14 MTCDFOttn MALL TRIBUNE, EDTORT, OR 10(1 ON, SUNDAY, A1MMT 21,1910. 4 4 BARGAIN 0 WILL CLOSE OUT EVERYTHING Business deals in the East demand our immediate attention , causing us to offer all of our holdings at Sacrifice Prices , . Being obliged to go east on business for an indefinite period of time, we are. offering all our properties for quick sale at sacrifice prices. Wo will offer tho niOBt attractive propositions ever made in this section. This is a BONA ITDE SALE. Everything will go, regardless of price. If you aro looking for real, live, gen uine bargains, don't waste a moment, but come and investigate at once.J DO IT NOW. OUR EEALTY HOLDINGS CONSIST OP THE FOLLOWING 160 ACRES In Sams Valley, 40 acres of which is set to commercial orchard. 47 LOTS In Medford, in different localities; every one a fine building site and will be easily worth much more in a short time. 1000 ACRES of timber. You can't miss it by investing in timber and this buy is ono of tho best in tho entire state. 5 BUNGALOWS, all of which are rented. Her e is an opportunity to own a homo at a very low price. Come and sec theso sure. Here Is a Sample 160 acres in Sams Vallej', 16 miles north of Hertford, 8 miles northeast of Gold Hill, half mile southwest of Beagle, 6 miles from P. & E. railroad. On two good county roads and under the survey of the ditch of the American Development company; 40 acres of commercial fruit as follows: 5 acres Newtown and Spitz ajples, 10 acres peaches, 25 acres Comfice, Bartlett and d'Anj ou pears; complete set of buildings; 2 barns; 2 good wells; 1 acre of bearing family orchard; 120 enclosed in woven wire fence; rural free delivery; one mile from school. Price, $75 per acre; terms, $4000 cash, balance two and three years at 6 per cent. Laurel Park Have you seen Lmirel Park? You should come and let us show you this fino resi dence section. There are a number of excellent reasons why you should invest in Laurel Park. Lots in Laurel Park are selling at exceptionally low prices THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE ENTIRE CITY. Here is a chanco to make money, and a like opportunity may never show up again. Laurel Park will suit your fancy and won't hurt your purse. Lots aro selling fastbetter hurry. OUR PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDES: OFMCE EQUIPMENT, ITVE-PASSENGER TOURING CAR, TWO WORK TEAMS, WAGON, SURREY, HACK, BUGGY AND HARNESS. In order to ' . appreciate these goods you should see them. If you see them you will buy something if you know values. TERMS TO SUIT LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. We will make terms to suit, but will give a liberal discount for cash. Wo could hold all of the abovo properties and make big money by doing so, but prefer to soil all quickly at a sacrifice even, in order that we ca n be free to handle other eastern business more satisfactorily. la' W4 4 THIS MEANS BIG MONEY FOR YOU If You See Your Opportunity, You'll Come Quickly and See r Benson Investment Co. Office Over Fruitgrowers Bank Phone Main 541 j, i m --- '" j 1 1 i t f t 1 "' ' f f f ' '' "V?')"t'f"ft't""""" t 1 1 r t t t i-f 1 1 1 1 tit t,t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f t 1 1 f t f'f'ftttinfinm. H I