' Jnneh nt Pres bytorinn church Saturday (tomorrow) froin 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., under auspices of Y. P. S. C. E, Socioty. . f Every Woman Knows or should know the importance of wearing shoes that lave heels that are adapted in height to tho lasts ipon which they are built. Correctly built heels; heels built in the "Pingreo way," mean good carriage, strong arches, springy valk and smaller appearing shoes. When in our neighborhood notice tho heels and the beautiful lines to the arches of women's Pingree's. DON'T FORGET, SATURDAY, JULY 6TH. 5 pair for $1 Pickaniny Hose! Special for Saturday, 50 dozen boys' celebrated Pick aninny Brand School Hose, the best 25e hose in the city; an extra heavy, strong, good wearing hose; in sizes 6 to 10; for Saturday only, 5 pairs for $1.00 Box Paper 1000 boxes to select from; the neatest line in the city. Como in and let us show you the quality; prices, 25c to $1.00 per box. Men's Work Gloves $1.00 AND $1.25 PAIR We arc closing out our line of Work Gloves. Thoy are Ladies Summer Vests 10c, 15c AND 25c EACH Ladies' seamless fast col or Hose, black and tan ; to- regular .50 to $2.00 qual- morrow, ltics. Come in and let us 15c PAIR. t show you. Just in, a now and complete lino of plain white Din ner Ware; a fine quality at a popular price. NEW LINE OP POST CARDS JUST IN. HUS SEYS WRITING DESK SATURDAY, JULY 6TH. ' lT" I AT "1 f m. itixsu and u m m e r weather demands t h e wearing of OXFORDS if you wish to escape hot, perspiring, uncomfortable feet. Good sense demands the wearing of OUR Oxfords because thoy give the max imum ol satisfactory wear with perfect comfort. Wc have a suporb stock in all leathers made on lasts full of swinir and sua). MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN "Elk Head" Shirts Wo arc now showing a biff variety of the famous "351k nead" brand of Negligee, Coif and Dress Shirts, $1.00 TO $2.00 EACH Men's Cash mere Suits Our mon's Cashmere Suits AT $12.50 AND $15.00 are extra values. WARDROBE Farmors and Fruitgrowers Bank Building. v