Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 27, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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I'Vod Tumor of Gulil Hill wan in
Aluill'iml cm UiihIiiomh Tuumluy.
Knxl Juy wiih In town from IiIm
YmI!o urook rimoli WmlncHtliiy.
JlllO, tho Immier your. Watch Mod
ford's population dotiblo, vnluoH in
olty propurty triplo nnd Htrcototira
run lo tlx Quoun Anno addition.
Mr. and Alrn, Mark AppluKiito, who
liuvo lioon Hpondlnjj novural duy In
Modford, lonvo in tliu iiiornliiK for
tliu Klk orook iiiIiiuh.
Swaiitika danco Friday nllit, Ap
xll 20. Iloinomlior tlio Jntn.
J. I-'rank llrowu of KiikIo Point
J)r, II. I', Hurnravo lias sold IiIh
proporly on I.aurul Htroot, roilHUtiuj
or two lotH, 0U'axl00, with tho liotmo
ami coiiUiiiIn, with 1 lit oxooption of
tlio pomniuil lii'loiiKiiiKH of ho and
Mih. llarKinvo, lo A. Taokntroiii,
liitolv of Honlllo, WmhIi., for 3(()0,
Thy proporly facuM J'J.O foot on I.auti
rol Htroot and In 100 foot ducp. It
in olio of tho I'holco roHidonco prop
ortion on Laurol Htroot.
Swantika dnnco Friday nlilit, Ap
ril 20. Hotnuuihor tho dato.
I'lod and Charloif Champliii of Gold
Hill woro Mudford vixitorM TuoHduy.
MrH. V. W. Cowlos was in Moil
ford TuoMilav from tho farm, oiiHt of
Havu you tried Hardou'it now
oroiiiu hroad? Juht liko pooHuhh, tho
nemo of porfoction, 02
.Minn Stella I.ovy of Jaoknonvlllo
wan a Modford viMilor TuoHday.
Duvd Tonoo of Klk crook wim in wan a Mudford visitor Tuesday.
Modford on Wednesday.
At tho Bouthorn Dairy you oan
ijret, puro milk, awool cream mid hut
lortnilk, !2 8. Central avo.
The Nuw Vox, ItoinliiKtou and h.
C. Hmith typowritorn at Morrivold
Mr. It. A. (loodo, who Iuih hoon
vinltini,' lior Hon, W. K. Ooodo, and
family, loft for hor homo in Salom
'WcdnoKday moniiu. Mr. Ooodo in
'87 yean uf ao, hut doomi't look nor
.act within ton yoarx of it. Bho wan
luutompaniod hy hor hoii, Jiuhoh
Ooodo, of Haloiu.
John II. Cnrkin, nttonioy at law,
nvrr jnnkson County Dank.
B. . Hit mutton of Varo. K. I).,
in in Modford looUinc for r. location.
ttr. IlnrrtiiL'tou Iuih hoon omraired in
tho iiiKtnllation of Rtcam hontlnir oponod promUiiijj today, but at tho
plaiilH in tho east for Hovoral jsmr tlio wltolo market hcouioU per
. . I ........ .1 I 11..
A. K. llouson of Portland in rejr-
-Htorod at tho NiimIi,
Have you considered an investment
In city property, wlioro tlio electric
car lino in Hiiro to ro. InvcutiKata
tho Qaeon Anno ndditiou. 18 North
Front utroot.
A. F. Jolly of llockford, III., ar
rived Tuesday to look nfter hiu iu
tori'HtN lioro.
I. C. Kioor of Jackoonvillo wa a
Modford visitor Tuonday.
f t4H
St'W Vork Market Weak.
NKW YORK, April 27. Stocks
Stated That Blfl Ditch Will Bo Ready' By Bio Vote District Is Authorized to
a Year Bcforo Time Previously
Announced Somctlilnn Unforsenn
May Hold It Up, However.
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 27.
Tlio Panama cunal will bo oponod
early u tho year 1014, nccordltiK to
hlichoia official authority hero today.
Tho nihiio. howovor, refused to
chftiigo tho official antiouncomcnt that
tho canal will bo opened la 1915 bo
catnta of tho possibility of an unforo-
nom delay cuusIiik a postponement.
Issue $50,000 in Bonds With Which
to Build New School and Improve
tho Old.
I)y tho overwhelming vote of 83 to
8 tho electors of tho Modford school
district Tuenflay afternoon authorized
tho liisulriK of $50,000 school bonds
with which to build another school la
Queen Anno addition on tho East
Hide, and install a heating plant and
additional room In tho WaHhlngton
Kchool. Progress 1 tho watchword
of tho day, and tho rotors evidently
do not bellovo In allowing Modford to
grow without Increasing hor educa
tional facilities.
The school board was instructed by
a voto of C8 to 5 to soil tho bonds at
home. They are to call for plons for
tho now school at once.
Will Allow His Vessel to Be Frozen Supremo Court Denies Petition of
In Ico and Will Wait Seven Years i John Harrington in Damage Suit
for It to Drift to Neighborhood of Brought Against W. E. Phlpps,
Big Nail. Mrs. Snyder and Judge Neil.
According to novt theories concern
ing pnrentnl government, parents nro
supposed to respect tho opinions of
their children, nt least to treat tho
budding Ideas with duo consideration.
tun) will endeavor to work up a bui-
.iucHH in that lino in this soutiou.
Wellborn Hcohoii of Talent was in
Medford on IiiihIuomh Wednesday.
All stylet of legal blanks nt tlto
3! nil Tribuno office Over n hun
lrod fonim.
.Mrs. J. Nuunii and daughter, Mrs.
Jnsepliluo Itusfiall, woro in Modford
Tuowlnv lo ooo tho Portland excur
sion. TkomiiH Hoekot, tho Talent mor
.chant, wn a Mcdfogl visitor Wcd
tic'sdoy, J. C. Pendleton of Tnblo Hook was
umoug those who grootod tho Port
laud bliuincHS men Tuesday.
TruspuHH notices for snlo nt Mail
Tribuno office
Jainca MortoUi OHO of tho pioneers
of tho valley, vbh in this city from
Talent Wcdnosdny.
Tho ncieuco of cleaning is brought
.to porfoction by tho Pnntorium. 33"
Mrs. U, 8. Webb of Loj Angclos,
'Cal., who has boon visiting h'or par
ents, fr. and Jfrs. 3, 8. Howard, loft
on her rotuni homo Tuesday ovc
inlng. Every opot will hiko if tk Pnntor
iium doos tho work. 33
J. W. Slingor of Lako Crook spent
Tuesday night in this city.
Ho social Friday eveuhi", April
20, nt West Sido schoolhoiuo, throo
anilos west Modford. Lndiea, plonso
ibrinR toxes. Proceeds to bo do-
voted lo scJjQ9l rnirpoics, 3
As an cxumpio of tho justice of tbi Aged Pedestrian Will Be Given Royal
decision 0110 linn onlv to rcrnll tn inlml-l ... .
moated with wonknesH. Foliowim the how tim nninimm r L...n..rfiin, 1 Welcome When He Reaches Goal
declaration of n dividend yestordny, ' differ, often because of chnuglng cus-
l lilted Htntes Steel sold nipidly dur
ing tho forenoon, Over 1B,UOO shares
woro disposed of at 81 C-8 and 83.
Suportiug stocks followed tho up-
toms nnd conditions. Tho elders fall
to realize that tho younger must bo '
heard tolerantly, nnd so the patents,
instead of extending tho courtesy of
From Los Angeles in 75 Days.
NEW YOltK, April 27. Edward
moved 1111 n.H imititM Vim- V.n-lfl.i ummnium as inougn w c COmo when ho arrives horo next
moeu up ij.h points, ;so nk 1 thoro wcro no appeal and then are as- c,- i rri, ,.M rw,Pnn.,
Central, tho snn.o; Kansas & Texas, ! tonUhc becnuno couUdenco nnd under-! &"tur.'ny- . Tho, vcterra" Patnn"
1 3-8 Union Pacific, Central Loath-! standing grow less between, them and no s .iM,BB,M l"
SAM FIUNCISCO, Cel., April 27.
Captain Ifoal Amundsen, tho man
7?ho first succeeded in making a
voyage through tho northwest pass
age, from tho Atlantic to the Pacific,
is planning a seven -year expedition
in tho Arctic, during which ho will
try to reach the north pole, accord
ing to letters from Amundsen just
received by Norwegian Consul Lund
in Snn Francisco.
Tn his letters which outline the
scheme, Amundsen says ho intends
to sail from Snn Francisco early
next 3'cnr for tho north polo in the
Frnm, nnd that he is planning to al
low flic vessel to freeze into the ico
and drift for seven years.
Ho believes the currents will carry
him near the pole and that finally the
sturdy craft will bo released from the
icebergs on tho eastern oast of
FTnskin for Health.
or, Brooklyn llapid Transit, .Ameri
oau Car, American Smelting each
jumped 0110 point over yestordny'e.
DospHo tho morning's aeronautics,
the market began to drop stcndily
nud nt tho closo ninny stocks sold be
their children. Thoso parents who as fow 18 -uo 10 amvo nero ai
their sons and daughters develop can noon.
encourngo on expression of opinion sq If ho arrives here Saturday ho will
they know tho lines upon which yaaur . have walked tho distance in 75 days
and will havo reached hero 15 days
ahead of his schedule.
minds nro working and with ccntlo
argument nnd reason can c(vjiroj nnd
mold It cxcrclHo an Influence stronir
as that held durlug chJldKi n.if it 1
low tho closo yoftlerday. Amalgamat-( l ouly by tokruUi"a nnd gentleness 4- 4-4
km vniiur, iiiieniurniigii-iviropoii-1 - o accompiwuco, lor -f
tan preferred sold a point under last
night; Louisville & Nashville roto
V; Southern Pnoifio, l'tt A,or;.
can Lvcvmotivo, 1 U. 8, and Heading
1. Throughout Stool 'lomiimtcd the
market. Llonds worr, finncr.
London Market.
LONDON, April 27. Adranccd:
xuiaeoutin, u-h; Amnlganmted, 1-8;
growing 'oya nnd Klrl8 nro t00 0jd i
Ohio, Yii C. 0.. J: C. A.. 3-4: Omnt
Wostem, V4; D., 14 ; D. X., 1-4; Brio
1-1; Illinois Central, C-8; Katy, VS.
.iiox. pro., a-b; Now York Central,
1-8; O. W., 1-8; Pennsylvania, 1-8;
Hio Grande, Vy, It. Q(, 3-8; II., 3-8;
Southern Pacific, 3-8: S. It.. U: S.
R. pfd., 3-8; St. Paul, 1-8: U. 8..
v BH Carter of Gold Hill was inr"85 w h ' D
fodford Wodnosdav on business. Inclined: E. l 14 ; h., 1-8; U. P.
Tho Morrivold Shot) soils robullt
Afr. and lira. W. S. Darnum ro
turned Wodnosday from n visit of
ton daya or moro nt Portland,
Mhithor Mr. Darnum hnd been called
!by businoss mnttors.
Tho quality of llnrdon's ico cream,
broad, enkes, etc., is rcmomhorod
Jong after tho prico is forgotton.
' Oo to tho factory for u dish of
twoll loo oroatn, nil fnilt flavors, f
cents per dish. 32 8. Control avo.
Ihu ABhlnnd-Graiits Pass motor
, car on tho Southorn Pacific aotc
balky tins morning nnd tho run was
tnndo with an ongino nnd oonoh
which is lcopt roady for Biioh omor
Swastika danco Fridny night, Ap
ril Jl). Itomombor tho dato.
8. W. MoClondon of Gold Hill was
in Modford on businoss Wednesday,
Kardon'H loo orenm is mndo from
puro oroam. That's tho reason.
Mm. F. Poloiloof Eaglo Point wns
n Modford Tuosdny on businoss,
t'nn you nfford to miss ono of
thoso boautiful homositos in tho
Quoon Anno addition at prioo and
forms offorot, wtlh improvomontH
nnd stroot railway sorvico assured T
Undo Hon Edmoiwlson, ono of tho
plonoor sottlors of 'tho Ilutto orook
fiootion, was in Modford Tuesday qn
nardon'H iooloss fountain is tho
hondquurtorH of all who want up-to-
oato drinks.
Whitman's dolioious ohooolatos
nnd bonbons' nt Morrivold Shop.
C. P. Urigga of Ilutto Falls rotum
od homo Tuesday aftor a businoss
visit for a fow days in Modford nnd
C P. Hrigga of nutto Falls ro
turnod Tuosdny morning after a visit
of Bovornl days in tho vnlloy.
"Unolo" Bon Edmondson, ono of
tho originnl sottlorfl of tho upper
Hutto orook fiootion, wna In Modford
Tuosdny looking nftor somo businoss
inlorosts, Unolo lion is ono of thg
Pinnoors of Oregon nnd has always
kept as closo to tho tall 4imbor as
Hnskins for Health.
Host unoltnngod.
nna expcrlenrcil for an assertion of
direct authority to intiucnco.
Mothers ore not Infrequently grief
strlckcu that their daughters as tho
girls grow older keep them from their
thoughts and ambitions, giving confi
dence to others, in most cases this is
rno mother's owjd responsibility, be
cnuso sbo tries to oxort authority or
pressure when others glvo onlr Tm
Atohison, 3-8; Ak., 1-g; Ilalihaore & P T'vn,nn,.,.,
understand tho other side. Mothers
should bear this In mind and meet
their daughters ou a cominoa tneotal
basis even when trying to mako the
younger seo that her attltudo la mis
Confidence between mother and
daughter Is 'to bo maintained at all
costs oa the part of tho former, and a
tM.t of hor Success as a parent Is tho
ability to strike tho right note of sym
pathy with such gentleness and under
standing as to Intiucnco the girl to ft.
right way of thinking even when tho
latter Is Inclined to differ.
It is not by failure to ngrco that
eons and daughters are alienated, but
by a total lack of toleration from the
When tho Not Blitdc
Nosebleed Is common among chil
dren, nnd, while it seldom reaches an
alarming stutc, nevertheless children
nro often grently frlghtoneU by It. In
treating this complaint try applying a
com cloth at tho huso of tho brain.
Stand buck of the child aud press your
hands llrmly on the largo arteries that
run along tho edges of tho check
bones. Do not stop tho nostrils with
cloth or cotton, but allow tho blood to
flow until naturally chocked. Often
adults are atlllcted with excessive
noseblecdlng. This is often caused by
a severe cold in tho head or by ex
posure to the sun. Worry will often
cnuso it, and In mnny diseases, such
ns fovcr, tho noso will bleed. When
black blood Hows from tho nostrils tho
trouble Is probably duo to cold and
congestion, and sometimes It Is not
best to check tho flow at onco. Drowsy
headaches nro often rolloved by nose
bleed. IJut bo careful with children
and do not Bhow you are alarmed, By
being calm yourself you can qulot tho
fours of tho llttlo ono who screams at
tho sight of blood.
WASHINGTON, D. C. April 27.
rormor Sjoorotnry of Stato Root, who
is going abroad to reprosont tho e-ov-
ornmont in tho Now Foundlnnd fish
orios enso, Baid today that ho prob
ably would bo vory busy whilo in
Europe nnd in consonuonco donlffl,l
whothor ho should bo nblo to boo
Colonol Itooaovolt,
Shortly aftor it was announced
Hint Hoot would aot as tho ronro-
Kontntivo of tho Uuitod Statos in the
liHhorios controversy it Wil8 rnmnm,i
that ho would also boo Hoosovolt nn.l
givo tho administration's sides of tho
iM.mium Hiiuauon which hns dovolop.
cd since tho colonol went to Africa
This Hoot denied.
Bottled Beer Burns.
ar. MJUIS, April 27. Aftor dos.
troylng bottling houso No. 7 of tho
Anliousor-Uusch browory. a fi
which dnmatjod tho plant to tho
amount of f 250,000 was extinguished
too ay.
For wood of all kinds, seo the
Square Deal Woodyard. Phone
2001. Fir street, between Second
pnd Third streets." Gouid & Ljndloy,
If you want satisfaction, try a
sack of Mt. Hood Snow-FaJl Flour.
For said at tho Jliiss Mill
bcr the placo. Polk Hull & Son.
Story of an Old Spanish
in "Sunny
UnBlnnB for Health.
f .
BENSON hns 47 lots for salo
at gonuino bargain priced.
Land Grant
Calif ornia.M
190 Colored
Lantern Slides
Medford Opera House
Wednesday and Thurjd&y
'Evenings, April 27 and 28,
at 8 p. m.
Learn the truth about the
Brst Irrigated lands
In California
Ladies especially invitcL
Lectures under direction
COaiPANY, Los Molinos,
CaHforaia, U. S. A.
In an opinion written by Chief Jus
tico Mooro tho appeal of John Har
rington from the circuit court of this
county in tho case of Harrington vs.
W. E. Phipps ct nl., for damages, '.a
denied. This ends a long-drawn-out
legal battle.
Tho case was started in tho coun
ty court nearly two years ago, Mrs.
Snyder, widow of a former partner
of Harrington, bringing suit for nn
accounting. Ilnrrington was later
confined iii the county jail several
weeks for contempt of court. It wns
for this confinement that Harring
ton brought suit against W. E.
Phipps, attorney for Mrs. Snyder.
Mrs. Snyder and County Judge Noil
for $20,000 damages. The suit-was
lost in the circuit court and an ap
peal was taken, which has jest been
Tearing Up Queen Anna Avmmm ami
Makina Ready to Lay Pavt
East Side Found Toe Hard t Flm
Until Englno Arrives.
Tho Clark-Henory Constrsctle
company la making tho dirt fly g
Queen Anno avenuo on tho Host Side,
placing It In readiness for paving. The
work was to start on East Main, bat
tho ground was found too hard te
plow until the traction engine ar
rives to draw tho plow, so work wu
commenced on Queen Anno avesae.
Tho Clark-IIonory company hare a,
plow which operates much la the way
of a header working In a grain fIJt.
A huge shear turns the dirt over es
a canvas elevator, which carries It ay
and lets it fall into the wagons. 2to
shoveling Is done. Work Is progress
rapidly with the excavation.
f 4- v
I d0 ACRES of as fine fruit
land as can be found any
where, $75 an aero.. See Bea-
Even tho "not advertised bargains"
are mostly found in the stores that!--
do advertise a lot of bargains. l4--f-f---f 4- -f -f 4--f
$25 Reward
Will bo paid for the arrest and conviction of the party who stole. &
cow from the undersigned. A very small red cow, white spot on fore
head, dehorned.
Emery J. Eastman
Brillion Double Rollers
Best Clod Mashers on the Market
We have a big stock of the "BRILLION" Double Rettirs the best
j dad-crasher on the market. The BrHIIen dees the werk In jnet mm- f
. . tit . a tt n 1.1 A j. M. .
I half the time you can ao u wun any einer r&iisr. beubt b em
DUlverlze those clods. IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IN ONE SEA- J
Weston In Schenectady.
Edward Payson Woston. tho ncod
podostrlau, pnosod through horo at
0!20 this morning hound for Troy.
in tlio wordB of tho anclont popular
song, "it's fourtoon mllos from
Schnoctodny to Troy," and Woston
said ho oxpoctod to lunch In tho Inun
dry city.
Girls. Aro Polsonod.
SAN JOSE, Cnl April 27.Elght.
con girl mombora of tho freshman
class of tho stato normal school nro
sufforlng today from ptomnlno pois
oning said to havo boon caused by
ontlng bnkod boans at a class picnic.
Whlio Bomo of tho young womon
nro In a, aorlous condition, it Is bo
llovod all will rocovor.
"Defeated by trivialities,"
said a man of talent whose life had been
a failure and that mistake showed how
he had made all the others.
Nothing is trivial that either defeats
or conquers.
It is not trivial to use the right or
wrong stationery any more than it is
trivial to use the right or wrong wordsj
to state your case clearly or to blunder.
Tht ttandard faftr for hisitit:: staticntry
"Zivifr tht teattr.mark"
RuTos of Sleep.
Thoso who think most, who do moat
brain work, require most sleep, and
time "saved" from uecossary sleep is
lnfulltbly destructive to mind, body
and ostoto, Glvo yourself, your chil
dren, your sorvniits, glvo all that are
under you, tho fullest amount of sleep
they will tnko by compelling them to
go to bed nt somo regular early hour
and to rlso In the morning tho moment
thoy nwnko, and within a fortnight
future, with almost tho regularity of
tho rising sun, will unlooso tho bonds
of sloop tho moment onough reposo
has been secured for tho wants of the I
This Is tho only safe and suUlctent
rule, and as to tho question how much
sleep any ouo requires each must bo a
rulo for himself. Great nature will
novor fall to writo It out to tho ob
server under tho regulations Just given.
Iln&klns for Health.
is not generally used by men who make
blunders; nor by men who forget that
instant prejudice, or favorable impulse,
is an important consideration. .
That It pays always to use Old Hampshire Pond for commercial
stationery is the testimony of prudent. business men. Fnive tt fs for
yourself let us give you the Old Hampshire Bono Book of Sped
mens, or tetter still, write us for a conv. It 1
contains suggestive specimens of letterheads
nnd other business forms, printed, litlio
graphed and engraved on the white and four
teen colors of Old Hampshire Bond.,.
Made by Hampshire Paper Company,
the only paper makers in the world making
bond paper exclusively,
A complete lino of Old Hamp
shire Bonds, all colors, carried
by us- Wo will bo ploasod to
quote prices.1
Medford Printing Co.
Big Stdek of Iiigf igg
We can show you a big assontmant of bUQQki msf anything ysv i
t may take In this line can be sen Ay visiting this sterst EvsVy biiffy I
Is the best and the prices are right cwm and let us CMvhWyw!
Hubbard Bros.
Medtord - - - Oregon f
TO AD rtl Alii AND
Tho management of the Southern Pacific Co.
(lines in Oregon) takes great pleasure in an
nouncing that tho low rates from Eastern cit
ies, which havo done so much in past seasons
to stimulate travel to and settlement in Ore
gon, will prevail again this Spring DAILY
from March 1 to April 15, inclusive;
The railroads havo done their part; now it's
up to you. The colonist rate is the greatest of
all home-builders. Do all you can to let east
ern people know about it, and encourage
them to come horo, where land is cheap and
home-buildincr easv and attrant.i.
FARES OAN BE PREPAID at homo if desired.
.Any agent ot tlio road named is authorized to
receive tho required deposit and telegraph
ticket to anv Doint in tho "UlnaL
xium ot. uoms, ifdz; irom Uinaua and ivans
City, 25. ThiB reduotion is proportiopate
from all other cities.
General Passenger Agent Portland. Qrtm
y M