8 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREO ON. THURSDAY, AVRUi 28, 1010. CITY OF ANGELS GREt JOHHSON i 1 I Too Late to Classify !lj ! SUBSCRIPTIONS TO ROAD FUND COME Fivo Hundred Howllno, Cheering Ne groes Meet Colored Heavyweight Will Go Four Rounds Tonight at Exhibition Bout With Trainer. KOK SALK Good, nearly now tluto j In case. Wtll sell cheap. Addroas 112, caro of this office. FOK SALK Good work horso nnd j sot of double harness; wilt soil CommissIon Receiving Many Notes, cheap. Sec Sanson s( over Fruit-1 and Checks Automobile Men Arcj Especially Well Inclined Toward 1 Highway Clubs to Help Out. i LOS ANGELES, April 2S. Five "' liuudred howling, cheering negroe? greeted Jack Johnson today whop he mopped from the Owl Limited train nt the SoutLern Pacific Arcade sla i. tlon. Flashing his golden smile and bowiug right and loft to hU worshlp 9 Itig black brothers, the champion fol ' iowed Manager George Little to tbo hutoniobllo that was to ctrry him to bis quarters. With Johnson were his wife, George Little and Mrs. Little, Sig Hart, Barney Furey, Martin Cutler and George Colton. This la the par 'ty that will establish itself at the negro's Seal Rock training camp when his actual work for the Jef fries fight begins. Although few of the local sports , Tcntured an opinion on Johnson's ap pearance, preferring to wait until he strips for his exhibition at Naud Junction tonight, others were not backward In stating that the ne gro's harvest moon face and a suspic ious wrlnklo beneath his chin might be evidence of the good things to eat and drink mentioned In reports of hts Chicago doings. Johnson -will go four rounds with one of his tialners at the Xaud Junc tion pavilion tonight. He expects to leave for San Fran cisco Saturday or Sunday and to be 34" grower's bank. WANTED Two carpentors want ! work, day or contract; satisfaction I guaranteed; prompt attention glvonj to Job work; reasonable prices for good work. 1021 West 9th st. 35 Be vSure You Hear DR. FRENCH E. OLIVER TONIGHT ' His Subject Will Be l. Subscriptions to the Crater Lake; t t t -f . road fund nro coming in by each limil. nnd John M. Hoot, nrositlont of. BASEBALL NOTES Medford and .Jacksonville teams Ar.i.l(Yvvl nmnnitl RllTl. Will lUl'l'l UH UtAU.V4 b.u...v. t. . , . , . , , , .1n.,L-c.,v;jlA will Ji.iVJ IV IWW m "ICir CIlCCHfr, mm tlio Crater Lake highway commission of the Commercial club, is highly pleased nt the results obtained by the first letters sent to various people! over the state. A number have sent day. pitcher in the box nud it is not uu hkely that they will take the game 1 commission from the lenders, or at least them a run for the money. the notes and have sent them to the Commercial clubs have .:.... f- t . i:.... :....:. give ' lv itvHii vAiviniiiiK j tions to the commission to meet with I them nnd take the matter up in per- Portlnnd slipped ono over on San son; , Francisco yesterday yand still clings "There is no doubt, says Mr. to the top round of the ladder. That "bt ,,1mt lho , s,n,tc:"t.',nrK bov Seaton is sure some twirler. w do its share in the budding of tho road. Automobilo men especially I 1 1 1 it- - Browning has won three out of nrc mvoraoiy ineimeu lownni uio u i the three Raines he has pitched, for Detroit. The ex-Seal-is surely mak ing good. May 1. NO PLACE FOR ONE TO PLAY PINOCLE HERE Pernoll hnsn't been plnycd yet by Detroit. Jud likes hot weather and the snow nnd blizzards of tho cast dertaking nud are contributing to the fund. In fact, the return to tho first letter sent out nre fnr better nnd greater than I expected." In the ineant;mo Engineer Ileidel, with his crew of men, nre hard nt work preparing specifications r the do not work right for his salary arm. improvement or uie roau near rum When it gels good and hot on the lC0 hilP nnd Flounce Rock. American circuit Hcino will bo shoot- ir.fr them over the plate so fast that even" Chief Shearer, with his stop watch, couldn't tell whether he was exceeding the speed limit or not. ANTI-FRATERNITY LAW SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., April 28. A test of the California nnti-f ra ta his training quarters soon afterii. g T FRANCISCO, Cal, April 28.'tornity ,nw 5s to nmtl b-v ROCKFORD, 111., April 27. Rock ford bettors are laying two to ono to day that the proposed ordinance for -a "blue stocking" regulation of all saloons here will bo passed at the meeting of the city council Monday. The ordinance provides for tho abolishment of all articles of furnl tare in saloons with the exception of the bar and fixtures and stools for bartenders. Any other furniture such as screens, chairs, tables, set tees and tho III e, that might lure the thirsty to linger, are forbidden. Liquor Is not to be sold on credit Bor are checks to be accepted In pay jscnt for drinks. "The sign, "No treating allowed, Is to be p'laccd prominently lu every barroom and Us rule enforced. Women, minors, drunkards and blacklisted persons must not frequent saloons, nor must they be1 served with drinks. Applications for license must be ' Biado individually and not under guise of agents for breweries. CRUISERS PATROL COAST AND KEEP CHINESE OUT SAN FRANCISCO, April 28 Sat lsfled that the smuggling of Chinese and opium Is being carried on be tween this country and Mexico, the United States government has de cided to havo the coast from Ensen- ada to Point Darrow patrolled by revenue cutter. The McCulIough lias been taken from Sausllto to San Francisco to bo overhauled. According to Captain Daniels the McCulIough will be busy all sura Bier. Tho repairs will cost about 12,000. To search for smugglers along the Xorth Pacific coast, the revenuo cut tent Snohomish and Rush havo been ordered Into Bervlco and they cover tho coast from the Columbia river to southeastern Alaska. Other cutters which will patrol tho southern coast are tho Bear, Per ry, Manning and Tahoma. MEN SUFFOCATE IN HUGE VINEGAR TANK WATSONVILLE, Cal., April 28- An Investigation Into the death of August Groenfold and Roy Philips who suffocated last night In a vlno- Kar tank is undor way today. Philips entered tho tank for tho purpos of cleaning It but wbb over- coma by tho fumes of gas which has tilled tho tank from a pipe beneath It. Groonfeld attempted to rescue Philips but was unablo to do so. "When tho gas was drawn off both men wero found dead in each others arms. NOTICE. All poraons are warned against removing sand or gravel from what Is liuown as I. P. Bar, without first making arrangements with Medford Cement & Paving Co. Has anybody here seen Kelly f j?-Wolvcrton is missing the services of "Happy" Hognu these days, but the most serious part of it is that his clever performer may be ont another) week. Hogan's knee ii in worsol shape than the physician first sup Doris Bradford, n 15-year-old high school girl of this city,. who was sus pended yesterday because she re fused to resign from the Omega Niij sorority of the girls' high school. After Miss Bradford was suspend- i i t t .t - i i . . 1.. i. . - posed. At the time the accident ,ne ooar" yesior happened Hocan wns advised that heid.a-v Attorney Weinman, representing would bo back on the field in a cou pie of weeks, which wns encouraging. Now it is very uncertain when he will be able to play. Hogan has left his cold bnt his dis abled knee is far from being strong. Often a crippled knee is more seri ous than a fracture of the bine. Jack Bliss is another player who is pay ing dearly lor being hurt. Last fnll he knocked his ankle out at Stock ton in ns. exhibition game, nud he is still walking with a cane. It is un likely that Bliss will do much playing this year, which is very much regretted. the fraternity council, was summon ed nnd instructed to bring suit. lie will do so Monday or Tuesday of j next week. ! BUTTE FALLS MISSIONARY DOES SOME GOOD WORK Rev. D. G. Delano, a baptist mln- life Majesty ol the Law H ' This is ono of Oliver's groatost sormons. EAR YE HIM. You should come tonight by all moans. Dr. Oliver has something io say to you. The subject is one that every man and woman should be vitally interested in. If you haven't at tended the services yet, tonight is the best time to come. If you only intend going but ono time, let that oneo be tonight. Don't wait for someone to tell you what Oliver said about you; but come and get it froin his lips. IMPORTANT DR. OLIVER WILL TELL YOU TONIGHT HOW YOU CAN COLLECT FROM "DEAD BEATS." THIS IS IMPORTANT TO EVERY PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS MAN IN MEDFORD. LAWYERS, DOCTORS, MINISTERS, MERCHANTS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE MEN, MACHINISTS, LABORERS, CLERKS, PHILANTHROPISTS, BEGGARS, EVERY MAN AND WOMAN IN MEDFORD, IS INVITED, YES, URGED, TO COME TONIGHT. BIG TABERNACLE North Bartlett, Near Jackson Street Service begins promptly at 7:30 p. m. Finest chorus evor in Medford, containing ovor 400 voicos. Manager Grieve of Central Point wants to know why the Mail Tribune don't print Central Point's victories. The Mail Tribune would be only too glad to have tho fall news if some one was interested enough to send it in. Jim Fay isn't omninresent. Ister, known as the saddle bag mis- slonary, has just closed a series of I meetings at Butte Falls In which four havo taken a definite stand for Christ and several others have mani fested considerable Interest. Thir teen services were held with an aver age attendance of 50. Brother De lano labored earnestly for tho cause of Christ and the conversion of souls. S. M. C. Jacksonville is in tho cellar, with Central Point and Grants Pass hang ing on to the second round of the ladder. Medford still has that 1.000 per cent. Tho Oakland club is bending its energies to brace up its pitching de partment, which seems its principal source of weakness. Wolverton's pitchers have not been going right. If they had been doing half as well as his infioldors and outfielders. Oak land would not occupy such a poor position in the race. Connio 3Inck writes Danny Long that if his pitchers do their share tho Athletes will be strictly in tho chase this year. At present writing tho race in neither mnjor lengue is excit ing. Detroit is leuding tho American with Philadelphia second and St. Louis third. The others aro no where. Boston, which was counted to bo up among tho headlinors, is trailing last. John I. Taylor's men havo only won two out of eight games, hut thero is ample time yet to move up to thctop. Tho National league race is not sizjng up much better. Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Chi cago and New York are out in front. with tho rest nowhero. "I 'told tho kid to warm un Willis and Ilcnley and use tho one that looked best," remarked Danny Long 3'esterday when quizzed about who was pitching tho opening game nt Portland. And Henlev won. thourfi io had his burapings. RUTH BRYAN LEAVITT IS TO WED ONCE AGAIN ARMOUR'S BIG SIX HERE WITH SELLS-FL0T0 LINCOLN, Neb.. Anril 28. Wil- iam J. Brynn today confirmed tho report that his daughter. Ruth Brvnn Leavitt, will wed Reginald Owen of tho British royal engineers, jfrs. cavitt is tho divorced wife of Wil iam Horace Leavitt. an artist, whom she married when she was 18. The Armour prize six-horse team, which is one of the big features with the Sells-Floto Shows, will bo here within a few days. These immense prancing prizewinners will como in their own private car. Eight grooms como with tho big equine beauties, to gether with "Billy Wnles," tho fa mous whip, who has chaperoned these big fellows upon their various trips abroad and in this country. Tho world-famous Armour dnpplo grnj' prizewinning six-horse team is owned by the greatest packers in the world, Armour & Co., of Chicago. The superb dapple grays nro valued at $25,000 nnd nre known as the in ternational champions of all the prominent horse shows. Tho beautiful team of gray Por- cheron geldings, world's champions, have toured this country from Bos ton to Denver nnd nro now making a visit of all tho principal cities in tho United Stntes with tho gront Sells-Floto Shows. In 1007 they Uured through England and Scfltlnnd for several months, appearing at the Liverpool May day parade, tho in ternational horso show at Olympin, London, in Juno; tho Regent's Park, London parade, tho Royal agricul tural show at Lincoln, England, and later at tho same placo by special royal command of hs majesty, King Edward VII. Tho lurses nro all gray Porchoron geldings from 5 to 8 years of ago. Big Jim, tho nigh wheel horso, is re garded as tho champion draft horso of this country,! weighing 2400 pounds. This is tho highest class most interesting feature over exhib ited with any show. Keogh Champion at Pool. ROCHESTER, N. Y April 28. Jerome Keogh hns retained his titlo of world's champion pool player. Ho successfully defended tho titlo ngainst Clnrenco Safford of Chicago. Tho final Bcoro was 000 to 403, in favor of Keogh. Has anybody hero seen Kelly T Haskins for IfeaUb. j ROAD 10 COUNTY SEAT IMPROVED Work Progressing Rapidly on Mac adamizing of Highway Crushed Rock Rolled Is Crown of the New Road. Work is progressing rapidly uponj the mncadamizing of the county rond . between Jacksonville nnd tho westj city limits of Medford. Tho county, has a largo crow of men nt work, and j on Wednesday received a now trno- i tion engine for work on tho rond. ! Tho roudway. hn been built pnrti- nlly its entire length. Crushed rockj is now being plnced tho width of I I j feet in the center of tho highway nnd . this is to be rolled into a hnrd sur- face. Tho undertaking is n largo one, 1 but the county has gouo at it on a! largo scnlc. Tho crushed rock is held in from six to eight trail wag ons hauled by traction engines, while I ono crow of men is kept busy spread ing it upon tho surface Tho road is not in good condition nt tho present time, for tho roller has not yet boon put nt work. Within n month, however, it is expected tho work will bo completed. Ono of tho best automobilo drives in tho valley will then bo that strip of rond be tween Medford and tho county soat. Medford, Oregon: This cortifich that we havo sold Hall's Texas Won der for tho cure of all kidnoy, blad der and rhoumatio troubles for ton yoars, and havo novor had a com plaint. It gives quick and pormnncnt relief. Sixty days' treatment in each bottle. Medford Phnrmnoy. tf SCTIEENI.VG TliAM- ntiitili CON. BTRUCTKI). Tho Medford Cement and Paving Co, aro constructing a scroonlng plant at tho I. D. Phlpps Bar and aftor .May 1st clean sand and gravol will bo on salo. "Haskins for Hoalth." Benson has a horso, wagon and set of harness for salo at a bargain. A Wc have carefully examined our latest ihipment of new Rcgnl Oxford styles, and cannot ay enough m praise of them. These new Regal Oxfords have tho finished oppcaranco nnd workmanship that distinguish the highest-price custom-built shoes and their styles are accurate reproductions of tho newest exclusive custom shapes for the season. REGAL SHOES arc celebrated for the high quality of their leathers and workmanship and for the perfect fit and com fort insured by Regal quarier.atzes. Wc would like to make you n regular patron of our store and wo feel that the surest way of doing so is to supply you with a pair of these Rcgals-lho cleverest low-cuts of the season. You will find that Regal Oxfords retain their smart custom shape throughout long service because the quality and workmanship arc there. $350 $400 TRY A REGAL and $500 1 Southern Oregons Greatest Men's Store r)aniels for Puds Medford's Only Complete Men's Outfitters i BulaM for Btsutlu