Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 28, 1910, Image 1

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Medford mail Tribune
Full Lowed Wire Report.
Ttiulitl.t and FridayWarm
er Mini fair.
Tho only paper In tho trorla
publlnbod In a cky tho Rise of
Mod ford having a loaned wlr.
immi YiCAU,
No. 33.
WM: mm
President of Commercial Club Says
It Is Dlsnrnco for Tpjwcllnu Fakir
to Besmirch Names of Reputahto
Citizens His Remarks Were
Warmly Applauded.
Brief Speeches Are Mado Along
Booster Lines and Refreshments
Were Enjoyed Vaudeville Did Not
Political Struggle In England Draws
Ing Into Muddle and Bids Fair of
Placing Him In Very Embarrassing
Position Flew In Rage When He
Hears of Premier's Speech.
The city council found n defender
from tliii aspersions cunt by Dr. Ol
iver in President V. M. Colvij of
tin) .Medford Commercial club Wed
neHiluy evening ut the club jinks,
which, bv tbu way, did not "jinks."
.Indue Colvig declared it "n dixgraco
for a traveling fakir to besmirch tho
name of reputable citizens mid well
known ImsineHK men, who had given
freely of their time and energy in
building u tho city and are cotiHci
cntiotmly and ably managing Its nf
fair, by libelling them aw degenerates
and renegades," I Uh remarkx were
warmly applauded.
Notwithstanding the couiitcr-nt-trnelioii
of Ihu revival, Allele opera
liouso was crowded with btihiiieK
men, when President Colvig made one
of his famous booHtinir IiiIIck, inform
ing citixeiin thnt HtibHoriptiou pledge
for the elub'n publicity work diiniiK
tho coming year had expired and
that within a few days a committee
would call for renewals, He dwelt
on tho importniico of tho census work
and urged all citizens to personally
n-e to it that they were enumerated,
and appointed a committee, constat
ing of Messrs. Putnam, Eifort mid
ItoMeiibtuuii, to uhbist the enuinornt
ors. Tho vaudeville failed to material
ize. I'reHident Colvig had loft it to
tho jinks committee. Chairman
lilaino Kltim had loft it to Ed An
drews, a member of tho comiuittco,
sir. An (I rows slated tliat tlio prin
cipals woro all present, ready to por
fonn, huUMr. lluzolrigg, who was to
furnish tho mimic, had his dates
mixed and had mado nnothor engage
ment, ho no performance could be
Professor O'Oara, in a brief talk,
announced his coming departure and
commented upon the excellent pros
pools of tho valloy for fruit thin sea
eon, llu tttatcd that anv ono who lost
any fruit from frost thin yoar had
Only himself to blame. Through tho
ro-oporation of tho Pacific Telo
lihouo company, which had establish
ed a doimrtmont for rlio nurnosc. Or-
iiariiiHiN worn mmni'ii 111 niivnnnn in
no hkolihood of frost in ample tunc
t provont da in a go by Hinudging or
heating. Tho orehurdifcts had taken
advantage of the opportunity and the
telephone compnny answered 200
calls a night on the weather.,
Judge K. K. Kelly and G. Putnam
mado brief talks, after which re
freshments woro sorved. Following
camo an impromptu program of mu
sic, recitations and dancing, furn
ished by D. II. Drowory, John Blako
loy, 0. M. Hordouux, Fred Colvig nud
LONDON, April 28. Lively ato.
rles are current of the towering rage
la which King Hdward has been for
tho pnst fortilhht for the dragging of
Ills personality Into tho pending po-
Htlral utronxlo In ICngla-id. Ho la
nnld to Imve had mi outburst of fury
when flrttt told during his stay at
Illarrltz, of tho rompllcatloa In which
ho had liecome Involvjil which se-
rloucly alariiVil his attendants con
cernlug Uh effect upon bin health.
Situation KmlNirruMHliig.
KmborrnHHlng U, as a mr.tter of
fact, no name for his majesty's po
rtion. Pro'mlor Auqulth, coadod for
word by Load-r John Redmond of
tho Irish party, has plaod him In a
nUuatlon wliei ho must cither bo
denounced by all conservatives a a
wild-eyed aua-rbUt or by all lib
erals as a reactionary tyrant. Mon
archy's utand'ii" in Enclaud is nono
too secure Just now, at beat, and to
earn tho enmity of Hdwnrd either
great party might easily mean Its
complete overturning. Edward real
izes this and doesn't want to figure
In politics at all. Hut tUero Is no es
cape for him.
Premier Talked.
The premier's open doc.lnrr.tlcn In
tho liouso of commons that he will
demand tho creation of enough lib-
oral poors to m a 1(0 tho of lords
n liberal holy, for tho purpose of
depriving tho upper cbumbor of its
powers, caused nil tho t.oublo, Of
course king and promtor liavo dis
cussed tho matter boforo but thoy
have always done It confldontlally.
So long as It was between thoso two
alone, no harm was dono. But nor;
It has become public property.
Ho lias also other troubles In sight,
Premier Auqulth may resign. It then
will bo necessary for tho king to ask
Conservative Leader Balfour to form
a hill. Tho matter will probably bo
decline, but It bo accepts ho will bo
voted out of office on tho first bal
lot on any question raised In tho
liouso of commons. Upon this, his
majesty will bo placed in n ridicu
lous position of having to ask As
qulth to rcsumo otflco, Ho will sure
ly refuso unless ho gets his llbornl
peers, Tliero might still bo one re
course loft to Hdward, that of dis
solving parliament and calling for a
fresh olectlon, Uut ho cannot do
tbls, hocatiso tho commons nro vot
ing financial supplies to tho nntlon
for only six weeks at n tlmo. An
olectlon cnunot bo hold that quickly,
and In the meantime England would
havo no nioiioy to run, .not oven
onough to conduct tho postofflco,
maintain nrmy and nnvy or pay tho
pollco. .
Paulhan Shatters Another Aerial Record
jZ? j? j? j? j&
Flies 186 Miles Winning $50,000 Prize
Oregon Calls To World For
More Men To Help Build
Her Many New Railroads
I I I'll WKa. 1 il k . 1 - . .'MMr. . . . A . S X-MZl-S''
I.OKDON, April 28. Paulhnn alighted today at Manchester, winning the London Mail's .30,000
prize, after flying 180 miles.
Paulhnn wnu greeted by a great crowd, out to sec tho finish of the flight. His machine worked per
fectly. He declnred that ho would have been ablo to muko the whole flight without stopping had it not been
for the intense cold.
Panlhaii snid he had plenty of fuel and his aeroplane 4wns working so smoothly that he could have flown
another hundred miles under favorable weather conditions.
Henri Fannaii, who greeted Panlhaii at the end of tho flight, was delighted with the record that his ma
chino had made. Tho flight caused tremendous interest throughout England. At the starting points crowds
of spectators rcmniucd all night wailing to sec the start.
Tho flight is considered ono of tho most remarknble in !fc history of aviation hero. PanlhanTs record in
making the flight with only ono descent is regarded as a remarkable feature.
Chief Engineer of Pacific & Eastern
Leaves for Portland Tonight to
Meet Representatives of Eastern
Manufacturers to Look Up Equip
ment for Interurban Trolley Line.
Residents of County Seat Raise Sev
eral Hundred Dollars With Which
to Secure Right of Way to Blue
Ledge Copper District to Induce
Allen to Build.
Road Would Be of Greatest Benefit,
Not Only to Jacksonville, But ts
the Entire Rogue River Valley
Would Tap Rich Mine.
William Ge:l, chief engineer of
tho Pacific & Euntern, leaves tonight
for Portland, where ho will Inspect
for John R- Allen electric equipment
for the proposed Interurban trolloy
line. Representatives of eastern man
ufacturers liavu come to Portland for
tho purposo of meeting Mr. Gerig
and may return with him to Medford.
Equipment costing several millions
is to be purchased for the now line.
but orders will not be placed until
the Ashland franchise is granted.
Tho name of the new railroad com
pany win 00 Southern Oregon Rail
road and Power company, and arti
cles of Incorporation nro ready for
S SOLD: $125,000 PAID
Judge Says Prosecution Can Do
About as It Pleases In Introduc
tion of Evidence Says Dofcnso
Has No Grounds for Complaint.
Minneapolis Men Purchase Noted Or
chard Tract Near Phoenix Con
sists of 282 Acres Klser Pur
chased Place Two Years Ago Is
In Cholco Orchard Section.
rOKTLAND, Or., April 28. Moro
than fiOOO iahorors can find employ
ment at tho highest wngos ovor paid
in the nortliwost, according to rail
road contractors in this city. Prom
!f2,7f) to .fll a day is boing offorod for
men to do railroad work, while in
logging camps, on farms and in
otlior linos tliaro is u demand for
2000 witli wages almost as high. Do
epito tho doiiiuud for workmen, labor
itronoloH rcnort to contractors ovorv
iiv infir. i nv Hiimiiit 1111 innir rn.
With tho lotting of tho contraot to
II. O, ITonry of Soattlo yostorday for
the conetruotion of tho scoond link
of tho Oregon Trunk lino tho situa
tion is intensified, Contractor
Swoeuoy, who is building from Til
lamook on' tho Pacifio Railroad &
Navigation company, wants 3fi00 nion
right away, us work is falling boliind
on account of thu scarcity of labor.
Porter Uros. have omploymont wait
ing for 2f)00 nion on tho Oregon
Trunk Lino and on tho othor sido of
tho nosehutos ennyon tho Ilnrrimau
forces would ho dolightod to put somo
2000 moil right on tho job grading
and trnokhiyiiig, Tho Paoifio &
Kastorn Railroad company, in Bonth
orn Orogon, is also in need of moro
KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 28. A
wide latitude will bo allowed tho
prosecution in its introduction cf
evidence in its attempt to prove that
Dr. 1). C. Hydo is guilty of tho mur
der of Colonel Thomas II. Swopo.
This was shown by tho statement of
Judgo Lntshaw in reply to an ob
jection by tho dofcnso to tho permis
sion given by the court to Druggist
Ilreckloin, to allow the jurors to
smell capsules containing cyanide of
"It lias long been the practice of
attorneys for tho dofonso to do. things
almost criminal in this cuso," said
Judgo Latslmw, overruling tho ob
jection. "Tho notoa of tho grand
jury proceedings lmvo boon in your
possession. You havo no cause for
complaint of tho mothods employed
in this trial. Tlioro will bo wido lati-
tudo in tho admission of ovidonoe."
IIvdo'8 perpetual smilo and his us
ual jocular commonts woro missing
today after lie had spoilt a night in
jail boeaitso of the revocation of his
bonds' Inst night.
Judgo Latslmw is using oVory on
doavor to provont tho jury from
learning that Hydo's bail bus boon
eancellod, fearing that it may tend
to influonco thoir vordiot,
Tom Swopo tostified that on tho
night of Docombor 18 ho saw Dr.
Hydo while noar tho Swopo homo
drop somothing and stop on it. Aftor
Dr. Hydo lind gone tho witness said
ho picked up tho object and discov
ered it to bo a crushed pill box in
wliioli woro two oapsulos, Ho said
that tho odor of tho capsules was
similar to tho odor of tho oyanido of
potassium capsules produced in evi
dence by Druggist Brookloin.
Government Alarmed Over Unrest
Manifest Throughout Turkey
Young Turks' Regime Is In Danger
of Complete Overthrow.
E. M. Doynton, J. R. Tomlln and
Den Sheldon, nil of .Minneapolis, but
now of Medford, have purchased the
Klser orchard, a mllo west of Phoo-
fnhc. consisting of 282 acres, 143 In
orchard, for $125,000. Tho land was
sold to Kteor brothers of Redftold. CONSTANTINOPLE, via Philip
N. D., two yoars ago by S. G. SI- opolis, April 28. Continued victories
nion, now of Albany. J on tho part of tho revolting Alban
Tho proport la ono of tho finest ns over tlio Turkish armies sent
In tho valloy. Thoro aro 20 acres of against them are reported in today's
7-year-old Nowtown and Spltzonborg dispatches from tho province of AI
apples, -10 acres of 1 and 2-yenr-old banin.
Nowtowns, 40 acres of C-yenr-old Dose According to the Inst reports, ap
and Conilco pears, 30 acrea of 2-yoar- proximately COO men have been killed
old Dartlett pears, CO acrca of alfalfa, 'and twico that number wounded in
30 of cleared and implanted land and the last 24 hours of fighting. Great
35 acres of uncleared land. squads of Turkish troops, havo nni-
Thlo fluo orchard Is located thrco tinied and hundreds have deserted to
miles south of Medford In tho cbolc- avoid fighting ngamst their co-relig-ost
of tlio proven fruit district, it ionists, tho Albanians.
Joins tho famous nur rloorlctnoln j Tho government is nlarmod over
Joins tho famous Ihtrroll orchard that, tho manifest unrost of tho peoplo in
Bold recently ot close to one-half mil- nil parts of Turkoy, and thoro is
lion dollars and which Is now being muoh danger of uprisings in othor
subdivided and sold In small tracts, provinces.
Tho property Is fenrod and cross1 Tho Young Turks' regime is in
fenced, has flrst-clnss liouso, barns ; dangor of conipleto overthrow as n
and all other necessary Improvomonts ' result of tho continued unsuccoss of
la fully oqulppod with stock, machln- tho loyalist soldiery in tho field.
ory, tools, otc,
Joffrlos planned to rest throughout
tho day following tho lnnclne of a
boll on bis back that has boon troub
ling blm for sovoral days. Tho big
flgbtor wont to Santa Cruz last night,
wboro a inlnlatluro Aotna was lancod
by a surgeon. Tho wound was dress
ed carefully and precautions tnkon
to provont lin'ectlon ot tho wound.
Although suffering somo discom
fort from soro .ess, Jof fries did n llt
tlo light work In tlio courso of tlio
day to koop his inusclos lin)bor. Jof
frlos skipped tlio ropo and plannod
to play ball, but hla advisors woro not
willing to havo blm rlak serious In-
i II tf p t rf iilnlnnt AVAttMftn tYi It a 1 rt
la fooling a "bit under tho wo.thor,"
Prominent government officials aro
being carefully guarded for fear that
attempts to assassinnto them might
bo mado, ,
Tlio government is doing every
thing possiblo to suppress tho pub
lication of nows from to front. All
news dispatches nro consorcd and no
code mossros, othor than thoso ad
drosseiMo government officials, aro
allowed to go over tho wires.
Tlio garrisons in tho southern part
of Turkoy nro practically desortod,
as all availnblo troops nro boing
rushed into Albania. Tlio railroad
lines running out of Constantinople
aro constantly patrolled by soldiora
to provont any attempt to destroy
tho tracks.
Last Saturday 57 oastorn hotel men
and women wcro guoals of tho Ira
tornlty In Portland. A luncheon at
the Commercial club wna a feature
of thoir ontortalnmont.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cel., April 28.
Betting on the McCnrthy-Moran
fight, scheduled for tomorrow night,
fluctuated around even monoy today,
owing to the presence of considerable
McCarthy coin. Moran is touted a
technical favorite, tho prico ruling
recently having been 10 to 9 on tho
Both boys are hovering near ring
side weight and both have slowed up
m their training, doing only enough
work to keep vind, head and oyo in
ELLENSBURG, Wash., April 28,
A Milwaukee locomotive and five
freight ears loaded with lumbor left
the rails and went into tho Yakima
river at the second steel bridge, east
of Nolson station, 40 miles north of
here, today. Engineer Ruff of So
nttlo was injnrod, but whether seri
ously or not hns not been learned.
Tho fireman and head onC brake-
man, whq were in the engine, jump
ed and aro reported to bo safe. Tho
accident was caused by high water in
the river, which washed out the fill
at tho bridge approach and fivo
boats of the bridge itself.
INDIANAPOLIS, Iud., April 28.
John Y. Korn, vico-prcsidentinl
candidate witli Bryan in 1008, was
nominated today as candidato for tho
United Statos senato by tho Djnuo-
crntio stnto convention hero, no re
ceived 772 votos.
Jacksonville wants a railroad to tbo
Dluo Ledgo copper district, and wanta
It bad enough to make a determined
effort to get It. Having offered John
R. Allen a right of way to build to
the Blue Ledge mine, residents ot
Jacksonville hive appointed a com
mittee, and this committee has al
ready raised several hundred dollars
with which to send men to interview
property holders and obtain rights ot
way. Jacksonville has taken Lold of
tbls proposition as alio has never
taken hold of such a proposition be
fore. Tho mistake ot 30 years ago
in letting the Southern Pacific get
away from them is not to be repeat
ed. The following U the otf.'clal com
mittee to securo a right of way for
a railroad from Jacksonville to the
Blue Ledge: Jeremiah Nunan, chair
man; County Judgo J. It. Nell, "W.
C. Kitto, Lewis Ulrlch, Dr. T. T.
Shaw, Frank Cameron, Miles Caa
troll, Charles Dnnford, Sr., G. N. Low
Is, D. W. Bagshaw, Frank Edwards,
J. M. Dewee and J. Hartman.
Mr. Allen met with the residents
of Jacksonville on Tuesday orenlng
to tako up the matter of building an
electric lino through tho city. To
wards this tho greatest interest wa3
shown, and Mr. Allen was assured
that Jacksonville wanted an electric
road and would give, him necessary
franchises. Following this a road to'
tho Blue Ledgo was proposed, and
Mr. Allen was asked it ho would con
struct such a road should a right ot
way bo given. Mr. Allen replied that
he would most favorably consider
such a proposition, and would In all
likelihood do so, whereupon tho res
idents of Jacksonville promised Mr.
Allen that thoy would get him such
a right of way.
Tho committee lost no timo In get
ting busy.
Realizing that a certain amount ot
monoy would be needed for prelim
inary expenses so tho coramlttco
might go out and Interview laud own
ers, tho first stop was taken to raise
the coin. By noon thoy lad sevoral
hundred dollars subscribed and now
tbo committee plans to go out and
get the necessnry rights of way. There
Is no doubt in .ho minds ot tho com
mitted but that thoy can portuade
oach property ownor to come across.
A road to tho Bluo Ledgo from
Jacksonville would be of great bene
fit to Jacksonville, which would be
tho first valloy town to rocolvo the
benefit ot its payroll, Tho Bluo
Ledgo mlno is tho greatest develop
ed property in this famous coppor dls?
Work To Start On Gas Plant
As Soon As Material Can Be
Obtained Here From East
Work upon tho construction of the
now $100,000 gas plant in Medford,
a franchiso for which was granted
recently, will start as soon as tho
niatorinl can bo Vocoivod from tho
east. J. R. Andorson, who holds tho
franchiso, has returned to Modford
with his plans comploto and with his
material ordored, and is anxious to
get tho work under way.
"Muoh to our surprise," e'ates Air,
Andorson, "wo found it impossible to
find uicro than 1000 feet of lined
pipe, which wo uso in our gas, sys
tem, on tho coast, All of this wo
must bring from tho cast, and this
has cnusod somo little dolny. Manu
facturing concerns in tho oast aro
swnmpod with work, and when you
can't buy goods you can't build gas
"Howovor, wo hopo to bo started
in tho very neur future. Wo will en
deavor to koop ahead of the pavo
mout as far as possiblo, and thoso
streets which wo must cross and
havo alroady been paved wo will tun
uol undor."
Mr, Audorson's wife and daughter
returned with him from Southern
California, and will take up thoir
permanent rouidoilco in this city.