MISDIfORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OJtBaON, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1910. - -"-" -- 1 Want Advertising Is a Finder of Buyers of All Sorts of Buyers, of All Sorts of Things! - - - GREAT GROWTH IN OREGON FAMILY Orciion Journal Collects Fluuros from Orciion Cities Showlnn Great Gain Matlo In Population Durliifi Past 10 Years Total In 1 000 Only 300,000. (Oregon Journal.) OnKon'n consult count lit going to nliow it ton-ymr growth (lint will lio equalled by fow states. Consorvn tlvn forecasts on thu result of thu present count woru asked from some of tint chief towns about tho statu Uilit morning. Estimating roiiKlH)' rrom those flKiin'Hf it prediction of 700,000, OJUlltllllllg I'ortlllllll, HIXMI1M nt tills ii vory fair calculator! of tlio popula tion of Oni;m. 'I'll Ih inorutiiK'H re port shown that mi oxcoodlng cnroful count Ih being mudo In tho towns nliout thu tit tn. (,'rontli Ih .Shown Hero's wlint hnppoiiitd In Oregon In ton yonrs: Tim 1900 cuiihuh gavo tho state, excluding Portland, 310,300, j Got your pencil und figure It out for yourself from tho appended: Estimate 1909, 1910 Eugene 3230 12000 Modford 1791 9000 LnUrniidn 3000 8000 Collage' Orovo 950 2850 :6;tlmn 4258 16000 linker City C003 8500 Ashland ........... .2000 7000 Ro-oburg 1690 5000 .Albany 340u 6500 EUGENE, Oro.. April 27 While tboro are no figures nbtnlnnblo as to tho result of tho census being taken In Eugono, It Is believed tbnt tho con sun will show up a totnl population of about 12,000, according to rellnblo estimates, Tho population nccord Ing to thu 1900 census wns 323 C. MEDFORD, Oregon, April 27 The census of 1900 gavo Medford 1791. Tho city census on January, 1908, gavo her 5200. A conservat ive figure of this census Is 9000. COTTAOK GROVE, Oro., April 27 A consorvntlvo cstlmnto of tho pop .ulntlon of Cottngo Qrovu according to the census count, was 2850. Its pop ulndon In 1900 wns 950. 8ALEM, Ore., April 27 Supervis or H, J, llondrlckn refusos to mnko cstimato on what tho tblrtoontb con nus will give Salem, but a conserva ttvo estlmato places tlioso figures cIobii to 15,000. A vory careful count Is being mndo, Tho fodornl conous of 1900 gavo Snlom 4268. ASHLAND, Oregon, April 27 Tho 1910 census, estimated conservative ly on all avallnblo reports, will gtvo Ashland a population of about 7000 It will triple tho flguros of tho 1900 census, which gave tho city 10 00. ROSEDURQ, Or., April 27. It Is thought tho census count will show HoBoburg has a population of 5000, Tho 1900 count wns 1C00. BAKER CITY, Or., April 27.- According to a forecast based on tho onumoratlon nlrondy taken, Unkor will have a population excoedlng 8500, Tho 18900 count gavo, linker C003, Tho Commorelnl club Is Work ing hard nldlu thu census men to obtain all tho names. Somo predict nearly 10,000 peoplo, LA GRANDE, Or., April 27. Ao cording to a cnroful outlmnto, La Grande will show 8000 whon tho count is complotod, Ton yonrs ago tho official count wns 3000. FREE IjICOTUIUCS AT OPERA HOUSE. If you avo Intorostod in Irrigated fruit or oJfnlf.i lands, don't fall to hoar tho "Story of an Old Spanish Land Grant of Sunny California," at tho Modford opora Iioubo Wodnosduy ovonlng, April 27, and Thursday ovo nliiB, April 28, Tho Los Mollnos Land Co.'a roprosontatlvo tolls of tholr project, and ladios aro Invited. Admission froo. Swastika Danco Friday Mrjht. Tho announcomont of tjio ditto, of tho SwriBtika dntico ns bging next Thursday night was an orror. .Tho dwioo will bo hold Friday night. Una anybody horo soon Kollyt Ilnskina fov Hon) u, SUIT BROUGHT AGAINST COMPANY FOR FRAUD CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 28. In n Hiiit filed In Hid United Stales cir cuit court hero, conspiracy to do-J fraud, rniiidiilcut Htoclc iiiunipulutltin mid irregular bonding ilcnlH nru charged ngalriHt K, W, Cobb, K. A. Norton nnd F. R. Draper, dlroolorn of tho Poiiiisylviuiiii Wyoming Cop pur uoinpnny and 14 othor corpora tioiiH. Thu complaint alleges that through (ho ants of tho defendants tho Htoclc- i i.. .i.i- ...., (-,.. ..1...1 ,.r ......, t hovijii to ton millions. Tho Ktock of thu cotnpaiiiuH in owned throughout thn United Klnles, David N. I'rovan brought (ho Hiiit, representing many oilier Htockhold orn. GIVES UP LIFE RATHER THAN PAY FERRY TOLL SAN BERNARDINO, Cnl., April doislgnod will apply at tho next rog 28. Tho banks of (ho Colorado I "'nr mooting of tho city council of tho rivor are being patrolled today in hope of finding tho body of Lorcn Maun, drowned wlnlo uttcmpting to Mwim tho rivor to save ferry (oil. Jeff Wilder, lii companion, was wived from a like fale by William Sweonoy, a forryman. Mann's homo was In TntlianupoliH, Ind. FOOD FERMENTING CAl'HKH INDIGESTION "I got a box of MIo-nn tablets for a distress In my stomach, nnd tho first dose relieved mo, nnd nftor I took tho fourth I linvo not folt any more of It. I think It Is n wonderful medicine," Hiram Shultz, Wntsoka, Jill., July 27, '09. If your stomach Is out of order or distressed, no utattor from wlint cause, ,MI-o-iia stomach (ablets will glvo Instnnt relief, and If takon regu larly, will cure Indigestion, ncuto or chronic, or monoy back. Hvery sufferer from stomach trou ble, ens. bolchlrc sour stomnch. ner vousness, dizziness and biliousness, should got a fifty cont box of MI-o-na stomnch tabloto todny and start a trcatmont. In three days' tlmo tho stomach and bowels will bo thoroughly purl- fled, cleaned nnd renovated, tho sour' ness will go, and pure, sweet brenth will take tho plnco of foul breath. Continue tho treatment for two weeks nnd tho stomnch will becomo so strong that It will bo ablo to digost tho heartiest meal without distress A few Ml-n-aa tabids will do this. Sold by druggists ovorywhero and by Chas. Strang. Ilooth's Pills best for constipation, 25c NOTICE Sealed bids will bo received until Mny 1 by S. J, Bunco! at Glcndnlc, Douglas county, Oregon, for tho alo of ono hundred nnd thirty-five thousnud (135,000) fcot of lumbor, more or less, consisting of 2x1, 2x6, 2x10, 2x12, 1x0, 1x12, lxl, 1x0, all rough, mostly fir, nnd somo pmo; 0&.000 300 yards from rnllroad nt LystuI nidotraok, balanoo throe quartors of n mile from tho track on good rond; can bo put in enr for $1 a thotiBaud. Tho toniw of sale, cash. All bids muBt accompany with n chock not loss than 10 por cont of tho amount of tho bid. pnyablo to S. J. Rnsool. Right rosorved to rojoot any nnd all bids. Dated Glondalo, Or., April 10, 1910. S. J. BASERL. 35 Una anybody horo scon Kelly t LEGAL. NOTIOK. Notlco Is hcol-y given that tho in- dorslgnod will nrply t tho next reg al ir moot'ng of tho city council of tho cltytof Modford, Oiogon, for a llconso to soli splrtU us, vino is nnd mult liquors in qu-u titles Ions Mmn a gat Ion, nt his plneo of bualnoss at block 21, lots 9 and 19, in said city, for a porlod of six months. M & 13. J. ADAMS. Datod April 21, 1910. NOTICM TO 1JUILDKK8 AND CON- TRAOTOItS. And All Whom It May Concern: Notlco la hereby glvou that the county commissioners' court of Jack son county, Oropon, will rocolvo aonl od bids for tho building nnd con structing v. etool brldgo across Rear crook at Phoonlx, Orogon, according' to tho plans and spocIflcr.tlonB now on fllo nt tho office of tbo county clerk of Jackson county for tho In formation bidders; each nnd or ery bid filed must be aocompa nlor with a jo.altiod olieck of P por por cont of tho amount of tho bid, anil tho coninili'lonoro court rcservoa tho right to rojoct any ai d all bids fllod, all bldu to bo filed on or before 10 o'olook a, iu Thursday, May 6th, Pick Out "Your" Want Ad-and Answer It! It's printed today probably two or tbrco of "it." You must find it. And when you find it, ANSWER IT. For among the things thut ' nrc WORTH DOING, answering, (ho want ads that nro "FOR YOl" Bhould, ordinarily, head tho list! It's time well, wisely, interestingly and profitably used almost always! CLASSIFIED ADS' 1910. By order of 'ho county court. W. K. COLEMAN, County Clerk. Datod this 13th day of April, 1910. NOTICE. Notice to horoby Riven that tho un- city of Medford, Oregon, for a license to soli splrltous, vlnoui and malt liquors In quantities Icon than a g-1- Hon N- -0 South Fir street, In snld city, ior a porlod of six months, O. M. MURPHY. Datod April 21, 1910. FOR SALE. UK Alt KSTATIJ. FoTTsTLt: TcT'ayrcTof'glBoTTnnd', half of It Is cleared; 8 miles east of Medford. This Is a bargain at S20 per aero. Address, Owner, care of Mall Tribune. Acreage FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE: 8 acros, either In ono plcco or as aero tracts; finest rich level land; 1500 feet from contor of Gold Hill; could bo subdlvldod Into lots and sold for $200 a lot almost Immediately; It takon at once tho prlco Is only S400 an aero. Gold Hill R. R. & Lumber Co., Gold Hill, Oregon. KOK SALB Lund. Hugo on tho boom. 40 acres good fruit land, soma timber, living water, 80 acres flno land for fruit nnd vegetables; timber for wood sufficient to clear land; 10 acres all Improvod; fruit trees growing; all within halt mile station. 1C0 acres flno fruit, hay and cat tlo ranch, 1 1-2 miles from station. 200 acres good tlmbor, fruit and hay ranch,' somo Improvements, nnd othor good laud for sale. Frost doos no damago at Hugo. Call on Mrs. Mao Honry at Hugo, Oregon. 57 Houmw. FOR SALE 5 -room houBO and a largo pleco ot land 185x276, all In garden, 2 blocks off ot Main on Cotago streui; a snap for $3000; If you buy now $2500 takes it. 8Isktyou RcaUy Co., room 22, Jnckson Co. Bant bldg. FOR SALE Houso and lot, closo In. Inqulro ot Mrs. Ada Wolz, Modford, Or. 30 FOR SALE This wook only, lot 60s 100, 3-room houso, woodshod, chick on yard, otc. Taxes nnd sawor paid. Stroot to bo paved, $750; $500 cash, balanco torma. Sco Ownor, 528 So.. Fir st. , Lots. FOR SALE u-ity lots, $20; for a small, snfo Investment ceo th city lots I offor nt $300 nnd $250 por lut; $20 cash pnymont, balnnco $10 per month; no Intercut. II. C. Mnlt by, Palm 1 Idg. , FOR SALeTwo lots ou Fourth st., 56x100; closo In; prlco $700. Siski you Ronlty Co., room 22, Jnckson Co. nnnk biOK. FOR SALE Throo lots on Second stroet, 50x100; prlco $300; easy tonus. Siskiyou Realty Co., room 3, Jackson County Bank bldg. FOR SALE Good lot In Walnut. Park addition; torms to rlcht pnrty. Address N2, caro of Mall Trlbuno offlco. Farms or Orclinrtls. FOR SALE I caiV sbll you as good a 40-acros for fruit as any in this vnlloy. You don't havo to wait for. roturns on apples. Can rnlso corn, ' molons, strawborrlos, alfalfa and all Iclutls of vogotablos, with amplo wa tor from Roguo river dlroct; about all undor plow; foncod; 12 acres In 2-yoar-oId Nowtowns nnd Spitz; on county rond; R. F. D. routo, tolo phono and sihool within 40 rods; 3 miles to stntton; houso nnd barn on plnco. Addfoso Box 164, Mod ford, FOR SALE About 30 ncros of good orchard land 1 1-2 mllos oast ot Phoonlx. Ono-halt Is In orchard. Tolophono, Modford, 1199, or ad dress C. T, Payne, Phoenix, Ore, One Cent a Word FOR SALE Fnnns or Orclinrtls FOR SALE Or exchange, for town property or paying business, ono of tho best small ranches In tho valley, all . In trull; two miles from city limits; 10-room house, electric lights; all modern Improvements; water for Irrigation; Immcdlato pos session; prlco $20,000. Address P. O. Dox 478, Medford. 33 FOR SALE Ninety acros, 30 in ono year old applo and pear trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Owner," enro Mall Tribune 261 iOll SALE 00 acres, nnen building clto In tbo alloy, lncludh g 30 acr good fruit land; cheat) and terms right. H. O. Maltby, Palm Dldg., Main and Front. " FOR SALE Ono ot tne best orchards In Jackson county, two miles from Ashland. For particulars, address F. G. McWIlKams & Son, Ashland, Or. Timber Land. FOR SALE 40 acres ot good Umber flvo miles from Medford; all down hill.. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Oro gon. Hoe In Property. FOR SALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Powor Co. Horses. FOR SALE Threo saddlo horses; surrey, practically now, and a num ber of saddles In first-class condi tion. Inqulro nt Vllns orchard. 38 Miscellaneous.. FOR SALE Legal blanks of all kinds trespass and othor notices, at Mall Tribune office FbTTT3ALECbolTdTer "&Prlco GoT don Jobbor, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inqulro Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Tomato plants, Maules Perfection. Transplanted at C. Ca rey's, nbovo Phoenix. Phone 7167. FOR SALE Fine stoclr, Irult and dairy farm In Bouthom Oregon and northorn California. For particulars address Dox 16, Hilts, Cal. 50 FOR SALE Ono doublonseatod leather top surrey; good as now, with doublo set of harness to match, at a bargain Apply Goo. P. Mlms, Central Point FOR SALE A good boat at a veryi reaconablo p:lcj. Call at 616 West; Tenth st. FOR SALE A full line of Old Hamp shire and Oak Bonds, plain nnd cloth finish; letter hoada and onvolopos. Mall Trlbuno offlco. FOR SALE Wall paper, paints, oils, brushes, a vory comploto lino; in formation cheerfully given by an exporionced paiutor. M. J. Motcalf, 318 E. Main st. FOR SALE A 35 II. P. Stoddard Dayton car In good condition, or will trndo for city property. Address Uox 120, Ashland. Oregon. FOR RENT. Houses. FOR RENT Flvo-room houso, cIobo In; furniture for snlo. Enqulro 20S South Central nvonuo. 35 Furnished Rooms. FOR REM' - fttouern turiiu'.td rooms nt G04 West lOth or U4 Ring stroot. FOR RENT ABulfo of Voo'ms'ono block from Main stroot. 127 South Gnj J. FOR RENT Offices ovor postofflco on April 1st; will bo steam hoatod and have hot and cold wator by next winter. Apply to A. A. Davis. FOR RENT FurniBhod rooms. Call at 125 South Oakdalo. FOR RENT Furnished houso, 5' rooinB; board takor for ront. 140 N. Grapo ctroot. FOR RENT Two nlcoly furnished rooms with bath, for two or four gontlomon. 122 North Ivy at. 60 FOR RENT Modom fumlshod; rooms; board If doalrod, 322 South Nowtown. 35 FOR TtENT Fluo'TuruIshod roomS! 325 South Ivy stroot. 34 FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, hot and cold water, electric light and bath, closo in. 221 North Holly street. MisccIIaneonfl. FOR RENT Garden land on Benr creek, one acre and upwards with water for irrigation; owner will furnish team, plow and seed for part of crop. See SmiU), Condor Water & Power Co. f0 FOR RENT Pasture land on Price Ranch, Tolo; irrigated land, next to McDonough ranch, Tolo. Condor Water & Power Co. 50 FOR LEASE Fully equlrpcd gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all operated by electric pow ei. Owner will furnish frco elec tric power for share In proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Water &. Power Co. WANTED. Help 'Wonted Female. WANTED A competent woman for housework and cooking; good wages, also farm band knowing young or chard work. Address L, care Mall Tribune oftico. 47 WANTED Ulrl to worjt ir Ice cream cone wagon. Call at stand, near Ex hlblt building. W. Weston.' 34 WANTED Experienced saleslady; good wages to right party. Rardon'a Bakery. 50 WANTED NIco girl as waitress; wages $S a week, at Canton Restau rant, 33 South Front street, up stairs. 50 Help Wanted Male. WANTED Ten wood choppers. Ap ply to Llljlgrcn, Tolo, Or. 50 WANTED Men with teams for haul lng lumber. Apply Big Plnea Lum bor Co. WANTED Two carpenters. Apply at Condor Water & Power Co., W. Main street. 50 WANTED Experienced atone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. office. WANTED Salesmen In ovory local ity of tho northwest; monoy ad' vanced weekly; many mako over $100 month; cholco of territory, Yakima Valley Nursa'r Co., Top ponlsh, W.iah. WANTED Stenographer and office man. Apply Condor Wator nnd Powor Co.'s office on West Main Street. 50 WANTED Experienced Japanese cook wants position as a cook for hotel or omall families. Address A. B P. O. Box 762. 35 WANTED Good handy man to tend lawn, gardon, cow and horse; only experienced man need i.pply. J. D. Heard, phono Mala 103. 50. Help Wanted. WANTED Flvo farm teams, 10 farm hands, 10 men for planting trees. Condor Wntor Powor Co. Positions. WANTED Work ctoantng rooms or windows, families or storo, by good Jnpaneso boy. Tolophono 931, or call at 20 North RIvorsldo. 34 WANTED Position by a young man; 34, single, first-class stenographer and bookkoepor, doslre3 to locate In Modford; best of references from banking and commercial firms, Ad dress A. R., 348 Sovonth stroot, Portland, Or. 34 Miscellaneous. WANTED Teams for work on P---clflc & Eastern railway. Apply at P.. & E. offlco or nt Moany Bros.' com missary, beyond Eaglo Point. WANTED Horses and cattle to pas turo; 2 1-2 miles southeast of Mod ford. Address L. A, Castor, Mod ford. 36 WANTED Homo breaking; liorsos carefully nnd scientifically broken to drlvo doublo and slnglo, also galt od by cnroful anl oxperlencod horse men; horses bordod or othorwlso; prices right. C s.ll and see mo or ad dress W. T. Vincent, Medford, Or. No horses barred out. WANTED. Miscellaneous. WANTED Hiding cultivator; must bo In good condition. Dick Sllnger, Lake Crcok, Or. 36 WANTED To ront, a 3 or 4 room houso. Address I, caro of this offlco or phono Main 394. 33 WANTED TO HUY. Miscellaneous. WANTED 1000 cords of (Ir and oak wood. Call at Condor Wator & Powor Co.'s office. 60 LOST, FSTR A YE D "3 1 ray sheep la pasture. Owner call and provo property and pay for this ad. Mrs. L. D. Minear.35 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Landscape Gardeners. J. T. BROADLEY, landscape gar dener; a long experience in laying ont and caro of private grounds. P. O. Box 521, Medford. Or. Attorneys. WITH1NGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIG Si REAME3 W. M. Cot vig, C. L. Rcames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attomey-at-law, Offices room 30, Jackson County Bnnk building, Medford. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Bricklayers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kuzin, at Smokehouse, first-class bricklayer, stonoworker, cement stepping stucco and moulding, fireplaces and tilo work a specialty, European plan; day or contract. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may be procured at the Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Med ford, Or., where they will be sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe cases with his remedies since coming to Medford and has for referenco some of the best known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. Hill Posters, VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bank building. Medford. Or. Xiegal Blanks. LEGAL BLANKS All styles of le gal blanks for sale, a hundred dif ferent forms. Medford Printing Co. Building Contractor. ALEX. TAYLOR, Building Con tractor Houses, bungalows, alter ations, repairs. 31 North Central avenue, opposite postoffico. Musical. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. Bargains in used pianos. Wiudsor upright, mahogany case, used about two years, oxcollont tono, $240; Ivors & Pond upright, ebony caso, good for beginners, rare value, $130; J. B. Cook, walnut caso, used short while, just liko now, special $275; Wellington, upright oak caso, stan dard sizo, usod two months, fino tone, $233; and a largo stock of now pianos, consisting of Steinwny, A. B. Chnso, Packard, Everott, Es toy, Ludwig, Conover, Emorson, Kingsbury and others. Easy torms whon desired. Shonnon, Clay & Co., tho nouso of Quality, 134 West Main street. Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Mossen- gors furnished nt all houso of day nnd till 9 p. m. to any pnrt of city, from 10c to 25o.. Phono Main 1812. Photogbaptiers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Poso with Maokoy and dio with joy." Ovor Al lon & Rongan's storo; entranco on Sovonth stroot. .Medical. CnOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rhoumntism, nsthrau, paralysis, soros and pri vate .disonsos. Those remedies mny bo procured at tho Sing Loo Laundry, 123 South Rivorsido avo., whoro thoy will bo sold by tho pro prietor, CHOW YOUNG, Dr. Chow Young has treated sovernl sovoro cases with his xem odios uinco coming to Modford and has. for roforonoos somo of tho best known and mont intlligont citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hospital. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL- -344 South C st., Medford, Or. E. W. Hisoy, Matron. Official hospital P. & E. R. Ii. Ileal Estate. SEE WM. E. STAGEY & CO. for somo of tho choicest bargains in real estate in thla valley. Also Brit ish Columbia and Albortn, B, C, nnd othor parts. Call on hun at Bitnor'a. office, Phipps building, or at tha Medford Auto company's garage, where wo start out our ngonts for the Alnddon Mantlo Lnmp and hid den window sorccn. Wo will treat you right. Come nnd sco. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans nnd Fire Insurance. Office, suite 205-200, over Fruit growers' bnnk. PhoYio 541. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best-equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central n.venue. Ililllnrtl Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars nnd Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool plnco to spend the hot nftomoons. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders, offico 7-8, 235 Main. Phone Mam 3471. Residcnco phone 2471. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside avenue. Phone 801. Furniture. II. F. WILSON & Co., dealers in new and second-hand furnituro and hnrdware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Soventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mission Furnituro made to crdor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furnituro. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 01. Medford, Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. Wo aro riot in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office 'in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grado nursory stock. C. F. Cook, Prop., R. R. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phono 120L Medford. Dentists. DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Furmors' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, went of the tracks. Physicians nnd Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jnckson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Offico and resi dence phone Main 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Offico in Stewart buildinp; Physicians and Surgeons. Offico phono Main 341; privnto phono Main 012. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathio Physicians. Mission block. Phono 291. Medford. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokohouso Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok ers' supplies. Exclusivo ngonts of Lowis Singlo Bindor, El Morito and El Pnloncia. 212 West Main street. xiu Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron waro on hand mid mado to order. 128 North G stroot. Urlck Companies. THE MEDFORDBRICK CO. Briok manufacturers nnd o ont motors; also limo, cement nnd plaster in any quantity. Offico, Medford National Bank bldg. Phono Main 545. G. W. Priddy. G. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nnglo. Bootblacks. SHINE Get your shoos shined, oiled or dyod nt tho Palaco bootblaok stand in Smokohouso. First-class work is our speoialtj". Shoos called for in any part of city and deliver ed. 212 West Main stroot. Phone Mnin 121. Eddio. tho Bootblaok. Painters ur.d PieriuittKra, GERWOLF & WARD, contracting painters, paporhnngors and deco rators'; signs. Estimates given or nil kinds of day nnd job work. Park Viow Hotel. Phone Main 1801. Stenograph ELLA M. GAUN YAW Palm bloek. Stenographio work dons quickly and well.