ACEDirORP jMLAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 24, .1910. ri 1 100 it Acres Apples and Alfalla 40 ACRES BEARING APPLES AND PEARS. HOUSE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. 60 ACRES IN ALFALFA AND GRAIN. ALL LEVEL, RICH SOIL. WATER FOR IRRIGATION. THIS TSACT IS CLOSE TO THE CITY OF ASHLAND AND COULD BE SUB-DIVIDED INTO ACREAGE OR CITY LOTS. RiRA UT1FUL VIEW. 15 MINUTES WALK FROM POSTOFFICE. THIS IS A GOOD PROPOSITION AND AND WILL STAND INVESTIGATION. INQUIRE OF Grant Staples ASHLAND, OREGON. Representative will be at the Nash Hotel on Sunday Evening and Monday, April 25 1910. JL D. 8. peroxide tooth powder b2 iee paste at West Side Pbar jwey a4 Eagis Pharmacy. the library. A. D. S. peroxide foot powder and -Sm4 xeKtf at West Side Pharmacy mi Sac Pharmacy. Hand-selected lime, barrelled and high grade, at the Big Pines Lumber Co. Yonr opportunity Block day. A. D. S. talcum powder at West Side Pharmacy and Eagle Pbarm- acy. ai IwVTK IiOCAL NHWS. Carl Von dcr Hollen of Wellcn j spent Snturdny evening in Modford. i Joseph Riley of tho Southern Pn ,'cific secret sorvico department is in I town looking nftor tho company's , interests. Meeker is now nt 2S South Cen tral avenue. Schumnnn-IIcink sinks "Lucret'm Borgin" nt Whetsel Music Co.'s store. Mr. Young mul family, who luivo occupied the llilbrook residence on North C streot for tho past two 'months, will move into their new home on North Grnpo street. For wood of nil kinds, see the Square Donl Woodyard. Phono 2G01. Fir streot, botwocn Second and Third streets. Qouid & Lindloy, proprietors. . 'J01 Mr. Stowart, Jr., and family will (vacnto Judge Mnhlon Purdin's r'esi- jdenco today on Worth U streot, which is undergoing repairs. I Tho windows at Hooker's will attract you. The water main has now been dug on North Court street nnd Mr, Res idence Owner is now busy connect ing up. If you want satisfaction, try u sack of Mt. Hood Snow-Fail Flour. For sale at tho Russ Mill. Remem ber the place. Polk Hull & Son. B . JioeKcrs is a cozy, clean, new place. Bencon is disposing of all per sonal and real properties prepara tory to an indefinite trip to the east. Better see what is boing sacrificed and see quickly. building is now being construct ed, 50x100. Rooms will bo arranged to suit tenant. For full information call on L L Jacobs at Farmers' & Fruit tgro were' bank. Here is nn on- k ?. i a ponnnny lor someone 10 nave n room just as they desire. 31" Just received, a shipment of the new Jo. 1 Victor machines, price 3125, terms. Whetsel Music Co.. 134 West Main. High Class Ready to wears More Beautiful Waists AVe have been particularly fortunate in tho choice of Waist manufac turers who succeed in turning out the most beautiful styles over known to waistdom. Beautiful because of plainness in some instances and in others the quality looms up in tho most forcible manner. Jf vou want oloffance in a waist wo have it for you and tho prices RANGE FROM $1.25 TO $15.00. I7IU All Wool Suits Reduced 1-3 All Spring 1910 Suits Merode The Satisfactory Underwear See the samples of Merodo Underwear in our show win dow, and you'll wish for n closer examination. The text ure is so smooth; every thread is uniform in strength nnd ev ery garment is knit to fit the figure comfortably. TRY MERODE. Hair Dressing Parlors Everything in Hair Goods Weaving, Bleaching, Hair Dressing, Manuouring by Mdmo. Moulia, the Ex port. Come hero and allow us to help you urrango your coiffurio. Our lino of switches, curls, rolls, etc., is very com plete, Wo will make switches to suit from your own combings if you wish or wo will supply tho hair. COME IN ANY TIME. For Sale o-room trnngaiow, modern; a snap. 8-room bungalow, modern: a fine buy. 12-room house on 12th st.; $4000. 10-room house on C street; $0500. 5-room house in Jacksonville; $500 8-room house in Jacksonville; $1500. Lots In Wect walnut addition; $350, terms. Lots in Snllivan terrace. Lots and houses in all parts of the city. 4 3 homestead relinquishments for 8 ale. 80 acres, 3 miles from Bntte Falls, $25 per acre. Horses, wagon and harness, $225. 2 tons of hay, $15 per ton. 40 acres in alfalfa, V2 miles from town. 20 acres, 2 miles out, sot to com mercial fruit. 9 acres' in bearing, Vfc miles out 9 acres in bearing, 1 mile out. WANTED. 2 girls for general housework, $1 per day. 2 women for general housework, $5 per week. 2 girls for general housework, $25 per month. Sorter in town. Dining-room girl, $25, board and room. 2 men and wives on ranch. Woman cook. Cook for hotel, out. $50. Blacksmith, $75 and board. Ranch hands. Teams wanted Monday morning, 50 cents per hour. AH kinds of help wanted. E. F. A. BITTNEfi Medferd Employment Bureau. Business chances, real estate, all kiflda of taclp furnished and business chances handled. Kern 208, Taylsr & Mips llrig. Phone 4141 Mak. A specialty in house renting and care of then; liat thea with ma. Infant's Headwear, Etc. Bags, Belts, Combs, Hairpins and Orna ments, Fancy Pins, Buckles, Brooches, etc., etc. Not the largest assortment, but the most enticing styles possible to select. GET OXJR PRICES. Fancy Goods Don't forget tho little toddlers. Wo haven't forgotten to provide the sweetest little straw and piquo crentions for infants and would bo pleased to show you how be coming they are. LITTLE HATS AT LITTLE PRICES. I GO CD 14 CO CD CD CO CO Onyx Hosiery Will Please Med ford's Quality Store for Women While L J. Hansen and wife were driving along North C street Friday their horse took fright and ran into the newly dug sewer trench. A good scare and big crowd, but no dam age resulted. listen for the Block day signal. Mrs. Cline and sister, of the North grocery hare returned home from their week of rest in Roscburg. M. M. Gould is building a six- room cottage on his lot on North Apple street Mrs. Caskoy, or Grandma C, as she is familiarly known to her many friends, tho venernblo mother of Joseph Caskoy of the east side, is not an well as hor friends would liko to see. Don't forget your Block day gift. E. D. Wilhite, tho fruitgrowor of Antioch, came over Tuesday. He reports his son Thomas rapidly de clining in hoalth. Walter Chapman and son enmo over Tuesday with a load of fine I porkers, consigned to Mcdford lo cal butchors. Hand selected lime, barrelled nnd high grade, at tho liig l'iucs Lum ber Co. Joo Rddor and wifo of Englu Point tarried in the city Thursdny night, tho guost of Mrs. Rndor'a sis ter, Mrs. C. C. Taylor, of North Beatty. Go to tho factory for n dish of swell ice crenm, nil fruit flavors, ft cents per dish. 32 S. Central avc. Pat Dontgan of Jacksonville, tho Nestor of ike ball fans of Southorn Oregon, was in Medford Snturdny evening. The Big Pines Lumber Co. bavo shipped in a car of soloot lime. Q. O. Ulrich, wifo and daughtor, of Alton, III., are visiting at tho homo of G. R. Lindloy in this city. A. D. 8. peroxide crenm nt West Side Pharmacy and Eagle Plmrm- acy. aim HaskinH for Health. r WANTED Three Teams Wanted by noon Monday if possible, for Excavating and Street Work. For particulars see HERE IS THE PLACE TO CHOOSE The New Togs New Straws Milans, Sailors Panamas, etc. 45c to $10.00 Furnishings All the swagger. Belts, In grays, tans, or blacks buckles to match. Shirts, Ties Etc. -7i. Always in Earnest The Toggery O CUSICK & MYERS Of Course OfficeTn R. V. Depots Medford, Oregom