MI5DTOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OttEaON, UNDAY, Al'LUL 24, 1810. V fflonth of - A Engage ments The month that loads up lo tho Juno weddings is APRLL, according to of ficial statistics. For the wants of tho happy man who has pro posed and been accept ed, we have a truly su perb showing of i Diamonds BLUE WHITE Diamond Rings that custom doe-rocs as being necessary to bind his loved one to him un til wedding bolls ring. Tho cost is reasonablo and each si one a gom. ns also is all our jowolry stock. GEO. A BUTT The Watchmaker A 206 ' W. Wain stret LEGAL. iii'sou;tionh. U'liinmiM, tliu IimikI of IJivino Providence Iiuh removed i'rom our iiiIiIhI uiir slHtor, Dolln (Juroiiio. WIllTl'IIM, it Ih hut JiihI tlml filling I'ociogiiilion of her 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' virtues bo IiihI; tliuruforu, lu it JloMolvcil, Thnt wliilo wo bow in liumhlo submission to tho will of tho Most Hllii wo lo not tho Ihhs mourn for our sister, wlto Iiuh Iiooii taken from iih; mid ho it Resolved, That it Ih hut u junt t rib u t o to tho uioinory of tho do- imrlcil to miy that in icjtettitiK her ronioval from our midst wo iiiouni for ouo who wuh in ovory way worthy of our respect ami regard; therefore, ho it further KuHolvoil. That wo urapo our ohartur in respect to (ho departed for a period of DO duyx; iiIro that thoso roHolutliiiirt ho nproad on tho records of tho Lotion; u oopy hoot to tho Light of tho Legion for pub Mention; a oopy lo Brother Goroino, and n oopy to tho Mail Tribune for publication. FRANK II. HULL A. M. JBFHKKY. SOLON E.THUK. vnunu.oo (trrv or mkdkoud, oki:- (JO.V. IMPIIOVKMKNT IIO.VDH. 'Tho city council of tho city of Mudford, Oregon, will receive hoiiI od proposals for $5250 of city of Mcdford, Oregon, toil-year six por cent improvement hondn, at tho rog ular mooting of tho council May .'I, 1010. Bids to ho filed not Infer than 1:30 o'clook p. in., May 3, 1010, with tho city recorder of tho city of Mcdford, and accompanied hyji cer tified cheek equal to ft por cent of the amount hid for, chock to ho inndo payable to tho city treasurer. ROBERT W. TKLFKIt, 31 City Recorder. notice. Notlco la hu'oly glvon that tho in dorslgncd will tirply at tho next ros ii I ir moot'ng ot tho city council of tho city of Modford, Oiogon, for a llconso to soil oplrltt us, vino is and mult liquors In qum titles low 'l:an a gal lon, at his plnco ot business at block 31, lots 0 and 19, In said city, for a I'crlod of six months. M & E. J. ADAMS. Dated April 21, 1010. notice to duildkiih and cox. tk.ctoiis. And All Whom It May Concorn: Notlco la horoby glvou that tho county conmisMlonors court ot Jack son county, Oregon, will rocolvo seal oil bids for tlo building and con structing e'oo brldgo acroia Dear crook at Phoenix, Oregon, according to tho plana and spocltlc&tlons now on fllo at tho offlco of Do county dork of JncKHon county lor tlio in rormnUon bidders; each and ov- Ic-y bid fllod must bo nccompa- I nlor with n .e.Miicd chock of F por, por cent of tbo amount of tho bid, nnd tlio comnil. 'loners court rcsorfes tho right to rujoct any aid all Mds fllod, all btdii to bo filed on or botoro 10 o'clock n. 11. Thursday, May Cth, 1010. Dy order ot 'ba county court. W. R. COLEMAN, County Clork. DrUcd this 13th 1010. day of April, SCHOOL DISTRICT DON!) ELEC TION NOTICE. Notlco lo horoby glvon thnt a spo Wright's Investments 5-noro orchard tract, of apples with poach fillors, only ouo milu from Modford, a monoy.makor; $4000, Kod tonus. 83 ncros, L'ood land, 3 milca out, in lino locality, about (15 ncren under cultivation, pno-lialf under ditch, 20 aoros sot (0 pears', npploa nnd npricots, about 4 yonra old; an A No. 1 invostmont nt $175 por aero, tonus. 0-uoro orchard tract, V2 milo from pavomont, sot to poars, npplos, some poaohos and grapes; 0-room house, liJK barn, n nice orchard homo: $0000, liboral tonus. 42 noroH, 2 vtj mllos out. fl-room houso, bant nnd fino will, family or ohard, k'ood poar laud; $8500, $4000 cash, bulnnoo 2 yours, 0 por odiit. 7-room houso, funushod. and two 2-room liht housokdoping apart monta, on most doairalilo stroot, on ly throo blooka from postoffico, in- oomo $70 por mouth; $4300, liberal torma. 7-room modorn bunRnlow In ohoino locality, hlook from pnvoinont, u good homo invostmont; $3000, tonus. 5-room cottngo, 100xl(15-foot lot, 18 fino shndo troos, dandy homo proposition; $2350, $050 cash, tonus on bnlnnoo. Choico lot, 00x120, fino soil, about 15 fruit troos in full bearing ; a bar gain nt $400, , 5 choico lots in Bo so Park, bonr ing fruit troos on oach lot, boa'uti ful vlow; $375 oaoh, $125 cash, bal nnco $10 por month. LRT US SHOW YOU. J. BRUCE WRIGHT & CO., 132 Wost Main St. Phone 2681. clnl school mooting of district No, 41), of Jnckiion county, stato of Ore gon, to 1)J hold at tho III3I1 School building In Modford, Oregon, In said district, on tho 20th day of April, A. D, 1010, thoro will ho submitted to tho 1-gnl voters of said dlntrlct tho question of contracting .1 Loaded debt of jr.0,000,00 for tho purpono of oroct Ing nn nnnux to tho Wanhlngton school, and Installing a boating plant thoroln, .and for tho oroctlou of nn East bldo ward school building, tho voto to bo by ballot, upon which shnll bo tho words "Bond Yen" and tho words "Bonds No," Polls to bo opon nt 1 o'clock p. m. and romnln opon until 4 o'clock p. m. Dy ordar of tho board of dlroctors of school dlntrlct No. 40 tf Jackson county, nUto ri Oregon. Dated this Gth day of April, 1010. OUI8 CRAWFORD, Clork. STATISTICS. HEAL ESTATE. C. W. Btono to .loheph Uru not, lot 7, Hamilton's ad dition to Mcdford ........ f 10 Ella J. WatHon to Susie M. I'racht, land in Aslilnnd. . 1 W. 8. Weston to Mabel C. Mickoy, lot 10, block 2, Fruitdnlo addition to Mcd ford 350 I). P. WhiHlor to rjcoivu Put nam, 1.30 acres in I). L. C. 52, township 37, 1 west... 2,000 Ocorgo Brown to r. II. Dodn worth, 100 acres in Bcction 28, township 35, 1 cast... 8,000 Martha I. SturRiH to C. W. Shnno, laud on C street, botwoen Twelfth and Thir teenth 500 J. If. Ilugduhi to J. J. Hew itt, 158 acres in section 0, township 35, 4 west..... 1,250 F. Lnngclch to J. J. Hewitt, 155 naivH in section 0, township 35, 4 west 1 T. M. Prim to B. M. Collins, lots 7 and 8, Holmnn's ad dition to neksonvillo 300 Lucy E. Weston to C. W. Nichols, 100 neres in sec tion 22, township 40, 2 west 1,300 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Lynn Burnley and Anna Kassnfer. Noil Wnlch and Nettie Myers. FOR SALE. REAL KSTATI3. FOR SALE 1C0 acres of good land, half of It Is cleared; 8 miles cast ot Modford. This Is a bargain at 20 por aero. Address, Owner, care of Mall Tribune FdRHLTc30acreT; 2r2TnUol to station, P. & E. road; two mil lion timber; CO acros flno fruit land; 2o per aero. Owner, P. O. Box 245, Modford, Or. 31 FOR SALE Improved ranch 2 1-2 miles from city. Dyer, over P. O. 20 F0TT"5ATE CO acres In tlio colo bratcd Morlln poach and grapo bolt; sutflclont wood to pay tor clear ing; 3 miles from Roguo rlvor; ono mllo from Southorn Pacific railroad; $50 per aero. 40 acros, very easily cloarod; part can bo Irrigated; throo-quartors mllo from Southorn Pacific station; $50 por acto. Doth tracts Increasing In value vory fast. Ask any of your produce morchnnts what thoy think of Mor lln fruit. ROBERT 3M1TH, MEDFORD. OR. Acreage. FOR SALE 5 aud 10-nore tracts just within nnd adjoining oity lim its, nt a hnrsnin, on 5 unuunl pay- moats. AddrosH Condor Wnter Power Co FOR SALE 8 acros, olther In ono ploco or as aero tracts; finest rich lovol land; 1500 feet from contor of Gold Hill; could bo subdivided Into lots and sold for $300 a lot almost Immodlatoly; If tnkon at once tho prlco Is only $400 an aero. Gold Hill R. R. & Lumbor Co., Gold Hill, Orogon. Ilousea, FOR SALE 1C acres on Roosovolt avonuo, with a houso and bnrn; will soil on good torms, Inqulro at 117 North Conrtal avonuo. 29 FOR SALE G-room bouso and n largo pleco of land 185x270, all In garden, 2 blocks oft of Main on Cotnge street; n snap for $3000; It you buy now $2500 takoa It. Siskiyou ReaUy Co,, room 22, Jackson Co. Daii bldg. FOR BALE This wook only, lot 6 Ox 100, 3-room houso, woodshod, chick en yard, etu Taxes and sowor paid, Stroot to bo pavod, $750; $600 cash, bnlance terms. Boo Ownert 528 So., Fir st. 'OR SALE Furnlshod rosldonoo, ono 7 rooaB, nnothor cottago of 3 rooms, close In on Contral avenuo; well worth $5000, but $4800 takoa It. Dyor, ovor P. O. . 29 FOR SALE Small now houso, largo barn, big lot, all In gnrdon, chicken toncod, flno building slto, oast front on promlnont etroot, soTor In nnd paid, city watpr. Prlco, $900; $500 cash, balance oasy. No ngonts, Ad dress B-10, caro Mall Tribuno, 29 FOR SALE- Houses. FOR HAMS Dy owner or ngonts, C room tuodorn bungalow. If you want 1 a flno homo at a bargain, look at I. I.. I -.. I...w XTirtli trii I.. mm uuiuru uu uu. iiuii uv j twoon Second and Third. Inquire COS North Fir. 20 j KOirS'ATri5Af tho right pricora, newly finished and painted houso of C rooms,, bosldo bath, cloeots, pan try and largo screen porch; also good barn and woodshed. Call at 1017 Whitman Park, south of Con trol avenuo. 32 Lot. FOR SALE Uty lots, 2 0;for a small, snfo Invostmont ceo th city lots I offer at $300 and $260 per lot; $20 cash payment, balnnco $10 per month; no Intercut. H. C. Malt by, Palm 1 idg. FOR SALE Two lots on Fourth st., 56x100; closo in; prlco $700. Siski you Realty Co,, room 22, Jackson Co. Dank bUif, FOR SALE Three lotson "SoconB street, 50x100; prlco $300; easy terms. Siskiyou Realty Co., room 3, Jackson County Dank bldg. FOR SALE-rGood lot In Walnut Park addition; terms to richt party. Address N2, care of Mall Tribune offlco. FOR" SALE Lot 60x134; new bun galow 12x24, $500; good terms. Dyer, P. O. block. 20 FOR 8ALE Lot 62zl26, $275; $10 per month. Dyor, Over P. O. 29 FOR SALE Two lots at a bargain, for $050; closo In. 50x125. 29 FOR SALE Two, lots, 90x100 and 4 room house on West 10th street; $1100, pari time. Inquire 334 west Cth street. 20 FOR SALE Low price, tor one of tho most deslrnblo corners on West Cth street; fine location for busi ness, hotel, club house, or lodge home; short block from Main street, the park and Onkdalo. Inqulro 334 West Cth street. 20 Farms or Orchard. FOR SALE Ninety acr. 80 in oae year old applo and pear trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. Tor terms write "Owner," caro Mall Tribuno. 261 rOR SALE CO acres, Rceet building bito In tho olloy, lncludli g 30 acres good fruit la cd; cheap and terms right. II. O. Maltny. Palm Bldg., Main and Front. FOR SALE Alout 30 acres of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles cast of Phoenix. Ono-hnlf Is in orchard. Telophono. Medford, 1199, or ad dress C. T. Payne, Phoenix. Ore. FOR SALE Ono of tno best orchards in Jackson county, two miles from Ashland. For particulars, address F". G. McWUirams & Son. Ashland. Or. TlmlKjr Land. FOR SALE 40 acres ot good timber fivo mllos from Modford; all down hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore gon. nuincss Property. FOR SALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on. long time; oasy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. Horses, l-07rSAXFjFlnc rpan of mules, age 5 nnd C years; also harness and wagon. Call up room 20S, Phlpps bldg. Miscellaneous, FOR SALE Himlture, fruit Jars nnd caunod frrL. 228 N. Holly. FOR SALE Almost new, trap, will carry 4 pooplo nicely, or can bo told od Into a sightly rig for two peo ple; will soli at a real bargain. Sco Shorty Garnett, 29 FOR SALE Legal blanks of all f kinds trespass and other notices, nt Mall Tribuno office. FOR SALE Balm of Figs, guaran teed to cure all dlsoaaes of women. ' WANTED Young man wants posl AddroBS Box 406. hi ! tlon as chauffeur. Address F. B., FOR SALE Chandler & Price Gor don Jobbor, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inqulro Mall Tribuno office. FOR SALE Tomato plants, Maultis Porfoctlon. Transplanted at C. Ca roy's, abovo Phoenix. Phono 71C7. FQR SALE Flno stock, trult and dairy farm in southern Orogon and northorn California. For particulars address Box 15, Hilts, Cal. 60 FOR SALE One doublo-scatod loathor top surrey; good as now, with doublo set ot harness to match, at a bargain. Apply Goo. P. Mlms, Contral Point FOR SALE: A good boat at a vory reaoonablo prloj. Call at C16 West Toith st, FOR SALE OR TRADE Organ, for saddle horso. Apply Weeks & Mc Cownn's storo, Modford. 29 FOTt SALE At ii bargain, ono wontberod oak buttot, ono contor table, ouo rug. 444 South Fir St. 31 FOR SALE Fivo passongor thirty Cndlltna 1909 for salo; has had vory llttlo usago. Frod II. Hopkins, 20 'OR SALE A good camp wagon. Cornor Second and Evorgroon. 20 FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR HALE A full lino of Old llamp sblro and Oak Donds, plain and cloth finish; letter heads and cnTclnpos, Mall Tribune offlco. FdOALBWnll papor, paints, oils, brushes, a vory comploto lino; In formation cheerfully glvon by nn experienced palntor. M. J. Motcalf, 318 E. Main nt. FOR SALE A 35 II. P. Stoddard Dayton car In good condition, or will trado for city property. Address Iiox 12C, Ashland, Oregon. FOR REMT. nouses. FOR RENT Modorn five-room house, close In. Phono Main 3872. 30 Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished room, mod ern. 411 S. Front st. Foil KENT Modern turtiUUd rooms at 604 West 10th or 124 King street. FOR RENT Kurnlshea rooms. No. , 10 North Grape street FOR RENT A sulto of rooms ono block from Main stroot. 127 South Grnpo. FOrTreNT Offices over postoffice on April 1st; will be steam heated and have hot and cold water by next winter. Apply to A. A.'DvIa. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Call at 125 South Oakdale. ftUsceBjuseeB. FOR RENT Pasture land on Priee Ranch, Tolo; irrigated land, next to MoDonongh ranch, Tolo. Condor Water & Power Co. 50 FOR RENT Garden land on Bear creek, one acre and upwards with water for irrigation; owner will famish team, plow and seed for part of crop. See Kofeldt, Condor Water & Power Co. 50 FOR LEASE Fully eqnlrped gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all operated by electric pow ei. Owner will furnish free elec tric power for share in proceeds. See Kofeldt, at Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED. HHp Wanted Female. WANTEDAcompetent woman for housework and cooking; good wages, also farm hand knowing young or chard work. Address L, care Mall Tribune ofuco. 47 WANTED An experienced, lady cook i at tho Diamond. j WANTED A young reliable girl for I help with tho care of children and ! to assist with light housework. Call 1 at 51S South Oakdale ave. Help Wanted Inle. I j WANTED Ten wood choppers. Ap ) ply to Lltjeran, Tolo, Or. 50 WANTED Two carpenters. Apply at Condor Water & Power Co., W. Main street. 50 WANTED Printer, press feeder nnd boy to learn printer's trade. Mall Tribune office. WAMED An experienced young clerk; good position tor right man. State cxpeilonce. B, this office. 31 WANTED Experienced stone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. office. WANTED Salesmen In every local ity of tho northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many mako over $100 month: choico ot territory. Yakima Valloy Nursa'r Co., Top- penlsh, Wftflb. WANTED Stenographc: and of'lco man. Apply Condor. Water and Power Co.'s office on West Main Street. 60 flelp Wanted. WANTED Five farm teams, 10 farm hands, 10 men for planting trees. Condor Water Power Co. Positions. caro of this office 30 Situations Female. WANTED A lady living In Jackson vlllo would like to take entire charge ot ono or two llttlo children. Mrs. W. J. L., caro this papor. 39 WANTED Experienced saleslady doslros position. Address A. M. S box 292, Modford, Ore. 30 WANTED Young lady, oxporlonced boookkeepor nnd cashlor, desires po sition. L. L, L., box 292, Modford, Ore. ' 30 Miscellaneous. WANTED Teams for work on P--clflc & Eastern railway. Apply at P.. E. office or at Meany Bros,' com missary, beyond Eaglo Point. WANTED To rent, a 3 or 4 room houso, Address I, care of this office or phono Main 394, 33 WANTED Exporloncod ulaii wfil furnish rig and take party of two or throo for outings; terms reason ablo. Address "S," oaro of this of fice "30 WANTED To borrow $500 on fivo room bungalow. Box 118, Modford. v 29 WANTED. Miscellaneous. WANTKD-liorJo breaking; horses carofully and scientifically broken to drive doublo nnd slnglo, also gnlt cd by careful and experienced horse men; horses boirdod or otherwise; prices right. Cvll and so me or ad dress W. T. Vincent, Modford, Or. No horses barred out WANTED TO RUY. Mlicellnnoou. THE ad-vlsor wants every owner of real estato or town property who desires a quick salo to write a very completo description of the property and mall the same to Royal K. Smith, caro Box 40C, city, and ro colvo by return mall expert Informa tion that will led to a quick sale. Only good buvs will be considered, and large holdings are preferred. 50 WANTED 1000 cords of fir and oak wood. Call at Condor Water & Power Co.'s office. CO WANTED To buy a. work team; weight 2200 and 2500 lbs. Team must be reasonable. Call or ad dress D. E. Adams, 325 South Ivy street. 29 LOST. LOST Sunday, April 17, man's hat, on road from Agate to Medford; Ini tials "H. L. Y." stamped on band. Leave at Mall Tribuno office. LOST A gunmetal watch chain, In laid with gold, Saturday evening, either at theater or between there and Nash hotel; $5 reward. Re- "turn to Edlund Burke, care Nash hotel: 28 LOST Small gold chain. Please re turn to St. Mary's academy. Reward offered. 30 LOST Small bunch of keys; reward if roturned to tbo Nab GriU. 31 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Landscape Gardener. J. T. BROAD LEY, landscape gar dener; a long experience in laying ont and care of private grounds. P. O. Box 521, Medford, Or. Attorneys. W1THINGTON & KELLY Palm building. -Lawyers. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornejs-at-law. No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vip, C. L. Rcames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build in p, second floqr B. F. MULKEY Attorney-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank building. Medford. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night Dhones: C. W. Conklin 3001, J. H. Butler 3571. Bricklayers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kuxin, at Smokehouse, first-class bricklayer, stonoworker, cement stepping stucco and moulding, fireplaces and tilo work n specialty, European plan; day or contract. Medicines. CnOW YOUNG'S CfflNESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, Bores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may bo procured at the Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S. Riversido avenue, Med ford, Or., where they will be sold by the proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev "cral severe cases with his remedies since coming to Medford and has for reference some of tho best known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him Bride Companies. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Bricl manufacturers and contractors also limo, coment and piaster in an; quantity. Office, Medford Nationa Bank bldg. Phone Main 545. 11U1 Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. AIL orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson County Bank building, Medford. Or. Legal Blanks. LEGAL BLANKS All Btyloa of le gal blanks for Bale, a hundred dif ferent forms. Mcdford Printing Co. ltulldlug Contractor. ALEX. TAYLOR, Building Cou tractoi: Houses, bungalows, alter ations, repairs. 31 North Contral nvonue, opposito postoffico. Musical. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. Bargains iu used pianos. Windsor upright, mahogany case, used, about two years, oxcollont tono, $240; Ivors & Pond upright, ebony caso, good for beginners, rare value, $130; J. B. Cook, walnut caso, used short while, jus( like uow, special $275; Wellington, upright oak caso, stan dard sizo, used two months, fino tono, $233; and a large stock of now pianos, consisting of Stoinwny, A. B. Chase, Packard, Everett, Es toy, Ludwig, Conovor, Emoraon, Kingsbury and others. Easy terms when desired. Sherman, Clay & Co., tho Houso' of Quality, 134 Wost Main street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. SOUTHERN ORKOOK BQGMTAJL 344 South C St., Afo&op, Or K. W. Hisoy, Matroa. CKfirf! by4 tal P. & E. R. R. Ileal HM. SEE WM. E. 8TACEY & CO. far sotno of the blceat feqrflutM la real estate in thi valiy. Aito Biit ish Columbia and Alfavta, D. CL.imd other parts. Call oil bim st Btenorfe office, Phipps building, ai mi tirt Medford Anto oomfoay's where we start avt awe affeeM for tho Aladdeo Maoftfe Lm kid den window screes. W will treat you right. Can and m. FriHter MEDFORD PJHDfTflK CO. Jms ik bost-eqnipped jeik oKm ia fiowtfa crn Oregon; Per&HM. peaeec 37 South Central ave. S. T. BROWN & CCv-MtU. Ci gars and Soft Dtkfcs. Qp 4ixs, Young & Hall bniltfog. A ao, eoo) place to spaa fefee hat affesraesw, AraMceefK, JOHNS 4b TUMXM IwfciUeta aat Builders, offka 7-S, 28 Hak. Phone Mak 3471. KaaaWe yfeoae 2471. Carriage imuI , Painting. VALLEY BIOH AJPD CAKRUfiS W0RK8 Hiftfc nhaa wwsk aaraa teed. SSgaa. Btvsiiiiliii vaaa. Phone SOL H. F. WILSON COdaahra k m and aeeeBflVkasMK fwmHmv aa4 hardware. Agesta isr MswhI Cttj Idtehaa cahwet. 3M K. gereatk at mission ruKxamx works Comer 8tk a4 BaXr KUUeri. Miaaon Tuxniixn mmia ba oxeW. Cabinet wsrk t aM idMs. A trial order solietted. MORDOFF A WOLI7 Ceek StovM aad Raags. Hew tmi Seeea-BBi Furnitoa. Bada e& ctaad, 18 W F st Sostk. Pheao BL Uei! era, Or Xsnatw. QUAKER NUR8SRTJ5S Our treea are badded, set grafted. Oar -atoea is not irrigated. We fraaraaee v erytbing pat aat We axa sec ia tka trnsL EL B. Pattersoa, office Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of bigb-gnule n arsery stock. C. T. Cook, Pra, E. . V. depot P. O. Box 841. Plume 1301. Medford. G. W. Priddy. 3. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nagle. Kcal gatate. BENSON DIVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Laettrance. Office, suite 2W-206, over Fruit growera' bank. Phong 541 DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in roossa 368-994, Famere1 & Fraitgrowars hawV aailaaag. weal of the tracks. Phyakiaaa aad Barge0. It W. STEARNS, ML D. Oppoe Jackson County bank. Night call promptly answered. Oifiee and res. donee phone Maia 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Offioe ia Stewart b sliding Pkyaieiane aa Surgeons. Office phme Maia 841 private paoaa Maia 813, DR. F. Q. CARLOW, DR. BVA MAINS CARLOW 0uathk Physicians. Mission bJock. Phoa 291, Medford. Cigar aad Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLB S-xehons doalers in tobacco, cigars and amai dealers in tchaceo, eigara ud aiok era' Bupplies. Exclusive wrenta o) Lewis Smgle Bindor, El Memo aa El Palenoia. 212 West Mau, streei HeeoBger ServK-o. MESSENGER SERVICE UeML gers furnished at all hear of aj and till 0 p. m. to. any part of cltj from lOe to 25e. Phone Main 181t rhotoghaphera. MACKEY'S BTUDIQ "Pot witl Mackey and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's storo; eatrxno w Seventh Btreet J J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tu an sheet iron ware or haa and m to order. 128 North Q stri t tflnirxTTi nfi ai f wnBassvpn anii v. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Pattt oieea Stenographic wark deao nxikl and well. ,HTHE Qet year or dyed at tea Palaea AA4feiaek stand ia BcaebeheaM. frrt-4Hai work is our for in any part t eity ami eitiw. ed. 212 Wast Kaia mtfei. Faea Main 121. KUR. Hii to' Palatera aaui Fspetfcawiaara. OERWOLF W11HK. aw4raeting painters, paMalawgpa tA &m ratora; eifpxtu. JhifkmA iHvm a all kinds of ajr aaj wark. Paste View Hotal.