MEDPORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 20, 1010. Medford Mail Tribune Catapleto Serins. Thlrty.nlnth Yr; DMIy, Fifth Tir. VVBIUSHSD DA1I.Y SXOEPT BATUH BAT BY IBS MSDrOHS FHONTXHS CO. A ooniolld&tton of the Medford MM I. atabllshrA 18S; the. Southern Or icon- Hi, oauiDiianea iui: mo ihihwhm tn, eataDiiinea io. una iu u- Trtbunc. esiauuanea ivu. OROE rUTNAM, Editor ana Msngr atered as aecond-cla mutter No venter 1. 1908. at the postoffte t IMexKord. Oregon, under the ct or fiarcte , 17. OtflcUl Paper of the City of Medford. A PACIFIC SQUADRON. VERY soon the United States will have enough battle ships to maintain on the Pacific, as well as on the Atlantic, a fleet of no mean proportions, binco tno oy- CT7BSCXXFTXOK BATES! Oh rear by matt . Dm month by mall.... Tv month, dtillvered by carrier, In ftfedford. Ashland. JackaonUle, Talent, Phoenix. Oentntf Point. Gold Inn and WoodTtlle........ anday only by mall, per year.... WeMy. ono year S.0O .ou ,50 1.00 1.S0 ago of the fleet around tlio worm a numuor or tne oiuor battleships have dropped out and givon place to a now ntips. Tho Nebraska and AVisconsin woro added before the shire journey was completed. Since then tho New Hamp .e, Mississippi and South Carolina have taken their woro largo, tho mouth wide ami Ihlok-hp-ped, tooth Irregular countennnco void of expression ami vivacity, yet often regular. (To Bo Contlnueil.) nusoiiUTiox. He It resolved, by tho city council of tho city of Medford: That It is tho Intention of tho coun- JTU JCeuod Wire United Pre patches. She Mali Trlbuno on sale at the TVrry News Stand. H-n ,f'ra?c,c0-,1.,t Portland Hotel News Stand, PorM Bowman Newa Co., Portland. Or. S O. Whitney, Seattle. Waah. atel Spokane Newa Stand, Spokane. Fostare Battel t to tS-paire paper to K-pnco paper St to M-page paper i i r....i i ii,Ii. nnnirUi Huh nsphnltlc binder, and a two-Inch U&UUM ..II.. ... ,,.1 ... wearum iuriuce, nil in iiivuuiiihwvi with tho general specifications pre pnrod hy tho elty engineer of nld city, and with addltjon specifications submitted hy tho Clark nnd llenory Construction company, both of which, general and additional specifications, are on file In tho office of tho city re corder of paid city, and assess tho cost thereof on tho property adjacent to said Improvement. Tho council will meet at tho coun cil chamber In the city hall In said city on tho 11th day of May, 1010, at 7:30 p. in., nt which time all prologs lowed in a short time by the Utah. When the Arkaiisasj for U;o width f 3 ttyZZrZtZ and the Wyoming, now building, are completed, and tho ; with asphalt pavement, consisting or. nforomUa win bo heard, two battleships which will probably be provided ior by "vtMnch concrete bn. a onineh , lH horflb onloret, tiie present congress slide from the Ways for tho finishing fe i.bii.u ... Uiutioa once m tho touches, there will be but few ships of the original fleet X woin which went around the world left in the firstlinc. by thedty onMnoerof .aid dir. and ; rlZ ctl causo East Main street from Dlaccs in the line. The Delaware ana iNorui jjnicoia iiavu ! 10 abuwdu jot boon commissioned. Morula is .boat to boj launched at the uavv yard at New xork and will Do 101- L.,,.., nn,i ..... n,.,i i.v nnvimr the clficatlous submit' ted by tho Clark and llenory Con Btructton company, both of which, general and additional specifications, 1 date of iald mooting. Tho foregoing resolution wan pass- ......... .......'v 20 Tiiev are Uie Missouri, Aiaoama, umo, nro on ni0 !n .1,0 office ot tho city ro-: r ' ' " V" 4" " . ' "1 y . ... - lAiAiirAH.i in-aniH no nut vviii unv mi cy, Illinois, Maine antUhe fOUr battle- corder of ad c.ty, and assess , AnrV.7 0 1 0 tito owln voio: I Snniiisli-Amoricnn wai the Indiana. tnercor on mo proporty aajneent , . n- ,...,. nv KmnrX.u .30 SWOSST CZROTTATIONI A re mire Dally for Kavember, 1909 ItoBber, 1909 Jajun. 1910 lTru.ry, 1910 Xarob. OlroolatloBi 1 J.SOO 17 S 2.100 18 ....... 2,155 20. ... ....... . 4.... ....... 2,225 ......... . 2,300 23 1 J. 150 23 3,250 2J a 2.250 25 a 2,250 2T U. .......... 2.250 38 13 2,380 29 U 2,250 30 (Co 2,250 31 l J.36V iOlAi -y deductions 1.700 1,842 1,925 2,133 3.250 2.260 2.300 2.230 2.250 2,300 3,250 2.250 2,300 2,250 2.250 2.2501 2.250 C0.850 Net total 89.600 Are race net dally.... 2.203 - "" Uetropolla of Southern Oregon and rthem California and faateat-grow-1 ix city in Oregon. Population. April. 1919. 8500. Banner fruit city of Oregon -Rogue j Srer apples won sweepstaxes prize ana e sf "Appla SOsga of tie "World" at National Apple Show, Spokane. 1909. atecue River peara brought highest srlees in all markets of the world dur tec the past five years. Coasiercial Club for pamphlets. ' . " , .. ... . i i ... , . ,., jU , 1 iu iiuni mu kiiiiiu iih ruiiuiiuii uj i5etore tne ena or inc prescne yctu- u wm uu jussiu; , . . UUum.-, chnrtiir nl ,enMl ton boforo tho to place in commission a rleet ot twelve uatuesuips on the Pacific without touching the sixteen battleships of the Atlantic fleet. Kearsarge, Keutucl' clii-Hc rlnfmrr fi'nm tho. Jt" .O.. i . . ii ii i , tn anlil tmnrnvnment. Massachusetts, Oregon ana lowa. whuo 01 tnese suips -The cou'ncll wm mcct nt tho coun. went around the world and are still first-class lighting icH chlunbor tri th0 Cty i,nn jn Bllia ships. Altogether tliey woidd constitute a force of such city on tho nth day of May, idio. at strength that no fleet, 'after crossing the Pacific, could at-7:ao p. m.. at which timo all protcstB tack them with impunity or take any chance with them, j nK,8t Mn f v0; l"vV,. , , , -.i xi i cxi.- il.r.-'monts nnd tho assessing of tho cost What to do with these ships is one of the questions that , thercof ns nforcsall, wf b0 Ucardt is beginning to perplex the navy department. Ihey are , Tho city recorder is hereby ordered far to valuable to be discarded or allowed to deteriorate, to publish this resolution onco in tho T1innfl , Daily Mall Trlbuno. a ncwannnor of uiuiuugu uvuv w. uiuiu a ".uvu xvx - Keneral circulation In said city nnd f the city of Medford: naughts Which the navies of the World are llOW blllldlllg. S0Co oy tie It Is the Intention of tho coun. When the nepver ships go into comnussion, it will Hardly chartcr nt lcnst ton dny3 botoro tno c t() caUB0 Woat Tonth Htroot tron, be an advantage to keep them On the Atlantic Vjoast, Which dato of said mooting. Jonkdalo nvonuo to Hamilton atreet. In is becoming better defended every day in tllO Wav Of Ships, Tho foregoing resolution wn8 pass-, said city, to bo Improved by plnclng coast artillerv fortifications and submarines. The advan-J tho city council ot tho city of on both sides of said atreet a cm,. , , -i iii i- n i ai tj.: Medford, Orejiou, on tho 28th day ot creto curb and gutter and by paving tage of establishing a battleship fleet m the Pacific, on ,Aprni 1910( by th0 rollowIng voto. ;tho mmo tor th0 wl(lth of 30 feet the contrary, is obviOUS, and will, WlthlU a very few years, j welch nyo, Merrick nyo, Emorlck with asphalt pavement, consisting of aye, Wortman aye, Hlfort nyo and Dommer aye. Approved April 29th, 1910. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: IIOHT. W. TUl.KHIt, City Hecorder. HKSOI.ITTIO.V. Ho It resolved, by tho ctty council Judge Colvic got a front seat. Et tu, Kelly. The rain has added thousands of dollars to the crop returns. Bollinger at last got his chance io "kill some snakes." So far nobody has invented a bal loon that will really behave Itself. Tho country Is still bearing up fcravely over the news of Senator Al Irkh's coajing retirement. The only time a woman is proud of Iter age is when she gets over a hun dred. The mostenger of the SolIcillBt mayor Saldil of Milwaukee Is "re garded as conservative." Power and responsibility confer conservatism up. a most men who think. The effort of the Taft-Cannon-Aldrich Regulars to real tho "La Fol-lette-CuHimins-Beveridgo-Bristow in SBrxents out of the Republican party laeks very much liko an attempt of the tail to wag the dog. 'Longer public service is not nec essary; to my peace of mind" says Senator Hale 'in bis letter announcing Shis retirement. It is just ns well then tto Jet tlio Insurgents in the senate talce their turnIn enjoying peace of Bslnd. i '.The Spolcnue minister who has Abandoned ho pulpit because ho was "living in a realm of fanciful theories and impractical ideas," and declared Wmself a candidato for congress, may even find his former mode ot life possible in the house. Some others .do and never get over It. become still more obvious, as the trade of the orient de velops and the competition for that trade becomes more keen. The question, therefore, of sending the ships to the Pacific is one of serious consideration witn tne depart ment. The Pacific is just now .the field of political interest. The splendid isolation of the United States so far as the Atlantic is concerned does not apply to the Pacific. In the past the Atlantic coast was not likely to attract any fleets but those of merchantmen seeking the products which the United States had to offer. That condition no longer pre vails, and the United States, now overflowing with capital and bulging with the products of its fatcories, must seek out new markets in the awakening east. The complications that have arisen in the struggle with other nations are al ready disconcerting. Japan already has a strangle hold in Manchuria to the injury of American and other trade. There are the Philippines to look after. There will be ships needed to counterbalance the embryo navy now be ing constructed by Australia. Por these general reasons, not to mention others, it is very probable that the Pacific battleship fleet is only a fW years at most from realization. aye, Wortman aye, Eifort nyo Demmor aye.. Approved April 29th, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: RODT. W. TBLFER, City Rocordcr. and a five-Inch concrete baso n one-Inch lasphaltlo binder, and a two-Inch wenr llng surface, all In accordance with tho gonornt specifications prepared by the city onnlncer ot said city, and with additional specifications submit ted by tho Clark nnd llenory Con structlou company, both of which, goncral and additional specifications, nro on file in the office of tho city re corder, nnd nsn'ess the cost thereof rt t It it nrnuiflv nil tttrnnt tt an 11 lm. RESOLUTION. He it resolved, by tho city council of the city ot Medford: That It is tho intention ot tho coun ell to causo Gonesco street from East provemont. Main street to north end of said Gen' The-council will meet nt tho coun osee, in said city, to bo Improved by ell chamber in the city hall In said placing on both sides ot said street .city on the 11th day of May, 1910, at a concrete curb and gutter and by '7:30 p. in., at which tlmo all protests paving tho samo for tho width ot 24 jagalnst tho making of said Improvo feet with asphalt pavomont, consisting monts and the assessing of tho cost ot a five-inch concroto baso, a ono- thereof as aforesaid will bo heard. Perfection Baking Products Our aim in perfect ion and ovory Mingle thing vt offer for sale is as near perfect as Hie most hkIU cd and experienced Imkem using (ho vory best materials and operating in a clean, sanitary plant , using (ho very latest improved met hods, can possibly produce. Nothing but tho best ma terials are allowed room in this bakery. PEERLESS BREAD Tlio acme of perfection. You will oonte again and again for this finest of all bread. Every loaf wrapped in wax papor. CREAM BREAD Tho very best for family 'trade, suitable for (oast and sandwiches. CAKES TWENTY KINDS, baked fresh ovory day tho best materials are used and every eake shows its sunorioritv. NOVELTIES Including all fancy cookies and sweet buns, Jen ny Linds, etc. ICELESS FOUNTAIN Up-to-date iu every particular, with ice cream made from pure cream. Rardon's Bakery and Confectionery GRAPE AND MAIN STS. PHONE MAIN 371 DACK OF THE BANKING business dono nt the KanuorH' & 1'Vuitgrowen' Rank are ample rc RourcoH nnd ahte management. It him tlio inleroKts of it n deimHitom tilwny iu mind ns well as those of tils stockholders It oxteuds to it de positors nil accommodations and courtesies ooiialtttout with sound hanking. If you seek a snfe place to deposit your funds, the Farmera' !i r'ruilgroworn' Rank invites your no count. Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' Bank. Tho city recorder Is hereby ordered to publish this resolution onco In tho Dally Mall Tribune, a nowspapor ot general circulation tn said city, and to post tho samo as required by tho charter nt least ten days before tho date of Raid mooting. Tho foregoing resolution wns pass ed by tho city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 28th day ot April, 1910, by tho following vote: Welch ayo, Merrick nyo, Emorlck aye, Wortman nyo, Eifort ayo anil Demmor nyo. Approved April 20th, 1010. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TEWER, City Recorder. Has anybody horo soon Kollyf Raskins for Health. IHDWi WARS OF SOUTHERN OREGOH (From J. C. Waiting's History of Southern Oregon.) Canoes, women, weapons of war( chief. A well-known example of this and the chaso and the skins of ani amls formed the most valued prop erty of these savages and were ar ticles of trade. Wealth was estimat ed in strings of shell money, like the is seen in Sam and Joe, brothers, nod respectively war chief and peaco chief of tho Rogue Rivera. How ever, it does not appear that tho du ties of tho two were in anv enso di- wompnm of eastern aborigines, but(vided, or that tho occurrence of war this money was here known as nlli- necessitated tho intermission of tho as-chick or ali-qua-chick. This cir- peace chief's authority. As the case dilating medium was a small white of the two chiefs mentioned, Joo shell, hollow and valued at from $5!probnbly a more skillful warrior, ns to $20. Hence the monetary stand- sumed tho conduct of warfnro m ard of theso savages ,vas variable 1853, and possibly in 1851, though liko that of more civilized nations, hut was probably a source of less confusion and speculation. White deer skins and the scalps of red headed woodpeckers seem to have been articles of great estimation, possessing fictitious vnlues, depend iner upon the dictates of fashion. tho latter fact is not fully nscor tained. Tho Indians of Southeni Oregon and Northern California woro a filthy race, viewed from a Caucasian standpoint, hut probably did not sur pass other aborigines in thnt respect. Their habits of life were such as to 'The spo'kesmnn for tho Insurgents In the Town prohibition convention is opposed to Bryan for a presidential candidate because ho is not yet out of tho ldndorgarton class of the pro hibition school. What ho is fishing for must ho a sot of credentials from 'Bryan's last boss showing him to be a sober and industrious young man, "A. supervisor of census in New "York declares tho rich think thera silves above tho law. And very fre qmiitly the officials and even the courts so conduct affairs as to force lite-average citizen to beliovo those very samo rich are wise in their day and .generation. Matthew, xxii:35-'39: Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a raestion, saying, "Master, which is 'fho crreat commandment in the law?" Jesus said unto him: "Thou love the Lord, thv God. with nil thy heart, and with all thy soul, and vnik all thy mind." Tins is tno iirst aa4 groat commandment. And the HMond is like unto it. THOU SnALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THY SELF. garments and deprived of the presence of pcdiculus d by tho higher 1 would bo an anomaly. "Tho Itoguo Theso articles were the insignia of, render them subject to parasites of 1.1. .1 1. i. 1... tt.'11 i ..l. it.t T.,1!.. tvuuuu mm null) duuku. uxiui ujr iuc uu ouivo, ou wui'ii ou mut un jiiuiuu diamonds aro affected classes of whito socioty. ."Wives, 'River bathed daily; yet they brought I . 1, T . 1 A I - 1 .1 ' L 11 J1. A 1 . ' 1 . ' also, as they had to bo purchased, were a sign of wealth, and the owner of many was thereby distinguished above his fellows." To he a chief among the Klamaths or Rogue Rivers presupposed tho possession of wealth. Power was not hereditary and the chief who bocame too old to govern was summarily de posed. La-lake, tho peaceable old chief of tho former tribo, was com pelled in his later years to give place to a younger man. Each village had a head man who might ho styled chief, who held his power in some way subordinate to tho main tribnl chiefs, but whoso actions in most ways were not regulated by the hem chief. A now settlement being form ed, a chief was elected who held his power until deposed by his subjects or until death removed him. Fre quontly from a multiplicity of can didates for tho chiofship two werj chosen, who together udministored tho affairs of tho tribe, the divided authority appearing to have been consistent with peace nnd friendli ness. Ono of tho two was usually styiea peaco cnior, tho other war out with them the dirt which encas cd their bodies when thoy wont in. Their heavy, long and thickly mat-' ted hair afforded refugo for vermin i which their art could not remove. ! To destroy in somo measure this plague they woro in tho habit of burning their houses occasionally and rebuilding with fresh materials. The Umpqua region and the coast between tho Siuslaw and Coos Bay were inhabited by tho Umpquns and minor related tribes. Theso pos sessed many tribal divisions of which tho names have mostly perished. Ul timately thoy belonged to tho extens ive family called by Bancroft tho Chinooks, a division of tho Colum bians, So-called. Anciently tho Umpquns wero a tribo of importance nnd strength, though individually far inforior to tho Klamath family. This is truo in regard to physiquo and mental qualities, In stature tho men rarely exceeded fivo and n half feet por the women fivo feot. Both soxos woro heavily and loosely built and woro much deformed by their squat ting position nnd had ovory nppoar nnco of degeneration. Their faces The Pasadena of Oregon People of refinement; people with moans; rotired business men; professional mon; college and university graduates, arc coming to the Rogue Rivor Valley by tho score. Within the past two years almost a hundred Chicago and Evanston, Illinois, people have purchased homes near Medofrd, and nearly every one of thorn has a friend or two whom they hope to induce to come and locate in tho valley. New York, Philadelphia, Boston and many other eastern cities aro almost if not quite as well represented, whilo St. Paul and Minneapolis have more representatives hero than any other several cities combined. Think these statements over and get your thinker going. Write to tho undorsignod or tho Medford Commercial Club for detailed informtaion about tho country, and you will never have cause to regret it. ,-,1 5- h Bearing Orchards Near Medford Most of tho producing orchards have been hold in largo holdings until recently. 9 few weeks ago tho Eden Valley Orchard, containing COS acres, was placed on tho market in any desired acreage. Wo bavo boon authorized to offer tho bearing apples . and pears for sale, and if you kno,v anything about this country and want a dcsirablo block of boaring trees, writo or come soon. During tho past week over $150,000 worth of tho proporty has been disposed of. It is located within two miles of Medford at an elevation of about 100 foot above tho city and is ono of tho best kept orchards in tho wbrld. Parts of tho orchard offered for salo have paid tho owner over $600 por aero per year for four years straight. Do not como unless you aro prepared to stay, for just so sure as you do como tho com bination of fat soil, grandeur of scenic beauty and Italian climate will steal you, body and soul. After ono visit hero you will bo miserable any other place on earth. John D. Olwell EXHIBIT BUILDING MEDFORD, OREGON