MEDFORP MAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY. APRIL 21, 1010. mm stock of BARNEY OLDFfELD NEARS HIS FORMER RECORD. The Good Old Summertime is Fast Approaching RAilSOADJTTACHfD But Now is the Time to Select WASH SUITS WiXfc Enzeptiwt af One Locomotive Lacks Only One Second of Touching Hams and Bacon Come Down Cent n World's Record on Circular Track I PoundCountry Butter Will Also Hal Car, 9rtn & South tosIk-k SaHraai Is Tied Up. His Tlmo Was 52 Seconds. j Bo Cut 4 Cents a Pound. I COTTAGE GROYE, On, April 23 Tfjt rt&hxx 3&ek a tho Oregon & Soai&easSrcnn xeuroaeL with tho ex ccption Twn 3caotivo and a mail eon. w atfottiMd Aero today by Sheriff Bmra to iwtkfy a judgment at i& cxrxaut CMot of Lnne county 2i f&TW T X. 2L Ull ond W. B Fo-itear, fr iMMps aggregating to $2fiL$W far MjEriea sustained by tho trt an in a -wreck on the road alieiii: a year ag. ILaai 4fce fawls of tho com pasrj" hut att&afal, bat only a small arooaai of msmtj "arxs obtained. The- Qrerwi & Sealkeastcro is 20 aiifce k sad gives an outlet Jo a- tlw pimlaet of nine sawmills alos-s- n "for- m&e shipments of tmocr fraa Ae mills arc little hin dered Spwfcbeai Pacific rolling stock Scinr ei J" Sis purpo&e, the ahipe&tmt m legs to tho sawmills In this city sna farmgkt to a standstill and re s rawit the mills have been Ibrrtd t BiiujfWMii operations pend ing a seMtataeat tho attachment JfeW Arrivals. The TSmA-W. JC. IFewel, Tulsa, 9tta.; 7. CL atiimHaad, Portland; JL K CkK, Smm; C A. Mnlboouf, Fortran; X. K. Sxyior, Eugene; II. X loner; Qmsxb; J. 1). Bcvana, Scsttfe; IL H. WiHiaj, Brookston, Mass.; IT. H- DaTifcon, Detroit; C. C ITkIT, Sm Tfcaacisco; F. 0. XMdinaB, B. Yeal, Al- Ssnj, Or. j BL "W. Sargent, Lusk; S. d SbTBctv W. "W. ITarmon, New York; Cluules IL Marshall, Seattle; T. Ofet, M. X. CeKtes, IL Bloom,' A. 2L Benses, Pmttasd; M. F. Elliott, ClncBgst. The Iftmii A. J. Connolly, Sac JVsaabce; J. TC. Holmes, Portland; Vf. Bb t! jDnily, Grand Forks, TJ-r K- IX IVyse, San Francisco; W. X&B&re, .AsMand; C. J. Al len.. Faro, JL H; G. Grant, Minot; . KTcLuis, J. i". Brown, Eagle Point; JL W. SSaby, F. II. Blake, AsMtmSj "Wl A. JLpjJe, Uolyoke ; R. 13. Sbifsfanc. INGLESIDE RACETRACK, Cnl.,' PORTLAND, Or., April 23.- April 23. Barney Oldficld, in the Hnni9( j ccut n ,,oumi owcr. imuof automobile races this afternoon 1 ft A miw ,ho ioug WArliVc Toni-il nhA miln n n PllCCS IlOrO. Ljn. n; usa onn.' These will bo tho lowered vnlueft horsemnvPr Hn. l.n npm.tintml the.0" pons mm me puimc ?m.i .Kcnnn .no secure Monday morning, for tho re Rn,. TirL"J.nU fnA i 1,5c . duccd prices go into effect at that tempt to beat tho neord. His timQ,.tinif- , change is announced for in n Dnrrnen vm Mill). uul ,uu " , i!,.,"i i :n Other results were as follows: . "ere " V5r .n;ia inca i" ionrt ther reductions. t. 51fi00 Mnvwoli. .lrivpn l.v f!. O.I "eaucuon in wnowbaia xresu jhtn r..oi ' prices win niso uo snown ni uio Five miles, for cars worth $lG00ls,rac lu,UBa to $2000 Buick, F. Mear; time, 5:33. Five-mile specinl pies Thor, Charles 4:43. show a like effect. It was decided today to cut the for motorcv- p"ce of com,tr' 20 Bnlke time n pound, or 4 cents less thnn tho ' ' former quotation. 35,55 ACRES Located two miles west of Medford, oil the main road to Jacksonville. The soil in this neighhorhood needs no commendation there is none better in Oregon. This tract is all planted, the varieties being as fol lows: 757 Yellow Newtowns. 580 Spitzenbergs. 319 Bartlett Pears. 242-TVinter Nelis Pears. 288 Early Crawford and Elberta Peaches (planted ns fillers.) The greater portion of these trees were planted in the winter of 1906 and are now in their fourth season. They have made a nice growth and are in good condition. There are buildings on the place, ample for present needs. The price is $600 an acre, and we can make good t terms. W. T. YORK & CO. We know you will like our display of wash huHm, HkirtH, auto t'onls, duHloi'H, otc, o(c. A look will convince you thai vt can hIiow you a very nico UHHort nient of AVASIl SUITS, Duck, Linen, .Uajah, etc., in white, blue, pink, linen, champagne and other colors. .Many are nicely trimmed with embroidery, fan cy buttons, etc. The prices are the best part of these suits every one a spe- rmi aiuu at $4.85, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 AND $12.50. New Lot of Silk Waists Just received, a very fine line of Silk Waists. You will find these to be the best, values you ever saw in southern Oregon. All styes and a nice assortment at $4.00, $5.00 AND $5.50. New Embroideries on Sale AVc are selling immense quantities of Embroideries in wide and narrow edges and insertions, bands, flouncings, etc., etc. If you are looking for em broideries, don't fail to look here. i. tot oi jj louncmgs, cxira special value, at A special lot of exceptionally Flouncings, priced very closo at 48c 68c New Umbrellas An Umbrella is serviceable in this country alike for rain or sun. You'll do well to buy an umbrella now, while the prices are so small. UP PROM 50c. The New Hosiery FOR MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN AND INFANTS. . Just received, the most complete line of Hosiery and "Half Hose, all the double wear kind good fitting durable and very satisfactory. Men's fancy Half Hose 16c to 50c "Women's lisle and cotton 15c to 35c Children's fine lisle and cotton, 15c to 35c. Corset Cover Embroidery, the finest value ever shown this season, pCp special at Jt Heautiful C. Cover Embroidery ... 50c Very fine C. Cover Embroidery....75c Auto Veils and Trimmings Just received, the swellest line of Auto Veils and Veilings all the wanted styles and shades just what you have been looking for. Come in and make your selections while the assortments are best. This is to bo the great veil season, and one must needs provide one self with such. GET OUR PRICES. This is the Store That Will Save You Money VAN DYKE'S 1 I BROADMOOR ACRE MEDFORD'S NEW SUBURB ONE MILE FROM CITY LIMITS; HALF MILE NORTHEAST OF CITY RESERVOm. IDEAL HOMESITES. GOOD LAND FOR ALL PURPOSES. CITY WATER FOR HOUSE AND IRRIGATING. 330 ACRES All subdivided and registered under Torrens System. Will sell-in two, five, ten-acre or larger tracts. HERE IS THE FINEST OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN ON A 2, 5, 10-ACRE OR LARGER PIECE THAT WILL BE PRESENTED. THESE PRICES ARE CER TAINLY EXCEPTIONALLY LOW AND ONLY A FEW DAYS WILL SUFFICE TO SEE THE BEST OF THEM SOLD. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY, $250 , AN ACRE; 10 ACRES IN 1-YEAR-OLD ORCHARD, $350 AN ACRE; 30 ACRES IN 1-YEAR-OLD ORCHARD, $400 AN ACRE; 26 ACRES, INCLUDING GOOD FARM BUILDINGS AND SMALL BEARING ORCHARD, AT $350 AN ACRE. HMitttofcr- We Shall Not Sell All of This Land at the Figures Quoted BUT IF YOU CALL MONDAY, YOU CAN BUY SOME OF IT. DON'T BE SOARED AWAY BY THESE LOW PRICES OR WHAT OTHERS SAY. WE MEAN BUSINESS AND "WILL DELIVER THE GOODS MONDAY, APRIL 25, AND RESERVE THE RIGHT TO RAISE THE PRICES FOR ANY OF THE UN SOLD LANDS TUESDAY. THERE IS SOMETHING DOING IN MEDFORD. YOUR. OPPORTUNITY See big sale of lots in Broadmoor in next Sunday's ad H. C. MALTBY Palm Bldg., Phone 1071, or W. F. RIPLEY at Nash Hotel